PAGE TWO ' TUESDAY. DEC. 18. 1917 JUNKERS BLAME THE ALLIES (5Resources over Five Million Dollar 3. THE REVIEW: KEIDSVTLLE, N. 0. I n 1 a H f GREETING 1 ' -w ' -iv il Christmas Celebration Is incomplete without the stocking and the ta ble with good things to eat from this store. Fruits, Nuts, Etc. Everything For Cakes FRED DEGROTTE CLUBBING OFFERS Until fut Jier notice we will accept yearly subscriptions (or the folic wing papers at the price named: The Review and Atlanta Constltu Won (TrlAVeekly) .. .. .. .. $2.25 The Review and New York World (Trl-Weekly) .. ... . . .. .. .2. If The Review and Progressive Farm er .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.0i The Review and Greenboro Dail; News Daily and Sunday) .. .. $7.0- Send cash, check or money ordei with order, Address THE REVIEW COMPANY Reldsville, N. C. Geek to Instil New War Spirit In Starv Ing People by Fear of Total Dlttruc tlon Pamphlet Sent Across Border Calling the War Policy, of the Kaiaer Humbug of the People. As an Illustration of the activity of the German republicans in Switzerland who are working to overthrow Hohen zollernism copies of a pamphlet which Is being circulated across the frontier were made public by the committee on public Information at Washington. This political tract denounces bit terly the Junkerism of Germany, the war lords who control the government, whose sham peace proposals are de (scribed as an effort to humbug the German people. The pamphlet of the German repub licans evidently was written some time ago, but copies just have been received ; In the United States. Officially no reference has been made by the United States government to this activity, and the movement, If It may be described I as such, is not regnrded as having been developed to such a point that It might ; be considered a factor In the German fiituution. It Is known, however, that the German republicans are continu ing their agitation at least without the empire and circulating their litera ture of protest against the present gov ernment. Torn Out Sympathy by Roots. The author of the pamphlet, discuss. Ing early German peace overtures, says Of the ruling elnsses In the empire : "Did they Intend this step to pro duce any Impression upon the neu trals? That may scarcely be. By the Invasion of Belgium, by the reckless drawnlng of thousands of the women and children of neutral peoples in the sinking of the Lusltania, Germany has torn out by the roots the sympathy of every thinking neutral:" That sympa thy cannot be recovered by any such pathetic peace suggestion as this. And, then, does anyone in the upper circles In Germany Imagine that the neutrals, especially in Switzerland and the Netherlands, are unaware of the true economic situation, or, rather, let us say the economic distress of Germany ; that they do not know despite all its victories east and west that Germany Throughtthe " Mails If you wish the safest method of depositing your money in one of the strongest banks of Virginia, open an accouunt with the First Na tional Hank of Danville, Va., and forward your funds throufih the United States mails. From tl e time the money leaves your hands until it reaches us it is safeguarded by the United States postal authorities, and immediately upon its receipt it is credited to your account in this bank, which has total resources of over $6,000, 000. 4 per cent interest paid orf Certificates and in our Savings Department. ' ' Established 1872 The First National Bank of Danville ."VA. Jab. L Pritcmctt, Pr esident. B.V. BoOTH,VicPre.Cash. A y-N. 1 A r l li nATTAM A -A. fL T. C. GUERR ANT, At Cashii; UrBwiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiinjnimnTTmTn Enertainmint At Wsntworth Thursday night. December 20, in ,1 r. tfvtw.-. of irrvfi K thai l 1 1 (.7 CUUlb JUVJ'U'OI-, " I. II (1 Ul 111, -MIV uplls of the Weutwortih Higih school ill render wha promises to be a do- iigimul and plcashug Christmas and atriotic pro)?ram. One half of the eveninis's eivtertainmnt will bs de voted to the celebration of Christmas nd the second hellf sof the program will be patriotic. The declaiuajlon contest between four of the bright high school boys will be orations recently delivered by Secretary of the Tn asuirer Mc Adoo, Hon. Franklin K. Lara.', Gov ernor Bickjetlt and Attorney James H. Iu. Th:re will be ve judges to decide tho winner of the prize. Everybody interested is cordially TELLS HOW TO BUILD UP SYSTEM If Kidnjeys, Stomach, Appetite and Strength Need Building Up, Lumberman Tells How To Gain Back Health Many Friends of His Endorse What Hs Says. IS YOUR HOME INSURED? If not, don't put it off. My rates are" more reasonable than you thin FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance Man invited and the public is assured that has not the slightest chance of impos-! no entrance fee 'will bo dueled and no collection will be taken. The program will Ite as fofllows: C D. KENNY CO. 501 MAIN STREET Coffee, Teas and Sugar, and Baking Powder. Wholesale and Retail. DANVILE, VA. Kice, Chocolate, Cocaa J. R. MURPHY, Mgr. Ing upon the world a 'German' peace such as is the dream of the chimney pot and cabbage lords of Prussia! "What is the object aimed at In