TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1913 PAGE SIX THE REVIEW : REEDSVILLE, N. 0. II' I . : : . RULES FOR DISTRIBUTION ) ROF SUGAR IN THIS STATE On July 1 and thereafter the dis tribution of sugar in the United States will be conducted under the absolute direction of (he United Slates Food Administration, accord ing to announcement made by State Food Admnistrator Henry A. I'nge last week. This, radical departure is necessary in order to conserve the sugar supply so that ample sugar Will be available tor household us-; and for preserving and canning.. On and after July 1, State Food Administrators will issue certificates to all buyers ! sugar, im-i wholesalers, retailers, nianul'aet lit ers, eating houses,: .boarding houses and every dealer or u-ef of .stiga whatsoever with U exception o household, consumers, sugar must be made July after except upon th certificates issued by 'ministration and with of sales to liou.r-.bold Wholesalers, n No .aleS Ol 1 and iheiv- c surrender of the Food Ad the exception consumers...' ailei's. lii.ominc- d other w.i 11 irn'orx. bakers, am cure their cert ilieat.es after they have made a sl.iU meat to the Food "Administration on i'orms which -they bv writing, to tin Mig.'i i facturers in the above groups win give the following further intorina lion upon honor. In the ease of Group A, that is, candy, soft drinks, etc., must show the amount of su gar used during the month of July, August and September, 1917, and certificates will, if the statements are correct, b based upon 5t) per cent, i of the average use. Ice cream manufacturers will be entitled to. 75 percent. A certificate will be issued .separately for each month's purchases. (iroui) 15. that. is. commercial can ners, etc., will be given certificates for their necessary requirements but any resale u sugar by. ihein except under - the . express direction of the State Food Administrator will con-: stitute a 'violation of the regulations and subject- them to closing of busi ness for the war. Any sugar in hand at the end of the season mil ,1 be placed at the disposal of the Food Administration ; .The Administrai ion appeals to tins group to economize oil cini.tliiipt ion in every direction.' Group V that is, .public eating place;, will lie issued cen i flea'l es Up -on the basis lor each fin meals serv-. CLEVER TEUTON WOMAN 1 STEALS BIG FORTUNE i;ic lattng can secure Food Administration, Hal- sugar ar. a new' siaie- Division cigh . '. , All commercial- users bfiiie- remiircd 10 make . rnent of sugar on hand and in 'tran sit on July 1, and those who have more sugar than they are ' e.H. it led to will be required to dispose o: ,i. under the direction;' of County Food Administrators. . The same applies to hotels, res. fanrnnts linkers., or dealers who ;have on hand July 1 . more suuar (imir ui-tt entitled to. It is festly unfair for any one to he over stocked under conditions country faces at this tim tional sugar sup, but anv attempts to provid th pn ot 1 'hi Individuals wi 1 y He Too will b keep accurate tab .n far thiomrh the IK.'W spection. The extension of tne rationin lot the di-litbu ; t n 1-, i situation siore dilluiiH ih.tu have been ant ictpaled even weeks ago, according to i .'-1 from stocks, amounts and ahead upon the pal commercial user-, oi be severely punched Aiiininistrat ton nn.-h thaw inanl over .vllich Ui Our na- !v does not come arrives m monthly 'all . sv a'n. hales of Uoiu ol Ida i is ihe : co'ril'd i few Ueme'it I-Ve(- by Slate Food 1 .a.-'iatot Henry A I "age. On account of the shipping sit na tion it is impossible to secure the Migir which is n ul ible in lnnoM in mats and 11k i. h is In n a Mil lib t j leld or -a ' ir in m w r i 'in The domestic beet, and Hie I.ou'-t.ni, crops have also latleii below aiitic.i nation: In addition to this, a con utrlorrjJiln mianlitv of .sugar has been lost by submarines . At close an estimate as can be made ludnaUd a t i on ibh M" 1 ilion iioin all -ouu t , ol ilioiu J f.()0 OOH tons ot sugar lor Limed States .consumption during the last half of Hie present year. 'Ibis i based upon the maintenance of tin present nieaure Allied ration. This supply o 1 .