FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918 PAGE EIGHT THE BEVIEW; REIDSVILLE, N. 0. NEWS OF REIDSVILLE s AND ROCKINGHAM ' WJs B. Gordoru.;of .Spray spent Tuday tlio citw Bora to Mr and iMrs. R. L. Cue on March 12, a dautfhUT.. The Bnptiat Sunday School luitf do aa!d f 5.00 to the local Hod Crasm. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Borland are spending this wwk with i.Mrs. It. U Mr. Z. W. Griffin of Monroe' on honored us With a pleasant call Tues day. Supt. of Schools N. Hickorsoti Ua3 a very Internum if offer in this isnue. Read It. Take time to road tin; ofter of the Wir Savings Committee of Rocking-1 Lam to the school. Mrs. J. S. llutcher-on is spends ; the week-end in Winston with Mr. nad Mrs. (Srady Jiroome. Every ono that po-isibly can should : should see Annette Kelleniiajni. Tues day at tlio Grande Tlo-atre. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. JU'ckerson and Mix. A. T. Julian of Wciuworth Kjniit Tuesday in Green.-boro i-hoppini;. Mr. M. J. Duham a, ipiiUr.yiiiiif fanner on Route I!, was in town Wed-li-day and gave u a pi".- :aiit nail. Mr. arid .Mrs. Hen Dyer, of I-a.k,s-vJlle are vlsitiur th-ir dautflitfr, Mrn. F. 0. Sharp, on Piediuout slrwt. Evory one that possibly can should attend the day shows next Tuesday at the Grande .Theatre, to avoid the . ruch at wJkIh. j All selectmen In Class 1 and those j 21 years of ago since last June are la vl ted to attend the drill at the C. and A. hall every Thursday night. Vou will have the opportunely next Tuesday to imhi i lie- : n-st picture ever produced, "A Daughter of tin God's." THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 59 Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTAIN Van Wert. Oho, March, 17, 1918 To Editor Times Topics, lkar .Sir: Thia aro the windiest pint of the whole gloat), last Friday the wind it blew like sain hill, and we stand la the cellar all day. l'a he have so many cli!iickns he hardly know how rniny hisself ho are got, and when the wind got down to blow in itjs diirndost there were some 1 hiiiK loin, Tho wind it blowed all the feathers ouen ras oni insii n-u rooster, alid Ma she said she are not fond of wind storms but it do Mire avt the truhbel of having to pick the feathers often a ioukii wish roos- iL-nd she wants me to write you and tell you that it are a ill wind what blows no favor to .sum folks. 1 are yours specful, ANN. A. MAS. o Spring is right hero and the time to bo lit Is riirht now, be tit. by taking' 'TT that great Stomach laxative. remedy Tonic E Try this new dish Just for one time. Ground Rhubarb stalks .. one teacup Poshinii ground tine one cup Maccaroiiii Stewed one cup Corrugated Mustard Salad., two cups Lhnburger grated .. one cup Fresh Spring onions stewed two cups Well bi owned bread crumbs .one cup Mix all very intimately and grind through food chopper and pack in muflin molds, sprinkle a little hoive radish and Chinese Vermillion over anil bake slowly close the oven. Use a gas mask when serving them. o Fall line of Garden and. Flower j Seeds. And the prices are right. o An Irish Mon o'War was sunk off the Canary islands; perhaps the crew became-careless "listening to tin.' canari. BRITTAIN'S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best (foods Lowest Prices. Let Iiritta.n (ill your Prescriptions. in Greensboro this Oar breezy bachelor friend, ,Mr. W. S. Smothers of New Bethel township wan in town Wednesday and honored us with a pleasant call. The Keidsvlllo Hosketbull team will play the Spray Basketball team on the Franklin Street school grounds Friday afternoon at 4:,",i. Admfosdou l&c. Mr. C, O. McMIuhael. Grand Ward en of the I. O. O. .F.-.. grand lodge of North Carolina delivered an ad dress before the district lodge at Montezuma last week. He also do lodge which met week. Revival services will begin, at the Went worth M. K. church the (it'th Sun I day night. Kev. W. II. Willis of Lexington will assist. Pastor Town isend. A victrola, piano or handsome !i i brarv may be secured by any school sellicig the largest number, of War Savings Stamps. Bead the offer else where. Mr. W. J. .Talley, who H stationed at Camp, Greenville, S. C., returned ednesday after a five days" furlough to hi:s parents on North 'Ar lington street. Fanners are hauling out an im mense amount of fertilizer th week. At present prices of farm products a liberal use of good lzers will doubtless pay well. At a recent meeting of the Reids ville Tobacco Board of Trade it was decided to close the local market on April 15th. A resolution was also adopted requiring -all tobacco on the warehouse floors, boglning wilh tho is a great labor saving plan and Is ii.ow in force on most of the big mark ets. . Kev. J. T. St.