THE RKVIKW. r.!'lI?;VIU.i:, X. C. I'TvII.'AY, JULY ITU, 1 9 1 L 1 PACE TWO ,1N THE TOBACCO STEMMERY TWENTY YEARS AGO. Tho following InliMostiriK "Tai written more than t u ; ti io. M;ij1'C twi-nty-tivo. articV? uij :r,i tin.' tious have rhanpi'il some iti,. ihw u.-is written, hut t'l'' n i h grocs Bt ill work In tho Miarv-a fac tories and still sini; th.-Ir .soa.n. Since- that . iine, too, 1 1 1 f n 'ip r that closed' the trade at ?"0 for liis tobacco, could have sold th'1 f -mio for $40.00 last season: At Henderson, Ky., where the Oliio pweens in broadening etretch cs to met't. the Missl.ssiiM'i.tliere lies a narrow' corner of Kentucky known bs the Pennyroyal district. The liorses and the history of the Who Grass region are far-famed, but .there la a large rlas of worthy citizens across the water who best "know the home of the Colonel thru commercial relations with this Western part of his domain, la the tobacco market of Liverpool and Glasgow the product of the Penny-, royal is quickly purchased. The ( eoil and climate are peculiarly adap ted to the culture of tobacco, and &reat quantities are raised. The little city of Henderson Is the ( heart of the Pennyroyal. Broad ( Pliaded streets, fine old homesteads ( quaint bordered gardens, all mark ( the leisurely swing of time's pen-, lulum within Its borders. A great Iron bridge reaches across the Ohio to Indiana and Yankee land, hut ! proximity ami easy access to a new er life have not tainted the atmos phere. She retains her individual ity, and with its an old time charm. It is dusk as the tobacco stem mory is approached. The yellow eyes of the gas posts flicker out of the gathering gloom. The broad basment windows of the barn-like building are aglow with light stream i ml Stomach is Quick to Upset When School Children Are Idle VACATION days are days of over-eating and under-exercising for most boyj and girls. They loll around nibbling at light food, unconcerned whether the fruit is green or ripe. The remit it cramps, (Lin eruptions, pimple, "summer colds," constipation and diarrhea. The basis of such trouble is an upset stomach, and nothing will give safer and quicker relief than the well known Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is just a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, a formula evolved some 30 years ago by Dr. did well himself. Syrup Pepsin is now used by , A millions of people and is today the you, address to Dr. W. B. Caldwell largest-selling liquid laxative in the world. 480 Washington St.,' Monticello, III. T DP CALDWELL'S "f - byrup Pep s in fie Perfect hzat v oe (S sir mm smr $ I41 cash and Call at. our e'ore and ask for a membership card; pay liay $1.00 cash "dues," and the set will delivered to you, then pay Jl.00 more each week for 13 weeks and then a final paymcn of JO. t'S until the fvholesale cost price of $14.93 has been raid. If you pay all cash with the purchase we will give you our regular 10 er cent, discount making the set net you $13.43, We also Lave a good assortment in odd pieces. Aluminum w are 10 quart Preserving Kettles, net cash $1.93, epucial! B URTON-CHAKCE-WALKER CO. ' t in v ditty pane-. The, -. (el. u i 1 lis I fragrance oi' the v ay throits-h tht anil si. in. ( Hia?; 1 the oi.r anl th. Nii-.uife music i (.; hr..l.eri 1 iai'.'-. j 1 1 1 I ' ! I . u it h ' r Hji.-.riee wej ! . I'KI V. : I a- t.a i'il . hoi lie ' i "' liieeze. Thr.'aiLh a hnV (low- the low rrih'il 1 the win- j U .seen I 1 I A mist of luvlit. 'a the p.dd-n ,' dust-cloud aie many liutn'.'-. Hand In lone rows, up and across and around. A pirl the Kinging. Her voice i- a fwoet, soprano, breaking times into long-drawn notes wail ab ive the chorus. Willi l..v down. I leads hk-'i. olive skin and strand of crisp, black hair escaping from her faded turban, with lull pulsating throat she stands at the t ilile telling how: lie Gospil train am comin' I heah It close at ban'; I heah um eyar wheel runnin', . A rollln'Ulioo' de lan'. Git on board, little rhlllnn, Git on board, little Chilian, Git on board, little chillun. In high falsetto, deen-toned so prano, and alto the strains wail on. Pusky faces are thrown back, eye balls fileam, and ivories glisten; tlw splash of big flat feet on the wooden floor marks the time of the tune, as do swaying figures and the deft fingers that tear the stem from the broad brown leaves. Just un der a gas Jet stands a "mamriiv" of ante-bollum days. Her