THE TRY AN AD. IN THE ELKIN TRIBONB SURE RESULTS VOL. 9 EUda« N. C., Tltarciiay, July 27,1816 IU.CMTHAII KBSMNS TO lEPAlB BANASE TO FUNMMMrEBT rACTOBT \Vin«lon?Sal«in. July 2S«.—Him. ' 'H. Q. CliStham hita ilocided to witlidmw fruRi Um nu:c for Um Stale Seiiatei'Hliip In Fornytli count}’ anti tod’^rutc Ills Mine to repairlnK lim tluinnKC done Ids company at the Rllcin plant by Uie Voilldii i-kcr IIinhI Sundny and totliQ i‘i:IiurorLliii1C|)li>rnliU> condition of lliat town nnd aoc- lion, many of whom, are In diiv atraitH. QuvernnrK. A. DoUKhlnn was one of Uie iimsl en^ur men for Mr. Clialliani U> uinhc the s-acc, but whim he Kiiw Uic condfUims - atlmitin la.«tt week, lie wmloalut- tartoHon,^. If. Bllcr of lids city, antinB*blin and the nlhcr . Deinoqrnta^rtliia county to rc- le.'woMr. Cimtliam from llic po litical race and allow Idm to de- ^ vote Ids entire timo to the {treat- er work that liaa berome his duty at Rtkin. Mr. Dontthton writes tliat the RIkin jicople aie unani mous In urginK Mr. Chatham to remain there. This decision was made known in a letter rccelrM from Mr. Chatham by Chairman U. G. Stockton of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of this county. The letter follows: Mr. U. G. Stockton, Chairman, Democratic Executive Com- ndtteeof Forsyth county. Dear Sir; When I reached Elkin on Mon day last and saa-the iraRcdy of Its destruction—a traijedy so Sudden and appalliiiir as to niakc me reverential, rather than re- aeiitful, I instlnctlvdy saw that it was inj- duty to drop every| othor otdiKalhm and conshlera tion and U) devoto iny enti time and energies to the i-estora- tion of tho jiropnrty of my com panv and pf the commnnltyjio largely deiH’Hdent upon It for dally hresd. This will rcipdrc at least six months nnd (lerhaps a year. I am lliercfore comtiotled by considerations to tender to you my roslgnallon os candidalo of the Democratic party for tlio State Senate, feclin(; snro that you will appreciate my i>osltion. I am, with assurances of high esteem, Yours truly, If. G. Cliathain Chairman Stockton nnnounc that a meeting o^the Democratic Executive Comndttce will proba bly lie called to meet in this eily Saturday to select a successor to Mr. Chatham. AEBOPLANE SERVICE AND AERIAL ARMIES New York, July 21 An over seas aariiplane service lietwccn Eurotie and Aiiierica nnd ve bio aeixiiiliinc armies in clouds on lOuroiMan baltleliekis areexiwtod by a Krench aerial ex|vert who tniked almut the probability to.lav to materinlizo williin tho prenent yen . iwinted to the tri]> of tho giant nubmarine from Germany to nalUmore as juntlflcatton for wbat might otiiorwise bo termed wild guess. “There are going Ui bo flocks and flocks of aeroplanes used on both sides and aerial ballle.s, with aeroplane armies, will bo emme liniwrtanl and fealui-en ot the grent war," .said ho. “How to iransimrl guns and ammunition by air is a matter that is receiving cx|M(rt atU’iilion now. Aeniplunes arc being used that can carry a live hun dred jtound bomb nnd they are so steady and safe that when the Imnib is drop|>ed the pilot docs note any tightening of Uio loa To be able to Iransimrt light cannon in tills way from one part, of the line to another would bo tremendous ativantage and it Is safe to nropbesy that tills will l«j done beforo long." "Clouds of aeroplanes aro go ing to darken Uic ; ky before the war is over, and some of them will be huge air tronsporte in overseas commerce. Tho aoro- plsne has only begun to be used. niclimond, Va., July 21.-S,T. Morgan, of Uio Virginia Carolina Clicmicnl Company loiilglit - word to Govormir fyK-ke Nortii Caixillna h If there is niiy real suflering ; need for uuUiile cuitlribulinns for flood suiroix’rs in North Ciiro- liim to draw on him for S.'IX) ixm- sonatly and $500 for llie company. He also sent a telegram to (!ov. ernor Manning, of S.nilli tt-iro- llna, orfering $-100 on iieliair of the company in case of need in that EUkic. Wiiislon-Salem, July 20.