1 ' " . I ... . i . - -. . A w - in W ji! ; I I ,lo a modern it. Iiiii) s-hool ImiMmv. '1 ! plans 1 1 : t v i Imi ii iliitwn, the (-ini I 1 art let , I In' M bliildlli'.' IVhinV- fil ami 'lie foundation for tin hciv hiiih'iug hi ;i 1 1 i'i I mi lli' uli df tin1 olii academy. In llir (Ire lion to vote (HI :rM,(iO ) ill bonds for this J m 11 ms on 1 1 it L'Dlh ol March not u dissenting V"'" was (list, Surry county will h 1 1 1 j 1 unlit this fund ly donating OIK) ami t In it-inn iiiiiii; 11,000 will In- lion owed 1 y tin town The new building will lie lo cated on Church street on a plot of ground rovei -in; about nil Here. The main part of the build ing will be !)H ,y 100 feet with 'Xti'iisi(iiiH on either side near the front, and will contain two floor nnd a basement. In the Imm inent will b located tht lioiler and junitc" rooms ami the toilets, the size of t' ' base- New School Jlu'ilding incut l.ciiiK '2 y W'i fed. The liist floor will have six recitation rooms, I'l hy 'i'l feet, three on each side of the hall, which runs from the main en trance nt the frou to the hack. Two side entrances mar the cor ticrc ontne front lend srmnid the first rfitntion roftftis on eit'.or side to the main hall. A'l oftice nnd d lil-rary, :l 1y 1J feet each will ho at tlie cuds of the side hulls on each side. The second floor will contain two recitation room, 'J 4 hy feet, in the front, and between them, slightly elevated, will he a music mom 1C hy 'JJ feet. Hack of these rooms and two feet a loi'the surrounding floor on level with the music room will lie the at a Re, nhoilt l hy UO feet, with a rircnUr front. The audi- 11;,..- ., ' .... N i - ; '. . ; . , - - - - - - - - - New St ImhiI Mui'dliu Side F.levation. loriuui will evlciid to the rmf of th" huitdii)(f. beiui (ii hy G? fed and having a aeniinn capacity rd It will have three aisles end space around the l.hwk of opera imbIs and will he entered hy lou hie dixtra lending from (( stair l.iiidtn' on Imlli sides of the 4 f "yU Dixon, The ImiUlo- '..ill I,., made ol In'iel; and will I c covered with '.'a I a o ied till. The plans Were draw ii hy Air. .1, H. 1 ii rcliani, HI eliitect, clld t! ' hilildillg will he el eeled 1 1 V XI ' - s s. S M. Av iiolii n ml .1. V. Neison, contract ors. The school committee I composed of ('apt, (I. T. Koth, chairmen; .1. K, lleiidrcn, secre lary; 11. P. Crater. C. II. Cockcr lirui and J. 11. Hall. Prof. Zciio II. Dixon, who 1ms had charge of the school for the past year, ha lccn elected a oiperiiitriidriit fur this ymr. Professor Dixon was orginally from Alamance county, from a (turdy ami m1 rony; (junker stock, lie is a graduate of Yamlerbilt Piiiversity, one of the hest in the South, and has I n teaching for .about 2"i yeiirH, acquiring in that an experience and thorough- Front Klevation. iicss that falls to the lot of too few teachers. For nl.ouf twenty years he was principal of the Vadkinville Normal ' School, con ductiii',' at Vadkinville one of the lu st preparatory si hoots in North C.irolina. lie has that happy conddiiiition or d ip thought, souml jiid'oent, 4'hristinii char acter and the alulity to impress upon the iqx or t'fil tlm inu.or lanee of steady anJ undivided concentration upon school work and moral living. Fuder his lutel.iire, t he child has nn unlim ited opportunity ami the proper cncouraueiuent to "lureon out" and nVvilop all of his latent en ergies and powers. His ability as a teacher and manager is to 1h jfdk'etl by the result of his la b.is. All over Notth Caroli'ia slid III in ai v other states are