(iO'l .una tons ne cessitates a considerable reduction In our consumption. lo provide thrc pound-, pi l month p r pi i m for household use. to take care ol our Army and Navy. and. to provide lor the necessary preservation o! fruit milk, etc , will require about 1.5oo, 000 tons 'Of sugar for the six months, A household consumption ol 1hree pounds per month per person, to jreiher with -the special allowance for home, canning, means a reduction bf some '5 per cent, in these branch es f consumption Irom normal but it Is still nearly double the ration in the Allied countries and is ample for every economical use. In t-lie plan ik distribution which Will now go lito force, The less es flonflal users of sugarthat is con fectioners, soil drink maniwacturers, tobacco manulacturers, etc. , .will be hit the hardest. I here are a nunioer of substitutes available lo the con fectioners upon which no restrictions are placed. In order to secure justice m dis tribution and to make ihe restriative plana iu effective as possible no manufacturer or who.esaler ot sugar wilt be allowed alter Jul v 1 to sell sugar except to buyers who secure a ertlficate from the Pood Adminis trafdon ludieatnir; the iuantlty Ihey for buy. I 'or the purixiso ov Issu ing tlieso certificates; the. various users of sugar are divided into tho fallowing groups: A. Candy makers, soft drinks, soda fountains, chewing gum, choc olate and : cocoa manufacturers, to bacico manufacturers, flavoring ex tracts, Invert sugar, syrups, sweet pickle?-, wines, etc. B Commercial canners, vege tables, fruit, milk, medicinal pur poses, explosives, glycerine,; etc. , C Hotels, restaurants, clubs, din ing cars, and steamships, boardincj houses, hospitals, public institu tlons and public eating places geti onrfly, in which term -are included all hoarding houses who take care of 2X person or more. . ' " 1) Bakers, and cracker manufac turers of all kinds. 15 Re tail" merchants and other Belling for direct consumption. , la adition to giving the quantities on hand the statements which wl'l e required from dealers and mantl ed. This includes a?! pal places using, s ugar . Group I, 'thai is bakers, will re ceive certificates lor 70 per cent, of i he avci.uie iiiil'illlH Used dui'ing July, August and September, 1 !' 1 7 , or al ternately 70 pvr cent, if three times i.hat.u od in the moir h of June, FM S. -T'roiip 10,'tliat is, retail si ores, will receive - for - July' purchases cortilL . eaies based upon Hie average of su gar sold during the combined three months tn April. May and June, IMS. Retailers 'must .hot sell sugar' to any of the other "groups', . Ihat is, to no e. i.V; hotiselio iers, '"'without, tak-. nig. up the-'certificates- of such wv-- sons. ' ' '. A retailer is expected to sell not lilore than . three pounds pe- person per mont h to househol-ders . All householders .ari rcquesled and ex pected to; purchase supplies irom the same gnicer insofar as possible. Ifoii -ehoIJs canning and preserving trims lor home use will pe1 allowed only. 2") -pounds-of "'sugar J'or : such purposes for the enure season ex cept upon specific authorization from their County Food 'Administrator to purchase an additional amount. Can- "hjii'g-.- club girls ami others . cannine i.nd preserving fruits -fop the mark I can secure certificates 'jronr lh" Sugar Division of the Food Adminis tration upon filing a statement of (hen- requirements upon blank j wliicli will be furnished for (heir purpose. It will lip si'i'tt that there Is no direct rationing of the householder U , would .cost .. the. Government $5 , - OOO.OOU. to l)llt Ihe householder nn a ia i inn .can) and would take (he ser vices oi Hni.OiiO jieoplc to carry it oim. - e cannot afford the labor or money and If the householders will co-operate It can be avoided. Io wholesaler or refiner can t mi ii whttsoiMi unless he ie (eive.s. the cert ilicate. above mention ed. Anv nerson in the above . five groups who floes not file his slate lneiif -vi.ii receive no sugar during the war and action at once be taken against ny siuar he niav have on hand in excess of .'!0 davs supply and be will - be- chai'Ked with hoarding. Ihe co-operation of all trades and Individuals is: re(iiesled and expect ed, the whole -purpose ol the plan being simply to secure justice in distribution. Newspapers received nt Amsterdam from Ilreslati, Germany, tell of a wom an, whose criminal career created a sensniion throuij-hfiut the empire, be ing sentenced to six years' Imprison ment for filching millions from the crediihuis. Tl mirf In sentencing the wirpian stud her lmhishincnt would ' have been made more sescie n It hud j net been for the fact that hiiH dupes were nUn criminals, cxpecunu to profit by violations ol' the law. The woman now serving her time Is the wife of an humble clerk em ployed in a municipal department. His name Is Gohla.