1 PAGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. 0. TUESDAY, DEC. 18 117 HEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM church 30. Public Mr. J. J- Hopp f of "e!r KufJln Ignored us with a call S iturday. Don't forfeit the Iat'ft, Iocember 20, at Wcntworth in the Court IIouso. Mr. E. O. Adklns of near Went wortli wa in town Saturday atnd guve us an appreciated call. . Or . y :ung farmer friend. Mr. J. Jf. Mobiey of H,.iU 4. was a visitor to The li'viaw office Saturday. Mr. W. It. Wright, as substantial tinner of Rout 1. was in town Saturday and gave, us a brief ca'il Tho.ro will lx !i Clirlsitinas tre anu itervlces at Mt. Calvary ChrisMniis Kvi night at ii.vited. Tin rUl '('mas tiii.11i in t.hi win dow oi' the homo on Christmas Eve 'will be the best (bworat ion that am bj plaej l i here. Sixteenth Chiipr 'he Great Se cret. Animated W ? U (lurrKMit Events, a rood comely i.i tally's pro grsim at Hi'- Grande, (Monday.) There wild be a box party given at Glenco .school house Thursday night, December 20, for the benefit of the school, Public Is cordially Invited. Mr. V K. I nrcU and daughter, . Mi,.t Annie, oi near V.' Mitwor" h. were in town S iturday and honored ! 0 0 0 O DOOOOOOOOOOO Th- Kevie.v olhiit with a pleasant , O cell USEFUL GIFTS Carving Sets, Knives and Forks, Spocns, &c , Flashlights, Pocket Knives, Razor, Hunting Coats and Leggies, Bicycles, Buggier, Majestic Ranges Reidsville Hardware Co. Kvf'i-y time we 'think about, it the mor.J JnsKMit 'we :w that -very man RED CROSS CAMPAIGN who can afford it shoii.d buy ;, Ores-? S-'il. The i;d i' '1 is !)'-j-(.iiil culeulathm. Tho tobacco hoard of trad'" has named Thursday, December 201 h, as the day on which the R-idivillo market Mill close for the Christinas holidays', and Will open on Monday, January 7th. "The in ampler of the Grande The-1 y ., ..ii t... ,.,i,.ihilnt ,1 tt t h aire Niiou'i ira ijhibii"!' () Hood program of picture til) is now Tinning Kit tho Grando and he d servi. a thie patronage of the entire t!3y' A Patroiu T. J. Hooper, la successful dolored farnuiir of Route 4 called in to renew for his paper Frid-ty. Ho had Just sold a load of tobacco for an aver se of $38 land was highly plesed with prices. M.r. It. L. Tally, ai Miooessful to bacco fanner of Kouite 4, ga vle u s am ppreclated cCIl Friday. Mr, Talley planted 30,000 hills of tobacco this year land his crop sold for a littles rer $1900, This is more than fie for ek'.i plant. There will bo a Chrlsitnias enter tainment at Iiam River school Thurs day, Ie(eniilMr 20, beginning prompt ly at 8 o'clock under, the siuper vision of the teachers, M hoses' MI.it tln and Alcorn. '-.Everybody Is invit ed to ooino. There will bo a Pie Harty and a ploy, "The Only Young iMan in Town' st Sharon school house Wednesday, Doeeiinber 2Gth for tho benefit of the school. No admission wiEB bo charg ed and everybody fa cordially invited to come and have a good time. Sales of tobacco on. the local mark et up io Friday;'-wtero a little over 4 500,000 pounds. This is over half million, pounds more -than.- entire sales 'hero of the 1916 crop. Out warehousemen aro puliintgl for smoth er in 111 loii pounds before the crop U exhausted. Flt.mil n -GooLtby, who livs oti louit 1 about thrtO nillos frm town came very near lonlnH his Innnie yes terdny morning by fiio, whlcJi origi nated in the kitchi'li. As it was the kitchen was partly destroyed before the flanik-s were '0tlngullied. Madl isu Messenger, Iaiiuw9er Springs of the .'.local ex- preiss olllco has inade arrangomonts to diellviir exprtft-t nutter by auto truck on Sunday in order to make de livery t Christmas packages In Bootl Unio. Anyone, however, who does not cure to roeolvw lMK'kagxw on Sunday are requested to notify the b.xpr'iss of lice.. Tlu Ke.ding Club met Tul"8day, Iecem lr Ht.h w ilt,h , Mrs. Man ton Oliver. Twelve niombors anawerMl to the roll call naming some play of Maieturllnck. The first paper, "How to W'rtw Suc.rtful riays," was. giv en by Mrs. Oliver; this was followed by ?'Symbollshi of Maeterlinck" which was prfentwl by Miss Emma AlcKtntiey. Mm. Stora1 concluded the program with an Interesting out line of IVsileai r'nd-MeIl.Si.ando. Mrs. Stone Bfilstel the hoatl'83 In serving 4eliclous rofi'oslmienu aftor Which Men and wnmo-u of Aui'-'iica on I ii'iiilii'r 17. 