ON ELKIN—THE BEST LITTLE TOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WA^hEK THE ELKIN TRIBUNE Klkin, N. C. Thursdty. Dec. 6,1917 WAR 8TAKP TAXES EFFECTIVE TOOAY- WaRhington, Dec. 1.—The war •,tsinp Uxen counted upon by ireaRury officiAU to produce ^100.000,000 r.nnuAlly as iwirt of ih'* irre.u revenue irea*uro on- flci''d by tlii> oonKrosA laet deto- b*r becRuie effective today. Oil' bcRinninitof today’s business liour every brolter. nx- rlutiice. clesririK hoiist? and p*‘r- 01* ciicaRed in stoctc, p»-oduee or mi-rubatidise transactions must Keep strict account ot the taxable .If.ilincs, Tin* internal revenue bn lias issued cotnprelienaivc retiula tiuiis to Kovern the eolicctions. The taxe* do not apply to bonds, iiuies. or other instruments is- sueii by the Hnited Slates by .-oiy loreign Rovernmeni, or l>.v any similar Rovernment Hub-li- visioii, nr to stocks and bonds of i'>>(rp>>i'.itive buitilinR nnd loan ..-M-latiinis ■•[terated e.velnsively Jut- iiK'ii- members and luaniiiR ■ iiily tiioir sliureholder.s ot to mutual dili-li or irriRalion c-tjiu- liixe.s include: Indei uri-ty Iwnds, fifty i-enlr. liei-'; t>r‘inium is fimi'ROd .vutiim ofiliu bond ta.v will l>nr cent on eacli dollar of ATTEHTTS OF BAVARIAN CROWN nUNCE RUPPRECHT TO WIN BACK LOST CROUND FAIL. Attempt of Bavarian Crown Prince Rupprecht by an encircl- loR movement to nullify tlie bril- liut advance ot General Byni; toward Cambrai lias resulted a:- parenlly In complete failiii'- M- though at certain points ihr G-r- mans pierceti the British lines and captured positions, men ami guns, they have paid dearly for their enterprises in casonlties the desd near La Vacquerie dnr ing the course of 12 hours havim: been greater in numbertliHn dur iiig any similar (leriud of liRlitiin.' since the war began. Relatively, the Britisli line l o mains AS it was before the (ior man drive. Tactically it is ju't lis strong. The enemy in groat numbers, has endeavored t" pierce the front at Masiiion- , delivering in all 10 HtlncUs thm ■. all of which were suici ssfnfi'' repulsed. Some of tye enetiiv succeeded by redoultled oIToi is in penetrating tlin ndjoinmg til i lageLcsReus Vertes. but li'or were driven out In a i-uun'or .o ' -tack. Tbn sharp salient formc'i the occupation of Mai .shieres o., the British was an uxiivn.olt liard one to hold, and jui'inglsm unlay night General l.yng lo mi prove his line, orderei iho evio-u aiion of the village, wliich wus car. led out unham i>ered by tlie Germans, who Sunday mornitig evidently had not learned of tlio strategic move, as they were'iiii- tinning to bombard the old iwisi- lion. loiter, Berlin :min>uiu'i-.i that the village had been clcun-ii of British. Near th«! soulhorn base of the line the Gormans also have attempted to better their positions around Gounelieu. I.t Vacqueric and Bourlon, but tlieir efforts, AS at MasiiioroH, brought . them DOlhine ii«usK.un.n Uonal heavy caaualtics. Trie i^LuVi^Wn Dbusccnirms ■ German war office claims ilmt liO guns and more Uuin 100 maeliine RuoB were captured by them in the fighting of Friday and Siilur- day. An interesting feaiuiv of the initial attack by the Germans Friday was that near Gonr-aii court, a large forceof /NmericBii army engineers were ti .ii>|i>‘d in the encircling movement- They took refuge in shell craters initil the British pressed forward and then, joining the Britisli ranks, fought side by side with tlie Iln tons and aided niulcrmlly in i-r polling the encoiy. The Austro Germans liavc noi yet launched their expeetet alUqk In force on the iiorlheri front in the Italian theaU'r. bu atong this line and along tin-Plavi river to the Adriatic sea \iolen artillery