- The woman is forty eight years old, t ut still handsome urn! of striking liynre. She was -for years a regular first nlghter. She would appear bedecked wllh diamonds worth a niiHioii m:T.ks. i " When tcr daughtiT w.-w married recently she. paid loo.ono marks for her trousseau. When Hie war broke out Mrs. G-ohla hrani-ieii out as a eeiifractor. At least j she claimed. ho- had. war contracts oh-j faitied for Iter by Inilitential frb-nds.' m the st retigi h of these war conlfaels j money by the millions. " grow in leai'S iuid 1 tially went to Ileriin, j in) admission info the ; tgltvst circles. Here tne tmiut'er or her dupes increased rtiriidly.: . At las( s.iiue of her ..creditors, be en me suspicious and notified ' the po lice. Her "botiie v. a.s raided and a lot of Incriminn; i.ng ev'aleiice was found. It was proved that the woman had not (inly taken money from dupes, but also had bribed a number of officials, to award contracts to her which en abled her to find more dupes. . Mrs. . Gfdda H its . foimd - guilty Of fraud In I t enses, of .bribing, ofiicials In live cases,'. and also of violation of the lottery law. she borro Her "hm hmind-s. Where sil .lies Site fo le- A BREEZE IN ANY ROOM ' With a Westinghouse lOin. ELECTRIC FAN MOTHER! DON'T TAKE CHANCES IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! All Dandruff Disappears And Hair Stops Coming Out. If Cross, Feverish, Sick, Bilious, Clean Little Liver and Bowels. A laxative today saves a sick chill tomorrow. Children simply will no tako the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish stomach -sour. Look at the tongue, Mother. If coatod, or your child is listless, does not eat heartily, full of cold, or hai sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then don t wor ry, because it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all tins constipa tion poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" is oftunes uil that Is nee-, essary. It should be the first treat ment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California byrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, chll dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printod on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it is made by tho "California Fig Syrup Company." It's the most convenient little Fan made. Carry it from rcom to room. Take it with you anywhere. No wiring; necessary. Just attach to any electric light socket. Uses less elecricity than a.single lamp. Call by the office, and see our stock of FANS. A size for every use. Call on us. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO PHONE 31 Conversion Of Liberty Bonds ' Bonds for conversion may be sur-1 conversion will have only four inter Liberty ISonds of the first and rendered at any Federal reserve ! est coupons attached, and later mus second issues ana tnose obtained oy j ojuk- or ai me .treasury department. in . exchanged - for new bonds witl: converting bonds of the first issue Registered . bonds must he assigned ; t he full inimper of coupons attach into 4 per cent, bonds can he con- : to the Secretary of the Treasury forjed. verted into 4 1-4 per cent . Liberty i conversion,, but such assignment bonds during the six months pe nod beginning May : and eudm November 0. litis. Ihe new bonds will be dated May 9. HUS. s Alter Xoveniber U, IMS no fur ther rights of conversion will at- Itach to the 4 per cent, bonds either i I lie oriainal bonds of the second loan or those obtained bv conversion ot bonds of the first, loan. All m the 4 1-4 per cent, bonds are non con vertiblo. Surely try a "Danderine Hair Clonase' it you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefulv tfcrough your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair will he wavy, fluffy und aDlin iQIRLS! nam iinu possess an lnconiparaoie luxuriance. Besides beautilUylng, the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves .etery fwrtlcle of dandruff; Invigor ates the