,TIIE MORNING HERALD, SUND V. MARCH 2. 1310 PAGE NWUS HOW WOBBPARE to salute the flag 4 ...- .fc4wW--.i.4aJi JjAt-fey ; . r J. J I : ; . 'War Camp Commiinlty Service has circulates an "Honor the. Flag Pledge" among its many women workers ana those ol its affiliated or ganizations and girls' divisions, and has also appealed to every important -woman's organization in the country to co-operate .with the movement ot establishing the precedent for women to stand at salute to the Amer ican Flag or when the national anthem is being played the same as men. No sooner was the pledge sent out from War Camp Community Ser vice, than the National Headquarters was besieged with requests for the correct method of saluting. As prescribed by military, authorities and as taught in the schools, it is as follows: "At the approach of the flag raise the right hand smartly till the rip ot the forefingers touches the lower part ot the headdress above the right eye, thumb and forefinger extended and Joined, palm to the left, forearm inclined to about forty-five degrees, hand and wrist straight. At the same time look toward the flag.When it has passed, drop the aiu manly to the side.'i I TP TUmZmdi&taZm ,rl Gaby Deslys starring in "INFATUATION," at tre Broadway Theatre Monday and Tuesday. 1 ; PADEREWSKI-Mastcr P I A NTS T AND NATION MAKER 1 USES NUXATED IRON To Obtain Renewed Energy, I Power and Endurance Dr. Kenneth K. MacAlpine, .for, t6 Years Adjunct Professor New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Says That in His Opinion Nuxated Iron is The Most Valuable Tonic, , Strength and Blood Builder Any Physician Can Prescribe. ' Ignace Jan Paderewski, one of the ' greatest musical geniuses of the age, at a time when his untiring work for Poland overtaxed his strength and im paired his health had recourse to Nuxated ' Iron to help rebuild his wasted forces and restore his, old time health and strength. "With the tremendous strain im posed by over two years of almost ceaseless work In the cause of his fatherland, of which he is the foremost figure today, it is- easily understood why Paderewski sought the sustaining tonic -benefit of Nuxated Iron," says Ignace Jan Pad erewski, the new Polish Premier who took Nux ated Iron when he Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly wa? in a week and run-down condition anu mccucu Bomcimng to DUIla up strength and energy. physician of Bellevue Hospital, (Out door Dept.), New York, and the West chester County Hospital. Lack of and be just as particular about kee iron in the blood not only makes a ,ng up a sufflcient 8Upply ata u man a physical and mental weakling, tnere would in my opinion be far ,e88 nervous, irritable, easily fatigued, but disease resulting from anaemic, weak it utterly robs him of-the virile force, ened condition8- inai uu Dcusw ... "Nuxated Iron, by enriching the which are so necessary to success and bIood and rPfl-t.n. nw hnn Ua power in every walk of life. Thou sands of men and women are impair ing their constitutions, laying them selves open to illness and literally strengthens the nerves, rebuilds the weakened tissues and helps to instill renewed energy Into the whole System whether the patients be young or old. losing men si 'f "" in. my opinion Nuxated Iro nis the cause their blood is thinning out and mo8t valuabIe tonlc 8trength and possibly starving through lack of iron. blood buider physician can pre. Iron la absolutely essential to enable scribc." your Biuua i a..D. If vou are not stron Qr weU eat into musclar tissue and brain. owe it to your8eIf to make th foUow ' Without Iron tere is no strength, vi- in5 test. gee how long can work tolity and endurance to combat ob- or how far you can wa,k mout be-1 stacles or withstand severe strains. comIllg tired Next uke twQ flye. To help make strong sturdy men of grain tabIets or ordinary Nuxated blood and iron there is nothing better Iron timeg per day after meaJg than organic iron Nuxated Iron. for two weekg. Xnen te8t your .Mr. Paderewski says: ' I am using 6trength agalll and 8ee how much Nuxated Iron very frequently and haTe gained. v consider it as an excellent tonic." mancfactttrers note: Nuxated . . . Iron, which la recominen-lr 1 abore. la not a A prominent New i ork Surgeon ana H-rt rrmwir but one which : wn knnwa Former Adjunct Professor of the New everrwhere. uniik. th older '- . .. , . , Inorganic Iron prod acta, it hi aaailr aadml- York Post Graduate Medical School uteu and dM not injur the tUthTmak aad Hospital,. Dr. Kenneth K. Mac- nra blc- it tn -atomaea. Ti, . , , .... -, j maaofactawa . mnntw aoceaavfail and Alpine, says: If people WOUld Only eotirWr awlaf.ctory mnlti ta arery Par roalixe that iron is