duels are in progress Sear Meletta an attempt by th' enemy to break tlie Italian liiu delivered with preliminary m Ullery preparation of groaiinu-n sity, was put down and liie :ii tacking forcescompeilcd to tb BERMANS INTERNED IN THE UNITED STATES ARE WELL TREATED With ihr capture of (kr llr«i Siat>.a aniillifft hy the Pennao* oar lovpmmtnt bvfaii lo tmoge through n*.Ulnd uatl«n for ibrlr ilrornt iri^t- Rteot and that at futnn> irldinrr* of war. At nno sn-pa vi^rv takan to lat Ovrratny know how wHI tbosr har «uh>s-i> who ura [iiiartxil In till* euuQCry are trwtmL Tht an-niiipanylox llliiairatloii k-k‘h to pnita ih.-ic alU-n aaemlaa unijrr rr^tndnt la Aiuart'-s hava no ranMin to ooaiplaln. It sho'va IntvniMl Oamum* at the Uimlxretloii atalton at tilmirioit.'r. X. J.. iha reaalvlur Mtatiun for linmiKniuie far Htaiaih-liihlH. Thap^niularxo no prlvatluns whnl- ovor. and auiu»ain»Dia ara pmvirleil for lhriu.*Hs wall n» (ioaI (ui>) amt lodjlui. The men are ««m playlUK ten plus. .ti ihr loft la fha oOf »h« la • hanced with the care of (ba paoltry relaad for thair lahla. lock issues, tlv 11)0,000 of fiu- sales m-tninsfer.s two eents i>cr PKI. i>nHliiC0Hiil*'s mi exchnuge r iigieeiiiftiL, “for future deliv- ry" iwn I'onts per 100, or fnu;- iiiti uwrilia). l>r:iti'i>rcheeks iwaynblo other i-Im- than iit sight or on doinand, >iN):iiisi>ry notes except bank lilies i>sued for circulation and or each rmewal” two fcnls per $100; di'>;ds and conveyances fifty ixn- $l(A)'$a00 and fifty ikcli addiliunai tuUO, with l)er $IOOtoSl |ter$100; withdraw als fifty cents; steamship tickets pi to $a; elciTion proxies U*ii cents; imwerol attorney twenty- i’iuying can .iu-k in iiddiliii eiit.s tax, I'.irc lie Cl 111 (i.i- s five cents |ter 1 to present two -Is |H>st package each tvvoiity-tivQ CLEAN SOLDIERS URGED BY BAKER l oluuibio, S. C., Dec. 2.—Kept n .1 suite (i[ neutrality as long he wise fore -.uance and great i.ilienci" of prc-sident Wilson :iiiild -SO liold lior, the United GERMANS PlfT CHILDREN BEFORF. ADVAMONG ARMY Washington, Nov. 30. —Aii the oppressive measures which char- ncteriocd the invaMinn uf Belgium and many of theacts of barbarism which revolted the civilizotl world H-mi-oflieial dispatcht-s frmn Borne totiny any, are now l>cing practiced by tlie .\uslro German invaders of Italy. Near Zenson, tin* dispalclie.t siiy, the invaders placixl Italian women and cliildren before lh«tr troops aathey advanced and the ItaUlan soldiers were eomiKdled to saur.afice their innocent coun trymen. In the Friuli region, wartaxes. re(|Uisitions and conscription of ji.ibor is being practiced as it u‘:is in Belgium and northern ; France. .Auslro-German prison- iei-H tell of Italian noncombatanls : massacred by the invading lrooi>s .1 loot from iLalian lioines and slie|>s liRs been found on the iiotlies of dead troops. Soldiers on till* I’iiive declare they hear till-scrciiiiis of women und cbil- divii fmiii till' i|pos|U‘ side of rivei The invading ni-iiii>‘s have tak en iiA-ay catlif and olhc- proper l.\, liiiriied liou.-mhoid furniture forllieir bivouac Hro.s, Itosni triHips. till'ilispHtelies say. hi comiiiitIt'd iinnaincabloatrtxdli NO NEWS FROMTHE SOLDIER MEANS THAT HE IS ALL RIGHT. Although the fiiilun' to receive lotlors from meii in the M:rv,ce is not, (ilensiint to rtdalives .and friends at, hnni*- the .id;igc “no news is gooii in-ws’’ never was true lliiiii ill present. Tlie rejairt of eve;-y Oiisnally at bourn ahrootl is JmmisliaUdy wired cabled to otlieials m Washing- boing rul.aycd l-xnidon, Dec. 1.- -Tlie (termnn foreign secretary, i)r, vonKuohl- , IS quolod in a Central News dispnteli from Ainslevdani as saying it was absurd to imagine iermany w-ould enter a |M‘acc ,'onference with large eiaiins. ,'itbuuL los •jf li o the cmeri A mstei-d-Mii, Doe. 1.