PAGE FOUR THE MORNING HERALD, MAY 13, 1914. CAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. K H. KINQ ; Editor C T. ROLUNS ualneee Mgr J. H. King and E. T. Rolllna, Ownen , , and Publisher. He Could Do It, We don't know whether Colonel Roosevelt discovered a new river or not and, we must admit that we have seen his judgment go ehy on several occasions, hut, at that, Theodoi Roosevelt has the energy, the pluck the daring- and ability to discover most anything. Wilmington Dispatch ' SUBSCRIPTION PKICS: OM Year mm m .. fl OU WHk.. . mm .Ot BattrM at tta PoatoSea at Dufcam, M. ft, aa aaaoni tum nan matter. (DURHAM, N. C, MAY 13, 1914. The Correspondent who started the report that Mr. Watts was thinking of resigning should have known better. 11 Major Stedman does not desire a posiomce primary men ne should go advance i ahead and settle it in his own way. To Resume Work. It is good news which we heard rel atlve to the Southern taking up again the work of double tracking its main line between Washington and Atlan ta. This work was suspended some years ago, after quite a good deal of the ' track between Washington ' an Charlotte had been doubled. There remains a good deal that has not Ibeen double tracked, and this will be taken up very soon, and these links includ ed, and the entire stretch referred to double-tracked. This, together with the large improvement to shops and rolling stock, will raise the equipmen of the Southern very greatly. Every section of the progressive south will rejoice in the onward and progressive of this great system which If Villa does not want American in tervention in Mexico he might round up Huerta and make him salute the flag. has been so forceful in ths develop ment sof the southern states. Salis bury Post. nut in dealing with the Mexicans we should always bear in mind that they are hardly more than half civi lized. It Is Up to the House. Lordy, lordy, just think of it! The house must face a vote, probably this week, on national prohibition. This would have been a stunner some years ago; it is had enough now, but still the members know how to do it. When a resolution came up in the house years ago to eliminate the bar rooms in the capitol, the house voted for it every time, depending on the other senate to kill it, which it did for some years. Finally the dignified senatou erot tired and one dav when ,t,he reso- If it is left up to Mr. Bryan and lutfon asain came ud it voted for it. we have war we will know that there Members of the house were astound- way of getting ed, but they had to swallow the dose. The house may pass the prohibition The longer a county does without good roads the poorer it will become, that - is in comparison with counties. was no honorable around it We will know what the progressives have accomplished after the next legislature has adjourned and it seen what has been done. is IWe do not belie v that Huerta has murdered Consul Silliman, yet there Is no telling what he may do if things do not come out bis way. bill, expecting the senate to kill ii, but ten to one it will pass it. The situation has changed greatly in the past few years. Old booze has few friends left and the number is grow ing fewer every year. Greensboro Record. COMPLICATIONS EXPECTED. vThey might as well let Charlotte alone about the Mecklenburg myth as she is going to stick to it even if she does not believe it herself. Huerta talks like a man who pre fers a licking to having this govern ment continually walking around shaking its fist in his face. We are not going to fall Major stedman over the appointment of a postmaster in this town, that is "fthe appoints a democrat. We are ready to believe Collector (Watts when he said that he has en tertained no idea of resigning in case Janitor Chambers is reinstated. :Ab i Charlotte seems to be putting it on us the first half of the week we will just naturally have to put it on Greensboro the last three days. of of 4V. . - - m vt, , wo umcauum un me vnapei Mill roaa if it' does not want ftrnnen rnnntv In put it to shame in the matter of good roads. - uriti . - . , , - no in I ii M rill I hi ii pm nrA nnn n7 inai Cole Blease will be snowed under in the South Carolina senatorial race, they have -very little influence with the Totera. If ire are entering into mediation in good .faith we should not be contin ually trying to show Huerta that he cannot help himself no matter what we do to him. We are glad that a sufficient amount waa