J THE REVTEW; REIDSVTL1E, N. 0. TUESDAY,. DEC. 18, 101 7 DRY CLEANING - We employ the most approved process of French Dry Cleaning:. Come to us for the genuine ar ticle. Send us your Clothing, Frocks, and Wraps, have them cleaned, preyed or dyed the Towell Way." Fewer clothes, wear longer and look better. Our charges nre very leasonahle. rv in. ..I.. Dry Ueaning ana uye twk$ ii R. L. Hubrard, Alt., Kei Isville. L jjmm mm ntm yiL IJ.ytf " ll.TKT, M u:i!!!iiciiiiiS!!ii!HUi!!!!i!iH!i!in!!!!!!!!!n!n!!nn:niH!K!t RnnsffiEnininnniiinmiHiiiiH'HHHiniiiimHminniHiJt I LIFE ON TRANSPORT AS SEEN BY PRIVATE; FEW HARDSHIPS FOR ENLISTED iff PROFESSIONAL CARDS Collegians, Cowboys, Elevator Boys, Leavened In One Lump Between the Decks of Unnamed Ship. r IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estates Practice In all courts, except Record er's Court. Office In Fela building over A. S. Price & Co.'s Store. p. W. GLIDEWELL ATTORNEY AT LAW rrompt attention Riven to all mat ters intrusted. -Traetico iu all couita. Office In Citizens Dank Building. MAJOR T. SMITH ATTORNKY AT LAW Office in C. & A. Rooms over Clark's Shoe Store, Thono 191. A. d. ivib n. c. tuotti:r JULIUS JOHNSTON ivie, troitR& johns ATTORNEYS AT LAW i .Office la tho new Irvln Building' next to Bank of IteidaviUe. WILLIAM REID DALTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsville. N. O. General practice of the law In State and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real state. Es tates admlnst-red on and settlod. Real estate bought and sold. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney And Couaelor At Law Reidsville, N. C. Special attention to negotiation of loans, settlement of estates, buying nd selling real estate. Insurance adjusted. Practice In all courts. Office In Lambeth Building, Gilmer street. ... HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to negotiation of loans; conduct and settlement of es Mes; buying and soiling of real es tate. Office In old Citizens Bank Building. CHAS. 0. McMICHAEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In All Courts Mr. McMIchael will be in Reids ville office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and In Madison on Saturdays. U. LELAND STANFORD ATTORNKY AT LAW 8T0NEVILLE, N. C. Prompt attention given all mat ten entrusted to me J, R. JOYCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Ofuoe in Old Citizens Bank Building Tractive in State and Federal Courts Loans Negotiated EB. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Tulloch's Store. Loans negotiated. Promxt attention. C. M. LAND LAWYER GENERAL PRACTICE Peoples Bank Building LEAI-SVILLE, N. C. DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST Office Over New Citirens Bank Residence 'Phone 279-W. Office 'Phone 282 DR. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL SURGEON Office aver Fotzer's Drug ; Store 'Phone 100. DR. P. C. SHARP OSTEOPATHIC PHOICIAN Office OveJtClt)zens Bank Acute and Chronic Disease Treated Osteopathicaily OSce 'Phone 131. Residence Phone M7-J. REID.MVIJXIi. N. C FOLEY iviDNEYPIIli HIS in a real account of life aboard an American truiiHport, written by a private who Is now "some where in Europe." it is nil very well for the accredited correspondent, who cross le I ue, to send buck a .cheery i message to the effect that, except for a few cases of mumps, a pleasant time i was hail hv all, hut, if you want to know i ... what transport lid; is really like you , must ask it private who bus lived it in ' the bowels of u converted liner, medi i tilled upon It in the long, trampiil hours of midtiitrht sentry duly and jotted It I down in his optimist ie, freshly acquired j diary between exercise ami boat drill, ! between mess ami boat drill, between ' Inoculation and boat drill. Here, then, ! are some tirief note?) of life aboard a nameless American transport which Net nail from an American port some time i in August to cross n certain widely known im-chii, says tho New York ! Times. ; We foregathered from the four quar ters of the United States, nicotinic for. the first time ill the pier, as, weighted down umler our equipment, hawiessed in our blanket roils and staggering tin- j der (air bulging barrack hugs we toiled , slowly up. (lie formidable gangways. ! We all looked pretty much alike that day, and it was not. until we had put; out to sea and the swarming hive and settled down under the subduing pres sure of strict military' discipline that any one of. ns could realize what an ex traordinary miscellany of men had come - aboard. Some of Those on Board. Those lean fellows lounging there at tho base of the rigging are unmistak ably cowboys and probably from Okla homa; standing against the rail beside them a student of Matisse Is talking wllli a wealherbeaten trainer of prize fighters; the lie tor who enchanted New York with his brilliant and fastidious performance of the Daffodil In "The Yellow Jacket" is now, with equal skill, charging along the promenade deck, leading a small squad armed with brooms to clean out the gutter. That man washing his mess tin in some no longer useful dishwater Is smoking u Union League club cigarette In his own. right and bestowing one, ap parently, on an' ex-elevator boy of his acquaintance. 