—Du ring yesterday’s sitting of the roich- .stag's main commiltct' Dr. von SiutoB was lon-eU into the war| hecuuse of the disregard of inti'r- .iliunnl honor and comity and ic ruthless deslniclionof .\mer- -.111 lives and American proiwri- V !)>• the impei-inl Gernmii go riiment, said Newtor D. Bake e.-retary of w ir, this afternoon 1 an address iH-fnrw lomts iui*et- :ig of men -it n local theatre, heid luier tlie auspioi-.s of the Young .len'.s C'liristiur Association. Tlie -secn-lary ot war said that In PnlmUnn -ho Tarl,. .v.'.i .,11“;** [•It the^ khaki clad -missanes I whom tlie Amerivan nation wi jbe judged.■’ lie wanted the.se iyoiiths who will light for free- 109808. At Olio place ilio iitu. [doni” to be clean spiritually, luor- utons penetrated a Britisli iHisi ally ami pliysicully and he urged Jerusalem conlinuu to a Britisb positions, but every will- have been repulsed with hea jwbeent? 'SWWW . Tl IsTiritO released fur publication in the ■wspniwr.s. No now.s of casual ties has or will be held up. No man in the service has re- •ived o.-dei'-s nolto write home; he has been urged, on tlie con trary, lo keep in Otucli with rela tives and fricntls. Tlie forensic have at tlieir disiJosal post cards giving gcner.il information in regard lo health and the receipt ot letters and parc-ds, which may he dispatched wivliout iwycuuiil Ilf iKistage. fare is also taken to see that mail intended for soldiers nnd sailor.s i-euclies them prompLly. 1’.Vhero the regimcntiil and coin- panv designation of a soldier is not known it may bo s«.-cured by application te The Adjutant Gen eral’s Office, Washington, D. C, week l,r.T-l letters with in sufficient .addresses were roceiv ed at lliis office. i)n 1,232 iho ad dresses were compli'ted and they wore fOrwanl. turned to scn.lm-s, o'* went to the dead letter oftii-o because send ers’ addresses were not given, and the balance wore held with the view thnttlie .addresses might iploted later. fr --“K “Our eyes at the present mo ment a|e turned lowird the CAst. Russia bos set the world ablaze. A gang of bureaucrats and syco- phant.s rotten to the core over ruling the weak and misguided, tho probably well inGaniug, au locrai, .surreptitiously brought about the mobilizalion of that country, which wastito actual and immodiato cause of tlie gi gantic catastrophe whic.h befell the world. “Now. however, she has swept aside the culprits und she i.s la boring to find tlire an armi.stice and jieaco an opimrtonity for her internal re-construction. I iiet'd not sup])lemeni the cloar words in wliicb thochan(«lloryesterday slated the ottitudeof tho German government toward those airo.s. Here again our policy wiil ad here to tlie ))olicy of firm but muderaU:! statesmanship based uixan facts. Tho principle hither to announced to the world by the present rulers in Potrograd ap- p.*ar to be entirely acreptabic ns basi.s fur re-organization of affairs in the east-, a reorganization which while fully taking into iiccounl the right of nations to determine tboir own destinie.s is calculated primarily to safeguard the es sential intorcstH of ibe great neighboring nations, Germany and Russia. “lam profoundly satisfied that we shall bo able to pursue tliU course in full, agreement with our allies and I take It also, with tho almost unaaimous moral sup- ]>ort of the represcntalivos of the German |>coplo bereasscmbled— a fact which will give our action necessary weight.' by tion but later wen- ejected from it, leaving prisoners in the hands jf the British. With the British Army in France, Saturday, Dec. 1.