V THE MORNING HERALD,' TONE 27, 1914 , y 3 X jUAl . j JLiii jit -it ifffiiinmfM', 1 II Mill 1:53?. -rt - . ':'' 0 Si HALF PRICE CN AIA CLOTBflra IT THIS 'S -:::' ; v sale ; -:r " ,. ' .20 Men suits reduced to . . ..; . ; $18 Men suits reduced to : V .". , $15 Men suits reduced to . . I $12 Men suits reduced to . ; . . . : men suits reaucea to $8 Men suits reduced tq . ..$10 $7.50 V.$6 . ' . '; $5 ...$4 Boy's suits from 98c up to $6.98 ; Men pants 98c up to $3.48 III sucir PAIIJ UOLMI CRM SuffcredEverythinzUntilR E, Pinkham's Veeta ble Compound. 'IS r DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 25c fancy tahle covers at : ; ; . . . . . . $1.50 Meaaline at . ...... .... , . . . , t . . . . . $1 serge at . . . . . . . ... . , . .. . . . . . . . . 36 incK doraestic al .......... . . . . . .10 yards, bleachiiiff and cambric 10c kind for. 10 yard Ijiiudles E. D. Ginghams for yards 40 inch lawn for . ..... y 7 yards light calico for . 25c ladies.' black silk stocking, . . ... 25c boy's union suits .............. 3 gauze vests $1.50 rugs $4.50 art squares . ... $2 ladies' dresses v.-4 ,v. $1 ladies' toj3 skirt's ...... 79g, .cUildrdn 's' dresses '. . . :. 59c Yd 59c. Yd t 79c Yd ,5c Yd I ..,.73c ' ...49c '' J ..25c . .15c ..15c . .25c ..69 c .$2.79 . .89c . .39c ..39c i...!.ji..imiiii.i.iii,i,.hiiiiIi,i,! Ladies' slippers 59c up to $2.48 ' r Men's slippers 98c up to $2.89 ' Boy's slippers from 98c up to $1.98 ; i, . Children 's slippers from 49c up 500 pairs of babies' shoes 25c kind for .9c Thousands of bargain Ave cannot mention 3 HOME OF BARGAINS .Florence Sc'Dakota. "I used to-be eryidt -every month , with bearing down pain and backache, and bird headache a good deal of the time iUVI very little anpetit. The pains were; so bad that I used-to sit rightdown on jpw floor and cry, be cause jt hurt me and I could not'lj any work at thosn times;: An old (H man advised me to try Lydia EL PinJcr liam s Vegetable Compound and I got s, bottle. I felt better the next month So I took three' more bottles of it and got" well so' 1 cottld work all' the time, iil hope every woman who suffers like I ilt will trv Lvdia K. Pink ham 8 VegetaLle Compound.!'- lira. P. W. Lansei! Route Ka 1, Florence, South Dakota. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out or drag"ont a sickly, half hearted exbtence,missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?' -' For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has ?- Atored the health of thousands of women who have been .troubled with such aug ments as displacements, inflammatory uiceration,'.tumors, irregularities, 6tc; If yon want special advice write t lydia E.' Pinkham Medicine Co. (confli dentlal) lijn&inass. lour leiierwiu be opened, read and answered bv'l man and held in strict coafideiiM I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice Is hereby given that I wwi on the 9th day of July, 1814, apply to his Excellency, Lock Craig, govern- lor of North Carolina, for the pardon of Lemuel Roberson, who was convict ed 'at the February term of the ham County Superior Court for tp illegal handling of spirituous liquor Persons desiring to oppose the parqpm are hereby notified, that they can pre sent their cause for "opposition to This the 18th day of June, 1914. J. J. ROBERSON. ' Father of Lemuel Robersorr. DR. N. Dl BITTINCC Praotle Limited to General 9wftit Diseases of Women, Oflloe Practice and CommlUtSoa f Offle noura 11 a. m. to 12:tt M t. m. to 4 t. Naw Offlcea: :vs gll TRUST BULIDINC - ' "r' . .,y. i r-i ., . ... . .. .... - ' iiitj ; - " . .. .- " - - . I J w I i PHflnn 1 1 12 Lots One Block From Car line will be sold at public auction on Satur day, June 27th at one' o'clock P. M. on the premises corner 'C st. and Eighth st. Only one block from the new Grad ed School. This property is known as the Whitfield property. Terms of sale 1-4 cash, balance in 6 mo. i2 mo. or 18 months. Any imfbrmationiwill be sup- plied by J. VI. Burroughs Office Over Gas Office i f Aldermen! Had No Trouble Getting to the New Dis posal Plant WAS GLAD TO GIVE IT Board Last Night Ordered . the Issue of $60,000 for Sewerage Work .. . The aldermanic committee appoint ed to interview property owners on Blackwell's . branch and Third Fork creek about getting the right of way for the extention of the pipe line from the present outfall of the sewer from the southern section of the city to the proposed location of the dis posal plant have not experienced any trouble in getting these people to consent to 'laying the pipe line across their