PAGE SIX THE REVIEW: REIUSV1LL&, N. U FRIDAY, .JANUARY 11, l$ Bleach You i Dark Skin The Evening Une-Up Both children and grown-ups, with coughs and cold, are all the better for a dote of Foley' Honey and Tar at td time. It wardi off croup, itopi tickling throat, and hacking coughs, tod make an otherwise feverish, sleep lesa night of coughing and distress, a quiet and restful one. BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS Mr. Chss. Baker, writes; "My wile would Dot think ot utioi any other coulh medicine. r-oley .Honey sod Tr Is certain to bruit1 quick relief. It is especially effective io esses ol bad couini. aad we (ive it to our children and recommend n always as safe remedy, tor it contaim at onlatea " HAVE SOFT, FAIR, CLEAR BRIGHT SKIN PROFESSIONAL CARDS IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to pottllng estates Practice in all courts, except Record er's Court. Office In Fels Hullding over A. S. Price & Co.'s Store. P. W. GLIDEWELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Prompt attention given to all mat ters Intrusted, Practice in all courts. Office in Citizens Hunk Building. MAJOR T. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in C. finee Store. & A. Rooms over Clark's "Phone 194. A. D. IVIE U. C. TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTTER & JOHNS H)IN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office in the new Irvln Building aext to Bank of Reidsvllle. Use Black and White. sent by Mail 2bc. Agents Make an Easy Living Just try Black and White Ointment (for white or colored folks). Apply an directel on label, to face, nock, arms and haJids. It is very pleasant to the Bkin and has th effect of bleach Ins dark, sallow or blotchy skin, cleaning the skin of risings, bumps, p.mples, blackheads, tan or freckles giving you a dear, soft, bright complexion, making you tho f-nvy of everybody. Sold o money-back guar antee, only 25c (stamps or coin) sent by mail. Free st- nd $1 for four boxes ot I White Ointment, a 25c .ck and White Soap includ Agents make an easy liv 'ng n persecuting u. Apply for ter ritory and special deal. Address .'lough Chemical Co.. I sept. 1211 Mem phis Tenti., Write now today whlh in li Ink about It. Black and whit' oint.'MMit fold everywhere. Adv. BLUM'S A MOMENT'S THOUGHT OFTEN SAVES HUMAN LIFE north Carolinians Should Be Careful During Wartime Stopl Lookl Listen! Fire If you Hack ' ake of . .d f.-"" WILLIAM REID D ALTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsvllle, N. C. General practh of the law in State tot Federal Court. Money loaned on real estate. Es tates admtnatvred on and settled. Real estate bought and sold. ALMANIC FOR 1918 PERCY T. STIERS Attorney And Oounjelor At Law Reldsvllle, N. C. Special attention to negotiation of toana, aottlmneat of estates, buying nd selling rail estatw. Insurance adjusted. Practice In all courts. Offloe In Lambeth Building, Gilmer Wret Continuous issue 75 years,"for sale here. Get yourself one of those old stand-bys. Full of useful and valuable information in advance. PRICE 10 CENTS HUGH R. SCOTT ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to negotiation of loans; conduct and settlement of a at; buying and selling of real es tate. One lc old Citizen Bank PoUdiug. CHAS. 0. McMICHAEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In AH Courts Mr. McMichael will be In Relds- tlle offloe on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thansdaya, Fridays and in Madison in Saturdays U. LELAND STANFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW 6TONEVILLE, N. C. tTompt . attention girun all axaV tera entrusted to me J. R. JOYCE ATTORNEY AT LAW nice In Old Citizens Bank Building Tractive in State and Federal Courts j Loans Negotiated ! E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT IAW Smith Stat. & Pig. Co "Service Is It." A.B.S. A. DIRECT SERVICE America Demands Satisfaction ADVERTISING Does Se cure Results. Suppose You C. Kent Lewis IT PAYS. Offic over Tulloch's Store. Loans egotiated. Promjt attention. We are in a position to give all CM. LAND LAWYER GENERAL PRACTICE Peoples Bank Building LEASVILLE, N. a DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST Offloe Over New C3Ums Bank Eaatdenco 'Phone 271-W. OfSoe Tbone 282 DR. