; TIIE MORNING -HERALD, - JANUARY. 3, ,19U. 1 1 ritri Li ' A. . 1 J i jUlllliihl WILL SPEAK Fourth of .Series Meetings - of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Wr. Brogden, Mr. Watts and , Mr. Southgate i:0 SUBJECTS ARE ANNOUNCED It 1 Understood That the Mayor Will 'Speak on the Church Member As He Sees Them in Every " Day Life. 5 The fourth number in the series of jOnce-a-month-meethings foremen will be given tomorrow afternoon at 3:29 i O'clock, it will be one of the most ..attractive in the entire series, be- cause of the fact that the speaking J will be furnished by Durham men. on ly. The attraction is announced un der the general designation of "Dui- ; ham Men Speaking for Durham Churches." The three speakers for Vwill be Mayor' W. J. Brogden, 'Mr. O. . W, Watts and CoJ. .7. H. Southga'e. '.'There are no men in the community who stand in closer proximity to the ; heart of the city than these, and any , thing they may have to" say to their J fellow men will ibe heard with in-, TtereafRhd'proflt. Indeed :- dresses tomorrow will be in the na ture of heart to heart talks. It is the beginning of a new year, when ne.v resolutions are being formed and new ' purposes are dominant 'in the breasts of the thoughtful. No definite announcement is made concerning the subjects of the three : speakers, but it is known that May- or Brogden will talk abotrt the church member as he is seen in every dajt life.' He has Seen men of every station and degree, and observed them carefully, and the mayor is ac- customed to speak plainly and fear lessly what he thinks. He is never uninteresting, and he will probably be at his best tomorrow. Mr. Watts wil speak of the blessed ness of giving. No man in our city :s In better position to discuss th's tape than he. He has prospered in ' business, and those who know him ..best say he uses as much care and forethought in giving money as he does In making money. In other words, he believes that every chris tian man is a steward for God, and must invest hie money in such a man ner that God will be honored and the investment be wise. Tne last speaker for the afternorn .will e Colonel Southgate. He will speak on a "topic of his own choosing. He, also, has given a large part of his time and money toward the establish - j ment of righteousness in Ibe City and state, and he is considered one of the most eloquent and finished speakers of the south. It is never difficult for the colonel to Fpeak, apparently. Hs. is at his best when addressing hi 3 fellow men, to whom he is bound by "hcoks of steel." ' j As has been pointed out repeatedly during the las, few days, the year just gone has been one marked for Its spirit of "get together." The dawn of the new year sees this spirit risin? higher and higher. Let the men of every . church, and of no church, at tend the m"'""' tomorrow afternoon , rnd hear what three of the most prominent and useful citizens of the city have to say about getting to gether for better churches, better c'ti eM, and a batter community. Each of these gentlemen is a prominent 1 member of his church; one being a rresbyterian, one a Methodist, and one a Baptist. They will doubtless have a fine hearing from their fellow citizens. : The meeting Willi be at 3:30 to irorrow afternoon, and will toe in the mlan auditorium of the First-Baptist church. , . . NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY. .. - v Set of O. Henry'. Works and a Set of ; Kipl'ng , The public, library has recently pur cliased a set of the works of Sidney Po:1er, better known as "O. Henry,' and of Kipling. The O'Henpy books will doubtless iroVe very popular for no short story writer of the past fifty years has written more delightfully: His stories are breezy with the real heart throbs of the average man ami woman. He especially effective in his stories of f-i ty 1'fp among the working girls, and of the life of the cowboys fo the prairies. Mr. Porter was born in Guilford