THE REVIEW: RETDSV)LLE, N. O. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 i i r y KGTP HMfl? JZWS Nffl LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD HOU, PRESERVE THE LEATHER. ( Tktf.P. DALLEY CORPORATIONS. LIMITED.BUFFAIO.N.tT HOUSANDS LEARNING Ruction ale We will sell to the highest bid der at public auction WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27TH AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON House and lot on Sharp Street known as the J, B. Faulkner Home Place. This is a 7-room house with a good garden and orchard. Lot 52 12 by 431 feet. TERMS: One-third cash; balance one and two years REIDSVILLE INS. & REALTY CO. F. B. KEMP, Treas. ' ...I..! . - - -. - - . Awr. SEE US FOR Automobile " "'' And Farm and Town Real Estate In Rockingham County, REIDSVILLE INS. & REALTY CO. JAS. T. SMITHrPres. F. B. KEMP, Sec. and Treas. COAL! GOAL! COAL! We are now in position to book orders ror your next winter's supply of Coal subject to Government transportation, regulations, etc. Am not able to guarantee price but think it will be around $8.25. Prices will probably be named by Mr. Garfield by April 1st. This COAL and our SERVICE will please you J. R. NEWELL i ft Mew Marble and Granite Yard I take pleasure in announcing that I have opened a new marble and granite yard in Reidsville at Gos sett's old stand next to the town hall. We will handle the celebrated Winnsboro granite and have competent workmen who can execute the most ar tistic designs. We have many nice designs of ' monuments, tombstones r id markers ready for de livery. Please call and inspect our work. PRICES VERY REASONABLE J. H. BENNETT THE FLYING GAME Accommodation Will Be Provided for 40,000 Men a; Kelly Flejd, Near San Antonio, Tex. WW Be Nothing to Compare to It In Magnitude In the " World. : Thousands of young men .are being tauKht the game or flying and fighting in the air at Kelly Field, situated ad jacent to Shii Antonio, Tex. This trululng ground la being rapidly brought up to the lurgeat aero field in the world. ' The United States government- W constructing building!! and muklng 1m provenieuts to the Kelly Field at a cost "of more than, $4,000,000. It la now the largest government flying ground In the United States, and when the present plans are finished it Is stated thut there will be nothing to Compare with It in mugnitude In the world. Accommodations will be provided for more than 40,000 army flyers here, These will be divided Into squadrons, each to consist of 154 enlisted men and 19 commissioned officers. To each squadron there will be assigned 12 air planes. The organization Is officered by a major, a captain and two commis sioned officers each for a supply sec tion, engineering section and 12 aero sections, making 19 in alL The personnel also Includes the fol lowing: Four master signal electric ians and one sergeant major, one first sergeant, two clerks, one truck master and 16 mechanicians with the grade of sergeant, first class. Ranked as sergeants there are an assistant truck master, mess sergeant, supply ser geant, mechanic, photographer, chauf feur and 11 mechanicians. There are also 33 corporals, six cooks, 39 pri vates, Jlrfct cIuhs, and a medical depart ment of four. In the Engineering Section. Four of the first class and five ranked as sergeants belong to the , engineering section. The sections In the squadron are the headquarters section, supply section, engineering section and 12 aero sections. The dis position of the corporals is four to the headquarters, eight to supply, three to engineering and 18 to the aero section. One of the Interesting camp fentures of this great training camp for arrfly flyers is the machine shop, where the airplanes are not only repaired but are being rapidly constructed. Many skilled mechanics are employed In this work. These men are not'only capa ble of building machines, but they are experts in flying as well. In a way the arrangement of the aero squadron Is similar to that of the racing teams that a short time ago were maintained by the leading motor cur manufacturers Classed in this way the team would consist of 12 driv ers each with Its particular machine. In the aviation section the aero squad ron Is the "team." The 12 drivers and machines are represented by 12 com missioned officers. Each "section" of the aero squailrqn has a machine and flyer. The-mechiipjcians.