TKH lUTTOCW: ItEEDSVlLLB. pi. f TUESDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 1920. PAGE FIVE f OF I Of AT IChjhIhMhOhJhShWhMhJhChWhWh See "The Whip" today. . Reidsville vs. Spencer Friday and Saturday. There is no drouth in this immed- late section by a long shot. The days of good old Brunswick etews and watermelon leasts! , , , ... t, rr Ttni United in marriage, by P. H. Wil- liamson on August 14, Miss .VIvie Oakley and Jno. E. Martin. Don't fail to see the famous re ligious picture,"The World at Colum bus," at the Grande Sept. 16. Crooked-straight. Can you be both? See how Charles Ray did it In "Crooked Straight" at the Grande Tuesday. "Please Get Married" shows a gusher of mirth that bubbles over with a wealth of Joy and laughter. See it at the Grande Wednesday. Miss Mareurlte Penn entertained at h,u in honor ci rZZ'lLX. p;U;r of FaetteV 'f on the most entertaining and ville, ,the charming guest of Mrs. mirthful time you ever had. J. N. Watt. I The Disciples church on ;North The John Anderson farm of 190 Scales street will begin a revival fccres in the Bethlehem section. , Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, con owned bv J. H. Bennett, was sold . ducted by Rev. J. O. Helsodeck, of at auction Saturday afternoon for $10,250. Burton Bros., of Wilson, conducted the sale. The Edna cotton mills started up again Monday morning after a shut down of ten davs for repairs to machinery and to give the operatives a well earned summer vacation A 900 acre farm belongma to Er nest Rawley, situated one mile this Bide of Pelham, was sold last week at public auction after being sub divided into tracts and . brought $67,000. There will be a meeting of the Bason Community Club for the pur pose of cannine, on Thursday, Aug. 19, with Mrs. H. P. Moore. Let " ery member be present and on time 2:30. Miss Mary Green died at the .home of her brother, W. A. Green, near Brown Summit, morning, aged 82 years. Saturday Interment was at the family burial ground Sunday- afternoon. The Ladies' Aid Society of the OTesoyxenan cnurcn win nerve ( Brunswick stew on the eld church, lot Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock. The stew will be prepared by the ladies and promises to be the finest ever served. Many of our readers will be In .. terested in learning that Dr. Stuart McGuire, of Richmond, was succeje fullv Derated, on at the sanitarium of Mayo Brothers, Rochester, Minn:, one day the nast week. The immed- late trouble was for tht removal of t of disbursements some counties re atone i in the kidney, .but the opera- ceive more and some counties re- RASEBALL - Friday Reidsville 2, Schoolfield 0. Saturday-HReideville 1, School . field 0. I - While we uns , were apprehensive, of the result last Friday, the 13th, Captain Nick and his crew got away nicely wlta U at scnooineia emu ting out the Virginians In a snap game. "Lefty" Gentry was picked as the slab artist expert and It may be remarked in passing that he de livered the goods several days be fore the Increased freight rate went into effect. Reidsville took an early lead. In the first frame McAdams was given a free pass to first; stole second you qoht MCAM OUT. Camouflage. There Was Much Kicking lamps' Decisions in the Game at Schoolfield. End loped in on Nichols single to left. After that there was no diffl-1 culty in filling the bases but "Lefty , Williams) was working good until the ninth when Nichols hit to cen ter and reached home on hits by Chandler and Ingle. Schoolfleld's only two hits . were made in the seventh Inning. Util this time Schoolfield was unable to get a man on first I Gentry's pitching and fielding by I both feama. especially the work of Goocmaa at first, featured. Box score: RFIDRVLLE McAdams, 2b Newnam, 3b.. .. Nichols, s .. ., Chandler, e .. . Ingle, lb .. .. ." Mobley, rf .. .. Claybrook, ef .. Borland, If.. .. Gentry, p. . ..... AB R H PO E . ..3 , ...3 . ..3 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 12 2 12 0 1 f mv good ness?) zr hwout.0 HAVE" lis iSWORN t P WASGReAT) nr?v i i l"1 Camouflage. i on the intf&fst lion had to be performed in a moot peculiar way, and surgeons were I tT&nky apprehensive ol the, out- come- i