TUESDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 1920. PAGE) TWO TttB REVIEW; RETDSVILLIS. N. ft foundations upon which your laws are based." . And again: ' r ' "fnwifi to church tomorrow in any Massachusetts Woman Comes South 'Ad vou hauDen to be. Come to TANLAO BETTER THAN CALOMEL In Search of Health But Gets No Better Till She Takes Tanlac. criticizecome i to nnd rauit coniw even to sneer but come. For some times even a 'kick Is preferable to - - . I...JIJ ' "I am enjoying sucn epienum difference.' I '.'- health today I can hardly realize "This is a personal matter wnn that this time last month I was al- every man and woman in Mar movst a nervous wreck," said Mrs. j gbaii" says tjie invitation, and Helen Fraser, who is residing atjagam: "This page is addressed to DODSON TELLS THE HORROR OF CALOMEL You Don't Need to Sicken, Gripe, or Salivate Yourself to Start Llvr. 1S(T6 1-2 Franklin street, Tampa, Ma:, while telling of the benefits she has derived from Tanlac. Miss Fra- you individually." And finally: "Come to church because you be- ser, whose home is in Brooklme. jeve it breathes loyalty and Ameri Mass., states that she came to canisir.. Because it is the Influence Florida last winter for her health. ! you want in your home peace and "About a year -ago I had a very . g0CA will." severe attack of influenza which There Is no special plea for any left, me In a dreadful weak and ner vous state of health. I lost my ap petite and what little I ate gave me no strength at all and I began to fall off in' weight. I was subject to severe nervous spells that were so had I often had to go to bed and etav there for davs at a time. At church. ' : "If," says the advertisement, "you are affiliated with any certain church or creed, give that church the support of your presence. 'If you have no church nor prefer ence, keep trying them one after an other until you find one you like." And the lavman wh) -nakes h's FEDERATION. Suppose we had la every county in North Carolina a body of closely integrated social servants composed of (1) the school board wits its. ou perintendent and supervisors, (2) an agricultural board with Its i home and farm extension agents, (3) a public health board with Its whole- time health officer, its public health You're bilious, sluggish, constipa ted. You feel headachy, your stom ach may be sour, your breath bad, your skin sallow and . ou believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to.i nurses, Its clinics and dispensaries, start liver ana Doweis. (4) a public welfare board and its Here's my guarantee! Ask your; secretary charged with spqclfic so druggist for a bottle of Dodson's , cial concerns, and (5) a ministerial Liver Tone and take a spoonful to-1 board composed of all the preachers nicrht. If it doesn't start your liver j of all the churches busy stamping Children Cry Cor Fletcher's and straighten vou right tip better or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow vou feel weak and sick and nause ated. Don't lose a day. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonieht and wake un feeling splendid. It Is per fectly harmless, so eive it to your children any time. It can't salivate. WEEK'S SHORT COURSE AT RALEIGH FOR CLUB BOYS every common effort with the ulti mate values of life and destiny, time and eternity -suppose, I say, the civic and social mind of North Carolina were organized and feder ated in this way! If only it could be so. and it can, then what an era of demoeratio wholesomeness and effectiveness we should enter upon, and how rapidly our beloved State would move to the fore In the nev social order that is even now breaking tip on the world. E. C. .Branson, in ad dress before N. C, Social Work Conference, Liyttawai - , , ., ril j The Rmte Bovs' Club short course is to be held at West Ralelsrh. Atitr 30 to Sept. 4. Only Club members 14 vpsm nr olfler mnv attnnrl tfio ii'a HftKatnna nhirh nriiiHa it.iiv ; from starvation more than instruction with time out for stent- j week. Asbury F. Lever. seeing, games, singing and moving j Give the cover crops a good start pictures. i before cold weather comes. This vear the announcement avs , Sanitation is necessary- to nreent PLOWSHARES. No city in the nation is removed two night I could never sleep well and some times wasn't able to got any ( appeal from the niU'dlo of the froit rest at all. I felt' worn out all dav , pape of The Chronicle, is no less di- long and was growing weaker all , rect. the time. None of the medicines Ii "We have lost sight of the Church vas taking seemed to help me: so 1many of us," he writes. "We have , last winter I came South to Florida (lost sight of the fact, right here In feelfng sure the change in climate . Marshall, that If the chur:he3 of was what I needed. this cMy were to be discontinued it "But I got no better and that d is-j would not only not. be a