12 'Pages Today rmir w REIDSliLILE KEVIE - - t w , "ini'vn tin. .COAL STRIKE CALLED MCH. IQ ' Crew Throws More kjunusin me ixear 31 An Associated from Indianapolis says Press dispatch addition to affecting all union m;n- I . . . . r.. t..l . . . . . . . . .. QiiannqK i. ers in me uuueu eiates. me oraer of work by all union coal miners at also directed approximately C.fio'l union men in WflHtnin Canada tn midnight. March 21. waa ordered to- J join la the waikout, but did not ap day by officers of the United Minn py to 14,000 miners In Nova Scotia. Workers of America, the call beir.;? Never before in the history of the the first ever Issued for both blt.u-' coal Industry has a suspension or mlnous and anthracite workers to 1 strike order called for cessation cf walk out simultaneously. Six hun- J work by all union miners in the dred thousand men will be difectly United States. In tho past, wage affected by the order, It waa estlm. contracts in the bituminous and an ted officially. The suspension, tr.o thraclte fields have not expired at ' j .. -. i ...mi n :....., M , ii ' 1 1. . . . . . . vium- yruviueo, wi tuumiuo ui'iu . me same ume dui a complete tie-up stopped by union officials. Jin union fields was considered dur me order, wnicn was sent to ins.ing the great anthracite strike In ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY M Mrs MONEY GO TO DECEASED ESTATE MAY IV Judge mam n. v Long, presiding over 3,000 local unions, directed the mi ners to give the operators their full est cooperation In the protection o! property and counselled against vio lence and violations of the law. la 1902. A sympathetic strike by the bituminous miners at that time was rejectod by the union's convention, it being argued that the soft coal workers were bound by a contract. Urge s Teachers To Cooperate in Live-At-Home Movement A personal appeal from Governor Morrison to every rural school teacher in North Carolina to cooper ate earnestly and effectively in the ''I4ve-at-Homef campaign is. bein mailed this week. The Governor de clares that probably no other indi viduals in the State are in quite so advantageous position to render cf-1 fective service in this movement for economic independence as are 1 the teachers, and probably no other class of our people Is in better posi tion to realize the appalling need ( rrom a standpoint or neaith as wen vited into the dining room whs-e sandwiches and tea were served. During the social hour Miss Mar garet Womack, accompanied :ov Miss Sarah Watt, played, several violon solos which added greatly to the program o the afternoon. BUSINESS BUILDERS- LOST, WANTED, ETC Cooperation eeema to be the . or der of the dav! , certainly such 13 the case with Rockingham county officials who are bendfing their efforts in break Ing up the illicit rum traffic here-j Guilford snwru k..,.,.. . I - ; . . kih I UCDUIII a UUUIS. I mAFtiln sn4 Ik. . ..- ocl, wmuo uio veraict re- yuues oiraaer. etauings. i rent, turned hv th h,rvtn '.h. u Garrison. Mohlev nli tni- k a . w.t.S.i. . .' "l 0 , -"v,o ...... 1 o. aajMiuen. administrator for the Cummings captured an Essex tour- late. :w. T. Meruit. n.K tar uu a fom touring car near policeman, against Carl Talley and "U"'UJ ' ULUUUl weunesuay nigui 1 nis wife. Mra. F.thl v Toll m , . . I1 "UJi;- was mut Mr, Ty nuiio ywung men,, VlWreOCI,Mltchell ahnulH rvnva. Wilson anA cn.ifk 111. J - . maua uuiuu, uvw uuui 1 uom 1 11 a ruiiiii n iur- TXr . C , . I " vmai, VA iJll, HI v." mawu-caiem, weie towed m WH U I Cu f nn' rf.f. r ... .UU 00 gauons 01 Dooze. lasakle the erdict on t.h. n.i ihe public school fund is rtcherf.it was renHcrprf nf. MnviiTWl!'Tyina Atmrnn tr 1 rreater welrht of ha ovUon .ni suit of thU capture. . scalnst th" inBruPtrn . vL tug WUI U The rasa will ha limnl - ...... . nuuXi UJEiiVLEJN To IXf term. The News says : RELIGIOUS CIRCLTSr The tried Tuesday grew out pi tne uming of Mr. McCuiston lant Zoca Republicans Getting In Action ill BASEBALL Mm hill 1 Ono furnished room for rent. Al boarders wanted.