PAGE EIGHT TUESDAY, NOV. 27, 1917 TIIE REVIEW: RELDSVILLE, N. 0. NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM "Dr. Tupper la a man of flu per onality and magnetic prcsowv .- Philadelphia. Preaa. There will be a box party at Hap py Home school house Thursday night, the 2th. Everyone Is oortliiallly Invited. Bum up the madl ordT catalogue. h1p Reldsville by buyuig It at home. That's the only way to make this town a btger and better RiddsvlMe. There will le a wick jwirty and pie-wing content at Saundor's school Saturday night, December 1st for the benefit of the school. I'ubllc Is in vited. The weather luw bv n very much colder the pustt few daw. trtiough bright and sunshiny. This has bf-on b remarkably mild fall and winter V) far. 'Deputy Sheriffs at Spray W"dnes day captur.ul a Slu.Hak-r car and 30 gat'Jrwis of whiskey. It is under stood that a Iteldsvilln msin is claim ing the car. Dr. George I. Dlllbrd, n rising young physichm of Dilfpr and Miss Mildred Ann 1 looker of Martinsville, were nutted in m air logo at Martin ville Satunli-.y night. Anyone wishing to donate fruit, oandiy. or money to the inmates ot 'ttoe county home will please send thotr donations to Mrs. M. A. White Or Mrs. F(ix Mil'-s not later than tVodnosd'aiy noon. Under the auspices of th Tuesday Afternoon Reading Club Dr. Tapper will lecture on "America aiid the War." The proceeds of this address 'ill le given to the. fund for the soldkrs and nailors" libraries. ! Get ready now to help tho Red rjsB seal campaign. No use to think you am through giving. There are o nuauy things tliat must 1m helped, bnd lluwe of u t home must put up the money while the boys ia the trenchts put up their lives. When the- Germtan army took the ftld, each army corps had traveling libraries as part of its . material. Great Britain and France havo pro vided fit reading matter for their sol diers through various organizations. Shall we do less for our soldiers and sailors? Our friend, Mr. J. L. Irvin or Pheoulx, Ariz., Bnds us a samplo of the tannous Arizona, long staple cot ton which ho claims is the finest : ta the world. It readily sells for 80 demits ier pound and the Arizona) farmers evidently have struck a ban anza In its production. All members of Carolina Council No. 9 Jr. O. U. A. M. and visiting Juniors are roqueted to moot In Car olina Council room at 10 a. m. Sun day of December 2,to attend services together at the First baptist church A special ednnon Willi be preaxshed to the Juniors by the pastor. W. S. Somen, It. S. ' The prlniia.ry department ot the Franklin street school will give a Thanksgiving service In the audlto ri4n Wednesday, November 28 at 1:30 p. tn. The public Is oordially in vited to attend this service and bring email "Thanks Offering." This offerliug will be used for tlte lighting of the Conim unity Christmas Tree. Governor T. W. BtekeU has- ap pointed the following named from Rockingham County as members of the adviwory board of this State: J. R. Joyce, J. M. Sharp and Hunter E. Pemn, TImho genitelmeti ar expect ed to give legal advice not only to the exemption boards but to any man draft who feels that h needs special ' advice as to the application of the rules to the draft to his case A subscription dauce will bo given at the C. & A, Hall Friday night, No vembr 30, The proceeds will be given to some charity, perhaps the Red Cross, as it Is the most urgent call Just now. It is very uufortunato that so much has been said about the Red Cross dance in Reldsvllle, especial ay as the Red Cross Society here has never given a danoe. And this la not a Red Cross dance, but If I wish to present the mouy to the Red Cross Society, why not ? Mrs. II. R. Scott. Friday Venlng about 0:30 some unknown party entered the home oi Henry Webster iu the waAtara. part ot town. Mrs. Webster and the chil dren w-ms in the kitchen preparing upper whn tho intruder entered. She thought it was hr husband un til she failed to get a reply from him. She then called to a neighbor for help, when the intruder rushed from the house, making his exit through the front door. Again, we warn our housekeepers to keep thoir . doors and windows fastened after dark, have a gun convenient and