THE REVIEW: EEXDSVILLE, N. Q Tuesday, march 10, ms ...... tfal t.ji - " ptTOlTD lyQaDDocTQcscry Coat Suits, Dresses, Goats, Shirt Waists, Satin and Silk Dress Goods, Etc. Now Ready For Your Inspection What Shall the Answer Be? We take pleasure in announcing that our spring stock is now ready for inspection and we cordially invite our friends and customers lo call and see our display. We purposely deferred our spring purchas- . es in order to secure the very latest styles in all goods. Our patrons are thus assured the very latest fashions. Every line is complete and we are justly proud of our splendid stock now opened up. Please give us an early call. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Buy a War Savings Stamp THE finest bed in the world can be spoiled by a poor mattress and improved by a good one. Those who have used the modern, built up. mattress know its comfort and solid restf ulness. Our mattresses make a firm, soft and yielding bed that rests every part of the body. They never lose their shape. We have just unloaded a full car. Come in and see how these mat tresses are constructed. We have them for all sized beds, in several designs of ticking and at various prises, but all very reasonable. BURTON-CHANCE-WALKER CO. Furniture and Undertaking America 1b made up of 100,000,000 units of Individual men and women. It Iuih bw;n well said that God does not knoy America as America, except as be known you and me and every Individual who in the aggregate com prise America. You are America as to the ertent of your individuality. Your respon sibility in ths world crisis fs exactly the Hume as that of America act whole. I ' America must put forth every ounce of it h strength to save -itself, but America, will fail to do this to the ex tent that any single individual falls to do bin or her full duty. v tewed r.vm mis angle, are you truly an American or are you meo-ely a liiingfr-on, Hliouung perhaps with the crowd, but doing no reu.1 effective service in this, the greatest crisis since man's creation? Co deep down into your soul be fore you make answer to yourself, to your country and to your God to these questions: What am I personally doing to up hold the Ooveiyninent, to equip and our soldiers and to lighten their burdens? What sacrifice am I making to inatchtlio sacrifice of the soldiers wh give up home and endure untold hard Khdps and offer their lives to prjotect me 7 What ami I doing to increase the output of the things needed for war or to sustain the nation in fts stupen dous task ? Am I seeking iersonal gain of hfg'v er wages', or shorter, or larger profits merely for my own individual selfish interests? Am I consecrating evei'v ounce of my strength, evecly power of my be ing toward arousing the nation, to ward quacktwiHng latent patriotism In to flame, toward increasing food pro duction, or lessening food eonsump tton and waslte, or toward the building of ships', . the inq:(eaaed output 'of steel and iron and coal and chemicals ind machiniery, .the expansion and at he same time the conservation of transportation facilities- by rail, water and highway? - Am I adjuting my family expenses by cutting out every unnecessary thing .that the money thus saved may be . dedicated to the niation's use through Liberty Bonds, Red Croaa or X. M. C. A. work, or religious actlVi- tifes?. : Am I merely a casual looker-on a? unihinka.hle beast, with iik realization of my individual responsibility" to God and nuui, or am I consecfiating all that Is i:i me, all my powers -'of mind and body, to this great task, the most momentous to which mankind has ever been called? Am I a shirker, a slacker, a physi eal, mental or nnacial coward, or am I a man or a woman imlto whom God has ireally breathed the breath of life in its largest and di vlnest sense ? Manufacturers Record. I VPURE ' M i as Southern Sunshine LIKE the soft, beaming sunlight of Dixie ' land, Luzianne brings cheer to mealtime-breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks who try it once have a genuine affection or it ever after. Luzianne comes to you in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. The flavor stays in impurities stay our. Buy a can of Luzianne. Use the whole can. If you don't honestly believe it is better than any other coffee you ever tasted, tell the grocer to refund your money. But, try it. IS YOUR HOME INSURED? If not, don't put It off. My rates are more reasonable than you think j roZlANNEcoffee "When It Pours, It Reigns'9 if FRANCIS! ,"W0MACK,o CLOCKS TO BE RUN UP HOUR FOR SEVEN MONTHS MARCH 31 . ; , w.e.8. tate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucus county, bs. Frank J. Cheney' make oath tha ie is senior partner of F J. Cheney ft Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforeaid and that said firm will pay the suit. of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS foi aach and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use oi HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Cth day of De ceinber, A. D. 1SS6. