PAGE EIGHT NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM T.ifi f retell : d not will be . .TburHday, the Fourth. O' ' Elghty-flvo automobiles were count ed in Hif trinlii ' funeral procession here Sunday afternoon. First Liout, Lin wood G. Koor. colored, has notiflo.1 hU mother lii-re of his safe arrival overseas. You will have aa opportunity tlii. week to see the finest pictures that are produced at the Grande Theatre. We learn that our good friend and patron Mr 11 A ' Iiadett, . 1 of I., rugett, :it:ir is c i the v.ay to the ba.tlj.'r :i. n vimi. News lias been received here of t!u Safe arrival oversea. ik li.-rkley. Dan iel, Frank Turner. Glyn Carter and j. Allen, all of Caswell county. The first show . at the Grande Theatre will start promptly at 10 : U' a. m. July 4th. Second show at 2 o'clock p. m. and continue all after noon. Night shows 8 o'clock prompt ly to 11:30 p. m. James Green Mcttryde of Spray was tho first Hock'ingliarn county man drawn in the nation's second draft lottery. His number was 240 Throughout the nation the first man draped was known by his numher 246. The manaRer of Grande Theatre announces to the general public ol two xn.-ri;il attractions for this week. 'Rarbjirv Sheen" In six acts Tuesday! and "Th Littliv Princess ' in six acts Thursday, July 4th. featuring Mary Pickford . Sgts. Gifford : and Robertson en route to Camp Sevior from Balti jnore, iMd.. reached Reidsville Sat urday driving a mammoth Packard fj-ton army . truck. After resting here they resumed their journey Monday morning. The iMoose -charter closed Satur day night with a membership of ovev 300 for the Reidsville lodge. A re quest has been made to headquarters to receive members up to September 1 an Initiation fee of $10., After that time it will be $2!5. The Sandy Cross Canning - Club Will in net at the home of Mrs. G. W. Baker, Wednesday, July 3, at. 2:30 p. m. Every member is asked to " bring some berries, beans, etc. to put up. Any one In the community who wishes to com Is welcomed Mrs. Joe Lane died at her home in Leaksvillo Friday following a linger ing illness. The remains were buried Saturday. Mrs. Lnne Is survived by her husband, who fs the assistant postmaKter at Leaksville. Messrs. Ernest and Cabell Wall are brothers o( the deceased. -;'. Private John Walker, 2.ri years old died Friday at Camp Jackkson fol lowing a lingering illness. Five or bx months ago the young man wa ; one of the many victims of the spinal meningitis. TTo later "contracted pneumonia. His remains will b" buried at Bethlehem. Tie the son of Mrs. Venle Walker. Earl Allison of the TJ. S, Navy, loft today for New ; York, after a Visit to relatives and friends, Mr Allison was at the IT. S. ship "Rockefeller" when it was sunk by a German siibm'arine. He made bis rscape through a hole on the side of the vessel, and was picked up by a life saving boat. The "Rockefeller" Riink in seventeen -minutes. Yan ceyvillo Cor. DJaima Marshbum, Uventy years old, of Raleigh, who was killed by a seaplane accident one day recently at sea near France, was a grandson or Mrs. Winsleail and a nephew oT Mr. Niima A. Wills lead or Iteids vlll. Tho yotintr -aviators fa'ber.was a former rural mail carrier of Ralcteh and is now living in Richmond. Mr, wok vs 15 HOyiiS A DM Marvelous Story of Woman'i Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist's Advice. Peru, Iml. "I sutTered from a dis placement with backache and dragging down pains so badly that at times -I could not be on my feet and it did notseem as though 4 K could stand it. 1 j J . pj - tried diirerent gr f 'il A- se vera' doctors but an operation would do me any good. My drug gist told me of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable (impound. I took it with the result that I am now well and strontr. I eet op in the morning atfouro'clock, do my ; aoU8eworK,menKOioaiaciory anu worn aH day, come home and get supper and feel good. 1 don't