shining black face has a gray kerchief tied with flaring ends above the fore head. Her fat chin is the first of the undulations that form her ample figure. Her flesh is no impediment to her work, as the growing piles of neatly placed and stored ieaves and the Tapld diminshing of the heap of the unstemmed tobacco on lier table attests. This has been brought In her arms from the bulk ing room. The stemmed product from It is the mildest and gentl- o( Us, lives. It regulates the stomach and bowels so well that they can soon wotk normally again without the aid of medi cine. . And unlike the harsher physics and cathartics. Syrup Pepsin docs not gripe or cause discomfort, even to a tiny baby. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup ' Pepsin can be bought at any drug store for 50c and $1, the latter the family size. free trial bottle can be had by sending weekly club dues I i 'low w il! be V , J 1 i .1 to !o-r c t . ! a . li :""..( - re i.irned out la !,c w ill have earned a .;: . inure. Tne n,,-:i Wi tin en t j d ;l.. l-'-l : It.-'' e. . .1 !, ! - ill rot hard, at MclM. e: like-J till tow -:t he be an nil may re o v ;. .Iior. The s'ii s x months; t " and require- r-o f: 1' t-k i I IV Tl e"Mally grei'.iri- fujj ;-.ii ime-J imii neroing in iae bit? ta-eiii. nt. where he iriny l nrh with h neighbors or Join In the sinclnir t'a.t breaks out iit Intervals through' the lonrr day. Work begin? nt 4 a. m . if he is so Inclined, and eonfhties till , in the evening, or as late as the stemming room boss will ierm!t. Fo well do the darkles like "de fact'ry" as they call It, that efficient service In farm work or kitchen Is difficult to obtain during the season. Sometimes entire fam ilies work together, the head of th' household drawing the wages of its members at the week's end. a 0fn fre-i the llrrht-s and laugh ter of the stemniing-room leads the bulk-'rig-rojom , dim and cool and MU. It Is a many-pillared room, for If must bear the weight of the thousands of pounds of tobacco hnnsrfne In the rooms above. In gTeat circles over the floor the brown bulks lie. piled sometimes to the height of five feet, with a di ameter of four feet. A bundle of loaves that may be grasped In one fist I fastened nt the bntt by twisted leaf and is called a "hand.'.' Each of these is laid with great geo metric precision, the points all out and the regularity of the circles rigorously preserved. That the to bacco may dry properly, the hulks j are often arranged with a circular opening and must sometimes be j overhauled and replied. j Along In November Henderson j opi:s its eyes very wide, and Ma'" . street is metropolitan n the crowdt of vehicles and the Jostling group" upon the sidewalk. Along the court-1 house square every tree and hitch- ( Ing post is in service. Before tV Tobaoco Exchange the crowd Is thickest. The farmer mingles with t the (trowd of buyers, his ragged. brown bundle of tobacco under 'a' arm. Thoy spread out his leaves, examine texture and color, watch for worm-eaten holes, and sniff for a rich, oiley smell. Again and again he refuses an offer, finally closing at $4 per 100 pounds for leaf, lug ; and trash. His bargain con cluded, he surrenders the sample to the buyer, who labels and puts It away In his sample case, to be coin pared with the product when deliver ed. T'lhprt ' tho farmi-r f- linmf to wait for a season when his tobacco Is in a condition to be handled be fore he brings it to town. The buyer will first bulk It for a brief time an ihunry It to the stemming room. The merry company there will tear out the stems, reclass and tie the lea ves. The floor -will be littered with stems and broken bits wben the boss calls the closing time, then out into the night they go, the hap piest and most care-free people In nil the land. When there Is a supply of stemm ed leaves in the stemming room the "hands" of tobacco are hung on hickory sticks four feet long and carried up stairs, the men and boys swing a stick over each shoulder, and they go tramp, tramp, tramp, to one of the upper rooms of the five-story building. There in the sticks are hung in five tiers, onefH0Ll-AND WARNED NOT TO alwive the other, of sorted hogshead lots. ', ; The wooden shutters of the in numerable windows are often remov WHY WOiEN SUFFER Some Clo it from ignorance: som from carelessness: some in a spirit of martyrdom and some from a mistaken sense of duty impelling them to go on sacrificing