don't hes itate to-ue it It neo?bary. MadlsOn Messenger. Mfaa OB via Brooks was the charm teg hostess ot the Reading Club on Novsnmber 20. A brief synopsis of a Problem Tlay was given in re sponse to roQ call. The first paper , for the afternoon, "Moral aspect or the Problem Pity was given by Mrs. Montgomery. This was followed by an Interesting paper by MLhs Wilkinson, Shakespeare and th3 Muirs." Mrs. Ij vin concluded the prorram with "Autobiography of Joepeh Jefferson The hostess,' assisted by Miss Raw !ey, served delicious rcfreijhxQients In two courses. The guests during the; OVER 1, 00(0) Will be made happy by receiving Christmas Savings Club Checks AMOUNTING TO ABOUT $14,000 These Checks will be mailed out about December 12th The 1918 Christmas Savings Clubs open Dec. 17. We trust all the old subscribers will join in addition to several hundred new ones. Call around and enroll and be in position to receive a nice check for next Christmas. ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO. The Bank With Two Kinds of Interest Personal and 4 Per Cent. in this State. However, alfl these will be moved forthwith, it is under stood and the full quota of the first continent gotten completely in train ing with th- least possible delay. Mr. X. Hi'U-o Ka.sly, a former well known citizen of this county, died sucMeuly Sunday afternoon ;-t his home 12 mtlos west of Danville. His dtvtth w'a.s caustHl by paralysis of the brain, lie hatd been in apparently his usual health up to within three hours of h! death. Mr. Hasly was C.r years old and biavew a widow and throe grown children. lie resided in thiM c-ounty until a few years ago and for many years wJjim a special ajjjt-nt of tlm internal revenue department. He waa well known throughout this n- ;tion and had many fi lends who regret to learn of his sudden end. Averaged $41.43. Mr. W. R. Saunders sold a load of tobacco at 'Wjatt's Warehouse yes torday as folVws: 62 pounds at $G.OO, 22.32. l.!0 pounds at $44. 00, 57.20. 37 pounds at $7.0t), $2f.!t0 !n pounds at f36.l0, $32.40 110 iKiunds at 341.00, $45.10 00 pounds at $37. o0, 131.31 42 pounds at ?26.0O, 10.92 591 pounds for Average, $41 .43. $243.14 social hour were Mlss Carrawlay and Dwrsott and Mrs. Itawley. Mr. W. J. King of near Redisvllle expects to go to Washington during tho next few days to identify the iKidy of B. Bailey who was found dead from asphyxiation In a hotel there about a mouth ago. Mr. Ring is sure the young man is Rally who had been living at Draper for some time. His (Balloiy's) mother lives in the Carnwl section and she also is satisfied that the dit-ad man la her son. The papers at the time Bailey was round ooau gave oonisnueraove publicity to the tragedy. The young man had a large amount of cash on his person and certificates showing a good bank aclount in Danville. It would be well for our people to remember that they are urged to send their Christmas packages early, to avoid the rush, anl epoolally is it ungied that presents to soldiers be sent as early as possible, the gov ernment says by the 15th of Novem ber, Be sure you wrap securely, ad dress plainly, affix sufficient postage, and parcels may be addressed, "Not to be opened until ChriHtmas," or iimifliar lnsqlftptionia Address the soldiers as "Private John Smith, Company So-and-So, Camip Sevier, S. C." or whatever camp they may bo In. Tlila is Just a form fer you to go by. By observing these brtef rulies you will greatly faclliate the work of the postal clerks and get your packages through safely, and quickly. Mrs. L. A. Carroll of the Oregon sition wias in town shopping yester day and gave' The. Review office a pleasant call whlliel here. liass Gravieb, a colored farmer liv ing near High Rock Mill, dame to town Saturday and tanked up on su gar spirits. He was found asleep in his wagon by Police Officer R. L. Rascoo. Graves showed a beJltlgierent disposition at being roused up and made a lunge ait the officer. Rascoe allied his pistol and sihot Graves in the leg. The wound, though painful, is not dangerous and Graves vvtas able to go home Sunday. The county exemption board has received orders from the adjutant general-for all men white and bljack; subject