4- HUE REVIEW COVERS EO DKINQHAU LEB33 TH3 120 BNINU DW 4N1 OUEBOUNDING- COUNTIE S LIKE THE SUNSHINE ON A CLKAR DAY VOL. XXXII. NO. 76. REIDSVILLE, N. C , TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1919. ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY CITIZENS TO ENTERTAIN THE LOCAL 1LITIAIN Colonel Don Scott, who ia to command the new regiment of In fantry, was In Reidsville the othei lay. Ho thinks his regiment will begin drills in the very near future, and is hoping that the Reidsville company will be among the first. Col. Scott says hla home: ounty, Alamance, and the town of Burlington h?,vle appropriated $1, 500 for the new company at Bur lington, and Winston and other towns and counties are giving sub stantial financial aid to their or- ganizatlons. While here Col. Scott aw a number of the leading busi ness men and all promised to help I& the organization of the new com pany. R. P. Richardson said he haA Informed all emintoves in the Old North State factory that those died Sunday morning at a Greens who Joined and atWnd the annual boro hospital following an Illness of four weeks. Carclnamo was MhAf mimnsoK will receive nav the Mhe cauee of death. Mrs. Rowe i ame as if at work in, addition to nuaband is superintendent of a cot- tha regular enlisted man's salary. ton mlu at Pr- 13 survived Qther plants here will likely make her husband and four sons and a similar ruling. REVIEW OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS An aeroplane passed over ReidS' ville Monday morning. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McAliater on Nov. 22, a daughter. Attorney W. R. McCargo has moved into his new residence on South Main street. Look at the program at the Grande Theatre. Four special at tractions this week. There will be a box party at the Sandy Cross , School Wednesday, night, November 26, 1919. Come and have a good time. There will be preaching at ths Methodist Protestant church next Sunday at 11 -o'clock. Rev. L. W. Gerringer will preach. The new pfistor, Rev. HL F. Fogleman, will take charge the first Sunday In December. Mjrs. Alice Rowe, aged 57 years, LOCAL POSTMASTER RESIGNS HIS POSITION Members and prospective mem sera of the local military company will be given an oyster supper on Tuesday night of this week) at the C. & A. hall. A cumber of outof tewn iguef.ta will be present, and the promoters anticipate 'jwowd and a big time. two daughters. The funeral and burial will take place Tuesday af ternoon at Spray. Rev. H. F. Fogleman succeeds ReV, U. W. Gerringer as pastor of the Retdaville M. P. church, the; Conference In session at Concord a largs deciding to send Mr. Gerringer to the Ashaboro church. The new minister ia a graduate of Westmln- Mules wirmd Bv Unci Sam star Tneoiogioai seminary west. ' Mexico baa been warned by theM minster, Md. He has Just closed a AmHfl.n eavdrrtmtmt tfit n very successnu year at uneioy, w. tmha mniMtotun nt wiiTiam n I C. Rev. Mr. Grriner has been Jenkins, the American consuls Instrumental In buiMtog the Reida aent at Pueblo, who recently was 71116 oburoh frdm a struggling Instl kidnaped by bandits, would "se- ton to a live, large working or- rlonslv affect the relations between gantoatlon that Is accomplishing? the United States and Mexico, fori Ct and lartttng good In this com wt!h the1 aovernment of Mexico nmnlty. Our, people deeply regret mufct assume sole repbonaiMlltv.' the departure of the, young: minis Coupled with thet wamingwas a 'demand for the immediate release! of the consular agent, . who was rearrested Tuesday on charges In '-connection with his abduction and -ransom In the sum of S15O,000 gold. Farmers' Union Resolutions. The Farmers E. and C. Union of Americaat the closing session of ' Its annual convention In Memphis, went on record as opposed to uni" survived by tor and his charming family,. Mrs. Mary Ryrd Moore, aged 35, died at a Greensboro hospital Sun day following an illness of several weekft A complication of maladies was responsible for fatality. For sevieral days Mrs. Moore's condl tion had been critical. She was carried to the hospital three weeks ago from her home eight miles fcom Reidsville. Mrs. Moore la her husband, TV A versal, military training, urged that : the federal farm loan act be amended to permit loans to farm--fers who do not own land as well as to land owners, and proposed that only a practical working farmer be Moore, who was with her when the end came. Seven small children ate) ; survive, as well as Mrs, Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, W .Womble, of Chatham county. Funeral services were conducted appoint cd to office of Secretary of yesterday afternoon at Bethlehem Agriculture. Charles S. Barrett, of