TOE lOTIEW C0TC&3RO CmiGHAM UCTHE MO M0 DEJ7 AND -SURROUNDING C0UNTIE3 LULE. T1U5 BUHttHJ-LHi w vm A. frtf fro u (if mT 1 I?' 5rh I? mfl Mil' ft Mi WWW OA VUliUlYlXJ AAA HV wv . W M , ,, ! I "I . lEUtONS STILL TRYING TO BREAUHE LINES A SUMMARY OF THE WORLD WAR EVENTS OF GREAT IM PORTANCE THAT HAVE TRAN SPIRED SINCE OUR LAST IS SUE. , SATURDAY ' Notwithstanding untoward occur rences, the allied forces in . their tww fape against the cJ$al power are making steady progress toward vic tory, and peace proposals to Germa n's militaristic patty which at pres ent is drunk with boastfulness, would be a bebrayaAcf the trust. Thus in forceful form the British premier, David Lloyd George lit a marized the situation in the world war. from the viewpoint of himself as head of the British government and of his ctollleagiuea. . . The premier filaid it was folly to exaggerate the situation created by the vents in Russia and the possibil ity -of the release) of hundreds of thousands of the enemy to attack Great Briiain, France and Italy but that if Russia, toad decided to aban don the struggle the American de mocracy was malting It up. uermany, he 'added, was (gambling on the failure of the United states to trans port her rmy to Europe and the fu ture the world depended on the " -efforts Great Britain and the Uni ted 'States to Increase their output of -ships next year. On the fighting fronts there has been everywhere a great decrease, in the activity of the infantry but ar tillery duels of huge proportions con tinue beWen the British and French and this Germans In France nd the Italians and the Austro Hun, garians on una iiaiiswi To tbe fast of Ypres the Germans In a local attack bajve captured Brit, tsh front Unta (trenches on a front of -300 yards, white he Germans, ac--cordtnfc to thef Berlin official IcatdX awe repulsed a British ntr tack to "the qambraJ sector east of Buuecolurt, launched In an endeavor to reqalptme lost positions. The Grmana we earring out m heavy .bombardment in the lattjer region. The bfe guns are doing moist of the Tv-ork on the Italian front, wherto the Italians still fire barring the way of the Teutonic allies toward the pllataa, In Thursday's fighting the enemy to attacks between the Brenta and Pi .Bve rivers again rofrdean Insignificant gpin but as on previous occasions, only under huge sacrifices TWe" situation InRussila, where the Bolshevik! Btod coainrtr-revotionary forces arte arratfad agatasejach oth er Is still obscure, unofficial dis patches reporting successes for each eide. , Negotiations for an annistlde con tinue between the Teutonic aUie and the Bolsheviki. Many unofflcla dYldes attribute M the1 Bolsheviki nietfvr tihe announoemlents that if fcin aaimiBUce is signed the Russian ' delegates have Wees empow ered jo entjer into peace mefeotiiations. SUNDAY I rormer Czar MchoUs, reported to haviei escaped from Siberian exile. ' Berlin reports kaiser in "Chrtet- message will make finlal peace of fering." - t . , Charles S. Smith, of St. Louis, rwf American railway com mission to Russia reported to have been (arrested by Bolsheviki govern ment says arrest if true, is mistake; orders release. . Russia and central powers -virtually at peace. General Kaledines nd staff report ed captured by the Bolsheviki Who take three more towns. Teutons make slight gains in new mountain battle, but IU41an main line holds firm. British regain part of lost trench at Ypres. - Count von Luxbuxg, dismissed Ger man minister to Argentine, lauthor of "spurlos ve-rsoakt" messages, re- - ported insane. -In Palestine the British have scoiwd a further advanqe northeast of Je . rusalem. , In making known the sinking of two more Norwe-igian steamiers the V-wrx-W(trf f crrwdrntmemt ASiTUuniCeS ntO"" O v "that 5,000 Nprweigflan sailors have 'been lost during: the war. Two airshrps of tha non-rigid type have ,b en lost by the British, one of which was sunk by a set-plane In the North sea while on patrol and the ottr being compelled to descend in territory because of en gine trotable. Tto British admiralty also n noanoes the sinking of a British de stroyer through a collision, all but two of "those on board being saved. MONDAY Notwithstanding the terrible losses they have susained, the German and Austro-Hun&arian ermles in the mountainous region of northern"' Italy continue their efforts to break the rtsUm lime and open a passageway to the plains bolow. In France and Belgium there la little military ac tivity, except for smi3l engagements by outposts and raiding conlngents and lartlllery duels. The ne ilest ap proach to a' tacks in force were made by the Germiins Saturday night in the Champagne region of Fp-oice, and to the north of the Ohmin-Des-Dames. In both of thbee the Germans were worsted by the French. A small Britlslh maneuver Bouth of Cambrai iosulted in the capture of HI few Ger man prisonelrs and a machine gun. Between tfcb Brenta and. Piave riv ers in the l)ta,Uan! 