11"! I I li It I Mi s. VOL. 0 i:ikin,N. CM Thursday, Feb. 21, 1010 No, I ... fc . t ft. J I V Da u. s. old!i:rs locate rLrctRincD WIRE TEN. DOLSHEVIKI ARE HOLDING GERMANS AS UOSTACES NOW With tin- American Annies in Franco, Feb. J7.-(l!ytlm Asso ciated Press.) An American pa trol having passed tho first line of German entanglements Ro'l approached the second line last night, was suddenly cut otT by a current of electricity along the tlrst wire line. Instead of attempting an i in mediate return to their trenches, whieh'would have meant certain death from electrocution or ma chine gun tire, Ibe Americans clung close to the earth, and la'cr, when the electricity was cut off, returned In safety to their positions. It was a thrilling experience for the patrol. A certain num ber of men Ret out from the American position in the hope of encountering a number of the enemy at a point in the German trenches. They had succeeded In Retting through the first line and had crawled on until the sec ond line was reached. When they were just about to start under tho second line there was a bluish glow, and, turning around, they saw long, vivid sparks playing through the barb ed wire of the first line. The enemy bad turned on a powerful electric current. The pat rollers quickly flattened out on the ground, thinking they b:il been discovered and expect ing momentarily to hear machine gun bullets go hinging overhead. Nothing of the kind happened, however. Apparently, tin? Ger man merely turned (,, tie- cur rent by ( haiie" hoping that if any Americans were within th-1 eiitangleu.eii'.s they would be killed on the wiroor a hi'1 trying to get out. The patrol returned safely to the American lines v le n the elec tricity was cutoff. Tin; Germans apparently hav ing discovered the i:,( inii g of some of the American r k( t sig nals, last night caused tin Amer icans for a considerable distir.ee along the front to oreuare for n gas attack. At tlrst the Ger man Kent into the air a rn i;ct of a certain Color which is the American signal f ir gas attacks, but the ho'ix was discovered .oii after the troops ntjjsU 1 their gas masks The German next snt a rock et railing for bar'nge by the Americans, but the American oCioors on obsci vatiou duty in an advanced post, seeing whence tho r U-1 c.tinc, sent a message to the artillery in time to prevent it from hyicg down th" r.ce-lVs shell fire. The command t.i J! re was ready to be given when the information reached lb gunner that tho enemy was responsible for the barrage signal. Kxtreme 1y quick wm k was lueissiry to atop the order to fire, for the Ameiican artillery ha r ache. a high degree of speed of going in to action. The (iermans are coming to reli2' this, and they are not so free with their id.olU a in the csrly day of the Aim-i jean u'i u patioa of the line. In the Ian gu.igo of the front, every time the Fritz send o'er one shell now ho gets "n armful" in return." Amsterdam, Feb. Ki. Gorman forces are already being concen trated in Ukraine to attac'.c the Ilolsheviki, according to a Rerlin dispatch to the Tij lu, and decla rations looking to the active pros ecution of the war against the Ilolsheviki in North Russia also will be made at Berlin next week. The German authorities are anxious regarding tho fate of German prisoners in north Rus sia, whom the Holshevikl are holding as hostages, and who, Merlin dispatches say, may be killed if the Ilolsheviki arc driven to desperation. Germany has al ready served notice on the Bol shevik! authorities that she will enforce repns-,i! if the German prisoners are harmed. Count Zzernln, the Austro Hungarian foreign minister, lias notified Berlin that Austrian troops must hot be used against Russia to sunport any policy which Austria has not approved, but only for purposes of self de fense against maurajdlng bands. The Ilolsheviki are making wholesale arrests of Germans in Russia and holding them as host age, according to a Riga dis patch received by way of Berlin. Three hundred Germans and many pro German Ksthenians at Dorpat have been arrested and tiarisfem-d to Kronstadt. AlU the food in the Dorpat district has been confiscated and it is al most iii!Mssibb' to feed the Ger man women and children. Tie' live, of those arrested as well in Germans and German sup,H)i lis who have not yet been srrested, arc hourly m great danger, adds the dispatch, as the Ilolsheviki threaten whole sal-- butchery. Tho Bolshevik! have ollieially declared the Baltir nobiiify outlaw. The I us I Ai-Z"iger (Beihn) says there is great excitement at Warsaw, Cracow and Romberg as the reeult of the Ukraine trea ty. 1 he Warsaw newspapers PRACTICE CHARGE OVER "THE ENEMY'S TRENCHES" A i ' 1 -.; t . i r : 4 i . i " -j . ' ' ' ' 1 h i. i f 1 ' ' ' - -i v- ... -. K , . ' Sfc T. - St, A. ' ' . ir Pi Lull U at. LETTER TROM CERIIAN MILITARY prison cakp Stony I'oint, Feb. 17. News- Ml 1 - Miier reauers win rememoer iat among the llrst Americans eported iriissing as a result of intact w il 'i the German lines in WAK AlttS Or PRESIDENT ARC IN DORSED BY LADCR Washington. Feb. 17.-American labor's indorsement of war alms i l by President Wil son and recognition that tho war r.gai'ist Pmssianlsm is .a work- 'ranee wa Sergeant I'M gar M. ingntan's war is recorded in a lalyburtiii , of Stony I'oint, N. d -claration issued tonight by tho C. Later the national news serv-'.xecutive council of-the Ameri. es announced that lie had been can Federation of Labor at the ocated in a German prison camp, close of a seven-day session at lis father, (J. B. Halyburton, headquarters here. ha. received the following letter The declaration says tho peace from him, which was, of course, parleys between Russia and Gor- censored by the German author- many have showji tho futility of ities: "Barinstadt, Germany, "Dec. SI, 1017. "Dear Father: "Will write you a few lines, tn well and all right. I 'I l ls iiiiic-ii il ilintn;rii.li kt.nni men 1 eu AinTlrno nny (ruining tump nuking riirtlre 'tinrge oi-r gniund - I, k l.i i n !.iM mil In In-ni li-t to linltitt (hn- uf the in-my. LITTLE KISASIA WSLL KLLP IT LP. Chicago, Feb. Id .