r a i ! tl, ii, u it v. itli an 1 1 i, Ill.t'!' (I j U.ll Hi'' a al" a si fu i ' ri in i:.vn:s i i0 .r.o (Payable In Advmue k.KlH MARKCT RF.PORT m TTt'-J weekly ty ATKINSON' COMPANY al h i!c i f !' -ir ill Cl 111 da ! i .1 1 iull nmnuui at earn M.i'r !! r.y. This in dudes earn iixmI, ri!-i, hominy, i ica. rye flour, barley Hour, aat man! md the like, lvjinl mini bar of pounds isi the mumuro, "Seeond-It h desirable to i promote tho use of homo ground -1 maul, tin reforo it is hoped tliat persons who have ruined corn will adopt tho policy of Laving it ground into meal and sell the meal to all retail grocers wo that they may supply their trade with I.V0 it instead of meal from without 1.00 J the State. This will do three do 1!HI I sirabh things; 1st, to secure a l A v : I .( :i l (H'i;iiai;.M'.s.is ,M)T.ui M-l. are mad" by tha L-l harms makers in the t:ite. - Hurry Hard ware Co. i.v t, I ii ii I AH spent home .',20 supply of halter corn meal; 2nd, keep money in the State; and SJrd t, haunt ,. It, sal"-, .'4 ; t ' I.2 I ken, it 'ok. .......... :m ! it will enable farmers who have la-na Iipih today 24 ' corn and meal on hand to make i Vet to-day V! ready sale of it. SO! "ri.;,1 Tl ..-,..,., tn f llmaf. J III I II 1 In: t i tnvi i i w i . n-o v ll.itter, choice lice wax Money SourwooJ Ibied apple I'otator, IrUh... I'otatoe wect.. aaliliairo onion :inc 221 l.Vj' .V) f rule is that we have not more jl i than 0 jkt cent of a normal sup J. V) m i-aa nl ply of Hour or wheat, and we . 1 ou .therefore must consume 10 icr cent less than normal. The pur pose of this rule is, of course, to accomplish this end, and when a ; person complains that he cannot get a Ku dcient supply of Hour, I the only answer is that this j stern necessity, and all of us I must eat less. ! Fourth Tlie.se rules and regu I lations do not apply to a fanner ! who rained hi own wheat and THE CROUND HOG iaH Hamt. 0I, iaru. J f ie vihH Last Saturday was "ground-; t0 d0 HOi )0 can have any quanta hog" day, and it ha become a ! ty milled for his own use. YOU AUK ('OlN'iI TO UKiSK money if you do not see us about your rooting ut one". Surry Hard wore Co. f .'I!' I,:,!." 'i. . I I ' V i, at lb" a of his Ian in I:...: -a 1,1 af I iiniiiiir at af i ye us. life had been His und this community, bean in .lonaiviili in..., I 'ii, all 4 i I t i 1 I :i a i ii ln iir iiiiike iiiiniriliatc s.-U laiili'i'hiK'u'-i' Tmali'i', having rlanm iiu l)n k' (,'orupii uy ill V. !.i II l Hi i- m - ' ( (Mil II V Will I . -1 j i ' 1 1 1. " i! I) the ; u ill! all pi i Motis 1 1km j claim ! list Mils) alu their POULTRY WIUK OK ALL kinds. Hurry Hardware Co. A KKW Pr)VS TO SL'LL AT ohl prices, sr. (X) to Sl.'.O). Surry Hardware Co. with J. A. Jurk?or, Clerk Superior j Court tor Surry co.mtv, ut Dobson, ' an his farm just across the river, ; x. c, or with tho Trustee ut Klkin, N. ; until about L'j yea rs ago when he(C, who will file them rith uid Clerk, moved to his present home. Ho! Claim against said F.lkin Drug Com-' had practiced medicine for about : mt Lo filed nn or before Jan. 1 . . . : 10, 1'J19( or this notice will be pleaded sevcniy ieius, urn. aouuouuu w. ; n bnr of th,lr reCovery. that vocation until aooui io Thi 17th day of Jonuary, 1919. years ago, when he became too; J. W. Rlnjf, Truhte. fin. Iila in I. envoi and wan romnoli- - - ! " ed to give up his work. 1 His remains were laid to rest BIMX'IAL ritICK ON HOYS wagons und tricycles. Surry Hardware Co. WUKKB DID YOU FIND THAT good broom. --At Surry Hard ware C'o'h. