THE RL71EW: ttJElDSVTLLE, N. 0. TUESDAY, FEB. 26, 1018 ' - PAUE Mr. Business Man 1 WHY not make your appeal for patron age through the columns of this newspaper? With every issue it carries its message into the homes of all the best people of this community Don't blame the people for flocking to the store of your competi tor. Tell them what yoy have to sell and if your prices are right you can get the business. ) PROFESSIONAL CARDS IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estates Practice in all courts, except Record Ws Court. Office In Fete Building over A. S. Price & Co.'s Store. P. W. GLIDEWELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Prompt attention given to all mat lers Intrusted. Practice la all courts. Office In Citizens Bank Building. MAJOR T. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In C. & A- Rooms over Clark's Shoe Store. 'Phone 194. D. IVIE B. C. TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON vfE, TROTTER & JOHNS T0p ATTORNEYS AT LAW effice in the new Irvln Building 9txi to Bank of Reidsville. WILLIAM REID D ALTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsville, N. C. General practice i "the law in State nd Ftderal Courtfc. - Monev loaned on real estate. Es- ties admlnst-red on and settled Tleal estate bought and sold. . PERCY T. STIERS Attorney And Coauje:or At Law ReMsville, N. C. Special attention to negotiation ol oans, settlpment of estates, buying sad selling real estate. Insurance adjusted. Practice In all courts. office in Lambeth Building, Gilmer treeC HUGH R. SCOTT .ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to negotiation ol xeus; conduct and settlemont of es tkteu ; buying and sellins of real es tate Office it bid Citizens ' Bank aioIMLig. OHAS. 0. McMICHAEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In All Courts, Mr. McMlchael will be In Relds office On Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Vfcoredays, Fridays and in Madison . Saturdays "' '; O. LELAND STANFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW 8TONEVILLE, N. C. Prompt attention givan all ma :-r entrusted to me J. R. JOYCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Crauee 1b Old Citizens Bank Building tractive In State and Federal Courti Loans Negotiated E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW nflr over Tulioch's Store. Loans vwtm&ted. Prompt attention. DR. J. R. MEADOR i DENTIST Office Over New Citirens Bank SMence 'rphone 279 W. "Phone 282 DR. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL SURGEON Office aver reiser's lrug Store 'Fboae 100. DR. F. C SHARP OPTBOPATHJC PHi3KXAN , 4 iic er Citfcent Bank .. mii nd Chronic Disease Treated OstpcpelfclcaAy ffle Thona HI. ; , ' tmct Pbeae 227-J. E IN. MIS LIKE CATTLE Women Forbidden to Give Food and Clothing to Men Facing Privation and Cold United States' Appeal Unheeded. 'Conspicuous among cold-blooded acts of cruelty committed by the Germans, to their everlasting dis grace, the deportation from. Mons is prominent. Official documents pub lished by the committee on public information tell part of the harrow - ing story. .''."". '. A vivid sketch of the deportations from Mons, ordered by German author ities, drawn by a participant, may well be cited here: "I will take the 18th of November of last year 1916. A week or so be fore that u plucurd was placed on the walls telling my capital city of Mons that in seven days ull the men of that city who were not clergymen, who were not priests, who did not belong to the cit council, would be deported. "At half past five, In the gray of the morning on the 18th of November, they walked out, 6,200 men at Mons, myselfand another leading them down the cobblestones of the street and out where the rioting would be less than in the great city, with the soldiers on each side, with bayonets fixed, with the women held back. "The degradation of it ! The degra dation of it as they walked into this great market square, where the pens were erected, exactly as if they were cattle all the great men of that prov incethe lawyers, the statesmen, the heads of the trades, the men that had made the capital of Halnaut glorious during the last 20 years. "There they were collected ; no ques tion of who they were, whether they were busy or what they were doing, or what their position In life. 