county and this should a-lso make his s.tories- especially interesting to all A T HYOMIE SOOTHES, PURIFIES, HEALS CATARRH ILLS When you have frequent sneezing fits, tickling in the throat, crusts in the nose, spasms of coughing, raising of mucus, dropping sin the throat and offensive breath you are affected with catarrh. Immediate steps should ba tomorif'W' taken to remedy this condition or tho ailment will increase and a chronic and serious stage of the disease result At the first symptoms of catarrh, use Hyome'J as sold by druggists ev ery where. If is a scientific medicated air treatment, that does not drug and derange the stomach, but is breathed hed-inthroTiglr-theHyameiinhalei7effec lively destroying the disease gernw that may lurk in the nose, throat and"! lungs, and quickly sooths and heals the irritated mucous membrane. Hyomei is sold by Haywood & Boone with an agreement to -refund the purchase price to any one who is not "Benefited. Get it now,' and'be cured of catarrh. Complete outfit, in cluding inhaler and bottle of liquid, $1. SHO.PFIERS. WILL PROFIT BY visit to Miller's store today. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN TO quick buyer, stock of groceries and .fixtures. Apply A. P. Cates, West Chapel Hill street. WANTED BY S. JORDAN, 1 BAL ing press to press 300 or 400 bales of hay. State what per bale and how many bales per day. Write to S, Jourdan. . BUY FURS AT for half price. MILLER'S TODAYJ WANTED TWO 'GOOD BOYS, BE tween the ages of 12 and 16 to ' carry the Herald. Apply this morn-. ing between 10 a. m. and 12 m. HOUSE MAID EXPERIENCED house maid wanted. Apply to Kronheimers' Queen street. THE ENTIRE STOCK AT MILLER'S store is sellingjit and below cost Furs are selling today at one-half price. ' FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, modern for light house keeping. Ad dress J. H-, cai;e this office. WANTED FOUNTAIN BOY. MUST furnish references. Apply in per son at No. 123 East Main street. FOR SALE ONE SECOND HAND buggy and harness. Apply" to Mrs. J. C. Angier, West Durham. BUSINESS GETTERS JOtTRDAN'S TRANSFER CO. SEE your uncle for ajl kinds of hauling. Little things, big things, all look alike to him. He is the best in town. 0 J - & 7 t X T t ? T X T t R5SC FdiR wall nmm afjd iimm 2PHONE1028 TED MM and. "The Best Because the Busiest" MM A. f f if T T t t t f t JJoc Bird says he has tried all the cough syrups made and found out that Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is the best made. Sold absolutely on a guarantee that it win do you good or money refunded. Syrup 25 and 50c; . Cough Cherries c "the box. Yearby's Pharmacy 123 E. Main Street. - THE REXALL STORE. BETWEEN THE TWO MOVIES Over 500 Samples in Wall Paper to Select from- - Our Workmen are Courteous and Glean and Satisfaction is Guaranteed. t & X X X & X x x X x f i I f . r t T t x 'Sted maim West Main St. May: Opposite Library if t f T T T I: I Your Choice of Any Set in the House at 1-2 FOR TODAY AND MONDAY WE HAVE CUT THE PRICE, EXACTLY HALF ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURS. THERE ARE 30 SETS FOR YOU TO PICK FROM IN ALL GRADES AND IN the FOLLOWING COLORS: WHITE, BROWN, GREY, BLACK AND BLUE, THE CUT PRICES FOR TO DAY AND MONDAY RANGE FROM $2.0S TO $19.50. WE ASK YOU TO COME EARLY AND GET THE BEST. IT 13 WELL WORTH REMEMBERING THAT FURS SOLD BY MILLER'S ARB PROTECED BY ' THE BROADEST AND STRONGEST GUARANTEE. THE FURS ARE AS BEAUTIFUL- ' AS THEY .5 1 ARE RELIABLE. PRICES ARE CUT TO THE LIMIT ON EVERY OTHE R ARTICLE IN OUR STOCK ' SHOPPERS TODAY -SHOULDN'T MISS PAYING THIS STORE A VISIT. i EAST 174 MAIN ST. 11 I E9 ILa T 0 THE STOPE THAT IS DIFFERENT HI SCOOP THE CUB REPORTER Oh For Place .Where TJiey Don't Let 'Em Smoke By "HOP VCE.EP AAAV R?AM X w aid. L rVcfiT TH- - - ' . .fc ' m r m ui nm ii ea 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 vvx 1 1 m x. r r r - w r . 11 at 1 r GjJ jLagy lap 'j,' ' '' ) , ' . - ' ..:: ' ' : : ' 1 1 : x