- 'Mrs. R. L. Minor Fresh celery, lettuce and toma toe3 arrive twice a week at Mur phy's. See our prices on Crockeryware. They are right. Kldsvnle 5 ana 10c Store, "The Store With the Red Front." Why pay 50c for a pound break as economic indendence, as are the fast baoon when you can get three j . 1 1 m. . m 1 . - 1 teachers. i V"uuu "ceu air i at J. u. mcuoi- The Governor appeals to the lum & Sons Phone 84. , teachers "to put before your pupils 1 WONDERFUL POULTRY 1UUM K effectively and continuously the aci IY, j;ets eggs - and keeps younj; yantage of our . people raidng th air chicks healthy. Agents wanted wii.1 living at home, and particularly tho ' car. 'Kerr Chemical Co., Raleigh. advantages of making tKi 3 'Hvipg Just received, 100 pairs of solid well balanced . ' and , wholesome. Jsatber slipper fresh, firom factory; .through the tending Of a real g- usually retail for. ?6,and ?7: our den, the keeping of one or mojrp price only ?4. Hufflnes Shoe Co. cows and nn ample flock of- poultry,! We have bought 100' all-cottou and the raising of sufficient hogi to matUe'sses. with a dandv eood irrn.le piuvMie uio lamuy wuu meat me 0f tick ne on them that w am noil Services at the First Baptlit IaT. Carl Talley was In the auto- church daily at 3:30 and 7:45 p. m. J P"blle from which the bullet was Public invited. I nrea that killed the policeman Tal Elder Harris, of Ohio, wfll preach ..fld Is now an outlaw. At at the Primitive Baptist church gat-1 tomeya for ' Mr. ': Mitchell, the admln- urday, March 25, at 11 o'clock a, m. I wtrator. instituted ' suit against Tat ReidvUle Chrisftian Endteavorr8 ley t recover 25,000 damages for will remember the business meeting I WQat they alleged to be a wroneful and social to be held the last week I klIlln- Talley's home in Spray. in this month, Omsicterable bust-J anMS,lll in the Greensboro Nation- ness is to be attended to. - fil bank were then attached bv tho Kuffln Charge, II. F. Starr. Pastor, pamtur. Preaching services at Ruffln Sua-!tLVnea came Mrs. Talley, as an in day. 11 a. m and at 7 : 30 p. m., bj I Mnrenor, -'.asking the court to vacata me paator. Morning subject: "Can! ine attaenment on the ground that We Know God." Evening, "Who Can H would not He. An appeal to the Be Saved." Supreme court was taken, resulting Christian Endeavorerst remember I n the higher court overruling Judge bunajay night a good program is ti vveDB' be rendered. Miss Kffle McCollum. But since that time Louis Edwar.H leadier. Home Missionary, topic. Each aa tried and convicted of killing and1 every one I3 Invited to come ,Ir--McCuiston. Following in .the early and help start the meeting lu wake of his conviction, attorneys for c l ARE 10 BE HELD IN REIDSVILJJEJHIS WEEK Two1 baseball meetings In Ketus vllle are scheduled for. this week. Oa Friday night the local fans wiU hold a massmeetlng at the C. & A. Hall, and the night following direc tors of the Bi-State League will meet here for the purpose of formulettg a permanent ortanlintlan It is not generally known but it is nevertheless . true that Reidsville is In grave danger of being without th national fort the coming! season. The directors" Of the' loucl associa- tiOA APA vnn m t nw f Annni.. ..n PASSING THRONGS j to the laigai. jiney aeclare tnat they have "Look here," said onj of our Re publican friends yesterday, "you evi dently must think that the Republi cans are not going to be In the r' ning in Jtocklngham county thi year." Pressed lor seme G. O. dope he continued: Ve are go'ti to nominate and elect Lytt Gardner sheriff; Numa Reld has been landed, and Tom Malloy will got the clerk's place; Bob Joyce is going to be oar next BOlcltor. and in fact we are going to make a clean sweep. Tcv prospects were never better for Rt publican victory," declared this b.i2 W fooled prognoatlcator. Mrs. Proffitt, of Floyd, Va., la visit ing her sister, Mrs. Pete Willis. MUs IlenrieUe Reld, who has bon spending the winter in Florida, has returned nonie. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Watt and son Bob -have returned from a week stay in New York. Miss Mamie Jones, who recently underwent an operation for appendi citis, has r!t.urnnfl home. no intention of forcing baseball on the folks if the folks don't want it. Friday night's meeting will afto'd every one an opportunity to say, Just what they want. Of course the people who remain; from the meer. Ing will let it be known by their -absence that they are sufficiently amused. In other towns and citiea the merchants, bankers, manufactur. era and other bnsln Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rascoe are Tirtt- lending financial aid' to their . year aiound "If every rural teacher in North Carolina will do his or her part in this matter we can not only stop. tho economic drain of $100,000,000 a year which we are now sending to other States for food for our people and feedsiuffs for our livestock, bin. we would be safe in adding to thl3 another $100,000,000 a year as an economic gain from greater physical efficiency and better health, condi tions as a result of more wholesoma livipt;," declares the Governor. ing at $8.85. Just 100 of them. Tmv will go quick. Reidsville Furn. Co. SAVE MONEY! I am now pre pared to handle your chickens, e.?yr, hams and good veal calves in ex change for dry goods, shoes, and can save you money on your spring Blip ' pers. W. R. Brown. 1 FOR SALE. Several cottages and houses close In on ashpait I reel. Pricea anc itenns to suii purchaser. B. L. Hurdle, Real U!s tate and Insurance. Phone 512. Of- A. - t - A . , umo 10 uiose tor otner cnurcn ser vices. - The contest for the entire Sunday School of the Methodist Protestant church will not begin ujptil Sunday, April 2, and will be continued through April, May and June. Sev eral of the classes of this wide awake Sunday School are hoping to wm m tnia contest. - -, . ivuug reuie 8 CK1S9 Of ttll Methodist Protestant Sunday School has organized as the "Associatei Class of the M. P. Church." This clasa is still growing by leaps ant! bounds, and any one not attending Sunday School anywhere will re ceive a warm welcome to this cla:n next Sunday morning at y : 45 at tne church, Lindsey street. I;er. Tho Governor la also uddresslns a ' fice over ncGrotte's Confectionery. letter to each school committeeman ! THE BEST FERTILIZER for o- man in the "one-crop" sections of tatoes and gardens at reasonable this State, in which he appeals to ' vices; also hay and feedstuff. The them to se their influence In every best grade of beet pulp. All at the communitv to further the "Live-at- '"west price for cash. Union Sup- Home" program. ply House, Jno. R. Williams, Mgr. ' j We consider the DeLuxe spriag LITERARY CLUBS HEAR the nearest to perfect of any bed TALK BY MISS SLOAN spring made as yet. This spring j with a good mattress means some The Tuesday Afternoon Keating eood slefininff. We snli n M m nti Club at the close of its last regular weekly meeting Joined tht Art and Travel Club in the rare enjoyment of hearing Miss Annie L. Sloan, 01 Winston-Salem. Mrs. Eugene Watt's lovely home was thrown open for this occasion. Tre subject for tho afternoon waa Thomas Casrtisle. Miss Sloan by her charming per iionalrty and with her rich fund, otj thought reviewed the works of thi3 bitherton unpopular writer. Her ad drees was taken from notes given Dy Dr. .Mima, of Vanderbilt Universi ty, and was based on Carlisle's three best known books, viz: Past and Present, Saartor Re Sartis, He ro and Hero Worship. Miss Sloan at once gripped the attention of her audience by asking the unqiue question: "Why do bri liant men make poor husbands? The following aro a few of the racts gleaned from her talk: IThe unpop ularity of Carlisle's writing is due to repdtititfn and eccentric style. I History and religion overshadowing politics play an important part in his works. 