1!)17, your American Rul Cross will launch i ca mp.idgn its Christ-, mas Membership I ri'e for ten millioti new m 0111 tc r's. By January 1, I'.llx, tln Ameri can K'd Crrss will hav" 'fen Million New Members. U wt!l have them b.H'.anso, lacking theni , It cannot do astl thut the world, from out the agony of this w-.r against War, 1s crying upon it to do. and do (julckly. Nicav if never before O all of you should belong to O your American 4ied Cross.. ,0 Thep should be nwt Tea Mil- O lion, but .Twenty Million, For- O ty Million N'ew .Members! O O ooooooooooooooop CLIMBED STAIRS ON HER HANDS Too III to Walk Upright. Operation Advised. Saved by Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound. Where You Will Be at 65 atatlsticfl show that out of 100 aver se healthy men at age of 25: 38 will be dead at 65. I will be rich. 1 win be wealthy. 5 will be supporting themselrea by work. 54 will be dependent upon friends, ralatlres or charity. A policy In the MUTUAL LIFE 1N URANCB COMPANY of New York wia solve the problem. CAPT. A. J. ELLINGTON Special Aont. ReidaTine, N. O. i the club adjournied to meet with Mr3. KUliwjton on , lcember 18th. A Red Cross Service Fbi in your lis a tru0 Anierica,n home." It is a window -says to the world: "There ts a trine Amerldan lnonve." It Is a true American honwe because Red Cross Memborshlp-Dollara help sup ply our Army, our Navy iaiwl our Al lies vtltih the comforts, the hospital Bupplins and tho dressings What must be had If Vt1ea(re to win th's wbor Display a Rel Cross Service Flag in your home it will be supplied by yonr nearest Red Cross Chapter the Instjint you become a memhier, Unroll every niKer In your , household not only Hobby and Betty, buit ev- mry :Tvant or helper dm the houaie. Make youra a Red Cross homle this Christmas. Will you do tt? Go. to your neiaiest Red Cross Chapter now today. . North Qarolina day was observed simply and untwU-nittatiioussly in the city schools in Reldsvllie Friday. Simple exercises were, presented In eUich claa .'room, and ehlkiren given wine practical lessons In conserva tion. The g'oflp'el of "to maiko, to save, to sierve," was preuched in some form in all the pulblic schools of the State and will he cm tinned from time to time, as one of the prepar edness measures the government la urging etlueators to undertake thru tho medium of the schools. .After this week Madlsoir will be without a. holieL tare sorry to note, and uuiLess something is done pretty Rooi our town will bo gtvton a. bliick eyo. S. F. Webster, who has been running Hotel Sterling for the past wax 0r two fmnounces '.that it win be closed to the public afUer Sunday. Ho is remodolintsi his residence and will move into same within the iuext few diays-shefiU'e tlie holidays. Mad ison must have a hotel and we hope th.it our business -mien will lmmodla ateily l)efettr tllMiis elves. Madison Messenger. News has been received from Chat h'lm by Mrs. Augusta Hunter Pan nil that her son, Captain Hunter Pan nJ who was severely wounded sever al niont.hs ago, would return home first of the M-r5. Captain PainmLll at presicnt is in the American Red Cioss hospital in Ixndon, jand In a letter Just received by his mother he suites that he is fast recovering Bind that he has betn visited by KlnQ George and the royal duke. Captain Pannill wab a lieutenant in the In fmjtry and yae Btevelly xunded. Ujh hi reeovfry ho was offered a colonolcy, but declined to accept nd jolneil the aviation corps, where his gallatntry oon won for him a cap taincy. Lynchburg News. This woman now raises chickens and does manual labor. Read her story; Richmond, Ind. "For two years was so sick and weak with troubles from my age that when going up stairs l had to go very slowly with my Hands on the steps, then sit down at the top to rest. The doctor said he thought I should have an operation. and my friends thought I would not 've to move into our new house. My daughter asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she had taken it with good results, i did so, my weakness dis appeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new home, did all kinds of garden work, shoveled dirt, did build ing and cement work, and raised hun dreds of chickens and ducks. I can not say enough in praise of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and if these facts are useful you may pub lish them for the benefit of other women. Mrs. M. O. JOHNSTON.KoutS D. Box 190, Richmond, And. lUPUUll REPORT KING'S WAREHOUSE AT LEAKSVILLE, N. Tills otyik emde Dectombeir l&fh has been one of the best weeks or thjl tliason. Some t the highest taiv erages of the ye-T hiaJve been madfc this week, tkmiia of my customers who had been induced to try other markets came back to mle this week and they all agree thlait Klnig,'s Warls- house la tlile surest