V r. I'lIE REV IE W : liKIDSVILL E, N. C. c All & TWO i TUESDAY, FEB. 26, 1918 THE WAR AS SEEN BY A FORMER REIDSVILLE MAN "Follow, the. Boys" League, of ShreWrcbiKy Presbyterian Church, on December 20th, 1917, by A. H. Motley, Jr. (Continued From Last Issue.) Most ot the historic old homos and estates had been lent to the govern meat as hospitals and convalescent homes. You will be glad to know that our American Duchess were covering theii)3felve with glory in their devotion to the cause of their adopted country. , The great works of charity, the va.-.t b enevolence of the beautiful Duchess of Marlbor ough have won all hearts. It was grimly amusing to Nrn that Uhfl English "Touimte-s,'" when tn the hnrspiltalis, if they were allow ed to, choose a new arm or 1' .'g, would tieairly always sialect an American one. The masses in Eng&ind havrf a (great Idea, of America as the pro dueler Of marvelouj labor-saving de vide and patent medicines. Horo follows a suKuestion, rainer doJefui perhaps. One of thj larne-st man would be delightcU at any time to prostrate (htanself before a pic ture of the Empsiror As you ailV know, the art of muile is enthusiastically cultivated through out Germany. As I reniembJr now, there is not a sni&J town or village ! that has not its brass band. It is considered an. important factor in thJ.r scheme of juvenile and adult patriotic education. I am convinced that much was done iji thu way to keep the martial Kivvit alive in the o.oola Brass intramenits can be made to appeal directly to the primitive, fighting instincts of. man (and Germans were jj tierously supplied with music of this character.) It is my conviction that Germany's w. n spread encouragement of music was but one feature in the Jong pro gram of preparedness. Certainly in London, early in the War, when the recruiting wa.s a bit slow it was no ticeable how many more recruits wei' obtained where music assisted th weclwnaking. iMeii (not oft! y in the Scotch regiment) tell us that they can fight, 1Jiter after hearing ter than we do. They know every phase of th'.Ir civfL political and re ligious life. It will take a vast amount of ideal ism and faith, on the part of Rus sia, and powerful coercion and en courageni'Lint on ours, to keep them true to their own best interests and loyal Allies. At present ' th'El only foreign type that is entirely familiar to them is the German. It is ho who has backed most of their uc cessful commercial enterprises. Alas! Russian railroad guards, and offi cials everywhere, spoke fairly good German. All this would make It easier Cor the present German pur pose- to dominate Russia, and will UgllResources over Five Million Dollars. make our altruistic task so much the more difficult. Frankly, it does not seem as If there is in our individual or national attitude the intensity and serious miss that the facts (and immineu. possibilities) warrant. We can thank God that we have no grave political complications to Increase our difficulties. We ihave wlyii, able leaders of unassailable in tegrity and ideadism Our problem is to make ourselves worthy of them and thefr counsels Is it not true that as a nation, in music and that the Scotch bagp.es Shave a special effect upon them. I The religious bvfl.iof of the average and the mwt njcessary war Indus- (nuan if he 'has one) Is that to t very crisis of our history, we have tries in Europe is the supplying of (lje on fhe fle!(i of battle means in-' had highly ethical guidance at home, artificial limbs and eyes. I have ; j.tant translation to th realms above.1'! able representation abroad? Are known poor Uhaps who had to wait for -months for a proper artificial leg, o 'great was tho demand, so Inadequate tine supply. A Oanaddlan officer whom I kne w, who had done the moat gaiiUant ser vice In JYance, was wearing an ar tificial eye of a different color to his own: But no matt, ir what the in-. Jury, they are always "glad it s worse," If casualties must and wiffl They have been taught that no we not all treai'itndouisly proud of the crimes committed in War-wuged-for-the-"Sather)andf will never he held against t hem. 'I he mo.