know how many of my i rienda I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable - Compound ha done for me. " Mr. Anna METERIANO, S6 West 10th St, Peru, Women who eufTer from any uch ail ment should not fail to try this famotu root and herb remedy, Lydia E. I'ink Lam's Yegetablo Compound. and Mrs. Marsbhurn also have- an other son in the aviation department. At a congregational ineeting at the First Fresbytt rian church' Sunday morjiing the members voted tu re lease Rev. Carl I!. Craig and allow him to accept the pastorate o-. the Presbyterian church at l.aurinbutg He has been co-pastor oi the church here 'the past few years with-, his father, Dr. I). 1. Craig. Ills many friends of every deiiomi nation regret very much to seem him leave Reids-ville. Ex-judge Thomas A Artheville, an eminent Western North Carolina'' Senator from Buncombe Jones of lawyer of and State county i 1917, has taken legal department i position with the (Si tho War Insur- Bureau at Washington., Judge has had a large and lucrative ance J one law practice for years,' his anmuw Income being, from $C.ihjo to $7, into, but he has given up this work to help the government at a salary of $2,501). Judge Jones is a brother. of Mrs. Robt, Johnston of near Reids ville. : ;',.. ' At a meeting of the directors ; of Citizens Bank, held on June 27, the regular semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, was declared and ordered paid to stockholders on July 1. In addition to this cash dividend of $1 a share, the bank was able to carry :i. good round sum to its surplus ac count, as a result of its six months business ending June 30. The-pres' ident's report to the directors showed ihe bank to be in the strongest con dition eber shown at any other time dring its long and prosperous career. For many years the. Citizens me has been paying dividends twice a yea r, which cust om is much appre ciated by its stockholders. '. ... . . . a I see number angelus bell at from tlie uaiiy press ma. a of cities will establish ihe and that at tho sound of tie 7 o clock ever evening the neonle will pause and '.'iv a silent miw' for the succe-.s of the allied arms. The first town ' hav? noticed taking this action Is Reidsville. Here the bell will ring and the people will bow their heads and pray. At Green ville. S. . C, the lights will flash off for five seconds, then on again, in dicating that the' time for universal prayer has arrived.. It's a plan tha is worth copying in every community in the United States. "Lord God ot Hosts, be with us yet." Junior Edi tor in, Charlotte Observer. 0 Mrs. J. N. Watt motored oyer to Greensboro Friday taking with her the following members of the exe: cut ve committee. Mrs. J. C. Mills, Mrs. Eugene IrVin, Mrs. Robt. Hairston , Mrs. Will Williams , Mrs . Russel. Tucker and Mrs. Dillard Watt to hear an address by Mrs. Victor Cluis of Atlanta, Ga., who is head of the Instruction department of the Red Cross work at Atlanta. Mrs. Cluis is an interesting and a most charming woman and has been most cordially received on all her tour- through the Southern Dist rite. From Greensboro Mrs. Cluis went to Winston-Salem where she was entertain ed Friday by Mrs. Lindsey Pater son at her home, Branlette. , DonP foreget the benefit entertain ment at the Grande Theatre on Fri day evening for Ihe Daughters of the Confederacy. The money that is raised ; will be spent; in ': procuring marks for the graves of Confederate veterans. There are about 78. graves and there Is absolutely no way to distinguish a great many 'of them. If: "Uncle Billy" Fitzgerald shold pass awav. no one would be able to lo- cute these graves as tliey are at pres ent.. The Daughters want to put. a ! simple broiue marker at each grave i 'and are beginning to raise the money j in this way . We must not forget ; i those who died for us, nor must we neglect those who are fighting tor us. ! Keep the memories of both green by i doing