. Fit IDA Y, JANUARY 11, 1918 THE REVIEW; UdDSVTLLE, V. G WORKERS CHOSEN 10 ASSfS T REGISTRANTS ooooooooooooooo o O Registrants are Invited to O call at the C. & A. Hall any C day now between 9 a. ni. and V 10 p. -in., where attorneys and O assistants will ho glad to as- O sist them in filling out their O questlonaires. O Young men living in or near O the city are asked to call at O night and give the day hours O to those living, at a distance O trom here. The local exemption board Is at work mailing out the questlonairea t. Uie registrants of the county Taev are bcine mailed out at the rate of 5 per cent per day. The regis trant3 have seven days In which to fcll them out and return them. They are warned to be careful and answer til questions correctly and set forth facta In the affidavits. Tho provost marshal general reminds all ragl trants of their duty in keeping the Do cal board advised of any change in their address. Registrants are bound t r law to keep themselves advised of all proceedings in respect of them and failure to do so may result in their losing right to claim exemption or discharge. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AND TO REGISTRANTS Any person desiring to claim a de ferred classification by either Local CT District Board on any ground in Ttspect of any registrant designated towain may, within seven days from ifce date hereof, and not later, sub mit such claim to this Local Board aeooimpanied by euch evidence as fruofa person may desire to have con sidered. 8uch claims either by a registrant may be submitted ether by enter jug the same in the place provided x the first sheet of the registrant's ?nestionalre or by submitting each claim to this board on a duplicate of mwjh first sheet (Form 1001-A). It je. diesired to submit affidatvlt evi dence in support of such land in ad dition to the evidence contained in tik registrant's questlonaire, such affidavits must be prepared on paper f the same size as the questlonaire, feud should be responsive to the questions melted thie registrant re epesting the ground of such claim in the pertinent division of the questlon aJre. ''"flection. 7 of the Selective Service Hegmlationa provides: The process of examination and se lection of registrants, under these rules and regulations, shall begin by the posting of notice in the offices A the Local Boards on Form 1002, and by mailing a questionaire (Form 1011) to every registrant included witliin such posted notice, as provid ed in section 92 hereof; and notice of every subsequent action taken by tfther the Local or District Boaird in respect of each registrant shall be given by entering & minute or date of euch action on the classification list Form 1000) in the office of the Lo cal Board, and in addition to such entries, by mailing to the registrant, arid in some cases to other claimants a notice of such action. : Whenever a duty is to be perform ed or a periol of .time begins to run within which any duty is to be per formed by . any such registrant, or 'within which any right or privilege may be claimed or exercised by or in respect of any such registrant, a notice of the day upon which such notice cf the day upon which such duty is to be performed, r such time begins to run, shall be mailed to the registrant, and the date of such mailing of notice shall be entered opposite the name of such registrant on the classification list Form 100) which is always open to inspection by the public at the office ol the Local Board. In addition to the mailing of such notice to regis trants, notice Of this disposition of claims made by other persons in re spect of registrants shall be mailed to such other persons. Either tn mailing of such notice or the entry of ai.y such date in the classification list shall (nonstitute the gi$ng of notice to the registrant and to all concerned, and shall charge the re gistrant and all concerned with no tice of the day upon which such duty is to be performed, regardless of whether or not a mailed notice or Questlonaire is actually received by the registrant or other person. Failure by any registrant to per form any duty prescribed by the Se leotive 6ervlce Law or by these Rales, and Regulations, at or within the time required, is a misdemeanor jMitehable by Imprisonment of one year, and may result in loss of vahi al.la rights and immediate induction of such registrant Into military ser vice. ' Failure of the registrant or any ether person concerned to claim and exercise any right or privilege on the day r within the time authorised by tfcsae rules and regulations shall be coastdered a waiver of euch right or privilege, and shall foreclose such person from thereafter