7 niP. REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. 0 TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1918 ,JMrj TWO n Linnit, AMmwJ : tl Work of the Red Cross BResources over Rve Million Dollar sJDJ Advertising in this paper will bring good returns on the omoia WRITE D: money invested Col Grafnola Here Is your opportunity to get a fine, new. latest -model Grafnola In a way you can easily afford. We are offering these splendid in struments, with powerful silent mo tor, bayonet-Joint tone-arm and oth' er Columbia exilusive features on THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS AS LOW AS $5.00 DOWN, $4.00 MONTHLY. Come in today and hear any Co lumbia Record played on one of these Grainolas nowhere will you find a more complete line. Our service costs you nothing and insures you double satisfaction and enjoyment. We will give you quick personal attention you are welcome, whether you buy or not. PRICES ADVANCE JULY 1. Columbia Grafnola Price $18 $5 Down, $4 Monthly. Financial Report June 1-13, 1918 June J RECEIPTS Ralance in Jiiink . . Annual dues Reidsville Chapter . . . Ituffln Aux. .. .. .. . Donations .... . Reed War tax Chatauqua tickets . . . , . . . . Total receipts ftr June $493.27 . 13.00 . 10. 00 . 3.00 . 112.J72 Columbia Grafnola Price $30 $5 Down, $6 Monthly Columbia Grafnola Price $45 $8 Down, $8 Monthly EXPENDITURES Paid Express Co. .. .. Paid Express Co Drayage Total .... .... ...... June 13 Balance in Bank , MAT 1918 May 1 RECEIPTS Funds in bank . . ...... Donations .... . . . . , . R, M. Gillie .. .... .... Rec'd. Citizens Bank Int. on Deposit . . '...'.. (Refunded) iMrs. JFaulken- burg's expense . . . . 631.99 . 8.30 ..3.25 .. .25, .11.90 620.09 631.99 488.86, 37.60 100.00 10.35 26.00 Red'd, from Ruffin Auxiliary Supplies .. .. .. .. ... 8.80 ReCd. from Bethlehem Aux. The Variety Stores Co. Supplies . 4.80 187.55 C, P. SMITH, Manager LEAKSVILLE NORTH CAROLINA A Law Reidsville Needa Charlotte is away behind Gastonia. That town is Just now beginning to talk of the advisability erf having a do?-muzzling law. Gastonia had a dog-muzzling law two or three years ago. Some months ago, however, a better way was found of handling the dog nuisance and .the dog-muz-eling law was rr pealed. In Its place was enact - J 4 law forbidding any dog ov-ur to let his dog off his own jprefllljes unless said dog was led by a chain or rope. Air dogs running at large are taken up by the police -department, kept a day or two, and if not claimed by the owner who by the way, finds a fine awaiting him when he arrives are shot. As a result it has come to be a rare thing the sight of dog running at large. A great many dogs were shot and the few people who still own dogs comply with the taw as a rule. In this connection, however, it Is not amiss to state that the mad doe season is again here and that the local laws should be enforced to the very letter. No violation of this law which gives the public a much-needed protection, should be tolerated. Gastonia Gazette. $679.41 DISBURSEMENTS New Southern Hotel .. ..''.. 1.0ft Express paid .. .. .. .. .. 2.89 Drayage paid . . . . . . ... .75 Telegram paid .. .. ... .. .. .58 Janitor paid (Mandy Dillard) 2.75 Mri FauPkenbury's expense 261.00 Sundry accounts " Supplies surg dressings 140.17 for information regarding our Bank ing '. by ' Mail service, which Is on l the it iportant factors that has enabled ibi.-" bank to grow until its total IU. ourees exceed SIX MILLION DOLLARS. You, like our thousands of other customers, "will benefit by maintain ing a banking connection with vs. Write today. Established 1872 The FihstN4tionalBank of Danville Wa.. Jas. L pRiTCHCTT.Pr asidant. B.V. Booth, V)c Pr. Cash. aA.OvEftBKV.VIc President. KCPATTON,Ast.C8hier. I. V.. UUCRRANT.AittbMhitr. iiiilllllllillliiuili lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiirrniiiiiiuiiiiinmiin 11111 iiiiiihiiiiiiiihiiiimiiiiiii Total expenses for May May 31 Funds in Bank . 