PAGE TWO THE KKVIEW: REIDSVJIXE. N. O TUESDAY, AUGUST I3RD, 1921. Judge Long Dissolves Injunction Asked Against the School Board North Carolina r.oekingli.uu County. Ih ike Supi-rinr Court August Term, l'.i-l J. W. FapM-. tt i'l N(j ) iinli'r O. W. Martin, ( hm , t n 1 , ( This cause it.rnliin on fur h'ii rin Kfore Hit' undersigned at this term, appears that h -retofore His Hon tr, Jui!),'' I.atie, p ante J the plainti.n ti tempo' ary rt-t raining order, the terms of which an' S' ! out In said oniiT which is of record; an. I Hi" taicl canst! was made rci ui nahle he. lore the unclei sialic d and the plain tin h now Insist that this restraining order should bo made permanent tnd coniniifd until there Is a hear ing before the jury. The contentions of the plaint ill s and the defendants arc set forth in the plucdings filed and Ui certain , affidavits which have also heen filed find in certain aflidavits which have fclso hern f.led and appear In the record. There was contention made by the plaintiffs as to what were the resolutions and records made ey the defendant Hoard of Education of Hoc k Ingham County which were ma terial points controverted by the de ftndants; and In order that the Court might be informed with accur acy as to what had heen actually done by the Board from time to time with regard to the school di-i-' trlct or building of a school house, ' the Court finally addressed a com munlcation to the Board of Educa tion of Rockingham County, of dato August 15th, 1921, which is made a part of this Judgment, and requested the Board to answer, over their sig natures, which the Board promptly did on the same date, and signed the game and also made oath to their report so made to the Court, setting forth what had actually happened before the Board from time to time ind which is also mado a part of . this Judgment. The Court did not understand from counsel of plaintiffs during the ; argument that they contended that the defendants had acted in bad faith or abused their powers or dls cretlon with regard to the matters complained of, but did, seriously, question the regularity of their ac tion and the accuracy of the resolu tions as passed by the Board or fi nally adopted by the Board; and al to contended that It was unlawftul to establish a new district or achoof, , under the circumstances.' The Court finds that the report made on August 15th, 1021. in re sponse to the Court's letter to the ttnarri .mtn(riH an enitome of the facts and circumstances '.with' regard to the resolutions passed and finally resolved by the Board, and that the ume is also substantially set forth In ExhlbtI"A."aJttacehed to this judg ment and also made a part of the Judgment of the Court. Upon these findings of fact, the, Court finds that ,. the defendant .did not create a new district, bar simply made provision for the building of a branch school house in th. 'dl.Urh:t, and to be erected as a part of the school system for Leaksvllle Town ship and within the boundary of a district heretofore created and f tablrshed. The Court can not and does not find that the defendant Board acted in bad faith or with cor rupt purpose, but, on the other hand, the Court finds that the Board acted according to its Judgment and without misconduct and; In good faith und .'guided by what the Court above has said heretofore where there Is no. violation of law nor abuse of powers or discretion, this Court is of opinion that it Is not proper for it to interfere with the judgment of the 'defendants - In the locution of a Tcliool house when there has been no misconduct on the part of the defendants," as was sa'd in riikler vs. Board of Education Hit U. (, 221. "This is a matter ttii hhould ho left to the sound judg ment of the school authorities, In the absence of misconduct or viola tion of voire provision of the Stat uiei, i ho action of tie) school au hoiities, In dividing townships in'o school districts and in (T'Tlins and maintaining school buildings canno; be sup 'i vied or restrained by 'lie Courts." Cuidi d, also, by what the Court said in IVmborlon vs. Hoard of 1-Mncat: ion. IT:' N. ('. .",.",1. "Th" Statute to prescribe a limitation up on the County Hoard of Education in laying out new school districts, was iot Intended to interfere with their Judgment as to the location of a school house, without misconduct on their part. The provision applies to the location of a school house which is properly a matter resting in the sound judgment of the local authori ties, except when there Is shown to lie somo misconduct requiring Judic ial correction." The Court, therefore, .dissolves the Injunction, ami orders that the plaintiffs pay the costs p this ac lon, to he taxed by the Cleric. 