KE1DSVILLE. N. C. .FRIPAV, Jl'LY 4Tir, 1919. PAGE EEC THE REVIEW: 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS V7. E. McOARGP Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office:: Room 203 Citizens Building. REIDSVILLE. N. C. Bank IBA R. HpMPHREYS i ATTORNEY AT LAW . Special attention to settling es tates. Tractlce in all courts, ex cept Reoorder'8 Court. Office next door North of roHtoltlce, i - A. D. IV1FJ B. C. TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTTER & JOHNS rOH ATTORNEYS AT LAW Reidsville, N. C. General practice of the law In State and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Es- SttUes administered on ana semeu. Real etato bought and sold. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counsellor at Law REIDSVILLE, N. C. : Special attention to negotiation of loan, settlement of estates. Inly ing and scuifi' real state. Inmr ai'.d adjusted, l'nictioo in all courts. Oliice in Lambeth llulldins, Gil mer street. WEIGHS MORE NOW THAN SHE EVER DID Interested in Film Productions to Be Made at Methodist Celebration at Columbus, O. Memphis Woman Had Been a Suf ferer Almost All Her Life Since Taking Tanlac Her Health Has Improved and She is Now Doing All Her Own Housework Feels Like a New Person. "Snco taking Tanlae I actually wr-Uh more and foci better ihan I have in years," said Mrs. Gcoj-bo W. P.ailey, of 1119 Glen Place, Mom phis. Term. "I had been in poor health neatly all in)- life," she continued, "I had no apppi'tu my stomach would bloat up after eating and the Kas would pross on my heart so I could hardly breathe. I wolld often have lo .raise up in bed to cati.h my breath and I could never get a fv'od ni-ht't sleep. J I'ell or till I weighed only seventy nine pound and was ;o weak could hardly lift my baby. - ' r bejn to Imf-r 've with inv fiit bi.ltle.of Tatl.,c and I now feel like a new person. I have a fim'1 app'Mte ;i-i.l never hv. a si;;n of i:id;ae-ti(ii. pas or ihnsp stuotne T i t t I fwt W ''. rr i.-" s'w 'V.--" j M KING GEORGE IN MESSAGE PRAISES UNITED STATES A. - . A-t-VUU. DR. J. R. MSADOR DENTIST.-' Office Over New Citizens Bank Residence , Tbor,e 279 -W, . ' ' Ofiico 'l'hone 22. ': Di. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL SURGEON Offices (iver Citizens Rank. 'Phono 100. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to negotiation of loans; conduct and settlement of estates; buy inR and selling of real estate. Office In old Citizens Bank Building. : CHAS. O. McMIOHAEL ATTORNEY AT LAW " Practice in All Courts Mr. McMichael will be In Relds Tllle office on Tuesdays, Wednes- davs. Thursdays. Fridays, and in Madison on Saturdays. WILLIAM REID D ALTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Roidsvllle, N. C. General practice of . the law in Bta te and Federal Courts. Money loaned ott real estate. Es tates administered on and settled. Real estate bought and sold. Inn spelbi, I ani d 'in work now and can't expri.-t-'.-i my i;i at il ude lac has done f,r me.' Tanlac 1 sold in R. IL Tucker x all find for my hou e woids to a hat Tan ReidsvlH. in Spray by Dr'isr Co.; In Mdion A. . EniUfiton Driis Co., by Mi 9 br and by all '5 nod druggist.. The Krnpp works at Munich Inve been sold "to. Amercans, according to dispatches from Munirh (juoting nevnpers there. It i.-t added sev eral' industrial concerns in the Pa varian capital also have , passed in to American hands, " ill i i r1 . "s " - la. i .. i "k ! i! it King George sent the rolloowing inc. sage to President Wilson: ' "In this glorious hour when the long htruKgle of nations for ilglu. Justice and t' reed, hi in , is at last crowned by a triumphant peace, 1 greet you, Mr. President, and the grout American people in the name of the lirttii-h nation. "At a time when ' fortune seemed to frown, and the hsiies of the war trembled In the balance, the Ameri can people stretched out the hand of fellowship to those, who on this side of the ocean were battling for a righteous cause. Light and hope at once shone In our hearts, and a new day dawned. "Together we have fought to a happy end; together we lay down our arms in proud consciousness of valiant .deeds nobly d ne. "Mr. President, it is on this day one of our happiest thoughts that the American ;nd British people, brothers in arms, will continue for ever to be brothers in peace. Uni ted before by language, traditions, kinship and ideals, there has now been set upon our fellowship th