to le found hundreds of onii( i'n n. aetie iii every triM-atioi' and hml ers in their fommuiiiti. s. hn re reived tloir 1 1 Miniiiif under his instruct ion. I'rofemsnr Din hns a thor ons;h, competent and ,ell trniti ! corps cf t hei h t.t Hil him in the wmk this year, the tench rs l.ein Misses Clara of K'kin; XI alii., an I Ma sde Payne f West filed; Hon me llolion of Yndkinville; an.) Miss Mnrjurii IIitli of Kikiu, i.M.iiie tenrVrr. No014Dulldin2f In Elkln. It Is worthy of not.' that tlicrc In not to Is fot,(l williln the corisrntc limits rf Klkin, nil old or ildapid.ited liouso of any kind. Practically every tnnihoss aiu1, manufacturing ildin In the tow n is mndijof t;rirk, as wi lt ns many cf Uui teideu i-s. ln l;fnro ii building Ixvomcs old or dilapidated. It mu.ot lo torn away to clvo pl.Ko fe.r r tarter nnd nirrr Ijulldinfl; to keep pace with cvcrytliino; clso around it. FIRST "CITY FATHERS' OF ELKIN. ALL HALE HEARTY AND PROSPEROUS Hack (left to right) J. S. Hell, dork and treasurer; A Chatham, Mayor; Frank Tharp, Countable Front (left to right) T. h. (Jwyn, Cnpt , C. T. Koth, Dr. JVW. King; nnd A. C. Click, (U. U. (iwyn, deceased) Commissioners. SHIP OF STATE IS SAILING SMOOTHLY The Men at the Helm are Sure and Steady. Progress is the Watchword. Advancement is the Result. No town in North Carolina, is better governed, than Klkin. The citizens and visitors are so peaceful and orderlv that the harsh arm of the law seldom reaches them and violations of the law arc so few that they are al most a iiejjli(jih!e quantity. Klk in has one policeman, hut his ser vices are seldom ca'hd into use. Klkin hns a good lock up, hut it has Im-cii used only one time for about two hours since it was built four or five years ago. Mr. (. (I. Armf.eld, the mayor, is too young to have pushed the elk into the creek, but he is very active in getting Klkin out of the kinks. He is the son of XI r. K. K. Armfichl of Stntesville ami took a three yenrs' course at the North Carolina Agricultural ami Me chanical College hefole coming to Klkin, early it jesr as assistant cashier of the Klkin National Hank. Mr. Armfield has taken a forward sta,i-l in all municipal improvements. He is secretary of the Hoard oi Trnde and a director ami member of t.,c tinniiee committee of ihe Klkin and .lonesville Hutld i"g and Iioan Associa tion, lie is an acthe church worker, being elder in the 1'res hjterinn cluirrh and npef intend cut of the Sunday School. Mr. Armfiehl was npptintcd mayor of Klkin in April of lat year to fdl out th unexpired term of Mr. U. I. Icwtlhn, resiyned. Toe next month he was elected without op 'Hisition for a term of two years. I lie is proving . ry cjVieiit in j his iiii'Mirtaiif pimiiioti ami is ."..,;!.f.,. the tiol his fcll'HV- i fdti'iiis have hestuWcd Upon him. ! ( 'opt. (S. T. Koth has the uu'npie , portion o having Ihiii a member of the Hoard of Commiioiier iiintite, for Klkin in its charter t wciily -Ii ve year ao, has lecu Ml the hoard about half the time once, ami is now aervinir in that "npacity. He is a public spirited nan, solid atid ronwrvativc, and I Valuable iu to tin town, lie ve one of ti,. holdings ami i 1 trustee for tin Stonewall .lack son Training School, lie is vice, president and superintendent of the Chatham Mfg. Co. As chair man of th eln..j r!, he is al most indispensable Jlni nn ac tive church worker. Mr. .I. S. Atkinson is n very energetic and able member' of the board. Although a busy man as mrtnager of tUc Atkiu-ion Co. and Mr. Alox C'hathnm, Sr. Klkm'H First Mayor. Klkin's First Autmnidiili. Thciv nrc row twenty four automobiles in Kll.in, I In kinds and ow ners 1mm: i: ns follows (heilaud; K. F. McS'ocr nmt It. ,Io!morr. HpinoM!f: W. W. 