subscribed to secure the chautau qua another year, although it is pos Bible that it would have taken chances and come anyway. If Major Stedman can find out who the people of this town want to have the postoffice he will have access to sources of information that are not open to the rest of us. We do not believe in umpire-baiting and if we had not believed that Mr. Miller had deliberately gone beyond his authority in that game with Char lotte, we would have said nothing. V Those American interests that want protection for their property should consult this government before ac quiring franchises from the bandit who happens to be on top in Mexico. Durham is without a redlight dis trict, but cases like that aired in the recorder's court yesterday morning and the case reported last week are more numerous than many good peo ple Imagine. The Janitor of the federal building in 6Utesrille has to stand the civil service examination and hold his job on his merits, but those higher up are allowed to land because of their poli tical prominence. Mexican leaders seem to have little faith fa the good intentions of this rovernment toward their country, but the kind of Americans with which they heretofore have had dealings may be largely responsible for this. Tfcoae nineteen Americans who lost their lives at Vera Crai were only privates or marines, yet their lives fr worth more to then than the ' of Mexico Is worth to the Stan f" -1 c;i Company r to this country. Washington, May 12. The recent set of regulations prepared by An thony Caminetti, commissioner general emigration under the depart ment of labor, to govern alien partici pation in the Panama Pacific exposi tion at San Francisco in 1915 may re suit in gome interesting international complications, it is believed at Wash ngton. i There is a statute of the United out with States which forbids Chinese to enter the United States. Under a special treaty agreement Japanese are not permitted to enter except in certain circumstances. By the time the San Francisco exposition takes place it is believed in some quarters that legis lation aiming at the exclusion Hindus" which now is pending will have become the law of the land Now the United States government does not wish to prevent citizens such excluded peoples from partici pating in a great international exposi tion which' seeks to be in fact world's fair. Wherefore certain regu lations have been drawn up by the commissioner of general immigration which tend to waive the (immigration laws under certain prescribed clr cumstances and for certain nominated terms. These regulations say that exhibi tors of nations, the citizens of which are excluded from entry into the Uni ted States msfy participate in the San Francisco exposition, together with their employer by giving $500 Ibond by furnishing a photograph for identi fication purposes and by presenting a certificate making clear the fact tha they have a bona fidt connection with the exposition. These regulations seem on their face, to cover the case with fair com pleteness. But a number of loopholes have appeared, to provide for which it is believed the commissioner gen eral of immigration will have to pre pare supplemental rules. Supposing a chid is born of Chi nese parents who are bona fide em ployes of an exhibitor and who have gained entrance to the country under these special regulations. The re vised statutes of the United States set forth that any child born in the United States is a citi zen thereof whether or not his father is a naturalized citizen. Therefore- the immigration laws are set at naught by the accident of birth under this condition. Woufd the lUn.ed States deport euch a child to China because the entrance of Chinese na tionals into this country is repugnant to our laws? In all probability the parents of the Chinese child would take their offspring back home with them when their day s work was at an end. But, on the other hand, euch conclusion is none too sound. The advantages of American citizenship are well known to the Chinese. They have devised various means to gain entry to thi3 country, with and with out the consent of the authorities. And what would be the course in case of the commission of crime by these alien participants, in the ex position. On that point their status will have to be more cleany detinea. After a fashion their status partakes cf the nature of the status of a for eign ambassador The Chinese min ister to the United States, for