land. ' Rather than the opposition which it had been feared would develop all of the property owners on the two creeks, were not only willing to allow the pipe line, but seemed glad that the city had found this solution of the problem which has caused a good deal of friction between the city and the people of that section for the past ten years. These people have been unalterab ly opposed not only to the sewerage being emptied on their land, but al so to the construction of a disposal plant on land they would have to sell the city. Most of them were of the Dpinion that the -disposal plant would not do the work claimed for it, and they did not want the experiment tried on their land. Since the city purchased the Presley Markham farm and is going to estab lish the plant there the people in the southern part of the county feel better about the situation. The aldermen met last night and adopted the recommendation of the finance committee for a bond issue for sewerage amounting to $60,000. The bonds will bear interest at four and a half percent, and will run for fifteen years. The bids for these bonds will be opened on the evening of July 21. Advertising the bonds for sale, and having the validity' of the issue in vestigated by the- proper authorities has been left with the United States Mortgage and Trust company. The biggest portion of this money will be spent in the erection of the disposal plant on the city farm, and the work will be started some time in the near future. The aldermen have secured the temporary services of Mr. Harbett Keuffner .as civil engineer. and he will go to the farm and lay out the site for the disposal plant just as soon as possible. Witli the ground plans of the pro posed location it will be an easy mat ter for Mr. White to complete the plans. - Then the actual work will be started soon thereafterwards. It will take something like six months of good weather to complete the plant and get it in good working condition. . In addition to the erection of the plant the aldermen will have to build sewer extensions from the southern part of the city to the new plant. The Burcli avenue section of the city is still unconnected, and so is the Alston avenue section, as well as cer tain parts of Hayti. It will be neces sary to build another line of pipe from these various sections to the new disposal plant, and these pipe lines will take up a good part of the money secured from the sale of these bonds. 1 m mo) vS 1 1 5 UULi contains enough f Ioui fezzti milk, sugar, shortening, baldnjf powder and flavoring to moLq a delicious three-layer . calr&' 70R the unexpected guest!' -'. Just slip down to die corner grocery, Buy a package of Ka-Ko and "merely add water and bake". And behold! a delicious cake for dinner Ka-Ko makes most delightful layer cake, cup cakes, strawberry short cake and many other kinds without the usual worry, bothei and uncertainty of the old way. You imply can't go wrong. The very best of eggs, the purest of milk, selected floor, sugar, shortening, baking powder and flavoring are doubly mixed in the correct proportions to pro duce a rich, delicious cake merely by thm addi tion of water. All our products are mixed, packed and sealed by electrically-' operated automatic machines into parchment-lined, air-tight cartons which keep the contents in their orig inal fresh condition. Ka-Ko is the original beware of in ferior imitations. TODAY buy a package of -PJ ANY GROCER 'Merely add water and bake Ka-Ko and water make cake" THE CONFERENCE J SWING Opening Address Was By Irjbsiding Elder Harry t$ M. North DELEGATES PRESENT -The The Power of Habit Casey Do yez always ahmoke after yer dinner, Moike O'Brien Ol do. Shure, me dinner don't taste right whin Oi ate it onless CM have a shmoke afterward. Boston Transcript Hillsboro, N. C. .lune L'U. Durham district conference, of the i Mothnriiat ohnrnh la o funeral services Quite a good number of ministers and lay representatives are in attendance. Presiding elder, Harry M. North, mxde the opening address Wednes day night. Dr. William P. Few, of Trinity college, and Dr. S. B. Turren tine, of Greensboro, addressed the conference last night. Every hospi tality that the town affords has been extended to the delegates free of charge. The conference has been a most successful one from every point of view. . . The final sessions of the conference will be held this afternoon. Among the lay representatives over for the day yesterday were Gen. J. S. Carr and Charles Scarlett, of Durham, and R. T. Strowd, of Chapel Hill. Alexander