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL SUItG EON ' Offlos a tot Fetter's Drug Star Tfccne 100. .i DR. F. C. SHARP OSTEOPATHIC PIUSICiAN Offloo OretCltJxens Baak (fcrjotw and Chronic Disease. Treat Osteopath lofty OQom Tboca 1JL EMtdtikC Phono 2C7-J. XXD3UXJ.Si x. a Job PrintinjL Prompt and Careful Attention Individuality in your letter heads and other printed matter is helpful to your business. We are ready at all times to give you the benefit of our experience. (By T. Alfred Fleming, State Marshal of Ohio.) A moment's ifought may save hu man lives; tho observance of the sim plest rules of safety may mean the conservation of thousands of dollar In badly needed commodities. And yet the newspapers are full of harrowing, heart-rending accounts of men, women and babies, burned to death through the thoughtlessness of others. "Babe perishes In fire : Mother visit ing neighbor," reads one headline. 'Explositlon kills two; boy and mother fatally burned when lad at tempts to start fire with gasoline," reads another. "Burned when gas explodes," is still another headline. Death and carelessness are allies; and carelessness is the barrage under which dpath makes the charge. Wartime is the time of conservation. Are We Conservative? Are we conserving life and property when such horrors as are headlined dally, occur? The government orders our food con served; we give gladly and willingly to the sacred cause for which our own sona are fighting; we are denying, and we will continue to deny ourselves, things thought indispensable to our lives before the clouds of a worlds storm covered the glabe. j fs It conservation that a babe, who might in the time to come, be the man i or woman who would turn the sphere : of Destiny, dies through carelessness? i Is It conservation that through not i roperly Inspecting vacant property, a j lighted match and an open valve j makes for a dangerous explosion and possibly kills or malms for life a hu man being? Stop! Think!! Reason!!! The railway crossings are guarded by the aign "Stop! Look! Listen!" It is true that this does not elimi nate all accidents but it does a vat number. In the brain of every man and woman should be emblazoned this slogan, Stop! Reason! No on can tell when property has been vacant for months, what con dition the gas pipes and fixtures may be In. As a matter of self protection and for public safety throw open doors and windows before striking a light. Examine all gas connections and be sure every thing Is as it should bo. Cellars are the subterranean galler ies where the noxious gases love to hide Air out the cellar before stop ping there long. Gasoline a Menace. Gasoline is always dangerous. Ii. a hurry or in the darkness the gasoline can is too often mistaken for the coal oil receptacle. Have distinctive types of cane so there can be no mistake in the dark. If necessary wrap Band pa per about the wooden grasp of the gasoline can. In that way no mistake can be made. Paint the gasoline ran red; have a certain place to keep it in and when not in use see that it Is kf'i t there. l:i the cold months the.e Is always rtaru:r In the heating .appliances' for the house, whether coal, gas or elec tricity Is the agent employed. N'ever li'.ivi' children alo'i j in the hoice where fires are going. This may seem needless advice, but reaii the papers. Tots, will play with fire; wiil get to the match supply. Follow Ires tnd death Save Years of Agony. A moment's thought on the part of parents will save years of agony, re morse and grief, America Is at war; conditions will become morn and more active, this Is hound to be; but with the increased activity in list come also an Inerenved mental ca pacify, "., The brain in trc h'fh tension times must be mentor of the 'safety of the commonwealth. We. -ns a Nation, we, as individuals, must think as we have never thought hffore. as well' as work as we nwr labored before. As a community, as a state and a a nation, we cannot afford to lose m.v! ounce of commodity; neither ran we j afford to lose a single human life, j heedlessly, ' needlessly and uuneces- sarlly. ." j Conservation does not alone mean the gathering and husbanding and dls- tributlon of foodstuffs, munitions, I clothing, hoots and shoes, but It means ' also the safeguarding of the live and health of our people as a nation. I To accomplish all of this our brains must be kept at bight tension voltage. We must Stop! Think!! ton!!! We have arranged for a series of six interesting articles, "War Talks, by Uncle Dan," written oy Mr. Howard H. Gross, president of the Univer sal Military Trainlrg League, of which thl is the first. They tell In a graphic way why military training is of value, both to the nation and to the individual, and our readers will find them of unusual interest Could Not Eat or Sleep tp' iviaue w en ay rnKUlNA WAR TALKS By UNCLE DAN Number One Mr. William