viitir bit. i ! Rev: J. W. Wells, colored pas-J riop o.' St: Paul M. 10. church . this 1 j. City... bas been trtinsferred ... to- -the. ! p:i--,toia'e ti Clark Memorial M. K. ' church, Nashville. Tenn. '.The great i church to which Rev. Wdls has been 'sent to' requires the services of a man i who can do tlnirs, but the penpl ? , i who know bun believe he will more . ; than live up to the expectations of t i! to whom be goes. His life in i j the North - Carolina Conference has ; made an impression that Will Iibe af- j ter him. Among the moid important j ciiarges f has served us pastorjire; Forest City. Lenoir, Hickory, Max-j ton. High Point. Leaksville and; Rehlsville. His work in alt of thes j places has meant much to the church and the race. The 'voice. Among the out of town guests at tending the funeral of Misses Wind sor and Bolyn here Sunday were; Mrs. J. B. Clarke, Mr. W. B V.ike , M rs . J . C. Saund-M s , Miss li.ia SauTideri, Mr.' W; L Kelly, W Uses Mary and Carrie Yeattes, Mr. ar.a Mrs. B. C. Travis, Misses Cora and Annie Travis, Mr. and Mrs.. R. A. Clarke, or Danvile. Mrs, J. M, Burton and Mrs. W. II . Womack of Spencer, N. C; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bain o Greensboro. Mr. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Floyd, or Greens boro; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones, Misses Bessie Gunn. Nannie ODell. May Terry, lone Kemp, Mr. an.4 Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs Austin, of Leakfville-Spray; Mrs. J m Meador of Ashevllle; Miasms Brfnklcjr aud Natlie C.dd of Raleigh; MTr. J. C. Windsor of St. Augustine, Fla. ' TTTE REVIEW: COMING AND GOING OF THE PASSING THRONG Miss Gladys Burton a visiting rel atives in Luray, Va. , Miss Pattie Brown is visiting, rela tives at I'nn'n Ridgu. . Miss Margaret Womack is visiting friends in Laurinbiirg. Miss Mary Freddy of Philadelphia is visiting relatives here. Miss Laura 'Jor.e of Crv.veV county Is visiting j'ela'ives near town. Mr. Wm. 1). Stocks is spending a few days in New York on busines.-.. Mrs. F. M. liauknight of Rich mond, Va., is visiting relatives here. i.Mrs. L. J. Sands has returned iron i a Va. M rs . from a Bt;ach. M iss vsit to relatives tn Chatham, Fred Springs has returned len days' stay at Wrightsville Maymie Bennett has return ed ..rom Mayodan to spena her va- atiou. - ' Sheriff, and , Mrs. T. L: -arduer spent one day last week in flaiulolpli county. Mr. J. H. ."'Bennett has gone to Kinsion to engage in the tobacco business. . . Mr. D. T. Staddler of Kernersvill'-' spent the past few days here with relatives. Mrs. F. T. Preddy-and daughter oi Memphis, Tenn. are guests of rel atives here. i Little Aliss Jessie Gammon spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Dan- I let toaumters. Misses Lucy and Sara Irvin hav returned froth a visit to relatives in Winston-Salem: '. Mrs. J . M . Martin has joined her husband in Salisbury after a visit to her relatives ItereV: Mrs. Charles Adams and daughter of Greenville are guests of Mr, and Mrs. II. L: Moore. n Mrs. Herbert Russel and daughter of Gulf, X. C", ..are guests of Mrs, A. P. Montgomery. Mrs. Titos. K. Jones and tw-o children of Ridgeway, Va. are guests oi Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Stone. Miss Gladys Ph.-. i'i and Mrs. M H Lewis have roiarnul fiom a vio. :o relatives in Randolph county, Mr. A. F. Pettigrew has gone to Oianta , S. C. ', where he will auc tioneer, at a tobacco warehouse. Private Paul Ingle passed through, Reidsville one day last week en route to France from Canip Wadswortti. Mrs. Annie Taylor and daughter, Annie,: .visited the former's brother, Mr. C, C. Fowlkes. the week-end, Mr. R. W. Ilutcherson has- gone to Pamlico, S. C., to run a ware house '(dui)ing the present tobacco season. . ' Private Fletcher McDonald, US. A. training at the A. & M College is 'spending a few days with his peo ple near town . Miss Elizabeth Johnston