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT Surry Hardware (Vs. tradition among tho people not' only rf this section but through j out almost the entire country, henry A. Page, Federal Food Administrator. RUSK NEWS. February 1th was another day that if the ground hog comas out of his den on the .second day of -4 February and sees his shadow, , of clear weather. We certainly he immediately goes bark and ho tho w, . t has passed, and 'remains for hx more reeks, j now that spring is nearer we can during which time rough, cold ; live in hope. weather would prevail. Hut if i An cidemic of measles is rag it was cloudy, and hU lie gsliip. in lIlU COinmunty. failed to see his linage reiteated in the .sunshine, it was n sure ign that w inter had passed. We ti! Irncrtv what a Jay like last Sat urday was, and if the tradition Mr. F. M. Stanley hiwnt Sat- ! urday in Klkin. Miss Mayinie Stanley, who holds a jiosition in (Jroensboro, ;. i.,.,.... i.'.n, i...... .,r...r,-: t ii.i 1 ... . l.'ii'A ti .m II.IIIH 1 1' nliu real sevctT winter weather, Mr.j Mr- ar'd Mr' Alexandria Cround Hog will have secured n I Muunct rc tho proud parents of Hgh seat among t!;o wraH,er:a new ba'i' boi vv,,i,'h iU prognnsticators. arrival recently. j ;c,ecca. tho little I year-old ' t'l approaching (daughter of Mr. and Mrs M." L worn wi.i oain on ii.c uocKor.v, is very ill with pneii and another crop will hcimonia. 1 for this year. If there! M r. j. H.Stanley is very sick e,-a time that demanded ttl Mw, ro energies ttnd amV of the n I Ailt- i-rn'ritrt t i cnlwr) n i ' KILL YOUU CATS AND BUY mousetraps. i for I0o. Sur rv Hardware Co. 1-5 In the cemetery at Rock Springs last Friday in the presence of a large number of sorrowing rela tives and friends, who, not re garding tho cold and disagreea ble weather, attended to pay their respects to one who had ever been a true and irusieu friend. Dr. Hampton is survived by his widow, six daughters and four sons. Mr. (Jarlie Hardey, who issta- tinned at Camp Sevier. Is visiting C. too. ill. a l-t i ,;,. i,msIU. i ,,hj ,,,.ir)riNi Mr.nnti MrH .m;a ,s ttiecommg-iummcr. hv-, j, aiy farmer sliould prepare every i ,, . ..... ,,,.,,, . I i- ' Mrs. Katin White is very V.nl all a tarn! af l.nwl nn In 4 farm i ' , ... ,i... .1 , fu!lowi",g a htruke of paralysis, and raise .something on it that; J will help to feed tho people. A ' Messrs.!'. W. Stanley ami J. L. vast number of o r .)ulation ' Wl,il0 nt a hx t,a's in Wi'- . . j .'Inn Wilnm licl n-nni.- iiivjigaguU in u.i,UMf1il and ; hanioal pursuits, and ate de j Mrs. Sw.r.glc. of Asheville, Is r,d!r,g on the farmer to supply j iit sick nt the homo of Lor sis llaun with the commodities nee-Iter, Mrs. C. W. Doekory. a;ryio n;MniaHi tmir bo.uiy; Mr. and Mrs. J. L I.ytis were oxNlence. There will be a hlgi Ultf j,Uv.hU uf MlN anJ Mrs c .lotr.an-l for everything ra'sed on!nu,,lvIi SuuUy afloinoua. tho farm or in the girden, and! ,, i lit? &UUU-y hCIXVil IS Ciui.0.1 f s t I prices will bo fully up to tho re I Uire:i)Pr.ts. Along this line, we f wouhl like to urue the boy a on th- farws toorgamzo corn clubs und the girls to organize canning for a few days, tho teacher, Miss Koselhi Follin, being ill with measles, A number of our citizens are 3 clubs in every neighborhood. It' pending tho week in Dnhson, at would pay for the business meuj tending court. to offer a prize fur each club to; Mr. L Ct. Draughn, of Wiij- use ooy raising tite most bushels i ston Salem, U vinitmg relatives of corn on nn seie, anJ to the; hare. hUi I uiiiiiu HUkli' I1UUJUI II i i - ,f . 