claiming the mu, subject only to the priTllepe Cheated by these rules and regula tions L. aDDry for an extension of - x - - - time. All registrants and other persons are required and strictly enjoined to examine from time to time said no tice (Form 1002), so posted by the Locail Board, and the classification list (Form 1000) upon which suM dates are to be entered, jtt order to be informed of the time for the per formance of any duty or the exer else cf any right or privilege; and It Is the duty of every registrant concerning whom any notice Is post ed, but who for some reason has not received the questlonaire or no tice, as the case may be, to apply to hla Local Board for a copy thereof. Failure to receive notice or question naire will not excuse the registrant from performing any duty within the time limit, nor shall it be in itself ground for extension of time. W. C. RUFFIN, Member of Local Board INCOME TAX OFFICER TO VISIT THIS COUNTY. Collator Watts announces that a FodeiUl incomo tax officer will be in this county to Assist in com j taxpay ers with their returns without cost to them, as follows: Leaks ville-Spray, January 2 to 6th. Reidsville, January 7th to 12th. Reidsville, Feb. 26th to 28th. WTentworth, January 15th end 16th. Madison January 17th 17 and 18th. Returns of Income for the year 1917 must be made on forms provid ed for the purpose before March 1, 11)18. Because a good many people don't understand the law and won't know how to make out their returns. the government is sending this offi cer to do it for them. But the duty is on the taxpayer to make himself 'known to the government. If he doesn't make returns as required be fore March 1, he may have to pay a penalty ranging from $20 to $1,000 pay a nne or go to Jan. so u you don't want to take chances, you should aall on the income tax man. If you are nit sure about being sub ject to the tax, btttr ask him and make sure. Whether you 6ee the in come taoc m,an or not, you must make return if subject to tax. The collector suggests that levery- body start figuring up now his In come and expenses bo as to be ready with the fiigpres when the officer ar rives. Expenses, how'avier, don't mean family expenses, money used to pay off a principal of a debt, new machinery, buildings, or anything like that. They mean what yiu spend in making your money Interest, taxes paid, hired help, amount paid for goods sold, seed, stock bought for feeling, rent, (except for your dwell ing), etc. Income includes abot ev ery dollar you get. ' A CHARLOTTE MAN GAINS 10 POUNDS C. S. Pritchett Tells How He Was Delivered From Terrible Stom ach Paine. And Kidney Disorder BRIEFS An embargo has been placed oa the exportation of butter, except to na tions associated with the United States in war. "OLD FASHIONED" FATHER KILLS TOO MODERN DAUGHTER FEW CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR Thousands of men and women have stomach trouble and don't know it. Thy pay little vr no attention to the small warning signals which come to hem after every meal that heavy, uneasy feeling, slight gas formation in the stomach, acid risings, and otn er symptoms which gradually grew wurse as the time wears on until fi nally, the victim finds himself In the grasp of that most common of all hu an ailments, indigestion. This, even with the best of care is likely to de velop into Tcidney complaint, consti pation, rheumatism, liver trouble and other serious ills. "I am a painter," says C. S. Pritch ett of 700 North Graham street, Char- lotto: "For a lung1 time I suffered from indigestion which soon spread to my bowels and kidneys. My sfcoin- ch seemed to bloat until pain was almost unbearable. Then I became costive and was forced to take polw- rful laxatives. Hut all my troubles are over now lxx:ause I have found a medicine that has co-: o.-fed all these faults. It's nam- - is in; ,. 1 am no longer troubled with uiat .'assy, bloat ed feeling and the i.in; ; in my stom ach are gone. My bowels ow have a regular normal action. Formerly I had to get up during the night as I .any as 8 or 10 times to relieve my kidneys; but Dreco lias stopped that. "I now sleep sound and well and don't have that drowsy feeling morn ings. I now eat many things that I couldn't before. "I had 'Painter's Colic' often but since taking Dreco that never both era me. "I gained 10 pounds In weight." Mr. Pritchett is a prominent mem- or of the First Baptist church of Charlotte and is well and favorably known among his large acquaintance ship. He Is most enthusiastic In his favorite praise of the new, herbal medicine Dreco and urges all of his friends to try it. Dreco is sold by almost every good druggist and