II. Graham, the young est son of Major John W. Graham, of this place, has just returned from Harvard university, where he has been perming the study of law. Mr. this state last August, but chose an other year of study before beginning practice. He will be associated with his father in practice. Hillsboro this week mourns the loss of one of her eldest and best beloved citizens, Mrs. William S. Strudwick, widow of the late Dr. Strudwick. Mrs. Strudwick wa3 in her 80th year. The cause of her death, which occurred Thursday morning at 4 o'clock, was a general breakdown. She leaves surviving her two sons, Mr. Edmund Strudwick, of Richmond, Va.. and Mr. Shepherd Strudwick, of Hillsboro. and three daughters, Miss Annie and Miss , Margaret Strudwick and Mrs. T. M. Arrowsmith. Fbr a number of years Mrs. Strudwick has made her home w ith Mrs. Arrowsmith ami it was there that she died. The were held at tne home yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Her First Words, .t.-.-.---The late duke of Sutherland; who was the largest landowner in Europe had at Dunrobin castle a small pri vate railway line, and often amused himself by driving the engine. laere is a little story that illus trates the reverence in which bis. highland tenants held the duke. t He was driving his little train one afternoon when he ran down an ; old woman. She was not seriously hurt the amateur engineer never went very fast and after ten or fifteen minutes she came to. . Her first words were these: "Is the duke very angry?" Exchange. The British Musicians' union .has., succeeded in obtaining a wage In crease in sixty-live of the leading , theatres in London. VALUABLE ADV1C E Durham Citizens Should Profit By The Following Statement Doan's Kidney Pills were used by this Durham resident Their merit was shown the story told. Now comes further evidence. The testimony is confirmed. The remedy was tested the results lasted. Could Durham residents demand stronger proof? It's Durham testimony. It can be Investigated. J. V. Thompson, 201 South street Durham, N. C says: "I am pleased to confirm. my' former statements recom mending Doan's Kidney Pills. In 1903 they were first used fn my family, be ing procured from Mrbry's Drug Store, and they, proved ao. effective In re lieving kidnev complaint that I en dorsed them. I am glad to make the fact known that the benefit they brought me has been permanent Ton are welcome to use my name at any time you desire." Price So. at ail dealers. Don t sun- ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. J Thompson had. Foster MUburn 0; Props, Buffalo, N. T. -4' ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' : ' Department , of State -CERTIFICATE OF DISCUSSION To all whom these presents may come Greetings: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, do Dosited In my office, that the Hall- Wynne Company, a corporation of this ' state, whose principal office is situat-i ed in the city of Durham, county of j Durham, state of North Carolina, J. S. Hall being the agent therein ana In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements or Chapter 21, Revised of 1905, entitled "Corporations." prelinv Inary to the issuing of this certifi cate of Dissolution: Now. therefore. I. J. BRYAN GRIMES, secretary of state of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 22nd day of June. 1914, file In my office a duly executed and attest ed consent in writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the procedings sre now on file in my of fee as provided by law. In testimony whereof. I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh. ths 22nd dayjof Jane. A- D, 1914. i " J. BRYAN GRIMES. 'v '." Secreary of State Motorcycle Talli The Harley Davidson and Indian the word's best Look up tb records of Motorcycles and see for yourself. Not the difference, when a motorcycle passes you on the street-note how nice the Indian and Harley Davidson glides along. Note that the rider, don't look tired or fatigued. Cal 776 and et a demonstration or either make. S. E. ROCHE - Opposite Academy of Moalo Systematic Saving' LEARN THE VALUE ; t . of habits of the thrift and be prepared for the busi ness opportunities which present themselves by .sysr tematically Saving a part of your income. . . This bank pays 4 per cent on your savings and safe1 guards them iu every possible way. ! ! -W. J. CHRISTIAN, Pre W P CLEMENTS, V officers: W. K. MASON. Cashier. - J. U LOCKHART, A est Caahlar. int. sis r-i ,1 inrijir vt p p fl

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