'ighlajnds lh!:-d figrhting continues without dassation. The agreement for an lErmistice between thb Bolsheviki government In Russia and the Teutonic allies has been tlgried. It will run until January 14, and then will continue in force arJtomi tlcally, unless seven days no tice of . its discontinuaoicw Is givlen On : the signing of an armistice, peace negotiations are to begdii. r - St. Thomas Church Notes Chrlstmae music will be sung thta Sunday before Christmas Day. Thiers will be Morning Prayer; Anti-Communion iwibh is'ermon eleven o'clock Followinig selection of muialc will be sung: Processional, (Christians Awake) No. 56. ; Venite .. .. .. .. .. .. Robinson Te Deum .. .. .. .. .. .. Foster Jubliat Dea .... .... . . Nevtn Hymn .. .. No. 58 Anthem (There VJetre Shepherds) Rdade. ' Reoelssionail, (Adeste Fedieles) No. 49 . Evening Service Christmas Oairol Service. Metaxbers of the church r especially urgled to attend this . servtQel. A .beautiful little play "White Gifts tar the King." a (lesson in the! consecration of sell Service land Self Substamce to the Kings of Kb whose! birthday . we celebrate, will be given, by the Sun day School. Service starts 7:45 p. m. All are invited to with 'us in this service. - Christmas Eve Early Ohratimas morning the Girl' Frietaday Class will heriald the birth of Christ by sineinia Christimas Hymns to different sections of the city. Lutein for thlem. SAUNDERS-DURHAM A betaiutiful but quilet luarriaigie wa, solemnised at noon 011 Saiturday, the 15th foist, at GHUam's Academy in the, preBence of friends and relatives, when Miss Mary Francis Durham be- booa,n the bride of Mr. Charles K. Saunders. , Rev. J. W. Gilliam offi ciated.. Immediately after the mariagle the bridal parity! w-Ce invited to the din ing room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam where a most delightful luncheon was served. The bridal party left at 2:30 p. m. for Greens boro.'..' Thjo 'groom is a son of W. R. Saun ders, Sr., land the bride ai daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Durham, all of this county. Tfoe bride and groom are both -well known in social circles. Mr. amd Mrs. Saundlars wil for the present reside iat Lawsonville. The bast wishes of their fritemds iare theirs for a Merry Christmas, a bright and Hatppy New Year, and ai long life of wedded bliss. ' ' . t-i. l i . - i - ' GASTON B. MEANS ACQUITTED OF MURDER OF MRS. KING The Jury rendered a verdict Sun day morning at 10 o'clock acquitting Gaston B. Means of the murder of Mrs. Maude A. Klnjt near Concord last August and the prisoner was re leased from custody. The trial has been In progress In Concord for the past three weeks nd has attracted nation-wide attention. " The verdict of acquittal was gen erally expected. An effort will be nude to extradite Means for trial for fraud and embez zlement in New York City. ' Directed film to Gold. Chen Waung, a Chinese cook of Eosebnrg, Ore, recently found $200 In gold In the house of Hop Lee. He says that the ghost of his murdered friend directed him to the trensrre. The money was found In a paper baa in plain sight of all who entered a room that . had DTez been occupied since the murder. ! Child Killed by Savage Bulldog. John T. IQehel, Jr, aged four yers, was set trpon and killed by a bulldog jn his uncle's yard In New Orleans. His cncle attacked the dog with a hammer and killed It, but not before jha clJlJ was ddadt REIDSVILLE, N. TIONAI NOW BEINGSENT OUT ROCKINGHAM MEN ARE NOW GETTING THIS LIST OF COM PLICATED QUESTION S ATTO Ri NEYS WILL HELP MEN FILL BLANKS OUT. Thje local exemption board is send ing out tho quleetioniatlres to every rebrlstrant In. Rockingham, county, who te not now la the service