THE REVIEW : , REIDSVTLL E. i. u FRIDAY. AU0U3T 30TH. 1918 TfTiVTKW OP THE TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS ' Elder O. M. Trent will preach at Callaway Farm Saturday night and Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bat ler or near Lawsonville on Aug. 23. a daughter. Mr. A. Bane has returned from the North where he spent a week buying goods for his store. .Mrs. Sam Fels & Co's. new fall goods are arriving daily. Watch for new ad. In next Review. THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 81 Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BXITTA1N Turnip Song. Raise come turnips, raise 'em, Raise a Hog Faoe too, They will fill the lnnerman As nothing else will do. o Most men's idea of 4 square deal is to hold all the trumps. o- I Get right. If feeling all run down, a day as this and you be working in a cool shady sewer. Yo'va no Idee what work aire." o No, Mauda dear. In the army at the front there is absolutely no com nectlon between the tank and the canteen. o . The trousseau, and the honeymoon. In air or stormy weather,' appetite poor, got a genuine case of Go hand in hand; and likewise soon good bi'ds em. uet xoai triumpn in u-u- icine; it's the real ihing, Bilttains Tonic Laxative. o Any -mule can stand around kick, but it's a good horse hauls the load. Don't kick, come across like a good horse buy Thrift and War Stamps. your part It's ugly. of the load. Don't kick. Sallie. Pat returning from a hard day's work on under-ground construction: "Gee! Bridget, but it's a tired man I am.'" Bridget "Tired, be ye? Well the prices are right think of me over the cookstove such heart. in the casualty list yesterday ap pears the name of Ernest Snow ol.the "don't want to," not on iiMi dppmft unde-!irn 8 with yours t evt-n. trmmwl. Snow, whose home is mldon't sing a they 'used to, then you ik. Hartipr community, has been have overseas only a short while. Rev. W. L. Dawson of Randle man, who conducted the revival ser vices at Lowd's for Pastor Towusend, has received the highest be cause (X. his fine epirifinal sermons and the success attending the meet ing. The following Is a list of limited service men called by the local board to be entrained Saturday for Camp Greene, Charlotte. N. C: Oscar Southard, Route 1, Benaja; Albert Lee Manley, Spray; John Thos. Aus tin, Reidsville, and Thomas Card well, Stonevllle. Don't miss the show today at the Grande Theatre, William Fprnurn In a "Soldier Oath." In mention of the funeral of the late C. W. Mobley last week we emitted the fact that the Masom conducted the burial service accord lng to iMasonlc rites after the fu neral sermon had been delivered by Dr. Abernethy. In mentioning the escape of the four white men from the Reidsville Jail the night of Aug. 19, The Re view inadvertantly stated that , Pink Perkins was ranfler "an eight months sentence for an assault on iMr.' Tom Cook at Michael & Cook's meat mar ket last spring. . Dave Sentell is the man serving the road sentence In stead of Pink Perkins. Tobacco offerings have been fairly good this week considering the busy times on the farms. The Quality shows some Improvement since the sorrier of the first primings have mostly been disposed of. The gen eral average is steadily creeping up ward. Prices continue to soar and show a stiffening tendency, espec ially on the lower and medium grades. : . '-..' ,:.'' Mrs. James Johnson of Stokesdale has been notified that her son, Will Johnson, has been killed in France Mrs. Johnson has two other sons, one In the army and one at home. This Is the second young man from the Stokesdale section to give his life for the freedom of his country, as Neil Boone was killed some time In June in the service- of his coun try. Johnson, registerel from Guil ford while Boone lives in Rocking, ham county. The women's county committees are still receiving applications for enlistment In the Student Nurses Reserve. The war h demanding many more nurses than are availa ble, so that even Inexperienced wo men can be almost Immediately use ful.' The army alone has . recently called for 8,000 trained nurses for enlistment within eight weeks, leav ing gaps that .have to he filled Im mediately. Women who .have the courage, the resourcefulness, and th practical sense which are essen tial In nursing, can rapidly fit them- selves for usefulness in this noble and essential work. Yon can't send a parcel to a sol dier without a requisition approved b A regimental officer, but you can send him all the letters and periodi cals you please. This Is what an i American boy writes in the "Stars I and Stripes": "It