:3 EIGHT rHE REVIEW: RETOSVnUB. N. C GET TUB HABIT! We axe now ready to furnish you Fresh Pasteur ised Milk, Butter and Ice Cream daily. We will make only one delivery a day between the hours of 7 and 8 a. m., but can be bought at - our, at our plant any time during the day in any quantity. Get the habit of drinking pure Pasteurized milk every day, and eat more ice cream, for your health's sake. We have both sweet milk and butter milk. For convenience to our customers we sell ) milk tickets in any quantity. ' REIDSVILLE ICE CREAM COMPANY PHONE 354 R. C, BOOKER, Prop'r. - rmuAT. rtBHTUABCy 4TH, 192!.. ' .1 - - ' r - 1 ; . . BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. as new second Laster at Will f Citl- M. H. ' PRICES REDUCED ON THE EN TIRE LINE. -8. HEINER & CO. Galvanized Roofing: bis stock at best prices at r.eitlsville Hdw. Co. We have on the track today one rr 8 per cent outtonset' meal. li. M. Gillie. POR SALE. Good Iian4 bicycle. J. If. II. Lester's shop. ;POR SALE. Five shares lena Bank stock. Apply to J. Moore, 104 Vance Street. i c it t r r' ti . i ..in . ' . t. j paiflter, for estimates on painting. j Prices cheaper than lust year. Drink fresh pasteurized buttermilk iriih your noon lunch. Try It once tnd be convinced. Keidsvilel Iue Cre&m Co. NOTICE. Wnen your electric iron needs repairing see Wilmer L. Walk er, Phone 107W. Work guaranteed: called for and delivered. , Ail lighting aid power bills are sine and payable on or before the lOta day of the month. Service will b discontinued on all blUs not paid by the 15th of the month. ' TCH SALE. 2 horses, wagon, set double harness and farming machin ery, cheap to quick buyer; also milk, butter and eggs. C. II. Saunders at Sands' Furniture Store. ; NOTICE. As a side line I will from 6 to 9 o'clock in the afternoon lalf sole shoes aJ considerably less than the customary price now pre vailing. jno. R. Smith, 109 Harris Street, next to Ilanes Knitting Mill. FOR SALE. Car load brick R. 1 .. Iiurton. ' I niou Grains is 'Stilted. It con ! tains 12 ounce of table salt '.a .irh dally feed of G pound. Your cows i want more. Give then a 'chance to get it, but ("on't add r,a!t to I'nion Grains. Sold bv H. M. Gillie. MR. FARMER.' before snin comod start those plans for 'Iglitinj; your home with electricity. Safest, cheapest and most convenient. Write or phone Wilmer I.. Walker. Phone 107W, 132 Llndsey Street. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE, Vow is the time to buy cabbage plants if you want early vegetables in the sprung. Charleston, Wake field and Earl Jersey. I guarantee to deliver nice plants. 25c per 100; $2.25 per 1,000. D. A. Ilendrix. Remember that six pounds .,' of Union Grains 'will take the pbu'e of from 8 to 12 pounds of other so called balanced ration, as well as r.io .t home made rations. This manes unon tirains the most eco nomical feed the best dairy feed on earth. Sold by R. M. Gillie. Guard your Dairy Cattle against tuberculosis by feeding them a well balanced ration. Union Grain, the most scientific and complete dairy ration on., the market today. Analy sis shows 24 per cent protein and G per cent :at. You can not improve on its combination and roportions. Many have tried it, none have suc ceeded. Union Grain is all that Is necessary for maximum yields; therefore feed it alone with Just enough roughage for maintenance only, to I'eep the cow In good con dition. Let Union Grains be the only milk producing feed. It s sold by R. M. Gillie. PRICKS REDUCED ON THE EN TIRE LINE. S. HEINER & CO. Pine nn.l cedar shingles Town send Company. Buggies and Iwirness- at cost price at Reidsvillo Hardware Co. Steel wheel farm trucks at reduced prices. Townseud Hnggy-Co. Barbed wire and woven wire at new prices at Rtidovillj Hdw. Co. Buggy robes at astonishingly low prices. -Townsend Buggy Co. Buggies and harness ut greatly re duced prices. Townsend Bugiy Co. Nissen and Spach Wagons i'0 per cent lower than l!i!0 Townseud Buggy. Co. FOR SALE. One fresh cow and one good mule for sale. J. II. Walk er. Reidsvllle. ' Will sell buggy rcbes at almost wholesale prices. Townse-iul Buggy Company. Will make extremely low prices on buggies . and harness.