-:Mv THE MORNINq ; HERALD, "APRTI 18, 1913. : - "AtK FOr$E$EIVER. Petition Aked Throwing ereihtbdro Cbncern Into Bankruptcy. Greensboro, N. C.,?April -'18. Spec: . ial.- Application was made" before : Judge Peebles in superior court yes terday for the appointment of a re ceiver for the Hudson Overall com pany. ' The Application was made by 'ThoB. A. Shaw,.& Co., through a lojcal attorney. Thev-aintfunt involved is $225. It la alleged, however, that the company is Indebted to others in targe sums and that it. is now insol . velt or in imminent ' danger of be Homing so. The summons Issued by the court for the Overall company to show cause is mkde returnable June 8. The Hudson .OVerall company operat ed here for some time, though Its home offices are at High. Point, Mr. w. H. Ragan, of that place, being president and a large - stockholder, v . ..... vine piant wnue in s operation gave employment to about one hundred people, though It has not been run iiing for the past several months. County Health Officer W. M. Jones made an excursion Into the southern Section of town yesterday where number of negroes reside and found a regular smallpox nest. In six fam Tiles in that section the officer located "& total of 19 cases of smallpox. Pre cautionary measures' were promptly taken, a number Of those : in the neighborhood being "vaccinfeted and the victims of the disease given treat ment, r. Jones believes that the dis ease will be confined to the southern section. The negroes of Greensboro became greatly excited yesterday, when was learned that a. demented negro woman named MinRle'Lewis had kid naped two small negro children and had disappeared. The full police force and scores of citizens joined in the search for the woman and the children. The worhaii. and, the chil dren were located, during the evening liear Hillsdale, several miles from town, and in almosl'a Complete state of exhaustion as a result of their long tramp. They were.brougbt back to town In an automobile The woman is said to be harmless' but the kidnap ping episode created much excitement among the negro population. Two interstate i secretaries of the Y. M. C. A. were',j&sts in Greens- poro last night and jspOfee to the mem bers of the local association at a sup per given in the banqiiet hall of the association building, The secretaries were Mr. G. C. Huntington and Mr. E. C. Wilson,; of Charlotte. They spoke with reference to the associa tion work in the Carolinas, - of the growth in number of buildings and membership and the general useful ness of the Y. M, (?., A- during the past few years. Secretary Hunting ton impressed twoL$oin8s particu larly: Co-operation for increased effi ciency and an increase in the support of the institutions.- Mr. Wilson made an interesting talk during which he explained llluetratgd y-pijctuneB show- inf what the associations J n the Car olinas have accomplished In the erec tion of new buildings. -Yesterday afternoon was an inter esting occasion at tie State Norma! college when the New Woman's build ing was thrown open to the faculty members and a 'humber of town friends, the seniors Informally enter taining the visitors. The building was elaborately decorated with dog wood blossoms, potted, plants and cut flowers and presented a scene of rare loveliness. In the cozy alcoves werr placed tea tables and 'the guests en joyed dainty refreshments served by the young women. The full member ship of the class aided in receiving the more than 150 guests present for thf occasion. Bridge of Arts. It was by the bridge of Arta that the Greeks on the,wet side entered Turkey. "The Dridga ,pf Arta." one of the most pathqtl of Greek folk songs, tells of the sacrifice of a hu man victim at the building of a bridge to appease its demon Jn the version translated by Mr. J. C Lawson sixty apprentices and forfy-ffve craftsmer have toiled for three years at the "bridge, and every night their day'f work falls In ruin. ,Then the de mon's voice bids tif sacrifice thr master craftsman's wife as she come to supper. They induce her,- with r false story of a ring, to be fished up to let herself be lowered, and her hus band himself hurls a stone( down up 0 ( on her. She prays that the bridgf kjnay ever tremble and all who crosr it fall as now she trembles and her tresses fall; but a reminder that her brother may some day cross it changes her prayer to one that bridge and passengers may be as iron-like ac she now feels. Physician Often Blamable "It is a most unfortunate thing," aya the North American Journal of Homeopathy, "that, the moral degen eration to which every drug habitue almost inevitably comes is a sin Uat almost always lies at the door of some medical adviser. Few patients live so far from the doctor as to warn nt hin leaving a supply of morphine tablet! for them to tafcft If An' Attack come on. The practlo f-medictae seem to. be summed nip fn 'the prescription of opiates In the case of some physi cians. It Is better to near out the medicine case and let the hypodermic .rust out than vi&p" . Of course, we know that Ut 