183.14 493.27 $679.41 Read The Review Regularly. Bookkeeping and the Commercial Branches taught the Graduates being placed belfore they finish the courses. mand ever known for Office Help. Write for Catalogue and Special Summer rates. GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Greensboro, N. C. year round, Greatest de ftl. In lj I I I s if . Ill v V lj I ! ft 1 1 '?M 0 1 i 4 It ' i ft. , Km '.' t h - tf ' I '1 APRIL 1913 RECEIPTS Anrii 1 Funds in Bank .. .. 724.50 Donations received .. .. -51.00 Annual dues received,.. .. 2.00 Annual dues received from Ruffin auxiliary .. .. .. 13.00 Received from Ruffin Au.il- for supplies ..... . . .15 .50 Total receipts for April .. .. 81.50 may see to wnom nonor is aone. 1 must mention by name my assistant, Mrs. P. D. Watt for I feel that it due her that all hould know of her unselfish devotion to the work and most capable and efficient' service. We also wish to thank Mr. M. T. Smith for the courteous help he has always given us , in so many emer gencies at the work room that call ed for a man's assistance. Also Mr. Chas. Whitsett for going to a great deal of trouble to procure the long table that we used during our in struction course. Also to the Meth odist Sunday school for the use of their black board. Graded School Report Total membership .. .. .. .. 587 Amount of funds in treasury 146.75 Amount contributed to second Red Cross fund .. .. .. .. 37.52 Total amount of funds raised 184.27 NOTICE We, the undersigned physicians of Reidsville, N. C, have fixed and agreed on the following charge for professional service: IN TOWN Day visists, from 7a.m. m. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Night visits, from 9 p. m. m. Prescriptions . . ...... Office visits $2 '. Obsterical Fees .. .. .. S20.00 Un . COUNTRY CAJLLS $2.50 plus 50c per mile. Consultation fees, $5.00 plus regular visits. , 4- ; Night , visits double day visits. Effective on and after July 1, 1918. . M. B. ABERNETHY, M. D., M. II. McBRYDE, M. D. , J. W. iMcGEHEE, M. D. , M. P. CUMMINGS, M. D. S. G. JETT. M. D. to 9 p .. $2.50 to 7 a .. $5.00 .. $1.00 tO $5.00 $806.00 DISBURSEMENTS $806.00 Paid postage, stationary and printing .. ... ,. .... .... 3.65 Express .. .. .. .. .. .. 13.24 Janitor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.00 Janitor (Azzie Wliits.ett) , . 3.00 Paid for supplies of - bdgs. 280.25 Paid Bureau of Membership 14.00 Total eqpenditures April 317.14 April 30 Funds in Bank .. 488.86 July 1, 1917 Bal. in Bk. 196.63 JULY 1, 1917 TO JUNE 1, 1018 RECEJPTS July 1, 1917 Balance in Bk . . $196.63 Annual dues, applicable to general fund . . .. ... .. 249.00 Donated for special purpose .647.10 Annual dues,, dun W'glon 236.57 Received from Red. Cross War : Report Of Colored Auxiliary Pads made, 50; many tail handages 100; pajamas, 14; comfortvs, 83; members on roll, 25; dues collected $25. Op; publications, $4;"75; Dona tions from Mrs. A. E. Johnston, $10; donalions flrom the Lijbrty loan ciuh, $23.60; donations from the 5th and 6th grades of the.Reids vllIecolored graded school, $5.00; turned over to the "local chapter,. $12.50; making a total of money col lected $168.35. Bringing over from the last report, $9.61, making a total of $177.96. Expenditures for the quarter, $108.49. Balance in treas ury, $57.46. ; NOTICE Packing And Shipping Committee 'For the year ending June 1, 1918 98 boxes of - surgical, dressings; 56 boxes knitted articles; 1 box of com fort bags, two boxes of Christmas packages, 1 box of pajamas, T box o socks. Our surgical dressings are shipped in boxes of standard size and we have Iund great difficulty in getting them made in Ridville. Fund .. .. . Total receipts . 