pJace to gjcjt the top dollar. Several farmers said thjgi best sales thley had made wtre made this week. Our nyairket will be opdn all next week Including Saturday Coane right if long any day you can get ready and you shall have top prices J. B. TAYLOR Holland's Windmills. It was at one time stated that there were in nolland at least 9,000 large windmills, of which the sails ranged from 60 to 100 feet long. At that time their yearly cost was reported to be nearly $10,000,000. The mills are used for many purposes for sawing timber, beating hemp, grinding, but their prin cipal use has always been to pump wit ter from the lowlands Into the canals, to protect the little country from be ing inundated. -x '.-'.Smelting Art Ancient On.'"" In the old world the art of smelting res was discovered about 1200 B. C It has sometimes been suggested that Iron tools and weapons may have beea made at an earlier period from mete orites. Recently a considerable amount of evidence In behalf of this hypoth esls has been presented by O. F. Zlnx nier. He has compiled a Hot of the known Iron-containing meteorites, nearly all accumulated within the last century, and he shows from these alone about 200 tons of Iron might be ob tained. Of this amount more than 99 per cent is malleable, consisting of a nickel-iron alloy. BUSINESS BUILDERS- LOST, WANTED, ETC. Coats. . Reduction on Suits and Mrs. Cornle Irvln & Co. Headquarters f r candies, nuts and fruits. J. D. McColTum & Son. Buy your Christmas confectioneries at the Ideal CWe, A. D. Jones, Prop. Fruit cake supplies, nuts and can dies at R. L. Hubbard's, phone 246-W. All kinds of staple and fancy gro ceries at lowest prices at R. L. Hu bard's.. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good l&rge- Bie farm horse. Apply to N. C Thompson, Southern Depot LOST A lange CoUto male dog, Ibjht brown, long hair, and white neck. Reward if returned to W. O. BalUrd,, Route 5, "phone 264-W. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. On ac count of Holidays we will close our Mill on Saturday, December 22nd un til January 2nd. Therefore, we urge ell who want to get their Christmas flour to do so this week. Reldsvillt Flour Mill. USEFUL CMffiTlAS (GIFTS NEVER GROW OLD THEY WERE THE BEST GIFTS LAST YEAR; THEY WILL BE THE BEST THIS YEAR AND FOR ALL YEARS TO COME. ' Something: to wear makes the ideal Christmas gift for every member of the family, no matter what their age or position in life. Especially do ladies appreciate something to wear, and at this store, with our immense stocks and pleasing selections you are sure to choose just what she would like best. Christmas 1917 is going down in history as a tribute to the long headedness of American men and women. Gifts this year, as never before, will be mostly of the practical sort. Make your selections early. MRS. CORNIE IRVIN & CO., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. FLOWERS For Christmas a- WANTED A mjan to fill position j Millinery at your own price. Mrs. We have beautiful assortment of blooming plants and cut flow ers for the Holidays. Also an at tractive lot of cemetery wreaths and wax designs at prices that suit yon. Order now. We will deliver any time. Mrs. W. T. Barber & Son, 'phone il2-J. FOR SALE Three brood sows, all now with pigs. iSimo Morricie, phone 125-J. WANTED. A stenographer, good reference, some (experience. Address P. O. box 370. city. FOR RENT. Six room cottage on Lrajdsey BureeL Cnvetnieinjces, Apj- ply to W. S. Windsor. FOR SALE. Ford roadster in fine condition, Good as new. Pried reason able. P. W. GUdewelL Stationer, for Chrstmas. A beau tiful selection at Tucker's Drug Store from 25c to S3.00. If you want first-class servidel go to the Climax Barber Shop. Barber & Pettigrew, Props. We will be closfed from December 25th to January 1st on account of In ventory. Reidsville lldw. Co. Fresh oysters every Saturday. Fat and fine. T!ry us with an order. Ideal Cafe, A. D. Jones, Prop. FOR SALE. Fine stock (male) hog, or will trade for a cow, milk or beef. Elmo Morricie, phone 125-J. Full blooded Jersey bull for ser vice at one i$l) dollar to all. Spot cash. A. H . Dickerson, Ruffln, N. c. ; LOST. Srrwll morocco c?se cc tainln g blood pressure mstruanent Rewaird if return d to Dr. J. W. Mc- Gehee. If It is beautiiul Christmas station ery you want at- lOo to $3.50 a box. we have it Smith Stationery . and Printing Co- You can find something useful for mother. faUiT. sister, brother or sweetheart for Chrfetma at Tuck er's Drug Store. NOTICE. All barber shops in the city will be closed