--Townsend Buggy Co. . " Prices on Vulcan Chilled Blows re diued 20 per cent. Townsend Buggy Company. FOR .SALE. Good one -horse surry and harness; gool condition; cheap. - E. L. Knight. EOR RENT.- Five-room residence ct; Sharp street, Apply to J. M. H. Moore.-104 'Vance Street. FOR SALli. Dining room furni ture, suite or separately. Scott Fill man, First National Bank. We have a nice car of Virginia anthracite coal. Phone us at 24. Reidsville Ice 4. Coal Co. Carolina Council No. 9, Jr. O. U, A. M. meets erery Thursday nlxhl at 7:30. W. F. Thompson, Councilor. Call Phone 22 for your fresh .'meats and groceries. We carry a full line and our prices are right.-r.ardner & Strader. If you have any typewriting or bookeeping tbat you want done call an Ilobt. P. Mitchell, Stenographer Room 203, Citizens Bank Building. LOST. On Feb. I, somewhere be tween P. W. Glidewell's residence and my home -on -Piedmont street, a string of pearls. Reward if returned to Mrs. B. C. Trotter. , LOST. In postofTice or on streets Monday, a black leather purse con taining between $30 and $40. Liberal reward if returned to Mrs. Belle Paschal, 42 Montgomery Street. TOBACCO FARMERS: Sell Your Tobacco At Brown's. When the buyers are not bidding lively you need John Simpson and Joe Glenn to. push your tobacco. We are fighting; hard for the farmer. Come and let us do it for you. Your friends, - SIMPSON & GLENN Winston-Salem, N. C. First sale days at Brown's for January and February, EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. PRICES REDUCED ON THE EN TIRE LINE. S. HEINER & CO. Call PI one 22, Gardner & Strader Fresh meats and groceries. Twenty-four Inch well pipe. We have it. W. T. Wootton, Mgr. Heart and sap pine and cedar shin gles. Townsend Buggy Cor WANTED.- Farm hand for 1921, March 1. A. U. Gilliam. Route 1. 1x4 sdiingle strips, nice stock. rubber rooting. Townsend Buggy Company. We have on the track today one car S- per cent cottonseed meal. -It. M. Gillie. FOR SALE.- Six room house on West .Market street.- Mrs, Minnie B. McKinney. Plenty talking machine and guu material for first class ami quick ser vice.-Will H. Ulster. Buy thoroughbred White Wyan dotte or : Rhode Island Red Rooster from Chinqua Penn Farm. We have a nice car of Virginia anthracite coal. Phone us at 24. Reidsville Ice & Coal Co. Spray your fruit trees with 'Dry' Lime Sulphur. Sold in 10-pound packages. Townsend Buggy Co. PAINTING. See C. II. Carter, Reidsville, the painter, for estimates on painting. Prices cheaper than last yea.-. i Get the habit of drinking pasteur ized milk during the lunch hour. Fresh dally. Reidsville Ice Cream Company. FOR SALE. Good Jersey cow giv ing 1 1-2 gal. per day; will freshen April 10. E. R. Foster, 214 Iwson- ville Avenue. WA N T E D .2 0 U pine poleskinned, 42 to lti feet long, small end six inches diameter. Apply to R T. Burton, Reidsville. LAST". NOTICE! All parties hav ing work in my shop must call for same at once or-1, will advertise and sell same according to law Will II. Laster. " Today's arrivals at W. P. Ware's: 1 car beet pulp, special price $2.S5 per 100. To arrive this week: 2 cars of 7-0 Cottonseed meal; special price' W. P. Ware. , I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for their kindness during the Illness acd death of our loving moth er who was called to her eternal home Jan. 22. T. J. Settle and Fam ily. " ''.'