sacred seal of common sacrifice." REIDSVILLE'S REPLY. Reldsville Accepts the Evidenco and Many Review Readers WW Profit By It. Which is the more weighty proof a few words from a Reldsville resident, whom we know and re spect, or volumes from strangers in distant towns? There can be only one reply. L. G. Joyce, 233 Lindsey street, says: "About three years ago my back was in such bad shape t li a . I could hardly get around and I was in misery no matter what way I moved. My kidneys were weak and the secretion passed far too often. I had teriblo headaches in fact, I was. all run down. I bad read of Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally got some at the Gardner Drug Co. Af ter I had taken them a short Mine, the misery 'n my back left me arid my kidneys were strengthened. Con tinued use of Doan's entirely cured me." , Price COc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that. Mr. Joyce had. Foster-Milburu Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. i Ui LELAND STANFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW STONEVILLE, N. C. Prompt attention given all matters entrusted to mo. i , . . . ; , . . J. R. JOYCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in old Citizens, Rank Build- ing. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Loans Negotiated : E. B. WARE ATTORNEY. AT LAW Loans negotiated. Prompt attention. Office over Or. J. II. Thacker's of fice. '- ;'- ;'- ; P. I - "', r- How's This? .' We offer one hundred dollars re Ward for any case of catarrh that can not be, cured by Hall's .'Catarrh Medicine. . Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past 35 years, and has become known as the most -reliable' remedy for catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine acts thru the blood on the mu ;ous surfaces, expelling the .-poison from the blood and healing the di seased portions, ; , , After you have ; taken Hall's Ca tarrh Medicine for a short time you will ; soo a great , improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh.' Send for testL. monials free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 73c,.-,' DR.. JAMES E, CROWJHER AND D. W. GRIFFITH, HIGH GRAOS BUILDlQSrdJ BRICK foicX i th most enduring i Vost mir ftfhst fir swst tmfcrtib! In all weftth? niofit ecoiKialciU in fltial ctitt, Lii-i ih$ K.ost boaitlfnl of ?j JJ q&l!ty appeals to to" mrlt C and gt qotaUons Bh!pr2ntJi made troptlr WILLJ4M80N A HEDGECOCK, INC. HertJSaTilJe. V. The support of the motion picture world 'as represented by D. W. Grif flth, well known t-lra producer, was assured the Methodist Centenary Cel ebration at a -eunfereace in Columbus, the celebration, being represented by Dr. S. Earl Taylor of New "-York, Dr, J. E. Crowther of Seattle, Dr. Fred Fisher of New York and Dr. C F. Reisner of New York. Mr. Griffith, in addition to promis ing to make a film of all Important features of the Centenary Celebra tion, strongly urged the use of motion pictures in the advancement of re ligious work. He spoke strongly of tho possibilities fit the motion pic tures under proper supervision being made to carry a: .religious message further than any known form of com mtin.icat ion. . .. - Dr. S. Earl Taylor, director general of the Centenary '.Celebration, made the statement that '"we" want pictures that , talk the universal language. I believe the . 'message of ;,eace and tcoo.l will should he preached to the world through pictures;". "I am L-lnd to' know. they, are soing to give motion pictures a practical jnnnstration at the Centenary . Cele bration," said 'Mr. Griffith. ' The eel ei r.r.ion will give the. people In towns s.1. J villages a wonderful' opportunity to visit the entire World by going r.o further than Columbus. There will !e an extraordinary impresfion pro duced by seeing these villages of China; Japan and India, not peopled by 'amateurish actors, but inhabited by real i.atives from foreign lands. "1 lave been astounded beyond measure at the breadth, extent and s-'coi-e of the entire scheme as It has been rc-vealed to . me by Dr. Taylor, Dr. (V -her'Dr. Reisner and others. I sunlit ?!.aiid the Methodit ; Church has j 1 40 ,ti()0.,000. and is going to cele brate it's success with something more pearly -re.