3 Habit and Imitation form the fundamental basis of our da" life. ' 4 The underlying thought to De ever present is that "Duty Pre cedes Happiness." The clubs thor oughly enjoyed the many quotations given from the master writer him self. Especially noteworthy waa the one in which Carlisle was prove! not only a writer but poet. Miss Sloan closed her address wKh Try It. Reids 30 days approval. ville Furniture Co. Sweet potato seed for sale. Kilfl dried potatoes will bear mane slips or plants, is our experience, than po tatoes kept otherwise! and. we ought to know we built the tirst potatc house in Rockingham county.-w. S. McKInney & Sons. ' Let us equip your bed with a "KINGSDOWN MATTRESS" anl j "DELUXE" bed spring. If at the end of 30 days you don't think they are orth the price we charge we will take them back and you owe us nothing Reidsville Furniture Co. WARNING! I herepy forbidj any one from hiring or . harboring my boy5. Sid McCollum, 15 yoalitj old, has left me without cause, and any one doing so will be dealth with ac cording to law. Richard T. McCol lum. Pelbam, N. C, Route 2, Box 8. One house and three-acre lot for sale. House has six rooms, new. Large feed barn and other neces sary outbuildings. Good orchard and splendid garden. On Thompsonville road Just outside corporation. Apply to W. H. Chapmon, East Market St.. Reidsville, N. C I have Just received this wee a car of nice Tennessee mules, ages 4 to 7 years old; will weigh from 800 to 1,300 pounds. I now have on hand 33 head of horses and mules. Any one who wants to buy or trade come on. I will try to suit you. The LENTEN SERVICES. ' St. Thomas Church. Rev. James PvesiLcn Burke, tor. "Come ye apart and rest awhile." Daily devotional service at 5 p. m , except Sundays. Other services are Sundays: Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m.; Church School, 9:45; Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a. m.; (1st Sundays, Holy Communion.) Eve ning Prayer and Sermon, 7:45 p. ra. Wednesdays Prayer and Study Circle; special speakers, 7:45 p. m. Good Friday Three Hour Servico, 12 to 3 p. m. Easter Day Holy Communion, 7:30 a.m.; Holy Communion and Sermon, 11 a. .; Church School Fes tival, 3:45 p. m.; Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:45 p. m. Mrs. Talley made a motion Monday Afternoon to have the attachment vacated on the ground that the affl davits in the case were raise, to-wit: Carl Talley did not kill McCuiston inasmuch as the court found Kd wards guilty of the charge. No de cision was rendered by the Judge Monday afternoon. Tuesday morn attorney for both sides told the "3. ttiat- they coul4-adjuat. Xbe matter insofar as Mrs. Taliev and Mr. Mitchell were concerned. In tha adjustment, the attorneys for Mr. macneii agrees, to relejvse to Mrs. Talley the home place and a portion or the money in the bank here. mat lett the question: How much damage should the plaintiff reoove" from Talley. This went to the jury with Instructions from Judge Lmij, that the plaintiff was entitled to le cover something. But the jury failed to comply with the court's instruc tions. Thereupon, O. L. Sapp, for Mr. Mitchell, moved that the verdict, be set aside; ing the latter a father, Mr. Buck, in Florida, who is seriously ill. Miss Irene Smith has resumed her duties as a teacher in the Grit- ton high school, near Kinaton. Mra. L. L. Harrelson, of Ruffln Route 2. spent a few days here ro cently with Mrs. Cora Johnston. Mrs. Charles Snow, of Atlanta, is with the pane- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don.t fail t u d luuiibiwi. rieamont street. meeting Friday night! x-. ix. uwynn sient ruesaay and "i1"""" kuu niiu uua 11 & pretiv good investment for themselves and their town. What Js Reidsville go ing to do about it? One share ot stock may turn the tide on Friday night, so if you are sick or will De out of town notify Jess , Fetzer or one of , the directors hf this majs- s most impressive quotation front prices and terms are right, J. 3, Goethe. The guests were then in- Wilson, Leaksyllle, N. C. ' THE METHODIST INTEREST CENTERS ON WORLD SUNDAY Southern. Methodists throughout