—(By the Associated Press.)—Ivirgo numbers of American army i-n- glncers working on tho Briti»ii rail ways in the region of Gouzcau court, caught in the German turning movement, cscai>ed bv lying in Hhell holes prone on the ground while the British fired over them. There they remoii ed until the British wore net eaongh to enable tlie AmericanH to join the ranks, when they fought valiantly and played an important part in replying to the enemy. The British couitioind era refer to their galloov behavior with the greatest enthusiasm. Anierk-an.s who lo the firing line to so con duct tlieir Iivc.m that they will be worthy of emulation by tho youths now training for the great adventure. Sccrolnry Italcer, accompanied by iii.s priv.ai.- secretary. Mr. Duffle, nnd .Major (ieuoral Henry f. Sharis*, c|uai-tGrmasU-r genar al of the Uciu-d States army, ar- rivt-u from .lacksouville this nnii-i iiig. They wetv met by G.iveniur .Manning, with whom they breakfH.iU'd at Iheoxecutive niausiuii. They vi.siied Camp Jackson, the giioKiH of Brigadier General Charles H. Burlh, cotuuiaiidcr in tlie absence of Major General Charles .1. Bally, with whom they lunched. In the forenoon the Ift.OOO troops at the camp passed In review before Secretary' Baker, who l;iti>r inspected overy phase of the camp nnd its mani fold activities, lie expressed hii'isolf as being extremely pleas ed with tho camp. The secretary SAVE FUEL BY CONSERVING ELEC TRIC RAILWAY POWER Washington, Dec. 2.—Inacoir munication wliicli he sent today to .1. W. McAlister, of Greens boro. fuel iidaiinistraUir for tlie stale ot North Crrolina, Federal I Administrator Harry field poinUs out that tlierc must be fuel saving through Ihel conservation of- electric now used by electric raihva.vs North Gurolina and elsewhere. Tlie coQimuiiicalloti. which addressed to all tho sUto admin- iatrators, calls attention to the fact that after careful investiga-' tion on llio luirt of tho govern- G1VPJ4 INSTRUCrtONS TO ENTER PROTEST. I'ell-ograd, Nov. lid,— .Major Kerth, .\iiieriean luiliUry at- luchu, liAs beon inslrutiUsl by AiiiliAHsadiii- Fitineis to inuke a pi-dtesi on tlie part of the United SiHies similar In that entereil by the lieads of the enu-nle eiiibas- 9k'.i here to tlie iiogoliattuna for an armistice l>i>tween Russia and Goriuaiiy. The oinis-^-ion to joi - Iirotost on|ered by tiin othc SOME FACTS ABOUT WAR msURANCE iy iiiiin or woman iif any ago II- active iiiilitnry or naval ice of Ibe United States cj obtain Government insnranc Ilha.sbecn ruled that iiiemliera oftlftleers’ Ti-ahiing Camus arc indnr the act and >-aii ubUtiii iiiraiu-e. The cost for i housanil [Inllavs of insuranc froiii sixty live [-cuts a montli to loii.s at till- age o' * wer'ly om 11-dollar aiul liveiily cents i III to those of tlie age of flfly PRESIDENT WANTS CONGRESS TO PUSH WAR LEGISLATION Washington. Dec. 1—Presi dent Wilson bellevoa congress •shoald confine itself alnioat en tirely at the eniiiing aeasion to legwlation for the vigorous prose cution .if the war, He is exi>ect- ed to tell congress so in his open ing uddreas, which will be deliv- emlinthn hall of tlie house at 12:30 o’clock Tueaday. All ar rangements were made today by the White House witli Siwaker Clark Mid Vlee-PreBldont Mar shall for the joint se.ssion st that hour. Tlie President continued at work on his address today, tran scribing his notes into finlshetl form, but tho address still will be kepto|>en untill the last minute. He tias asked all ttao cabinet members to present memoranda on possible legialatiou which they consider vitally necessary fortite successful! prosecution ot tho war and, It is said, the President