— With tliu soulbcaslei-n flnntls virtually over. North Ciirollna citizmis have turned to (lie work of relief and supplies of food and other necessities arc flowing into devastated district from half dozen cities in the State. 1 addition, Keprc.scnbitlve..s Page and Webh have called tlio War Department's attention to con ditions in tho Yadkin valley and Secretary Hakcr has order re- ix>rt from District Eegineers, with a view of asking Congress for auiliurization to extend liclp to the sulTerors if l'’odcral action become.s nccssary. I{flier com mittees have been organized in cities. Conditions are dcscrilicd a.s serious in Wilkes,, and taugii counties, wlicro many laid to be facing slarviilion. In N’oi-lli WilkcslHiroacominlltiH- ppointed by the mayor lia.s sent ont aiiih'ais for licip. .-\1| finsl upplies arn said to lio exhausl- d or greatly curtailed, and with 'roiulsnnd railw.ays waslied away llie trans|K>rlatii>n pml>)e serious. Tlic crops in Wilkes and adjoining i-ounlies are s:;i to have liei'ii coinpleP-!y di -troy ed by tho big!) waters. Greens bdro ofgSTfiz.a'noiWToilRVTnSrrWr relief coileellons. l''loi>d vieliins in llie .-\slievillo district are Iming provided food from that city and food on Motor trucks are leaving Char lotte at frequent intervals. Trains and packliorscs arc being sent to Chimney Rock section with supplic.s. Appeals for out side help liavo been sent out from Rutherfordton. Two additional liodies •ccovercd from iho Catowba •Ivor tmlay near Relmont. fiolloved nnw Him the dontli fjwf from the flood wilt he than VVord readied here today from North Wilkesboro that many l>eoplc ill Wilkes, Ashe and Watauga counties were dc.stitutc and facing starvation, as a result of the Hood, and appeals were made for niitsido help. IiiNorth lUO. Rejiorts bidoy from the Chini- ney Rock section told of the killing of the family of li-ui'o Gi-nnl iiy a landslide down Ikild lounudn. The armies of rc]>aii'nion sent totlicIlocHl districts arc making I’Hpld progress and prosiwlsare that next ivyek iionniil schedules ill be arranged in railvvay.s, Ualeigli. July 2L—(Jltizens of Raleigh, anxious Ui contriiiub* to the relief of the sufferers fmin tlic we.stern Carolina flood, have i-eil to Governor sug gesting tho ni)[)ointniDiit of a central relief committoo and ask ing the Governor to request newspapera tocall for contribu tions. Greensboro', N. C., July 21.— ,T‘V* “hows the Southern Railway depo», entirely suorounded by water. Vlie water at on the 5rr. TIio oontonls of nil oai-« slen.linB on the siding, as well as all t.ic-froight Stored lu the de|)o6. was greatly damaged. A force of men were put to work Monday after the flood, cleaning out tho mud, which was noni ly two feet deep. Wiikcslmro Tclicl coinniitle a|)|>oinlcd by Mayo Spai;ihourand tills comniltloc i s(lmliiig out a rorniiil appeal for food suiiplies are either c.\h;uistcd or short and itii roads and railroiuls iin.slied away the Iransjiori.ition problem Tiiylorsville is the ili-oad jHiint to Nortli Willccsbom where supplies may It is 21 miles over a road between the two places. Moravian l•'alls is with out flour and corn and otliei- points In that section in a similar situation. Tlie food .supply at Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro is sufli- cient for only a few'days. Gen eral Superintendont Simpson of tho Southern railroad, who walked up the Southern iijjo sixty-live miles to North Wilkes boro. is reiiortecl as saying it would bu fully 20 days before a ti-alii ebuid lie runlntothatidacc. Reiwrts of complete loss of ’rops in Wilko.s and adjoining ties continue to come TT'ohi remote sections and condi tions are rCvenU’d oven worse at first rcixirted. Ahso ule destitution c.xi.sU nnd in many cnse.s' starvation is immi nent. In Crcciinboro a relief fund for tlio tlimtl suiiVrers was sUrlcd late today and Umight •ni'ly $IIXHiad la-cn contributed. North Wilkesboro, July 21.