the connection are centering thefr interest on World Sunday, March 2ti at which time every member of that denomination who made a subscr!p tion to tne centenary or Missions movement will be asked to make a payment on his pledge. The "World Sunday" movement which is now sweeping this section was inaugurated, it is said, to arouse Methodists to meet their obligations for overdue missionary money, and according to the plans of the leaders a special effort will be made in this direction on March 26. the officii. I "World Sunday" of Southern Metho dism, when the theme of world mis sions will be presented in every church within the bounds of j; MethodiskEpiscopal Church. Soutli. During the week following "Worid Sunday" a church wide canvass will be made to collect arrearages m Centenary payments. It Is said th?il there i3 a shortage of $4,000,000 in collections to be made up before tht meeting oftbe General Conference in May, 1922.' Road Foreman Shot By Negro A speciul from Danville says: Net son Clayton, foreman for a road gang working on a Caswell county highway between Furley and Yan cey ville, I3 in a Danville hospital with a serious body wound, wnlie Harvey McMuIlen, a negro, la in Yanceyville Jail charged with the shooting, which occurred Saturday night. The negro was under arrest a few minutes after first word of the shooting reached the local authori ties. His description was given an1 two police officers started for the county line in an automobile. They went a considerable distance and on coming back sighted a negro an swering the description, walking along tho road. The automobile noiselessly approached the negro when he turned around, found two revolvers covering him. lie lifted his hands, surrendered, confessed the shooting, the officers say, and told them that he had a pistol in the bosom of his shirt. It was quickly removed. Clayton was up late Saturday night going over his figures. He was passing through a grove when. it is alleged, the negro shot him the bullet penetrating the side. Tne white man" la too ill to talk. Tie negro states that Clayton made a suspicious move as though for s pistol and he fired point blank si Clayton and then ran away. Othe, men about the camp hearing the pistol shot ran to the spot and found Clayton on the ground wounded. Wednesday in Winston attending the 7th District Rotary convention. Mrs. W. L. Lowe, Mrs. F. B. Cartel and Miss Mary Pettigrew, of l'ieaa entville, spent Wednesday hero shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, who have been living in West Virginia, have returned to their farm ne tr Ruffln to reside. . ' Mr, and Mrs. Cosmo Benson have returned from a visit to their daugh ter who is in tho State Normal School at Meat Rd ford. Ya. -- Mnt Frterick MilvertoiU daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Johnston, of near Reidsville, sailed from San Franciaco on March. 17 for a tour of the East. Mrs. W. J. Pettigrew has returned frort Richmond where she spent several week3 in a hospital under treatment. Her condition Is very much improved. Mis3 Mary Stokes, of Bessemer City, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, w. Stokes at Ruflln. Miss Stokea will have as her guest for the week-end Misa Johnnie Mae Eaves, of tal houn, Georgia, Rotarians At the Weekly Luncheon MISS SMITH RETURNS TO HER SCHOOL AFTER A SIEGE STRANGE ILLNESS Misa Irene Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, has entirely recovered from her recent 'illnost. and on last Monday returned to Grifton. N. C. to take up her work The weekly meetings of tlm Reidsville Rotary Club are becoming more Interesting. The novelty of the events Is wearing away, nnt 5ach 1 tember : ealizs .hnt. - he I meeting his fellows on ; these occa sions for no vain purpose. Jhe meeting Tuesday was fulLtf interest.' and the hour allotted for IS waa too short a time within which, to discuss matters that were sug gested by different members. The individual member is realizing that Rotaay i3 something