I TUESDAY, FEB." 2G, 1918 THE REVTKW; REIDSVILLE, N. a T7 r? M f F M F M to r3 A Appointment As Resident Agent Of MISS LAURA POWELL FOR DIXIE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Greensoro, N. 0. GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, of Glens Falls, N. Y. GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. , PALATINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd., of London, Eng. PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Philadelphia, Pa. N PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY, of Providence, R. I. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPN., of London, England. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, of Edinburg. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE of London, England. Miss Powell is a woman of highest integrity and enjoys the full confidence of the companies. She has been identified with the Fire insurance business for ; the past fifteenyears, showing unusual ability, and is fully qualified for this position. Satisfactory arrangements having been made by these companies with the estate of -John D. Huffines, deceased, as to all claims on the business, Miss l'owell is now sole owner All Policies of the above named companies heretofore issued by the Huffines Agen cy are in full force and effect as per all conditions named in the policy. R. G. HAYES, Special Agent Chairman of Appointment Committee .Reickviile, N. C, Feb. 21, 1918. MORE CLASSIFED BY THE EXEMT1UN BOARD (Continued from Page 1) er in necessary industrial enterprise. class hi .., Powhatan David Simpson, Spray. Buck Odell, Leaksville. " CLASS III Man with dependent children (not his own) but toward whon he stands In relation or parent Man with dependent aged or Infirm parents. Man with dependent helpless broth ers or sisters. County or municipal officer. Highly trained firemen or police, men at least 3 years in service of mu nicipality. Necessary customhouse clerk. ' Necessary employee of United Route 2 Ray Siler Self, Spray. Ernest Ward, Reidsville'. Wijlliam Walker Hunt, Jfl:iids,ville. John Eldriff Clifton, Draper. Sebasttano Skambato, Reidsville. Jim Stultz, Draper. General E. Grogan, Stonevlllo. William Wilkerson, Spray Lester Johnston, Mclvtelr. Stover Leftwich Winn, Spray. Henry McKinoiey, RfdJ. 2, Ruffin. Thos. Arthur Hall, Spray. James Moir, Stoneville). David Warner Joyce, Stonevllle. JosMph Hodge, Reldsville. Luther E. Shropshire, Draper. , Jas. Arthur Jones, Reidsville. " Edgar Forest Gilley, Spray. Ernest Watt, Mclver. Harry Lee Wilkes, Mayodan. Lamon H. Hodgea, Spray. Geo. liethell, Reldsville. Robert Pleasant Burton, Reidsville Jacob Benj. Baisley, Reidsville. Tom Graves, Reidsville. Robt Giliten Dabbs, Reidsville. John F. Jones, Reidsville. Geo. Thos. Webb, Madison, Rid. James Stradler, Ruffin. Sam Wjllie Stone, RsidsvtlM Columbus S. Sumner, Draper. Kearns Reld Thompson, Reidsville. Will Smith, Ruffin Geo. Muncy Pike; Mayodan. Mosblg Lee Williamson, Draper. John Henry Williams, Reidsville. Daniel Graves Taylor, L;aksvil'le Munsey T. Gilley, Spray. Jesse Duncan, Madison, Rfd 3. Newton Arnold Price, Leaksville. J';l3se Powell, Shaffer, Malyodan. CLASS IV Man whose wife or children are mainly dependent on his fabor support. SHORT TALKS WITH REVIEW SUBSCRIBERS Mr. us a noon, Mr. J. W. Carroll of Route 4, gava pleasant call Saturday, after- ary 1st as follows $8,000.00 annually 1920-1928, $7,00000 annually 1929. February 1st, February 1st, $6,000.00 1930-1931. J4.ono.no R. T. Chilton of Route 5 was iq9.iqit a welcome visitor to The Review office Saturday. Mr. J. W. Cayton, a popular young farmer on Route 5, gave us an ap preciated visit Saturday, Mr. J R. Griffin of near Benaja was in town Friday and wisely call ed around to enroll for The Review. Mr. Thos. H. Southard of near Wentworth honored The Review of- annuaUy February 1st, annually February 1st, $75,000.00 Fundipg Bonds, denomi nation $1 000.00 Maturing February st as follows: $5,000.00 annually , February 1st, 1920-1928. annually February 1st, States in . transmission of the mails. Necessary artificer or workman In U. S. armory or arsenal. Necessary employee In service of United States ",. Necessary assistant, associate, or hired manager of necessary agricul tural enterprise. - Necessary highly specialized tech nical or mechanical expert of neces sary Industrial enterprise. Necessary assistant or associate manager of necessary Industrial en terprise. . "" . ; CLASS IV Frank Lindsey, Reidsville. Mat Meadow, Leaksville). Lawrence Franklin Manley, Reids " TfDe... : ' . John Pleasant Vernon, .; Reidsville Rfd;; ' William Herbert Kirkman, Mayo. dank .'