RKIISVIM,K. M. C. - , FRIDAY, JULY 4TH, 1J19. I I PA UK four TUB REVIEW: lie fieidsvillp Review TUESDAY AND FRIDAY THE REVIEW COMPANY THE REVIEW COMPANY (Incorporated.) MANTON OLIVER WM. M. OLIVER .. R. J. OLIVER .. . . .. President . V. -President Sec. & Trea3. $1.50 PER YEAR ,. (Entered at Reidsvllle, N. mail matter.) the postofllco at C, as second class NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In compliance with strict Govern mental regulations we are discontin uing all subscriptions to The Review as fast as tho time paid for expires. Subscribers who receive a copy in a separate wrapper with a cross murk on it niny know that theU- name has been taken from our regular mail ing list and no mure copies will be mailed to them until their subscrip tion is renewed. Please renew your subscription promptly. WELCOME! OUR BRAVE BOYS. Everywhere today, throughout this the land of our hearts, the "Glori ous Fourth" is celebrated With more sentiment, mure pathos anJ moje Joy than any day since 1775. Today the greatest nation on earth is .stirred to its profoundest dqptha. GJ:riuus old "Stars and Stripes" we never knew how nm:'i we loved you until a foreign foe sought to tear you from the suu Hght. But today how the old flag floats and streams in triumph and glory over a patriotic people. The desperate struggle Is ended, and . the Angel of Peace sits crown ed in living light above "Old Glory's" shining folds and liberty stand radiant beside her. Many years ago Ingersoll, the rreiat orator, said: "A vision of the future rises. I pee a world where throne. have crumbled and where kings are dust. 1 see 'empires where aristocracy of i idleness has ..perished from the earth. As I look life lengthens, joy deepens, love canopies tlu earth and over all In the great dome Khines the eternal star of human hope." To America, the mother of r? publics, has been given, . as if by Divine commission, the proud priv ilege and task of vindicating on the field of battle the Justice and sanc tity of h'er origin and mission nmong the nations of the earth. Our brave boys, great strong limbed, ruddy-faced youths In kh.tkl, suirpuwed all our expecta tions and filled our minds and hearts with unbounded pride and ( joy and exultation. Their heroie.j deeds shook the very thrones of. JCuropc's tyrant kings and filled their craven sails with terror ml despair. Our brave and fearless Rockingham boys met face to face j in battle iho proiidl'russiau guardi, i the boasted invincibles of the ICii er,' and in terrific hand to hand conduit coiKpiored and destroyed j them. They : taught the military despots of Germany that an ounce of freedom in the heart Is worth aj ton of discipline In the ranks of i tyranny. on held ot battle tuey have sent to generations yet un &:n,and to all the centuries yet to come, a mighty message of sublime decision and deathless valor. Tteidtiville and Rockingham stand uncovered while our brave boys, the bravest and grandest of them all, march down our streets. Along the street there comes A blare of bugle., a ruffle of drums, A flash of color beneath the sky,.-.-. I fats off! The Flag la passing by- Blue and crimson and white it , chines Over the steel-tipped, ordered lines, Hats off! the colors before us hp; But more than the Flag Is passing by. Sea fights and land fights, urim and great, FYmght to make and wive Uv; State; Weary marches and sinking ships, Cheers uf victory on dying lips. Days of plenty and yenrs of peace, March of a strong lands swift in crease; Ciual juctk-e, right, and law. Stately honor and reyorent awe. Sign of a nation grout and strong, To ward her peopla from foreign rong. Pride and glery and honor, all. Live in the colors to stand or fall; IlftU off! The Flag Is passing by. "IS THERE STILL A DIXIE?" (By Geo. M. Bailey.) ls tlnfle .vtill a lixie'.'" aks Life In its "Dixie Number." Yes, there' is still a Pixie, A Dixie in tliOj hearts ef sonm of us old"r ones, i a':d lu that rea!m of the spirt fancy may summon visions of tho