in stance, is here only a for a time. All envoyg of foreign government enjoy a peculiar Imunity from punishmen for crime, except in case of breach of the peace and a few others. Would these alien expositioners be entitled to the same imunity? And la cases of debt another diffl- culty would arise. The laws of the United States or of any of the several states are explicit so far as regula tions governing contracts, convey ancea, notes and other legal business matters are concerned bat jurisdic tion does not extend beyond our na tional boundaries. Under this lifting of the immigration curtain for a sea son, many Chinese and Japanese will flock info the country and will engage in all kinds of business. It appears that the United States bureau of am migration has by its liberality paved the way for various complications which may appear on the dockets of the court of claims of this and other countries for some years to come. Foiled. Billy Miller says a friend cf his has been trying for two months to sell his automobile. "But he couldn't," reports the vera cious Mr. Miller. He cut the price down to almost nothing and didn't 'sei bite. So the other day he got des perate and put this advertisement '.i the paper. "I've rented a ten acre field oppo site my house. In that field I shall place the car I have been trying to sell. The first man to that car after o'clock tomorrow morning may have it.' " "And what happened?" you ask Mr, Miller. Well,' says the young man, "my friend woke up early the next morn ing and . looked ut, and there in the field were four other cars." Herbert Corey in New York Globe. With the Public Hardware Co. Mr. Ernest Ward has accepted a position with the Public Hardware company. 'He is an experienced hard ware man, having been in the business in Durham for several years. Mothers Tell of Mother's Friend Gold BEAUTIFUL CROWNS Next to Nature's Own 1 1 JUV Round IIIMB' New : ' 1 1 II ynM Thread ltlHIIlt Phoenix II 82 ' W IFl HOSE ' A Perfect n W 1 1 fc tJL Hose- For a Few More Days Guaranteed Just the Same as if You Paid Regular Price. NO PAIN COME AT ONCE Philadelphia Painless Dentists, Inc. 101 W. Main Street Phone 97C. Lady Attendant Improve Your Figure Experience ia or should be our best teacher. Women who have obeyed the highest and noblest of all sacrifices, the struggle for the life oi' others, should have a better idea of helpful influence than those who theorise from observation. At any rate when a prospective grand mother urses her daughter to do as she did to use "Mother's Friend," there is ample reason to believe it the right kind of advice. "Mother's Friend" is an external ap plication for expectant mothers. Its pur pose is to furnish pliancy to tho muscles, to take away the strain on the cords and ligaments, to relieve the tension of nerves ana tendons so apt to provoke or ag gravatc nausea, morning sickness, twitch ings of the limbs and so on. Although, in the nature or things, a woman would use "Mother's Friend" but but rarely, yet so effective has it been found that this splendid remedy is on sale in most drug stores throughout the United States. It has been prepared by BradfiPld Regulator Co., fiOB Lamar Bid. Atlanta, Ga., and advertised by us for over forty years. This is a fine record for such a special remedy and the grate lul letters received to-day are Just as appreciative as were those of years ago notwithstanding that methods are sup posed to have greatly advanced. Ask at the drug store for a bottle of "Mother's Friend. It is worth while. What is said herein of "Mother's Friend" is but a repetition of the thoughts expressed by thousands of happy mothers who have successfully used this splendid external application. J. Ed. Pe&ram Attorney at Law Offices over the Durham Cig ar Store, opposite Trust Building. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF HORACE STROWD. Application will be made to the governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Horace Strowd, convicted at the May Term of 1908 of the su perior court of Durham county for the crime of manslaughter and sen tenced to the state prison for a term of fifteen years. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the governor without delay. This the 7th day of May. 1914. . J. TEAGUE, M. O. B. W. FASSETT, M. D Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fit ting of Glasses. Hours: 9 a. m. to S p. m. Offices 301 Trust Buildlnj. Phone 987. S.C.Chambers ATTORN EY-AT-LAW OFFICES OVER GAS OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED 25 dozen Ladies' House Dresses assortments, only jtSc. Children's Dresses from 25c to $1.25. ' Nice assortment of Ladies' Skirts from 4Sc to $5.00 5,000 yards of percal, 10c kind, for the next ten days at S l-2c. Extra good Bleaching, 16 l-2c kind at 10c. Ladies Silk Hose, 25c and 50c. iCome to my store and you will benefit yourself by getting better goods for the same money at M. HASKELL "Better Goods For The Same Money" Canar Mala and If ancaxa Straata. r ad ana NaUsa. it TRIED and PROVEN Whitfield's Service people who oilce try it never try any other liv ery service, The next time you are going for a drive let us give you the same good service We have any classy outfit you may demand. .Vhiffield's Livery . Stables CLrrroH yrmmvDM, up, PHONE 711. And You Improve Your Health The approval and con tin tied recommendations of Gossard Corsets, by the greatest designers and fashion authorities, is in- teresting. To have doctor and trained nurtea advo cate them in the same breath with Fashion creators is a wonder ful tribute to a gar ment which has don i much to ' 'unage worn- j en. ' Look zt the illustrations above. Both drawn from life. The improvement shown in these average figures is not an "ideal," but a reality, which you may achieve through a cor rectlyfitted GossardCorset. Multitudes of women are healthier today than they formerly were, and the improvement in their fig ures is n one the less marked. Gossard Corsets are made in many styles at $2.00, S3. 50, $5.00 and up. A fitting at this store does not obligate you to buy. Be filttd now. j A Silk Hose That Is Absolutely Correct Here the guarantee sent out by the people who make the goods, and this guarantee you will find attached to each pair. "This Hose is guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. If it wears holes before you think it should return to us, with your dealers name and this ticket and we will give you a new pair free." Please re member you are to return the h&se with the ticket to the people who made them. The price of this hose is 75c,'$l $1.50 the pair. V New 40-inch Crepe de Chenes Are Here Priced at $1.50 the yard. In pure white, cream, pink and other shades. Also black. New 34-inch Jessamiaes Silk Crepe Priced at 58c the yard. Pure white and Copenhagen. New Real Lace Flouncing wide, priced at $5.98 the yard. Real Princess Lace, 24 inches you want something nice, this is it. If Beautiful Crepe Plisse New case just opened and on sale, thing else in the house this season, and the price is 19c the yard. This fabric has outsold every Very dainty stripes and figures tone Co, ii j DR. N. L. COINER WRIGHT BUILDING. Phocs 1039. Hours S to 1 . : DR. R. L. FELTS, Office Second Floor Building .Formerly Occupied .by . Kinds'. Drug Store. Beautiful -Building Lois Vickers Avenue, Watts St.. Gness St , facing Trin ity Campus, Modern Home, Watts St. Durham Loan & Trust Co. Alphonsus Cobb, Mgr. Real Estate Dep. PUNTS Tomato and Cabbage Plants Every Day If it's Seeds, Plants or Bulbs- The Durham Seed House PARRISH 8TREET PLANTS BY THE THOUSAND awn Hose L. W. NORTON REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. Fire, Life, Lira Stock, Automobile, Office Orer Gu Opco. Phone 405 Specials for Monday and Tuesday 50 pieces Lawn at 3c 20c Linen, in colors 10c 15c Crepes at 10c 25c Crepes at 16c 36-inch Percale pt 9c Mill end Ginghams .6c 75c Lace Curtains 45c All Dresses at very low prices Specials on Matting, Rugs and Squares. Good values in men's and boys' clothing, shoes and hats. B. Snock MAIN STREET. THE pleasuse in Having a cool, fresh lawn every morning and evening, that is perpetually green, rain or no rain, is a simple matter, by a slight expenditure at our store. This means a cool, pleasent even ing after a hot day, without discom fort from heat or dust. Cheap hose will kink and hose that kinks will soon hreak and leak, which simply means needless trouble and expense. ' Our sprinkling cans are well made, either of heavy tin or of galvanized material. Get these things early in the season and have a nice lawn all summer.-.-:. HARDWARE I 4S '1 FOR GLASSES THAT WILL DONT FAIL TO SEE FIT R. C J. JOHNSON DENTIST. Soon fit JTnut Builglnx Posit III. J gPTOMETPJSTr 207 W. Main St OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE iLcnte . Duplicated Wh!I rou Walt R. II. Sykes u v. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Over THOMAS DRUG STORE i