E. Denny, 1023 Park Ave., Springfield, Ohio, writes: 1 nna great pleasure in writing you ana tnanking you for what Pe runa has already done for me, I have been troubled with catarrh for years, and it had affected ray head, nose, throat , and stomach, tl 'it I could not eat nor sleep with any sat isfaction, "I have Just taken three bottles. I can eat most anything and am greatly relieved of nervousness, so that when J lie down I can sleep without the least trouble. I recommend it to all those who are sufferers of that dread ful disease, catarrh." Catarrh For Years Can Now Eat and Sleep To My Satisfaction Those who object to liquid medi cinea can procure Peruna Tablets. MANY GERMAN ALLIES IN THE UNITED STATES NOW America Must Fight Hard or Germany May Win Necessity for Mili tary Training. "Nor, Billle," said his mother, "your Uncle Dau is coming tomorrow to spend a week with us on the farm, and if you want to know about the war, here's your opportunity. Uncle Dan Is probably one of the best-Informed men In the country." F.illle clapped his hands and gave such a whoop that he wakened the baby, but what could you expect of a fifteen-year-old boy who la a living Interrogation point and wants to know about war? Uncle Dan arrived In due time and Iilllie watched for an opportunity. It came that evening after dinner when Uncle Dun had lighted a cigar and taken a sent on the porch. "I'm mighty glad you came, Uncle Dan. I want to talk to you about the war. We have Just put military train ing in our township high school, but we had a hard time to do it. The Joneses and the Greggs objected. They said the war wouldn't come over here. Grandma Jones euld : 'They ain't no use to worrit, it will soon blow over.' Well, we put the training In Just the same. You orter heard Judge Brow nell, the president of the school board, do the slackers up. He said unless we take off our coats and go to It, Ger many may yet win, and if she does, she will take over the great British fleet as a war trophy and compel us to do what ever she w-ants to; that she could make us pay all the cost of the war; the kaiser could tax us as be pleased and that we couldn't help ourselves. He could make every one pay over a part Germany has a powerful ally work lng within the boundaries of the dat ed States, is the warning contained m a recent bulletin of the National Board of Fire Underw. iters. Its operations are very effective. It enters munition plants and causes explosions. It crip pies hundreds of factories which aio laboring to produce war time necessi ties. It waits until the grain in the fields Is ripe for the harvest, and then destroys overt thousands of acres, or else it bides its time until the harvest ed crops have been stored in eleva'ors, and obliterates them by the hundreds of thousands of bushels. It operates In every city and town, and in the country districts. It is unceasing in its activities, working by night as well as by day, and for every hour of the twenty-four. It enters countless homes bringing devastation and sor row; and. last but not least, it cause? heavy loss of life. inis ioe is not an "alien enemy," but conies of good American stocK. It is encouraged by millions of peoplo who believe themselves to be patriotic. Without their help it would soon be overcome; for the name of this great enemy is Preventable Fire, and its principal cause is American Careless ! ness. j Putting their average cost at $7,300 i apiece, America in a year burns up tho i value of 30,000 aeroplanes, and 30,000 i aeroplanes would win the war; or. to i put it another way, the nation's fire bill, if it could be applied to their con struction, would supply our navy with one hundred and fifty destroyers, and ' such an added force would end the 1 menace of the submarine. The two liberty Loans carry annual Interest charges of $254.000,00., but It. 11. King, Jr., an agent of tlw United States Treasury Department, is at the Government building here and will b here until Saturday fa assist the people in listing their in come taxes. The law now requires tiiat every unmarried person whose incoii; lor the last 12 months was in excess of $1,000 to pay in income tax to the government; and every mar ried person whose incomie exceeded $2. (Mio, must pay tax to the govern ment. The law requires this tax to be listed ln.'foro the first day of March and failure to do so will incur a heavy fine. Mr. King is here- to help our people list their ineoino taxes, and to explain to them how it is done in ord-.T that they may not become involved with thie Federal revenue collector at States