-ader will preach at the Ruidsvilio Christian church next Sunday at H'o'clock, Public invited. The annual commencement of the Bethlehem school will he held Fr-1-day and Saturday nights, March 29. and :50th. The, . exercises of the iltUh w ill be given by the primary depart ment a-id on the "ttth the play "Single Llfrt" will be givK-ii. Everyone invit ed. No admission. The final entertainment of the Dan River School will be given Saturday night, March 2'.i. beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. Everybody is cordially Invited to be present. The following telegram has been received; "From all the Information wo have the Loyal Order of Moose is a thoroughly responsible organiza tion and the largest in town." Rev.- R. M. Andrews, President of the North Carolina conference of the Methodist 'Protestant church will preach at the M. P. church Sunday, "March 24-th at eleven o'clock a. m aster Style Display SHOWING THE NEWEST AND MOST AU THENTIC FASHIONS IN LADIES' APPAREL Beautiful Easter Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Undermuslins, and Ev erything in PIECE GOODS. EASTER HATS A splendid showing for Women and Children in a big variety of styles and shapes. Make your selections early. MRS. CORNIE IRV1N & CO., THE WOMAN'S STORE Quality and Style next tobacco year, to be put in bask-1 s,ru t 7':3(- n. m. A full attendance Jivered an address before tho district ets before being offered for sale. This 0f th members is desired. The pub- HOWDY PAP Loyal Order of o FRIDAY NIGHT 8 O'CLOCK C. & A. HALL Important meeting. All applicants requested to b a in the hall promptly on time. Purity Aid Progress M Purity Aid Progress bi O Z o MOOSE BENEFITS Free Medical attention for self and family. $7.00 Weekly Sick and Accident Benefits. $100.00 Burial Benefits. FreeVocational School at Mooseheart, Illinois. Free Access to Club Rooms, with all the conveniences and entertainment Fool, Games, Baths, Reading and Wri ting Rooms, Dances, Lectures. Everything for your enter tainment and good time. Charter Fee $C.00; Dues $1.00 pe3month. No initiation for those joining now. H 3T - n -i -. H ' 5' it5 J ? - 2 3 f 3 S O i o a 2 3 TJ o Those desiring information relative to the workings of the order before joining are invited to see the organizer at B.R. Stones office over A. S. Price & Co's. store be . tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. THE CHARTER MEMBERSHIP FEE IS NOW $6.00 Thosec joining afler close of charter, $25.00 ic is also cordially invited to hoar President Andrews. Mr. H- E. Ehun went to High Point yesterday where he will spend a few days. Mr. Arthur Smith of Camp Jackson is spending some time on a furlough with" relatives, near Melver. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanser and Rev. and Mrs. Claytor of Milton stopped over with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ilines for a few hours Tuesday. They were en route to Greensboro. On Tuesday night .fifteen candi dates were admitted iato full member ship of the Girls Friedly Soeh;ty. The candidates were presented by Miss U. Gordon of Spray, vice-president of Society in this Diocese. Present indications are that the to bacco acreage in this county this year Willi be increased 10 or '.0 per rent over last year's plantings. At the same time the farmers re r'ni- ning to raise a reasonable amount of food crops. At a meeting Friday night of the C. & A. directors it was decided to ask everybody owning houses or par ties desiring to rent-houses to leave notice of same at the C. & A. hall with the 'secretary, M. T. Smith, who will take pleasure in aaswe:ius any inquiries as to available houses. The Republican County Executive Committee met at Wentworth last Monday afternoon and called their County convention April 8 to select delegates to their State Convention which meets in Greensboro April 0. They also selected May 8th as date of their mass meeting to select their county nominees. Attorney C. O. McMic.hael has just returned from a delightful trip to Western North Carolina, where, he wenit to deliver an Odd Fellows adl dress at Newlands, the