Union Cty, Ga. , re-elected president, en ters his fifteenth consecutive term In that office. Judge Lane Presided. Twenty-eight members of tho Al bemarle textile union, including Marvin Ritch. Charlotte lawyer and labor leader, all implicated in the f0r the afternoon, each Interesting strike trouble and rioting which oc- and well written, were "Lo. The Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Cur tis, Interment following in the church cemetery. A delightful and profitable after noon was spent by the Tuesday Afternoon Reading Club witji Mrs. Billiard. ThjIrtJeen members re sponded to the roll call with an item or- quotation bearing on An American Ideal. The three papers R. S. Montgomery, Reidsville's papular and - efficient postmaster for the past several j ears, has re sjgned his position and has asked to be relieved of his duties as as possible. Fan some time past it has been rumored that Postmaster Mont gomery contemplated moving to Atlanta. When asked about It to day Mr. Montgomery would neith er confirm' nor deny the report, re nrvking that he had to get out and make "... a living. His friends sincerely hope that he will contin ue to make his residence in Reids ville. He has filled the position of, postmaster most admirably. A dvil service examination has been called for Dec 23. The posl tlon pays $2,300 annually. JUNIORS GATHER IN A GET-TOGETHER MEETING The local Juniors held a , most delightful meeting In their hall las,t Thursday night, 200 members at tending this get-together meeting, Music was furnished by the Junior Order band; ' theie were many short, Interesting addresses, whHe R. C. Booker, proprietor of tha both of Reld8Vuje. fiovr ice. cream iaciory, NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Superior coiixt for the trial of civil rases only will continue in session this ' ok at Wentworth. Special Tha. Tiving services on Thursday at l. ) chun-hes. Re member the orphans in a substan tial way. Squire Hightower officiated Sun day at Che marriage of Miss Lola Oalton and Bula Bennett, both of Mayodan; on Saturday, Miss Net tle Borland and Dewey London, .. CLAYBROOK-YOUNG. A pretty and Impressive mar riage was eolmeniaed Saturday eve ning; at 6 o'rlock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young on Llnd sey street when their daughter. Mlas Thelma Cordle Young, be came the bride of Jesse F. Clay- utuok. ine ceremony was per rormea Dy Rev. ; H. C. Sprinkle, Castor of Main Street M. B. church. The entire lower floor of th home bad been most attractively decora ted for the occasion. Mrs. R. J. Ollper received the guests in the wide hall where they were served punch from a pretty bower by Misses Ethel Gibson and Marlon Oliver. From here they were di rected "Ho the gift room which was lovely in yellow chryeanthmuma. Ivy and potted plants. Here punch was served by Misses Lillian CfcrkJ. sent up several gallons of delicious cream , and other refreshments and smokes were furnished by the Aounqils. The s,peakers were L. N. Hjkjkerson, Rev. C. F. Sherrill, N. R. Reid, J. R. Joyce, J. M. Sharp, and others. . The Juniors of Reidsville are always wide4awakje Their meimibershp here now num bars around four hundred r Among tlhe visitors from other councils were Mr. Morgan, from Little River Council; Rev. C. F. Sherrill1, from Pleasant Garden Council, who is the new council of the Wentworth M. E. circuit; Supt. The Rev. Robert E. Roe,- rector of Holy Trinity church, Greens bow, will conduct a conference on the Nation-Wide Campaign in St. Thomas church Tuesday night at 7:30. The public Is invited. Thanksgiving services will be conducted at the First Baptist. church Thuraday morning from 10 . to 11 o'clock. A special offering wiU be taken tor the Thomasville orphanage. Everybody invited. The Baptist Baraca class- was given a treat Sunday morning In the lecture given by Dr. Spruill. The entire clasa was thrilled by OFFICIAL AVERAGES ON REIDSVILLE'S MARKET Monday's average on the fUid ville market was $72.99. L. N. Hickerson and State Coun, Wa aplrftual and Sacripturai mesr riinr v n VaM nt tha Wantnmrth I sage. Hla acouaintance with the council. I Bible is remarkable. The speeches were of a construe-1 Sergt. Robert R. Rascoe of Reids- tive order, and were well received. I ville was among the A. E. F. men The new bond, recently organised I who were decorated in the ball among members of the order under I room of the Belmont residence in the leadership of Irvin F. Parker, gave (Several good selections. This was the first time the band had given an exhibition of their pro gress before a meeting of the or- Washington a few days; ago. More concerning this occasion will ap pear In our next issue. . John McAdanw , star outfielder