fit place to couraged me still more. About three , which to live: it would not even be weeks ago I started taking Tanlac j a SAFE place to live. The Church and it was no time until I began to , has kept the Faith. It has been the improve. And now while I'm onlvi rock against which the waved of j that boys are expected to bring losses from hog cholera kce ick along a ralr or overalls as instruc-1 animals away from healthy ones, t Ion 'will' be given In farm mechanics: and vaccinate too. j including gas engines, tractor, j Some day there wil, he a ot of lighting plants, water works, farm ; siioa on North Carolina r)rmq-th(n machinery and labor raving devices. tDe State won-t lmport as much Each morning is given over to ) meat. " class work and the afternoons to The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which ' has been in use lor over thirty years, has borne the signature of - ana has been made tinder his per- l. sonal supervision since its infancy. r. 4&xsum ajiow no one to deceive vou in this ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its nge is its guarantee. For more than thirty, years It has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising" therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALIVAYJ (Bears the Signature of on my-, third bottle I feel as well j radicalism have always dashed In nd strong as I did "even before I j vain. The Church has kept the had the influenza. I have a splendid j home sanctified, tt has cnauieu us appetite and everything I eat agrees to live the lives we are living. with me perfectly. I am no longer troubled with nervousness and I leep like a child. I have gained tenJ - rounds and am' Just overioved at the way Tanlac has resored my health so quickly. Tanlac is sold by all druggists. A COMPELLING INVITATION TO ATTEND THE CHURCH Have you ever known of an entire community specifically and individu ally invited to go to church? Such an invitation has grown out f the Natfon-WMe Campaign. . It Is In the form of a full page advertise ment. It appeared In the Evening Chronicle'' of Marshall. Michigan, And beneath it was this line: '"Published by the . Nation-Wide Campaign-. Committee - of Trinity Church. Marshall, Michigan." "And how do we show our appre ciation Bv the coldest indifference." And so he makes his appeal to all people, church members and non- church members, to go to church. "There aren't enough pews in the Marshall churches to accommodate everyone tomorrow," he says. "But fellows who were going fishing or hunting tomorrow. Just knock off. Don't put it onto the wife to be re sponsible for the children going to Sunday School. Set the example yourself. You're . the head of the family. . . . "Let's give those preachers a show for their alley. They haven't had a show in a quarter of a century. If the Church isn't what it should be, let us fellows who think it isn't right get inside it, get into the organiza tion and make it what we think it ought to be, because the Church is Just like the Government. It's a pub v5 recreation and a general good time under the supervision " of club lead ers. . Boys expecHng to attend may se Four big factors in rural com munity life: the country church, the school, the general store, and the home newspaper. Are they all pros- cure more information about the ! perin in our neighborhood? Club short course from their county farm agent or by writing to the Tar Heel News, Raleigh, N. C. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative . In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMg C r NTAUW COMPANY, WW VOWtt CtTV, nnriAP It in Vionirf n a i V i lie institution and we have Jast as paper, set in black faced type, dou- . ht . !t oo ' "Why go to Church?" . And in it la this bit of explana tion LAUOERS. - We've had rain enough to last for "Now you are probably wondering a pel1 what minister wrote thin. It isn't a minister. It's a layman who hasn't been to church enough times in the last thirty years to make a month of Sundays." "The Church," says the full-page advertisement, "Is the corner-Atone of law and order of Government. It Is and has been for nearly 2,000 years the great Civilizing Influence of the world. "No matter what your personal be lief may be, no matter what your creed, your Hkes or dialikes.whether you criticize or praise, help or hin der, the one fact remains that the Church la the safeguard of your family life and its teachings are the are A good many of our people priming and curing tobacco. " Misses Maggie, Louise and Dolphis Page spent a few days here recently f The little Chevrolet from Relds- vllle was at Its usual post Sunday. Landers was well represented at the circus in Reldsville Thursday. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Vs nu rerniT J"V Quality Price ' Service Just Received A Big Lot of Tricollette Blouses, Short Sleeves: Georgette Waists, and Smocks From $4.00 Up. SKIRTS Wash Satins, Poplins, Charmeuse, White Serge and Sport From $7.00 Up. Your Shopping Chance Many Other Bargains ofValue "- Liberal Credit Terms "The Best Dreisers Choose Their Apparel here" C"! Prico Cc2Vic3 5 SCALES STREET W. S. WINDSOR, Mgr. $100 Reward, $100 The reader, of this paper wi!l Ko 1 pleased to learn that there 1. at least one dreaded disease that science has been ablo to cuie in all its stages end that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional condition!) lequiree constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine in taken internally and acts thru the' Blood on the Mucous Sur face of the Sy.tem tiu-rtby .destroying the foundation of the diseare. giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in dolmt it vork. The proprietors have fo n.uch faith in the curative power of Hair. Catnrrh Medicine that they offer One HundreO Dollars for any case that It failf to cure. Send for list of testimonials. AddreM F. J. CHKNKT CO., Toledo. Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, 76c. YOUR SUMMER CLOTHING Do not throw that soiled garment away as useless. Send It to Foot er's, America's biggest and best cleaners and dyers of wearing ap parel of all descriptions, household furnishings .etc. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS CUMBERLAND, MD. Agency Mr. J. S. HUTCHER SON, Reldsville N. C. Accept "California"' Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions on each bot tle. Tou must say "California." Premier Venizelos. of Greece, was attacked and wounded as he was leaving Paris for Nice. As he stepped on board a train two men fired revolvers at him. He was wounded slightly. His assailants were arrested. They said they acted with the object of freeing Greece from Its oppressor. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of pale conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed by W. S. Mf.rtin to W. R. Dalton. trus tee, on the 16th day of July, 1014, to secure a certa'n bond therein det scribed and referred to, and default having been made In the payment of said deed of trust and note which same secures, which is lonn past du and nnr.aid. and the stipulations and conditions in said deed of trust (which Is recorded in Book of Deeds No. 170. rara 251 Register of Deeds office of Rockingham County. N C not hav'n?r been comnllod with, and application to foreclose said deed trust and note having been made to me by the holder of said papers, I will. s trustee, on FRIDAY, THE 17TH OF SFPTEMBBR. 1920, at 2 o'c'ov t. m . irt 'front.-; of the Bank of Reldsville building in t" own of P.etdsvWle North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to tu highest bidder for cash, the follow ing dpscribd real estate: I.vlne In Tieaksvllle Township, Rockingham County, N C, adjo'ninf the lands of Bob Martin. Allen Roach, and others, and lying on the Western Fide of the Marrowbone road and bounded as follow B rlnnlng at an iron stake on the 'U'est 5ide of the ond leading from the said Marrowbone road to. Bob Martin's dwelling house (known ar the old Pud Cox place) on sa'd Bob Martin's line and running with said Bob Martin's line in a WesteWv dl-r'-otion o lan of A"en Rwcli, and running thence with A" Roach's line In a Northerlv direction to Mrs. nnle Hopper's land, and thence with- Mrs. Annie Hopper' line in an Easterly direction to the said road leading from Marrowbone road to Bob Martin's dwelling house: thence in a Southerly direc tion with said road leading from said Marrowbone road to. Bob Mar tin's .dwelling house In the begin ning, and containing 15 acres, more or less. This August 11th, 1920. W. R. DALTON, Trustee. ' ir i i i i ii 1 ii 1- n-r rt fi.-, t i r'rr- i 'v t rri " ; Certain-teed is Impervious to Driving Rain The severest rain storms only make you appreciate Certain-teed Roofing the more. s It keeps the interiors of your house, barn or other buildings dry and prevents damage from water. Certain-teed, properly laid accord ing to the instructions enclosed in every roll, is firmly cemented together into a one-piece roof impervious to rain or snow. It provides complete weather protection. Certain-teed is spark-proof and fire retarding. It is guaranteed for five, ten or fifteen years, according to weight. With all its superiority, Certain teed costs less to buy, less to lay and less to maintain than any other type of good roofing. See your dealer about Certain-teed Roofing. If he hasn't enough in stock, he can get more for you quickly from a nearby Certain-teed distributing center. Certain-teed Products Corporation General Office,' St. Louie OJfiaae and WarahouMe in I -r V '' -mi i u CZIlSJir C2 ltIALlTV AllD GUAZlAltlTTTi SAIdACnOIl - CFRTA TT J -TT TOWITSE1TD BtJGGY COMPANY, EEIDSILLE HAEDWAEE COMPANY, , jas. noumsoN, jk. ; L J

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