county seat of Avery. He reports a fine time and says the farmers of Western North Carolina aro busy sure enough and are actually cultivating .right-of-way of the Southern Railway compaaiy. He also said Irish potatoes are selling for fifty cents per bushel in Avery coun ty. S. II. Smith, a well-known mer chant of. Spray, died at his hortfe last night about 7:30, after an operation, of appendicitis, which was performed March 1st. The deceased leaves a wife, iMrs. S. H. Smith two children, Margaret, age 5 years, and Jeanette, ago 6 moths. He also leaves his four brothers: W. H. Smith, G. H. Smith, It. T. Smith, John W. Smith, and a half brother, Alto Grogan. The luneral will be held at his home to morrow afternoon. Danville Register 20th. ' :: There will be a patriotic service at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning to which the public is cor dially invited. The Isabelle Craig Memorial Society will present a ser vice flag in honor of those who have gone out from the congreation for service to our country. The program 1b as follows: Doxology; Invocation; Hvmn. "Onward Christian Soldiers"; Scripture reading; prayer; Hyjna, "America"; offertory; sermon; pre sentation of Mr. W. It Dalton; acceptance by Rev. Carl B. Craig; solo by Mrs. Watllngton; benediction The following ladies have consent ed to serve as vice-chairmen on the Woman's, Third Liberty Loan Commit tee for Rockigham County: Mrs. IL VL Scott, ReicVville; Mrs. Nat M. Pickett. Madison; Mrs. R. T. Stone, Stoneville; Mrs. W. C. Ruffin, .Mayo dan; Mrs. Reuben Reld. Wetworth; Mrs. S. A. Worsley, Ruffln; Mrs. L. Knowets, Draper; Mrs. O. C. Brink man, Leaksville; Mrs. J. G.-Farrel, Leaksville; Mrs. R V. Hobbs and Mrs. Wm . Gordon, Sprayl There la diet are urged to use their on busi ness acumen and diplomacyIn deeld 1 on the best methods ' to reaeh very possible mbscriber to this third loan. Mrs. W. R. Walker, chair man County, Spray. j PONT DELAY! New stock of Garden Seeds has just arrived. Seeds are scarce and higher than usual. We bought ours early last fall before thejast advance in prices. Can save you money on your purchas es, as our prices are cheaper than same can be ordered by mail. Buy and plant early, have a good garden, and get your seeds at ' 0 Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 FIRE INSURANCE I take pleasure in announcing that I have mov ed into my new offices next , to J. H. Burton's store on Gilmer street. I represent a splendid list of STRONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES and will carefully look after all business entrust ed to me. Safeguarding the interests of my cus tomers will be my first consideration at all times: .. . I will appreciate a continuance of the lines" on the books of the late Jno. D. Huffines which I purchased; also my share of new business. Laura L. Powell, Agt. FIRE INSURANCE PHONE 307. Phone 246-W for staple and fancy groceries and feedstuffs. Fresh tock and lowest prices. H L. Hubbard. EGGS f5r hatching. Brcwn Leg horns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1.25 per 15, delivered. Nice Cockerels 12.00 each. J. E. Newnam, Pelham, N. C. R. F. D. 2. JUST ARRIVED. Six 100-plece china dinner seta; six 42-plece china breakfast sets. All beautiful patterns bought last August for fall trade. You get last year's price on these goods, saving at least 25 per cent. In Justice to yourself you should Investi gate. These goods are- very scarce and hard to get Burton-Chance-Walker Co. FQR SERVICE. Prince No. 103153 Registered "Poland China boar at Reidsville Flour Mills yard. FOR SALE. 30 suburban lots ?50 each; $ 5.00 down, $1.00 per weetr Pettigrew Real Estate, Rental and In surance Agency. PEAS FOR SALE. Just received a nice lot of clean sound field pea3 for quick sale for cash at the follow ing prices: Mixed peas at $3.65 per bushel; Whipporwilla $3.70; Clay $3.70; Black $3.75; Brabham '$3.75; Red Rippers $3.85; New Eia $3.85; f. o. b. Reidsville, N. 0. They are scarce and prices are advancing. You will save money by buying now. J. L. Butler, Phone 102. OOOaCHCHMHCHKHKHSHiHSHa HELP WIN THE WAR! By planting all you can. We have the larg est stock and most complete assortment of GARDEN SEED we have ever had, and will be glad to fill your orders, large or small. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY i PHONE 14. NIGHT PHONE 61-J.

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