is strongly recommend ed In Reidsville by Gardner Drug Co. The old fashioned people do not like the ideas of the young set. but i they hardly go so far as this New (York father. The following local Vigorous campaigns are on In sev- story from the Herlad tells It all: erul States to increase the use of A "twentieth century girl" Is dead wood for fuel in place of coal In Jin her home In Harrison, N. J., and Virginia convict labor is employed to 'her "old fashioned" father is dying provide wood for fuel. lin St. Michael's Hospital as the result jof a dispute between them last night Upon the recommendation of Gen- at the dinner table, eral Pershing commissions have been Thw descriptions wore supplied by Issued' to several American citizens Charles Gennele. brother of tho Ki.iin who have seen service with the La- girl and son of the man who did the fayette Escadrllle of the French shooting. Army. I According to Charles Gennele, his 'sister, Fannie, twenty years old, al- Chrlstmas mall this year was 25 ways has resented the restraint im per cent, heavier than ever before, ac- posed upon her by hor father, Emil cording to the Post Office Depart- Gwnnele. Mr. Gennele retired from ment. Ttie congestion was less, how- business with a comfortable fortune ever, because the packages were several years ago and has been living mailed earlier than In former years, at No. 109 South Fourth Street, Har- rison. He had educated another Son, The Federal Trade Commission has Ernest, to be a physician, and the granted to three American nrms 11- , latter now is in the Medical Reserve censes to manufacture and sell two'corpa and stationed at an army can drugs which heretofore have been 'tonment in the south. Flavor Purity Economy ' controlled by enemy American patents. aliens under It was the father's ambition to give his only daughter a college education, but she refused to obev htm and af- Al wooden Christmas boxes for ter Illucn family argument was per soUHers of the expelitin.-inary forces niitted to go to work in a Newark received too late for shipment will .depmartent store through the influ be returned to tho senders if return Cn(.e of her fatner, often for a week postage is mailed to the superintend- at a time lt wa9 said ast nigati ghe ent. Railway Mail Service, New Ycj-k, failed to C()me homei givin as an N. . excuse for her alispnce that stiri who staying with friends. Recently she has be?n at home regularly, but her father had a suspicion yesterday that she was not at her work and went to the store to investlggto. He learned that she hadn't been at work for several days, having report ed that the illness of her mother de- The military-service flag of the Lighthouse Service Department of Commerce, contains 1,206 stars, one for each officer and employee of the Lighthouse Service now serving' In the military forces of the United . States. - j Notice particularly how much Jess you use of Cottolcne than of other shortenings. See how easily Cottolene blends with the flour. Notice, while baking with Cotto lene, the appetizing odor that comes from the oven. Taste the . fine flavor of the finished product. You will like the crispness and richness of these home-made tarts. RECIPE Tarts IX cups flour 4 CUP Cottolene teaspoon salt Ice water teaspoon baking powdei Sift together flour, baking powder, salt. Chop in chilled Cottolene (reserv ing 1 tablespoons) with knife. Add enough ice water to form soft dough. Roll out in thin sheet, spreading with re mainingCottolene. Roll like jelly roll and , chill. Then stand on end, press down with hand, and roll thin. Cut as for tarts. Fill withjellyoranydesiredfilling. Cottolene The Natural Shortening" At grocers in tint of convenient sizes Save Your Hair! Make It Thick, Wavy And Beautiful Try This! Thin, brittle, colorless and scrag gy hair is mute evidence of a neg lected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. .. There is nothing so destructive to the, hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and Its very life; eventually producing a fe verishness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die coeded Thomas A. at Charlotte. From "Twenty Years Ago" column li Charlotte Observer. Several years ago Thomas A.. Edison, the inventor, came to Charlotte and spent three months, during all of which time he was engaged in a diligent study of lie gold ores of his section. His ob ject was the invention of a plan to extract the gold from the lowigrade ores successfully and profitably. This has been the recognised problem of tie Southern gold mining industry, a problem that once solved will con vert this immediate section of the country into one of he greatest gold