'Way forward on the forecastle deck, their heads silhouetted against the twilit sky, a group of Princeton boys are singing "Forward March" much as they sung it lust full In tho Palmer stadium .back- home. There are some men reading iu whnt is left of tho afternoon sunlight. One has a small copy of "Fluent French Phrases," or some such treatise, by which lie Is Invading for the first time the mysteries of "je suls, tu es and 11 est." Next to him a man Is poring over the last issue of Breezy Stories, and the man beyond Is deep In Browning's "The Ring and the Book." You never can tell. And when the lights go down and the hush falls on the ship they break into little groups to. whisper of this or that, to talk of the American league, of thoosophy, of addresses or any subject under the sun except the war. That they leave to those who are on the outside looking In. ' They have till weathered the voyage well, philosophically net'ing down tho limitations on their comforts to the .exigencies of a great country In a still greater hurry. Some grumbling there Is, to bo sure, but It Is a little like the grumbling of boys at boarding sclnxil -when for the seventh consecutive day It is prunes again for breakfast. No Smoking After Sundown. Of course there have been bitter bard ships. It Is a bitter ' lardshlp, for in stance, to have to slop smoking at sun down, but It would nev,er do to have a thousand or so of cigarette tips glowing awny until the dim gray transport took on the a Ir of n golden galleon.. It is a bitter hardship also for some to go merely as members of an Impromptu jazz band to the dances where the offi cers and nurses foot It neatly In the main saloon. But, greatest privation of all, you are sternly forbidden aboard n transi)rt to yell excessively at the hushed boxing mutches between the en. glneers and n hospital corps, say. You may not join In the leathern limbed cries by which one naturally expresses one's emotions in such an hour, You are not allowed to roar out, "Paste hiiu watijn the puss!' or, at least, not too many of yon nt once. You may not even sat "Attaboy t" iu chorus. It Is very hard The officers, noncommissioned officers (some of them;., and the nurses take up the first and second rahins, The troops, a re packed below Ju quarters that accommodate about J.r0 each, dim lit dormitories that vaguely recall at Bight the opium den scene In "Tho Man Who Came Back," the men sleeping in Cters of three except for those sunVient ij alert to take up their shelter halves, pencho. blankets and life preservers and stnko out nn early claim of six feet each of deeX space. After sundown the eecks are literally carpeted with men in olive dral), those sleeping forward on the forecaMle deck being prudent enougV'to In!) their shoe laws to the Ironwork lest they roll off in the dark of the iimon and 1k forever ranked a sVsmers Co deck. too. the men spread out foi i They May Not Smoke After Dark and Must Cheer Boxers Pian- issimo Play Cards . Only For Love. j;i SjSji!:!!!!!!:!n:!!:!!!!:::!!n:i!H!3!!:n!!!!Hi:!HH!!n!nHUun!H:M ! mess unless the duy be rainy, supple menting the regular fare with such deli cacies as they cau find at the canteens aboard or as they may have smuggled on, deep down In the burrack bags. On deck, also, the men bathe. At least In one transport they bathe on deck, emerging at chill sunrise to dance un easily In front of a streaming hose wielded by a deckhand, whose rich re ward for liis trouble is the pleasure of tilling with salt water the occasional shoes left carelessly wlthiu his reach. Sometimes you may see an entire bat tery being drenched at one, moment;' it Is like u much multiplied picture of the old swimming hole. , There is a good deal of work aboard a transport. The various detachments UGH' CALOMEL MAKE3 YOU DEATHLY SICK Stop Using Dangerous Drua Before It Salivates Youl It's Horrible You're bilious, sluggish, consitlpated end believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. , j Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggists for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful to night. If It doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better take calomel and wthout griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nau seated. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give it to your children ny time. It cant salivate, eo let them eat anything afterwards. THRICE-A-WEEK. EDITION OF ' . NEW YORK WORLD IN 1918 The value and neied of .a newspa per in ' a . household was never great T than at the presiemt time. We have their organizations to perfect enclave been forced to enter the great route, and In the quondam smoking j world war, a large army of. tours is room of happier days there can now j already in France. You wlli want to be heard the click of many typewriters, j have an the news from our troops' on Then there is the big business of keep- j European battteieHds. and 1918 nrom- lug the troops t'od and of keeping them and the ship herself clean. There is plenty of work to do, between boat drills and lnoruhttions, But it is not all work. There are amusements a plenty mostly cards. There are some rat tier frenzied games of craps and banker and broker, ac companied by bent heads, groans, curses and heat hellish incantations. Or, rather, I hero were such games until word of Iheui went ulolt and there came down tin -ominous. order forbid ding all gambling of any kind. Then there are rubbers of bridge, played with the understanding that the win tiers will dine some time at the ex. pen e of the losers at some boulevard cafe somewhere iu France. There are tournaments, too, of bridge and pin ochle, leading toward prizes offered by the commanding officer. It is no easy thing, by the way, to play cards with the deck as a table when the wind is taking such' an Interest in the