most j lemtifnl of scenes, the loveliest uf ' face-', and days of cloudless blue! Pixie, the E. st to which those of, ii- who stand on the rim of the lad-j ian day turn in devotion,' while j '.) shadows creep! Pixie, the. Glory Land of the I'a.it, the golden j bourne of mem .pry's silent rambles, i the ha!:WPU Solitude in whoso cool depths the lot chord. of life breathe their musk- into the soul! Pixie, iove's Shad-wland, peopb'd with the' unfettered spirits of the noble and the great, redolent, of memories that do not die because they cluster about things immortal, ti-tnple with the dream-fabrics of a nation that row from out. God's r.ound!vs. deep a 'id, alter four ye;irs of romance, poetry and glory turned iigam Homo! Pixie, the P.cuiut.iful and Glorious, the sweet est chapter of ITisMry. the nobl'st Epic of the age;, the Light of yes teryeur wln-yn eft'ulgeno gilds the crest of Time's swift onward tide! 7ix-, the -o.ih'h- Mother of the Na.tlon, th" ii!ili-structi!)le Kingdom of the Twilight --Pixie, the incom parable South of our 'dreams! Yes, there still Is a Dixie. Several thousand returning Amer-j lean soldiers and a score of pretty j French war brides are aboard the j Presidential ship on its voyage 1 r j the States. A number of soldiers j who were members of the guards at ( the Paris White House and at thnj Hotel do Crlllon, headquarters of t the American delegation, were mar-j rled during their sojourn In Paris, j The regulations provided no j means for the brides to accompany I their husbands and for a while It Boomed that they might be left be-j bind, A tearful Joint dispatch, to j resident Wilson led him to m.ikJ , errnngempntg for their rccommoda-! t t a., how? i . - Isaiah, the ' prophet , . may have h; d some Inkling several thousand years ago of the thirst that prohi bition would raise in the land. At tention was called today to thp prophet's words as found in Isaiah xxiv:ll-12, which read as follows: "Ther is a eying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone. In the city Is left desolation, and the gate is smitten by destruction." FERTILIZERS MAY CHEAPER BE IN THE FALL It was announced by the depart ment of agriculture that fall ferti lizers would be cheaper- in the southern states. The average prle would be about 30 per cent, lower than spring purchases. Many North Carolina farmers have manifested keen interest , in tho prices of fertilizers for grain and other craps to be put in this fall.- ; The announcement of the depart ment follows conferences with indi vidual manufacturers whiuh placed the department in a position to state that price of mixed fertilizers F. O. B. in the South Atltntic and Gulf ports' of Baltimore, Norfolk, Wilmington, Charle.-itoti , Savannah Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile will be the same as the F. (). B. prices', at Baltimore, Philadeliphfa and Catarct, which established the juices for the northern states. The prices are based upon de.Iiv I cry in 2fl0-pound hags. If in 107- pound bags, 25 cents a ton will brs added; if In 125- pounds; 50 a ton, and if in 100-pound cents baa!' 75 cents the ton. j Iii general, fiat delivered prices, prevail in Viryinia, North Carolina I South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,; Mississippi, Louisiana', east of the Mi'snittiippi river, and Florida, ; wot of the Apachlcola river, for1 which a flat rate of $2.50 a ton will , bo added to the port prices. In all ( of these states except Mississippi.; and Louisiana when the actual freight is less than $2.50 the tori..! the actual freight "1 3 used. i REJOICES DAUGHTER j CAN RESUME STUDIES j "Kver)thins my little 12 year-old j girl ate distressed her; even a gkm 1 oE water would cause her to belch j gas and sho w-as unable to go to j ichool for nearly a year; I bought j her a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful j Renuxly, and since taking it shet is rating us out of house and home and Is attending school again." It j a simple, harmless preparation