Mining districts of the world. The liventor did a great deal of expert liientihtr in the laboratory which he fitted up here, but was rather reticent as to the results. He left the impres sion, though, upon those with whom lie talked, that -while he had not sue- in working out a successful The Department of Agriculture is urging poultry raising to increase the food supply. A bulletin "Back Yard Poultry Keeping" has been is sued, and may be secured without ?ost by application to the division of publications, Dopartmet of Agricul ture. China Has 125,000 Behind Firing Line China already has 125.000 men De tained her at home. Last night the hind the firing lines in Mesopotamia The first requisition under the new selective-service regulations is for bricklayers. In sending the call the Provost Marshal General asked for 1,000 men to fill an urgent need Kxt the armies in France. Only white men are wanted. They report to the aviation section, Signal Corps, Kelly Field, San Antonio;, Tex. Christmas gifts for the expedition ary forces aggregated 650 tons. Hun dreds of thousands of pounds of tur keys, purchased in eastern markets and refrigerated on the ships, togeth r with great quantities of cranberries sweet potatoes, and mincemeat to the forces overseas. In the United States every camp was supplied with fresh turkey and the usual Christmas accessories. then the hair falls out fast. A little 'process, he was confident of ultimate Jjanaerine umigm now aoiy iiuw success. will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dauderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hair ..will take on that life, hisre and luxuriance which 13 so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abundance, an incomparable gHoss and softness; but what will please you nio;;t will be after , just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair new hair growing all over the scalp. . THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF . NEW YORK WORLD IN 1918 The value and need of a newspa per in a household was never great (t than at the present time. We have been forced to enter the great world war, a large army of ours is already in France. You will want to have all the news from our troops on European battlelelds, and 1918 prom ises to be the most momentous year in the history of our universe. No other newspaper at so email a pride will furnish such prompt and accurate news of these world-shaking events. It is not necessary to say mora. The Thrioe-week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspap?r and The ReldsvMle Review together for one year for $2.15. The regular subscription price ths two papers is $2.50. of Chamberlain's Tablet's When you are troubled with Indi gestion or consUpUfcm, take Cham berlain's Tablets. They tetrengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Indigestion is usually accompanied by constipa tion and is aggravated by It- Cham berlain's Tablet cause a gentle movement of the bowels, relieving the constipated condition. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUGGISH LIVER t- i Crashes Into Sour Bile, Making You Sick And You Lose A Day's '.- Work : Calomel salivates! It's mercury Calomel acts like dynamite on a slug gish diver. 'When calomel come into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel biiious, headachy con stipated and all knocked out, just go to our druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable ' sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up bet ter and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll bo sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, It may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmess, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it. Chamber'ain's Cough Remedy Before using this preparation for a cough or cold you may wish to know what it has done for others. Mrs. O. Cook, Macon, IlL, writes, "I have found it gives the quickest re lief of any cough remedy I have ev er used," Mrs. James A. Knott, Chll icothe. Mo, says "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cannot be beat for coughs and colds." 