9podermic should not rust and that the medicine case cannot; but our readers are bright enough to read between the lines" frs. W. C. Bosweli left yesterdaT tfr Ashevyjo where she will sperfd to weeks with friends. Col. I Janr left yestereday rtalelgh on a short business trip. fot , : PICAYUNC8. ;-- r, , : .TJie sugar fight may still result, jn fudge. , " -,; . ' Wish they would put baseball tick ets on the free list. The Mississippi river nod rises along, its entire length. ""A baby carriage is a good thing, but nurse girls are generally employed to push it along. ' - A man who recently died left his all to an orphan asyhim, namely his 12 children. TJpah was also in ah arkward po sition; he didn't know whether to ad, here to the outset system or to build levees'. . A temperance journal says: "The man who drinks beer will think beer." Wljat about the man who drinks wa ter? For the third time Alfonso has been missed by a ball. Sounds like baseball talk. A woman enters a "convent when she wishes to retire from the world All a man has to do is to marry a fa mous woman. There is a respect due to old age, but there is also respect due to youth the lack of which accounts for many a failure in this "world. Wonder if president Wilson and Speaker Clark have learned by this time to love each other. Brother Bll ly Bryan may be praying for them. An eastern paper in a headline says: "Father of Waters in an Angry Mood." We must not forget that those 5,000. barrels of whiskey that were lost in the floods of Kentucky have not yet reached the old man's mouth New Orleans Picayune. PICAYUNES. There are some women who are saints who would never be wives. When a man thinks he sees snakes he must quit drinking before he gets rattled. The physician who would win a rep utation for success must have en during patients. A very cultured Tul&ne student In stead of saying "dead broke" insisted on saying "mortal fragments." Whether he is 'out of a"job or not, the dentist is always looking for a vacancy that he can fill. It's an awful strain on a woman's patience to have a husband who thinks he can cook. . BACKACHE A SYMPTOM ttf More Seriburlllrieii Ajp preaching. Mrs. Ben v ; der Cage. Many Industries in Building In Fulton street. New York, there a one structure which though classed '3 an office building has more than wo hundred separate industries "here are laplderies" of various kinds mong them diamond cutters and pol shers, all from Amsterdam. There :e manufacturing jewelers who take ?o!d and genis and enhance their alue many fold by their artistry. : here is a woman shoemaker, with 'overal Wall street information bu eaus, a detective agency, burnishers f metal, workers in wOrds other vise free-lance writers manufactur us of face cream and toilet prepara 'ons in general, well borers, shirtma kcrs, doctors, perfumers, architects, engravers, dealers in real estate in sigars In liquor. There is one firm which is the largest dealer in the vorli in black diamonds, the gems lsed for boring deep into the earth. . Mattresses For' plate Glass The mattresses whereon we sleep re by no means the only ones. Thei'e !3 for instance, the mattress that is ilaced in wagons for the conveyance if plate glass in safety. These wagon nattresses are made of surled hair, hey are of a thickness scarcely great than that of the covelet that fs nown as a "comfortable." The ex vencies of plate glass transportation squired that these mattresses be con ructed with exceeding care, inas: nich as a slight lump anywhere in he mattress might prove sufficieent t. cause the breakage of the glass that sts upon It. In the event of two 'ates of glass resting upon that lump '. the same time still greater danger r the glass is courted. These plate 'ass mattresses cost, according to Ize, from $60 to $75. The mere remak ng of such a mattress may cost from 20 to 25. Harper's Shrewd Patint A doctor who had been attending n old farmer for a fortnight or so irontfunced the patient so much im roved that it would be unnecessary or him to call again professionally. Next day the medico was not a Tt ie astonished to And the expatient n the surgery with a half-consumed lottle of medicine in his hand. "I thought, doctor as you said was all right again that needn't ''nish f bottle, so I've brought it back is it'll happen come in handy for ome other badly (sick( body that's rat t' same complaint as I had. And you'll likely knock something off my Mil, seeing that I've only supped half :f it." Thus showing a shrewd sav ng turn on the convalescent's part. Health Color Sunshine. A wonderful trinity this. Your lealth, the color of your clothing and he glorious sunshine have much to r with the human body. If you have lot given the subject 'any special bought, you may well 'wonder what ennection there can be between the olor of one's clothing and health. The salutary influences of solar !ght not solar heat are not suffi lently well known to have their ther ipeutic value 'appreciated. The sun laa IU effect, beneficially or other vise, on everything in the universe. he human