i that remoes the eatarrhtil mucous j from the ; Intestinal tract and allays j the Inflammation w hich causes j practically all stomach, liver- and Intestinal allnionts, ' including v ' an-.. retirticttls. One dose will convince or money refunded. All dealers. TO RHEUMATIC SUFFKRKRS. Tuke a few bottles of Martin's Rheu matic Compound. The great medi- cine that cures inflammatory, acute! and rhronir rhpumatlsm. For sain 'n 1 Reidsvllle by T. A. McGhee. East Market street. W. D. Martin, TUle, N. C. . Mail orders to Dr. P. O. Cox SC, Leaks- Albatross Wonderful Flyer, The albatross spends its life, with the exception of a lew weeks given each year to nesting, entirely at .-ea, and Is on the wing prnctlfttlly all the time. Furthermore, it docs not pio gross by flapping Its wing., as most birds do, but seems to soar ut will, lat e ly, If ever, giving u slroke of the win;?, sermlmj to need no impetus. At tie.it lag time, which early in the year, the albatross repairs to au Isolated Is land, such as one of the Crozet Is lands, In the soiiibvrn Indian ocean, or Tritan da Cunlia, lu the aouih At lantic CKvau. Right Idea About Business. The obi ifleu that business is get ting the better of your neighbor is not only "bad business," but nonsense. I'.uslness Is not getting the better of but doing the best for your neighbor and yourself. If business Is not mu tually profitable, It Is mutually de structive. My neilibor'8 pro-1. rit.v helps mine and mine ills. When that old pernicious notion l finally explod ed the cMli uuium of !e;:iiess will be at hand, tin; era of universal peace between capital and labor. Lord l.ev erhulme. ' : Famous Castle of Durnstein. The ragged towers of the castle of Durnstein, in which Richard of Film land was imprisoned, still rise by the Panuiie, and there is a Napoleonic le gend that, as the French emperor rode by In his Wag mm campaign, he point ed to them wiili horror as a reminder of a barbarous Incident, Seemingly his revery was untroubled by any pre vision of the far harder fate lu store for him. Hoily Used as Symbol. It was usual at Roman weddings to present the bride with a wreath of holly, significant of the wnrmest con gratulations. In India and Persia the followers of Zoroaster, the foun.der.of fire worship," soak pieces of holly bark In water and throw tho infusion It? the faces of newly born babies, Re lieving this will Insure them prosper ity ami safety in this world. Opportunity at Funeral. Shortly after the new family moved Into the house across the street the old grandfather took ill and died. When my little son heard of his death he said he' was going to the "fooneral." "Why, Bobbie, you don't even know them," I said. "I know, mother," was his reply, "but I think the fooneral would be a good place to get 'quaint ed." Chicago Tribune. Good In Strawberry Wine. Regarded medicinally, strav, berry wine Is held to be superior to grape wine. Spanish doctors' w ho have in vestigated the matter report' that strawberry wine gives the greater strength to a weakened constitution. The strawberry wine Industry Is said to be assuming some Importance In Spain. Why Delay? "Take this .medicine," said the young doctor; "If it doesn't cure you, come back in a few days and I shall give you something that will." The patient pocketed the doiTe reluctantly. In a few moments'-, he returned. "If you don't mind, doc, I'll take some of that that will cure me right away." Retribution. When the man who Invented the slide trombone grew old and crippled and could not got away, retribution hounded him in tho form. of a neighbor who practiced mi one '.of the blamed filings every night. An evil deed Is always repaid with an evil deed. Baker's Dozen. " Years ago when a heavy penalty was Inflicted for short weight, It was cus tomary for bakers to give a surplus number of loaves, called "inbread," to avoid risk of Hue. The thirteenth was known as the "vantage loaf," It Is said. . Drawing the Line. "The fresh young man who always wants to 'start