7 .,, Mr. (tilmer DuuiKin. f Camp of cans of fruits and vegetables, i c . , . , ' . ,, ii. . Sevier, snrnt a few days here it would pay handsomely, and , . . . , . ' , , ., '. ,, bst week with his mother, would c rente a spi i it of friendly! rivalry among the boy and girls 1 Ii11'-' year-old son of Mr. and would educate them in farm j aml Ir9' A- t-ockerham died last lend garden work ami create In j Saturday. The remains were in them a greater love for rural lifo. trrctl Monday in tho cemetery none county inTcnneHsee, last , t K'ichinond. The parents have ear K- b iys in one club av er-! 0,1 rdeopost sympathy. MEETING OF THE WOMAN 8 MIS SIONARY SOCIETY. Tho WomanV Missionary So ciety of Klkin M. F. Church met on Friday, P. M., In the church Although tho weather was dis agreeablefourteen members were present. The President, Mrs. Lillard, w as not able to meet with us. Mrs. Alex. Chatham, dr., conducted the devotional services and presided over tho business meeting. Mrs. II. II. Chatham, the Treas urer, called the roll and collected money for dues, bible woman and pledge. She reported that more than the usual amount for the Bible Woman had already been paid. Our Hible Woman inChina has been receiving 'Vi lio a year, but ou account of the higher cost of living, several ladies increased tlo-ir contribution for her sup port. More than lf0 has been sub scribed on th? I Ned go. I year tho Society paid $iru.U), this year we hopo to make the Pledge. I7: ). From the cheer ful rospons to the roll call in January and again in February tho amount will certainly be secured. Alter the business meeting an hour was given to the study of "A" African Trail," the book our Mission Study Class has for this year. o began the study in January with an Africar Acrostic showing that Africa is Ancient, Forbidding, K'ich, Immense, Changing and African. Mrs. Hubbard read of 'The White Mau in Africa-his approach by sea his settlements ou the beach his trade his way inland and his Ir.faienco " Mrs. Me Ncer continued tho study by reading 'The Missionary Trail his settlement and tho circum stances of his lifo. Mrs. O. T. Koth real an ac count of tho Missionary's friends his functions and Ids statistics. An extract from a letter dated in 17'.- was read by Mrs. K. H. Lewis, showing that as far back as i"'.)l there were Missionaries in Africa, sent by tho Moravian Church. A short description of "The White Man's Town'' in Africa and "African Travel" were read by Mrs. John Koth. In March we begin the real study of the Hulu" and his Itantu origin. NOTICE Ity virtue of the power contained In a Deed of Trut executed by J. II. Crubh and bit wife, Ida Orubbs, and recorded 1 Refute r o! Deed office of Surry County, in Hook it, pajrei 13!, and In the IV'irUter of Deed' of- j (lceofYadklij County, in Book 1, page the name belntf executed to the underoljfned trut4, and default having been mde, of the bond which ore necured b.y taid Deed of Trint, and upon the dimnnd of the holders! of name, I Mill on the 1 9th day of Februury, p to the hlghi-nt bidder for cah, at public auction the Unds rylnjf in Surry County at the I'osti ,Ollice in Klkin, North Carolina, at Mrs. Mary '. Hurch died at.i.m nux, p. m.. and the lands her home near Honda, Monday at! heti-lnafter described lying In Yadkin! 