-st salient point in the many successful German campaigns has be' In to my mind the extreme mobil ity cf their armjips, the rapid trans portation of troops from one point to no ; another. j When I remembdr what a net-work ooour' ; of efficient raiflirouds Germany was THAT THE FARMERS of Virginia are co-operating completely with the National Thrift and Economy Movement, is shown conclusively by the large number throughout the State who sends funds regularly to this bink by mail, availing themselves either of our Certificates of Deposit, or of our Savings Department. Both certificates and sav ing earn 4 per cent interest per annum We invite you to avail yourself of our service We welcome imall or large de Established 1872 c- The First National Bank of Danville Al. Ja. L Pmitchctt, Pr esident. B.V. BoOTH.Vica Prs.a Cash. D.A.OvcnSKV.Vlc President. HCPATTON, Asst. Cashier. I. V.. bUCRRANT, Aeet teshier. HUIlllllllllllllllllHLHlMlllllMllllllllli!lllMlliiliiimwii miiimmimiimii imimi Hiu mum mill 1 1 1 hi i iitrfc. accomplishment of our last abmassa- dor to Germany, of our present re- shown. Surely the work of the As- to "Do My Bit" for this League, of speoted and admired ambassadors to sociation has been one of tfoa marvels which I so heartily approve, England and Franoti? 'or the War. 'I shall close with a few lines from In London, through alt the criti- f Let us not fail to send our boys Walt Whitman (the most poetic in ci.sms, the uupleaant feeling (caused frequent letters! This (to my mind) terpreter of our Civil War), whose by our failure to at once, side against is the finest feature of this League, works were so constantly read and (Jermany), tmre was only one opsn- as tunerson says, a tetter is a so sincerely admired by our great spiritual gift." It can do much to President Lincoln. Surely never were encourage, inspire and safe-guard lines more pertinent. ion expressed of the Hon. Mr. Page, the warmest appreciation of his un tiring activities, of his able hand- our boys.Loneliness is perhaps their let us be found ready to meet all for tourists; before the War: how ling of the very difficult diplomatic greatest danger! Thoughts of home, requirements. It was . Interesting to ea,y jt Was for a traveller to "box problems that confronted him, of his and high sentiment, should be kept hear that the services of our doc-j the compass " there, in the shortest fair and just manag'.ttnent of the 'always before them. j tora and surgeons were greatly . ap- time, it is easy to understand the' Interests, of all countries. v 'We must remove every temptation predated (and often preferred) by(,,nagJJiig. cf tto-ir troops on one front' His spleindid speeches have been, from their paths here at home. Su- and on another so quickly. ' (throughout. ,a -credit to his country, pervlsion or our young girls is the France has good roads and fairly He stands surely with th'a other plain dufiy of all parents, a duty to good trains running north and south, ! &reat foreign representatives who the soldiers as well. , but when it comes to a trip east or 1 ,iav,' helped to m;fe our country! And here comes a rather serious west the roads were round-about, and ! respufcted and great in the world's thought; one that is difficult to ex-, progress slow. (I am suit," the French history. 'pmss, but which should be forcibly the ino. The prvlcautions against Zep raids necessitated, as you know, the al most total extinguishing of lights in the cities, towns and villages at night. ;. - Puling down 6bad'r was a serious maUer. Ten pounds fine ($50), or Imprisonment for six month-, was the prescribed penalty fir failure to do no. PoUicJomiin and special Iconstablles oatroiled the (Streets to report vio lations of this law. As many as 150 ocUlienU due to the darkness of the eireets have been reported in one night; Certalrtly this was a gr1 tit trial and added much to the general de pression. It mad'4 v altendanice at churches, night gchools, tlieaters or social life of any kind rotlfclr diffi cult. Lean . Imagine no more dis mal experience than leaving onle's office Jn the evening to literally fleel on'tfs way home through the black etreetss in a cold winner fog. Perhaps you cun Imagine how the frat wiw'.e of fuel and elltfctric energy In the display of lights on Broadway Impressed me on my r -turn. From my travels in Germany be tore the War, I had a veny nep: fu'l Idea of their thrifty, law-abiding, energetic, though doHle, population. (U:it niie nvrnt Ion that I don't believe that anyohio, except the "War Iord" Government must often have whh -' Now an impression that is quite" brought to our soldiers for their mor ed for more and better raflroad fa-' widespread that undoubtedly deilays al guidance at home and abroad. j cWties during UK War.) ' ' -Now. that our- progress and dampens our ardor, J I shall use the wards of the elo the same matter has become a moot- 's that "this is not our War." quent Father Bernard Vaughn of ed question here, let us quickly real-1 ,n spite of all that has been said London: 'The doing of any harm ize the necessity of turning over all ana written by our best minds, many to a sister, or a daughter of a fel poasilblo railroad facilltfui to the stiil regard this War as an lll-ad- low-man, is to be a 'nun1 in the very Government for the better conduct vised crusade, a gigantic "Lafayette worst sens." of the War. We must excett : Germany Expedit'on," and a needless interfer-. It is my serious opinion that the at every poinfc ence in the affairs of Europe. . 