this (1) PROGIAM Processional "Hark, the Her whole thrashing out of peace phrases? aid Angiela Sing." It Is not Intended to produce any Im pression either upon the enemy or upon the neutrals no, for the ever so manyeth time It is Intended to humbug Bid,ing Officer. (2) Sing "America." (3) Flag SaluOe. (3) Introductory remarks by pile- SHOP! that are useful as well as ornamental. Anything from a small 25c ar ticle up to a handsome suit of Furniture, Special lot of Upholstered Rockers that are fine for gifts that would be appreciated by both oW and young. Store open until 9 o'clock evenings until Christmas the German people. "The German people," the pamphlet j, continues, "which at bottom does not understand why It has to defend the boundary line of Germany so far away as down there in the distant Balkans, knows only too well that a success In that remote theater of war can jn truth bring ft prolonging of its misery, hut can in no sense bring a decisive vic tory. The weariness of wnr marches on into infinity ; In order to instil pa tience Into the people something new has been Invented, and that Is the farce of peace, which now, In accord ance with all the rules of dramatic art, Is to be presented to starving wom en and children. The Fare as They See It "The program of the farce may now be sketched with a light touch. "Act 1. The central powers make peace proposals based upon and unae-! .ceptable by reason of territorial en-j largeinent, annexation, both open and disguised, a colossal strengthening of Germany as a military power. I "Act 2. The allies, who will fight to secure a true and lasting peace based on mutual understanding and putting (5) Docilaiixaition Contest (a) Jea&e Lasley. . (b) Pillard McM-iehate'I. .-''(c) Robert Rruca SeUle. (d) Reuben Reid Settle. (6) Lighting the Christmas Can din An Community Tiiee By Griadlie Girls. m Oaaiol "Came and Worship." (8) Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. Senior Class. ' ' (9) Hesponsive Reading. (10) Carol "Adeste, XP'Melts" Rendered In Latin. (11) Ileseivtation of Prize Hickerson. (12) Oarol "Brightest and of the Sons vi the tMorulng. (13) Carol "Sttonit Night." (14) Closing Pao er. -Supt, Best BURTON-CHANCE WALKER CO. furniture and Undertaking n W"-" Forced To Sell Sugar The Wilmington Branch cf Garrett & Co., Inc., liav 1421 been discovered to .have a largo aimiunt cf sugar were instructed to disipose 'of al51 a'lwve their imnlediate requirements at a reasonable profit above cost to them. ... . . ' .... . . . r " . Tha mmnanv DromuUy agreeu w an enu 10 military states, reject these , , ... , , rry.,a peace proposals-exnctly as the Ger-iUi the Instructions This man government foresees. , aw instance of interference for the "Acf 8.- And curtain. The German ' ic gCtod ufndOr whici normal people is informed through the belllg- conditions would never have been erent (field-gray) press that the wicked dreamed of . As . a reputable bu3i- enemy will have absolutely nothing to nesa concern, the right of Garrett & do with peace, that they Insist upon Co. to purchase sugar for tWelr use the complete annihilation of the Ger- for any period of time tliey de&ired man people; that therefore naught Js wioluld tneMor haMi been, quecLlkwied j lert but to endure through everything, bult the whole course of rood Aa to starve to the very end, to shed mW-stratioin i without precedent their blood to the last drop until and the fl.-w precedents which may Junker and captain of Industry have be cited are being smashed to smiith- nuiuiiea me onject or tneir warvwbich greens And ylet because every reas. mnliTle nerson recofinrzes its acttvl "I want to tell fo'fts whlo wake u.) In ithe mornings with aches across heir back, weak kidneys, and lost appetite and enetrgy, how to gt?t re lief," declared Cflyde Lafon, a wtell kniown lumberman of WaitevlUe, W. Va., . . "I sufferted that way for months and my back would feel so stiff on wa'k Inlg up and pain me so much I suf fered awtfiiil'ly. My kidneys bothered me and urinating was painful. I was weak and thin and .would often s'-t real ick at ni'y stomach. My appe tite ' wasn't much either, but I want to say that Acid Irion Mineral is the thing for people troubt:d like that. I took some of it and it did more good than any medicine I ever used &nd I always keep It In my home, Lots of people I know have also been b-lped. It buiMs O'our system up and makes any one hearty and stout," continued Mr. Lafon. Acid Iiton Mineral is tW? h'ghly concentrated product of a natural medicinal! iron deposit. X heals is no alcohol or narcotic add? ! and it do?j .nlot affect the bowejls- or liver, . ting the system. .; ' It fs stronlaer, m(Uich cheajer, bet tier iron med3ne. A few drops to a taspoonful mixed in a glass of water makes a Wonderful tonic and Iron medicine for blood, rhts-umatism, kid neys, di'gestfon, and whole system genierally. Lots of people in this State recommend It. Gt a- bottle today. Plumbing Contractor All kinds cf Plumbic?, Roofinr, Guttering:, Etc. First-class Workmen. All Work Guaranteed. Specifications Gladly Fur nished. ft. G. Glaastone. In Danger. A few days ago a five-year-old boy came with his mother to visit the lat tet's