game that it is madness to let a card out of your hand for a moment. Just when you have bid no trumps you are likely suddenly to lose three aces and an un guarded king. Then there are entertainments work ed up for the hour before sunset. A group of volunteer vocalists is likely to assemble any evening in t lie for ward spar deck and burst into song. Last night it may have been a min strel show given by the two hospital ' units. The night before it was a vau deville bill with every artist a gradu ate nurse a triumphant success, by the way, with gumdrojfs and cigarettes -thoughtfully provided' for the sentries who could not come. For those who could come there waft, among other things, one hilarious number that bur lesqued the officers at morning exercise. Every Group Has Its Mascot. There should tie a paragraph, too, about the pets, for every group has its ' mascot. There are some amiable bull dogs In sight nt times, a wisp of a gray 'kitten and mi absurd morsel of a puppy variously known as liberty and Gum drop who have added much to thegay cty of the village by learning to walk for the first time on a rolling deck. Cut best of all, some of us think, is Hardware, the mascot of a certain base hospital, which was smuggled aboard by the simple device of drugging her mildly and carrying her on asleep in a haversack,'' When the Saratoga was rammed for some of those aboard bad originally set sail on timt luckless old craft tho French cook, who had kept ft fatherly eye on Hardware In camp, went calmly to the depths of the ship to rescue "le petit cbien do bonne au-gure,'- t Hardware appears to have en joyed her second voyage, and yet there must have been times when the mili tary life palled somewhat, for there are two charges df attempted suicide ngnjnst her. Each time she plunged from her bunk, only to dangle gasping by her chain until the French cook, pausing in the midst of his shaving or iu the midst of a song by Massenet, would rush forward crying: ."Mon Dleu, mon I)ie-ul 11 faut garder la morale." So it goes between boat drills. Of these there are many, and they come so often that when the day arrives to don life preservers and keep them on for the rest of the voyage the familiar signal brings every man to his post in a few moments. Those who are as signed to rafts rather than to lifeboats are allowed to make themselves gro-. tesqne and bulky iu the celebrated life saving suits. When, In the early hour before sunrise, a procession of these strangely clad, heavy footed beings ap pears In the ghostly half light, it re sembles nothing In the world quite so much as the entrance of the gods In 'The Gods of the Mountain." And from our post by boat or raft, though the tension may have been vis-; lbly Increased by tho alarms of those lit. ....... .. m . ises to be the most momentous year in the ' history our universe. No- other newspaper at so small a prl09 will : furnish such prompt and accurate news' of these world-shaking events. It is not necessary to say nior i . The Thrlce-a-woek World's reigular subscription pricia is only $1.00 per. year, - and. this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper .uul Th 3 lteulsvJle Review to-getlijer for one year for $2.15. Thai regular subscription price or the two pa.petra is $2.50. Bochee's German Syrup Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Boschee's German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty one years in all parts of the United States for cough, bronchitis, colds settled in the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the inflamed parts, throw off the disease helping the patient to regain his health. 25 and 75 cents bottles. Sold by Gardner Drug Co. ' ' .HJ.-1 1! ' . . . 1. J .".' Raad the paper rer-'Tly. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early - Call and see our Beautiful Line of Jewelry, Elgin, Waltham and Illinois Watches Splendid Stock. Pretty Lire cf WRIST WATCHES Victrolas in all styles and prices from $20 up BARGAINS IN PIANOS Many pretty and useful articles suitable for gifts. MORRISON JEWELRY CO. For a Weak Stomach. As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your ge and occuatlon and keep your bow ls regular. When you feel that you a,ve eaten too much and whea con stipated, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Place your orders now for engraved Christmas stationery so ycu may be sure of delivery. See ourr samples and get our prices. The W. M. Oliver Printing Co. ' A row .Hardware Fir Dl! with a keen sense of humor, we can look comfortably across the little patch of water to the nearest transport. It seems like a friend close nt hand. It seems no farther away than the dis tance of the Knickerbocker from the Times building back home, although la reality you cannot distinguish the faces of the men on her decks. Hut it Is near enough to make these voyages un like any that Americans have known before, for there Is nothing lonesome hout them. We beg to announce to our many friends in Rocking ingham and Caswell Counties that we are now ready to supply all their wants in . . . Hardware of all kinds, Mill Supplies, Roofing and Metal Work, Cutlery, House Furnishings, Builders' Supplies, Etc., Etc. Our stock is complete in all lines and prices as low as the lowest. Come to see us when in Danville and you will al ways be given a hearty welcome: (jira MW1LL 4 ' - .. CSV Many Useful able For Gifts. Beautiful Articles and Suit- Christmas iobley-Graham-Jones Company DANVILLE, VA.

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