w r w: JTHE MORNING HERALD, MAY 13, 1914. PAGE ITVIJ CHAU TAUQUA LEAVES CITY Has Been Week of Fine Entertainment PIS BACK III 1315 feu la ta i Durham Has Pledged 1,006 Season Tickets PROGRAM OF THE LAST Mr. Flowers Delivered Interesting Lecture on Japs in the U. S. Concert of Haynes-Kel-logg Party. Last night the remainder of thousand tickets were ipledged the for the the chautauo.ua next year and jeek of attraction are again assur red thing for Durham. In fact, there were six more than a thousand pled tickets at the price of two ges for dollars. The first two requests for signa tures to the pledge cards resulted in getting 756 season tickets pledged for the coming year, and the number was raised to the required amount last night when the pledge cards were taken up. The secretary of the Y. M. C. A. stood at the entrance last night and gave the cards out asking that they be signed to be collected during an intermission in the final concert of the week. Those who have signed these pled jfW will get their tickets at two dol lars a piece. The season tickets that are sold before the Chautauqua opens next year will cost fifty cents more than this, and the tickets sold for the entire week's entertainments after the first day of the Chautauqua will sell for three dollars. This year the Commercial club and the Merchants' association who guar anteed the sale of $1,500 worth of season tickets came out about $500 in the hole. They have paid up their guarantee to the Red path people, and are trusting to a better business next year to repay this money lost on their venture in bringing the attractions to Durham. They believe the money as 'ell invested as any that has ever (;en spent for the city of Durham," and 1 j ui e . : ui up this loss next year, tor tne cnau tauqua has proved immensely popular here. No. such list of high class attrac tions have ever been brought to the city In one week's time, and no such high class attractions have ever been given in Durham at the price charged for the chautauqua shows. The last day of the chautauqua was well up to the standard that has been maintained during the week, and in fact, the entertainment given by the Haines-Kellogg company was probab ly one of the most popular that has been given. Their program in the af ternoon was a short one, but the en . tire evening was turned over to them for the night performance. Follow ing their concert in the afternoon Mr. tefltaville Flowers spoke on the Ja panese question. Mr. Flowers discussed this question from the standpoint of the Californ ian, who has been in touch with the Japanese question since it became a vital one in the affairs of that state arid nation. He told of conditions in the state of California, and said that he Japanese today were striving to-. ards the ultimate aim of citizenship ind social equality. The people of California objected to 'this because it meant the extermina- J on of American ideals and American stoms. The Japanese people do not ssimilate American customs. Other ieople coming to this country are llad to throw off their home ties, their ustoms and their ideas, and take up I'iR standards of living and the ideals f the American people. They are willing to learn , from the people of this virile young republic of the east Mr. Flowers said that while this question in the past had been one that should have been dealt with by the state of California it was the be ginning of another race problem, more imnnrtant in the seriousness of its aspect that any that had ever con fronted the American people. The Japanese not only demand the right to hold real property in this coun try. which was taken away from them by the California legislature a rew years ago, but they demand that they j made the social and political equal every American citizen. The Vpeaker said that the history of the world showed it impossible for any two nations to live together in the same land, unless one was willing to be subserviant to the other race po litically and socially. This was im possible if it was the desire of the white people to maintain their racial integrity. The wishes of the Japanese people Ln this country to obtain all the rights bt citizenship is backed by the Japa- ese nation, who claims that they ;hould have the right to acquire American citizenship as all otner ilised nations have. Mr. Flowers objected to the word others" in the demands of the Japa nese nation. He claims that tney are Just awakening from ten . thousand years of semi-barbarism, and are not as civilized as other nations of the earth. -, The suicide of the famous Ja panese general, because of his belief that the spirit of the chief adviser must go with the Mikado to the other land, was