N I NETEEN fOUiiTE K N 7 n 5 1 i 1 h V M I 1 1 J ii II S I M I J i H iflTi J - JT, i tl INDUSTRIALLY El kin's Manufactured Products Cover ' the Globe Her Produce Market is the Largest in the State Klkin is destined tu become tilt hirL'ist ami best town in .North Western North Carolina. With tin until v natural resources which an yielding so rapidly to tin- pro cess of development, with tin op eninir uit of tln section traversed lv tin' Klkiu & Allt hnny Kail roail and the abundance of raw material tliiiH brought within I huge of tin? factory, with tin greatest market in tin state for fount ry produce, with tin large ami varied inunufacturiiig nidus tries nml with the unified an ng grcssive disposition ulways in ev idence among the citi.t ns of tin town, Klkin 'a intended goal seems nlnioHt inevitable. Klkiu is essentially h maiuifiK tnring town, all of the thirteen large manufacturing plants, ex eept two, having been establish ed here within the pant twenty yearH. At present there i a sum of ?(i.'.(),(MM) invested in the maim factoring plant in the town nmlj each year them? plant do a vol .line of business n in on ii t i 1 1 to 41, f00.K0. During the yeitr there pre 2,.'H ear loads of manufactur ed good shipped from Ktkin to nil port of tin 1'iiited State. Can tola and Mexico, many of the pro ducts rem hint; a mnnlter of for eign countries. Almost MX) labor era are employed in the factories here, receiving annuallly flMJ.OOO in wage and nalnry. The Chat lit in Manufacturing Co., Elkin' first manu'actiiring industry, has the largest woolen mill in the Smith fcr the manufacture of blanket est lusively and their fiuel' blanket are to bt found rvi-n as far as the Pacific LLiiu. T!i Klkiit Shot- 'a.. i!t h i aiti il) t,t 4'H) .Hirti f tiiin a day, lm ttte tiirgist brpgnn slioo fai tory in the u,1i mi, Mie Ilitoti l.lklli SinM-" are to tn fmni-t n nsiii' ttioiinand feet in liulf a dozen state. More than 'U per cent of the telegraph and telephone in siilator pin and bracket us.-il in the I'nited State and a large per rent of tliosf used ill Canada ami Mtico nr? cianufartured S,re 1) the Klkin Ma.-hinery Co., whirl, ow.i tin aiitoninti'! lathe, iuvciitcd and patented by Ab Brown, a l tal uiAii. This machine, the cn'.y one of it kind in mUtcuce, la a rapacity of 40,(XX) or nlxiut & car loiiil of brat lit! a dar and Mr. Hrovn n fum. $-Jf..O0t)'ftr the pat rut. Th ".!,iii (annitij Co. d: till. tthutwt 'ioO.tsJU ga!oJi of Mackbcrriri duriiig Uu nuiamer f.4 imu jef ud ifive rtepioy nimt to l,rnX) to ZXM iM-opte wlioiu... Atkin.n Co. and Mob-mull ran tarrie and other fniits atulj P'"'". Co arc loct.d in Klkin and! Vegetable by rontracU ThuKik-jiu adjoining building. Tin' two1 in l'uriiiturc Co. t,l.it about 0: "-e hnve a rciobiiul n..i ntuw.! tar loa.iii oi it iietl root n auit. t -It iff oilier, filing ens. . etc., to horthrrn, ":?'. rn and Pai if., coast mtctrs a Well a to Can., tl and aeveral foreign eountrte The Kidson canning on t fit , a lee a! invention " mannfactttred by the Dixie Hardwire and Maisufattur ing Co., is now in tme in l.'.OOO home acatternl over nine doTcr cut atate and Kidsnn mail loxe cover the name, territory. The Klkiu let & Light Co., with it brick machine baring a dai'y ca ant r of 2",000 trick and ten ton i e plaid, does a Yo!nmrt of luui ins amounting to tlOO,(XXi aniui ally in supplying this and siir i i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 ic towns and eoiinlry with these products. The Kl kin Veneer and Manufact uring Co. ships tin mially ;!