I. - t ' THB ORNtNG ItEliALD, APRIL' 12, 1913. Bev V - a stv ; E-HL.T EXCEPT ii ONDATS. with the editors Should Not Embarrass Him. deal of It, but the return from only a single flood such as bas been the one through which Ohio bas just passed would more than pay for the initial J. M..KJNQ.. tat..; ..Editor Z. T. ROLLINS. . .Business Muqtr J. ff. King and E. T. Rollins Owner They might also .attest 1 and Publisher. It does. look as, if some few people LOBt who vigorously eupporiea , senator In addition to these reservoirs I Simmonsi might Terrain VTrom embar- would advocate the erection of a sys rassing ,nim 07. no , seemng. omce. tem of wir,ies8 towers coverlnir -the in inai wayientIrft TTnted States and under eov- to their, candid and sincere support L,0f th.t . I - "....v ., . . (SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: I of a cause. Wilmington Dispatch. A Welcome Sound. Ons Tear.. .. .... .. .. . ...$2.60 "It is considered vital in the inter One Week.. .......... .05 lest of the. public that new blood shall Entered' at the postofflce at Durham N. C as second-class mall matter. tion of the country would be entire ly cut off from communication as was Ohio during the last few days of March or Omaha during the week pre vious. The navy department has two wireless towers of great strength at Mare Island, California, Arlington, Virginia, which are able to communi cate pver the continent In favorable weather f conditions. If these were De Drougnt into tne , service," an nounces Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo in supplanting all the high er customs officials at Philadelphia. This sounds like the talk which dem oeVatic patriots, especially regarding I augmented by two more at, say, Den the po8tofflce8, are anxious to hear. ver and Chicago with small stations Charlotte Observer. . at New Orleans, Cincinnati. Atlanta. Bangor and New York we would have Th President's Idea. la network of wireless messages which It seems to be safer In some towns I Tne idea of the president, stated a wouia encompass tne entire continent to kill fc man than to sell liquor and "ie differently, perhaps, is that the ana renaer communication instant and president and members of congress are all human beings delegatd to con sider measures relating to human wel fare. The president, a human being, should therefore address members of DURHAM, N. C, APRIL 12, 1913. Greensboro may be one of them. An Industry that cannot live with out a' bounty from the government can hardly be considered legitimate. The1; state did little for the good roads . movement yet the more pro gressive counties were not expecting It. , certain between , all portions of the country. Secretary of the Interior Lane also told me that he favored the reservoir system of taking care of surplus wa- congress as human beings. John ter Dut ne wanted the government to I HI. - TtT'lll -il. 11 . ... I nA n. -is-jv IflitiAn ' I Buury wiiiiams, wun nil nis nieaer 1 6" a-oicp iaiuia. fdisonia THE PHOTOPLAY HOUSE. THE COWBOY HEIR. . - ,An American western drama .A LANDLORD'S TROUBLES tr, A Keystone comedy. FORCED BRAVERY ' Another Keystone comedy. 3.AKE OF CANDY. A Mutual Educational subject).. A CHILD'S C6NSCIENCE. '! A real heart interest story. MONDAV: DAYTON FLOOD. ' 800 feet of real motion pic- tures of this great disaster. I education, will find it difficult to of fer an objection to the arrangement that will make much impression on the country. Greensboro News. ' As tbey have tried to establish a Btandard, wonder what the progres sives will do if they"fail to defeat Mr. Watts. 9ef0re taking a friend's advice to become a; candidate for office be sure that Jie . intends to attend the ward ineetjng. While the house bill may not be exactly fair to all concerned, it snows that ;the democrats of that' body are Infavor of reducing tbe tariff. ' A complete change in the board of alde?men will of course mean that we will'liave that many more streets paved during, the next two years. A Small Piece of Business. That is a small piece of business that is now being carried on by the board of the central hospital at 'Ral eigh. Dr. L. J. Picot Is the present efficient and Capable superintendent. but he Is a friend of Kitchin and for this reason he must be kicked out of office, it has come to a pretty nass I in this day that an institution of our unfortunate insane is made football for the game of small politicians. Catawba Cpunty News. ' while the president has the ap pointing power It occurs to us that ; the patronage belongs to the party rather than to the chief executive. VLL ; .The dignity of the senate has been shocked a few times, -but the presi dent ;has done nothing yet that the people are disposed to find fault with. If the senate stands cn its dignity Do Not Vote