'Go to the right! Go to the left! Go to the right r So they were turned to the one .side or the other. "Trains were standing there ready, steaming, to take them to Germany. You saw on the one side the one brother taken, the other brother left. A hasty embrace and they were sepa rated and gone. "You saw the women In hundreds, with bundles In their hands, beseech ing to be permitted to approach the trains, to give their men the last that they had in life between themselves and starvation a small bundle of clothing to keep them warm on their way to Germany. You saw women ap proach with a bundle that had been purchased by the sale of the last of their household effects. Not one was allowed to approach to give her man the warm pair of stockings or the warm jacket, so there might be some chance of his reaching there. Off they went !" John H. Gade, In the Na tional Geographic Magazine, May, 1917. The Belgian women sent a touching appeal to Minister Whitlock: Appeal of Belgian Women. "Brussels, Nov, 18, 1916, 46 Rue de la Madeleine, "His Excellency, Mr. Brand Whitlock, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. "Mr. Minister : "From the depths of our well of misery our supplication rises to you. "In addressing ourselves to you, we denounce to your government, as well as to our sisters, the women of the nation which you represent in our midst, the Criminal abuse of force of which our unhappy and defenseless people Is a victim. ,-. "Since the beginning of this atro cious war we have looked on impotent ly and with our hearts torn with every sorrow at terrible events which put civilization back Into the ages of the barbarlun hordes. "Mr. Minister, the crime which is now being committed under your eyes, namely, the deportation of thousands rf men compelled to work on enemy soil against the Interests of their coun try, cannot find auy shadow of excuse on the ground of military necessity, for it constitutes a violation by force of a sacred right of human conscience. Called "Monstrous Extremity. "Whatever may be the motive, it cannot be admitted that citizens may be compelled to work directly or indi rectly for the enemy against their brothers who are fighting. "The convention of The Hague has consecrated this principle. "Nevertheless, the occupying power is forcing thousands of men -to this monstrous extremity, which is con trary to morals aud international law, both these men who have already been taken to Germany and those who to morrow will undergo the same fate, If from the outside, from neutral Eu rope And the United States, no help is offered. "Ohl The Belgian women have also known how to carry out their duty in the hour of danger; they have not weakened the courage of the soldiers of honor by their tears. "They have bravely given to their country those whom they loved. . . , The blood of mothers is flowing on the . ' . G ASTORIA For Irfants and Childxea la Use For Over ?0 Years Jway bears r ' the f ' '--- BELGIANS WER HERDED battlefields with Uiat of their sons., Those who are taken away today do not go to perform a glorious duty. They are slaves In chains who, in a dark exile, threatened by hunger, prison, death, will be called upon to perform the most odious work service to the enemy against the fatherland. Rights of Honor and Conscience. "The mothers cannot stand by while such an abomination is taking place without making their voices heard in protest "They address you in the name of the unalterable rights of honor and conscience. "li nas Deen saia mai women are an powerful suppliants.' "Ve have felt authorized by this saying, Mr. Minister, to extend our , hands to you and to address to your country a last appeal. "We trust that in reading these lines yuu win ie ui emu woru me ummF py heartbeeats of the Belgian women aud will find in your broad and hu- umue Byiiipuwjr imperative reaauuo intervention. , i. ii j counterbalance that of the German au thorities. "This assistance which the neutral nations can and, therefore, ought to lend us, will it be refused to the op pressed Belgians? "Be good enough to accept, Mr. Min ister, the homage of our most distin guished consideration." (Signed by a nnmhor f Ttolirlnn lofioa women and 24 societies.) a rmu-i ,.mmof ,hh 7 ii Tr.J T Tr I not fall to respond to this touching ap- peal