ville. Excusing Him. When a moralist turns satirist peo ple are apt to say: "How good-natured his f uu Is !" They know it isn't ; but they have to say something to keep from taking his remarks seriously. New York Evening Sun. of what he earns ; that he could make the Unlted States burns up each year the farmers pay rent for their own farms, etc. Now, Uncle, what do you think of that?" "Well, my boy," said Uncle Dan, "all that Judge Brownell says might easily come true and may unless we go quickly to the aid of the allies with large numbers of men and help them break the German line. Unless we can beat the submarines, they may pre vent us from 'getting enough food to tho allies to keep them going. In that case Germany would win. As matters stand today, our greatest need is trained men. If we had had several enough property to pay this interest In destitution in the bereaved homes of France are multitudes of the ohll dren of those who have their lives on the battlefields. Appeals have been made to American benevolence apon the basis of ten cents per day per child to provide for their Immediate necessities. Six million such little ones, or far more than the total nam ber in need, could be supported for the cost of our senseless destruction Aa investment of $60,000 will equip a base hospital, capable of caring for 400 sick or wounded; if American millions of men with military training PPhi would change their habits to in our Industries and on our farms ulos or. carefulness. s,too such hos when the war came, who could P'tI might be supplied by means of have been called at once for service, I , tne money thus saved from fire da do not believe the kaiser would have : -traction. .'.This '..would approximate forced the war upon us. As it was, he one to each half-mile on all Europeaa bad no respect for us, and now we are oattlefronts. In it and must go through with it. But J never again must we be caught so wholly unprepared. j "There is only one safe way," said Uncle Dan, "und that is to udopt per- From whatever standpoint it is ex arnined, therefore, it must be reallaed that every preventable fire, little or big, is to some degree "an aid and comfort to the enemy." Thia is a mat- manently universal military training, 1 ter of individual responsibility. Back apply it to every young man who is physically fit, say in his nineteenth or twentieth year. The training can be carried forward in the United States training camps that are now l!ng es-' tublished for training men called by the selective draft. As soon as these men vacate these stations, they should be : filled ny younger men, and this ........ ... ,..,iuc i-viiuunuui poncy makes this resolve effective by means v vuuui,,. , .' of an immediate inspection and cor- Billle's mother, Mrs. Graham, had rection of all fire l'lizmdsfi he cannot overheard the conversation. She came, be considered a true pa.iot to matter out and said: "Really, Brother Dan, j what may be his "confessions, are you serious ns to the dangers of, ' ' ' . our country? If It Is as bad as that, It j WATCH YOUR STEP! is high time for us to wake up and do The record of accidents due to onto something about it." ! mohiles shows nlafnW th p,1 f n.i. . r. one niuat take it to himself as per sonal matter. There are fifteen hun dred fires each -day, or more than one per minute. What right has anyone to assume that all of these will occur on the premises of "other people Unless he resolves this day that there shall be no such occurrence in prop ertv controlled hy him. and unless he estrain regulation, says a writer in the New York Evening Post. According to the report of the New York city rollce department, for 1915, elghty-sev- "Exactly," replied Uncle Dan. "It is better to wake up now than to be rudely awakened later. We may as well understand, sister, that this is our war and we must win it or God help en per cent of all vehicular accidents America. Everything that we have In the streets of the city in which per- or hope to have our liberties, our sons were injured or killed, and the blessings, our opportunities are all in- causes of which were given, were the volved in the great issue before us. fault of the injured. One-third of all Nothing must stand between Us and those killed or injured in New York winning this war. It is a question city were under sixteen years of age. and Rta- whether the peoples', right or the kal- i This would indicate clearly that any ser's might shull dominate the world. ! material reduction of street accidents If there ever was a holy war. this is ! must be brought about by educating Foo4 In the mouths of our allies it. We are fighting for world liberty.; both adults and children to observe neans shells m tne mourns or. our ; we are ngnting tor trie freedom of , nroner caution, by regulatalnir redes- enemy. Careless Area which barn food Humanity. ve are .fighting; for the train traffic, by providing adequate mean allies. 