11. K. I-ON'O, Judge Presiding. How To RevitalizeWornout Exhausted Nerves Your nerr power dpixlf on plenty of rod. rich, red blood or the kind that orranie Woo KouUd Iron brlp make. NuiatedlronUiika tnalroninrourblfxidauil likethetnmlniplnftcli, lestik and applia, wliil metallic Iron la Iron fiat aa It romn from tb action of crtronv aridi on Iron fllingt. Nuutwl Iron dca not Injar th treth not npaet Ui atomach; It la an rn tiralydifrerenttriiiicfroinordlnary metallic Iron. It QukWty helpa make rich, red blood, reriUliM worncxit, aihauttrd nerrea and la you new etruth and enenry. 0er 4.ou0,0M peop'a aorjaally are ualn It Bewara of aulnrtitutra. ' rwayeinitttoiion baTlncfenulnaorgvntelron Naih-d Iron. Look tor the iettera N.I. oa rwr tablet. Sold by all drugflata la tobteU csly naver la liquid form. Went worth, N. C, August l.'th, 1021. To Ills Honor, Ji'dge B. E. Iong, Judge Presiding at the August term of the Superior Court nf Kocklngham County. lH:ar Sir: Complying with re quest made by your Honor, copy of which Is hereto attached, as o what was actually done by the Board of-Education of Rockingham County and what was actually put upon the minutes of said Board, con cerning the school estab.Ished be tween' Spray and Draper, tho sali Board of Education would respect fully show: That at a meeting of the Board of Education of Rockingham Count v held on March 7th, 1921, it was or dered (hat the County Suerlntendent Investigate the necessity of estab lishing a new school district be tween Spray and Draper and if said district could be established accord ing to law. that Messrs. Deshazo, Mclver and Flinch urn be 'elected as committeemen, such action being based upon the application of a number of citizens for the creation of a new school district Southeast of Smith river, between Spray and Draper That L. N. Ilickerson, the Superintendent of Schools for Rock Ingham County, was directed by the said Board' to -make. .;a thorough in vestigation of conditions in said community with reference to the need of a w:hool and report his rec- c-minenaauons to the Board at Its next meeting. Thnt at the meeting of the County Board of Education of Rockingham County on the 4th day of AprUraaai h. N. Hlekeff-son, Superintendent, reported that he had ascertained that a new district, as applied for, could not be formed according to law; that he had made a thorough invei tlgattlon of conditons and had ennvassed the d rri.ory referred to and recommended and advised that said territory is In District No. 's.-I-enksville Township, which includ ed the' town of Draper and adjacent territory; that the present school facilities in District No. 3 were and are inadequate for the accommoda tion of the children of said district nt prese.-.t, and v. .A bj inadeiiuat for ih Increasing demand for fchoo) f;;clll!iis In said district on ,'icenrit of continued growth anil in er asing populati n In snhl districi. that i! Superint 'iii'.i'i t reports tli ii !h ie arc n:ere than seventy chi! dren of f-ih.Kl ai'e in commur. it y ar d ' advl.-e;i llu.t it j.; dpslra'')'' and necessary that a branch school be stabllh'd in said District No :: at a i nn enicnt anil proper place in a d t. rritoty, tho tame to be of !:!,nie!it ( instruction und to cost . iiii :iu..t. !v live thoiisaml dollars Arid, it appearing to the Board that n f.'' i" was made by The Spra U',:'i i Power t Land Company to live t!"- necessary land on which io ! ui!d .-aid school and that the same company had oflcred to contribute ot;e lliousanil dollars In cash toward the construction of Kuid bnlhlini: ; and the Board, being of opinion that it is necessary to build said brunch school for the accommoda tion of the children of said com munity, a .