230.00 2566.53 16 2763 stationery .. .. .. 31.27 . drayage, . . . . .. US. 90 1 Mrs. Foy's Report 1 Knitted An ltlcs Shipped: Total (sweaters, 144; mufflers, . 157; "wrist -1 lets, 61; socks, 215; helmets, 1. I total , 578. Prices for professional services af ter July 1, 1918. Examination Fees $2.00 to $15.00. Professional services In the oillce 2.00; in the home $2.50, unless the patients' illness prevents them from coming to the office. "Night calls ater 9:0,0 o'clock 50 cents 'extra. - ; Thirteen treatments in the offica for $25.00 when paid in advance. Obsterical Fees $15.00. Consultation Fees $5.00. - Country visits $2.00 plus nominal charge for tripi Patients are urged to be prompt. Ail professional servl-3)h avo cash or cash monthly. ::. F. C. SHARP, Osteopathic Physician Paid for postage, jvnd printing . Janitor, express sundry expense Mihiaiv it 1 iff supplies . 1SS7 97 Annual dues paid Wash'ton 2S1.75 Total expenditures .. ...2269.8!) Juno 1, 1918 Bal. in Bk 493.27 E. F R. P. Rich Foy, Mrs J Harris, Mrs. 271 3 16 You'll Always Buy Ice! IS Buy why not get along on less? The renson so manv rpfnVrnlnra nra "re aTtt.iv" because of their construction; they're frail hardly any thing dui a sneJi (aituoun me ouiue mt;aranco may deceive you) ha will aot keep the wiurn air from petting to ttie ice. t Let u siiow you will, you, pln.' a refrigerator that has Kn.nr separate wails of luaulating material that keep the ice from mating. It's a wonderful ic aver, ub1 it's a wonderful food preserver. It's the amous Automata honestly built and honestly priced. You get 10 per cent discount on your purchaies here. Save it. BURTON-CHANCE- -..:,W Furniture and Undertaking Mrs. Hairston's Report I will confine niv report entirely 10 ilie wQik that, has been done in Ri'd Cross sewing room that is di rectly under the supervision ol my self or Mrs. I. I. Waft. Tn October I reported the shipment of our first standard box containing 1012 gauze. dressings-,. . 554 ntuslin banil:!i:es, 100 knitted wipes, fio tlan nel bandages. In December-we ship ped sou muslin bandages, l(5ti5 uiue dressings, an allol ment. of 52 Christ inas packets lor overseas sliipmeut. besides the o50 sent to our bovs. In March- I rt'ported 1550 nuislin l):in ilayes-, ,550 oakum pads and ,r0 paper-, backed ji.nls. In the 'quarter- end ing June 1st. we-hnve . made 400-paper backed pads, 1000 M. T. , tVl) oakum pads, !I00 small cotton pads, and 10 (hizen pairs pa.1:tmas, and have on band a box of miscellaneous gauze dressings and muslin bandages to be shipped at a convenient time. This ends our first woik for the Red Cross and I want to thank every worker that has come to the rooms for the cheerful, splendid help they have rendered nie in making our la bor of love, a success., There are some who deserve to be especially mentioned for their faithfulness through heat and cold, rain or shine. Through all the past sewre winter the Red Cross were not deserted a single day of the four weeks that we were scheduled to keep open. To any one who feels interested to know, our register la open and they I Committees 1 Knitting Committee Mrs I Hall, chairman , .Mrs. ardson, Mrs. VV. II. W. Bel hi I, Mis K R ' S. C. Penn. ! Surgical Dressings Mrs- P. D Wat, Chairman. Mesdames L, T. i Smith. J. IX. Newelt Clifton Ras- ot , E M Iti dd, U K iMcitoiie, ! Francis Womack, Geo. Vr. llrittain, 1 Hospital (Jarment Committee- Mrs A E Walt us, 1 ban man, M.v dam(s D R Alhn, A I, ilaskins ! S. N. White, Ida- iialsley. Rube ! McColluui , ir. L. irvin , Packing and Shipping Comuiitiee ' .Mrs. J. IJ. I'ipkrn and Mrs. W. B i- W ray, joint-chairinen , M-sdanie I It. T. Burion, . Eimene irvin, Mis Kmnia McKinnev, Miss I.ik y Hall I Meusherslnp Coiiunittee Mrs. J i X.