will outline thoir recommendations willi his own in ihu address rather fully. agreementagalnsl a separate l>cace, to which America is nut signatory. | ,\uiba9sadiir Francis has as- meii the attitude that all aid | that America liiis exiendisl toj Russia, and all riHiouimeniliiliiins Ui that end by hint wore inadi; with tlio t-X|>resK undursianding, ho reiterated, tiixl RusHl.tinU-nd- wir^'luisbanii, VhiUf. grandchild, breiheror sister, stepbrother or stepsister, adopitnl brother or adopted sister of the instm-il, ns well as ivarint, gi-undpnrciit. or steppni-ent ciUierof the insured or of his or lu-r consort. 'I'hi* insurance is nut cnii)|iul- |S(»t-.v, iml the ctn-.L IS low and the j protection great, ami roionly MEXICAN BANDITS CROSS THE FRON TIER San .Antonio, To.xas, Dec. 2.— Mexican Bandits have crossed the Rio Grande twice within the few days and engagetl in battles wiiii Ainoi ieans, accord- ug to i-ui>orts reached here to night. In one encouniur one Auieneau soldier is reistrted to have been killed aud another wounded. A dispatcli from LaFeris.Cam- uron county, said that bandits, crossing there Friday, had a bat tle with river guards and wound ed one. a MexieVn, who was taken 10 Brnwnsville. A report from \.Mpiiie .says tliiit bantlils cni.ssedVm river tm the Stigiier ninch n^ar India Saturday, stole a nun^r'Vf lliditsrs. says the report und wounded while several Mexicans were killetl. edit) continue in tho war. anti: that, therefore, he believed hini- .clf justified in the abHcnce of mslriielinns from the state de- pariinont at Washington lueiiu-r protest against the indt-pondeiil action of Russia in tlie malU-i armistice. II iiorso meat it ha-s been found that duclioiiH In schedules of .electric railways cac be made, that ton much fuel has been expended in tho haudliug td cars, and that there has beeu a great waste uf coal through the system of power stations at present mrintsined by many of the electrio railway com panies'. Dr. Garfield calb upon Mr. McAlister to co operate with tho public utilities eumpunics North Carolln-a with a view to and his |Hirty left tonight fur bringing about the uonsecvalion Washington over tbe Seaboard, loflnll. WHO'S LOST A SACK OF Bia HEALTHY ONIONS iVho’s lost a bushel and a half of onlonsV The police have aocb on hand and are looking for tbe man who Is so fortunate as to own such a large quantity of itieae precious articles. They wore taken off a negro who waa captured Saturday night. Where he got them bo can’t explain. He's in jail awaiting a hearing before Recorder Hamilton C. Jones thls^ morning when he wlU bo given another opportunity to explain. onion.s are large and healthy looking, and are eoiitain- ed in a hour sack of unusually large proptirtions. The suck is being guarded hy the police— this iwlicy having lieen coiislih-r el wise owing to the acarcity ol Uiia variety of vegetables iu re cent months. CommLs.->!unt-r Horace Motn-o and Chief lIi.Twley were worried considerably last niglil aboni the safety of the onions. Tbe banks refused to tipen to let the iiolice ofilciais deiioait ilium iu u safety de]>osit box. rhereforu they re- mainml al (he twlice station. Late last night policemen reixirt- cd that Uie sack was still safe A heavy guard was still guard ing the onions. The |)olico would like for the rightful owner to claim the on ions as siwn -vt ixissiblo. However, assuring proof of ownership most be given by the rightful owner Some venture tossy that more than one man owns all those onions, for surely man would dare to keep such B Urge amount of valuable property in his posesslon. He may have kept them in n bank; but no banks have been rei>orled robbed. At