' 7 it THE MORNING HERALD, MAY 13, 1914. Featuring MorielOstriche A Genuine Classical Feature n BJpPEflHMas Tal ii One of the Best Reliance Feature Productions 1 TT TT AV t .1 lS 1 I!. IT-.' we nave JLver unerea to tne ruuiic rea- s j turing the Best Reliance all Star Cast J 57 THE MUTUAL uuuniuiUMLummwVMnawjw ay1 rtrrrrrSlinmiH-i-M mm . irir 1 . f Ae Theatres front of vehicles and are knocked down and injured before they realize what has happened." New York Sun i Tomorrow at the Paris the third series of the greatest moving picture ever staged, Lucile Love, the Girl of Mvsterv. will be the attraction. Each number of the serial comes in two reels. As previously stated there are a total of thirty reels. As the stor develops Miss Grace Cunard, playing the role of Lucile, proves '-more in teresting. . The management thinks it the best patronage builder of any picture shown in the theater's history. Re member tomorrow is the day. In 7 an advertisement in today's Herald there is a word omitted. To the first party who presents the ad vertisement to the adveriser in whosS ad the word is omitted, five twenty cen admission tickets to the Arcade will be" given. Only one party will be lucky. Read the ads now. pany, will portray the role of Fanny Middleton or "Sunshine." It is said that Miss Demorest plays her parts in this attraction to a charming de gree. During her stay in Durham she has proven to be an actress of great ability and with the cast sur rounding her it can be easily said that this is one of the best little dramatic stock companies ever seen in Durham. The matinees are proving quite popular among the ladies and chil dren. Matinees are run daily at J.io o'clock, at which time the prices are only 5 and 10 cents with the prices of 10 and 20 cents at nights. CARRYING AN UMBRELLA Two Features at the Edisonia. This popular little theatre lias on program today, two feature produc tions, the first, "The Coming of the Real Prince," is a Reliance feature that well deserves the classical name, The other, "The Grand Passion, ' is a Princess production with a very strong moral and is a real geniune feature production. Miss Muriel Ostriche, the beautiful young actres, in fact, the youngest leading woman in motion pictures, takes the stellar role and will be seen at her best in this pro duction. The Mutual Girl will be at the Edisonia Thursday of this week. AT THE ARCADE. The Demorest Stock company play . ing at the Arcade theatre will offer one of the most popular novel plays of the day, when they present "Tem pest and Sunshine," as their change of program today." This play is pre sented in four acts and there are some very touching scenes throughout the show. Miss Ona Demorest, the charm Ing little leading lady with this com- Don't Hold It Before Your Face in a Crowded Street. "There are a great many persons injured on windy, rainy nights be cause they hold their umbrellas dowii in order to protect their faces from the driving rain," explained an ambu lance surgeon. "In their desire to protect themselves from the rain they place themselves in grave danger ot being struck and run over by sur face cars, automobiles and ether vehicles. "If you wish proof of my assertion just stand in a doorway some night where you are protected from the rain and where you are in a position to set an expanse of thoroughfare which all kinds of vehicles use. You will be sur prised at the large number of persons you will notice crossing the thorough fare with thejr umbrellas held down so far that it is impossible for them to see anything approaching. They seem oblivious of danger, and a spec tator would suppose from their action that there was not the remotest chance of an accident occurring. "It is a fact that many pedestrians are injured on windy, rainy nignts. With their umbrellas pulled down so that it is impossible to see ahead ;r to the sides, the pedestrians walk in THE SIMPLE LI Ft' Some of the Rewards That Come to Those Who Follow It. I am bound to praise the simple life because i have lived it and found it good. I love a small house, piain clothes, simple living. Many persons know the luxury of a skin bath a plunge in the pool or the wave, unhampered by clothing. That is the simple life direct and immedi ate contact with things, life with the false wrapping torn away the fine house, the fine equipage, the expen- r -A" - Mi Lucille Love nmm The Girl of Mystery ; Positively Appears at THE PARIS TOMORROW Please note the change in days from Fridays to . ,Wednesdays. The admission will only be the reg ular feature day price-10c, although worth 25c easily AT THE The Paris The Eye of the Government A splendid Warner's feature in three parts. Scenes made jn X. Y. and Ireland. Bachelor Bill's Birthday Present Something unique In the comedy line. LUCILE LOVE THURSDAY. The Paris UnlTervkl Program and Warner'! sive habits all cut off. How free one feels, how good the elements tastt, how close one gets to them, how the.y fit one's body and soul! To see the fire that warms you or, better yet, to cut the wood that feeds the fire thit warms yu ; to see he spring where the water bubbles up that slakes your thirst and to dip your pail into it, to s e the beams that are the stay of your four walls and the timbers that uphold the roof that shelters you; to be in direct and personal contact with the sources- of your material life; to want no extras, no shields; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed1 by a morning walk cr an evening saunter; to find a quest of wild berrirs more satisfying than a gift of tropic fruit: to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's n st these are some rewards of the simple life. John Burroughs'. Quoted in "Our John Burroughs," by Clara Barrus. NOTICE OF IND SALE. House and lot on Reams straet, East Durham, N. C. Under and by virtue of the powers said justice at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defen dant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the warrant demanded will be granted. This the 4th day of May, 1914. R. A. HARRIS, Justice of the Peace. ON NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LOT GUESS ROAD. Under arid by virtue of the author ity conferred upon the undersigned in an order made in the case of C. L. Markham, administrator of William Craig vs. George Craig and Mary Craig, a ten per cent bid having been made on the price bid for the lot de scribed in the petition in the