10 (X) A. M., after a short illness ; County, at 2:J0 o'clock P. M., on the with ar-ntr imliaest ion. Sbo was ! ,Ut0 above mi ntloned, at the IW.offlce ,. , , ,, , In .lomnvllle, N. C, Hald property, j.ai.sw,.., ...... ) I x-i n g di HeiilM'd follows: life had bean spent near tlie; li.jfinninironaiM.plironthebiancb place of her birth. She was a ; ruin Weil dejfrecn North with N. daughter of the late Kcv. and ! H. ThompHon'a line, u thalni to a Mrs. W. H. W(xxlrufl, and a hh. blUek r..n; th.u,ee South 12 chains to ... , ., c., , ., , I a ehfuinut: thence Last Ii chain to a tor of Mrs. U . C. Shores. All of ; ( .M. Uii.ncf N()llh d)lifl4 lo th(t these relatives proceeded her to : H-Klnnlnjf. ContaininK II acres more the spirit world several years , or !. ago. The funeral exorcises were SKCONO TKACT-n.-jinnin(f on a conducted at the home by Uev. ' k;'. A- -r r"BK" ... ., .., r, i ' 1 1 tlitlns to a utake; thente North .10 (has. S.Norv,.!a.tlJ:-.() P. : d(.Kri. Kasl H chains to a Uke In luesday, ana mo remains were ( nj im.; West M chsint to a stake;! brought to F.ikin and laid to lest Uienee South ) dejfreen to the begin! in HcllywiMMl cemetery nt 4 P. M. 'W- Containing 12 acres moi-o or The pail bearers were Messrs. l,'"'M . . , ... ... ... IHHtDTn.Cl..-lIe(finnini' on a .1. U.D.mmette. J. A. Somor. a Htak , olJ u y ,3 W. . Ihrris, V. . S. Sale, S. 0.'cn to , bUl,e in the old line; Maguire and Y. H. Johnson, them-e North 2S dejjrw-ii Katl 5 1-2 Mrs. Hurch is survived by one t-ltaio- to a uke in the old line; daughter, Mrs. Lula Weir, and ! ,,,,,W4' Sou1t, -' .d f" ' , , ., , ... ,, , chain to the U-ifinctnir. t oniaininif two grandchildren. Miss s -2 acre more or U$. FOHtVII bar.iand Master Wilfred Weir, TK.CT.-noinning on a black gum of Klkin. To the bereaved WO in tlw o'd cmer runs F.att Vi chains extend sit.cerest sympathy in N'ck Tliompon' wrner on ash; this hour of sudden and sore be roavetr-ont. died at the thence South aide of I'an'hnr branc h 1 and runs South .Vi dpjftre West M ' 1-2 chain to J. C. Thompson'coi ner; j tl.cnce with Ids lino Kat II chains to an. I.".) ov. nun nun v uiv.t-.i ii., vr.K home of his father in law, Wil-jj.) j,.tfrce Kat lth hi line ham Cheeks, near Jonosvil!e, on ! thi-me iih hi line t. ih U'gla We.lnesd.iy night of last week, nini.'- 'ouUiDln;r .T) nen- more after a short illness with diabetes ' nij 'c,' Vve ,our.Vr! followed b He was adjoin each other, upon abb h Is situ. god .')( bushels of corn to the1 mc, and in a cauiilnlub of , a jHsition in Mt. Airy, Igliis.luT report. .at they home last week on acc 142,914 cans of vegetables and! Illness of his little 1 Y s on hand for sale after Keep lenough fur home use. If Oshoo boys ami girls can do j why can't tho boy, and K--.S of North Carolina do as well or better? Mr. (Jilmer Dobbins, who has was called account of the daughter, Mareece. klUSG OF f OOD ADMINISTRATION In ( , V;Uy ':uliat our readers may suand tiio rulings of v.dmimli