Excessive rains of the past week , orv re nave injured tne growing tobacco crop to ome extent. Some ' ' the weed ia beginning to "spot" . nrt . -0trf . ,.,, Tk Is very flourishing. The Apple's Community Club will meet Friday, Aug. 20, at 2 o'clock, with Miss Annie Bennett. The work for the afternoon will be canning, and each member is asked to bring two or three cans and vegetable or fruit to fill same. "Please Get Married" will cure the blues if you have them. Spend an evening or afternoon with us at the Grande Theatre Wednesday, August I 18. and you will congratulate your- Richmond, Va. The people of Reidsville and surrounding country are cordially invited to attend all of the services. . . ; ; . Friday evening Miss Helen Penn gave a delightful dinner party In honor of her attractive house guests. Mis Marie Penn and Miss Mavzie Wills penn and Mies Margaret Rich arson's house guests. After din ner the young people engaged In a number of exciting games. 'Squire W. D. Hightower officiated at marriages the past few days as follows: On August 14, Miss Loula K. Snow and Wilrner M. Johnson, both of Reidsville, and Miss Annie M. page and N. M. Smith, both from near Reidsville: on August 15. Miss Cuma Prescott. and J. N. Williams, both of Danville, Va. Editor Evans, of the Milton News. ,B ind enough to say: "The new nea" on lne neiasvuie neview iooks migmy prewT ana me next sien we look for in that splendid newspaper ia for its owners to advance its eub- i script ion price to about 15.00 a year wnar tne raner is easily and really worth to anybody." R. B. Chance attended the State convention of county commission ers in session at Greensboro last week. That body passed strong res olutions urging the Legislature at this special session to amend the tax law eo that all license fees col lected from automobiles be paid to the counties from which the tax cfme from. Under the nresent tlan and the Hakin's ; SCHOOLFIELD Henry, 2b . . . . .. Fogleman, cf. . .. . Goodman, lb. . .. Harger, 3b . . Melton, c. . . .... Burris, rf .. .. , Brown, If. . ...... Harrington, cf.. Williams, p.. .... AB R H PO E ..4 ..4 ..3 ,.3 ,.2 ,.3 ..3 ..3 .3 0 0 1 0 0 12 1 4 28 0 2 27 2 Three-base hit, Ingle; - 2-base hit. Gentry; stolen bases, McAdams, Nichols (3), Chandler, Ingle. Struck out, by Gentry 11, by Williams 6. Score by innings: R. H. E. Reidsville .. ..100 000 0012 6 1 Schoolfield . ..000 000 0000 2 2 Old man J. Pluvius has not put the local team out of business once in a couple of seasons, but he forc ed a seven-inning and soaked ground at the Red J park Saturday. But it was a classy contest in which two fast double plays and a pitcher's duel were pulled off. Incidentally, It may be said that Reidsville defeated the fourth Piedmont League twirler within the short period of two weeks, though the Schoolfield recruit was by long odds the best of thr said quartette. 'iChlef" Settle was on the mound for Reidsville and he worked nicely, just a trio of bingles being secured off his delivery by the Virginia champions. Mobley hit to center in the sec ond and the sun shone. He was sacrificed to second by Claybrook, and reached home onV Borland's single to right. This lone score was all either side could get. , Her' how 'twas done: REIDSVILLE McAdams. 2b .. . Newnam, 3b- .. Nichols, ss Chandler, c .. .. Inele. lb. . . . Mobley, cf. . . . . . Claybrook. cf . . . Borland. If .. .. Settle, p.... ... .. AB R H PO E ...3 ...2 ...3 ...3 ..2 ..2 ...1 ..2 ..2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 20 1 4 21 n SCHOOLFIELD AB R H PO E Hr. ? . . . . , . 0 Burris, rf . . . . Jr'oTTi n. rf . Oooi' lb.. Vorrer, 3b... ., Melton, c .. .. VarrlnrfoT), 88 ftrown. If . . . . .2 2 n o ..3 0 1 0 7 ft ft ft 2 ft 0 ft 1 2 ft 2 ft 42 ft ft Swift, p.. .. ... .. ..2 0 0 0 23 0 IS 1 Pv"" frf Innings- F H F CMe-Ill- '. ftm ftftft y t 4 ft fScHooie-ld . . . ArtO AAft ft ft 3 i Stnv-v rot. pfi'7. br Pw' B4-1H M'on." DouMa Hoodan; KJcioU to T?rle pfM fee hi1. Nwnnm. ClarooV. Ttr. r1 T? 'met 1:10.. Umpire, Mlrter-Weinatk.