seen,s o If the city j in wnicn i live is writing They bo'h wear out together. Walk this way George Washing ton; nice clean ice water and free; you too Liza. o Uncle Sam is conserving the wool; and and Sister Susie's socks are nit. that' o Just I Cold wave predicted; cheer up, and It's to reach here right after Septober Puil or last Octwuber. Pass the fodder We may not be a warlike nation, but our men will fl?ht for the flag and our women for the voto. o ' Best line Toilet Articles ever, and we have a BRITTAIN'S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Diners and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best Goods Lowest Prices. Let Britta.n &'. your Prescriptions. Tobacco is Selling High On The REIDSVILLE MARKET! When you sell a load, open an account with Rockingham Savings Bank & Trust Co. The Bank With Two Kinds of Interest-Persona! and 4 Per Cent CAPITAL $100,000 00 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ON SALE. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. Read The Review Regularly. -Get your laundry to IDatchersoa on time. WANTED. Several thousand boards rived. If. P. Brown. are Hutcherson's laundry baskets closed each Tuesday at 4 p. m. To see better, have your glasses tilted by iMorrtsoo- Jewelry-- Co Have your eyes tested and glasses correctly ntted at Morrison Jewelry Co's. ' All school books and school sup- piles -. strictly cash. Smith's Book Get your laundry to liutctierson Store. . -.. .... .Morrison Jewelry Co. will do yoar wa.n iiu ai once, erperuMico i . Watch and Jewelry repairing the right saleslady; one who can alter gar- way at right prices menu Apply to Tanenhaus, No. 5 nnt fail to 'see our line of fall Scales Street. J .Mnits before you buy that new suit Don't forgot to come and see our Williams & Co . , The Manva Store ueauuiui lino w .cuai huils; i;ujl p,rmg. ua your siyies ana Dfwi. -.qualities, . ai a. Dane's Store. butter, .chickens. . eggs, ana fresh vegetables. We the highest market nrleen r.n o a TAKEN UP. A small pig. Owner Minis. can get same by describing, payment i l4,.f Q' , ,, , , , ... 7 ' ry Mont fall to call on us for any- , t, , 1 , "" v v- - tnjng in overalls. WANTED AT ONCE. A ffumber store of boys 14 to 18 years old at the Old j North State smoking tobacco fac-' tory. Apply at factor. :. . and War Savings Stamps. WiUiauu & Co. The Man's rrt a n ruvr ttrmal Wta t. t. . ' .. - Rtatfi smnkliTP tohacco factnrv " 14 tr ! , , ,.ue meuium ori th newspaper. What urn we ai re for 18 yoars' Good vay' comrortaD, the war news? n t, the littin pr, jand sanitary work rooms. Apply at sonal notBs,: bringing to mind reanl.'. , raclory' or piaces tnat one's p:uents or 'rlends I might not know or mention. It help' to bring lose (h atmoSphcrp ay i nave several applications for good farms if you care to sell yours. See us. Pettierew Real V.tnta BOYS WANTED. At Old North Rental and Insurance Agency ' FARM FOR SALE. I have a first class tobacco farm for sale contain ing about 150 acres; located on sand ChlV road hpar fhrvni rwj.n villa LOST, On Wentworth road from1 miles Enst of t?ai1ivih. ,,.'i , - v w m. vva f Ai (.1 jit H' edge of ruidsville and Edna Cotton and oliurch . Tra n tTnmr,,,,. FOR SALE. Four-room residence Mills, a blue coat trimmed in fur ome, and forms a hoI)(1 with lom Please vetvrn to U Edna Street and ' on IrvIn streeV lfcot front aearly a, trme as t.w v 'get rewara. I K?i A . front, good home letterq - ' j r , Baiu iu quick purcnaser. Tho leirers. ihfpress going north has to. go on interested will he Wn ufa ,MMi.. The tobacco crop is going to be ',Xl 41 : you wiU P'ease let me ' on by J. Will Burton. For particulars nave yeur launary Jesdays not la-apply to C. L, Tneutham, Route 1, ter than 4 d'clocV, and remember r. sold more rapidly than ever before everywnere. We do not see what can prevent rapid selling, and we dent know that we can blame the farmers. At the sam flnie a word of caution may not be out of place On account of a scarcity of help there may be some danger now and then flf & congestion, and there should be some caution In the dan ger of overdoing the matter. Ware houses will do all they can; but, not withstanding the line organization and system of sales, there may be at times a limit to things. We hear a g-reat deal of complaints on the part of dealers and manufacturer on ac count of the difficulty In securing suf ficient help. Of course we do not Ul'ere there will be ry dans-er of the 'net of Fuffic'ent families f1)r selling r nd moving the crop but we Just v ant to say that judtment and good ' -.rnmnn sense shorild b In the rketlng of the