any rale, the onions are be ing heid for the r'ghtfu! owner. It is hoped that he will prove his' ownerahip and take possession of tbe onions this morning. The polko dare not go through anotb- ligibki affowi'-d i)p(S)rluiiity to obtain this iiisiir- iiuce vvithiiul irouliU- or extra ex lieiise but they an- .s|>ociall,v urged to du .so. Gen. IVrshingaivI ihuusandsof i>ihcr offi'iors iiiul lens of thous-' ;mdsof soldiers have already tak en out insurance. Up to date IHilk'ies of insurance have been issiJiidaggregating$l,01$2,93ft,(XK). Washington. Dee. 1.—Repre sentative K, Y. Webb, Ilf tlie ninth North Carolina district, inought liack glowing accuunls of condi- lious in Ohai-lottc und tho aur- roundii.g country. He is very enlhusiiislic over the prasperily of tlie people of liis dislr that they havemm-etooat and more money this year than they have had any year before within his knowledge. M r. Webb found iliiil the i>eople every where he visiU-d are for the Wilson administrutlon. He say ihal they are p.urlotic. and ready to help in any way to bring the war to a successful couclualon. “I have never seen happici lieoplo than the North Carolinians I came in contact wiiit during ■ny vacation,’’ said Mr. Webb. “Tho farmers have made good ci-oiis, and are- receiving good prices for them. Colton is 30 cents a pound. All sorts of farm protlucls are bringing good prices. Most of the tillers of the soil have money this year, The North Carolina people > with the President. Tliey believe Uial the war must be fought fast and hard, and brought to a sitoody and auc«ss- fnl end. There may have been differences before wo entered the coDlllet. but there are none now. Wc must all stand together and DRAFT RECORDB TO BE OPEN TO PUBLIC Wasington, Dec, 1.—I'rovosl Marslini General Crowder an nounced today that al! records kopl by lo-al and district lioards, •adjutant generals and otiier 1»er- conneclion with registra tion.' selection and mobilization of regislranls under the selective service law will bu 0]>en lo public insiHH-tion during usual business boui'H except answers to ques tions concerning physical or men tal condition and de|>endeni:y. General Crewdor stated draft officials have no Inclination to cause injusticoorembarros.sment lo registrants and the rules and regulations make it a misdemean or to divulge any information re garding pliysical fitnessor depen dency of a registrant to persons other Ilian those directly con nected with the administration of tlie law aud a one year impris- oniiienl penalty will be imposed for violation. night. ENCUSH OFFKERS ARTKERE TO KELP FRENCH. Four officers of the Britisli ar my. Uiemaclves Scotch, have ar rived in Charlotte find will assist in training Uic soldiers at Camp Greene tn modern trench wkr- fare. There are at prOsent a numlior of French officer* at work leaching the moo at Camp Greene how toact in the trenches. Tho British officers are Cap tain Potrie-Uay. of the famous Sixth Gordon Highlanders, ma chine gun corps; Captain Barth- wink, Captain Kemp and IJen- lenant MacFarlane. These oOicera. togetlier wiUi the French ofticf.ra now here, ht»vo been assigned by their re- iiicctive couDtrie.s to toach the American soldiers the ayslem of lighting the Boebes. All of them have seen kmg service in tho tranches and are well qualified for their work. The British of- fioors have just landed, having reached an American port loss than 10 days ago. fight as one man. such strain os that ot last tJic aon^ is the most patrioUc section of the United SUtes. Mayor McNineb accompam-Jd | I'S™ S. them welcome to ibo Queen Cliy. j (Charlotte Obaervar-

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