on the Reidsville jbaseball tm curred in Albemarle September 15, pleaded guilty to the fourth counB In the bill of inuictment , charging conspiracy. Ritch was fined $(09. Judge H. P. Lane, of Reids vir was the presiding Judge. Furnrture Prices to Remain Up The members of the Southern Pumititret Manufacturers A)svocia tlon, In annual convention at Ashe ville, heard rororts, which are to the effrct that prices on furniture will not be levered, so long as tbe demand exceeds the f-uipply. and eleptjed officers v for the ensuing year. BREAKS A COLD IN . JUST A FEW HOURS "Pape's Cold Compound" Instantly Relieves Stuffiness and ',- Distress. ' Don't stay stuff ed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of Tape's Cold Compound taken ev ery two hours until three doses are taken u?u?Jlv breaks up a severa cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens your "Clogged-iii no?$rils and the air pas sages of the head; stops nose run ning; relieves the headache, dull ness, feverishness, sneezing, sore ness ?.nd stlffnr-ss. "Pape's CoM Compound" is, the tjuicket. surest relief known and costd only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, pntains no quinine Insist upon Pape's! ' ;' FOR SALE. An extra fine fresh . tnilch cow. or will trade for- good fceef r:- o Moricle, Phone 125J. Immigrant," by Mrs. Montgomery "Education and Culture of the For eigners," written by Mrs. Dalton and read by Mrs. Eugene Irvin, and The Foreigner in Politics" by W1 McKinney. At the conclusion the program, ' Mrs. . Ballard, sisted by Miss Reid, served a mopjt tempting luncheon. The Club's guest for the afternoon was Miss Sheape, who is visiting Mrs. Glidewell. The next meeting will be held with Miss Coats. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was a surprise party given to Miss Martha Jacobs by her host of friends last Wednesday night. The unexpected guest'', as sembled about eight o'clock and were shown Into the parlor which was attractively decorated with p-utumn flowers. The hall was ar ranged for dancing which was en joyed by all. Beautiful music was furnished on the piano, VJotrola and cornets, after which many games were indulged in. Delicious refreshments, consisting; of cream, cake, fruits and r.ilted peanuts were served by Misses Martha Ja cobs, Ethel Jones, Elsie Benson and I. F. Parker. After spending a delhtful evening the guests de parted at a late hour. Those pre sent were Misses Sue Carter, Ma bel Saunders, Ofa Robert. Ethel Perkinv Alice Martin , Helen Ben son, Susie Penn, Emma Cardwell Lively, Ethel Jones. Elsie Benson, and Roy Knight, Philip Sprinkle, William Minor, Ira and Carl Crutchfield, I. F. Parker, Gray fPaff. Robert Montgomery. James Thompson. FOR SALE. A fine ' pig. Elmo Moricle, Phone 125 J. Promptly at 6 o'clock the officia ting minister took his stand In the parlor In front of an improvised al tar which had been made lovely with white chrystaathemums, ferns n sfl f ill. - A.m . mm , wiu cne giow or many canlle4 In silver candelabras shed ding soft radiance over the scene, x-nor to the ceremony G. M. Mo- W'hoTter, accompanied bV Miss vvomack at the piano, sanir "Oh Promise Me." As the first strains of Lohenghin's wedding march pealed forth, little Miss Martha Page Gibson of Danville, dalntilv attired in a white lace dress with pink ribbons, and Master Jack Humphreys in pure white sailor suit, descenled the wide stairway, arm in arm, carrying the ribbons io iorm the aisle. Next came h uny daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C T.. liMviAaYiAtM irnj- ouccio, iniua,. weann? a. aainty frock of white silk with large pink tulle bow, and carrying the ring in tha heart of a huge wnue onrysanthemtim. The hrMa becomingly gowned in a tailleur of reinaeer dtivetyn, with acjcessorles to matdh, and carrying a shower bouquet of brides roses and valley lillles, came in on the arm of the groom, and were joined in holy wedlock, the impressive ring cer vice of the Methodist Church being uaeu. curing tne ceremony Miss Womack softly played McDowell's! to a win Rose." Ainar tne ceremony the " guests were invited into the dining room wmion was jnost attractive in its color scheme of pink and white. In the center of the table was a large vase or pink and white rosebuds. From .the chandelier running o c-" tiMuer oo. tne La Die were Streamers of pink tulle held ia place by silver candelabras. Block cream,- cake and mints, carrying out the color scheme were served by Mesdames J. R. Thomas, sist er of the bride, Tom McLean, B. F. Sprinkle and C. L. FIresheet, assisted by MJIsses Clara Witt, Theresa Foy, 'and Lola Young. Mrs. Ciaybrook is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young, and is very pretty and attractive, . 