11 I. Moore, Oval, Ta., says "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy on several occasions when I was suffering with a settled cold upoathe chest and it has always brought about a cure. Have your bought your Wai Sav ings Stasap yet! Figures from examinations made by Army and civilian shoe experts at Army camps show that only 15 per cent of the men wear shoes that fit properly. Of the several groups of men examined 28 per sent, wore shoes one-half size short, 26 per dent, wore shoes a full size short, and 8 per cent, wore shoes two sizes short Reports ascrib the high proportion of misfits to the inclination of men to choose shoes too small, faults of method and supervision of fitting, in sufficient numbers of larger and nar rower sizes, and incorrect marking of sizes by manufacturers, rest of the family were at dinner when she entered. Apparently in the best of humor the father Inquired w;here she had been all day. Calmly and without hesitation, the girl an swered that she had been at the store. At this Mr. Gennele rose from his chair and directed her to precede him into another room. Mrs. Gennele and Charles remained at the table, think ing that Fannie was in for a severe scolding. They beard her father re peat the question wlh which he had greeted her when she entered the house. They heard her reply as be fore. Again the father asked the question, but this time the reply, if any was silenced by a shot. There was a pause, then four shots in quick succession. Mother and son rushed into the room to find mother and daughter lying on, the floor. The girl was dead, having Ween killed instantly. Her fa ther soon lapsed into unconscious ness, but not until he had said: "It will be better for you, ma." and France, Dr.' Wellington Koo, Chi nese Ambassador ta this country, said in an address here today before the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. When the Chi nese commissioners now in the Uni- jted States return to thedr own coun try their advice to their government. Dr. Koo said, undoubtedly would re sult in increased1 military activity. China intends doing her utmost in this struggle against autocracy," the Ambassador declared. The members of the commission. Dr. Koo declared, had been greatly im pressed1 by the earnestness of the American people in war preparations. New York Special. KEEP LIVER ACTIVE AND BOWELS CLEAN WITH "CASCARETS" Best When Bilious, Sick, Headachy, Constipated, of For Bad Breath Or Sour Stomach. Union services will be conducted at the Baptist clmrch next Sunday eve ning by Rev. W. E. Abornethy. Be cheerful! Clean up inside to night and feel fine. Take Cascarets to liven your liver and clean the howels and ston headaches a bad cold, biliousness, offensive breath, coated tongue, sallowness, sour stom ach and gases. Tonight take Cas carets and enjoy the nicest gentlest liver and bowel cleansing that you ever experienced. Wake up feel ing grand Everybody's doing it. Cas carets best laxative for children also. NO UNCERTAINTY HERE. Buy a War Savings Stamp. Reidsville People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home. When people right her in Reids ville speak out for the benefit of the public, there is no room left for doubt. It is testimony Ifke this that removed all skepticism. Here is a statement from a Reidsville business man one of the many similar cases that are happening in this community every day. The evidence can be eas ily investigated it's at your door. If you should want better proof of merit what could it be? E. It. Rascoe, proprietor grocery, Lawsonvllle avenue says: "Whenev er I have taken Doan's Pills I have found them very good and I recom- men them to any one In need of a re liable kidney medicine. Whenever my back feels lame and stiff a few dosbs of Doan's Kidney Pills give me relief.",:,'. ...,;,", ''' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the sanne that Mr. Rascoe uses. Foster-Mllburu Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Buy a War Savings Stamp. Sick. Wbmeit To do your duty during these trying times your health should De your nrst consideration. 1 hese two women tell how they found heuth. Jlellam, Ta. "I took Lydia'E. riukham's Veg etable Compound for female troubles and a dij filacement. I felt all run down and was very weak. I had been treated by a physician without results, bo decided to give Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house since last April and doing all my housework, where before I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. Tinkham's Vege table Compound is certainly tho best medicine a woman can take when in thiscondition. I give you permission to publish this letter." Mrs. E. Ii. Crvmlikg, II. No. 1, Ilellam, Pa. Lowell, Mich, "I suffered from cramps and dragging down pains, was irregular and had female weakness and displacement. I began to take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vege table Compound which gave me relief at once and restored my health. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi lar way." Mts.Eli.-e IIeim.II.Xo.O, EoxS3,Lowell,Mich. Why Not Try XYBIA E. PINKIiAM IE COMPOUND LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. ' 1 I p' j 'f s y WGETOB