1 TO RESIST THE ATTACK of the germs of many diseases such as Grip, Malaria, means for all ol us light or die. These germs are everywhere in the air we breath . The otids aio i: favor cf t k germs, if tho liver is inactive and th blood impure. What Is needed most is an increase in tho germ-fighting strength. To do this successfully you need to put .on healthy Jlath, ronso the liver to vigorous action, so it will throw off these germs, and pu rify the tlood so that there will bo no " weak spots," or soil for germ-growth. We. claim fir Dr. Pirree's Golden' Medical Discovery that it does all this in a way peculiar to itself. It cures troubles caused by torpid liver or impure blood. This herbal tonic is made up in lfquid or tablet form and can be obtained in any drug store In the United States. It con tains no alcohol or narcotic, and its in gredients are printed on the wrapper. Write Dr. Pierce. President Invalids' Tlotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and send 10 cents for trial package of tablets. B ybee.Tenn. " I have nsed Dr. Pierce's Medicines In my family and find them to be the greatest medicines known for the diseases of tho human race. The 'Golden Medical Discovery is the greatest medi cine I ever used for 'run-down' nerves; the greatest liyer medicine known in this country; good for diarrhea. I know this medicine is good for the abovo complaints for I have used it for them. "I will answer any inquiry from any sick person and gladly tell what this . wonderful medicine has dono for me." Nathan Cakkoli., Route 2. Sylacauoa, Ai.a. "This is a true Statement as to the v. line of Dr. Pierce's Medicines, I used one of his great reme dies in my own family with good results, namely, 'Golden Medical Discovery.' and found it t lie a'.l it is claimed "to be. There is uc medicine that will tome as near doiii". 'hat it is claimed for it; there's no nr-iso t.ijo high for it.1 W. Ii. Joi.r.v, H.x jn. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly &ops pain. Demand a liniment that you can jrub with. The best rubbing liniment is uimmn Cood for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc f 25c 50c At aD Dealers. hell In thai mouths of ear ' .rrti ft man .1 irnfBn . I. . . . . 1 ' stead of being governed against their THE W. M. OLIVER PRINTING CO, Printing engraving Embossing Have your bought your War Say- Stamp yet? March of Progress. v Mrs. Ilawbuck "Ulram writes from school that they are puttln' In an elec tric switch." Farmer Hawbuck "There's no end o them new f angled IdeRS. The birch rod was good enough In my day." Egypt Celebrated for Wheat Egypt in ancient times was cele brated for the growth of its wheat The best quality was all bearded. The seven-eared quality was described la Pharaoh's dream (Genesis 12:22). will by a war-mad overlord. Perilous ; playgrounds for children and forbid ding playing and skating In the streets times are ahead of us. We must be ! Every reasonable means having been prepared to make any sacrifice, to per-, taken to prevent the reckless and care form any service that may be required less driving of vehicles and operation of street cars, it remains to regulate of us. "Oh, Uncle Dan," exclaimed Billle, "may I bring my chum, Jlmmle Col lins, when we have our next talk? lie la a bug on this war business and Just crazy to see you. the pedestrian to protect him against his own carelessness. If all the acci dents due to faults of drivers and oper ators of vehicles were eliminated It would reduce the total number of "Certainly," said Uncle Dad, with a ' ,trMt denU oaly one-tenth. Com Buy a War Savings Stamp. hearty laugh. "It we are to have more talks, I shall be glad to have Jlmmle Join us." Billle capped bis bands and ran to ; the 'phone and told Jlmmle to be over at seven o'clock the next evening. j parlson of the records of New York city with those of Germany for th year 1915. aa shown by a report of the Association of Administrations of Ger man Street and Interurban Lines, proves that eighty-six per oeat were due to the fault ot Ue iajured. i n h h h ii ii ir ir n ir n Tdvertisers .jj will find this paper an excellent medium in which to display their bargains and make their wants known IJlJlii!'!;!!;;!!;!!.!!!::!!!!:!