I fllB REVIEW I RETDHYTLLE. N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 1921. PACK SET EI 5 Children Cry for Fletcher's to V 11 f"J y I I V 111 t JOHN'S WIFE BROKE , ' UP THE.HONEYMOON The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of ' - and has been made under his per L&jC4l!?2r sonal supervision since its infancy. vtaC7X. kxacsukj Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good n are but .Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. W hat is C ASTO R I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort Xhe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ' TMK Cf HTAUfl COMAMV. N . W VORK C(TV, Ma Real argams! Wen's Heavy Sweaters, formerly $2.25, now .. . . .;. $1.75 Cash Men's Heavy Wool P;ints, formerly $575, noiw $4.00 Cash Closing Out All Men's And Boys' Union Suits , Heavy Weight Unio:i Suits, now from . . . . . . . . ... $1.40 to $2.00 Men's $5.00. Dress Shirts, now . !v.' . .... .. . ... . . .... $3 00 (They are beauties) '' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S SHOES All Colors, in the the best makes and latest styles The best prad Outings at". ... . . . . ...... ... ..... . , 15c yard In fact I have cut the l)ottom oat of prices on all " DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS CALL AND BE CONVINCED R. L. Borland. .-.V':TD fi$ Buy it by the Case FRED DeGROTTE YOUR SUMMER CLOTHING Do not throw that soiled garment away as useless. Send It to Foo er's, America's biggest and best cleaners and dyers of wearing ap parel of all descriptions, house hold furnishings .etc. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS CUM BORLAND, MD. Agency Mr. j. S. HUTCHER SOX, ReidsviHe N. a When the ritual got to the forever hold your peace" part nothing had haDDened to mar the weddlng-witu- all-the-frills at Kinston the other night of John Gordon and Cora King, colored. A special from Kinston says: It wa3 a church wedding.and a large congregation looked on. The bride-groom was "all dressed up" and the bride, who cares little for socie ty but is wrapped up In the business of wrapping fish, in which she con ducts a lucrative trade, radiated happiness, as they say in the "con tributed" versions of weddings. When John and Cora marched up to the altar in the colored Disciples' church there was not a blot on the horizon of their happiness. The bride allowed to stay by John in definitely, and John to do the right thing by Cora until death should them part, an obbligation he was des tined to keep only two or three minutes. The congregation beamed its collective . pleasure. It wa3 o far an altogether satisfactory wed ding. The bride was becomingly gowned and the couple appeared well-matched, John being of middle age himself and Cora, as it was avowed in the rear pews, being no spring chicken herself. Tho ceremony concluded and the blessing pronounced, the newlyweds seated themselves. There was going to be "church," the nuptial3 having preceded a set service. The choir was primed and cranked. Then a raucous cry. three-fourths command and the other quarter expletive, broke upon the stillness just before the prelimi naries. "Jawn!." , John straightened up and took on a rlgidness exemplary to a Theblan mummy. He knew that voice. It was his master's. ".lawn!" and nothing more. It was more than a croak. It sounded like thunder to John. jVp the aisle strutted the owner of tne.voi.ee,. The congregation waB all stirred up. Deliberately and with measured stride she strode "anoth er 'oman." She wore the mien of an outraged wife. Also there was that on her face which portrayed her de termination to brook no foolishness, In each hand she carried a gun. "Jawn!" she repeated, and gave the gasping John the "about face." They left the church together, John meek, embarrassed and quaking. On the outside she hustled him off, possibly to be. shot later. "I thought he-uns was down here working," she com mented as they left. She was John's "own dear loving wife" from another town. ;'. '- .-v. : f FARMERS WAREHOUSE REPORT. Martinsville, Va , January 2Sth. This has been the best week in point of prices since, this crop be pan to move. Ther? has been a sharp advance from $5 to $25 per hundred on the good gradee, ; .-while the common are much better - than before Christmas.,.' We have made averages .. this week on Rockingham tobaccos ranging between $40. no to $55.00. We refej you to a few ot our Rockingham customer? who '.have bec-n highly pleased with prices ob tained: It. T. Jarrell, Arthur Cox, W. I. Comer, .1. J. Ratliffe, J. A. Glass. (1. W. Wetkins, E. G. Jarrell, Frank L. Anderson, John Hodge. R. W. OdMI, I. II. Harris, J, R. Hurd, D. J, Pat terson, Haynes & Cook, .1. R. Rien- ardson, J. C. Raker, J. R. Strong. I'e l.'l.er ..Vernon, Clias.. Relton, Jack fscl- fen, Yv'eller Davis, Turner & Wilson, Starling Wells, Watkins & Co., T. O. Wi n g fi e I d . I la m II o p pe r , J , T . Bo n ! u ran', T. B. Lindsay, Nat Lowe, Ar thur Vernon, W. J. Groiran. We could give you a long list of others but we think these represent most every section of our Rockingham territory. Tf you are in doubt about our market ask any of, the above named or any one selling with ns. Every, one selling with us has hern highly pleased. We have good roads to Martins ville and our buyers are delighf-d with Rockingham types of tobacco and are ready to pay the hii?!ifst market price. Our Mr. Taylor is thoroughly 'familiar with tScsc tyt' s and knows when he has gotten the high dollar. Wrappers are selling from $50 to SS0; cutters from $40 to .SCO; . '.fine fillers from $35 to $55. Come to see us with your nxt load and you will be pleased. Respectfully, REDD & TAYLOR. DIDN'T CARE WHAT HAPPENED. "I became a physilal Wreck from stomach trouble and was a fit sub ject only for the operating table or graveyard. Being discouraged, I gave way to drink.whlch made things worse. I got so I didn't care what happened and wanted to die. Tdayr's Wonderful. Remedy has cured me of everything. Am npw In Ene condi tion and feel 25 years younger." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the In flammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. Sold by druggists everywhere. THE AMERICAN PRODUCTS CORPORATION GETS MR, LEUE The American Products corpora tion, of ReidsviHe, has secured the services of Adolph M. Leue as chief chemist and perfumer to take charge of their laboratories and analytical department. Mr. Leue has had years of experience in some of the largest laboratories In the country manufac turing high-grade toilet articles, medicinal and food products. He re ceived his initial training in France, Switzerland and Germany,and is well versed with the requirements of the trade both in this country and abroad. In addition to the manufacture of the concern's "Amproco Medicated Cocoanut Oil Shampoo," Mr. Leue will have charge of the complete list of formulas for the Amproco guaranteed toilet and medicinal pro ducts. The corporation will also specialize in private brand formulae for the drug and barber suply trade. The American Products corpora tion, of ReidsviHe, has recently add ed another valuable asset, having purchased the entire printing plant of the Smith Job Printing company. Much type and improved equipment are being added to the plant; latest job presses with Miller automaji" feed attachments are being installed. THE "OLD RELIABLE" THEDFORO'S BLACK-DRAUGHT White Haired Alabama. Lady Says She Has Seen Medicines Come and Go But The "Old Reliable" Tbedford's Black-Draught Came and Stayed. Dutton, Ala.In recommending Thed tord's Black-Draught to her friends and neighbors here, Mrs.T. F. Parks, a well known Jackson County lady, said: "I am getting up ia years; my head is pretty white. I have seen medicines and reme dies come and go but the old reliable came and stayed. I am talking of Black Draught, a liver medicine we have used for years one that can be depended up on and one that will do the work. "Black-Draught will relieve indigestion and constipation if taken right, and I know for I tried it. It is the best thing I have ever found for the full, uncomfortable feeling after meals. Sour stomach and sick headache can be relieved by taking tjiacK-urauKht. u ams digestion, aisc ssisls the liver in throwing off impuri- A - .i J a ! 1 i i am f t i .j ( t vn rFmmmpnn tMnrir Draught, and do, to my friends, and neighbors." Thedford's Black-Draught Is a stand- ara nouseno a renieav wnn a record ct ever seventy years of successful use. Every one occasionally needs something to help cleanse the system of impurities. Try Black-Dr2ught. Insist upon Thed ford's, the genuine. At all druggists. j. 73 . In Memorium, Mrs. -'Matilda Settle, wife of Alfred Settle, was born in 1864.. She was the daughter of Eliza Allen, and when 14 years of ace was united in marriage. She joined the church when quite young. She was loved by all who knew her. She lived a quiet life, always doing what she thought world bring comfort and happiness to the home.. She was a devoted wife and mother. Her ill ness was of short duration and. she was unconscious for 21 hours. Then (he Almighty through His power saw fit to call her where pleasure never ends. She leaves a husband and five children. Her absence will be long remembered. H. J 1888 1921 This Office Has Sold How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. , jlall'w Catarrh Medli lne lias been taken by catarrh suffenrs for the past Ihirty nva years, and has become known the rcj'Tt reliable remedy for Catarrh. IlallV Catarrh Medicine acta thru the Ttlood op (lie Mucous surfaces, expelling tho Po: aon fro:! the Biqod and healing the dis cap.'l portions. ! . .-.V or" you he vv t&Uen Hall's Catnrrl M.Mlii irt(v for a -short.-timo- you will fpp ?r'".J.- t-mprovwt tn vour . jienera: foa'Uh"-ft.rt t iVin.'' TTail's Catarrh Modi cino at on"o o-r.d ot rid of catarrh; Send fill- ttti- '''i'llo, frni- 1 t ,t. oiiwi VO., Toledo. Ohio. --if - ,,! r ... , '..--t.,1 1 . - Tlutual Benefit To Three Generations in Eeidsville Policy No. ,K;4520 to Jno. W. Hutchcrson Grandfather Policy No. 27GfiS8 to J. S. Hutchorson . '. Father Policy No. 542015 to Fred F. Hutchcrson Policy No. 652406 to James E. Ilutcherson Grandseas FRANCIS WOMACR INSURANCE ABE WOMACK Solicitor For Not le InvestoiT tie Spectilator First ftlortgage Bonds GF $100, $200 And $500 Secured By Improved Property Located in ReidsviHe Interest Payable Semi-Annually and Paid You On Day Same Is Due. You can walk on the properties which secure them. There are no bull markets with Mortgage Bonds, nor over-night slumps, but only their steady, ceaseless, uninterrupted security and 6. They stand apart and alone as the oldest and best form of investment. You Have a Guarantee Secured By Real Estate Against Loss of Any Kind Write Us Today For Our February Offerings Giving Description Of Property And Location. American Ins. & Real Estate Co., J. Walter Lovelace, Manager. Office Over Citizens Bank Bldg. Phone 80.