of the Unl'.3d States. These qAas-tlonaires will be sent to five per cent, of the men every day until the list Is ex hausted. Every man will gjat these, and they must be re.uir.?d to the ex emption bOi?rd .filled ov.f rnd in prop er shape within slave.! uays after they are received. The following "notice to regis trant'' which heads the pamphlet in dicaiti3B the sieriousnets of not com pUjing with his demand: "You re required by law to return this questionlalre fiMtd out in accord ance with instructions contained here in within seven days from the date of this notice. Failure1 to do so Js a misdemeanor punfehsble by fine or imiprisoniment for one year land may flesuit hi the loss of valuable rights pnd immediate indiuction Into mili tary service." The man who gets out of the first draft on claims of exemption will get them just las does the man whose number has ntolt yet been teled. Exemptions, which have' been granted count as nauOht, and every man will have to go through the whoje busi ness (again. The quleetionaire Is a pamphlet of sdxitteen pages the size of ah un abridged dtotJomia.y, and is designed to find out everything there is to know Bibout jai man from bis birth to) the present time. Tha registrant's whole life history and his hopes Dor this; future will be crowded into these sixteen pages when they are properly filled out The war department wants to know everything there is to know about its prospective soldiers from A to Izzard. The man who has cherished the fond delusion that he1 was a law unto himself, so fair las his personal rela tions to ordinary mortals was con cerned, is doomed to al sad awaken ing when he opens the pamphlet and finds thatt the w?air department makes such a command as this one: "Give ISHSHWOH3HMHaWH THE DUES RES ARE What the Red Cross Service Flag Means Almost everywhere in this broad land, in the humblest home or Fifth Avenue mansion, you will see this. Sign of Service. Like the National Service Flag with its stars standing, for every member of the family "called to the colors," the Red Cross Service Flag, with its crosses, stands for another kind of National Service a Service of Mercy. President Wilson saysf "Red Cross Membership is the Christ mas spirit in terms of action." A Red Cros3 Service Flag in your window says to the world: "There is a true American home." It is a true American home because Red Cross Membership-Dollars help supply our Army, our Navy and our Allies with the comforts, the hos pital supplies and the dressings thafmust be had if we are to win this war. Display a Red Cros3 Service Flag in your home it will be supplied by your nearest Red Cross Chapter the instant you become a member. En roll every member in your household not only Bobby and Betty, but every servant or helper in the household. Make yours a Red Cross home this Christmas. Will you do it? Go to your Red Cross Chapter now TODAY. "Ten Million New Member by Chrutmas'' 0., TUESDAY, DEO. 18, 1917 beldw all the occupations ait which you fbave worked diolrtnig the last ten years." And on the next page some comtplaaent young man win be con fronted with such ai question ae this: "Are you ndw .confined in Prison or reformatory?" The atveriage claim for exemption on account of dependency wll not go flhla titm'e'. The simple statement that a mjan is moirrVd Is not ats much as the questiouaire wants to know. That patflar asks whore and when,and what the wife's maiden name was, and what minister or Justice, of the peacf? performed the cerenxmy. It Is Iso designed to find out whether the man Is supporting his w iBet or whether his wife is sup porting him. It wants to know how much montey he furnishes 'her for support every month. And if he is claiming exemption beoaius'e of a de pendent wifle he muist have at support ing affidavit thlt his answers are co red. The personal liberty lover is likely t ofind his set of questions very irk some, but not 'bJaJf so troublesome bb will be the failure to answer them. The nature of the questions and the language In which they are stated are such that it wiill require the sjetvictes of attorneys 'to get them filkd out properly.