THY). TIIEELKLN iii SURE RESULT ' I . . H ' N ! t f J J Elkin, N. C, Thursday, September 17, 1914 No. 23 A i he tfiei't J ssitions 10, it IS This fve been 'uietiines (".in oy me about tie line in the hncois. .r armies .oral von ficc lYcilcr- iieDuko of Wur- f'r effected a junction ami J ludod y North raneo- ftefiKht- region, vonTtucli'rq tin; array V'ny ami a part of the army ,-wfinmandcd by the Prince of Wurtemburn. The Germans have trinl to break nir center by related and violent attacks. Our success" on the plateau to the North of SazAnro enabled us in our urn to take the offen sive end last night the enemy stopj.iHl linhtinjr on the front between tho marsh of St. (Jond and the Horn mozons district and fell back in the region' West of Vitry lie Francois. "On the Ornain Piver, as ' tween the Arponne forest and the Uiver Mcuse, where the armies of the Prince of Germany were oin'ratinj;, fihtinj; still rying on with alternate ad vam e.s and retrexts but without nny cnat rh.inire in tlio situa- TOBACCO CROP IN SURRY AS LARGE J A3 LAST YEAR. Mt. Airy, Sept. lO.-Pnless yuv is an early frost Surry jnty's crop of toba;c will o as heavy as last yeir, for Repast month the crop has out wonderfully and prom oh to make the usual yield. twK proved a splendid one .".ning, but the rains of 'k have started the crop lowing a;aii) and this is "t is most dreaded, for far s de ;'.'nro that late tobacco, jfihis section, will not cure aright. A number of barns w ere cured in the county this and last week with line results, and with such a promising crop in the field the planters are very much encouraged. riper Vveel RED CROSS STEAMER MAY NEVER SAIL ON ERRAND OF MERCY. New York, Kept. 0. The ques tion raised by the Hritishund French government regarding the neutrality of the steamship Hod Cross if she carriosGermans among her crew when she sails forFuropc, has delayed appar ently indefinitely the departure of the ship. In shipping circles today it was nut believed the Rod Cross would leave iort tomorrow ih announced yesterday. Her commander, dpt. Armised Kust I'. S. N. retired, went to Wash ington today and it was naid he w ould place the problem IWore Secretary Mryan. The Red Cross, formerly the Hamburg Auiericnn Liner Ham burg, was loaned tothe American Red Cross and ha among her crew a num her of native Germans who lime nit l ilo ii out final n UNCLE SAN CAN'T GETJNWaR how Washington, Sept. 10. In the mi',t of the European war Great Hritain, France, Spain, and China have agreed to sign peace com mission treaties with the United States. One effect of the new commission would be to prevent the United States from being drawn suddenly into the conflict. Germany, Russia and Japan have signified their acceptance of the principle of these treaties though negotiations have not ad vanced to the point of drafting convention. Similar agreements with Turkey and Greece are al most ready for signature. The first four treaties.! re ready for signature. They are regard ed by President Wilson and Se cretary Hryan as of far reaching importance, prat-tiddly safe guarding the United States from being drawn into the present conflict over any question of neu trality or other controversy. Their negotiation was begun how ever, before'' the European war broke. With the signing of treaties with Great If ritain, France, Spain and China the number of pacts of this kind negotiated by Secre tary Hryan will number twenty six. Nineteen have been ratified by the Senate, comprising the principal countries of Central and South America, Denmark, Nor way, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy und the Netherlands. Secretary Itiyan hopes to have tliirtv trentie rntit!l !v f'hrit IF TURKEY ENTERS WAR OTHERS WILL INTERFERE. Koine, Sept. 11 It is learned in diplomatic circles that Rou mania, Greece and Hulgariahavc signed an agreement which may be regarded as a real alliance under the terms of which these three nations engage to interfere whenever necessary in order to prevent Turkey's aiding Ger many and Austria in the present war. If Turkey remains neutral, however, these three states will do the same. not able to achieve their Miming nKU.t nf breaking the Allies' gtoVrcnchVlmi- VIGOROUS FIGHT- out in favor of the All.e n rimes, since the German right wing On our nPa u,' - .i A-ible change mains wiiuuu ..w turn souK'it to supplant these it li Americans and nil ' iriitii.n lroii Hint disputes shall after diplomatic moiin-U of adjustment have fail- Spaniards as announced yehi.