-and helpers of the various adro: race drivers have their counter-parts in the mechanics and men assigned to each section. The machine shop of the flying fiefi! corresponds. to the automobile factory and there the more elaborate work 18 -done. ' ."' The men of the squadrons are house! in barracks built In orderly military fashion. Each building is numbered, but the building numbers do not always tally with the squadron number. Examining Board Meets Regularly. An examining board meets regularly and examines applicant for ''commis sions and applications are numerous. Flyers also come from the ground schools which have been opened at many places throughout the United States. The ground school nearest to .Hun Antonio is that at Austin-. Avi ation work has been featured as a part of the summer school courses at many of the leading universities, and this, too, aids In putting men of education and training for the aviation sections. It Is assured that one of the attrac tions that winter tourists will find la Sun Aiiionio. during the coming season will be that of Hying men over and around the city. Already, myriads of airplanes are often seen performing I he various kinds of feats above Kelly Field. One day recently a great flock of buzzards was not iced to apparently Join in the .maneuvers' thai were being conducted by. the' flying machine , men. These birds Went through evolutions that were ''being performed by the air planes and their remarkable actions were viewed with interest by visitor. IN MEMORIUM Our hearts were saddened on March 5th when 'the 'Death Angel visited the home of MU and Mrs. Ilto Chilton and look away liltth KUiw, theiir three year-old twiirn daughter. All was done that. Kvting parents, kind friends and the doctor could do to prolong her little life. But to no avail. Liltle Klwie waa unusuaJly bright fojn her age. She Will be mjs&ed by all who knew 'her. Her stay" on earth waa short and It wus hard to give her up But Ood " has called her home, to be with biiii ami her little oul U bright, and' srriging, "Mett mo there." ftjay we all tijy'-to go suiiliaig like little Oslo did. P. M. -W.B:8- Green's August Flower has been a household remedy 'all over the civilized world for more than halt a century for Constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid . liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is a most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous dysyepsia and liver trou. ble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpt'aMon of heart, ana many other tymptoms. A few doses of. .'August Flower -wfll relieve you Jt is a gentle laxative. Sold;- b Gardner Drug Co. ' . ; ! W.8.9 ';-. Cough Medicine For C lldren The fact that Chamberlain's Coupt Remedy gives prompt relief and l pleasant and safe to take has mad It a favorite with the mothers oi yours children. New Method of Tanning A commercial agent of the fJnlted States In Melbourne writes of having seen two sheepskins tanned by tjje new process. The skins' were pickled pelts. First they were ;soaked until clean and reasonably free fom pickle. Thrn they were Immersed for ten min utes' in a pail contaiidng a' solution. They plumped rather quickly. At the end of ten minutes they were put into a wattle-bark extract tanning solution 50 per cent strong. The solutfon be ing la an ordinary tub the skins were manipulated by hand. In exactly an hour they were taken from the tub, ' washed, and stretched out to dry. K EEP your children in good health The greatest menace to health in old or young is constipation. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative is recommended as a positive remedy for constipation mild and gentle in its " action and free from opiates and narcotic drugs. In countless homes it is the standard family remedy. Druggists everywhere fifty cents and one dollar. A TRIAL BOTTLB CAN BE OBTAINED, FREE OF CHARGE, BY WRITING TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL, 457 WASHINGTON ST., MONTICEIXO, ILU IKHE Take SulphurBaths at nome ror 111 UMATISM Gout, Eczema, Hives, etc Right in your own home and at trifling cost, you can enjoy the benefit of healing sulphur baths. Hancock' Sulphur Compound ' attire's own blood purifying and ikln healing remedy SULPHUR prepared In a way to make Its use most efficacious, lite It In the bath; use it as a lotion applying to affected parts; and take It Internally. 50c and $1 the bottle at your druggist's. If he can't supply you. send his name and the price In stamps ana we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY ' Baltimore, Md. ' Bmact tJfhur Ctmfmi Obit- H--V mini Hand SOcfir totth tin LjJ'ffj 1 tow t Tm hum Hm Insurance FIRE LIFE TORNADO See or Phone Us For Rates PETTIGREW REAL ESTA7 E RENTAL & INS AGENCY 108 GILMER STREET Buy a War Savings Stamp -Hj I ne ur. INorndan rlace at 1 homp- sonville 6 Miles East of Reidsville 85 ACRES SUB-DIVIDED . ...... . . This Farm is situated on good sandclay road just on opposite side of road from Faucett's Store. There is a good 5-room house and tenant house on the farm. This is first-class tobacco, grain and stock farm Wellwooded. Well watered. Near SchooJs and Churches. TERnS i-4 cash; balance hi one and two years WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON March 23 AT ii O'CLOCK A, M. Any one wishing to buy the farm pri vately before the sale dav or desiring any information write W. E. Nixon, Pilot flountain, N. C, or O. E. Snow, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Sale Conducted By O. E. Snow CAPT. A. J. ELLINGTON, Auctioneer.

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