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acta through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the syjtem. Send for testimonials, free F. J. CNENEY & CO., Toledo. O Sold by an druggists, 75a Hall's Family Pills for oonstlpa- tiou. ''- Two Seasons Mentioned In Bible. Only two m-asmiS are mentioned in the Wble, summer and winter. Thev signify the two grand divisions of the Jenr, the warm and cold seasons. (Psalms 74;17; Zachnriah, 14:S.) .. W.8.8. DESERVES A GOLD MEDAL FOR THIS Cincinnati Authority Tells How To Dry Up Any Corn Or Callus So It Lifts Right Off You corn pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati anttrdrtty, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender corn stops soreness at once and soon the corn loosens so it can be lifted out, root an4 ad. without a bit of pain. ! A quarter of an ounce of freeon-a costs very little at any drug store,' dui is sumrient to take og every hard or soft corn or callu3. This should be tried, as if Is Inexpensive and Is said not to inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue or okfa. If your wife wears high neeU she will be glad to know of thl. 1 w.a.s- . Our line of engraved and embossed statlowa is complete, Tha W. M. oi'.Ttlr rnnting co city. At 2 o'clock in the morning of Sun day, March 31, a time when most well-regulated people will be fast asleep, a piece of federal legi'.satioa will go into effeot which will change the habits and daily routine of every man. woman and child in the United States. The. change will be sudden but once it has been made .not one person ia 10,000 will feel it after th first twenty-lour hours have passed. At that hour on that day a mandate of the -federal government will re quire the advancing of every clock in the country just one hour. Of course," most folks will ao this ad vancing before . -ey go to bed at might Thejy" are not called upon to stay awake until 2 o'clock or get ' up at that hour in order to comply: with the letter of the law. But some time ba tween the end of the day of March 30 and the beginning of the day of March 31 the time must be advanced. " Nohtimg could he more simple than the carry talg out of this rather novel idea, although it was shown by the debate in the House and Senate that much maunder standing existed as to what the government expects. Here Is the way it works. When bedtime pomes on the night of March 30 every person in the country who owns a Mock or w'atcni simply 'move the hands of it forward one hour. If this operation takes place at 11 in the eyening the clock should be set at 12. And, of course, this means that the whole family must arise in the morning by the w time, losing thereby, one hour's sleep, unleas this Is made up by retiring an hour ahead of the usual bedtime. AH business of . whatever character on the morning of March 31 will begin on the new time basis. It will, begin at the same hour, as before, so far as the reading of the cloak is con cerned, but actually it begins 1 hour earlier bo far as the sunrise arid so far as daylight- are concerned. And that is the whole purpose of the legis lation, It lis designed to wake the country up an hour earlier ach day in order to give the American people an opportunity to live a little longer in the daylight. The sign in this di rection of course is at the end of the da(y, not at the beginning. Assuming that the average closing 6.f the cuuntry business, at present is 5:30 o'cock in the afternoon and that the average sunset during the spring and summer Is 6 ofclock, the new scheme of thing will give every body an additional hour of sunshine each day. Business will close actually at 4:30 in the afternoon so far a3 the sunset Is concerned and instead of half an hour margin of sunshine the American people will be able to en joy an average margin of an hour and half, after leaving their . stores. shops and offices. For the time being the daylight saving scheme 1s to remain in effect for only seven months each year. At 2 o'clock in the morning of the lat Sunday in October connes, the hands of the dock are to be moved back one hour. But before October