atioii In re ; ho aalo of flour, we rint a aniwor of Mr. Pngo to Mrs. Sarah Ann Cockerham, tho widow of tlw lat David Cwk erham, died at this place Janu ary "tUh, and was buried at Stan ley graveyard In tho midst of a largo number of sorrowing rela tives and friends, Revs. Draughn Rnd Key conducting the funeral services. Hest wishes totheTribuneand iti readers. Correspondent. NOTICE. Un next Monday, Feo. 11, the Merchants Association of Klkin will begin a campaign for the sale of "War Tiirift Savings Stamps." These War Stamps are having a wide sale throughout the coun try now, and it Is the desire, of this association to help our peo ple better themselves by pur chasing these tJovernment war stamps. Any of tho undersigned mem bers of the association will be glad to explain the invebtment in detail and to supply you with stamps at his Ptore: Graham Owyn Co., Ine., Kclch Walsh Furniture Co., Klkin Hardware Co., Surry Hardware Co., Snow Clothing Co., Cash Clothing Co , Cnuer& Sale, S. H. Wilmoth, J. W. Diminetto & Co,, Dick Grier, City Meat Market, T. J. Pre vette, Somers & Co., Klkin Holl er Mills. II. ..VIIIIIU.I..I. -;MbJ.fiv-ro41.ndwrlln,, nn ....l.hn 2 1; years of age and is survived . roud leading to I)obon, N. C, from by his wife and two small rhil- s Thurmond, N. C, ail four containing d.en. The funeral was conduct-1 01 1-2 acre more or ed by Kcv. X. V. JarvisonThurs-l ,K,mi TnACT.-IK'Inmon a ... , . , , i chettnut oak, and black rum, on aide day and h.s remains interred in :of hu, run3oulh iHch.lo.toa ai.ke the cemetery at f wan crwu. i ntv' liae; Uience Ft iih aid ' 11- . .1 . . S-. J I j iiur, IU Ul VI.S'B, H.lllH' alUIIUHIIU Mrs. Pearl SUinestrect died , alrtut 3 chain to a perlmmoD on ast Thu rsday at the home of M r. I ide of read; thence South with n. II. j L Johnson in West F.lktn, ! Tl,t""i'on oui 20 chln. toj . - . .. :a- . . i .. . . i Uie mouth o( a ttream, Je.T llranoch'n Iter an iliness of more than a! ., i I, I after an illness of more than a; ye tr with tuberculosis. Her re mains were interred in Holly w.khI cemetery I'rlday afternoon. coraor; thenee West IU Id lioe about 5 chain to a white oak, C C.I S moot's conjp't llience Weit ith Smool'i line 20 1-2 chains to a pine; i thence South 1 1-2 chain 'o a tk, ( tin me Sou Hi 2d a-10 chain lo a k.ake; i thi-ne Weil 15 chain lo pointer by a pa Ji; llicuci" South 14 chain to a : slake then Id the Leffmnlan!;tbfnce' NOTICE. To Whun it May Concern: This is to certify that the un dersigned has qualified ns Ksecu- j run to th top uf lde at the Ocntry lor of tho -will of the hto D. J, j road; thene tU said mad lo a black, . i i i . , i gum and pine; thence South to a s-, CocKCihain, deceased, of tho , .. , . . . ' Uafia: thrnce J.al to dojfmoodon' (ounty or surry, sed State of lank of rold; Sou!h t0 to piQ,,h osk , North Caroiinu, and that all j In the old line; thence with cald line! debts duo said estate is to bo beaiumnj. Ceuuiuluif lso, ,, , . ... I acre more or less. (The above de- paid to tho undersigned and that uritn-d land !l In Bryan To-nl.lp, ( anyone holding claims against! S,T7,,,1nl-IX,CT.