and to others of a similar nature. The American embassy at Berlin a i ii. i i of the deportations with the chancellor and other representatives of the Ger- man government. In an interview with the under secretary of state for foreign affairs, Mr. Grew was handed an official statement of the German plans, which is, in translation, as fol- lows: German Camouflage. "Against the unemployed in Belgium, - who are a burden to public charity, in order to avoid friction arising there- from, compulsory measures are to be adopted to make them work so far as they are hot voluntarily Inclined to work, in accordahce with the regula- tion issued May 15, 1916, by the gov- ernor general. In order to ascertain such persons the assistance of the mu- nlcipal authorities is required for the district or tne governor general in " " " iv o, wv. VUi.w of the general government. 1. e., in the provinces of Flanders, lists were de manded from the presidents of the local relief committees containing the names of persons receiving relief. For the sake of establishing uniform pro cedure the competent authorities have, In the meantime, been instructed to mntra tha npqtiurv InvpttHrrntlnnQ r0. garding such persons also In Flanders through the municipal authorities; furthermore, presidents of local relief committees who may be detained for " O IV - UJ. UlOli aU-U lil3 will be released " Mr. Grew pointed out that the depor- tations were a breach of faith and would lniure the German pause abroad. In his official summary of the negotations which he carried on he says: . "T then H tntKe.i in Hotoii n-itt, tha under secretary of state for foreign af - fairs the unfortunate impression which this decision would make abroad, re- minding him that he measures were in principle contrary to the assurances given to th; ambassador by the chun- cellor at general headquarters last spring and dwelling on the effect which the DOliCV lllicht have on KnulHtld's lit- titude towards relief work In Belgium, I said I understood that the measures had been promulgated solely by the tersection with Gifmer Street wm military government In Belgium and creaUd a local improvement d -that I thought the matter ought at trict. and Gimjer Street, beginnin- personal attention n the light of.the oonsoquonces which the new policy would entuil. Herr Zimmermann inti mated in reply that the foreign office had very little Influence with the mill-, tarv authnritips nd that tt wna nn- likely that the new policy In Belgium could be revoked. He stated, hoxv- ever, in answer to my inquiry, that he would not disapprove of my seeing the ' chancellor about the matter." Solemn Protest by United States The formal protest of the United States was as follows: "The government of the United States has leurned vkh the greatest concern and regret of the policy of the German government to deport from Belgium a portloni of the civilian popu- lation with the fesult of forcing them to labor In Germany, and Is constrained io protest in a rnenaiy spiru dui most solemnly against this action which is In contravention of all precedent and those humane principles of Interna- uuuur wmcn nave accepted and followed by civilized ni.- tions n their treatment of noncomba- tants in conquered territory. Further- more, the government of the United States is convinced that the effect of tills rwillrv if nursiiofl will In nil nrnh. ability be fatal to the Belgian relief work, so humanelv nlannpd so snr- cessfully carried out, a result which' would be eenerallv denlnred and which, it is assumed, would seriously embarrass the German government." This protest was followed by those of the pope, the king of Spain, the government of Switzerland and other neutrals. They were of no avail, ex cept, perhaps, to lead the German au thorities to draw a tighter veil over their detestable proceedings. But ihe evidence has In some measure come through, although the full facts will not be known until the liberation of ALABAMA HAN E Prominent Southerner Gives Out Re markable. Statement For Publica tion. Tells Of Stomach Trou ble and Relief. Here.. is a story that cannot fail to interest the 'hundreds of men and j women of this section who are Vic tims of indigestion, dyspepsia and toe many otner malignant auoroers 'that are bound to follow these all- ments." it . ts told by Mr. Samuet summons, the promtoent and highly respited merchant whose place of busings is at second avenue and twentieth stueet, Bessitner, Alabama. u given for pubicatton so tnat ,, , mBV .VH1 .nA takn hap Qf courage ,8 what he .