'iVJ.iMtki r, men Mntth, nnd 11.11. Darker: Ken: Ihmond Chatham and (. T. Koth; For i: T. (5. liar nls, T. (!. Trhctt, .1. S. Atkinson, Dl. k (Jrier.C. II DdUngs. K. II. fwis.C'.U.Ariniiehl, II i. Click: M.Q. Snow. V. V., Hok ointi, J. W. King and A. J. Kcvcs; Ilulrk, K. I. Poinde.ter and J. II. Poin dexter; Maxwell: T. 11. Kldson; Ctrner'i: Dyr l h'r.o'.r: and I. II. 0. T Xik'im P.'i'uin Slow, ('o. Xfain Stnvtnf Klkin with various other duties, he is never too busy, not only to talk but to do things for Klkin. Mr. C. N. Hoihhciimr is also valuable ns a commissioner in the town he has grown up. with. II h one of the active politicians ol the town, having sencd ns post master here for a number of vcars ami nt one time was chairman of the Surry Count v Com nissioners lie conducted the Kounng Caj Hotel last season and made that n favorite summer resort. XI r. T. V. Foote, formerly a prominent merchant at I'ootc ville, Yu.lkiu county, is one of the substantial business men of the town. He is n real estate (letter of large proportions and is vice-president of the Farmers ami .Merchants Ibiak, ns well ns a stockholder iu the Surry Drug Co. I. wii r.'so elected ns n ir.nuistrnte in Klkin township. Dr. K. (. Click, dentist, the youngest member of the hoard. is following in the footsteps of his father. XIr. A. (J. Click, who was a chartered commissioner of Klkin. Dr. Click is ho.ue grow n and has been practicing dentistry here for about si Vcars. He is nl mi a leal estate dealer ami is active iu ihureh Work, being a tewi id ill ihe .Met hod st church. Attorney .1. F. lien Ireii. clerk nnd trei.siirer of Klkin. came lu re i ai t ago, ami hns played nn impi'ilaot part in the giowlh ai d development of the town, lie U treanrer for Klkin liouishiji. tir...Mi r, and clerk of the achoot: h i,i id. a director of the K, & A Uailroad. of the Klkin Nnli.s Hank and ..f T. Klkin 4 .bm, s Villi' I'ollbllllg i li. Ml A'toeifl- lion. Mr. W. Y. tl.oiis. lie town constable, is nl-o ti collector. sHiot.iry oflucr and Mred nod building cnmniisHiioier. his duties lis constable tilkbo; Very litth' of I ' ,.. 4.lf , The (ire department, has a hand eil nnd ho-e and hand lire en gine, hut the ire company hns he nine disorgnui.i d. the bucket brigade method being more ef fective. However, with the mm pbt'oll of tin wnterwoiks, the fire i ..I,,, n v h rc orgaiii.i .! mi t tirui basis. in I-.ll. in w ;vi I he .! low n in I !: late of ils f.ie lo have elect rie ii-hls. In .'.I. s I ,. II. Ii Chatham. A. M. Sniitli nnd (I. T. Koth formed a company and in eonl.ivlinu with the roller mill, I hen owned hy I he ( 'hnl ham Man nfaet urine; Company, installed n d iiamo, put up poles and ires and furnished lights for the town Later the plant was moved to the cotton mill and operated there until it was sold to Messrs. U. ,, Poiudcxtcr and .1. V. Madison, who furnished the clecti icity un til the organization of the Klkin lee and Light Co. two eais ago. Since it w as establish, d fifteen via fa ago, the lighting system has heen in the hands of private com panics nnd light has heen furnish ed only a part of the time, from 7 to 11 o'clock in the evening Finding the present system in adequate for the growing needs Carter Falls-. lust of the town and a deiuaml for electricity at nil hours of the dav nnd night, and nlsn dcsirouH of furnishing power for a large number of the amnll'r enterpris es, the Carter Falls Power Co., omposed of a number of the cit izens of tin' town, has been form ed with a capital slock of 2"i,- IMK1. Tin town hns arranged to lake over the lighting part of the Klkin Ice and Light Co. ami nl ready owns n site on the Klkin creek at Carter Falls, where n daiil is now being built by the town. The power company will iuslnli a large l.