-; NOTICE. Would trade Fordson Tractor, with set plows, in perfect condition, and good six-cylinder car for house and lot, or either vacant lot Address P. O. Box 505, Keifls- ville, N. C. " TIRES AND TUBES: Goodrich and all other standard makes at re duced prices. We solicit your vul canizing and retreading. All our work guaranteed. Best equipment in town. Give us your next order. Sprinkle Tire & Motor Co. FOR SALE, One Ford Sedan; one 11 ToLring, $275 ; one Ford truck; one ton, new, $625; one Ford couplet $450; 1 Hudson 6-40 touring; 1 Ful ton truck, ton half; 1 Reo speed wa gon; 1 Chandler 7-passenger; 1 one- ton Republic truck, new. Reidsville Sales Company. FARM FOR SALE. 106 acres known as me aucett rami, now owned by E. M. Diamont. near Lowes church, on top-soil road, five miles East of Reidsville. The best value on our books. See us at once. Reidsville Ins. & Realty Co., F. B. Kemp. Treas. We are thankful to our friends and patrons for the liberal trade given up in the past. We will strive to retain their confidence by selling the best goods for the least money and you get full value for money spent with us. We buy and sell for cash and this enables us to undersell others Besides, our overhead ex penses are very small. Come to see us when you want shoes, furnishings and other goods. We can and will save you money. We are receiving factory samples every day. Come and see our prices before buying. Huffines Shoe Company. Our Buyer Now In The Northern Markets We Are Receiving Daily Shipments Of New Spring Goods FOR EVERY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co The Woman's Store Quality and Style Do You Enjoy Yur Meals' If you do not enjoy jht dvwi your dlgesttoa la faulty. Cat mod erately, specially of meats, man; -ate your food thoroughly. Let lvt hours elapse between meals &a cake one of Chamberlain's Tablets Immediately after supper aad yo will con Aid your meals to be real jleusr. AD sVuirisU. MARTINS MEDIC COMPOUND FOR RHEUMATISM Is Sold In Reidsville By GARDNER DRUG COMPANY and T A. McGEHEE I FOR FIREJ0RNAD0 and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE SEE LAURA L. POWELL, THE INSURANCE WOMAN Office First National Bank Building Phone 307 Have You Thonght About Gardening? SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER . Now is the time to plant .'-.' v'. PEAS, LETTUCE TOMATO, BEET AND SWEET PEAS Fri-sh Seed Have Arrived Here and We Are Anxious To Help Make That Garden A Success By Suppylin The Best Seeds To Be Had. Let 's Begin Now. Tucker's Drug Store, THE REXALL STORE OUR NEW YEAR RESOLUTION That Each Person Shall Be Made To Feel At Home The Minute They Step Inside Our Doors And They Shall Not Leave Dissatisfied If In Our Power To Prevent It. Thanking You For Past Favors GARDNER DRUG COMPANY The Pescription Store IF IT'S GARDNER'S IT'S GOOD Phone 14 c o L O N I A L COLONIAL Offering Last Half Week of January 31 st The Mecca of Discriminating Amusement Lovers THURSDAY Albert E. Smith . Presents 1 Corrine Griffth The WhisprMarket A production 'you'll never forget. ; Beantful Scenery Exquisite Gowns ' Intense Situations Fattv Arbuckle in his latest and greatest knockout THE BELL BOY FRIDAY Wallace Reid -in "Always Audacious" The tale of a crook who kidnapped his millionaire double, then took his name, his wealth and his girl. Select News SATURDAY Jesse L. Lasky Presents Held By the Enemy With .Jack Holt, Agnes Ayivs, ' Wanda II aw ley and Ixnvis Stone From the Stirring Stage Melodrama In William Gillette Robin Comedy - ( Special Feature Colonial DeLuxe Orchestra c I o L O N I A L