-r- forred for Investigation Hit- - - , 111 jv.r, --- READY. The smoothnees with which our financial system is being ad justed to meet emergencies by the execution of a complete, well-thought-out plan, and tho diffi culties presented at this mo ment by the absence of a mer chant marine, both show the wis dom of foresight and prompt ac tion on public questions. When the war came it found us prepared on the financial side. We had grappled with that prob lem and settled It. We had an emergency currency law that served to bridge over the gap efficiently, and we had a well- thought out and modern bank ing and currency system capable of being put into ojeration in a comparatively brief time. The result has been satisfac tory in extreme. The financial waters in this country have been, comparately speaking, untroubl ed. With the organization of the complete stem, begun yesterday by the organization of Uirt !-') tm llMOfd . t-M wm.w lii" WurU. Chicago Herald (Ind.), August 10. PARIS CONSIDERS VICTORY DECISIVE . ,.imi v v iroro- , c 1 uiTiii- - - m Amor rn , ,.,. vear. t r ..,,wNllinir lite v 1 .,,-,! w itu lonn rm'. ". i . .. .. kuuh i . .. . ...r-tUa 1 'The Austrian BODIES OF III C. B. HOWELL AND MISS GRIFFIN ARE RECOVERED Lakewood Pond Gives Up Its Dead - Circumstances Indicate Double Suicide Occurred Monday Night-Facts Now Develop. .11.. 01)0 iiilK f,UU l- r: Callable for .u; e AWes Uon. 1 dul,n, last Xy J 1 iW un the R a .mansVobdraw. ., the A-" ral hit-iation Uiu renerve . . . iui' n...,.i ittnoc. ,rm, u 111 . ,1 ' Whatever mystery enshrouded the disappearance of Charles IJ. Howcl! and Miss Lizzie Griflin was resolved early yesterday morning when their Ixxlies were discovered floating on the sur face of the lake at Lakewood park. Fastened by a leather belt, the two forms were locked in a clone embrace. It was thus they had embraced death together. What the efforts of searchers had failed to accomplish had been compassed by natural forces, for the rise of tho bodies was auto matic and thus added weight to the newer theory that the double suicide occurred on the night of Monday, Labor Day, instead of Tuesday night. Tho lapse of two and a half days is sometimes suf ficient to compel the waters to give up their dead. Whiki waiting at Lakewood station for a car which would bring him to thecity to his work, Mr. 11 Maynardof that vicinity-; who is employed at Wearn's lum ber yard, described two object in the water a bhort distance from the pavilion. Investigating he realized the nature of his dis covery and telephoned Coroner Z. A. Uovift. News spread quick ly and noon a crowd had biti. separated and brouttht to the undertaking establishment of Mr. Hovis, who deemed an In- questunnecessary. Crowds col lected in frontof the undertaker's pltii-u but wer denied admissk n. rtnin f IUshns 4 .f Ml. Austrian .fter arrival - - - Although Soulh poUn.l. wwn wW Rrcompanieu - . M r. ... hx e ana . AU,X fim - , KnrriIlNU i " l' " ....41 ftrtlin ia"! . P..rn M.I . .. . 1 , ... . ..rfTii -- 1 . . - -1 1 tu t w'i 1 . . l... idi-n 1 nil 1 tva lliooc, i" .lMinS. Mehll- - . , I "1 ilO nOV wvi"-"- to "icnd tho day with his mother, Mrs. Julia Howell. His wife of course did not know that Miss Griftin also came here and was greatly shocked by the news of the occurrence. Mr. Howell in' former years drank periodically but for four years had been a to tal abstainer until July 4th when at a celebration at' Monroe he was induced to break over. He recovered from that and had been sober up to the time he left homo Saturday. His wife was sure, however, he must have been drinking when he took his life. Miss Griffi in, who was a tele phone girl at Monroe, met Mr. Howell at a fair some months ago ' with a party of other young peo ple who were making merry. Then iheir name began to be coupled together, but she did not take it seriously. Slid thought it mearly frindship. "She would call Mr. Howell up from the 'phone office and he would stand and talk to her while I listened. One day he said, t)h, don't do that.' I ask ed him whnt she had said. He replied that ho U threatened to commit