-.. For a long time I was a victim - of stomach trouble and all its at tendant eviM. Constipation, liver disorder, rheumatism of the muscles slant ? spells made life' mibterable for me. My mother was also a sufferer from these disorders of thJ system and we feared there no hope of cure ror us. Some of my friends nad Eott?n euoh wonderful insults from thU new' ....v...., ..v.v 8lx bottles of it for my mother and niyeeW. Both of us took ft faithfully al e wond.vjfully Improved. .,,... . , .. ,. J' think. f hav in Dr,eco the 'dicme la tha wor.d. Have uawi aim ok i o.uvi; in iny sjrcn ior a cure but $5.00 worth of Dreco did 1110re than everything else combin- ed." , V Deliverance .from such miserable cdndfttons as the above Ium caused many men and momen in different parts of the country to declare sin - cere, hearty words of praise and thankfulness for this great fnvigor- ant and body reconstructant, Dreco. This purely herbal medicine is now within the reach of the most humb'te worker as well as- hi wealthiest neighbor. No need now to pay -fab- ulou prices for new tangled remedies when here ts a good old-fashionel herb mediicim that is declared by hundreds to be the one thing to bri ij thm tieltef. Dreco is now on sal at almost every good dirug shop and is par- ikcuianv recomitienaea m itetasvniie by Gardlier Drug Co. " ' OWNERS NOTICE TO POPERTY ON THOMPSOSVILLE STREET, GILMER STREET, IVRIN STREET AND SHARP STREET. Nort Carolina, RckinShaW unty, Tho undu-sigivd Mayor and Boar J of Commissioners oO Hie (Town of ltciilsville, N. G. hereby give no. i tit e of the completion of the assess. ine,,t ro!! o ,he Prrty abutting on Thompsonville Street, West Mar. j set Street, UUnrer btreet, irviu Street and Sharp- Street, Pursuant to proper resolutions ( hereto lore.'..-, nassed :Uy the Board, Thompsonville Street, beginning at ,w - Brown's corner ai the inter, section ot Montgomery street run. ni"B east to the eastern corner of J. N- Watt's lot at the' intersection of Barnes Street with Thompsonviil? Street was creaed a local improve, ment district, and West Market Btreet beginning at the intersection rt nU, Ucsl Mni-kot Strpt with settle Street and running north witlv sai We8t ,Markt Street to its in. : intersection oi saiu uiins. - g a lut-ai niiiuuYcmcui y.ruiv.L " trfet and u"ni"B uthi with said Irvin Street to its into: s ction with Pieimont Street was created a local improvement diitrlct, and bl,arP Street,; beginning at its intersection with Lindsey Street and - running south with said , Sharp St t0 its intersection with Piedmont Street was created a local improve m'ent d.istri f Any pursuant to said resolutions the. sail streets have been : raved and asse-sments - have been duly made and assess. ment roll completed and filed in ihe office of the Clerk of the Town of Rsndville and the same Is now sub. ject to Inspection by all parities in. terested, All parties owning property abut- ting on said streets so pave and irjProvd are- herebv notfied that a nie,ning 0f the Mayor and Board of Commissiomers of the Town ; of Ile,dsvine wlH De neM at the. Towrt Jn h said Town, on the 5th . . ... .... ',.,A .lWlf va. Aacavut itfio, b tw v iwa P. M., for the hearing of any alle gations and objections in respect to sPeciiU assessment against the prop erty "uttlng on said streets. : person faiUng to appear at j this time anJ madoe objection to the l80131 assessment will have this -notice pleaded in bar of their right 'to object to such assessment here. after, This the . 