4Mr. aaybrook is a native of Stoneville but has made his home In this city where he holds a responsible posi tion with the American Tobacco Company. Many beautiful and use ful gifts of silver, cut-glass, etc., atteFt the popularity of these young people. Anions the out of town gueeU here lor the wedding were Miss Kate ClaybrooV, sister of the groom. Mr.- and Mrs. R. L. S or.e, and Otis' Ston of Stoneville, Mi s Helen Blackwell of Spencer, Mr. J. W. Gibson, Misses Ethel and Men tha Page Gibson and LiHiam Clark of Danville, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas, Thomas MsLean, and W. W. Smith of Greensboro. der. and every member was de-l was united In marriage Wednesday lighted, and many were surprised I morning In Charlotte to Miss Amy to find that the band was capable Wilburn, of Burlington. Immediate ot playing before such a gathering. I to after the ceremony the couple left for a visit to , Atlanta. On Thursday next, early In the morning, there wiU be a" partial eclipse of the sun . It will be visi ble in every part of the United States except the Pacific coast. It will-begin at 7;8S, reach Its max imum at 8:52, and end at 10:21. . Nimrods are reminded that the last Legislature passed some very drasttic legislation against bunting. One Is that it unlawful to sell quail during any season of the year. An- othen makes ill unlawful to hunt any kind of game when the ground is covered with snow. J Hunter Hall and , Misft Eva Peeden, of Reidsville, were united lii. marriage Friday afternoon in Greensbor)o. Fallowing a short stay In Reidsville the young couple will move to Caswell county, where Mr. Hall expepts to become en gaged In agricultural pursuits. At a recent meeting, the town qammlssionens decided to iChanga the street lighting system from half-night service to all night ser vice. The commissioners have al- A mass-meeting representing the so let a contract for the construe- GRACEFUL AND'FITTING ACT (S. P. U. Magazine.) There has, been no more graceful or fitting; act sWecting" a NorUiCajoilna ooanmsnUy,. recently tthan that of Mr. Jeff Penn, in .presenting to the city of Reidsville and the county of Rqqkingham a modern hospital as a memorial to his wife, the institution to be known as the Genevieve . Memorial Hbspital. The hospital will contain twen ty rooms for whites, and ten for colored people, with a free ward in each department, and will cost about one' hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Needless to Bay, the good peo-, . pie of Reidsville and Rocking ham appreciate the sjilrit which, prompts this generosity fully as much as the hospital itself. "-".. Tuesday: $65.24. Wednesday, $72.68. Thursday: $71.10. Friday: $74.21. The North Carolina tobocco warehouse sales for October, 1913, compiled Nov. 10, by the Coopera tive Crop Reporting Service are as follows: There have been 190 houses op erating on 65 markets this season. . Total sales reported, 117, 540,363 pounds. Reported producers' sales for thai season 20f7,2P6, S3 pounds; esl. mated total produrers sales for the season, 214,116,753 pounds. Average price of October sales, 56.85 cents per pound. Crops sold in the counties where grown, 63 per centi average. Final condition of crop, 68 pep cent. 1918 total producers' sales r 55(1 pounds. Government crop; Btimat4 tsj 285,000,000 pounds. Quality of present crop reported 80 per cent. 1918 total produpers' sales te ported, 308, 106,759 flound, 1918 total producers' sales fcatl matjed, 310,000,000 pounds, i 1917 total produoers' sales r ported, 175,159,708 pounds. October, 1919, jproducena' saleg eitpjorted, 12,635,197 pounds. Out of Joint. The Government's crop estlmatsj on November 1 placed tobacco pro duct Ion' at 1.316,553,000 pounds. It is a safe bet that the estimate has overshot : the mark as bat been the case, many times hereto fore. The crop reporting: service to tlhe GoveVnment -upon wbkli the estimates are based somehow seems to be out of joint, which is a pity, for correct figures on this subject would be a valuable help to Khe tobacco trade. Southern To bapco Journal. THE COLORED PEOPLE PASS RESOLUTIONS colored citizens; of Reidsville was held at the colored graded school Nov. 17 for the purpose of express ing their appreciation to Mr. T. Jefferson: Penn for his generous gift of a hospital to Reidsville and Rockingham county. Rev. M. C. Walker was chairman. Many en- tion of a 6600-volt transmission line, from their present filtering plant, to the pumping station on Lltte, Troublesome creek, a dis tance of seven miles. E. V. BaJn has severed his con nection with the American-La i France Fire Engine Company and THE MOVEMENTS OF THE PASSING THRONO J. Pillard Hall of Charlotte spent the week-end