-'-Wtttt, chairman. Mesdames A. L I If iskins, .M . P. ( illumines, F. 11. 1 Kemp, -Mr. E. Staples. 1 Enleitainment -Commute Mrs H II. Scott, chairman, Mrs. Scott Fill- man Mrs. .hugenc -Irvin. -..Publicity -Committee-- Mrs. Will illialii iiiid Mautun Oliver J(ii.n chairmen. Miss Sallie Salzman. Miss Kettie Ueid, Mrs. .'Robt.' Hubbard. Comfort Digs and Christmas Pack ages Mrs. R. I. Watt, chairman Mesdames Wm. Giles. ('. Rascoe, Chas. Whitsctt, J, F, Smith. Scott Tillman. Church Work At Spray A word concerning our work in Spray may be of interest. The town is growing rapidly and the spirit of patriotism runs high and healthy. In response to every call the govern ment has made thus far in the war, Spray has led Rocningham county and has practically doubled every quota-alloted her. Both in men and money our people have done nobly. Our church here is growing 6lowly under very difficult circumstances. We closed a very few weeks ago a very helpful evangelistic meeting. Rev. J. P. Ilipps of Elkin, a form er' pastor, did the pleaching' for1 ten days. He brought us a strong, hopetul, heliuil gospel and was heard most gladly. As a result four members- were added to the church and many, were built up in the faith. J. Frank Armstrong in Christian Advocate. IS YOUR HOME INSURED? If not, don't put it off. My rate are 'a? more reasonable than you thinKf FRANCIS. WOMACK, The ';';'";;. Insurance Man (RHSHGHOHiHCNCHMHSHKHCHCHMHMHXQOCHCnQHi FLUES! FLUES! FLUES! A very limited supply of Iron on nana, ana nrst come tarsi served.' Positively cash to everybody, lease don't ask for credit. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the 'Signature of The Review Want Reeults. Ads Will Bring How's This? "We olter One Hundred Dollars Re ward tor any case of Catarrh "that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Alediijine. y Hall's Catarrh 'Medicine lias been taken by. catarrh sufferers for the past five-, years, and has become, known hs the most reliable remedy lot (.JUiih Halls Catarrh Medi cine acts thru the blood on the Mu cous -surfaces, .expelling the Poison Mom the Hlood and healing the dis seased porlions. ' After you have taken Hall's Ca tarrh .Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general, health. Start taking Hall-. Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimoni als, free. . , F. J. CHENEY '& CO. ," Toledo. O. Sold -by. druggists, 75c. R. G. Gladstone. WANTED! Green Hides, Scrap Iron Furs, Tal low, Wax, Wool, Raga, Bones, Feed. Bags, Brass, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, Auto Tires, Tubes, Solid Carriage and Truck Tires, Scrap Bagging. Bring us your Material and turn it into CASH as w pay cash for everything we buy. FOR SALE Bodiea and Auto Repair 4 Ford parts.;- Lot of second hand wire for baling and light fencing. 1 Saxon Six Cylinder Automobile Walker Hide & Junk Co. Dry Prizery Building Opposite Depo .Mi.J i HM'iBHH.il,!HI Now ia thp time to subscrib 25c 50c $1.00 BURNS Ue one soothing, cooling application of . . - TIT 1 NO ADVANCE IN PRICE James Skambato & Co. West Market Street Opposite"-' James Robinson's. Fruits, Confectionarics. All Kinds of, .Soft '.Drinks, Toba,cca Cigars' 'm'l Cigarettes. FresJi Fish Every Friday. Country l'rotluce Bought and Sold. The patronage of our friend' solicited. James Skambato & Co U2Z HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick is the most endarirti xnoet secure Against fire; rw! oomfortable la all weather j most econr.mlcal In final ut and the most beautiful cf any building raatsrlaL U quality appeals to yom, write ss and set Qaot&tlona 8alpmenta made promptly. WILLIAMSON A HEDGECOCK. INC HareniTllta. Va.