Jt as Indispen- chaarr w thr will refund roar mener. It sable to the blood as Is-air to the lungs H'r o - COMMITTEES TO HOLD MEETING Mayor Arranged for Meeting in Aldermanic Chamber Fri day Night TO WELCOME SOLDIERS Alro to Arrange for Holding Big Semi-Centennial Celebra tionOnly Tentative Plant Made r Kridnj Definite plans for welcoming Dur ham soldiers home, and to celebrate the city's semi-centennial will be formulated at a meeting of com mittees representing various organiza tions of the city, to be held in the board of aldermen chamber Friday night at 8 o'clock. The call for the meeting was issued last night by Mayor M. E. Newsom, simultaneously with the announcement of committees from the' various organizations. The meeding will be for the purpose of giving all organizations a joint op portunity to launch proper plans for the ,big celebration and welcoming event Should a plan be formulated at the Friday night meeting, a general com mittee and complete organization will prooaoiy be nrrauu'ci. hid huu. -i 01 the organization will be to nee to ii that the proposed celebration in held ou a large scale, beilitlng tho fit y, Tentative plans t hut have been outlined by citizens who art interest ed Indicate that Hid celebration Is to be the roautre event or liu city, Money, it U said, will be no question In arranging a program that will do honor to Durham's returning heroe. Citizens who formerly liked hero, hut are now making their home elsewliete will be invited back for the occasion They will be given the weWnir of the- city and its citizens. The committees to meet night are as follows: Board of Alder;nfn Mayor M. R. Newsom, W. K. Uoyti, F. t'arr and A. H. Cnuthen. Itea Cross Mesdnries J. S. Hi!!. G. C. White, H. E. Seeman, T. E. Cheek, L. A. Tomlinson and J. E. DriRCoU. Merchants Association W. C. Fin sler, J. D. Pridgen. C. C. Council, J. H. Sneed and W. O. Bntham. Rotary Club. E. I. Bugg, D. W. Horton, and O. C. White. Chamber of Commerce L. B. Markham, General J. S. Carr, George W. Watts, W. A. Erwin, E. J. Green, It. L. Lindsey and Ernest Seeman. Ministerial Association W. A. Ay ers. Dr. E. R. Ley bum and W. C. Martin. The above committees were ap- organizations upon tequest of Mayor Newsom. The matter wns taken in nun, u) i iiu mayor uikmi suggiMtlon of i liizem iuteiestd, out wi!l Hi?' Le lift em inly to action by the coin luitUeH ut the Friday rij;ht mo8'.i.;K. Such lii ns us the committees may be decided upon will be carried out in detail. The underUklng, it is ex plained, is by all means the nioht tin poriHiit in the city's history, and will meiin that a large and active org'tni xnl inn will have to be formed. 1T0R SHOTS VICTORY LOAN Accepts County Chairmanship in Letter to the State Chair man Durham's organization for putting across the fourth government loim, to be known as the "Victory loan," Is to be perfected during the ensuing week, according to announcement is sued. Saturday nlglit by Chairman M. E. Newsom. The announcement followed close ly the acceptance of the chairman ship by the Durham mayor. Many of the couuties throughout the state, it is said, have already or ganized and are working vigorously for the coming drive, which will take place during the mouth of April. The success of Mayor Newsom in the second and Uurtd liberty loan drives made hia acceptance of the chairmanship for the fourth loan im perative, according to a letter ho rr celved from Stale Chairman Joseph E. Brown. In accepting the (halrmnnsbip Mr. Newsom Iiuh written Mr. Brown that this rouniy cm be counted upon as in pust camimigiiH lor its ulture. Tho organizHtKiii, the mayor stnted Saturday night', will he pei Ceoieil along lines similar to I hone used in the third liberty lonti. The com mil lee lists will be completed with in a few days and will be nnule public Immediately thereafter. No information as to what will hn the amount of Durham county'" tunt: l.as nob yet been obtuined. It probably be, however, as larjr ns that in the last campaign. To make the local efforts entirely huccohsI'ui l will be necessary for every man and woman In the county to put forth IiIh or her bent work, Mr. Newsom said. The Durham chairman has no htfcl tnncy in declaring that Durham can he counted on. This city, he said Saturday night, has responded nhly a ndnobly bo every call that has been made by the nation during the war. The Victory loan will if anything be more important and more necessary than any of the previous loans. "There is not. a chance for Durham to hesi tate in doing the right thing," he said last night. SUM WORKERS MAKING HEADWAY Finuhed Up Last Week in Bra gt own and Rougemont Sections San'taiy Officer Hugh I-awson, of fie local health