(M! ear loads of veneer a!', over the I'nitde State:) and Cana da, the hulk of th in product going to New York, Pennsylvania and other Middle Atlantic. States. Anting the other plants that man ufacture nml sl ip large quantities of Klkiu products are the follow ing: The Klkiu Bottling Co., which has a capacity of UIK) dozen I otth s of IVp.si Cola tand fruit drinks a day; W. It. Minick & I'io., manufacturers of finished building material, kitchen cabi nets, tallies, etc.; Klkiu Buggy Co., manufacturers of high grade bwg gi .1. W. Mat Ida, harness mak ing ami repairing; a cotton mill established in 18 17; and the Klkin Holler Mill h, which supply Klkin and the surrounding vomit ry with Diamond Dust flour and other grain products. ' . Klkiu ha the distinction of be ing the largest country produce innrki t in North Carolina, with ehiekt fts and cgir as the princi pal products. 'I'lie K'.kin ainl Al leghany Iiuco Co, and the Caih Produce Co. buy and ship to nor thern market more than 10,000 coops of chickens, and h,000 rases, almost three juitlion eggs, annual ly, making nrta!y average of c bout :i."t cooim of chicUiiH and more that 10,000 eggs. " ' . , During the season of six months. h-t Wei ll April 1 and Oct. 1, these j f!iiii tl.i,i 4,!!!0 i in of soring hi' h-'iis. each coop averaging 4'i poiiliiU nttd enntsioitig 40 fliick (in. I'.ir tun iitonllis in the s rni?. ,.tl ,MH! Ol lltm, filrlt t'i(p f w-nutiiiiir rsimu? tat pounds, w,- ', tik'it'it and lii,pi d. ! l,r tin poollry prn-t'icti, which utf rais'-tl at prai tienllv Ito I eSpellse. H tie le IS Very little L m i-'itii fit- jHiultry raising in t!os section, the farmer for a raJiu of ten or fiftfeii liiiha aroMnd re eivi ahr.ost lirl.CXK) nnmutHy, The chii ken and rgg liusine in I.lnoi litt llirreaseti a d about VM perj .t liwt ear. U' nl.t uiii.ii) the ptta iii ad htiou to the poultry pro-1 dints, these companie buy audi fchi a!ul T.Ht.(iii) Hur:U ofj fmit and 4 . H K bushel of peach! B'd. auiiually, while th biuiueiu! in in t' wax, root end herbs, fur,) green and dry hslcr. and other! rteir.try prodUvt U uf no inrn-i snirraMf 'imotinU I Two of tlm hsggent whf)lrale! ifwerv fnrrt in N"rth Caruliua.! of poplar? fn't and lave a! Volume of busineiui amoiintiiii? to annually, 'i l.ev i 'arry a full Jy1P of grocery an ! tm a nr7' husiiipi in a a; lu un of notion, rovcrh.g rather thor. ongl 'y the count ie of Alleghany, Ashe, Iredell, Snrry, Wilkeg and Ya.lkin with tht good handled through their (dorrs, Thcae two boos. jcir.tly n-.m and rondint the Klkin & Allcghnnv I'rotiueo Co., tiie busineiui rf tlo rompanv amounting to $1.'V000 a year. To provide a home market for t . i i ((Vmtinui d on pjre 1") r. - .... ELKM Iii'TERNALLY Klkin in ono of the tno.st dosira blu places In North Carolina in which to live. Any man, woman or child, whoc-ntors the town find shows any inclination to join in tin1 projrn'sH and spirit of the citizens, receives a hearty and encouraging welcome. Klkin is located in the south western corner of Surry county within half u mile of the Yadkin and WilUes county Jines. The Yadkin river hounds the south err, side of the town, while the Klkin creek juns through it. The elevation U X,() feetabove sea (Continued on pae 1) ELKIN OFFICERS WHO ARC HUSTLERS. StniwimK': (left to ri)t) (5. T. Ud!i. J. S. Atkin-win, K. (i. C'lh-k. (I.N. IVnlen- hdm,r t ,ii,!'"dJiil.-iT!1irj K!lf!i,,- l..fi I L It f1! ..I i t - ' - ArtulIfM, Mayor; W W. THE PEOPLE OF ELKIN DO THINGS Elkin Found That She Needed a Better School Building. The plan have been drawn. Him eontno t l-t and thf f.::::. !.it;..;, ef tr.I for a tntnirru l-.Ti.nno bri, k Hchtl TvilHins. An i h vtiwii hrld on Man h vo, I'.'H, to v.de homhi f.r this building Nft a Single Vote Was C.i Ajiinst Thcss Bends Elkin Found Thit She Needed Water Works. Tin water t.iaiu have Lee,, laid, th tan.pij -r- t-1 and the silter l tef U h-lv in..t.iII,Hl. Au elm li.m was hrhl t.u Jan. ,M( PM4, P vote r,t;i: la UtU.U fur water work. Not a Single