soiitetliing,' " remarked the Observer of K vents and Things, "draws the llueVvtien It comes to the morning lire In the stove." Yonkers Statesman. To Keep Pens From Corroding. Steel pens hre destroyed by corro sion from acid lu the ink. Put In the Ink some nails or old steel pens, and the acid wilt exhaust itself-on them, and the pen in use will not corrode. Indirect Action. Said the almost philosopher, "It may sound like a paradox, but when a fel low has a weight lifted oil his mind It makes las heart lieht." Not Knocking the Doctor, Either. Sometimes it looks like the doctor l.s ihe only jK-rson In the coiumunlty win) hasn't a sure cure for bad colds. Galveston Ncwi V'ant of Perception. The devil has uo statu lrcr lly than wa,lt ! pcicAi'Uow. i'Uiliy 11. Wick- "'' Daily Theught Ee wJse " w urluly, but i.yt world'. a fZ Mr. It. V'. IVndnrvIs, well known In H liiKmere," Fin., fn.vs : "I miflVrpil from J'-Si A H such iniIih Iii my back tlint 1 could not Tsslty'y O'" htoi.p over Jar rnmiuli to tic my. own L!3' w, nl- 1 f " -vA hIhh's. I wns f tiff otnl my Joluts turt tno fjr Tl in w ' 1 L y ci.iilimi.illv. My howols nero tumiul j, j.-"" t I I t '"' teiiintu wns weak, often lining V 'V'n H flL-p ui with foul Kim. My liver wni inactive1, IV"-- I l St j A whitu gave me licmim tic, illzzy bjiolls, ' Hv nor.iint- foe Mm;. I lionutit a bottle of U Wft I A 1 K X't-Z l'iliXU, nud that was tin1 t'est money I l V A ST. ,1 t f ever Knout. My back is limber nml sup- PvsV I W yKrsJ n ll,(- 1 inn stoop ami bend at will, bowcl-i V I ftN. 'A' 0 v S n tine rcgulur aud - eany, rtieuniatlsui J St jr cased and iny nmcles noiuinl. Iireco Is v , 1 1 ifJ V line n.eilit ine and I Kladly ruioinmetid it." I V J ! SI 1 ) 'A I'rem Is mnilc from Juices mid extrnets I V I R 1 1 1 V 1 01 ninny iiiedlclmil berbiil plnnts, wblch I 1 )( V- in t on tlie vitul ofKHUJ iu a pkttbttUt UUd A. llLA It I fj j ( I'tetiiM tiiuuucr. I I I I 4y GARDNER DRUG CO. ' U I n iSSo) ESSAY ON PANTS Pants are made for men and not for women. Women are made fo' men and not for imnta. When a man pants for a woman and wLea a womans pants for a man that makes a pair of pants. Pants are like molisses; they are thinner in hot weather and thicker in cold weather. There has been much dlt-cussion as to whether pants is singular ' or plural. Seems to us that when men we::r pants it is plu ral and when they don't it is singu lar. If you want to make the pants last, make the coat first. -The A!a bamian. FORTUNES FROM WHITE BURLEY TOBACCO Ohio tobacco growers are 30 The Stewart Corsets Eest Me(e $4.0aand Up Measurtmcnts ial.en and oilers prcirptly cent in Quick Del'very! Miss Flora Foofe, Agent. ' : nfytii ':''' ' . -W&i .-v.. ffffr . k;-'1 PRICES OniD Cr 5923 02S Foui i.fcc.a Cx i Zedt.a " :. $1325 Cccpe . 1 13 . F O. H, Tticio'-j' VCT MOTOi CAR CO. ruNT. i.;icij. Oorl Fife Pamsenger Tottrina Car flush with money that banks are complaining that they cannot lend their funds. Mortgages that were to run -several years have been lifted and money is being put into new houses and farm building? Owners of grnaU tracts cf tobacco land, wjlio had not oxpfx-tel ti have anything but the most modest type of farm house, are now hav ing houses built that would be a credit to any city. Southern To ba.K Jcjurnal. Advertising ia this paper will bring god returns on the money invested Thfe'-Qiialit txxGoe ; f)Kth are; jmeebngft Maj .' a . " '-'".''' ' '--. ::mo : .-reqirements : of many . ' very - pari? zn- ; f . ' '-..'' :.':"3 ".''' . Ti V- paid- ffM V 3 4 7 CHEER UP! THERE IS NO NEED TO WORRY BECAUSE IT IS AFTER JULY FIRST If you have a strong thirst, we can help you get rid of it. Just come in and try some o our many lines of soft drinks at our fountain. Or'try a saucer of our . delicious - "BLUE RIBBON ; ICE CREAM." Our I jt.-efi, j.oo, - ara worthy of ytaur trial. ; Come to see us. REIDSVILLE CANDY KITCHEN R. C. BOOKER, Prop. 5 Clear ThronIi Jr. V il F.B.KEMP & SON A " 1 V

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