the Ticket. " The member's of the American Cot ton Manuracturers' Association, in session in Washington this week, passed resolutions protesting against the cotton schedule of the tariff bil introduced in congress. The cotton mill men are lobbying against the bill and many of them insist that they will have to close their mills if the bill passes as introduced. Protesting that they are democrats and have a right to expect better treatment from their party, some of the mill men threaten to vote the republican ticket if the bill passes. It is a matter of common report, and can probably be substan tiated, that a good many of the cot in this state have for unit knnalro tottti ha nrnoMant tt mo.r I . , ,7 ' ' 'fr5'" "" " ""' ton mill men .j'. Vi auaa's luo "- some years voted the national repub pjeof the country have In that body. lican ticket becau8e they favor a pro- ' ' ItfWIVA tariff OtofaaTrillA Tnnmn1r ' f wti ni , I L"umon, iuc ouariuiit: jueiver oeiieves in protfiptlon now and it happens to be one -of. the few papers that admitted that' it bejieved in It before the elec- STUDYJNG FLOOD CONDITIONS. ' The protected industries should not complain eveif if they did have-a few lean years, considering what the re publicans have done for them in the past While we have always thought that Mr. Simmons and Mr. Watts traveled In the eame boat, we will admit that Mr..' Simmons is the best politician of thetwo. We have never been able to under stand how an industry that cannot be made self-supporting without a rake off from the people can be of benefit to tne people. jie tact machine states trust com pan secured a charter without trou ble.but goes to show that they are .about as easily secured in this state as divorces. tt is. said that a number of blind tigers went out of business here the first of the month, still we have not heard that it has been any harder to yet on that .account u tne cotton manufacturers make good their threat we shall not hold it against' them. There Is nothing wrong wita tne man who believes in pro tection voting the republican ticket. m m a . . jr senator gimjnons stands up for a democratic tariff bill we shall be ehfy disappofnted. but we do oi snow now some of those who supported him are going to feel about 1L -Maybe in making Mr. Simmons chairman of the finance committee yrugresMves inougnr tney were patting nitn in a position where he would bare to support a democratic QbIM a number of North Carol In laas wlo are now democrats might be republicans If the state was in the fcaWt af electing republicans to coun ty offices and sending them to con gress and the like. If some sections that do not t lieifc II tariff reform did support the aeraocraue party last fall they will bave ao Just cause for complaint If the party insists on living up to iu platform obligations. It Is sot plais that tbe promoters or tae stales Trust compasy intend " ir uynoay. it appears tfcat they wen attempting to promote a scheme without earthing back of 1L aoi It might sv socceeded if they "a a let aione. Kow that tb boose bas tbe matter - - it s&Asid rrame ap Jost muck f-r:T ft!!! M It - tnm t ' v- tbe bill ea K cxmms from Ue ca be rorMd o tbe by ---it. bacaed bf psbUe opta- : Is time for playtat to Washington, April 11. Unprece dented as it was and therefore not likely by all the laws of nature to happen again, the terrific flood which has swept over the Ohio valley and is now descending along the Mississippi toward New Orleans and the other river cities in Louisiana has caused much thought in Washington as to how similar calamities might be pre ventea or, ir impossible to prevent mignt oe roDDed of the greater part or their Intensity and destructiveness Among men prominent in public life who have given a good deal of time and thought to this problem at least one of them having studied the question at first-hand, are Secretary 01 war uarriBon, who headed the government relief train which left Washington at an hour's notice for the flooded section, Secretary of the interior Lane and Senator Newlands, ot ivevado. both of whom hum wwe experience with floods, their cause and effects. C 1 n oecremry uarnson. in addition tn nis flrat-hand information gathered .W11 11 . . wuiio me waters or tbe Miami nnri Scioto were just beginning to ana oerore the Ohio river has reach ea its highest point, also, has the ad vantage of the knowledge and exper ience of a hundred or more of armv engineers who have been ntnrfvin. a j .... - uiwa conuiuons for years add know more about rivers, their ebb and flow and the various phenomena of floods than a lavman wnnM im..in. v wwbMC iUCIC was to know. The terrible floods which recently swept over the Ohio valley, said the secretary of war to me recent It hll. aiscussing the effects of the Inunda uuii ana US DOBS hln nrac.nt.n.,.. was doubtless due to the abnormal precipitation of rain in the stfM r Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. This, of course, cannot be prevented. While unprecedented, it as likely to happen lumurruw or next week as It was to occur when It did. Therefore we ought to make some preparation to taae care or the consequences of thp cause rather than to attempt to, reg uiaie tne cause itself. icii me mat th -. ters descending in central Ohio con verged. Into two streams, the Miami and the Scioto, until both of these ireams Decame raging, roaring tor f A ... 