to the first draft for the na tional army, Who have not up to this time made their appearance before tho exemption boards to appear at once and bp mobilized for immediate concontratlion in trjaining camps. Those who fail now to appear being subject to treatment as deserters from the army. The n2roes are to bo given training quarters at Camp Jackson none of the negroes drawn in the first contingent for the nation al army have yet been concentrated How about your iuhJcrlptlonT "America and the War" LECTURE BY Kerr Boyce Tupper, D.D. Li. D. OF PHILADELPHIA At Franklin Street Graded School For Benefit ot Soldiers and Sailors Libraries TUESDAY, DEC. 4TH, 8-R-ffi. PATRIOTIC MUSIC BUSINESS BUILDERS- LOST, WANTED, ETC. WA XT KD 25,000 boards rived. H. P. Brown. Graham ami Buckwheat flour at Harris AL- Price. Registered llolstcin bull, 2 years old, for sale. J. E. Amos. liarler Ideal oil heaters sold by Itoidsville Hardware Co. FOR SALE, very cheap, a good old 'irk mule. Cosmo Benson. .viacKorei, Vv hiieiiiake fish and N. C. herrings. Harris & Price. Syracuse Plows once used always preferred. Reldsville Hdw. Co. Beautiful Table Linens at the old iprlces. Mrs. Cortnie Irvin & Co. FORD CAR FOR SALE. Apply to R. C. Jones at A. S. Price and Co. Fruit cake supplies, nuts and can dies at It. L. Hubbard's, phone 246-W. One electric computing Toledo Scale at a bargain. Harris & Price. Another big shipment of bicycles, standard make. Reldsvllle Hardware Co. Majestic are cheapest because they last longest. See Reldsvllle Hdw. Co. All kinds of staple and fancy gro ceries at lowest prices at R. L. Hub bard's.. Just received a shipment of Nlssen wajgpns and beds. Townsend Bug gy Co. Wilson heaters, best wood heater on the market Whittemiore-Mobley Hdw. Co. If you want cabbage plants will sell you all' you want for 10 cents per 100. Collars, Bridles, Harness, Lap Robes and Whips. Reidsvllla Hard ware Co. Buggies, Surrys, Harness Lap robes at right prices. Townsend iBuggy Company. Guns, Shells and Cartridges. We make the price. Reldsvllle Hard ware Co. WANTED. A good freah mflk oow. Apply to G. W. Burton, Pied mont Hotel. We still have a big stock of roof ing) and prices rigfht. Reldsvllle Hardware Co. Get the habit, yes. right habit! waving clotnes made to fit you. Hutcherson. Horse blankets, lap robes and whips Dig stock and desirable goods. Whittemore-Mobley Hdw. Co. Genasco Rootling, put on with kleets, which is better than nails, sold by Townsend Buggy Company. Beet pulp, cotton seed feed and cotton seed me&l bran ahipstuffs and sweet feeffl. R. L. Hubbard. Leave your orders for Thanksgiving oysters at the Parlor market. Extra fine selects. Cosmo Benson. FOR SALE. Young mare, work .nywhere. Bargain to quick buyer, J. R. Lewis, Hotel Rorer, city. Golden Cream and syrutp. lasses. Porto Rico and Sugar House molasses could be substituted for su gar. Harris & Price. FOR SALE. One set extra heavy dray harness; one Bet single buggy harness, slightly used. At a bargain. Thos. R. Whittemore. ; FOR SALE.r Good four-room nous well located, on Barnes street Also one second hand Ford touring car In good condition. Apply to H. M. Gllley, city. FOUND. An open face watch on the Thorn peonvUle road. Owner can get same by calling at The Review office and paying for this notice. W Sid Burton. Hello Bill! Golly boy, never saw you look so Good. She will talk to please you this time. Hutcherson clothes pleases the fair ones' eye. She can tell when they look right. Get the habit. What habit? Dotng things la Time. Go tody to Hutch erson and place your order for a Suit, Overcoat, eta They ill cost you more in Spr,ag- Now Is the right time to buy. ." - , Special Offer For the Week A big lot of Brocade and Fancy Silks, Tapestries, Repps and Cretonnes for Bags Be sure to attend this sale and get Knitting Bags for your friends Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. Time To Plant Dutch Hyacinths, Assorted Colors, 50c dozen. White Roman Hyacinths, 80c dozen. Jonquils, White and Yellow, 40c dozen. Tulips, Assorted Colors, 20c dozen. Narcissus, 30c dozen. (By Parcel Post 10c extra for each dozen). Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 Big reluotlona In Ready-to-wear hats. Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co. FOR SERVICE. Ful blooded Hol s' ein bull Fee $1.50 ca&h. J. D. Lee Route 5. Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears. We carry complete stock. Reldsvllle Hardware Co. STOVES. See our line of cook and heating stoves before buying. Relds vllle Hardware Co. For twenty-four Inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wooton, Mgr. Pad'rbanks-Morse gasolene enigines and kerosiene engines. Best on the market Townsend Buggy Compiany. Large stock of cook stoves and ranges. Best makes at very reason able prices. Whittemore-Mobley Hdw. Co. MEAT MARKET. Our telephone number is now 342.Call us when you want nicfa meats. Michtael & Cook, Montgomery street. UNION GRAINS. Six pounds of Union grains will take the place of from 8 to 12 pounds of other so-called balanced rations, as well as most home-made rations. This makes Union grains the most economical teed. "The best feed on earth." Sold by R. M. Gillie, West Market street. - ; Nothing more pleasant and Inex pensive than engraved stationery for a Christmas present. We have the most complete line of samples In the city and our work is guarsanteed to e as good as the best. See our amples and let us quote you prices. Samplee mailed to out-of-town cus tomers. The W. M. Oliver Printing Co., Reldsville, N. C. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER TY. On Tuesday, December 18th, 1917, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the premises, the follow ing property belonging to tho estate of the late John W. Martin, consist ing of 1 milk cow, 1 mule, 1 one-horse wagon, several plows and other Im plements, small lot of com and wheat, household and kitchen furni ture and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale commences- at 10 o'clock -i. m, Jas. W. Walker, Admr. of John W. Martin, deceased. WANTED. Green and salt hides or which I will pay the highest mar ket prices. W. L. Gardner, U J. B. Gardner's Meat Market. Place your orders now for engraved Christmas stationery so you may he sure of delivery. See ourr samples and get our prices. The W. M. Oliver Printing Co. FARM FOR SALE. Two mile wst of Went worth; mostly timber land; deep grey soil; fine for tobac co. Price $30 per acre, 34 acres. t See Percy S. Gunn, Reidsvilla R. F. D. 4. You know you, want a suit or over coat for Holidays. You want to look as good as anyone. Get the habit Buying from Hutcherson and you can feel sure you are dressed la Clothes That Are Right! Engraved wedding Invitations, an nouncements, visiting cards, etc.; em bossed stationery and cares. Our samples are the prettiest in the city. See us before placing your order. . The W. M. Oliver Printing Co. ULIKO UNION GRAINS, complete grain rations for dairy cows, ready for use and as rich as it is safe to feed ; 24 per cent, protein and . 7 per fat. You cannot" make it better by adding high grade pdoteln feed, nor can you fake it more economical by adding lower priced purchased feed. sold by R. M. Gillie, West Mar street. FOR SALE. Lot of hickory ber that Willi sell for about $75 per M, delivered ripped; also lot of pine and some oak. Would like for some lumber man to handle it on sharesr or will sell on stump for reasonable -price. Also about 75 barrels at market price delivered at tho heap. Wm sell the shucks, or let someone bale on shares. John R. Smith, For shee, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. I beg to announce that I have made arrangements with the Chlckamauga Trust Co., of Tennessee whereby I have an unlimited amount of money to loan on farm lands at B per cent Loans are made for from one to seven years to suit the borrower. Write or see me for par-, ticulars. P. T. S tiers, Attorney, Reldsvllle, N. C. irket fVa- 71 PRESCRIPTIONS ! Are filled accurately and with great care at Gardner's Drug Store, Competent Pharma cists and the purest and best Drugs insure satisfactory service. Bring in your Pre scriptions and you will have the satisfaction of. knowing they are filled correctly. Full line of Wood's reliable Field and Gar den Seeds always on hand. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGHT PH0NE'61-J.