-n..lnnln2 on a! said estate shall tile same withm j H;rlmmon oo oth sldeof Jonesville' one year, otherwise, this notice j ,,'ad' YL?kln ,u? ruu Houth , , , , . .. , I di-jrtwa Last us 4-10 M.le to ro.k( will be plead in bar of their re-j in Uunman'a line; ana with Melc'a COVery i",,p South &J dugree Fast 25 ft-lil,, pole to a tnke; South 5J deyns? mis ma isi oay 01 r euroiii j , . i ionjf Houth mart lo of an alley it clHCl S j iGverasers' Subscribers Of the Tribune SLIGHT INCREASE IN RATES Owing to the very heavy advances, hi cost of paper, Ink, and living expenses, we h ive been compelled to in crease our advertising rates to help meet this extra cost. Wo have not, however, increased our rates to anything near the increased cost to us, but are willing to bear as much of tho burden ourselves as possible. KlYective Jan uary 1, P.H, all advertising rates will be slightly in ex cess of those' for 11)17. CARDS OF THANKS In the past tlu Tribune has made no charges for a card of thanks, but the increased costs of publishing this paper makes it necessary. KlToetive this dat2, tho fellow ing rate will apply: Cards of thanks containing SO words or less, .p0c; additional words one half cent each. It must bo remembered that a newspaper has but two things to sell its publication and its advertising space. CHANGES OF ADDRESS Wc are at all times glad to make changes in address of subscribers when notified, but it is necessary that the old as well as new address ha given. Failure to give the former address often necessitates a xe irch over tho en tire mailing lists. . v'.tvV.ii; r , '" " ' - - - . ,.-,.' l h ,';, r :u3 I IP t) H it it 11 If; if r t -i $1195 F. O. B. DETROIT The apple alwayt fall to the ground. It cannot FALL UP. The price of the Maxwell clotcd can Jl 195 waa fixed In accordance with another inexorable law. For lest than $1 195 it would be !in poib!e lo jive you cIoed can combining ai they are combined in the Maxwell beauty, frace, comfort, efficiency, dur ability, economy and atandard equip ment. For more than that, on the other hand, you roulJ only get larger aize or fancier furnihin(i. i,'v, . i, i...- .i s J..-H t f ; iHS W. A. SHORES DEALER JONESYltlE, N. C. f I - t - i NOTICE . l.i pole to a .mil pi hp lit link from .!.,.. . . .1 w u- a pine; South 2 dorrei-. Kail 11 4-10, L BOir Da v ' ' ",v 1 " . ipolctn a utaUr, South 77 1-4 decree . containeJ in a certain Ierd at iru.t. Kxecutor of 1). .1. Fockei hatn, I U'et IJ nole to a uke la nunman .iN.uii.a h I. II. Wadi. on Hie :V,..I deceased. SALE Of LAND rC!t TAXES I, W. vV. Harris, Tax Collector for the Town sell for cash der, in front of tho Klklr. Nation al Hank, on the Olh day of Febru ary s i line; South 0 1-2 deS. Ka.t :"l l-2.o!.. j , , N m,. (l ,hp umlrl ,t ., j I thence In a Northwest direction with Tr""',e nd d,'f,,!l '1 '- '"" ' tl rnnfUrln of f'obh rrwk I In the parim'ul of tin) boiiJ sicuital I to a irin moo; South 37 defreei J ,y tift Deed of Tiut. I UI olT.'r v et i i nfiio to a pine noutn w ... , mi,.. i,i.m,.i- f,..- of thi ll! the oak btiah: North 42 1-' decree Vet I town of tllkln, Not th rut oliu, on tlx i ii'. bvk M'll W or lem. j ecty ; 4-it i i i m t "n - t- .V i "r'ur -r i ror al to the iijinem biumT t of K kin, N. ('., w ill 'di'giw Kat 15 hiI toa taka North . . to the h oliest bid.l32 l"w ' P lo ake, P' l,cll0n 1,1 '0B .V,a V t , v.i Kn Nor51' 53 dr- Weal 12 rolet to a whlt Farmer A Mrrehant, lUnh. ...--.... ,ogK ,un- North 2 l-I deirrw eit i.in nf I. Lin. Xm th rut hi; I Hank, on the Dili day of I ebru-1 lti .l Pole to Jon ille road; South I ,M,h j.r of prur,,.r, .. 