Vote Was Cast Against These Bonds Elkin Fouitd That She Needed a Setvcrsje System. Hewer pi s Mre already !ai ! prartt. ally all oer She town. An lecti.u4 was hel l m Jn!l. jo, p.ii4. tnnta on ;7,tH)ii in Isuiils for sewerage pnrj-eg. Not a Single Vote Was Cast Against These Donds Elkin Found Thit She Needed a Bttter Lighting Flant. The t iliens nf the town, fonned the Carter Fall Power Co, atel. iiirt.nneisinn iu, tin. town, wiilrtm. Ktftnt a data and install a I'.o h.rhe jnv,r dynamo n furai-b HK-tit and piwer. ElklA Found Tlmt She Needed Larger Hotel Facilities. Hy Jan. I. a f;M),om) brick hotel e.mtaimni thirty-lm.ir r'tn and all tnodwni ciiVrL! 'n.ct will U upeii.tl. Elkin Found That She Needed a Hcmn Harkct for Tobacco. Two lar and coMUtiudiniM ttibacco wnrihuiseii will open tin fall with tle t.d.t 1 1, eeanun. BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF El. KIN A City vSct on a Hill Cannot be Hid" i I - ' - i Z; ) MR. C. G. ARMFIBLD MAYOR OF ELKIN o -i -1 " " " . nemucn, i'ik huh i rensnrer; Harris. CtiflaMe. ' ELKIH EXTERHALLY Klkin is surrounded hy one of the finest sections of country in t!;c State. The fertile hottoii lands along the Yadkin river iuwl Klkin creek are admirably adapt ed to the growth of corn, while the uplands are very fertile, pro ducing tobacco, corn, wheat, ktfTl(w heat, oats, rye, isitaUs-s and other semi I ropical grains and vegetables in great abun dance. The three countie., of Surry, Yadkin and Wilkes contain more than three ijiiarters of n million acres of land, half of jvlneh is (Continued on page if iff I HISTORICALLY Town of Elkin Was Her History is the History of Sound and Steady Growth The country Kurroundin Klkin has gone through practically the name experience thai iinx lullcn to the lot of almoht every heetion of tin country aiuee the lirxt net th lH hilidetl on tile coast. Peace and epiietnesa reigned except for the murmur of the Yadkin rivet and the ahouta of the pcaeefjil In diaiiH in puranit of their frame. This section was inhabited by Iro quois Indians at au early date ami they have left their tracea in the form of atone arrowheads, hatt di ets, peat le h and mortises. They gave the name to the Yadkin riv er, which in their language means rest. The name "KlkiiK was first applied to the creek which flow through the town into the Yad kin. Tradition tells us that yearn ago elk wandered down from the mountains and, when chased hy hunters, would take to the crfe and thus the trail would be lost. The disappointed continent would be "t Ik in '. Whether these huiitera were Indian or white act tier is a matter of aNC illation. Another Version of tht tradition is that a hunter shot an ilk. which fell into the creek. tit i i I He lllllller M IOVOIIS HllOlll was "elk in". Whether the despond ent remark or the victorious shout has come down to us thtea not dif fer. It is Hiiftic it-nt to say lhat the voice stilt echoes and re-cthok with ever increasing force down tliH pfonvr. of if not vt t, !l!l!C and - the t nd The earliest authentic record to be iimiid hit this section is a giant ! a Mrhtii-e of lO.Otr) acn-a of liiiiil (io'-e iinrth side of the Yl.d K!M rive.ninl in Iieliiig the itiutith if the V.-ek (Klkiu). the only mil niiern7,in lit lMjr thst he esthlilisli an inii f..rk'e. Traces of I hi forge, tl,,. (i prco,ioii for the fur liitee, the rough brick Used in th, fnrinice, and lump of slack, luay it ill be seen on the West edge of the cotton mill Mind, a few yard above the djin, tlthongh a part of it is covered by the pHi.lt. i wa ter, lb S'-curcil thin grant about the middle of the eighteenth fell tury and lived here and oiled hi foige for about twenty yeara. Uesenting the crowtiing by a settlement in the Brick Ho e neighbtirlitMhl, eight milea 'rni h.i in Yadkin etujr.ty, he, like liiiitiei liiHuie, who ha alsu rov ed this-' aUeVS. htttked for HUrp i !'imj 1 imimi in n Cnlv frek lit 'iKitbol IiikmI. Thi ii.t refrd U of a trat.t tif "diO arrra of land on I op ef thf Itta-iiiy !euntin, lour mile south of Klkin, to W'm. Spark. Ir. The grai.t wa made bv (iovi r-r-r Msrtia r.u. the 2UU d.iy o' ti.tulMr, Kvi'tenth the-i Was some trouble tatcr oer the title ot thi, land, for on Jan. 17, I Hnfm II. Page, tht n He re tarv of State, lua.ie a r,v of the grant and c rtirtetl that it' timi nn file ill his o ?!''