-id found i.s h fact lhat ms report and recommendation of the Superintendet t of said conditions in that community were correct and proper. Thereupon it Is ordered by the Board that said branch be establlsii ed and that the building be con structed nt a point near, the resi dence of Mrs. Cox, which point had been pointed out to the Superintend ent of Schools am! that the Superin tendent of Schools secure deeds to the necessary land and that said building should cost approximately five thousand dollars and the gum of four thousand dollars wa9 appor tion d to assist in the erection of a school building above referred to, the said building to be built of brick and In accordance with the State plans. That the purpose and desire of the Board of Education was to provide for a school by legal method within the territory referred to, to meet what, the said Board of Education ascertained to be a public necessity. And the Board of Education wou d further respectfully show: That the notation on the Minute Book of the Board, of its meeting of March 7th, I 1021, referring to the establishment of a new school district between Spray and Draper, is a correct state iment of what happened with refer ence to the same at said meeting That the notation on the .minute book of said Board of its meetings of April 4th, 1921, which statement is set fo-th In the nff'.daslt of U W. Clarke ynd fj. (', Gammon with r -,'erence to Ml ill school N incorrect, the same being placed on the minute tool; by the s-tenc.grapher In the ab sence of the Board and tho rcretary :it:d said notation Is not ant nov, r was n true record of what tb Hoard did with lefiicti'i to said school und was never ari'rcvrd or si.'.neri by the Hoard and r.over became any part of the ri cord. That at a meet In? of the Board on July 'th. !f:l. the Board caused the minutes of the nvetings (if March Uh. liCI, and April 4th, Be1!, to re:'d and made such corrections as were i'ir('-sary to show whrvt was actually done by said Board with reference to said school; that affer sfii h corrections were made. ;ne minutes were unanimously iip'irived by the Board and sintu ; ,v the Chairman and Secretary. Respectfully submitted, Ct. W. Martin. Chnlrman, Eugene lr- ; vin, B. V. Mebnne, A. I). Hopkins, I C. P. Wall. ! North Carolina, Rockingham C'c unty. C. W. Martin. B. V. Mebane, Eu gene Irvln. A. D. Hopkins, and C. P. Wall, each being duly sworn, says: That the foregoing statement con tains a true recital or the action of the Board with reference to the es tablishment of a branch school re ferred to in the pleadings in this matter. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 15th day of August, 1921. F. H. MITCHELL. Justice of the Peace. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. - OF NEWARK, N. J. ORGANIZED 1845 THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE FRANCIS WOMACK. AGENT .; ABE WOMACK SOLICITOR Do you Wow you can roll agarettesror lOcts from one bag of MINISTER DISCUSSES HIS WIFE'S TROUBLE Thinks It Only Short Time Before Mrs. Sykes Will Be Fully Restored. Rev. A. H. Sykes, former pastor of the Watkins Park Presbyterian church, Nashville. Tenn., says: "After seeing what Tanlac has ac complished in my wife's case, I am convinced that it is a medicine of great power and extraordinary mer it. I do' not think I have ever seen, anything ' to-give such prompt re sults. Mrs. Sykes had been in deli cate health for ten months, suffering from stomach trouble and nervous breakdown, "I frequently sought medical adV vice but Tanlac is tha only thing that gae her any relief. After taking the medicine only a short time she was able to sit up and help with the household duties. I think it only a i short time until her health will be folly restored." Tanlac Is sold In Reldsville by R. H. Tucker and by leading druggists everywhere. HAVE YOU C 0 A L IN YOUR HEAD? If so: See or Phone us and let us put it in ' your BIN! Our Stock of Coals is complete. Free and Slow Burning, Large Lumps and the Good Kinds. Try Our "BLUE GEM" and Be Convinced. REIDSVILLE ICE & COAL CO. R. S. Montgomery , M'gr. Prompt Service, Full Measure and Courteous Treatment to All. Phone 24 GENUINE BULL'DUtlHAM TOBACCO HIGH GRADE BUILDING BEICK Brln U Lte isvost endurlJR . Burnt socuj as;. in flj r : must oumfortable In all athr. Oi.