— So far no loss than |4 aro dead IIS results of the tloi d Saturday. t'oin up on Mulberry creek comes llif report that a boy by tho name of Caudill, about ton 'sold, ami twQ.'womcn wore drowned. Manuel Hayes and entire fami ly of .seven waters of Roddies river arc re|x>rted lost. A water siwut struck just above his home and^ooUrcly covered llie liouse with all tlio family, not one escaping death. A landside on tlie south side of tho lirtishy Mountain is liorted, whicli c:»rriod a house in wliU-li .a man, his wife ami fnu children lived nnd only the nnd wninaii survive - the foUf children all wore killed. 'J’lio main b.dldiiig of tlio Shell (Hialr fartory is roisirlod linving wnslied nslioro i Uondii, nlmut Ifi miles down river, still standing uiiriglit willi the l»[g cliair that sal on tiic riMif still tlicrc. It is thniiglil tlini mostnf tlmclinics nnd other stock is intact. The car load of i-hnlrs limt wei-o just reiidy to sliij) has also liccii found. TJn-co horses aii'l four cows were lost on Reddies river by Mr. W. J. Palmer. The Moravian Falls Power nnd Milling Company, whicli operates a ixnvcr plant roller mill and spoke nnd handle factory at Moravian Palls is almost a total loss. Their mill building, was swept away, and a result the village of Moravian Falls and the LETTl R FROM MR. W. K BREWER. (Spaelal to The Trlbum) R>s farm, Abslicrs, N •Inly 2f'.—The rain bcrclaslweek cubeiiinliHi yntiii'd ly in lliegreat- c.-.'.rM-.|ii>i that li:is kis'.ted ihi: >C-'’i 'll in l!ii' l ist linn-ire.l years, Tiiis >oction of Walnut G; '• wiisliip in Wil!-,-'-: (■•■n-ilv, noo- l!,e I,end kvniei-: of (I.c i idi le jirong ol RniHng iii •villi ii wiitorslied of ul lea>,i miles along liie lllue Ridge. >l 5 miles alnng C'.irler i51 const reel inounlnins. T1 :iud been sliimc-i-s iiliiiig (lu- llu! Week op 4o t-'rldny ntgtit, wlicii a reg ■' I'.iiii set in iind tlie amount of TiiJii fi-oip ilicji up (o aliout oViock, p. in., .Saliirdny. wlion Uie fivshoi wa-s at it's higliest, nccnrtling to tlio I'cfiort of the enllior bureau nflice hero, 11.OS inches; tlie total rainfall up to Sunday evening was fl.Hl inches. Roaring River, in this section, was about fl feet higher ■Dinn the previous known high water mark, according to what Hilling*. Messrs. J. E. BllUngi, M. 1j. Bowers, A. J. Billlngst-W. A. Hulclilson. W. R. HutchiBcn, U. C. Waddell, O. L- Smoot, A- J. Moxley,-M. p. J,lines, S. H. Caudill, John Kennedy, Dan .Slinmiile, Cicero Caudill, J. E. W.aliier. Che lands in the famous •‘faJiigllotUima" of Mcssi-s F. |{. Al.-xander. .S. T. Al^'ximder, lb)b.-i t Alexsnd.!'-, Hiliii-.v J.-lnes, Tyre Joines, s. F. J>ii(es, Jr. Al .O llie lands of C. C. .-'dexaiMrai- of tlie liasin f'reck s'-tthnnent, I lli.> lands In il.e Htue Ifidge old people say, for tho last hun dred years. Tlie damage to pro- l»orty runs up into the thousands ot dollars, to say nothing of the Inssoflife, The damage is grest nil the way from Covenant C-hurcb. indnding tlie Misses wn of Wilkesboro is in dark Power was also furnished for til" opciation of inniiy small In- ilnslrics. including lli>’ ixiwer for running tlio presses of the Yel low .lacketut Mni-nvian Falls mid Llie I’atriot in Wilkcslioro. One >r llie most Hciioiis silualinns r.ieing Willres is I pi-iicLically all Ihe lloiii- .md corn iiiills. c.s.