-einbling a. world fair than anything else'.to.which it can be com parel One would think that , a great nation, at : least is behind the .move ment. Doubtless,- something greater than the. aieatest .nation is behind it a re aw., Kentd ideal and in spired to bind up the wounds of a torn and c, traced, world." A GOLD RING, FREE! READ AND CUT OUT nws;.:?rnr''.' Jtt is'. ' ' , .4. - '. - .H- . . ' If r-r vi A Better Way to Celebrate the 4th i not . with the burning of inore powder, not '-with tho temporary gone-"in -a- second flare of fireworks. - . The aeinibJe, appropriate way to celelnate this and future Irdepehdenee las is with electrical '.displays' which are more enduring-. not wasteful, more ple.isl:;;- to all. Electric S's in?, tnltllie, bat"-. ran pre-! the t:ai. indepcnil; n We v ill I yo-ir. Ts, tlood lig'ut-Pi-litinsr, ileetrlc be m.eb' t ) i'S s i-M it of our new i'.i! t 1 !a vL:j Columbus Can Well Accommodate All Who Attend Methodist Celebration, Officials Say NO CROUD hieh has been proposeil for the Methodist Cer.tenary ; Celebration will swamp Columbus, according to- .'.Mayor, George J. Karb, who has received some 'inquiries from, distant points re garding the ability of 'the .Capital City, to take rare f the hundreds of thousands of ' Metliodists. coining from all over the' United .States for the Centenary Celebration, June 20 to July 13. - -' Mayor Karb says:. ; "Coltinibms has always been equal to any situ ation. We are not going, to fail the exposition crowds, no 'matter how n any thousand there . are. Toil Mum to come to CclamViB town, W'e are ready with open hearts and open doors. . Columbus can do It." James T, Daniels, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce,: says: "We can easily and satisfactorily accommodate three hundred "thou? .and visitors." Organizing Secretary H. B. ; Dickson says: "Three hvindred thousand my niinimum estimate of attendance. Confident Columbus can take care of twice that" number." ' l 1 1 1 i ji fe 111 Fill in the names be low of your friends whom you think would be interested in the pur chase cf a Piano, Organ, or Victrola, and if we are successful in filing any of them we will make you a present of a Gold Ring. Name Post Office. Sign Here . Post fflice. Collection of Indian Curios at the Methodist Centenary Celebration Sout'iera PailiC ILl'ly Co f),3" ?vfT4ll ' " l'l l - V " o ,4 J - r -s - VjV ' . 1 , . w i v , . i 'f V I' ' fir JUT h: l-fr.i Br.'Mi(V. ie W. Palm, an Indian trader of Orton vil'e, Minnesota. Mr. Palm is here shown with some of his interesting relics. Indian exhibitions will have a con siderable place In the Celebration. Pueblos will unconcernedly mold pot tery before throngs of curious spec tators, Just as their grandfathers did before the white man Invaded thir lands. N'avajos will weave rugs and St. Regis make basketry all actually living in their native homes, be they pueblos or wigwams. I MORRISON & MITCHELL NO SEATS RESERVED Flrat Come, First Served, at Coliseum at Methodist Centenary At a conference of Director General 3. Earl Taylor, Dr. Fred B. Fisher, IL D Dickson and other members of the Centenary Exposition staff, it wai decided that there w;li $eats re served in the Coliseum for "The Way- frer" f-agear.t presentations at . the -Methodist Center. ary Celebration, Co lumbus. Q.. Jur.e :.-Ju!y 13. Alt seats will it. Available to spec 0on as tie doers of tbe it 1 each t t ri t.g of Prst coa:fc. !.r?t r-..kson ir'cascti si'.:a groui.e aj- V 9 mmmmmm i : mmn ::.'&?- Feat HSr? V (10 Miles East cf As5?Gvf.!s Attractive. Rosorfs in tbe F)aart&ws 1 oj western norm K$xow?s Averse Elevcxtior? 2500FtAbov;eS25w Level, i li7saresHeltbf6lndPeri7tfGlSjmr72rClin?&te I ASHEVlLLE'HEriDERSCriVILLE HIGHLAND LAKE' j LAKE JUflALUSKA-TRYOfl SALUWf LATfJCK. i KAMUGA LAKE BLOWING ROCK-LinVILLE-TATE S PR In G, 1 .Eflfi.' SiGr' t At HOUnTA!fj,TEir . . - . . - . - . . Qticnamreawoas&vd orrlcrevisitoro ototbese Evei5an7n?erBecaascottbePe!ifebtfolSarT7n7erCtete I toODQ noteis t?d t5ocrdir nocises COCiVECilECiT SGHEPULES AfiPSERVICE VACATION 'CANDi V Uisitd States Railroad Administration, 1 rector Cener ef Rjirod. SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINES Coliseum are o:.e It will te c:.e --ered,'H says Mr. tickets te ,ti:e ei T DAT has Veen rrcnc.mtvd thi W grcite-t j-rivu'o '.'.octicn c.r Indlin curies in Aiucrira has been loaned to the Methodist Centenary mit the ,.rcr o::ct to the ja.2-.ant ii the Ctdi.c-.un. admi?s-ioa foes nt tv-e sate require an additiccal'l tifty cents tor the Colissum avtulng I i t ... -.. .- t - - . Please Renew Your Subscription. Celwtrticu aj CclJiabus, 0, by. II,