larger than himself; that it is as large as th combined interests and influence of all Ms fellow members. Therefore when the time for meeting comes hu lays aside for one hour the personal or individual matters that may be engaging his attention, and Joins hi fellow members having In his heart only the big idea of SERVICE. The local club ruissed its presi dent. Price Gwynn. at the Iunchwu Tuesday, but he waa at that time learning more about. Rotary at the District Convention in Wi'mston-Sa-lem.. The next meeting of the club wiil be at 6:30 next Tuesday evening. More time may be devoted to this meeting than the usual noon-day hour, if necessary, and it seems aa it such will be the case, for some out-of-town gentlemen have been Invi't The strange illness of Miss Smith t0 ,b th(J cIub'8 euesta 0Q that oc- was referred to in these columns re At the present rate of Tanlac sale it is estimated the grand total will Althoug a powerful reconstructive tonic. Tanlac contains no-hanniul I reach 24,000,000 bottles at the end ingredients, minerals or opiates. j0f the present year. Tucker. Drug which are so often found in other Store. medicines. It can therefore be 11 ken by delicate children with splen did results. Tucker's Drug Store. If yon want the best get Gunson s Granary Filler Oats. R. M. unite. cently. While teaching near K'n ston sho developed a case of sleep ing sickness. After being treated bj a physician she waa sent to a hos pital at Kinston where she received treatment for several days but as her condition showed no Improve ment she was brought home by her parents on the 8th Inst. As the disease did not respond to medical treatment her parents call ed Reidsville's chiropractic physu cian. Dr. W. I. Bowman, who saw and treated her first on the 9th tnat. She responded readily to Dr. Bow man's treatment and within a fev days the strange malady had been piauuciuiy overcome, ana sne was able to read her mail and converse with her family and friends. From this time her restoration to norn-al health was rapid, and when she left home Monday to resume her work she was entirely well. The case is one of more than passing interest for the reason tiiat it seemed to baffle the physician, and is the first case of sleeping sick ness that we have heard of in this section. ' "I would not take $1,000 for what that wonderful Tanlac medicine has done for me." said Mra. Mattle Lutes of Lexington. Kentucky. Sold b Tucker's Drug Store. Ayery's New Union Com Planters are easy to operate. Reidsville Hardware Co. All kinds of Irish natntnaa Tnr - W " -m - v 1 planting your garden. M. A. Jones. Phone 33. casion. The meeting Tuesday was a de lightful one. Mrs. J. F. Watiiugtori, at the piano, assisted the men ini singing a few of their Rotary songs'. The "objects" of the Rotary Cluii ' which has Just been organized t Reidsville are: To encourage and foster: High ethical standards in business and professions. The ideal of SERVICE as the Da- sis of all worthy enterprise. The active interest of every Ro tarian in the civic, commercial, so cial, and moral welfare of his com munity. ' The development of a broad a j. quaintanceship as an opportunity to? service as well as an aid to success. The interchange of ideas and of business methods aa a means of in creasing the efficiency and useful ness of Rotarians. The recognition of the worthineas of all legitimate occupations and tHe dignifying of the occupations ot each Rotarian as affording him aa opportunity to serve society. LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY BANKS HAVE BEEN CONSOLlOATEO P. H. Gwynn, A. W. Dunn. T. H. Barker, J. J. Hodges, J. M. Hopper. J. R. Perdue and H. C. Pace h&n purcased the majority stock of the Bank of Leaksville and the Bank ot Spray. Later these financial Institu tions will be merged with the Bou'e vard Bank & Trust Co. into a na. tional bank under one maragement. but doing business at the sam. points as usual. i -f zIMLj-

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