department, has de dared wur on the "pig pen nuisance" in Kant and West Durham, as well a the county, and Is serving notices nii.ny people who have pig pens, within ami fept of their homes, ihey must be moved immediately. The officer yesteijay notified 12 owners of pens that they must be moved in the Immediate future. He is making a canvaas of the entire country. Albany. Ore.. Feb. " En rout a home io Join his "widow" and "be reaved" parents, Paul B. I'ietrofc, ex perienced the rare sensation of read ing a newspaper account of his "glor ious death in France," and of seeing his name in the official casualty list on the day he stepped from (the train at home. He found his wife in widow's weeds and his parents strick en with grief. iVeo;. Announcing a New Victory Model Sixesr' TofFk New Standards T FOR ENDURANCE, FOR ECONOMY, FOR STRENGTH ; The new Mitchell Six announced today is more than a new model, though new in a hundred ways. It marks a new conception of motor car requirements. It sets a new citerion in this class. These are no ordinary advances. They mean a -revolution in ingeering principles. A conservative estimate by this car's creators is that they have add ed 50 per cent to strength, 75 per cent to endurance, 25 per cent to economy and 20 per cent to comfort and to beauty. MORE THAN 100 CHANGES They made a study of every Mitchell part. They reviewed the records of Light Sixes tens of thou sands of them. They located every short coming. Then they fixed new standards on scores of vital parts. They spent $250,000 on new machinery and equipment for accurate workmanship and more ex acting tests. They adopted the extreme inspection methods, which the Government installed here for trucks. Now 135 trained inspectors watch and test every de tail of these cars. They created a new car new in body, new in chassis, new in strength and endurance, new in fine ness and finish. It is based on new standards, new principles. This new Six embodies more than 100 j important improvements more than any new car has brought out in years. SOME OF THE GREATEST j Rear axle strength is increased 50 per cent. Brake efficiency is increased 75 per cent. Frame strength ! is increased 50 per cent by adding 1 inch depth. The gears are made 25 per cent stronger, and a new hardening process insures uniformity. Our new crank shaft shows 35 per cent more tensile strength and 25 per cent greater hardness. They are twice ! balanced on new type balancing machines. ' Our steering gear is 10 per cent stronger and fitted : with, ball bearings. Jerks and jars which tire the I driver are vaoided in it. All these increases are veri- fied by actual comparative tests. , i A perfect disc clutch is adopted. New machines i are installed for testing axles, motors and transmis- i sions, then the chassis complete. And 135 trained ; inspectors do nothing but watch parts, make tests j and analyses. i r OPERATING COST CUT 25 PER CENT. ' Much waste of power is saved by new and costly methods of cylinder construction. A thermostat controls the temperature of air, liquids and gases. Te carburetor intake is so heated that low grade gasoline is completely vaporized. These changes have cut gasoline and oil cost 25 per cent. Our wheelbase is 120 inches, to give a roomy car. Our body frame material costs twice the usual, to make the bodies staunch. We use interlaced hair in the upholstery, because it stays in place. We use four coats of varnish, instead of the usual two, to double the endurance of tfte finish. Weight is increased. Chrome-Vanadium and Chrome-Nickelt steels are used in abundance. There are 123 drop forgings. Bgt we have not changed our long cantilever springs, which have made the Mitchell the most com fortable car, and which have never broken not one spring on 40,000 cars. A SURPRISING PRICE. Remember that the Mitchell, before these improve ments, was leader in its class. It had won enormous successes for us, and world wide reputation. And now we have added over 100 betterments, 75 per cent more endurance, 50 per cent more strength. Yet the price is $1,475 below any car of like size, power and class. This car at this price forms the supreme example of Mitchell factory efficiency. We build the com plete car motor, chassis and body under scienti fic methods which have made this factory famous. This matchell car at this underprice shows what those methods mean. $1475 F. O. B. RACINE. For Touring Model. Wheelbase 120 inches. Six cylinder motor, long stroke, cylinders 3'i.x5. Tires 34x4.' , Three Passenger Roadster at same price. Also made as a new style Touring Sedan $2175 f. o. b. Racine, Wis. Bnnrtomm Biaggy ComnipaEy STATE DISTRIBUTORS. MARKET STREET . . DURHAM, N.C.