- '.: Jas. Sutherl in Taylor, Reidsville. Abel Demas Purdy, Spray. Rufus W. Ston'H Leaksville. Charlie RobertVernon, Leaksville Wm. T, Soyars, Reidavillie, Rfd 5 Bury Edw. Pruitt, Ruffin, Rfd 3. Jas. Thos. Puckrell.' Leaks vile. Jaa. Vernon Laster, R:Sdsvtlle. Walter Thomas, Reidsvfle, Rfd 4. Wm. Harry Ferguson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank Preston. Stokesdale. Frank Roach, Reidsville, RfiL 2 Wm. S. McBrrd1 Ruffin, Rfd. 3. Thos. J. Turner, Draper. Jas. Denny McAItster, Reidsville Burley Wilson Bean, Pinnacle. -Garyl'd Nathaniel Gann, Stonevilla. Austin Carl Voss, Leaksville. LuJ.i Gwynn, Rfd, 3, Ruffin. John Wilson, Rfd 6, Reidsville. Chas. Ernest Buroh, Draper. Abe Lee Shelton. Stonevllle. Jam'b A. Murphy, Spray. Daniel Webster - Turner, Mayodan. Carl L; Talley, Spray. . Jesse McCollum, Reidsville.: Craig Cabell Pickrell, Indian Rock, Va. William Pass, Ruffin, Rfd. 2. Austin Hatcher. Ston';ivilI Jos. Thcs. Daniel, Reidsville. Henry Russell Cannon, Ruffin, Rfd. 3.'. : John Heinry Darlington, Leaksville Willie Lemons, Reidsville Rfd. 3. U. Leland Stanford, . Stoneville. Geo. Robt. Totten, Mclver. Arthur Lee Knight, Stokesdale, Rfd. John Henry Southard, Wentworth, Rfd. (Matthew Broadnax, Leaksville.; Oliver V. Frady, Ruffin. Walter Jefferson Arthur, Spray. Louis, Pink Purdy, Spray. Jack Leister, Price. Chas. Aiken, Davy, W. Va. Albert Chihon, Draper. Sidney Walker Martin, Spray. Jas". Walter Joyce, Mayodan. RobJ. Lee Shropshire, Leaksville. Poy Lestr Trent, Reldsville. John Bracken, Reidsville. John Morton Orander, Stonevllle. I Cheater A. Vaughn, Stokesdale, flee With a pleasant call Saturday for Mr. J. T. Richardson, the popular mail carrier of Benaja. was in town Mariner actually employed in sea Friday and gave us a pleasant call United8 0siZea 0r merchnt in the Mrs, K w, 0akley of R()UtB 2 S' . , i was in town shopping Saturday and Necessar, sole managing, controll- called ,n tQ ge Tne Revtew whlle ing, or directing head of necessary here agricultural enterprise. $4,00O.'O0 1929-1931. $3,000.00 annually February 1st, 832-1937. : $10,OO00i Itt Sew 3.' nation $l,00p.00 maturing 1st, as fallows: $2,000,00 annually February 920-1921. $1,000.00 annually February 1922-1927, : Bonds prepar' d under the. super vision or the United States Mortgage & Trust Company, New York City. )Bonds, denonil- February 1st, 1st, Necessary sole managing, controll-' Mr- Za(k J- McKintney, a splendid legality of xJonds examined by Cald- ing. or directing head of necessary in-,famer on Route 6 made a fine aver- dustrial enterprise. jas ior a ioaa ot toDacco nere tti- day. He honored The Review with a Rfd. 5. Jchn Ratiey Southard, Summer. Rfd. fieM. j Frank Jas. Beck, Spray. Chas. Freeman Lamberth, jMcIver , Jamfcb Clowers, Sfmy. Will Hopkins, Rfdj, 1, Madison. I David Roland Sharp, Wentworth, Geo. Trent, Reidsville. Rfd. James Martin, Matrodan. I Henry Clay Shropshire, Spray. CLASS V Sidney Lee Martin, Leaksville, Howard Steller Hartzell , Leaks- villei. Josiah Doss, Draper. . CLASS V. ' wnicers legislative, executive, or Judicial of the United States or of State, Territory, or District of Colum bia. Regular or duly ordained minister of religion. Student who on May 18, 1917, was preparing for ministry In recognized school. Persons in military or 'naval service of United. States. Alien enemy. Resident alien (not an enemy) who claims exemption. pleasant call while here; TAX NOTICE. I have gotten off from Court and will be at my office for the collection of taxes Tuesday, Wednesday and- Thursday, February 26, 27 and 28. This Is positively well & Mass'.kih, attorneys. New York City. T hied