cited as an evidence of the fact that the Japanese people are not on a par with the other civilized na tions of the world. Last night the (Haines-Kellogg sing ing cbmpany gave a number of selec tions of modern and old time songs for the first part of their, program. The pianist is unusually good, and his "story telling" on the piano was one of the most amusing things of the week. The tenor has a fine voice and so has the bass. The two female voices measure up particularly well The contralto has a voice of particu lar sweetness. In addition to a fine voice the young lady has one of the most winsome stage presences to be found. She will be remembered here as one of the favorites ' of chautau qua week. The latter part of the program was a light opera, "The Gay Galatea" and it combined a good deal of singing with much comedy. QUARTER CENTURY GRESS. OF PRO- When the North Carolina college of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts opened its doors in October, 1889, it had one building and sixty-two acres. In 1914 it has twenty-one buildings, be sides barns and farm buildings, and the acreage has grown to four hun 3red and eighty-six. In the same period the enrollment has grown almost tenfold, from sev enty-two in 1889 to six hundred and eighty-two in 1914, and the faculty roll has increased from eight to fifty-five. The physical valuation of the col lege has grown at a rate which is no less astonishing. In 1889 the college had one building worth $35,000 and sixty-two acres of ground worth ap proximately $2,500. The present val ue of apparatus, furniture ana ma chinery alone (about $226,000) out values about six times the whole ini tial equipment of the college. With the present value of grounds and buildings added, it will be seen that the state has considered the college a highly desirable investment. The figures, in round numbers, are as toU lows: Present value of grounds, $899,000. buildings, $587,000; apparatus, furni ture, and machinery, $226,000. Total, $902,000. From $37,500 to $902,000 in twenty-five years, even allowing for the natural increment of land value, represents a marvelous story of pro gress. The state has emphatically and practically indicated that the in dustrial training of her sons is worth its cost. When the college was started, heads of industrial establishments and farm managers were shy about employing technical jgraduates. Now .these same classes of business men visit or write f.o "the college seeking its students, and the success of the graduates am ply justifies the change of attitude. Turn where you will in North Caro lina today, and you will find A. & M. men materially contributing to its in dustrial leadership. The same is true in other states. The A: & M. man more than holds his own wherever he goes. Some good day we hope to get them all back into the Old North state. Wi FAWPOCTOR HONEST ANDMLIABLE THE WONDERFUL CURATIVE POW ERS OF BLACK-DRAUGHT, SAYS F. R. HUFFMAN, HAVE MADE ME NAME IT MY FAMILY DOCTOR Waynes ville, N. C Mr. F. R. Huff man, district deputy, W. O. W., of this town, makes the following state ment: "Permit me to describe my experi ence of the wonderful curative powers of Thedford's Black-Draught. It has not only relieved me of indi gestion and heart trouble, "but I also believe it has affected a permanent cure in Fistula, with which I suffered terribly at the same time that I had indigestion and heart trouble. As I have not suffered from fistula for the past two years, and as I had no operation, nor used any other medi cine, Thedford's Black-Draught must have effected a cure by purifying the blood and relieving the cause indi gestion and torpid liver. For the past five, years, Thedfor'l's Black-Draught has .been my family doctor, and I haye found him to be honest and reliable." Do not allow indigestion to make a martyr of you. Your stomach is one of the most important, organs of your body. When it is. Working properly, you will feel fresh, bright, happy pnd healthy. When' it is clogged up with undigested food, you feel sluggish, worn-out, weak and miserable. For over seventy years, Thedt'ord'3 Black-Draught has been regulating ir regularities of the liver, stomach and bowels. Don't you feel the need of it? Try it. Costs only one cent a dose. At Druggists. BUSINESS GETTERS CARR WELL DRILLING CO. GOLDS boro, N. iC, expert well drillers. Wells drilled anywhere. Write for particulars. FOR SALE FOUR FARM HORSES on easy terms. Apply to A. A. Thacker. COOK STOVE AND RANGES RE paired at your home. Charges very reasonable. L. D. Rogers, Church street. W. H. ROGERS HAS MOVED HIS office to the building opposite Trust building. JOURDAN TRANSFER CO., HAS moved from Foster St. to Orange St., next to Markham-Stephens Co., T. M. Davis' old stables. L. D. ROGERS, CHURCH STREET, has the agency for the new Wilson sewing machine. 