21 day of February, 1918. M. P. CUMMINGS, Mayor. JOHN F. SCOTT. N. O THOMPSON G. E. CRUTCHFIELD, J. F. SMITH. W.' Bt , WRAY, Commissioners. el B. Ware! Clerk ADD MR PRASE $200,000.00 REID8VILLE I NORTH CAROLINA BONDS Sealed bids addressed to the un deTsigned will be received by the 1916 by Mrs. Jessie bni.u a.i,; tkard of Commissioners of the Town i recorded in the oiuue ' ig- n of R'sidsvilto unUl 12:00 o'clock noon Deeds of Rocldnchum Cj-jui.. March 4th, 1918, for purchase of the. Book Page the following (Bonds of the Town of Reidsville dated February 1st, 1918, bearing interest at a rate not to ex. ceed 6 per ct, payable semi-annually the lexact rate1 to be determined uion receipt of sealed bids for said Bonds 'on March 4th, 1918 at 12 o'clock Noulu. Principal and semj annual interest (February 1st. and August 1st payable In New York City in gold. $ll5,00t.C0 Improvement Bonds, de- nomination $1,000. maturing Febm. ary 1st as follows Fhruarv lt $8,000.00 annually 1920-1928. February 1st, February 1st, February 1st, , $7,0oao0 annually 1929. $6,000.00 annually 19301931 tinnnnn n 1932-1937. $75,000.00 Funding Bo;ids, denomi nation $1 000.00 Maturing February st as follows: $5,000.00 annually February 1st, 1920-1928. $4,000.00 annually February lst, 1929-193L , $3,000.00 annualijy February lst, 932-1937. $10,0000 03 Sewer "Bonds, denoml unuuu i.vm. luaiumm ruruury lst, as follows: $2,000,00 annually February j t lst 1 920-1921. ' , , n'0l mly February 1922-1927. rsonas Drenar' a under i.wa. Riinor. vision of the United States Mortgage & Trust Company, New York city. legality of k.nds examined by Catd- well & MasS'.tch. attorney j, New York c:ty. Th'Mr approving opinion will be furnished without charge. 1 These Bonds are genorn.1 obliga- tions of the Town issued under the Municipal Finance Act 1917. An ua- limited tax for the payment of inter- test thereon has bean authorized by ' law and resolutions. All bids must be made on blank forms, which will be furnished by the ! Trust Company of the Town, and must be for at least par and accrued interest. Bonds will be deli vs red in in Now York City on March 11. 1918. ; Each bid must he accompanied by cash or certifflud check drawn to the order, of J'. F, Sm,ith, Tixsasurcr, on soma DanK or lrust co. for 2 nor ,'ceht of the fac of amount of Bonds ,. ,i ! The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. - ; Reldsvillo, N. C., Feb. 21, '1918. E. B. WARE, Town Clerk. ! NOTICE j State of North Carolina, In the Superior Court February Term, 1918. Hattie Blackwell ) vs..; . '. '',)' ''-. Richard Blackwell ) The defendant above named will take notice that an ' action entitled as above has commenced In Superior i Court of Rockingham county, N. C, ( to obtain a divorce a vinculo matrimo nii, by the plaintiff from the defend- ant, on account of acts of fornication ai d a'ultery On part of the defend , anf; and the said defendant will take ' notice that he is required to appear before the Judge of our Superior, Court, at a Court to be held for the co'inty of Rocking'iam, at the Cou. i lioiiae in Wentwonh. on the 1st Mon 'ay beore 1st Mon-L.y of March it be-, n,? the ot February , x918 andean- ster or idemur to (omplalnt, whicn vill be deposited in the office of 'ie; Clerk of the Superior Court, w(Ui:n the first three days of said Term; r-"- , - , A-., .. .. . . , that if he fail to answer the sail com m , , ... 4, . . . ,t( the plaintiff will apply to the Co'urt plaintiff will apply to tha Comt for the reief demanded in the co::i plaint. This the 1st day of February, 19:. JAS. T. SMITH. Clerk Sniterior Couit P. T. Stiers, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration upon tht estate of ilary E. Bould i, deceased having been duly Issued to tha un j dersigned this is to not'Iy all per sons Indebted to said estate to come forward and make Immediate settle ment. All persons having claim against the said estate will pleas present them to the undersigned, dulj proven, on or before the 1st day o: February, 1919, or this notice will bf plead in bar of their recovery. This the 29th day of January. 191 J. D. BOULDIN, Admr. of Mary E. Booldln, Deuieo Ira R, Humphreys, Attorney. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as ..'adminis trator, with the will annxed of R P. Summers, d ceased, 'his is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to' come forward and make immediate settlement. All persons claims against the said estaf will pleare present them to the uni-:rsiga-ed, duly proven, on or before the 20th day of February, 1919. or this notice will be pleaded tn bzr of re. covery. W. S SOMERS, Administrator With the Will Annexed of R. P. Hummers, Deceased. Ira R. Humphreys, Atty. for Admr. LAND SALE Under the power o siiie. 00:1 U .! J I - ,,n a Deed of Trust of da.e Jji which have not been c. ..... .'ml -.i.i. I shall on the premises ... u.o. . I oa '.uday, Mjaruh 26 . .. 