on Christmas day so pVtese hsve your work done on Christmas Eve. Plenty of beautiful Christmas dressing tags, tinsel cord in colors, seals. Blue Bird series metal Beats in beautiful designs. See our love- Christmas folders. Smith Sta tionery and Printing Co. Christmas cards, booklets, tags. seals and grit dressings. The big gest prettieet selection we ever had. Price lc to 25c Make your selec tions early before ths lines are bro ken. Come and take a look at Tuck er's Drug Store. as butler. Apply to S. C. Penn. Splendid Tine of Hosiery and Un derwear, Mrs. Cornle Irvin & Co. Wiseman's Quizz on draft. A pure food drink. Try it. Ideal Cafe, A. D. Jones, Prop. Splendid line candies, nuts, fruits, cigars, tobaicco, cigarettes, etc. Ideal Cafe, A. D. Jones, Prop. : LOST. A suit case key' and a $5 btm on streets of Reidsville. ; R ward If returned to this office. Beet pulp, cotton seed feed and cotton seed meal bran shipstuffs and sweet feel R. L. Hubbard. Cigars, cigarettes, pipes and tobac co, if he smokes you can please hiSm from our stock. Tucker's Drug Store. The Climax wtants to do your Christmas hair cutting) for you, we will do our best to please you. Bar ber & Pettigrew. Car of cotton seed hulls and meal Just in. Boet pulp, shipstuff and all kind of feed. Close prices. J. D. McCollum & Son. No use troubling yourself about be ing able to iset dolls in town, for we have as prettjy a line to select front a? can be had. Prices up to $5. Smith Stationery and Printing Co. FOR SALE. One steel gray per- chieon horse, weight about 1300 lbs, 7 years old, qualities excellent, per fectly true. As well worth $300 as any horse in the county, but will sell neasonabre. John R. Smith, For- shee, N7 C. LOST. Bank book on Citizens bank. Contained a chattel mortgage, reoejpts and military registration capri. Lost between Baker's Cross Roads and Reidsville. Reward if re turned to Citizens Bank. W. H. Brande, Wentworth, N. C MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. I beg to announce that 1 have made arrangements with the Chlckamauga Trust Co., of Tennessee whereby I have an unlimited amount of money to loan on farm lands t 6 per cent Loans are made for from one to seven years to suit the borrower., Write or see me for par ticulars. P. T. S tiers, Attorney, Reidsville, N. a j Cornie Irvin & Co. Parties owing U9 are requested to make settlement by December 21. Reidsville Hdw. Co. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. . Don't fall to see those manicure sets at Tucker's Drug Store. They are both pretty and useful priced from $1.00 to $10.00. Send your children to the Climax Barber shop before the Christmas rush. We will be pleased to do their hair cutting. Berber & Pettigrew. You can't find a prettier line of manicure eets and novelties any where in town than is on display at our store. SmJtlh Stationery and Printing Oou A BARGAIN. We have a secaul hand Remington, typewriter, in ; fine condition, which we offer for bnly $25 . It is a real- bargain. Looks like a new one. 'Smith Stationery' and Printing Company. For an elegant Christmas present , buy Mrs. Townsend's book "On Gold en Hinges." Highly commended by JudSgje Jeter C. Pritchard, Dr. W. E. Abernethy, Rev, J. IL Barnhardt, -and others. For sale t Smith's Book Store, Reidsville, N. C. Frank Kernodle has a full line of the best chocolate and other kinds of candies, Jg3, layer raisim, all this year's crop of nuts, walauts,, Brazils, pecans, soft shell almond, and mixed nuts. The best grade of apples, . Wlinsap, Albenmarlo pipptosv Best grade of oranges atod tangerines, Cor by's bread and cakes. Best select oysters, celery, cranberries and let ti ce. Next to J. II. Burton's store. sale of Personal proper ty. On Tuesday, December; 18th, 1917, I will sell to the higbeet, bidder for cash on the premises, the follow fug property belonging to the testate of the late John W. Martin, consist ing of 1 milk cow, 1 mule, 1 one-horsft wagon, several plows and other im- flements, small lot of corn and wheat, household and kitchen furni ture and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale commences at 10 o'clock . m. Jas. W. Walker, Admr. of John W. Martin, deceased. Chnstmas Goods We have a large assort ment of Jacobs Candies in Christmas packages. Holiday Stationery and Correspondence Cards. Christmas Cards and Booklets, Infant Sets Combs and Brushes, Im ported Extracts, Toilet Water, Face Powders, Hot Water Bottles, and Cigars in Christmas packages. ..- GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. KIGHr PHOrfE 61-J.' I