-l economic! i anal con I . and tho fflotit knuful of mj bitlUlUur brtr.t-. if cjiuaiiy ,app(us to too rlu us ud i et twnruuuii HliieuiCMii url proajptly. MicuiAMSON A . MtrSECOCK. INC ,MnrnTlU. Va. l; IN BOTTLES Delicious and Refrcr1 ing FRED DEGROTTE Children Hold Future of Music The future Of music as an instru ment ol culture lies with the children of the people. Nowhere but in the elementary schools 'can' they be reached. Colleges of music are neces sary to trniu the professional, but the education committees of the great towns have the largely neglected op-, port unity of making the rising gener utlcui a music-loving public. The in flate faculty of appreciation is there, and Is commonly ciitTused among . scholurs of "the most essentially ludus trlal ureas. It only .heeds direction and cultivation, for one of the great- . est pleasures to he added to the amen ities of town life, pleasures at .-present so lamentably few. The maiu idea, 'is to tench the children . how to aji preclate and enjoy good music, now to bec-otne intelligent listeners, rather (ball to "become performers them selves. Exchange, CHIROPRACTIC RESTORES HEALTH : :'.:.' ' ' . . . . . VIRGINIA DAVIS'S PARALYSIS OVERCOME "Our daughter, Virgitita, was injured when she was eighteen UMMiths old. She gradually got so she could not "walk and flnaJly was unabki to stand on her feet at all. We first took her to a doctor in Indiaiaapolia and then to Kokomo, and whmi they failed we turned to chiropractic. An X ray picture found where she was injured and we cemld 'notice im;)roYfijUent after the second adjustment. She took eighteen altogther, and now, thanks to chiropractic, she can walk as woll as ever." DR. W. I. BOWMAN Office Over A. Bane's Store Reidsvilte, H. C. n Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh Is a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATAKRH MEDICINE la tukon internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces ol the System. HALL'S CATARRH MKP1CINB destroys the foundation of the disease. Rives the patient strength by improving the general health and assist? nature in doing Its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. l 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS IN REIDSVILLE 7 ! 1 i to New . . ; .5:05 pm Charlotte. . . . .6:45 pm to Dir . ..11:33 pm to Au- I Train 35 New York Orleans, due E '. , "-. '-. Train 43 Danville to due .......... .... Train 29 Washincton mingKam, duo E E Train 31 Washington, gusta (stop to receive passen gers South of Carlotte) due ... . . . - - : . . .3:32 am Train 127 Washington to At- - lanta, due ...... ..... 50 am Train 45 Danville to Westmin ister. S. C, due ...... ..11:40 am Train 36 New Orleans to New York, due .. .. .. ... ....2:20 pm Train 46 Westminister to Dan ville, due .. .. .. .. E....S:24 pm Train 32 Augusta to Washing ton, due 11:05 pm Train 12 Charlotte to Rich mond, due .. ..11:20 pm Train 188 Atlanta to New York, due .. .. . 11:29 pm Train 44 Charlotte to Washing ton, due .. . . . . .. 8:40 am "Trr.ia 11 Richmond to Osr- totte. due S:30 am THERE ARE FEW THINGS IN THE WORLD TODAY THAT, DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, GIVE MORE VALUE THAN LIFE INSURANCE. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA J. WALTER LOVELACE, Special Agent. If every WDinan knew what every widow know s Every nnm would be insured in the Prudential. 7 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY . . .... , , FAIR LEAKSVILLE,. SPRAY OCTOBER 4 8 New Grounds Big Premiums New Buildings JERRY H. SIMPSON, Secty. O -a SERVICE AND SATISFACTION f g August and September are the best months to have year g tlyeino; done. You can get perfect satisfaction, both' in 3 work and jrrompt delivery. Send ns anything you' wish S cleaned or dyed and you will sure be pleased with results. S AfcfDC Mr. 3. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS CUMBERLAND. MO, 8. HDTCHERSON. KeldsvUl N. a IB I ' - ' " , (A informaUoa but not guaranteed ) ,WWiiOW0WvPWWWWO?vvOTO