2 o'clock p. m., sell to ihe higho: bidder the folowing land .iWijtei ..-i the town of Stonc.U.e, ;tf . To -t - ship, Rockingham Cou ;iy, N..ii Carolina. Beginning at a white -r on Joyce rora ana L.ea 9.J..e i. mi. now main sueet, thente We U Poles to a red) oak on said : id. tnence East io poVee to n Pointer; thence South 28 ro -k m i ine nrst station, .ae ana thi ee-fourths acres, more or e.-i. an i known as Mrs. ,Jesaie S tilth Honn J'lacet the town of Stonevil.e, ama being tame property co.weyed to J. R- Bmlth by M. P. Stoe anJ wife. See Deed Book 3rd C, Page 39. This the 15'h day of February, 191J J. O. RAGSDALE, Trustee. NOTICE Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of John D. Huf- fines, deceased, this 1b to notify all persons owing said estate to coma - tQrward and make immediate sec- ttefcnent of same, ani all persons . ... . . ' . . . holding claim 8 against said estate ars hereby notified to file some with the undeirsigiieUl or my attorney, P. W. GlideweU, of Reide-vfllle, Nl C, on ' or before the 20th day of February, . ' 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar . "!T?h.Ti'i,. m t " appearmtna tne ?ia ,IJhn4, .u?8( owedu ad ro11 ths "blajids Realty & Improvement Compamy, all persons holding claims against sail"! corporation, either curei w unsecured, are requested to n,e noti(,e of fiaId clei-i with the tin- dersigned, or my rrtovuty, P. W. GHtiewell. . immedia'-; This is re- nuested because tl. uMl.;rsigned d- slres to ronder an:' ' POS8lb,e la th adjustment of :h rtfalrs of thd. corporation, TnlB tne 15th daj r Fe,,ruryi l91-s L- HUFFINES, Administrator P- W Glidewtll, Attorney for Admr. i -- - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, 1 , ... . . uig uuij nuauueu b uuminiv trator of the estate of Milton Wright, . " " 9 f688' Mmpsonville Town- ouiy, xvuvnuiuaui oiuil, nonce IS hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present I them to the undersigned; duly veri ! fled, on or before the 5th day of Feb jruary, 1919, or this notice, will be ' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All 1 persons Indebted to said estate will I please make immediate settlement This Feburary 5, 1018. C. P. CCBB, Adm'r. of Milton Wright, Dec'd. Benaja, N. C, R. F. D. 1. ' NOTICE OF SALE. On Saturday, the 23rd day of Feb ruary, 1918, at 1:30 o'clock p. m at the residence of the late O, W. Car ter, two miles Wejt of Reidsville, N. C, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following personal property: A lot of farming tools, a lot of rough fed, lot of corn and wheat, a 8-horee wagon and double harness, a l-hore wagon and harness, a buggy awi harness. Also other articles of pernome.1 property. This the 2nd day of February, 11. JOHN D. CAR i OK, Rxecutor of G. W. Carter, Ieceased. NOTICE - , Huving duly quau.uod as uumiuis- tr-.'.,.r f t'u iiti ..T i i ....-r dectscd. this is to uoi.fy mi persQn lade. led LU ld fcritaUi inueted io said eatatu ui tor- and make settlem wa,u' &ua maK0 Betuemen- au per. ?on hoiunig claims against the said esi .ic wi.l ; lease prueut them io undj.vinei, duly proven, o.a or before the 23d day of February, lii-, or this liouow win pleaded la br of their recovery. This the 23d day of February, 1918, J. K McCARGO, Admr., of J. J. McCargo, Deceased ,' NOTICE ';' Having duly qualified a3 adminis raior of the estate of N. J. Brown. coii..ea, this is to notify all per ons Indebted to said estate to come forward and malte settlement. All persons holding claims against th said estate will please present them to the un 1-rMgned, duly proven, on W before the 25th day of January, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery, This the 25 day of January. 1918., j MRS. HORTENSB BROWN Admlnstrafi-t of N J Blown decl.- Ira R. Humphreys, Attorney. NOTICE Having 'duly qualified as admTuTs rator of the setate of R. B. Rice, teceased, this Is to notify that all persons holding claims against the lid estate will please present them, o the undersigned, duly proven, on r before the 25th day of January, 919. or this notice will be plead in bar of. their recovery. This the 25 day. of January; 1918. E. M. JONES, Admr. . Of R. B. Rice, Deree4 ra R. Humphreys, Attorney. feerolc Belgium.

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