cousin. The first pight, upon re tiring, they were given n room which contained a folding bed, which was something new to the young man. He watched the process of opening, then got into bed, lay there, and thought for a few minutes, then looked up and Bald: "Mother, we will have to look out, for this bed has a self-starter, and is liable to go up on us." Is the robbery of other peoples, the en largement of their power both abroad as a neKgKapr means of winning nnd at home, "When the matter is artfully put upon the stage the instigators of war can hope after this novel and original fashion to fan anew" the 'righteous wrath of the starving, war-weary Ger man people against the enemy, to ex hibit Its inevitable fate of being bled white." lie War and of protecting tre 100,000- 1)0 consumers of foodstuffs at home, iuotnodv Is kicking and , gratf tying plrit or cooperation iu being shown. .REVEALS HIDDEN GOLD Note In an Old Shoe Tells Sister Where to Find It A message hidden in an old shoe by Charles K. Hill, who took his life In Hllla Valley, Utah, directed Ms sister ' i&m. Hall'a Catarrh. Medicine was Catarrh C?nnot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot rech the seat of the disease. Catairh la a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions, tend In ordefr to cure tt you must take an Internal remedy, Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys- to a spot at the base of a tree, where j,wu in gold was found. Hill was an eocentrle recluse, who lived in the foot hills named after him. He left an es tate valued at about $50,000. Work There Is nothing but what's bearable, as long as a man can work. The nature of things don't change, though It seems as If one's life was nothing but change. That the square of four Is sixteen, and you must lengthen your lever In pro portion to your weight, Is as true when a man's miserable as when he's happy; and the best of working is, It gives yoa a good grip-hold of things outside your own lot George Eliot prescribed by one of tha-beat phyei clans in this country for years. It is composed of some of U3 best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what pro duce such wonderful results 4n ca tarrhal conditions. - Send for testi monials, free. F J. CHENEY L CO., Props., Tole do, Ohio. All druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation Highest prices paid tor country pro ducem, cash or trade. J. D. McCol hun ft Son. Asthma-Catarrh . and Bronchitis Can Be Greatly Relieved by the New External Vapor Treatment. v Don't take internal medicines or haliit foriniug drugs for these troubles. . Vick's "Vap-O-Itub" Salve is applied externally and relieves by inhalation as a vapor and by absorption through the skin. For Asthma and Hay Fever, melt a little Vick's in a spoon and inhale the vapors, also rub well over the spinal column to relax tha nervous tension. 25o, 50o, or f 1.00. K WANTED! GREEN HIDES, CHICKENS AND EGGS Furs, Tallow, Wax, Wool, Second hand Feed Bags, Scrap, Bagging, Ok Rags of any kind, Also Bones. Alwiays in the market for the above and the following list of Scrap aucl as: Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Old' Rubber Booty and Shoes, Auto Tires, Inner Tubes, Solid Carriage and Truck Tires, and all kinds of Scnap Metals and Iron. Bring us your material and turn it into Cash as we pay Cash for ev erything we buy. FOR SALE ' 1 Hudson Model 37 Auto. 1 Win ton, suitable for Truck 1 S-passenger Ford Body. 3 Ford Runabout Bodies. 1 llord Car with Truck Body. Suit able for Grocery or Laundry delivery. Quite a lot of used Magnetos, Coils. Springs, Gjasolfme Tanks, Carborators. and othr Miscellaneous Auto' Parts, 1 Glass Show Case. 1 Iron Safe. . Second-hand Auto Tires and Tubeq Walker Hide & Junk Co. Dry PrizerjrBldg. Opp. Depot "THE LETTER E" f . Someone has advanced the opinion that the letter "E" Is the most unfor tunate character In the English alpna bet, because it Is out of cash, forever In debt, never out of danger, and in hell all the time. Bht we call attention the fact that "E" Is never in war and always in peace. It is the beginning of exist ence, the commencement of ease, and the end of trouble. Without It there would be no Rexal! store, no coffee, no bread, no life, no heaven, no service, no business, no appreciation, no regrets, no Fetsei's The Words "Fetzers Pure Drugs," and "Service are eynonyms and, we appreciate your patronage. Try us next time and we will make it our business to see that you have no regrets. GET IT WHERE THEY'VE GOT IT FETZER'S DRUGSTORE HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick 1m the most enduring most secure against fire; most comfortable in all weatherj most eoonr mlcal In final coat, and tha most beautiful of any building laatarlaL If Quality appeals to yon, arite ua and get quotations. Shipments made promptly.' WILLIAMSON a HEDGECOCK, INC. Martinsville, Va Ideal Pressing Club W. W. WILLIAMS, Prop. All Garments Cleaned or Dyed o Short Notice. v Hats Cleaned and Blocked Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work .Prices Reasonable...... OVER SHARP'S BARBER SHOP. Telephone 829 Prczpt Service. Best Wcrk

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