-cpt tlio North WilUes- > Riilldi- Mill Uit'otlior with' lx of il n wl.Cat wlik-li had ami wltJi "•kyet iK't'ii IlireHlictl, i 'I'tic lumber dealern and fne- irics wliu have lost heavily in Inmlicr .slock have c.allwi a meeting and organized a holding company which has for, it object the conserving of as much a.s liossible of the lost stock which lias lodged in drifts down stream. They will gatlier it all together at some centra] ixiint nnd divide it among tliemselve.s according to each iiulividuid’s or company’s loss. $rHl,000 to$r5,(10(l. Sevci-.d stack •ds of wheal nnd oilier grelii.s re swept away. Almut 20 head of live stock- horses and cattle were drowned. Two mills —one a merchant mill of Vf. C. Waddell, and about 7 or H dwell ing houses were swept away. The river all the way from the fork, at Covenant Church, to Basin Creek and on into the fllue Ridge mour.laiiis presente to ob server’s eyb the greatest'destruc- tion that has ever been known in this section. Tho bnnits of the , river are stripped of nearly alt vegetation and liuge boulders have been dislodged from their long resting places. Once pro ductive bottoms have been swept away nnd presents a scene of al most total destruction. The river, in many places, has left it’s ' old Imd nnd cut it’s way In great channels through the bpttoma. Tlie dc.struclinn to growing crops is All along through the day mid up to late in Ihf oveiiiug great crowds of jicnplo could be secH coming and goinp, viewing tlio scene of the great destruc- lion wliii-ii the middle prong'of Roaring River iimj it’s tribularlea Ixaig* wroxiglit. ' ha* lieon ’ Ku's|Wjm?«l: husiness men are held u)J .and can't get home. The mall Trom BroWer.s to North Wilkosbore, U Ditliruly stopped. U will be several day.s beforo travel can be resumed, owing to impassable condition ot tho foards. Tiiero wore groat land slides in the mountoias of the Blue Ridge. Great number of acres of corn, pasture land. This tine ste3l bridge, erected in lkl3 b.y tho sister counties of Surry and Yadkin, was sweptaway in the flood of July 15th. It landed only a few hundred feet below, but is t..-!sted and^warped so badly as to be of no value. The bridge was built at a d ' * $4,800, and at the time ot construction was considered safe destruction by water, compared with the previous high- marks- Tlio new steel bridge that is to replace the old one 10 feet higher, and 510 feet in length, not indnding approaches, and will be equhi|>ed with a double drive way and a center walk way. Tho new bridge will cost about $20,000.00. Tlio luss ot the Eikln Furnitu n «n,i 11,1 ,A ,t A about a mile Eaatof town, will probably iiotexceed $5,000. The water at the highest stood 27‘^ches deoo In the office d did considerable damage to the flxtnres. In one of tlie factory buildings the water stood at the same height, beln^ on a level with the office, and much dmagf by faolnrea n popular line of fnrnituro. and it is graU/yIng tosnow Uiat Uiey will soon be In roadhiose to again supply tholr rapidly growing trade. ^ ^ Including timber, slid off engulf ing the hollows and streams. Tliree persons, two women and little boy, wore drowned. One of tho wmneu nnd tho little boy have been found. The woman was fonnd Sunday lodged in a tlrlft opposite' Basin Croek hurch. The little boy was foimil late tills ovening. It will lie a very sod day. inde^, for the husband who was away from homewhon ho rotnrnsand finds Ills wife, moUior-in-law ami little brother and everytliing dear to lim swept* away and gone, but such will bo the case. On the west prong of Roaring River two mills nnd a atore house were swept away-and great damage done bottom and o^er lands, as well as to Dcrsonal property. The damage done in this aeclion Is so great that an acenrate esti mate can hardly be given, but we believe a conservative eetiinate would place the total damage up to around one hundred thonaaiKl dollars.

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