'conditions in Europe . were more "Long1, too long, America, Traveling roads, all even and peaceful You learr'ed from joys and pros perity only Cut now, ah now! to learn from crises of anguish . Advancing, grappling ( with direst fate and recoiling not Now to conceive and to show to the world, what your chil dren really are IS YOUR HOME INSURED? If not, don't J put it off. My rates are more reasonable than you thin! FRANCIS .'tVOMACKV The Insurance . Man $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly ifiuenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine ie taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of th System thereby destroying the foundation of tW dlease giving the patient strength by budlding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much fakh in the curative powers of Hail's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. - Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., To ledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. It's No Use westing a Big Amount la a PHONOGRAPH when we hare them that we can sell you for $7.50, that will play any record, regardless of size or make. Please call anf let us demonstrate them. SUMMERFIELD Let each one of us do allwe can There are many who do not see shocking and blacker than our own. to "chUr the roads for action." Let tnat this has become beyond oil mo not know statistics, but my Im u not coinpiain when we are told (doubt an out-and-out War of de- presslon is that vice and irregular that there must be no unnecessary fenat ; that our annihiilation is ultl-Jiving were more flagrant anid more travel, that personal baggage inurft "lately contemplated by thin very generawy tolerated abroad than h're. be of portable weight. 'generation of Germans. I 1 here Is no trace of Puritanism Again, do all of us realize ! ever any scheme of world con- in our standards that was utterly that the Russian millions are now Quest stop of its own volition? ere , lackilng over thera. The . M. C. dangti-ously near to coming under there ever any .'limits to the dreams A. was their guardian and refuge! German domlnitlon, mith wonderful ot tlie world's great- aggressors? Representatives of this Association German war technique. German tee- Greater anrted resistance, greater, met "every troop train to London at nlus for managing and equipping new more burning pa'.riotissm (crushing all hours of the night and morning, armies, for dlsc'pllntng and training defeat) have ever been the only bar- with a warm invitation to the men thief untutored masses of their allies? Hers '.to their progress. Have tlv:-y to come to the nuts and to pass their German officers would quickly bring no- all sfghed "for new worlds to furloughs in a decent atmospher?. , order out of the chaos in Russia, conquer?" it is the Y. M. C. A. that helps . Russia, that sleeping giant of 'he I One hears so often in conVersa- our boys to do the right thing where-. European peoples! Will she not be tlon, "it seems such a pity to send ever they are. It is a positive force, Miss Kate Moselefy teacher at very at in her Illiteracy in her our boys 'over there.' f What we worth aW the "dont si' in the world ! Glencoe School visited her parents 'primitive state of national evolution, j should h'.ar and feel is, 'TOiank God Can you Immagine how muoh this Saturday morning. . .to 'ucOvW and take on' German, f alia- we, . are not ghting this War alone, help and hospitality man to home- Misses uuay iarman, ituin num- cies and German peace? (Should that we have great and trusted Al- sick boys in a strange land? The phreys and Ollie Williams spent the end 4h high German omolalu in not her renl terror auid dread -of lier'lle8 to whom we can send them. We Boldfers who dissipated, who in' some week-end at the nome of Mr. Witty, charge of the census returns, ntilly othec neighbor, Japan be used at this believe In mc&ting our enemy more forlorn, way became victims of wbis- Miss Kate Moseley and Mr. Cary knows ithepopuation of Germany.) juncture of affairs to l-estore the -'than half way." key, were those who would not ate- Williams spent Tuesday in Greens- In the figures given out for th i use i equlibriuiu?) . I Perhaps our chief concern as paN cept the hospitality of the Y. M. C. boro. of geographies, abuses and year-j Russia has always HeenitMl (to the . ents and friends, as loyal' supporters A. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Apple, books, it has surely been givtitly 1 eye.i of the American traveler) a ''"Wr young men in he service The Salvation Army, too, did won- a fine girl. umlrtrestftnaited:.- Tlilr cimisiw has j chid, of beauty, oniaginntlon and 'ja' In the quickest and most effective- df rful work among he soldiers and Another good citizen has departed been deli'beratJly falsified for publi-' iihih, with ti i limited poss'ibflities for ways to make it easy for them to had (as alway) a very strong appeal Jhia life. Mrs. Mary F. Bradshaw catkin. ' growth and development, with per- ao their best. to many classes of men. died at her home on Summerfield In therr man pow.ir, w have an haps the most sympathetic national WV must make them feel that we , The work of the Red" Cross was su- Route 1, on rebruary Ji, 1918, age Unknown quantity to deal with, in soul In Europe. care every minute what they are do- perb ev'ery returning soldier sang 85 years, 11 months and 16 days, their terrMories (and in the farj W'liat a pliy that mora could not in an(l what becomes of them, their praises: W?e can certainly en- She is survived by two sons, Mr. AV. kwrners undermined by their spies) ' have been done, in the beginning of 1 nl 'r should not one discouraged, trust our boys to their care, -with P-"' of Summerfield and -we have unknown limits to encoun-' the War, 'to ''strengthen and iruldi lonely, half hearted boy leave our thy knowledge that their organlza (Mr. G. S. Bradshaw of Coolemee, N jaj. ' i Russia inst.ud of expecting HO shores for this great ordeal. tlon is as perfect as It can well be. C Tine funeral services were held niched lugiH nere u would lie interest-, mucn rrom tier lmmuturity! - i-ei us, in our w;n meaning enorts, ! I nave mow given, as maror m jaonaay ; eoruary , oemg conuucieu . tng to know, how many of us have' lid we realize that Germany had 1)8 organized In Leagues such as pressions as 1 feel it right to tinposa by Rev. John KniglU. Interment was OTlousty studied a reocjit war map. ! len at wyirk there for years, gaug- Ibis, and the V. M. C. A. The aehd- upon you. I doubt If I have said at Bethany cemetery. Yet ft Is perhaps the first duty of Ing Russian wvialyiiess, .gaining ac- ,n8 ' too many Individual gifts com- anything that you have not heard, 1-i every nian and wo:min who intends ", cess to all her eoverhmcnt seWtV plicates tlva transportation problem "t read before, but not to have made Have your bought youi Wai Sar- to tc ' this thing (and to help all i iiist.Uing iti the simpU hilhds of the and (if? the many camps which I Check Protectors We have another bargain In the shape of a Check Protector, that we can sell you for $3.75, just as good j'as one that you would pay ten times as much for. Stat. & Pig. Co. "Service Is It. Plumbing Contractor All kinds c Plumbic?,, Roofm?, Guttering:, Etc. First-class Workmen. All Work Guaranteed. Specifications Gladly Fur- his effort would have ba:n a failure Stamp yet! they can) to folBow carefully, and to reaize, the seriousness events. There tdiould be a war inap in very home (conspicuously hiHig). This could no fail to artnu and tnterest all . meiubers of . the -family, and remind thein to perform ti erery day devotions and sacrlkus to patrlottem, urg' U Upon us by all our great writers and think-rs. Many Ct us would undoubtedly be surprised At the alariiiing changs which wo would see have b n made 'on the map of Europe by the Central Pow ers. No child coukl fail to realise, the lmfortance of ending this. It Is aid that In Germany the school geographies have already been chang ed to match German claims and ftinbf.lotifl. As an enemy, I personally ha such a tremendous Idea of Gorman strength, of the length, breadth and thickness of thsfr pre pared nes, that I should most certainly be calf d a ca.I?mitjr howler, or a "Gbxmiy Gus" did I exprww tt a.0 tonight. Returning from Europe, I can only I re fit to you the serious state of affairs that I knew there and which rcnt events hXre still further