them fidves for others, Until they "drop In their tracks". Thousands of women have learned bt'ttor; have found out that it'a wrong to suffer from the peculiar Ills of womanhood; because they need not c"o it. STELLA VlTAE, the oid-tiine "Wo rxian'a Kclief" "Mother's Cordial" has been helping the women of the fiouth to health and happiness for half a century. It is the prescription of a fajnous old Southern doctor and has rroved, Biiccossful with thousands of wo men and young girls. STELLA VITAE Is-compounded In the laboratories of the Thacher Medicino Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., end sold by all druggists at a mod crate price. M-r.ey refunded 11 the lirtt bottle fails to help. KALFiTATICM CF THE litARTI The expfiicnon cf a woman Vho has'. .-fully passed tlie "changes" is valuable. This lady t'lis cf tho "tTulge that carried L'.r cv. r." "I vTi la a rr.Pti wrrt. h.-J err. tifton. it tlial l i t nit'.ul t.n. iti a w.i. hlt the !.-.?".' 1 14 t ;.;,-it, -n ,-f t!,, hear ' ' 1 twt'A a.l I.:, at m a vrv u.sirr- (d on d. imi day ( f Morale tn : dry ,,ni t-. ev All expel j,. tie. 'd . d ,ir. I:. M ; ch tUe leaf, or on ai'iiro til.'! j.iieOS. n:-!i (i i-. o uR'ii.'i : tie 11.! iiV, .1 fill - in ''!' sv. f", '"', examining !e: f ; , triUing of ti'ii's Is od-red. Asrnln there, i.'.'ee the tramp, tramn, tramp, of . i'ii' men: till- li'ie they're can vlnir ! i'ie sticks with their !,id of leaves! to the lnillit!ir r. em. Here the to-j h iceo Is nga.ln bulked to create a ', and here It remains until convenience dictates Its removal to ( the press room .where the hogsheads' when filled are packed and pressed or prized ,' headed and branded with I the handler's trademark. A pur- (baser In the London market values brands in tobacco as In domestics ' Again weighed It is ready for ship ment. It will go possibly to a Louis- vile warehouse and thence to a for- e'e-n riort, but oftener It goes direct- ly to the Importer. j , England's exclusion of tobacco I from three lis's makes it preferable to ship the stemmed tobacco. What; , is known as Irish' and Scotch leaf, j however, Is sometimes exported! with the stem In the leaf. There t is no waste In the handling of the j itobadoo. The trasli and broken (. pieces are used In dyes, the stems ( : for fertilizing and even for grades, of snuff. The weed, as its. ' Mory has been traced, is now ready to be manufactured. In great facto-( ! rie In this country and abroad this j ! stemmed leaf la made ready for , f nioklng. ' I I 1 Tn her seamed yellow palm, Aunt j ' Pinah crushei the dried natural leaf. 1 and lays a coal wpon the fragrant I l.oon tn her pnh n.fnp rtmwiner In , .ii!i,... A,,y,t r.,,iiv with forefinger, jesses ' - the lewder into his "outv" and chews still shorter the short stem! in the heat of hi argument: Mayn- beer puffs and puffs his deep bowl ; in solid satisfaction John Bull rejoices his briar, and clouds of comfort circle alike from cob and briar and meerschaum. "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Millions of fraudulent Aspiriu Tablets were sold by a Brooklyn manufacturer which later proved to be composed mainly of Talcum Powder. 'IBayer Tablets of as pirin" the true, genuine, American made and American owned Tablels are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and al ways buy them in the original Bay er package (which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bay er Manufacture of Monoacticaci dester of Sllcyllcacid. . LET KAISER GET AWAY The allied governments have re presented to government of Hol land the necessity of taking steps to prevent the departure of the former German emperor' from Hol land, C. B. Ilarmsworth, under secretary, of state for foreign affairs - announced in the house of com mons recently. . .' ALL RUN DOWN v AND WORN OUT IJocause vou have not thoroughly urilioil yuur lilood, but have allowed to reh'iain in it tho nccuniulations of waste mutter that cause weakness,., loss of Appetite, dull headache, broken fi'leep,. backaclie, eruptions niul Imniors 'atul other troubles. Take llood's Sarsaparilla, the medicino that renovates, strength ens, tones it will build you up, make you feel better nil over. Hood's Tills help as a stomach- toning, digestive cathartic. The BEST and CHEAPEST , insurance oaearili I (-.! on (i.iiui ilayj, (Puiag themoutlis 11 I AM GLAD IP n "I'Lr " t.'Iud lo Try Anything "Three nr.o riy ?;..!ht was tn lerrllily run .!.!iti r 01 diiion unit I was li'n ivc-it out a'l Ci r my I. oily. 1 li.