at home. R. S. Oliver of New York spenU Sunday here with relatives. Miss Katherine Keith of Greens boro spent the week-end with Mps, R. H. Tuoker. Mrs. J. C. Mills and Miss Patti Mills leave tomorrow for a visit to Philadelphia. . Mrs. J, T, Lambeth has returne from a Greensboro hospital and i improving nicely. Mrs. J. D. Goodman of Phllahet hla Is visiting her father, X. A Ingram, who has been sick the) past several days. thusiastlc, practical and wise talks will return to Reidsville from Den were made, after which the follow- ver Colo., in the near future. It lng resolutions were read and ap- will be Teoalled that some timo proved: Whereas, the time In which we live brings us face to face with un matched condition, which call for serious reflation and careful ac tion and make us realize that we should count our blessings as well as take note of the unpleasant things .which come to us. And whereas, a former citizen of Reids ville, (whom we believe Inherits much of his generous spirit from ago the city of Reidsville placed an order for one of these engines. Announcement is made that the company of Its entrance Into the commercial motor truck field and wiill manufacture freight motor tnipks. ' Mrs. T. Whittemoi-e and Mrs. J, R. Clark were Joint hos tesses to a number of friends at the attractive home of the former Friday afternoon from 3 to 5. The his sainted mother), has agreed to livingroom and parlor were thrown build and equip a modern hospital en suite and adorned with beauti- with ample provisions for our people, as a memorial to his wife. Be it resolved: 1. That for the generous gift we extend to Mr. T. J. Penn our heart felt thanks and appreciation. 2. That In his reference to us, we see that we still have in him a friend and believe that through him a great blessing has come to us. . 3. That we pledge our support to any movement which means the betterment of our town, county or State. 4. That a copy of these resolu tions be pbulished In The Review and The Vo'ce and p cony be sent to Mr. T. Jeff (M-?on Penn. J. 'A. .MRa cha!-nfin; J. H. Ow--ens, B. C. ClarVf. Tbonas Tai " nill, E. M. To"t.p. Rev. 'M. C. Vlker, Mrs. . Mss-rio- Koger. . Mrs. Hattie D . Wo-Js, Rev. J. W. Crcom. secretary. UntH further notice the Acmei St am Laundry wl'l be cloaM. ful vases of huge crrysanthemums. Tables were arranged for progres sive' rook. After, seoeral exciting games the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Frank Whlttemore, served delicious salad course consisting of Waldorf salad', sandwiches, pick les, cracker;, and hot tea. Miss Frances Pinnix, bride-elect of De cember, in whose honor this charming party was' given, was then seated -.at a large table and showered with many miscellaneous gifts, including dainty hand mad3 handkerchiefs, linens, toilet arti cles, etc. Those present were Mr3. P. W. Glidewell,. Miss, M. Sheep, Mrs. T. L. Gardner, Mrs. Ben Bal-f-ley, " Mrs. J. S. Pinnix. Misses Laura Powrll, Ollie Terry, Dora Walker, Trra Coats, Fannie Gard ner," Susie Stokes, Marion Oliver, Mr. 'J. O. Bustck Mrs. I. R. Hum phrejn, Mrs. F. C. Milttemo;-e, Mrs. W. L. Clancy. Mrs. S. M. Harri?; Mrs. R. T. Burtn, Misstf Ruth Rawley, Lona Glidewpll, Lou je Craig and Frances Tinnlx. Celebrate Seventh Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Henry; Meador enCertained a few friends and neighbors at Elm Grove Farm, a few miles West of Reidsville, last Tuasday evening. The ''resN denoe wa3 beautifully decorated In green and wfliite, the color schema of the entire home. There was a lovely bower constructed undeo which Mr. and Mrs. Meador r celvetl. Mrs. Richard R. Saunders presented each guest to Mr. and Mrs, Meador, the receiving lina consisting of Mr. and Mrs. F!f9 Meador, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Glbbs, Mi3 Gibl.s and W. K. Gibbs. A progressive game was enjoyed. Mil. Fife Meador winning the prlzsj a handsome bix of bronze cards. A most delightful ice course anc pinch was served, -..Mrs. Eugene J McDonald presiding over the punc!i bowl, assisted by Mrs. J. lt4 GlbM. The guests were then ush ered. into the gift room where tha mony'" handsome gifts attested the sincere tokens of the high esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. Meador" are held. Congratnlritions and best wishes were extended and goodbyes clos- . ed a most pleasant evening. FOR. RENT One furnished roon close in, on Lindsey street. Phon 34J. FOR SALE Two Fords, one late model; In pool running condition J. IT. Smith. Read snd sHidr "The Rocking ham Treaty of Teace" at Senator GlidewelKs office or at the C. & A. hall. Thn offer your plans. Ideas and sussestfons for Improvement. i -

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