above entitled cause, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction at the court house door in Durham, N. C, on SATURDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1914, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., the following described lot of land: Beginning at a stake in the center of the Guess Mill road, Nancy Yar borough's northwest corner; thence with her line south 6 degrees west T. THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES. Today9 s Show 4 Reels conferred in a certain deed of trust 1 243 feet t0 a stake her southwest cor- DEMOREST GO, PRESENTS The Great Novel Play Tempest and Sunshine Matinee Dailjt 3:15. Prices 5 and 10 Cents. Night Performance, 7:45. Prices 10 and 20 Cents executed on the Cth day of January 1913, by II. F. Lucas and wife, which said deed of trust is recorded in book of Mortgages 67, at page 329, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham county, the undersigned will sell on SATURDAY, JUNE 6TH, mi, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in Durham, N. C, the following described lot, as follows. Beginning at a stake on the north side of Reams street, southeast cor ner of lot No. 2, thence with the east line of lot No. 2, north 2o 30' west 109 feet to a stake; thence east 52 feet to a stake, northwest corner of lot No. 4; thence with the western lines of lots Nos. 4 and 5 south 4o 30' east 109 feet to a stake, on the north side of Reams street; thence west with Reams street 52 feet to a stake, the beginning, the same being lot No. 3 of the Collins lot of L. D. Kirkland and being a parcel of the land con veyed in the deed of Annie R. Collins to L. D. Kirkland, dated the 3rd day of October, 1912 and recorded iothe office of the Register of Deeds of Durham county in Deed book 45, at page 463. f ' This sale is made by reason of the failure of said H. F. Lucas and wife to pay off and discharge the notes and interest on same as provided in said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder of said notes. Terms of sale CASH. This 5th day of May, 1914. D. W. SORRELL, Truste3. ner in A. A. Sear's, line; thence with Sear's line north 86 degrees 45' west 98 feet to a stake; thence north C de grees east 336 feet to a stake in the center of Guess Mill road; thence with same south 42 degrees east 124 feet to the beginning and containing 65-100 of an acre, more or less. Terms of sale CASH. This 7th day of May, 1914. C. L. MARKHAM, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Durham County, Dur ham Township. A. T. Fowler va Henry W. Carr Co. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 29tb day of April, 1914, by R. A. Harris, a justice of the peace of Durham county, North Carolina, for the sum of $51.70 due said plaintiff by means of bale hay sold to the plaintiff by the defendant, which was not as rep resented, which summons was return able on April 30th, 1914, at which time it was continued until May 4th, 1914, when a hearing was had upon affidavits, the court ordered the sum mons served by publication, directing the plaintiff to appear at the office of R. A. Harris, a justice of the peace in Durham township, Durham county, X. C, on June 2nd, 1914. The defen dant will also take notice that a war rant of attachment was issued by NOTICE OF SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT ON CHAPEL HILL ST. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon the undersigned in a certain deed of trust executed by C. Rowland Browning, on the 2nd day of September, 1913, and recorded in Book 69 of Mortgages, page 150, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for .cash at the Court House door in Durham, North Caro lina, on MONDAY, the 25th day of MAY, 1914 at 12 O'CLOCK M., the following described lot of land: Situate in said County and State, and on the north side of Chapel Hill street, and being lot No. 2, of the plot of the J. W. Gattis land, surveyed by X. A. Ramsey, and recorded in Book 18, at page 205, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, beginning at an iron stake on Chapel Hill street, running thence north 30" east 3 96 chains to an alley; thence south 86 degrees 45' east 2.64 chains to a stake on said alley; thence south 4 degrees SO" west 3.75 chains to an iron stake on Chapel Hill street, thence with said street 2.893 chains to the first station, containing 97.100 of an acre. The interest of C. Roland Brown ing that I will offer for sale is a one half interest conveyed in the deed of trust, but I am authorized to state that the interest of Lucius Browning will be offered for sale on the above date to the highest bidder for cash, so thai the purchaser at the above sale may acquire a title to the entire property. This sale is made by reason of the failure of the said C. Roland Browning to pay the interest on the note secured by the above deed of trust, and at the request and direction of the holder of said note. This 23rd day of April, 1914. R. P. READE, Trustee. One Hour of Amusement One of the Best Moving Picture Attrac tions You Ever Saw. The Gmm& THE BEST MUSIC IN TOWN. w late of Durham county North Carolina this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt pay ment, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duly verified, to the un dersigned at Durham, N. C., on or before the second day of May, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This second day of May, 1914. B. S. SKINNER, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as r administrator of the estate of Nola I Turner, de ceased, late of Durham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of W. L. Foushee, Attorney, on or before the 28th day of March, 1915, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment JOHN H. KNOX, Administrator of Nola L. Turner. This 28th day of March, 1914. 6 The first saving fund society in America was founded in Philadelphia in 1816. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Frances Watson, deceased, We Are Brightening Up The Best Homes in Durham with WALL PAPER and PAINT We would like to brighten up yours- -Phone for our representative to ca'l and tell you how lit tle the cost will be. STEDMAN & MAY Wall Paperera and Painter West Main St. of Quality. Phone 1028 crnnp THE cub ,v ObUUr REPORTER Now Scoop Is Sorry He Was Born By "HOP' J&RWDA - OFFICERS CPES TWEKVY 0N- ItATO VX W0RLP I ItATO VX WORLD -A HENce-"rtA- ML Pjlii S WAGON WE-mM- J I I 1 )