and J. Earle Smith motored in from Nor folk, Va., Sunday to spend, a week with relatives here. Mrs. R. J. Oliver and daughter, Margaret, have returned from a visit to relatives at Chattanoogo, Tenn., and Ware Shoals, S. C. Mr. J. T. Hendiix has gone to Bethlehem. Pa. , where he has en listed in the ontnnnce department of the United ..'States Army. Mr. and Mrs. John Settle and Miss j Leaksville . and spent Sunday after : noon with Mrs. WilWlIass.: : Mrs. B. C. Hall and little daugh ' ter or Raleigh are "-.'spending some itime with the former's mother, Mrs. : i A (I- Martin, on South Main S;. j Mr. C. I. Rascoe of Meridian, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. It. F.Btick, and children of Charlotte left Ueulsv.iUe ! todav lor an extended visit to New .Hampshire, and Vermont. They are i traveling, by auto. ' Mi-s I" mi hi Mien 1 It Fndn night for a:hingtiii , DC, to re snme her duties in the Adjutant Gen cral'.s otflce. She was accompanied, by her sister. Miss Halite Allen, who ' has received an appointment In the Ordnance Department. i Corp. Robt, L. Parish and wif? of '., Duluth, N. Y. , arrived in the city; last Tuesday to visit their aunt, Mrs.i T. L. Gardner. On his arrival here, he found a message waiting for hinv to .report at once to., his company,1 1 NEW INTEREST PERIOD Begins in our Savings Department July 1. .Buy to the limit on War Savings and place the balance with us. Rockingham Savings Bank & Trust Co. Tie Bank Willi Two Ends of Intercd-Personal and 4 Per Cent REIDSVILLE. N. 0. which leaves :ti at, early, date for f ' erseas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton of Mem phis, Tenn., are guests of relatives here. '' ' Miss Sadie King has returned from Akron, Ohio, where she has been visiting her sisler, Mrs. White die. -. . '. " ':' Mayor M. P. Cummings and W. J. Pettigrew left today Wrightsville Beach to attend Shriners convention. Sid- Mr. for the BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. Pure They service Mare Silk Service Flags at Smiths, are here! Service pins and flags. At Smith's! . and colt for sate or will trade for fre -h cow. -A. II. Waycaster, Route 4. McCollums is the place. They want and appreciate your trade Phone 81. Bring us your produce. We pay cash or trade. Phone 84. J. D McCollum & Son. LOST. Gold pin Bet with small brown cameo. Return to this oltice and receive reward. . , . , .FOR SALK. Two Jersey milk cows. R. W. Scott, Route 1, three miles from Reidsville. FOR SALE. One rubber tire baby carriage, all folding type. Reason for sale am drafted. Will Laster. If you want good service have your barber, work done at the Cli max Barber Shop. Barber & Petti grew. LOST Bunch of ten or twelve keys, somewhere in business part of city. Reward if returned to W. J. Pettigrew. TRANSFER. Call 33 or 305. J if you want trunks and baggage moved Sunday or any other time. F. E. Springs at Express Office. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our sincerest . thanks to our many irienus tor tneir Kinuness shown us during our recent bereave ment, Mrs. G. T. Windsor, and family, Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Bolyn. FOR SALE. My entire household and kitchen furnishings including 1 Round Oak Range, 1 oil stove, re frigerator, etc". All practically new. Will be sold privately. See me if you want to buy a bargain. W. M. Smith. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From my home place Monday night, the 21th, inst. ,; a black mare mule, about 4 years old, medium size. Re ward if returned. Waiter Stone, R. F. D. 3, Reidsville. (J. T. Strader'a farm. ) PEAS FOR SALE. I have on an. for quick sale, reasonable prices in good sacks the following varie ties of field peas: Whippoorwills, Brabham, New Era, Coffee and large Black Peas. J. L. Butler, Reids ville, N. C, phone 102. The Southern Express Co., will now lie known as the American Rail way P2xpress Co. , and all business will be handled as before. The office is open from 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to G p. m. Free deliveries are made to the business section in the inorn: ings and the residence sections' in the evenings. No deliveries after 6 p . m . F. E , Springs , Agent , .;":." Boschee's German Syrup will quiet your cough, soothe the in flammation of a Bore throat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold In America for r.y-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting nature in building up your general health and throwing off the ddseease. Es pecially useful in lung trouble, asth ma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sal3 by Gardner Drug Co. the extreme weakness often results in impaired hearing, weakened eyesight, bronchitis and other troubles, but if Scoff' Emulsion h given promptly, it carries strength to the organs and creates rich blood to build 4fojA up the depleted forces. "Wli Children thrive on Scotf Emultioo. B Hj It l Free from AkohoL New Right Now We Are Showing a Big Display of Brand New Shapes and Styles. CHILDREN'S DRESSES We have a big assortment of styles and sizes --to be sold at reduced prices. Come in early and make your selections. - Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. FOR RENT. Five-room home on Harrison street. Miss Sue Pinnie, Phone 206 -W. FOR RENT. My home on Lindsey street. Address Mrs. D. R. Ellng ton, 116 Spring St., Winston -Saletn; IFOR RKJNT . 5 - room cottage on North Scales street, possession given at once. J. Y. Stokes, West Mar ket street. We ave plenty sweet potato slips (yam and Hall) and celery plants. Prices right. Mrs. W. T. Barber & Son, phone li2-J. FOR RENT. Four room cottage with lights and water, North Scales street; $10 per month. Apply to D. C. BURTON, phone 82. Protect your tobacco against tha ravages of tobacco worms by using arsenic of lead. We also sell powder guns and sprayers. Townsend Bug gy. CO. '-;" ." AUTOMOBILE FOR HIREL I have a new Buick car in service and will appreciate the patronage of the pub lic. Rates reasonable. C. E. Meador, day phone 94, night phone 4502. LOST. A pocket cook c: ntaiuin2 a five-dollar bill, one 2 -dollar bill, two 1-dollar bills and 65c in change, somewhere on the streets Saturday, Finder please return to Aunt Vick Watt in care of J, C. Barber and get reward. SEE ME FOR FIRE TORNADO & AUTOMOBILE Laura L. Office Ksxt to J. H. Burton's Store, Gilmer Street PHONE 307. vV, MOVING DAY ! Having about completed repairs in my drug store, I am now moving the ' stock purchased from Fetzer's Drug Store with my own stock, where I am better prepared than ever to take care of your drug store needs. A wel come awaits you always, with Best Drugs, Best Prices, and Best Service. Tucker's Drug WATERMELON CANTALOUPE . Great variety of the best just received. ' All kinds Field and Garden Seeds. We will be glad to fill your orders, large or smalt GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. WIGHf'PHONE 61-J. ' TUESDAY, JULY,, 2. 1918 nij summer lpiiner t pvt? sun t, r .. i. v j - u . a u hud i Cnli CO J. N. Watt. FOR TRANSFER CAR call B. Bennett, phona 171-W. pipe, brick, and building blocks, on W. T. Woo ten, Mgr. stationery is complete. The W. 01iverPrinting Co., city. Just received a shipment Reidsville Hardware Co. See the Florence Automatic cook stove, the greatest of stoves. Sold by Reidsville Hardware Co. In order to assist the local ' Cross Chapter I will give 5 cent3 every pair of rubber heels I put i u 1.11 H PHni e s: vvh HmirMi'ii your patronage and want, to say ouiy cuarea i.oc ior nair cuis. grew, Proprietors. UTrtrnT-ra x vu i .n. .v in i it-' f m h i. 1 1 - r r will be charged $1 per week or less time payable In advance each tent erected. AH parties ei ijr ur LUL uvxa;iyp ucca, civ, - mo nr vv h i in via nn ina ura isea . C. A. Stokes. R. P. D. Reidsville. RATES ON Powell, Agt. Store, PHONE 200 S3 AND . . SEED