r approving opinion will be furnished without charge. These Bonds are genor.il obliga tions of thfe Town issued under the Municipal Finance Act 191?. An un limited tax for the payment of inter est (thereon has been- authorized by law and resolutions. All bids must be ma le on blank Bleach Your Dark Skin HAVE SOFT, FAIR, CLEAR " BRIGHT 8KIN. J nH,n ...klU ...ill 1 a i , . your last chance to pay your taxes w iurniwa oy me without cost. T. L. Gardner, Sheriff. (Trust Company of the Town, and ' ; j must be for at least par and accrued Interest. Bonds will be delivered in ixi New York City on March 11, 1918. .uio.ii iuu peiuittBtuuj oeaiea oias aaaressea to the un pnysicauy or meniauy unnt ror mil- dersfened will be received by the itary serylce. :. : Hoard, of Commissioners of the Town Person -morally unfit to be a sol-Jof Reldsville until 12:00 o'clock noon ater or tne united states, Licensed in the pursuit All kinds of Dress Goods and Silks materially LOWER at Heiner's dur ing; C!earalPA Sale. But NOW and stretch the the buying value of your.0 or check drawn to the $ Dollar $.-S. Heine- & Co, Reids lorder ot J; F- SnVtn. Treasurer, on vide N. C ' , soni' 3l bank or Trust Co. for 2 per I cent -of the fac of amount of Bonds - " - ". ibid tor. $200,000.00 REIDSVILLE j The right to reject any and all NORTH CAROLINA BONDS bids is reserved. Reidsville, N. C, Feb. 21, 1918. Use Black and White. bnt by Mai 25c. A(rnt Make an Easy Living Just try Black and White OintmenJ (for white or colored folks). Applj; as direct el on label, to face, aeck, arms and hands. It !s very pleasant to the skin and has thie effect of bleach ing dark, sallow or blotchy skin cleaning the skin of risings, bumps, pimples, btackheads, tan or freckles giving you a clear, soft, brlgfct complexion, making you toe envy of everybody. Sold on money-back guar an'ee, only 2fc (stamps or coin) sent by' malL Free . . . If you slend $1 for four boxee ot Flack and White Ointment, a 254 cake of Black and White Soap lnclud ed free. Agents make an easy liv. ing repersentlng ua. Apply for ter rltory and special deaL Address Plough Chemical Co., DepL 129 Menv Each bid must be accompanied by j Pli. Tenn., Write now today wnue you tnink about It Black ana white ointment sold everywhere. Adv. B. B. WARE, Town Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualfiied as administrator VV ANTED! Green HMes, Scrap Iron Furs, Tat j low, Wax, Wool, Rags, Bones, Peed (Bags, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Old ; Rubber Boots and Shoes, Auto Tires, United States. March 4th. 1918. for purchase of theof "he eLte o JohW Ca o te T pilot actuaUy employed following Bonds of the . Town of ' o Rocwiham nto'S cm"' it of his Tocation. ReWsvflte dated Feb run rr 1st. 191 f.'?. .,,rt Car& ' MatMal and turn it into CASH as we .earinit interest at BU. 5 0r'8.! ",1"" cash for exerything we buy. TAY VnTIPP I l nanus viouiis ngaiuai 111c VHiaie OL TAX NOTICE. I have gotten off cent, rate to be determined day '.iH h... tn ..mm , FOR SALE 1 Hudson Model 37 Auto. TAY vnTiPP i umms claims againsi me TAX NOTICE.-I have gotten off cent, rate to be determined day said deceased to exhibit the from Court and win be at my office !of n, WBHt. M. eXhibU th fnr fh rniirwi Ar t-...,, ' unuersigneu auy proven on or Derore wJlTtl? IZ aary!y&b'e M-.-n the rteK' 20th day of February, 1919. or tn to tie , or before I oe determined upon duuii;u u ij a m mm iii your last chance to pay your taxes n March 4th. 1918 at 12 Nodn. Principal and semi intrest (February 1st, and August 1st payable in New York City In gold. $115,000100 Improvement Bonds, de- 26. 27 and 28. This is poslt;rely'0f Vnlcan Chilled Plows are guaran teed to do the work or your monvy back. Townsend Buggy . Co. nomination $1,000, maturing Febru receipt this notice will be pleaded In bar of i i ' onj uieir recovery. All pesons indebted o'clock'to- said estate will please make im- annual mediate payment This February 20th, 1918. " W. R FRENCH, Admr. . ' of John W. Carroll.-Deceased W. R. Dalton, Attorney. 4 Ford Bodies and Auto Rerair parts. 1 Bicycle. Walker Hide & Junk Co. J Dry Prisery Bid. Opp-Dcp