-' :Bht no lawyer's flo(?s will be charg ed for thiese services, for a commit tee hais been appointed by GovieTnor Bicklett .to see that every man who wsnts :hiell can get that hUlp free of charge. The Rockingham committee Is composed of Mjefcsrs. J. R. Joyce and J. M. Sharp of Reddsvlllje and Hunter K. Penn of StonteviHid. These men will make arrangements to be at some place, or to have other law yers avafHaibTel jnight and day to as sist the youniy men In getting the blalnks properly filled out Attorneys who have volumtje(ered their services for this work are: H. R. Sccrtit, A. J. Burton, E. B. Ware E. H. Wrenzu Jr., W. R. Dolton R. R. Boyd, Major T. Smith, Rteidsvillei; J. L. Roberts, J. C. Brown, Maid toon; C. O. McMichaeL Wentworth; U. Do land Stanford, StonevHIe; A. W. Dunn, C. M. Land, LeaksviUe; P. T, Hatzllp, Spray. Must Develop Higher Tendencies, Every evil tendency la childhood must finally be conquered, not by force or punishment, but through the culti vation of a higher tendency. The good man or woman is one whose life has been slowly organized to act upon his good impulses and to restrain his evil ones. There is a thief or a robber in as all, but fortunately for the. major ity of us, he has become too weak through Inaction to be able to do us any harm. Chicago American. ISSUED 10 28 MANY WILL LEAVE HERE DUR ING NEXT FEW DAYS SEVENTY-FIVE ARE NOTIFIED TO LEAVE FOR CAMP JACKSON CERTIFIED LIST GIVEN. The following-named men are here by ordered to report for military duty the Local Board for military duty end for transportation to a mobili zation damp. The time hey must re port is 9:30 a. m. on December 28th 1917. Willful failure to report with Intention to evade military service constitutes dewertion, which is a cap ital offensa in time of war. Robert Hughes liuteinan, Spray. James V. McManus, Draper. Thomas Lemons, Stoneville. Jatoiiee T. Goard, Mayodan. Geo. W. FJauctettJe, ReidsviUe. WiilWlaliu II. Harris, Draper. Walter Carter, StonevUle. Geo. A. S. Gann, Mjayodan, Route 1 Russell E. Roberts, Stoneville. William Peris, Mayodan, Rfd. SterMng Lee Hubbard, Reidsville. Thomas A. WalL Stoneville. Willie Hunter, Draper. Emewt Clifton, Reidsville, Route 1. Robert G. Webster, StotesdaFle. Sidney Adlison Stscks, Spray. Wklter Wray, Mayodan. P. S. Tuggle, Mayodan. WUlie Albert King, Reidsville. i Jas Floyd MoorH Reidsville. Jas. F. Kallam, Madison Route 1. Win. J. Sharon, Stokeadale. Wm." Bennett Martin, white; Mayo dan. Wnx Norton Snead, white, Stokea dale. John G. Wlare, wthite, Madison Claude E. llagleeton, white, Spray. Sam EUinbton, white, Wentworth R, IF, DarnelL white, Spray. Root. Hand, white, Leaksvllle. John W. Wallker, white, Leaksvfllle. Rufus Vernon, white, Mayodan. Samuel Ad kins, white, Mayodan. W. E. Williams, white, Reidsville. Jullua C. Fry, iwhfte, Rockingham Jeese Shelton, white Spray. John W. Saunders white, Mclver. Harry S. Lee. Reidsville, Route 6 Lemjuel A. Michael, white. Glbson- vtlle. Charles Wi, Purgeson, white. Mad ison, Route 2. Albert Powell, white, Draper. Mack Overby, whtte, Draper. Walter N. Reynolds, white. Draper. Hairy Lee Jolyce, white, RWgeway. Va., Route 3. Chester L. Price, white, Stoneville. ville. . .' John F. Adams, white, Leaksvllle. Bethel J. Trent, wjhtte, Leakeville. Jdhin C. Ware, white Madison. Route 6. ) Claude S. Eggleston, white, Spray. James P. Carter, white, Wentworth Ernest Clay McBrlde, white, Dra per. . Howard Bafham, white. Summer- field, Route 1. Robert D. Hipp, white, Ruffln. Waiter F. Martin, white, Mayodan. James W. Bowman, white, Reids ville, Route 5. Ernest Snow, white, Reidsville. Ernest L. Fuloher, white, Leaks vllle. Robert II. Draper, white, Benaja. Will Stacks, white, Spray. James H. Chambers, white, Reids viUe. Robert L. Purdy, white, Madison. Robert Price, white, Rldgeway. Paul G. Withers, white, Yancey- vllle, Route 1. Wilbur C. Worsham, white, Ruffln. Chink Murphy, white, Spray. Weldon A. Saunders, white, Reids ville.'-, William E. Jones, white, Reids ville Route 1. William P. Smith, white, Draper. Elbert E. Shelton, white, Madison. Robert W. Holland, white, Madi son. : James C. Worsham, white, Ruffln. Julius E. Vaughn, white, Stokes- dale. . Robert H. Black, white, RoidsviUe. Albert L. Manley, white, Spray. Ernest Raymond Vaughn, white, RufQn, Route 2. The following lis 1 of men, called for military service by the Local Board of Rockingham County have been duly passed upon by the prop er Local and District Board and are hereby certified as selected for mil itary service and not exempted 'or discharged. TtobL Hi Batkmcm, white, Spray. Neal Galloway, coloiej, Leaksvllle. James W. MoMianus, white. Draper. Themas Lemons, white, Stoneville. James L. Shelton, white, Reidsville Ernest Thacker, colored, R-Ids villa Robert Richmond, colored, Reids GOING MBA CAMP DECEMBER TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS CITY LOCAL NEWS IN A CONDENSED FORE! Hon. J. L. Roberts of Madison 1 spending a few days hen Mrs. Murray Jones and son are th guests of Mrs. C. C. Butter. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fetzer of Buf falo, N. Y., are here to spend the holidays. . Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jackson of Canton, N. C, are jrucfets of rln Uvea here. .. . Mrs nd Mrs., Gray Broome of Winston-Salem are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hutcherson. Miss Edith Pipkin who teaches school In Tennessee la' with her Bar ents here during the holidays. Miss Wilson Watlington, who has ben tachlTi,H-! at Won.l1l hi.. w . i.vA.n, una retunied home for the holidays. Messrs. John D. and Marlon Wlatt end Robert Richardson of Davidson Coll'Ofee are at home for Chrisibmaa. Mies Blacli1 Venable.member of the FitimkJin Street graded school. has returned from a Richmond hos pital. " . u Mr. Roy TunKtr, who recently was." operated on for appendicitis at a. Greenalboro hospital, has returned homja. One Rleddsville housewife has af firmed that advice about food con servation is as free as advice about raising a child. Every time a Reidsville man looks at the coal bin he is thanltful that all the minens in he country are not on a strike the ssme time. Priv!8.tie iBert' Price of ColamibilaL wiho has been 111 ait the homiei of Judge Humpreys, is now recovering at the home of his mothjer at Prlqet Tho local Red Cross Chapter re- OUOstjl that all ImimtMl fl.rfV.lAa ha sent to Mrs. W. H. Foy at once. They eire to be a( jit to Camp Sevier Wed nesday. Thoee Red Cross Seal workers want to eell you a few sejals. Buy, If only a dozen; help the great cause in which these! willing) womea workers are enlisted. Blutebtrd Pdaitiui Tuesday , featur ing Little Zo Rae. Paramount fea ture Wednosdialy, "Out of the Drift," featuring; Mairguj'rittle ClarK. Thurs day la Bu(tterfly Day. Mr. John D. Hufflnes, Jr., of Rich mond, is visiting his parents here. He has reoentjly enlisted iaa twirte lesa operator and is awad ting orders to proceed to Philadelphia. Messrs. R. L. Paylor, Hunter Mob ley and Ambrose Powell leave today for Norfolk, havinlgl recently entered the U. S. navy. iMr. Jess Claiybrook failed to pass the physical exaonl nialtion. ; .V, ;; . Mr. Joseph. . J. Blackna4L who ca,me to ReidsvSEe several months ago with the A. T. Co. cigarette fac tory left Friday for New York where he expects to enlist In thu United States Navy. The regular monthly meeting of the local chapter Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. E. F. Hall on Wednsday afternoon, he 19th at 3 p. m. This will bwl a very Important meeting and every mem tior Is lurged to be present. Miss Mattle Stalllngs dawglhter of the late A. J. StalUnga, died at the home of hbr brothefr, Mr. Ben S tail ings on Lawsonville Avenue yester day morning, Efld 25. Her death was caused by paralyste. She will be buried at Mizpah church today. Mrs. W. H. Foy, ohairman of th knitting committee, urges all who have articles finished to send them to her at bneb as thd box is to be shipped Wednesday. Every piece that can be possibly sent should bo stnt in at once as the need la very gieat ville. James T. Goard. white, Mayodan. George W. Faucette, white, Reids ville. William HHarrta, white, Draper. James Cheeks, colored, Reidsville. Walter Carter, white, StoneviXHe. George S. Gunn, white, Mayodan, Route 1. . Doe Mosele, colored, Reidsville. - Russell E. Roberts, white, Stone ville James Lessure, colored, Leaksvllle Thomas S. Martin, colored, Lehks ville. - John Dal ton, cokred, StonevHia. William Ferris, white, Madison, Rfd. Robert Herbin, colored, Mclver. Sterling L. Hubbard, white, Reid vllle. Albert Barnes, colored, Reidsville. Henry SUkes, colored, Reidsville. Thom-s A. Wall, white, Stoneville. Edgar Wright, colored, ReilsvCJe. Willie Hunter, white. Draper. Ernest C2fon, white, Price. Rfd. L Robert G. Webster, white, Stoke3 dale. 4. t 1