300 LOADS GOOD SAND. READY for delivery, anywhere in city. See S. Jourdan. Call 207 or 342. JOURDAN TRANSIFBR CO., HAS moved from Foster St. to Orange St., next to MarkhamiStephens Co., T. M. Davis' old stables. DEFEATED'THE BONDS Person County Voted Down the $150,- 000 for Good Roads. (Passengers returning to the city yesterday from Roxboro brought the information that Person county had voted down the bond issue of $150,000 for good roads. Among the Durham people who spent the day in Person county yes terday was Dr. N. Rosenstein. He says that according to the best infor mation at hand when he left Roxboro last night the county had failed to carry the road bonds by at least 200 votes. VARITIES France in 1912 exported 106,544 cat tle. Arizona in 1912 produced 360,000, 000 pounds of copper. Oil fields are being developed in German New Guinea. Holland pays old age pensions to eighty thousands persons over seventy: DOUBLE PROVEN Durham Readers Can No Longer Doubt the Evidence. This Durham citizen testified long ago. ... Told of . quick relief of undoubted benefit. The facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. B. Schneider, 113 Hunt St., Durham, N. C says: "I suffered from dull, nagging backaches and pains across my loins, and in the moruin:; when I got up. I was so sore and lame that I could hardly straighten. The kidney secretions bothered me and t knew that my kidneys weren't doing' their work properly. Dosn's Kidney Pills' removed the lameness and soreness and also stopped the backache. I am feeling better in every way since I took this remedy. NO TROUBLE SINCE. Later Mrs. Schneider said: "I have had no occasion to use a kidney medi cine since 1 took Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago. I am pleased to again recommend them." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simrly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Schneider had. Foster-Milburn Co., 'Props., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE 25 OR 3i SECOND -hand sewing machines. All in good condition. Priced from $5 up. L. D. Rogers, Church street. WANTED WHITE BARBER. WILL give 70 per cent. Apply to D. E. Bobbitt, Rocky Mount, N. C. FOR (SALE PRIVATELY AS A whole or by the piece, all furniture and kitchen implements of the Church street boarding house. See H. E. Davis, Prop. FOR RENT A FIVE ROOM COT- tage, furnished with modern im provements. Apply at once to No. 219 Morris stret. FOR-RENT A.-WELL- FURNISHED six room cottage on East Trinity avenue, in good neighborhood. Will take rent or part rent in board. City water and electric lights in house. A good garden attached T. M. Stephens. JOSEPH GRAHAM, M. t " Surgery, Disease of Womti. OfBea Practice and Coaanltat'oa. HTu:j 11 a. m. to 1 y. 4 i . m. to f . a. Rooms 466-8, Loan ft 'Trait !. ROSE & ROSE, Architects. Trust Bldg. Fourth Floor Durham, N. C. Phone 762 iCome to the Remnant Salex All This Week Trunks $5 to $22.50 If you want a really good, substantial Trunk that will stand hard knocks see those we are showing on the third floor. Do not pay a big price at some other store but come in and let us-show you what ex here, too, priced from $7 to $12.50. f r T f f T Y f t cellent values we are offering. Steamer trunks are I f r All Coat Suits $12.50 1 Can you use a $21) or $22.50 Suit for $12.50? Ton now select any suit from our spring line and puiN chase it for that price. Some great bargains In stock now if you do not delay. v J Also about thirty white dresses that were carried er from last year; half price now. V Vests 3 for 25c In sizes 04 to ?,H. Good val use taped in neck and sleeve. Buy yourself half a dozen. Sale of Cut Glass Next Monday j TO $1.50 to $2.50 Values SALE PRICE $1 New Brassieres DeBevoise tight corset cov ers or brassiere3 just in. Many, different' styles at 50c and $1. PRINTED PONGEES, 25C YARD Looks like dollar pongee silk, prettily printed in dainty flower designs. Comes in Copenhagen, French and navy blue, tan and reseda green. 