scalp; stopping itching and British Soldier Writes ttf His Service in Bethlehem. From Pethlehem a youthful Brit Ish soldier writes to a iriend In Lon don : "I am on guard at present, and it 19 a great honor, I can tell you. that I nm guarding the birthplace and mangef of our Lord. It is u wonderful place, and I never thought when I used to read tibout It that one day I should stand and guard It. "The birthplace Is marked by a 14 pointed silver star, presented by the French government. The stable is hung with lamps from all different countries, and they look beautiful ; and, I might add, they are always alight. The manger itself is cut in natural rock, but marble has been put In to keep it In a good state of prescrva tlon.'V . need not be witnessed.. On conversion ot registered bonds registered bonds only will delivered. Tun her chanue. m ownership nor chance into, coupon bonds being per mitted. - Coupon bonds, however, may he converted into registered .bonds upon request, . Coupon bonds must have the 15 or June 1."., litis, coupons de tached and. all . subsequent coupon.; attached . i ounon bonds issued irom i Stomach Troubles When your system hecomes clogged from overeating, constipation and aj torpid liver, your stomach is likely! to trouble you. A dose of Chamber Iain's Tablets will give you quick re lief. They cause a froe movement of the bowels, tone up the liver and strengthen tho digestion. You wfM be surprised when vou realize how much better you are feeling a day! or two after taking these tablets. i S XVN-V 4f AVtWiX .Mw-.iti, ui'.'AW IT'S YOUR STEP THAT ATTRACTS falling- hair Danderine Ls to the hair what fresh showers ntf rain and sunshine are to Says Women Pay Too Much Heed t Their Face Instead of Their Corns. Watch your step! A brisk, lively t step Is what charms more thaa a vegelatlsn. It goes right to the roots invigorates, and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating1 and life producing properties cause the hair to row long, strong and beautiful . You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lote of It, if you will spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any dnig store or toilet counter and try it as directed. Green's August Flower at been a housphold remedy all ever the civilized;, world for more han half a century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a moet Taluable remedy for indigestion or nervous dysyepsla and liver trou. ble,' bringing on headache, coming up of tood, palpi'aMoo of heart, and many other symptoms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It is a genUe laxative. Sold by Gardner Drug Co. lovely skin, but your high heels have caused corns and you limp a little. That's bad, girls, and you know It. Corns destroy beauty ant grace, be sides corns are very easy to remove. Rid yeur feet of every corn by ask ing at any drug store, for a quarter of an ounce of freezone. This trill cost little but is sufficient to remove ev ery hard or soft corn or callus from ene's feet. A few drops applied directly upon a tender, touchy corn relieves the soreness and soon the entire corn root and all, lifts right out without pain. ' This freezone is a gummy sub stance which dries Instantly anJ simply shrivel up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding skin. Woman must keep in mind that cornless feet create a youthful step which enhances attractiveness. T "VIV Lfc h i Ha m la l1. ri The Review KesulU. Want 'Ada-Will' Bring : S ,'S 1 t not i i irv la sjk nl mnrc lo p( t .1 c .ir A conuort, J.'iuitv, nioniiness for five, easy- ritJine; aiul modern conveniences. Anil yon c;imiol got for less all of the advan tages of Model 90! It liiis a jiowcrful, reliable motor that squeezes every bit of power from every drop of gasoline. It has electric Anto-Lite start ing and Inditing, vacuum iuel system, rTir cantilever sirmgs, hirge tires non-skid rear ami 106 inch wheeibasc. ; . With narrow turning radius, easy operating cluich, . simple and convenient control, Model 90 13 easily handled. Order your Model 90 at once. . Fne potnisof Overland suptrtortty: Appearance, Performance, Comfort, herviee and Price , Lithl Pour. Model 90 Timr&g Car. tUso f.o. 6. Toledo Prut sub-eel to ehattff wtlhoui nolle WOMACK MOTOR C I I M PI tea; ' ' - I

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