body not excepted. There re certain cases wherein one needs he heat of the sun, but there are nany more in which the light of the un is of greater value. Indian Rice Rolls. The cultivation of rice in India in; ludes divers varieties, differing in ize, shape and color of grain, as well s in suitability for culinary purposes More than seventy million acres are tnnually put under rice In Id la. and am pies of all the -varieties produce-! tave recently been analyzed In Eng and. One of these is peculiar in that t Is too glutinous to be boiled in the M-dinary way. This difficulty is avoid -d by boiling 'it in nr. m boo tubes, and fter being thus prepared it is left in he tubes to be eaten cold, especially St travelers. When the rice is eaten the bamboo is peeled off and a long Toll of rice appears, which forms an Tcellnt stibstitnae for bread Harp ers Weekly. . 'Curious Illness. 'Yes," said the good woman who waa describing the last illness of a friend, "she was taken suddenly sick with pantomine poisoning, and four 3oetors came to the house and insult ed about her and diagrammed her case very closely. Theey decided that she had eaten some fish or something that had paragraphs in it, and so they gave her a hypocritical injection of a serial that would destroy the basilica but she didn't seem to help any, and she soon was in a state of chomo Chicago Evening Post. Dfliciom, Nourishing Candy. Made of Pea nuts and Cocoanut, with a touch of salt added. At soda fountains, smoke thopi and candy stores. WESTMORELAND CANDY CO. Manufacturers Richmond, Virginia NOTICE OF SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. -Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed the 9th day of Oc tober, 1912, and decorded in the office of the register of deeds of Durham county, in book of mortgages 07 at page 123, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby and at the request of the holdr of the notes, I will on SATURDAY, MAY 17TH, 1913, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale at pub lic auction at the court house door in Durham the following described lot or parcel of land: Beginning at a stake on the east side of Fairview street, and running thence with said street North 75 links to a stake; thence east 2:20 chains; thence south 75 links; thence west 2.20 chains to the beginning, be ing lot No. 81 of the plat as surveyed by Rufus Massey and recorded in deed book 20 at page 421 in the office of the register of deeds of Durham county. On said lot there is a two room dwelling house. Terms of sale, cash. This 14th day of April, 1913. W. H. HESSEE, Trustee. A. L. WISSBURG, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Monroe Hessee, de ceased, late of Durham county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims aeainst the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to' the under signed at his office on or before the 1st day of April, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please mak .immdiat payment. J. A. HESSEE. Administrator. CHAS. SCARLETT, Attorney for Administrator. This the 1st day of April, 1913. To The Public I WE DO PRINTING FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT IT RIGHT. . T. Christian Press 109 Market St. Phone 559. HE MAY BE PRESIDENT That Is the proud privilege of every American born boy. But, whether be becomes president or not, be Is your son, and. Photographs that preserve his boyhood and youth will be priceless treasures to yon In afur years. Our Photographs are true likenesses. MISS KATIE U JOHNSON. The Photographer. 1CVi E- Main St. Phee W Backache is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To get per manent relief you must reach the root of the trouble. Bead about Mrs. Ben der's experience. - St James, Mo.- "About a year ago I was irregular.had cramps every month, headache and con stant backache. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and used the Sanative Wash and I am relieved of all my troubles and am in perfect health. I . shall recommend your medicine to all my friends and you may publish this tes timonial for the benefit of other suffer ing women." Miss Anna Bender, St. James, Missouri.. Another Case. Dixon, Iowa. "I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for some time, and it has done me much good. My back troubled me very much. It seeroed weak. I had much pain and I was not as regular as I should have been. The Compound has cured these troubles and I recommend it to all my friends." Mrs. Bertha Dierksen, Box 102, Dixon, Iowa. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you.writo to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicitieC'o. (confidential) Lynn,M ass., for ad vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered hy a woman, and held in strict confidence. Just Received ! 1,000 yards Cotton l'auts Clotb. It is a regular 15c seller but on account of buying a large stock we are able to offer it at 10c yard- M. Haskell Corner Main and Mangum Streets A Nice Lot of Hens Today Eggs 20c dozen Norton Yam Pota toes for Planting. T. M. STEPHENS & CO. Phone ZZ9 Prompt Delivery PURE Ice Cream Made by Arlington's Creamery Phone Orders or Leave Them at Main St. Pharmacy Phen S41. We Deliver the Good. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Be It ordained by the board of al dermen of tbe city of Durham, at a regular meeting held April 2, 1913; 1. That an election be held in the city of Durham on Tuesday, May 6th, 1913, for the purpose of electing a mayor and eight aldermen of the city of Durham as prescribed by law and also one member of the police and Are commission to serve for a term of six years as prescribed by an act of the general assembly of North Carolina, ratified the 6th day or March, 1909. 2. That all ballots shall be printed or written and shall be of the same size without device, mutilation or or namentation as provided for by the public laws of North Carolina. That the sizes of the respective ballots shall be as follows: Ballot for mayor, one and one-half inches by three inches. Ballot for aldermen, two and one half inches by three inches. That the size of ballot for police and fire commissioner to serve six year term shall be two Inches by three inches. That the following persons are hereby designated and appointed reg istrars and judges for voting pre cincts of the city of Durham: Precinct No. 1, Five Points R. C. Cox registrar; J. McEennan and J. M. Sikes, judges. Precinct No. 2, Eakes' store, Man gum street Jas. T. Green, registrar; J. C. Wynne and J. W. Carlton, judges. Precinct No. 3, Parish warehouse R. T. Ilowerton, registrar; J. M. Flin tom and W. J. Monk, judges. Precinct No. 4, Perry's (formerly Terrell's) store W. S. Ilolloway, registrar; J. R. Steele and J. Y. Reid, judges. Precinct. No. !, Brady's store, Ram seur street W. E. Hall, registrar; Ben Perry and D.'F. Andrews, Judges. Precinct No. 6, court house W. II. Proctor, registrar; John O. Bagwell and W. S. Newton, judges. Precinct No. 7, Hunt's store, Jack son street F. M. Carlton, registrar; Hill C. Linihicum and B. W. Mat thews, judges. Precinct No. 8, Sykes store, Milton avenue W. L. Johnson, registrar; W. (I. Bradshaw and R. C. Anderson, judges. And that the above persons be notified as prescribed by law. Registration books will be open for registration of voters at. I) o'clock a. m. on April IS, 1911!, and shall be closed for registration on Saturday. April 20, 1913, at 9 p. m., and on each day between said dates (Sunday ex cepted) the registration books will be open for registration of any new electors residing In the precincts, and entitled to register, whose names have never before been registered in such precinct or do not appear in the revised list. The registration books will be open between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 5o'clock p. m., except that on each Saturday, dur ing the time allowed for registration; to-wit: Saturday, April 19, 1913, and on Saturday, April 26, 1913, said booka will remain open until 9 o'clock p. ni. Ordered that the above ordinance be published as an election notice. W. J BROGDEN. Mayor. GEO. W. WOODWARD, Clerk. i frfr ' IMPORTANT NOTICE AH Who Have Not Paid Their State and County Taxs for Year 1912, All Property Will Be Ad vertised. Come and Pay and Save Trouble, All Who Have No Property Will Be Garnishee IfiNot Paid Scon. ' Respectfully, JOHN F. HARWARD SHERIFF OF DURHAM COUNT IT BE WISE. Learn some facts about economy that will aid you in the strnccle of life. Ty.a ad is written for the ex press purpose of reminding you f th plumbing business and oor abil ity to perve you well in this Iin. A word to is sufficient. YOU CAN KNOW if you will only investigate. JjW.LBrownPlmnMng Co the mi mm The Genuine Philadelphia Mower for cutting the grass. Lawn Hose made of good live rubber. See us for your Lawn wants. Taylor Phipps Co LEADERS IN HARDWARE Cor Mangum and Parrish St. We Offer to Deposi tors Every i Facility Which Their Balan ces, Business and Responsibility Warrant. The CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK efaDurham. N. C. Capital and Surplus, ... $193,491.56 Officers B. N. VXKM, Pmidrat. T. B. rULLUK, V-PreeKemt. J. B. MAE ON, Cltlr, a C. MURRAY, last CsUr. fill Victor- Victrola Music-Music-Music LISTEN! We will put a Victor- Victrola in your home and let you enjoy the best music you ever beard by the worH's greatest singers. We will "put a Victor-Victrola in your home on easy terras. lAok at This! We sold Ave Victor- Victorals in one day last week. A Victrola in your home means lore happiness, long life and prosperity. Talk it over with. H. A. GASKINS FIVE POINTS. J. R. CREEL. Ms1. GUY H. SIMPSON, Assistant Manager. k. GEO. WATTS oksiofn' MOM DURHAM. N.C. mm L 1 I ill! n Phone 1!S Your Money when deposited with tbe Home SaviDga Bank attracts more monej, as it earns Liberal Interest, and is a constant incentive to add aoro dollars to your credit. Now is ihe best time to improve your opportunities. Your Account is invited. Four Per Cenf. Compound Interest Paid on Savings Accounts THE BEST AND SAFEST PUCE FOR Y0U3 MCSEYf OPEN ON SATURDAYS TO 8 P.M.