crop. Southern 7 'incco Journal. you can gt it Saturday following. Hutiherson. New f;tll goods of everything in our line are coining In daily and we want you to ape our showing for this fall. ) be tfUfre to see our line before making your fall purchase. Wil liams & Co., The Man's Store. LOST or strayed, a black and tan 1'OIt SALE. Nice builling lot on C-aJtor 6treet, near my residence; size 140x220 feat; contain splendid young orchard. Lot large enough for two nice building lots. Only short distance from A. T. Co's. factory. Apply to W. T. Barber, Phone 112J. Another car load oi Fordson Trac tors will be here soon. We readily remaie hound; eight years old; an- .disposed of the first car load swer9 name of "Kate." Had on col-jed. Orders can now be filled lar 'with my name and address when ' promptly. Get in vnur nnir mh. vine-Spray, N. C. , Distributors for last seen. Reward if returned to J A. Pettlgrew or R. O. Wray, City Director-General McAdoo has In ville-Spray, N. C, Distributors for Rockinggham County. structed all railroads In the United' To the Public: We will re-open the States to make a special rate of one; old Sanitary Market located on Eat cent per mile each way to the Con- Market street. Will at all tlmei federate reunion at Tulsa. Okla., on keep a full line of meats of all kinds Sept, 24-27 Inclusive. Tlcketa will ; and If prompt service and honest be on asle in ample time to reach treatment will please yo.i we will Tulsa by the 24th of September and 'appreciate a trial. Will'be open on will be good for return trip until Saturday, August 3l.-Ford & De' October 31. lancy 1 The new fall styles at Mr. Cornie Ifvln & Co's., The Woman's Store. See J. W. King. Reidsville R2 for headstones and monuments. Don't pass A. Banes store with out seeing the, big line of ladies' coats. Lot Elgin Watches Just came la at Manuel's Jewelry Store, 11 Gilmer Street. For expert workmanship and quick service bring your watch to Morrison Jewelry Co. FOR SALE. One Ford roadster. Can be seen at Woiuack Motor Co. Cecil Barber. rmxsftt shoes make life's walk easy. Get them at Williams & Cot's The iMan's Store. yr SALE. Fine Jersey mils (cow. ueasonauie . terms, rtinuj mj .Mrs. T. B. Balsley. Highest prices paid lor all kinds of country produce, cash or trade, at Trent & Trent's. FOR SALE. 3,000 31b. tin cans for fruit and vegetable canning.--T. W. Wright, City. New line of fall suits for men and boys. Prices right. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. A bargain for qiuck buyer 75 acre farm. Pettlgrew Real Estate, Rent, al and Insurance Agency. Come and look over our beautiful line of ladies' skirts. In latest styles and best qualities, at A. Bane's. The famous Simmons Watca Chains; best to be had, at Manuel's Jewelry Store, 11 Gilmer Street. If you want a selection of ladles' shirtwaists in styles, qualities and prices, come to A. Bane's Store. CLEARANCE SALE. Fine lot of plants at 5 and 10c each; this week only. Mrs. W. T." Barber & Son. Watch, clock and Jewelry repair ing neatly and promptly done by Jas. W. Manuel, 11 Gilmer Street. FOR SALE. Flock puje-bred Sic ilian Buttercups; fine layers. Mrs. Helen Trent, Undsay and Lambeth Streets.- '..' When you want fertilizer look up the Armour Fertilizer man. Plenty on hand. Prices right. J. R. Shrove. ''; ' ',:'. y ; FOR RENT. Sept. 1, storeroom on North g sales St. , rear of Sharp's barber shop. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Overman. ' I have the old reliable Waltham Watches In stock ready for you. Jas. W. Manuel, Jeweler, 11 Gil mer Street. v WANTED . To buy a Ford 5 -pas -eengor car In good condition. Apply to John W. Jones, Route 2. Reids ville, N. C. : '. Crossett and Beacon shoes , two of the best makes known to the trader for sale only at, Williams & Co's. The Man's Store. FOR SALE. Bargain. 2 outside casing, 3 Inner tubes, 34x4; only used about 30 days; standard make Burton -Chance-Walker Co. NOTICE. I offer my services as professional nurse; long experience; calls prompty attended to. J. R. Miller, 28 Wentworth Street. FOR SALE. One two-year-old Holstein bull; registered; at my farm one mile South of Reidsville. Apply to J. W. Ivie, Reidsville. A discount will be allowed on light ing bills paid on or before the 10th of the month. If bills are not paid by tha 15th service wll' be subject to discontinuance. Southern Publlf Utilities Co. Big lot of overalls in all the best makes. Carhartt and Everett, two of the best makes on the market, Also the union suit oerall in brown and white goods. Williams & Co's., The Man's Store. FOR SALE. One 5-passenger Studebaker car