com plicated. . Tha German patriotism Btrfkes one being fanatic, of toe same qual ity as that of the Japane It im r ressed me as if the averare ft'r- peopk-t an exaggerated belief in Ger-; ,lave visited) was a "; serious aniioy- of daUylnian siiper'ority and . etflcleiicy, ance to those in authority. spreading the -' Gerntan language sys-' Let us not 'allow ; a ;: superfluous tematkaUly over all Russia (so that hJ k' to go forward, or an exo;ss of a knowledge of German will caiiv sweets, or gifts of any kind. a tourist comfortably through even the smaller ; villages in the interior, and every wW,? could be found at least ne Russian Who understood Germain)? French was the language of thta' Court and the cultured people We ca.n Imagine the wild disorder and demoralization that followed the The Y. V. A. has deserved and eanied .ou ,complet'a' confidence in peace, and our great admiration in War. A League such as this can well supplement their efforts in sev eral wiiiys. But as r nation (except In cases where one is osp:-cially in terested by close ties of blood) ht Head Stopped Up? Can't Breathe? Try the Vich Vap-O'Rub Treatment Ivenlenl vapor treatment la a good applies-1 R. G. Glaastone. i Applied la Salv Fom Over Throat and Chest Relleres hf Inhalation fj and AhsorptSoa. enforced and dramat ic abdication of .us leave it to the Y. M. C. A. to the Czar. I Kl was, as you know, the spend our regular contributions, to head of the Church, and had been an attend to the comforts and pleasure absolute and despotic ruler over all of teh men (as only they can.) tilings temporal and r.liglous. Your dollar and mine, spent at Traditions are all that the millions ' random, can not be of much service of simple, uneducated peasantry j (once the boys have- left our shores), know. They were giV.tn the most On'ly the Y. M. V. A. (wilh Its vast limited opportunities for education, 'funds, its facilities, its prestige with allowed no freedom eith'ct In reading the Armies and Governments- can b or Ini speech. jof any real help to our boys abroad. They know practically nothing of j I have had men (officers from all tho outside World. Their judgmmt over tho wortd( from Australia, New wou! d necessarily be weak and va-' Zealand. Canada and South Africa dilating. It will be at least a gen- tell me In London that the Y. M. C. ' iratlon before the real Russian soul A. had meant everything to them can emerge and take Its rlghful place during their tay In Engand, that too fin the world-march of progress. .high pralsr could not be given! If the pendulum swings again (and Over and over again I have been they com';' back as our loyal allies) asked by officers and men to say all we should not . expect much of them. I could when I reached home In Germany has been oru the ground praise of the wonderful insight and for rfbrs! The Germans understood understanding of the needs of th- the practical problem of Russia bet- men which the Y. M. C. A. hn Vapor treatments are best for Inflamma tions or tne air passage, tuo 'ii", carry the medication direct to the Inflamed urfaces without disturbing the stomach, as internal medicines will do, A very coa- tioa of Tick's 'Vup-0-Rub,, Salve over the' throat and chest, cowed with a warm flannel cloth. The body heat releases vapors that are Inhaled with every Dream opening the air -passages, loosening thf nhlecrm. and healing tbt raw surtaces For deep chest colds, first apply hot wet towels to ooen the pores. ick's is thet absorbed through the skin, taking out that. tightness and sorenefis. io, piks.ot y i.oo. t w m mi . an i ii itmit wut i u i mCk WMb JaJ- tea" her hi OUR MACHINERY FOR REPAI.i WORK is most complete. We are In a position to repair ay knd of machine, to replace worn or de fective parts. Such work is always wanted in a hurry for an idle ma chine eats its head off in lost time and business. II yon kare a non-working machine let u pat It beck on its jotragaln, J OMACK MOTOR CP.!Pki Service. Ealft k . HIGH GRADE - BUILDING BRICE Brick is the most enduring t roost secure against fire; most comfortable in all weather j most conr mlctl in final cost, and the icost beautiful of aay bollding mattrlaL If au-UIty appeali to 70a write ua and . set quotation Bftlpments made promptly. WII.L.1AM80N A HEDGECOCK, INC. Martinsville, Va. Ideal Pressing Club W. W. WILLIAMS, Prop. All Garments Cleaned or Dyed e Snort Notice. ". Hate Cleaned end Blocked Satisfaction Guaranteed on all V(or. ...... Prices Rsasonabfa...M 9 OVER SHARP'S BARBER 8H0IJ Tslephone t2