. This reft if. eat e ifh a eojiv of the grant, is among ti e old paper of He. T, (iwyn The second s ttb r on this sole of ihf Yndkm. i far at n be a ceitsin-d, a Malt. Ilughra. who eaute into jMHeinn of the land In t Wei ll tlte Blilt lvidg' Moiln- taiuii and the Yadkin rivt-r. lifeM was I'V.ictrr-t rr a r.an -?- Incorporated 1889 named Ifanes. lie, like Hhores, had a forge in this neighborhood. He put in several dams across the Klkin creek, but had irtvat trouble rw getting one to withataiid the floVd. lie made a final supreme- ctToili,n building a tlani and ib lietl nlTnowers to move it. In less than twtsjty-four lioura this (lam also had been carried away. Traces inav be sceii tif his mor tises and iron spikes in the rocks of the creek above the cottou mill Jtftud. These men lived here between the years of I7'0 and ltf'20, at a time when two fam ilies within three milts of, each other were near neigh bors ami while Surry county con-taim-d all of what is now 'Alio ghany. Iredell, Stokes, Yadkin, ami Wilkes counties. The county seat was then located about twelve miles west of Winston-Salt in, near P.itliania. Mr. Hich (iwyn, known as "Old Man. Dickie" (Jwyn, moved from Wiikc county to Jonesville about the year 1 .H 1 7. lie lived In a house where Thompson 'a attire it ::ow located am! sold goods in the building just aero the atreet. lie waa postmaster at Joueavilla in 1-'J ami several years Itcfore and after. While there he bought 100 acres of land, including the present I. I j. Shngart farm, pay ing for it "a rifle gun ami an old blind gray horse." He also pnr chased M'Yi-ial hundred acre West of Klkin from Haite mid about t'.OO acre from Dr. Richard Park. The bun) tiet Ween tlie trwnt (iitttiwood line and dwy.i avp. ntie, he bought from Joel Kirby, wfiO Hi tl.itt tinit liveil betvepen (tw vii avei and Mr. Mi' h Chat ham" place. Mr. (iwyn lived at Jotnille for about twenty two year. All of his children, except Mr. T. I. (iwyn, were born there. Mr. (iwyn moved to K.Ik in about llij ainl built a huiise on the Park uJ,i when1 Senator I'isiiktiu a house now stand. lit I. ft his store .ii Jonesville to hi iii, James nd Hirhard !wyn, hut Jame died in and Hich- ard then inoeed to Klkin. Mr. T. b. tiwvn wa horn in 1 f lJ and it appear that Mr. Rich tlvii retiretl from actir bu. inejw dnt.t-a a few yeara later, leaving tus Uork to hi Kt, but keeping a gt ueral supervision. Rev. Jame Minish. thu flmt Mrtf.otli! rni'ii-iter in tl'u ertion, nd hi wife, known a "Granny Polly , uith th.tr fne ehihireti. m,vr. in Klhm in Dl." and o.t ti- pied a honm fndinf t'fSr the ('. II. Billing house, At that timo Klkin roniktetl of a blkmi!h shop, a gnt null, a ah aw null, a atnall houte jiut alwtve where the cotton mill tank mw stand an-t, on th c-pptwite ide of the trtek, lived Mr. (Iwyn with hi family and slsvr. Mn, Kit l ard (iwyn, Jame (twin. H. It. (iwyn, I.itle linker son and Columbn Franklin or ganised the Klkin Manitfarturinff Co. in IS4 and built tht ohl rot ton ini'l a i! ind ixly mi the ea t side of the ereek, Wm. Gor don of Di'btoii 'tjwrt;t!efvling the construction of the building. Mr. (CvntlauHl tin ttif 121

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