- A ceive lese, respectively, than la col lected from them. Reidsville vs. Spencer Friday and Saturday. . J. H. Bennett, who Is buying to bacco on the Conway. S. C, market, spent the week-end here. He says the crop In that section Is of fair quality this year and ia selling some hlerher than last vear's croD. The, I average so far on that market l i . . . . . i i aDout sue per pouna against. zoc last year, i ne marxei win ciune about September 1. ' Chas. J. Petuska, of the firm of S. Heiher & Co., Reidsville and Madi son, and Miss Rebecca Marowiti were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Baltimore on AugURt 1. The newly weds arrived in Reids ville Friday from an auto trip to New York and other points and are spending some time at the home of Aaron Weinstein on East M.rket street. Dr. Wells does his full part in looking to the comforts of the inner men on vhe Reidsville ball team. Saturday he obtained from the Buck ' horn farm two of the largest and I flnAHt watermelons ever seen here and the ball players did ample Jus tice to tnem. f armer moss is uw ing the natives some monstronsities in watermelons as well as sky-high tobacco. The engagement of our former townsman David M. Morrison, to Miss Lucile McQu'me, of Rochester. I XT V 1 nnryminmA T.A 1. I., II a O 'TTii nnuiuuvvu wedding wjll ake place 'ii a f'w weeks. Sergt. Morrison is the only son of J. C. Monison, of Ueidsvj,le, and has many frio.v'.a here. He has been taking a in optometries in a Rochester co'lege and will soon receive his diploma. On account of the serious short age of equipment for handling coal, the Interstate Commerce Commis sion has issued an order that all coal cars must be released within 24 hours after cars are placed. The railroads have been Instructed to report any failures to unload and to place embargo on all consignees who do not unload coal within 24 hours.' . ':. V The following information has Just been received from the Mackle-Mc-Clelland Construction Corporation relative to the hotel construction: "Our present plans are to arrive in Reidsville on Friday morning at 8:40 and we will greatly appreciate It If you will arrange with your com mittee to meet with us at9 o'clock on the 20th. Mr. Preacher has pre pared an excellent plan and we Jeel sure you will be pleased with, it." The strong Spencer baseball i club comes to ReldBville Friday and Sat urday for games. With possibly one fexceptdon ReidsvilleV of course Spencer has the best seml-profes. sional team In the South. Reidsville has been defeated twice this season by the Railroaders, but it is hoped the locals can make It Interesting for the visitors this week. These games will attract visitor to Heids ville from all sections and of course the home folks are going ,to turn out in force. '.. - : Superior court adjourned Thurs day night after making good pro gress in cleaning up the week s docket. Among the cases disposed of was the one against Harry bib and Arthur Gibson, of Madison, charged with attempted highway robbery of Jim Allen last spring. The defendants pleaded guilty. SisK was fined $1,600 and costs and a susoended sentence of three years on the roads, and Gibson was fined $500 and costs and the same kind of road sentence. 'The Colonial" is the name select ed for the new theatre being built by D. A. Hendrix on South Scales street. Work on the building is K ing pushed as rapidly as possible and It is thought it can be ready for opening within three or four weeks. The Colonial has been leased by Watt Womack and Robert Miller, two popular young men, who have made operating arrangements with the Lvnch Enterprises, a syndicate ooeratlnar a lartre number of moving picture shows In the South. Wh completed the Colonial will be a very attractive and up-to-date play house. Do Yen Enjary Your Mealaf If you do cot enjoy your meai your digestion U faulty. Bat mo erately. especially of meats, maat eate your food thoroughly. Let flv hours ekwse between meals and take one of Ghamberlaln's Tabku Immediately after trpper and yoo will eeon find your meals to be real lw. AB drnggUU. PROGRAM FOR THIS WEEK ': AT' THE GRANDE THEATRE MONDAY "The Whip." "High Diver's Last Kiss." TUESDAY Charle Ray In "Crooked Straight," WEDNESDAY Viola Dana In "Please Get Mar ried." THURSDAY Madlaine Traverse In "The Tat tler." . FRIDAY Elmo