and one 5-passenger Ford car; both In good condition Reasons (for selling, am leaving town. Apply to J. B. Martin at Amos Motor Company. We have sold all at our half-price shoes except a few pairs of small sizes, 5 1-2 and 6; but we have plen ty of the Thrift and War Savings Stamps for sale, Come on and get yojujrs before they are all gone. William's & Co..., The Man's Store. NOTICE. I have moved to the Citizens Bank building In the rooms foomerly occupied by Dr. Jett, where 1 will be pleased to sea my friends and the public In general. The mow ing of my office fs occasioned by the new bank taking possession of the building I had to vacate, as the build ing will be remodeled. I am now permanently located In the Citizens Bank building and pryared to do dental work In Its crery entirety. Dr. J. S. Wells. I take this method Of Informing my friends that I have connected myself with the "Old Reliable" Watt's Ware- bouse where I will always be glad to f4 you and will do our best always to get you the top prices for your tobacco. It Is "useless for me to say you have no rlk to run In sell ing with the "Old Reliable" as every tobacconist and farmer knows Mr. J. N. Watt, the proprietor, and knows him a Judge of tobacco and as hard a worker for the Interests of the farmers as any warehouseman on earth. The market has opened high ar.d we believe th whole crop will pell hgh. Bring us your flrt load and we will sll your last. Hoping to see and perve you at Watt's, I am N WFAl We are receiving daily shipments of the newest things in Dry Goods. SILKS, NOTIONS, READY-TO-WEAR and MILLINERY. Come in Early and Make Your Selections. Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. W. Man- Watch repairing. Jas uel, 11 Gilmer Street. See the new fall hatsat Mrs. Cor nie Irvin & Co's, The Woman's Store New lot of caps for men and boys at Willlanis & Co's., Stop. 17-Jewel adjusted Hamilton watch es, at Jas. W. Manuel's, 11 Gilmer Street. Best coffee on the market for .the money. Ground while you wait, at Trent & Trent. FOR SALE. A Ford 5-passenger car; good condition. W. W. Wor ham, Ruffin Route 1. . LOST. Pair of gold rimmed eye glasses. Please return to R. J. Oil ver at The Review Office. FOR SALE. Plrfct-class Ford touring car (1917 model), Dr. M B. Abernethy, Reidsville. Just received a shipment of Hackney rubber tire buggies. Reidsville Hardware Co. For automobile on Sundays call Ideal Cafe, 'phone 135; week days call No. 94. C. E. iMeador. Wood sawed and split delivered from the Reid lot. $1.50 per load; discount on 10-load orders. W, G. Ballard, Phone 264-W. . Remember, A. Bane has the stock, 1he stjijes, the ooallties, and the at tractive prices. You can save mon ey by tradln at Bane's, New goods arriving dally. ; For twenty-four lncn concrete well pipe, brick, and building block, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. See the Florence Automatic oil cook stove, the greatest of stoves.- The Man's fa0'd by Reidsville Hardware Co. Boy Scout suits and Boys' U. S. Army shoes on the famous Munsoa last. Williams & Co. , The Man's Store.'. ; Don't forget to see dur big line of ladies' dresses, silks, satins, and cheviots in an colors, at A. Banrfa Store. If it's city or county property you want to buy or sell, see us. Pettl grew Real Estate, Rental and Insur a nee Agency. A discount will be allowed on light ing bills paid on or before the 10th of the month. If bills are not paid by the 15th service will be subject to discontinuance. Southern Publlo Utilities Co. . , CLOSING OUT SALE. Beginning Saturday, Sept. 14th, and continuing every Saturday thereafter till further notice, we will offer everything la the extensive stock of general mer chandise carried by the late G. T, Cook at Mayfield at very low prlcoa for cash. This stock consists of dry goods, groceries, notions, shoes, hardware, drugs, etc., and as prices are advancing It will pay you to take advantage of this opportunity. Tha ladies are especially invited. W. O. Dix and F. A. Roberts, Admrs. of G. T. Cook. Deceased. SEE ME FOR RATES ON FIRE TORNADO! AUTOMOBILE INSURANC Laura 1. Powell, Agt Office Ner to J. l Burton's Store, Gilmer Street '. PHONE GOT. 223 WANTED ",' . - --. . A BOY 14 to 17 years old to work In ' drug store. It can't work all the time, will consider after school hours and Saturdays. If you don't want to work don't apply. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 THE REX ALL STORE. LARGE VARIETY 0 Wood's Fresh Turnip Seed JUST ARRIVED - ' ! ... .- . . ; The Prices Are Reasonable GARDNER DRUG COMPANY ' PHONE 14. NIGH r PHONE 61-J. ywir friend, Jas. Robinson, Jr.