-i in i l..r v or rii'il nlioiit (iiv coiiilit Inn .-in,! 1 was kIui) (o r- ui...(;iub tt.iuli ivoiild r licve me. IViuun yH i ri-iiiimu-iHlfd In sin- as, s tine lilooil I'fini'.ly and lunU', niul I noon fouinl that It V as nii'i'i. (if iirnisc. A few liOtllcs (hunt.,! in ro n,l it ion inutcrlalJy an, I in a, Nliort limp I a ill over mv troiiltle. I owe my lv.-.lui a 1 ion to health nml st'eiiuth lo l'.i-una 1 urn Kind to t-iidnmr it." Sold Kveryniirrp DR. ABERNETHY AND HIS WORK AT PORTSMOUTH The Portsmouth (Va.) Star re cently carried a splendid likenes ofo Dr. W. B. Abernetiiy, formerly jxistor of Iteidsvllle Main 'street M. E., church, and his work in his new charge. The Star said: "Dr. Abernethy became pastor oT the church last December, succeed ing Dr. Ponahoe, who was sent to Norfolk by the Conference. This 's Dr. Abornethy's first year in the .Virginia Conference. Doubtless no other man has come to the Virginia Gnnforence taore highly recom mended than he. "(Among others who commended him in the highest terms are: Sec rotary Joseph us Daniels of the U. S. Navy; Senators Overman and Simmons of North Carolina; ex Governor Locke Craig of North Car- I olina and President Alderman of - the University of Virginia. Abernethy was graduated j yet in his teens. He was a, college professor, college pres.-. , lawyer anu news, .a oeiure tiuitriiug me iuuiuui, GO OUT FROM HOME TO HEAR THE NEWS In come the Atlanta Constitution, deposes and says upon information and belief, and as to other matter mill I'ttlJCl yfllCYCfl H LU i one Governor Bickett, of North j Carolina, will be a .candidate j against Senator Lee S. Overman to ( represent said state instead of said ! Please the Appetite and Build the Body The fine winter wheat flour made by. the Piedmont Mills makes bread, rolls, cakes and biscui ts that tempt the most sluggish appetite, and at the same time gives the body the real nourishment w hich builds bone and sinews. "Piedmont" "Puritan" "Argus Self-Rising" These are the brands of Piedmont flout i which are famous for sweetness a ad nutrition. tiy the riedmont milling process all ot tne original nutriment of the wheat is retained in the fine white flour produced. c. . You can buy the Piedmont flours In pre-war quality now that the Government has removed its restrictions on milling. : - THE PIEDMONT MILLS, Inc. Fine Winter Wheat Flour Hi r PfEDMONT MILLS ISS UwriiBuna. jy ' 9t J. K K MP r ALL LIFE INSURANCE Companies Differ in Net Cost and in Contract. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Givesjthe rLOt liberal contract at the loweit net cost That's t"'.c reaon it standi AT THE TOP. I ha v rep-resected them 30 3 ears, FRANCIS WOMACK TO ENDORSE JNA EH vv as in a Terribly Run Down Condition .Ulna Itit'kn l.fiM,ll, 2SS L:ivr,i St., M..iKihli;i, Wis, heo'y i.l. tl. i kianz. Alius I.fOioId'a letter opposite convi'vs in no un certain way tho fe'ratitudo ahe iL-ul.i tor I'eruna. I.Iiliild mid Talilrt Form Overman. " - , Most of our political news comes by way of Washington, D. C, but here is a bit that conies by way of Atlanta, state of Georgia, where Tom Watson lives and where crack ers grow on vlnea like the "pun Jclns" do in North Carolina. ; Tlickett has announced that he was not flirting with any office and is unconcerned In regard to any office except that of governor which be. is trying to fill to tho best of hU ability (but we' are handing htm this news from Atlanta and call upon him for a reply to the Atlanta dope. Greenaboroi Patriot. Read The Review Regularly. SHI Vnu tret SS to 3j'w Actual Ovctb'wiii'U li a Jlplllnr?r e,xrr I !- xire. iiaiiKer of KtonA brul'e or blow- OUII9 1 ri'UUlCU U m ninimitt-i. .iloHinrrfi" .ni t 1 1 vi huiK-r-Vitalized, y'liito Jtubbeihave tha Vacuum Irrad and ore GUARANTEED 6000 MILES hi in in m in in Our representative will tU ywi Ml Ml lt.m.wisM TUa AltiA asli aiKinrt LV Ity tr mt m Pnnalae y frira. H. G. JONES, Sole Aget For Rockingham County Banaja, N. C. LYNCHBURG: PA VA. mm ' 'i life fl LVfCMBURG. VA KM waM y . X -gj'Ji.W LTNCHMURG. Vm . ' J I A W i W fi mf FOR LNG1DE AND CUTS1DE WORJC USI5 SIORE PAINT PRLSEHVi: AKD rEAUTIFY jixvictji ArwAs e. 'I I not; ff h.-: n.l 1 ,n .'v t V. h.n 1 l,faJ., I 1. K. K!! IJj Bua...!. N. t. f srrtiA rrrvE, K-ir t'. .( ii turrii me. ii-uaa." ii.-w M. For Hue Hy GARDNER DRUG COMPANY. THE INSURANCE PA