() horsepower dy namo ami will lease the system to the town for a term of ten years, the town reserving the right to renew the lease or to take over C. . --v - y a ? w 'i: 111' k. i'. . " - ' S- i Tlu ( St Iuh1 HuiltUntf -Now IJoinovinl, PIcNeer's New Tobacco Warchou XIr. F F. M Nisr lias abown his cnterpriso by creeling; tbo largi and commodious tobacco w arcbouso jiHt completed. 1 1ds wan not built for nn Investment, but ns a ineitis cf increasing ttio busincaa of Klkin nnd beliinu tbo farmcra to build a homo market for their own product. vhis new wait housu contain U' fectof Kales p.i ?, and has Ia few stiiis in tho iKisctncnt. It also lias la i p;. i amp iisnns and every convenience possible for the far ii.or. Tbo W hi choose bus been biased for lb hm yea is' to XIr. J. . (Ii'!'!i of Stonevilie, N. V. XIr. (ib'isn is iccogni'd ns one of tlit best, v nrchouso men ht the Stalo. He operates three other w andnuixes in North aril South Cirolin.i. lie will open up In September with full lim (if buyers, icpreteiiting the leading tdb.iccn manufar tu ret s in the emin! ry. . Mr McN.-er ha. Ids b- tct In tin? ibaeeo warehouse nnd in the lo'meeo iiit(Mest of thu surround ing; country, and ns tunnx ,n the market is on e established here he has soUiO Ideas W hicil 1.0 is go invj to put loio ci i. .'no h,., ; a!i i.i i i i oi i i . Hid ti e pnlen a,d l il lie:' from lie- site of the lam, a 1 1 a nee ol i hoii I I on r miles, has a I inn ,1 been eomplcled. The pl'l sent plans lie to jjel the new system ready lo stall by September l."i. The new' li'htiii;,? t-ystciu had its birth in the progressive spirit if ii citieus' comiiiitti'e appoint eil by Ihe I'xiai'd of Commissio" ers to look niter the installation nf the water and sewerage sys tems. " Finding mi provision for the needed lights, this committee, composed of Messrs. .Mason Kil lard, ('. IC, Ibilcomb and A. (I. Click, got busy and finally sur mounted the difficulty by organ i.ing this citieus' c.mipany nnd getting the business connected with establishing the new system well under way. The officer of the corporation ... befow Situ for Dam. are: U. L Hubbard, president; A. W, . (leorge, vice-president; ami T. (I. Trivelt, secretary ami treasurer. The directors arc as billows: A. (1. Click. U. L. Huh hard. K. K. Harris, A. W. (leorge, .1. II. Alien, '.. II. Dixo... (1. T. Ib.th, .1. F. Ilendicn. C. K. Ho! comb, K. F. XIcN.cr and A. Chat ham, dr. The stockholders, in addition to the directors, nic: T. XI. KiJ- l.ii.l. A. XI. Smith, T. (!. Tiivett. .V Ch.ithi.iu. Sr., U. 11. Chatham, Mrs. K. F. M.-Neer, 11. K. ,toho.op S. tl. Xleliuire, !. XI. Simmons" (leorge Cbal ham, V. . Shores, Mis. K. C. Kirkmau. .1. S. Koth, Mis. K. N. Sherwood. Klkin Cun ning Co., Chatham Manufactur ing Co., and Crater &. Sale. Vv J w redu -e the cost of handling: ami selling; of tobacco for the fi mcr. Considering t he tine tobacco sec tion a mti ml Klkin, and the on failing energy of the "man be hind the gun" there is io doubt thatKlkiu will be n large tobacco inntk.-t, nnd XIcNeer'i Ware liouiew lll be eminently aticeess ful. t) i L.. i

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