comes the chances are that the country will be so delighted With the change that Congress will decide to extend the daylight-saving law to the whole year. There is only one sound objection to the extending this to the winter season. This objection lies In the fact that it wouid compel a great many- working people to get up be fore daylight in the morning. Many trades, for example, begin thei day at 7 o'clock. At present It 'Is 'broad daylight almost everywhere in the country at that Jiour, but it is not daylight everywhere during the win ter at 6 o'clock, and many industries contend that it would be impossible to begin work in the dark. It may be, however, that such trades can ad just ineir nours so tnat the year around da ylight-Kaving plan can be put into- operation without incontven iences or os of efficiency. Unless there, is a complete under standing of the new law there is apt to be some confusion for the first twenty-four hours after "March 31. This is particularly true of the rail roads and such other businesses as work on fixed schedules. The au thors of the law have anticipated this and have sought to avoid such con fusion by placing the details of the change in the hands of the Interstate commerce commission, that agency most intimately in - touch with the transportation interests. For ,he purpose of establishing the standard time under the new enact ment it Iff provided that continental United States be dMded into five zones. The time in the first zone will eb based on the main astronomical time for tlie seventyKfifth degree of longitude, west from Greenwich that of the second zone, on the 105th de gree; that of the fourth zone on the 120th degree and that of the fifth izone shall Include only Alaska which iis on the 105Ui degree. w.s.s Buy a War Sayings Stamp. E Insurance kt Mart J I 8 J9 10c Paper Back Novel Books Just penty on hand. Window. Look oa oasr Get one of those ten year guaran teed gold filled beautiful coat ancE vest pocket watch chains. ONLY 43 CENTS. Guaranteed $1.50 Self-filling Foun tain Pens in our Windows. Try oa.. Smith Stat. & Pig. Co. "Service Is It." Plumbi Contractor A SPRING MEDICINE Croup Relieved in Fifteen Minutes No need to done delicate little stomaona with nauseous drugs or alcoholio syrupsL Bimidy rub a little Vick's "Vau-OlEub" Salve over the throat and chest. The va pors inhalod loosen the tough, choking phlegm and ease the difficult breathmc. One application at bedtime insures a sound night's sleep. 2oo, 60u, or $1.00. That Will Make You Feel Better, Look Better, Eat and Sleep Better. In view of the fact that disease is ever the srime, a medicine like" Hood 'a Harsaparilla, .which has been success ful for more than forty years in com batting disease arid preserving health, i.4 a sife one to rely upoij. Hood's S:n s.ipariila is known every where jis ths standard blood puri fier, tonie ami vilrlizer. Its record is one; of 'remarkalilo xesi'.lts. It has gfivoa entire Sirtisfactiori in the trest incnt of, eczema, humors, catarrh, .rheumatism loss of appe tite, that ..Tired feeling end general (Lbility, and is taken as effectively at one lime of year as another. There is nothing bett or as a prompt preneral and appef ite-maker for weak and run-down men, women ani children and eld people, invalids and onvalescerfs. It is pleasant to take, aids diges- tion, and suppucs the vital organs with the rich red bloott pssential to perfect health. Get Hood's Sarsaparflla foday,' All kinds o Plumbing Rooftn?, Guttering Etc. First-class Workmen. All Work Guaranteed. t Specifications Gladly Fur nished. R. G. Glaastone. OUR MACHINERY FOR REPAID WORK . is most complete' We r In position to repair any knd of machine, to replace worn or de fectlve parts. Such work Is alway wanted in a hurry for an 111 ma chine eats Its head off in lost time and business. If yon bare a Bon-working machine let as pat it beck on its Job again. . WOLIACK MOTOR CO HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick Is the most enduring; most eeenre against fire; most comfcrtablc in all weather most economical In final ot, and the most beautiful cf aayi bolldlnff mat9riaL If qmlity appeals to yon, write cs and et c notation Bnlpments made promptly. WILLUM80N HEDGECOCK, INC Martinsville. Va. Ideal Pressing Club W. W WILLIAMS, Prop. All Garments Cleaned or Dyed ea Short Notice. Hats Cleaned and Blocked Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wor& ....Prices Reasonable.... OVER SHARP'S BARBER 8H01 Telephone 829 Prczpt Service. Best 7crfc

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