9 ,cul toBieaa or tbe placid rivers nicn they ordlnarilv wrn th tien. informs us of one primary fact it is not the big rivers which are o much to be feared it Is their tri uuunea. The persona living .inn. il. all . va'- Missouri, the MisalMip- "uo 109 oiner great rivers were floods are of annual occurrence re prepared for these visitations snd take precautions against their effects The denizens of tbe land rir.in the smsller rivers are taken by sur prise and have not time to more. i aerer ore tt U mr oolnina th. omght to bare some eystem of rever- otaer means of ninin iv. smaOer streams so that tbe overa boadaaee of water could hm atia off aad beld aagainst times of flood. I Tfcis wosid cost Doaey. aad a rreat "I a jntold," said the cabinet officer from California, "that the greater portion of rivers which enter into larger streams have forced a sand bank or other natural obstacle's at the point where they become tributa ry. The water, rushing down from above, strikes this bank, which acting as a dam.'forceB the flow backward and It wells out over the surrounding country with, great destructiveness. One" thing ' the government ought to do is to dredge : out all these sand banks throughout the country and thus prepare tte way for the free passage of a great portion of the su perfluous water. t This dona" the government should construct a Series of canals and res ervoirs; to .carry -off the water which could not be controlled in the river bed. , By-these means I think that a repetition of the inundation of the Ohio Valley might be effectually pre vented. But the construction of the canals and reservoirs-ought to be left solely in the hands of the government and its experts, both because the fed eral authorities are better equipped to do the work and because the preven tions of floods has ceased to be a mat ter of local import and has become a question of national importance. A flood in Ohio, Indiana or Kentucky is likely to paralyze the business inter ests of these sections and this, in turn, exerts a marked influence on the business of the rest, of the United States. Like the secretaries of war. and in terior Senator Newlands is in favor of the reservoir Idea and claims that it has worked with excellent results in "his country." The Nevada states man has already visited the white house to try and get presidential ap proval for the Idea of government- owned waterways and canals to drain the rivers in flood-time and it is prob able that he will introduce bills look ing toward their construction at the present session of congress. If Pres ident Wilson follows his policy of be ing guided by the feelings of his cab inet, it is almost certain that these measures will have the hearty appro val of the white house, "for Secreta ries Lane and Garrison have won most of their colleagues over to their way of thinking. Edison a Th Theatre where the Ladles and Children Go. ' . i Fit for a Bride. Many exquisite fabrics and charms or! trimmings will delight you in War ner's Corsets, but in grace of out and perfect proportion, even the lowest pricel models are "fit for a bride." Ev en the extra long skirts are so finely -flexible that! every wearer, whatever her size; may know1 the untrammeled ease without which no Corset may ber pronounced a perfect foundation' for figure elegance. All the Warner Bust Proof 'Models here are under the satisfying Warner Guarantee, Priced from $1.00 up. The House RenovalflTlte Come here toilet articles, stocks incfude for drugs and Our complete everything in the drug line which a thorough ly progressive drug store should carry. We watch our stocks carefully and replenish them as often as is necessary to keep each asortment - un broken. Trading here you have the satisfaction of always getting precisely what you de sire. New Bulgarian Flouncings. I The newest of the new, full dress lengths, fine white Voile with borders of embroidery in Bulgarian colors. ' Some are ecru ground, also, with the colored borders. The price is $1.50 a yard. The bands to match the Flounc ings are here also. i a n i ; I Store frfi no j ie ,$toTt 6PM- - ; p. m. f FERTI L IZ E R Si " a m$imM Warn Just at this season of. thejgarvwhen every woman