4 o ry,10H,At2 o'clock, P. M ., to 51 decree v..t -;s 1.2 r;e. to '! , ., , L'l atisfy its taxes due and unpaid I WiunlnS. fntainlnf 1) acre, more ; -M-; h following de,.,,. for tho vine I'll I tni'mml I'llA n,. f..n..-a,., .....1 Thin the 14th day of January, 191S. lleirlnnlnir on a iiine II. M. fiiil.n tuu iu ttjn it k. 1 t-.ii 1 .iLiiit- n 1 1 1 ifi- 1 " erty situated in Sun y county, ' A' KLLI:,l Trustee. X. c. I - j W. W. Harris, Tax C'oliecUir. N0T,CE .Ian. Silt, laH. Thia is to notify all persona L. II. CombH. Hot in KiUin that the firm of Gentry A Adams, taxes for 10H, 191 S, 'and I01f I consisting of T. A. Gentry and ?ro.ro, cof,t$2.o:., r3 2i. W. V. Adams, decoasod, has corflpr and run North K.7 den.-H Vet, i 1 4 chain to a tki, thenee North 3 degree Kal 20 chali; to a take; thonra North f " deffn wct 12 chain to a tk in t'-e rod: thenee North II 1-2 chain to a hick ory; thenee North 34 degree Wet 1-2 rhalr to a lil.kory: f lll- J. M. Simmons, 1 house and Iwen dissolved. All debts duel;0"""'1 hfw No,th l,) d"'fr'r 19chatato a chestnut; ibenc 1'iat 13 chain to a chettnut; tin nre Smith lot in Klkin, taxes for 1915 and by said firm to Its creditors la io iv 10, svi.i i, cost .jti, .vj-j.i-,. oopaiuoy i. A. ucntry, ana ail is chains to a atake: them-e Kat na- W. W. Hyrd, 1 houso and lot in ! debts duo tho flrta Is to bo paid lng a eheitout corner 0 chain to u ! black oak; thenee South 5 1-2 chain Klkin, taxes for 1015 and lOlfi, ; to T. A. Gentry. $.U0B, -ost $2.10, $3:.l.-j. ! T. A. Gentry, Thomas Newman, 1 house and lot, taxes 1915 and I'JIO, $9.85, costliMO, $11,95. W. W. Adams, deceased, lly II. II. Adams, Administrator. This Jan. o, 1919. to a post-oak, thetK-e South 7 1-2 chain to a iih 'intaln-onk; thenee South 20 degree W'ct 13 ehalu to a pine, thenc F.at2l-2 chain to a b1aok-)ak, Ull!y corner; lhuc - - - i1!.1 L .,-1. ! South .IJ it. xr. Wet 3 1-2 rhalnt to a itake; thenee South 3 d.'iw It chain to the liejrlnnln,,'. f,,ni,inii!' ai re more or Ir 1'hU tli 1 1 tit clny of January, luls. .1. I- Ib-ndren, Tr-jatev. NOTICE. ." Noti.-e U her by ulvon thnt the (h-I Iniprovemi-r.t, U: (1) The ravlnji nt Main Stte, t from the K. A A. Hall- ioi..iiij to U.h iutersertion of Main iindtiwvn Avenue, (2) Hi-Mae , Stv et from the IntemTtion of Market ami lb idje to tlie Southern Itailwuy t o., ami (.() t'hiireh Sterol fr(,m . t! ,(h tlon of Market nd t hurrh to Mam Street. T!i above tteet hare been (oiti pleti il. the total eot thereof com mt d and BKvmed apalnst the abutt iiisf )roifrt) owner, a provided li S.-.tlon h. t hapter .VI, Public Lawi. Nortb'ai-otina, lUl'i; nd !d e,'. inent ro!N have Iwpn depnltM In the ntie of the t lmk ot the Town af Ml kin for lnpvtlon by partie Inter eted; and thiit the Hord of Coinut ftinner of the Ton of F.lkin ltl it on the L'2 day of Kehruary, l?iis, be ti on the Iwiui nf 10 A." M., and 3 I. M , In the ( ominUnlaner Hail nt Dlkln. N. t., for the hearing- of Blhy'' irntimi Mild ohjecliou 111 lVi.jH( t ti the Rp.H-UI ae.ii!enU airaint own' eri of prop'-r'y Rlmttin? the n ,j tif( U impi oM'd, and b!s. a to tl: ' a ) niii'tit a; aiimt the North Carol In ' I'ublle Serviee t'ompany. ? t (. Armdetd, Clerk. Thi th 7U day of Jan., l'lll f V

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