27 inches wide and only 2ic yard. GAUZE LISLE HOSE, 1$C. Extra thin silk finish, gauze lisle hose in all sizes. To be had in tan, black; and white. Seconds of the regular 25c quality. Our special price is only 15c pair. McCALLUM SILK HOSE, $1. Best in the world for the price. If you really want a dandy silk stocking for a dollar be sure to ask to see these McCallum hose. To be had in black white, tan, light blue, navy blue, scarlet, pink, green, brojize and yellow. Enough silk darning thread with each pair for sev eral mendings. j Extra sizes in black only for stout women. Price the same, $1. CARS A. STOP f T T T T T T f T T f T X T T f A DC W4 Alt W -V- STOP DR. L. S. BOOKER Office Fourth Floor Trust Building Hours 11 to 1 p. m., and 2 to 4 p. m Practice Limited to Surgeon and Office. PHONE 905. J j J g g J DR. FOY ROBERSON, Office Second Floor .Building. Formerly Occupied by Kings' Drug Store. $ $ ,3. .j. .j. j .j. FOUSHEE and FOUSHEE Attorneys-at-Law West Main Street Opp Postofflce DR. N. P. BODDIE Office Fourth Floor Trust Building. Office Hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 1; 4 to 6 p. m. Phones Office: 20-L; Residence: 20-M. Dr. L W. Schackelford DENTIST. 111-318 Trust Buldlng PHONE 60S. OFFICE MOVED. Dr. Olive has moved his office to 106 East Main street, oyer B. W Thomas' Drue Store. HILLSIDE SPRING CO. FX)R PURE healthy spring water. Call 956-L. FOR RENT AFTER THE 15TH OF May, the old Church Street Hotel: 2(5 rooms. Apply to B. Enock, No. 116 E. Main St. Durham, N. C. FOR RENT FIVE" ROOM HOUSEON Roxboro St., near Trinity Ave., bath and lights. .1. T. Woody. DR. N. D. BITTING, Practice Limited to General Surgery, Dieases of Women. Office Practice and Consultation Office hours 11 a. m. to 12:30 P. m. . 2.30 P. m. to 4 P. nj New Offices: S1I TRUST BULIDINU DR. S. DACE M'PHERSON, M. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Glasses Fitted. Room 504, Trust Building. Office Hours: 9to 1 and 2 to 5 Phone 863. DR. E. D. BEVERS DENTIST. Office over Carolina Power and L'ghf Company. OR. H. E. 8ATTERFIELB Surgeon Dentist; first National Bank Ball41rU. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICK Having qualified as administrator of the estate of B. V. Pickett, deceased, late of Durham county, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate ol said decedent to present them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of May, 19 15, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are reqquested to make immediate settlement. May,HJ9I. ' , SYCHO PICKETT. Administrator. Argentina in January shipped 900, 000 bushels' of corn to the I'nited States. The I'nited States mints made 15- rtil.STI coins, worth $::,.4!M...m.; last year. GEO W WA T T S oks.okmt T.B PIRCE CAfiHtcA HOME SAVIN mm DURHAM. N.C. A me Dean tray By Actual Test Accnmulatitig money by saving systema tically and making prompt deposits is no experiment. It is the way that has proven lx?st by actual test. Why not put it in prai tire'.' Start an account with us. Quarterly on Savings Accounts 4 Per Cent Interest Compounded Tomato Plants ! From Pots, good Varie ties ready now. Cut Flowers, Roses, Carna tions etc. Floral designs made up at short notice, Canna Bulbs, Ferns, Geraniums .Bedding Plants, etc. Fred Roll, Florist Opposite Lake wood Park Phone 427 Manning, Everett & Kitchen Attorneys at Law TEMPORARILY LOCATED AT 226 PARRISH ST. NearJPost Office, Over Draughan & Ferrell PHONE 474 9 WtKUnXMSSBBBBBBBM The best Suit I ever saw for the money is the comment of every man that has seen the Spring Suit3 we are selling at JUST FIFTEEN DOLLARS Knowing that this price is so pop ular we place great stress on our Fifteen Dolar Suits and we offer lines of Suits that we believe can not be duplicated elsewhere. The man who stays away from our Fifteen Dollar Blue Serge Suit, will stay away from the BEST FIFTKBN DOLLAR SUITS the town affords. HAVE YOUR GLASSES made and fitted by me. My Optical service is the most ex pert that 20 YEARS' experience and scientific knowledge can produce. DR. S. RAPPORT, Office Over Pridgen and Jones' I 1 I ATKINS Northwestern To receive Northwestern Dividends you must carry Northwestern Policies.---Atkins-Trust Duilding SNEED MARKHAM TAYLOR GO. The Home of Good,CIothes at the Right Price ModeenDances! Dip., One Step, Ml On The Victrola And we are selling Victrolas on THE CLUB PLAN Small payments down--SI.50 per week Phone us and ask particulars SAFEST FOR SAVINGS OPEN ON SATURDAYS TO 8 P.M. . . i m IT. in 1 NORFOLK & WESTERN. OJ, H. A. G A SKINS i Five Points Schedule in Effect May 12, 1914 Kx S ! D'lyj J D'ly Ex S 6:4.Lv. Durham Ar. I : 1 r 11: 7:..:; S:27 Lv Den stoa Ar,;:l'. 3.4.". 8:2". S:.r.iLv S. Boston Ar6:55, S: 12 11 ::..1 1.'". Ar. Lynch'bg Ar 1:1".; 5: 15 p.raajm P-m. am Connects at Lynchburg North a,nd East and Weet and Northwest. Pullman Sleeping Cars, Parlor Cart, Dining Cars. Tor additional information apply to ticket offices or to W. B. BEVIUj W. C. SAUNDERS, Pass. TralT. Mgr. 5en. Pa?s. AgL Roanoke, Va. HBsTarHCBrsTn Hi SCRUGGS AND CANADA CONSTRUCTION CO. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON BUILDINGS OF ALL KINDS Concrete and Brick Work a Specialty OFFICE OVER'GRAND THEATRE

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