suicide. Miss Griffin's father, Mr. Ful ton Grinin, lives now in Alabama. ier .a lio uiid ;i i Ugwcilncr friends so he was often Invited to the homo where lm saw Miss Griffin. Mr. Howell hail some dlsugrecment at the Pishop home, said Mrs. Howell," and he was accused of calling Mr. ItUhou a liar. Ho was irt ,l -- , 1 1 1 !w Howell n-. ----- -iiv- to NOTHING lMiw r- was 1 nrl ot Monroe and J.l hl hnprolHr In her con- .wAacI .vih Mr. Howell. I alwaya It he IwVto . l-tol iiifikHUUlJ v" I . I haVC U"- l&riHJ - mn..i ..i m. wmin 1 r . AnlMWtncu.Rv- ol view. ' iMM m,ns. ? prevent an own: BMr 10 1 Lnittbcaoe .r.:: Mubtehmcnl on ' vflwonly. -t,v.tathe tby lwr ' .hlwas T aT; Sinuate manner m "From wi sUrW ! ;"rcel. mtertnentwiuo. yhX .j.dM .e ha. iust Plungeu . vldcnl , & .tub- ood. Mrs. a U , flan cobm rp.. 0nw -, a.ucasca. a"'" Griran wi-- -- frlcnd wc .1 -I 1 I.I t. -..-.-..linn. 1 . .. i. .!.... tiuU'llt ti.a top w oV .- ,m&rcb, wincn iu t 4 XWERICA SAFE. one. but lb onmy . ,YiUon 0t the I hWU ftanK the' retreat read VntauAw detoWd to us IK & the friend W VIC.. " trunk Hiryfin .. .... Ill-Tlu' eUnmi' 1 a ni'iik. . e'' . .i- vi,-ht risr'i. i'M -.t-rrca , . AW"'" 7 ..-i,. vtnUTuj ... foreign cxctwnK" "". .,. vedvethroxiEh i" V nl bed yesterday by Mr- thlt ho IntoJrc furnished y . , lbol f hcr ra.tor, J. 11. Kmcry. BUlhe o tho. Pre Twtor Gueruey .-irian Church. Mrs-Pishopfllrh. , ... ihut ..t.iatienceuo - Prom ........ for con- w.w ... 4 '?nKJ ;;;Rrdwmcream u.r - ' wUltWUUU-- drcd guna 1 ihd counity l ' l ul . ur lancii-" a " . I.vrlS U J "with tengeioi oine rwu it the men he army iH " - t . . txoa n 1 . . . a n- LfMnrJtyilwrjw- draw lnilulU.(l n ti W K""" " . . ....!- Nel v . , dSV. i-arijr 1 a nai . - . f . .luitvtch to iJ" - .r.g them - - . . rlrr ot chief of r c 1 ! ,...n .Til. . . m x " - vrsiu v-i 1 1 Arn nu - 1 Jacob H- " - 1 1 Mill LAIM ntUunal destines , - Jf New rmu,;m . and PO.W" I'"8"" "htnutun tt " . Mr. and Mrs. .oan after thereto! . " .nfloisnc. - , 5.csterdai -t-r cn take Including dol4ely coc - ; tThirds rce. they ar ... ...,.!ni,.liV ' . hn. o ao -' . Mi irinf su .....w there . , Hwrf h ' " uuv' ' " i -l.ion ,.n after g,lc J:S: h the retuni by guUe our . atWr,:; verdktof notgvulty, Uhovfn .;.kxkan relation. York WnUer., r " a dated yesteraay 0ing ne -"te. he Charlotte o. - from i-ci n lhat one oov, cam0 here . rbslng.ndtl.nsaw tsaturdayan; I ?u-. TOAuS-r-; tirUoneri Ku " uke. LufiUd nov lho home - ,yil. nn -ill1"-"- , . Kl-,-, .vtriet to tnc r m there 1 1111 v t 1 ini a 11 H 1 v .... -i,,tTnor.K .1 mm? 1 l iw . 11..I lumlH'ii" lr ' I... .... In I.UIV'i l :I inri! t r!i na i .; ;u ii1-.- . . iva Mavi . . , .iiir ui i ia'1'" , i ana -r- M, :n s..j. wmi .-- . nini siciu i i ,.rui" 1.- . . - 1 iir 1 wii , . ittie w ni'1 "f- 1 itKRv . , Ui the .....,.,-' lb F. .fn,t ....I wAaoffl.''T. , . ,,..t.tuU t ccrctbeir.S i-- ,ovcmcnt. ro' "7 outcries auieunu, w TVcir'u,. o!iiccrs iru. v. - .gurrender pnnductor now ci -. ne -tating thata ,uncea m, -icitaWC " . . New 10',-"' ,nm anomei. street- - . . . u car flCar .,- loo'cloclc iraani vU ..TKABROAO. 'A the t.ff:nhAnt ,T. ; the cast to tne I an Uns V.T Ho- si-nt. ... ..l uu-- . .. . n;l.llMV,,", .1 uUoStavea troop'-.' . v' ..,..! A tne w-. .,,llT,mn ' Vermel ci pi,funutlvtfollun-r- u U - ;n-;.i. T.le- VlktQ u'3 ,he man's face on - .,A-.rr.C It. ., ,vmi r.i! wi' to nlowitn.-Hi- board A " nri, ,ys .Cm': learns from Petr . . .v Tirst AUWii- tn was orrOSS i.fl arm r w tka Mat- . . . , .... craa - i Auucn iBl" i; trc CO , ... . , offers, 2-.W0! eh:rr shoulder, f-pussGrmnUAd - r- neirenng his body. -rosea k-- t,. andcncirc.ii' lcttlhreparo. bci-i 133" V ..i-nm bracelets, IWO i.""- HI" - 1 . 1 rsi. v - 1 t 1 line a here uniforms. ' . ' - l n lill Hill' - -" 1 " . . . . . UiC u i.. ... "VM , .AlhUcoumr .., thut . !,eriUaalo"-w the . m 4t' " " 1 w t ho 1 i"1 w ' rt.11 rr iiiiin ' . .v nn 1 um - 1 .i im .1 si a v iu w ,i i ft.. ui-tii'" ' t i h refill n 1 thf 1 11 u ' - 1 1 1 ' - YcS - re. Chariot at Mr. VUfCCrc Withstanding - Mr , .oithonHnmistitA"1; l"" .... ,rtl . - ,!. . , .tt.rt. 'a. hcT in Ane spM said or ; tnnneepu v- 65 ' ., ,..,..UveryUnrK I !"- ... i iu v'.'. V ' - . . ... . . i ti.' ;r ..H v--- ' I 1 . , I thriV ; " ' ' , " ! . . i-i-i.t i '

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