is house cleaning, pre paring for Spring and ' thSuinmer months, she will find the neettbf New JJheets, Pillo WvCases; djc'ftiapfi White Quilts. ul , What About New, Cmfciw M vlhe Wlndowsrfc. ; You'll find here a large stockto- select from, also beatiful Oirtaifjateid.ls, j Scrims, Swiss, Nets, Plain, also with the Fancy Borders.. . . , . r Dpholstry Reps, and Pamask Plain and : Figured, Gretons and Silkalines, also Fancy Art Denims, a fi t " Beautiful Collection. ;f;t ' e.i.r Fine White Tea Xtaens No other house can shot'you the I exclusive patterns or the: 6xtra fine Imported Linens you'll i ee here. Plenty of Napkins to matqli-the cloths. We are the White Goods People of North Carolina; and we sell -thousands of dollars worth every seaepn. It is worth your while to . alwayi ' come to the best house for such tnings, and; then you are sure of getting the BEST, This Is the Store That Supples the Best in Every Department CHILDLESS WOMEN JLMrjAA8lftser" ThflM woman onoe ehildlrai, now hxppy unf paymoHUT wu wun oeaitny eouarenwlll toll ho iruis e.. nnnwn'i vegetable Uompoand made alUhif poeiible. Here are tbe names and entrant a-ldrenea write them If you want to, and learn for yourself. Tbey are only few out of many thousand. . . . "unr first oafty is SUODS SlHHieaJUiT and we aUribate this re mit to the timely use of your Compound." Mrs. fBKD Kent, Oregon. " I owe my life and my baby's good health to your Compound." MIS. W. U. BPBNCEB, K. F. D., Ko.2, Troy, Alabama. " I hays three chil dren and took your Compoaud eachtime." Mrs. Joh Howard, Wilmington, Vermont. " I hays a loyely baby boy and yon can tell ererr one that he is a 'Pinkham' baby." Mrs. Louis Fischer, 33 Monroe 8U, Caxt stodt,N.J. "We sre at last blamed with a sweet little baby girt." Mr. O. A. Uritovii, Monte (pit, La. "I bare one of the finest baby eirhi yoa erer aw. M re. C. K. Goodwbt, 1012 8. 6th St., Wilmington, N.C. "Myhnsbaml U the happiest man alive to day." Mrs. Clara Darbrakk. 397 Maril la St., Buffalo. N.T. "Now I hare a nice baby eirl. the lor of our home." Mrs. IVv txt A Cot I, No. 117 Bo. Gate St. Woroee ter, Mass. " I hare a fine (trotic baby daughter now." Mrs. A. A. Oitrs, newittrllle. N. Y- Boate 44. I bare a Wr. fat. bealthyboy." Mra.A. A. Bii nan. &.F.D. 2io.l,BaUiBMre,Obio Mrv GondwWj 1 turn J it' FOR SALE! ON Saturday, April 12 AT 12 O'CLOCK We will sell to the highest bidder at the court house Durham, N. C, two nice farms on the Fayetteville road, twelve miles from Durham. One farm, 120 acres, small house and two barns. Also one farm, 68 acres good three room house, barn and good well of water. Fine Tobacco Land. Terms of sate CASH. For further particulars GRISSOM & MILES. .je. aa, Aa. aa. AAv aa. AsvsvSx.Aavav a. , Standard Brands for TOBBACCO, COHON, CORN and TRUCK Also the Famous Blue Star - for Gardens and Lawns. BARBEE & ELLIOTT Cor. Mangum & Parrish Sts ANNOUNCEMENT, hereby announce soyaelf a can didate for the position of alderman from tbe second ward subject to tbe action of the democratic primary. R. E. HI RST. br. a. t. arc rack tit, trrgeea DesrUst 3fiM tM Krw Trmst BaSiKax. KocssJ PURE Ice Cream i Arrington's Creamery Phone Orders-or Leave Them at Main St. Pharmacy Wa Pbens Ml. Deliver the Goods. . LYLE S. BOOKER, ai. O.' rr act Ice Limited to Suroery and efltc freti Offtee: 40 Duka Building. Hours: 1to1a.rt;Steaa.m. .heas tOSLAM. French Dry Cleaning Properly Done ALL WORK GUARANTEED Model Pressing Club R. H. POPE, Prop. Phone 642 ACADEMY OF MUSIC HONDAl, APRIL 14 The Play Wfc Iong Expected. Wil liam A. Brady, LttL, Presents NEW YORK'S MOST FAMOUS HIT BOUGHT AND PAID FOR By GEORGE BROADHURST Direct from Oae Great Tear at tbe Playhouse, New York. Prices We to $L6C 8eata now selUac Tbe last bow of tbe easoa- 3 EEmmxin i IIP REMEMBER the times when we had to smoke the mosquitoes Sway or an evening? And to brash the flies or simply endure them? How times have changed! Now we know that these insects were the means of spreading dangerous diseases, and protect our homes and families by screening them out, It pays both from health. the standpoint of' comfort and convenience ' or Our stock of Screens and Screening permits you to fit any door or window. We handle the -beat quality which will last fof years This means that yon can put them up in a few minutes next season thus saring you the time and trouble of fi tting new ones as weU as the cost of buying them. How about screening off that porch ? It will be the most Donular place in the neighborhood. Come in and see how litttautt really will cost- s & Pollard-.; Hardware IT0)Si .ii ; "HI HOW'S YOUR WATCH?; If it is not keeping good time there must be something wrong Bring it to us H. CASE r 1 Watchmaker and Jeweler. Inspector aboard. Soatisrm and Norfolk VWectrm a3wmj lit: iV i! V