THE REVIEW: REIDSV?LLE, N. 0. . r ft f ti cm V FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 rAiii j atik. .. . : : .... . - ' -. - - J 1 . - - m i I v w ' . o I CLIO Spring (TV Grove o Farm Formerly Owned by W. P. Bethell AT 12 O'CLOCK MOON This Valuable Farm Con tains 493 Acres, and is cut up in small farms,giving up-land, some bottom land and some wood with each purchase. and Rockin This Farm is situated on Dan Riyer near the Pittsylvania County, Virginia, gham County, North Car olina, bridge, 12 miles from Reids ville, 15 miles from Danville, and 1 niije from Oak Hill depot on the Dan ville & W estern Raihoad. Will be sold on Easy Terms, so that the small farmers can buy For further information see F. B. KEMP, Reidsville. Remember the Date. ' Sale Rain or Shine! Brass Band Concert aity & Auction Co, BOTH PARTIES WILL BE ASKED TO ADOPT 8UFFRAGE PLATFORM Referring to the suffrage meeting In the State capital Saturday the Ral eigh Tiniwa says: "Both the Democratic and Republf can parttow of North Carolina will be petitioned by the State Equal Suf frage aswoc Uit ion to Insert a suffrage plank In their platfonn when they meet in the convention this sprtoiig. It was decided at the mooting of the executive committee of the associa tion which met in this city at the "Woman's Club, Saturday at noon, to present a petition to both parties. Ai committee wui oe appointed, compos, ed of members from Ilaleigh, Greens boro, Durham and Goldsboro to draw up and present the petition. "At the meeting Saturday-the-various war activities of the association were considered, suffrage, war gar dens, food conservation, over the sea hospitals and -various forms of war work. Miu Lillian Fuller, of Durham, was apMinted chairman of the food conservation committee and Mrs. "W. It. Murray of Durham, chairman of finance. "It was announced at the meeting that the National Suffrage association in Washington is going to send into the State a circulating library of the very best suffrage literature for AFTER SICKNESS THEY GAVE Are Your Lunggp SHromg? Do colds go down to your throat? Are your bronchial tubes easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your chest? Then your lungs may not be as. strong as you expected consumption often follows. . Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe COTT'S EHUtSfft Because Its Pure Cod Liver Oil is Famous for strengthening delicate throats and weak lungs while its glycerine owul me lenaer nnmgs and alleviates the cough. , Start on Scott's Emulsion todayIt is Nature's building-food without drugs dr alcohol. ..TIIli,?por,", Nrl?r'rian llwoll UMrf In Scott', Emuhion it now refined la OUT own American Libor.,1, ,r,v. i,;,h ,,. it f. t . i " t, a.v. . UU) lUiyiUtUCS) t NOTICE w hER Vliil) i And She Soon Got Her Strength Back New Castle, Ind. "The measles left me run down, no appetite, could not rest at night, and I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs, so I was unable to keep about my house work. My doctor advised me to take Vinol, and six bottles restored my health so I do all my housework, in cluding washing. Vinol is the best medicine I ever used." Alice Record, 437 So. nth St., New Castle, Ind. We guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol, for all weak, run-down, nervous conditions. 8old by CHAR FKTZEB MJHHMttCHMHHCHaHMH SALE AT PUBLIC "AUCTION APRIL 6 At 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property, all in good condition. Reason for sell ing: More than I can look after. 1 No. 4 Frlck Separator. 1 ten h. p. Ingeeo Oil Engine. 1 twenty iu. Meadows Mill (Com.) 1 2-liole Hocking Vallep Corn Sheller. 1 complete set Blacksmith Tools. 1 Platform Scale. 1 Crowtn! Shingle Saw. 1 Mason Campbell Grain Grader. 1 complete Saw Mill Outfiit, T. J." HUDSON & SON SUMMER.F1ELD, N. C. v the use of the various leagues. From reports submitted at the meeting the suffrage progress in the State is lit tle less than astounding the sentiment seemiTig to be growing generally. Mrs. John S. Cunningham of Durham, pres ident of the State Suffrage association presided over the meeting and other out-of-town members of the executive board were present." -w.s.s. Perils We Overlook Of the many perils that beset the average Individual one of the most serious is a common cold. It is not the cold itself that Imperils our well being1, but the serious diseases which it leads to. Consumption usually starts with a cold, or a succession of colds. It is a germ disease, and germ diseases are most likely to be contracted when you have a cold. A child that has a cold is more like ly to catch diptheria, scarlet fever, than one who has not For this rea son every cold should be regarded as a peril and gotten rid of as quick ly as possible. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will help you throw it off. Try it. ; ' W.S.S ' Suppose you C. Kent Lewis. You Are A Better Looking Man Than You Think IF you have been wearing un-becoming, ill-fitting, make-shift clothes the -fine points of your physique have never been properly brought out Your clothes must express your INDIVIDUALITY. Come and let us measure you for "Blue-Blooded" A Tailored to Measure by V . The Globe Tailoring Co., .v.;. Cincinnati Not only will you have PERFECTION in fit, style, workmanship and wear, but garments that will ripple into every line of your figure and IlttULG yUU 5UUIU uuu v Hundreds of wonderful new materials, patterns and colorings, with fashion plates that are EXCLUSIVE J. S. HUTCHERSON. : ". . .'." See my Spring Samples made-to-order Shirts jm ". r i Ii i I t i A c 30