Lincoln ia "The Fearless," International New. Villions Brdken Hearted. r SATURDAY Enid Bennett in "What Every Woman Learns." Watch for "Fair and Warmer. A company of 15 people at the Grande Theatre Tuesday night "Please Get Married" is the fun niest faree since Congress staged "Prohibition." THE MOVEMENTS OF THE PASSING THEONO Mrs. R. L. Stone is spending a few days in New York. S. C. Penn spent a few days last week in New York. James Sherrill is visiting his brother in Charlotte. Frank Davis spent the past few days in Winston-Salem. Miss Lollie Price is visiting in Ramseur and Slier City. Dick Miller, of Wilson, spent Sun day here with loved ones. Miss Ollie Sherrill is spending the vacation with her parents. Mrs. H. R. Scott and daughter are visiting friends in Asheville. Miss Annie Millner, of High Point, is here to spend some time. Mrs. Wm. R. Dalton is spending some time at Piedmond Springs. John Currie. of Waycross, Ga., is visiting Mrs. R. T. Moore at Benaja, Mrs. O. W. Leath and Mrs. Albert Paige are visiting friends in Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Taylor spent several days In Winston-Salem last week. Miss Cora Harrison, of Kurtta, visited friends here- Friday and Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Denny, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with rel atives here. Miss Ida" Lou Norman has return ed home from a visit to relatives at Pomona. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Broome, of Winston-Salem, are guests of rela tives here. " Mrs. S. T. Neal and Mrs. John Oliver spent Saturday in Greensboro with friends. T. A. Bulla, buyer for "The Ladies Store." is spending some time in New York City. Miss Lucy Irvin has resumed her duties at Spray after spending her vacation at home. Mise Lillian Clark and Miss Bag ley, of Danville, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. S. F. Taylor left yesterday for Patrick Springs. Va., where she will spend some time. Mrs. C. A. Osborne and Master Russell Osborne arc spending a few days in Wlneton-Salem. Mrs. W. J. Donovan and daughter have returned -to Bartow, Ga., after a visit to relatives here. Misses Carrie and Pearle Reid have returned home after a week's stay at Piedmont Springs. Attorney J as. W. Manuel epent one day last week In Winston-Salem on professional business. Mrs. H. E. Link and son Nathan hnv- fc,rne to Rtugecrest where the will spend several weeks. Mrs. J. B. Field, who has been a guest of Miss Bet Hall has returned to her home In New. York. . ,, H. E. Fisher, undertaker at A. P. Sands' furniture store, leaves with his family tonight for Wilson where he has accepted a position with the At Last You Can Have A. Genuine GN YOUR OWN TERMS SS your Now offered A The Pathe enables you or aVacrcase the um at wifl. mm assra thorn sWiaary pkmmmirmph Sold by D. R. PRITCHETT'S Wilson Furniture Co. He will be succeeded here by C. H. Saunders. Melvln Lovelace, of South Boston, Va., spent the week-end here with his cousin, Harry Lovelace. H. G. White motored over from Elm City to be at the family reunion of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. White. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Scott and children, of Winston-Salem, are vis iting wr. ana Mre. s., T. Neal. R. N. White and family, of Winston-Salem, are vteitlng the former's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. S. N. White. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hall have re turned from a trip of several weeks to the mountains of Western North Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Troxler, of Burlington, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. White. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett have gone to Conway, S. C, for the to bacco season. They will go to Kln Bton later. Miss Mary A. Vaughn, of Dan ville, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Turner Ingram, East Market street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilkerson .have returned from their bridal tour to points of interest in Western North Carolina. Miss Louise Balsley has returned from New York where has has been attending summer school at Colum bia University. Mrs. Cornie Irvin and niece, Miss ( Lucy Whltsett, have returned from a stay of several weeks in New York City and Batimore. I Mrs. J. O. Thompson and children. I of Efland, and Mrs. E. M. Sharp, of Madison, are guests of Mrs. J. M. Sharp in West End. . Mrs. Numa R. Reid, of Wcntworth, left last week to visit her sister, J Mtb. A. R. Goodwyn, Columbia, S. ' C, for several weeks. Mrs. Murray Jones and son and ( Misses Irene and Virginia Butler, have returned from a pleasant stay at Myrtle Beach, S. C. I Misses Ollie and Mae Terry, of Spray, spent the week-end in the -city, leaving Sunday for a two weeks . visit to Black Mountain. Mrs. R. M. B. Ellington lias re turned from Martinsville where ehe has been visiting friends and rel atives the past five weeks. Misses Elizabeth and Dora Meador have returned from a short visit to Danville. 1 They were accompanied home by Miss Ester Meador. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Norman. Os car Leath and Herbert Dodson mo tored to Greensboro Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Irvin, Mrs. A. G. Walters and Miss Margaret Womack have returned from an en joyable automobile trip to Asheville. C. T. Somers, S. F. Fagg, J. W. Jacobs and . A. P. Sands are in New Bern this week attending the annual meeting of the State Council of Ju nior Order. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Staples and daughter have returned to their J and 24 Selections, twelve 85c Records of liIlll!!ilWcS2--- fyJR spring shipment ofPATHE S Phonographs has just and now you can get that GENUINE PHONOGRAPH you've been wanting, home this very day ON YOUR Each phonograph in this shipment is a GENUINE PATHE, the very finest phonograph made and a PHONOGRAPH upon most convenient terms, which instrument within the reach of aU. Every instrument Six (6) Exclusive Advantages in A JEWELLED PATHE J No Needle to Change on jewelld Pathc The Sapphv Ball never wean out. 2 Guaranteed Longer Life of Records. 3 Flays All Makes of Records mad pUyi them beuar. 4 Always Ready to Play at soon at you slip on a racord. C Supreme ia Tone twtsnst of the famous Path Sap. J pi-ra BalL Controlla to inocass tonal vol. At home in Roxboro after a visit-to , Mr. and Mrs. p. H. Williamson on La wson ville avenue. State Councilor Numa R. Reid, of the Junior Order, left yesterday for New Bern, where lm Mill preside over the State council which will meet today. He was accompanied by National Deputy J. R. Joyce and J. M. Sharp, chairman of the Junior law committee. GROCER UP AGAINST IT "I have been up against "it for the past three years sufftr'ng from pain in my stnmarti and side until I was considering giving up my grocery business. Doctors and medicine did' not help me. I heard of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy through a friend in Buffalo. The first dose gave up more benefit than all the- medicine" I had taken before and nm now feel ing as well as ever in my life." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes br catnThal mu"us from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, livar and in testinal ailments, including appen dicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Sold by druggists everywhere. Cement brick for sale, $27.50 per thousand. W. G. Ballard. WANTED. A bright, dependable boy to learn the printing business. Good pay while le&rnisg. Apply to Reidsville Paper Box Co. v ' Army Worms Eat Each Other. ' When closely confined, army worms will annihilate each other according to Geo. E. Flow, of Mon roe. The other day he placed 15 . worms, which he secured at Hall Wilson's infested fields, In a bottle., and brought them to the courthouse oquare. In a short time h"v oe-u fighting. The next morning when Mr. Flow looked at the bottle an were gone except one, having been devoured by the lone worm dorlojr the night. ( ing joints &nd sore muscles gives strength-ioweak kidneys. your own choosing'! arrived PATHE delivered to OWN TERMS. you are proud to own. place this wonderful fully guaranteed. si . r. fiT flushes the, poi JL sons from the; s blood, rdlevesfach- Phonograph L1USIC HOUSE

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