- CutotI from every Irieiuliy country, except by wireless, hVnanla wi'l con linno to tight to Lie end declared Dr. C. Angeleseu, hea I of the Rumanian mission which reached hero today. t4l k t t , t I t ine iioiHiievitii are making war on us, so Ruinanii now inut tight to enemies the Bolsheiki and Ger-ranv," he aid. 'We are cutoff from every country -thorn are enemien on every mdo of u. but we wil never give in. "We entered this wr because 4,000,fX)0 of our kinsmen are ar bitrarily snbmi'.tod to Austro Hungarian domination. We w ill fight until they are free. 'Tho traitorous action of the Ilolsheviki has made our task harder, but ha not lessened our determination.'' j ho mission, the first of its kind in this country, will remain hro through tomorrow. are appearing with black bor dec. Sd lie rs, mounted and on foot, arc patrolling the streets to prevent demonstrations. Tho director of political affair, Count Rostvorovski, ha resigned. At CrHen,r, tho paper nppeal to Polish parties to declare a one- day general strike. A general strike ha been called at Im berg fur Monday, w lien work wil be suspended in all the Polisl factories, shops and government oflevs and tho Kh(ils will be closed. I he li!r""i" tei'i le U lu-ir' prepared f.r action by the Cen tral Power against the IMshevl ki. The Nor, I Deutsohn All" gej(ro, Z'Mturg vehement') con demn the action of the Rolshe viki in Finland, Fsthoni and IJ voi, ia and says that tho Finnish representative at Berlin has tak- n step win Germany's ir.Ur- est for Finland. A Vienna dispatch to the Ber lin liigeblatt Indicate that It may become neceisary for the Central Power to give aid tol'k raine, even on the ground alone of only safeguarding the ex- t lunge of commodities. The Sis ialist Vorwaertr. sajs that llie fust important subject williwhnh the impending ses sion of the Reichstag will deal is the H'aeo treMy with Fkrainu. This will b.1 followed by the bud- u el debute, w hk li wid probably begin on Feb. 2. AMERICAN POSITIONS AT TRONT DOflBARDFD WITH CAS SHELLS Fxccpt on the American sector east of St. Mihel there has not been much fighting activity on tho western fiont. American positions have been subjected to bombardment of gas shells which lasted to hours and the American artillerymen and in fantrymen have been more active. The poisonous fumes from the German shells remained over the American trenches three hours but there were no casualties. Largo numbers of enemy airmen sought to cross the American lines but could make r.o progress against the aerijl and artillery defenses. American gunners have bombarded the German rear ir.e and comiminicatn.ns with good effect. With the British and French armies Friday, tlie day the Ger mans advertised they would nt lack in force, passed more quut ly than predion days. On the lorthern end the patrolling ac tivity viis light but the Geruian artillery was more active than usual in the Anas Cambrai sec tor. French artillery checked two enemy raid. against the Chaumo wood northeast of Ver dun and in the Woevro and the Vosges mountains the opjo.sii.g batteries were busy. Fighting activity on the Italian front re mains light. Daily Sen'ine', 10. WILniVCTO HAN WlLt FACE CHARGE Of AIDING ENKNY. Wash ingtoii, Feb. 10. Sensa tional an 1 incriminating charges were tiled with the United States Postoflice Department today against A. K. Hergenrother, a jxistal clerk in the Wilmington, North Carolina, postoftico. The allegations accuse hiui of being disloyal to America and of having secretly supplied tho German government with valuable Infor mation, transmitted through the Wilmington oHice. A postoffico Inspector has been quietly -and persistently working on tho caso for some timo, and tha depart ment will determine tho fto of the H.stal clerk within a shoit timo. Hergenrother i a dispatching clerk in theoH-ce, an-I the accu sations f.led against !ii:n by Wjl- uilrgton tiV;?,ens S'HX-Ify that he conveyed to the captains of the Keel and Vikim, German ships interned at Wilmington, informa tion that could !o appropriated by Germany as helpful to the Kaiser in tho prosecution of the war. As a dispatching dork he had free ace ess to tho mail,, and, according to the allegations, he transmitted this information to tho captain of these interned ships. Hergenrother I a native of Ba varia, and soon alter being born in a foreign country, came to tho United State with hi parents. I lo has been i ployed in the Wilmington post oftico about ten year, and this i the first time charges deroga tory to hi conduct have been piefenod. Tho charge is a se rious ono and twofold in nature disclosing information contain ed in tho malls, and dispensing information that would help an enen.y of tho United States. Ho will remain in tho po(al service until tho charges have been sifted through by tho Unit ed States Postoftico officials and their final decision announced. The investigations covers a raft of material, and several days will bo required before his fate is known. With theso charges of disloyalty coming close upon the heels of the arrest and detention of a Durham citizen for uttering Rcditlous remarks, tho caso of this German-born citizen will likely cieato quito a stir in tho Tar ll Kd.Statfl. A PROCLAMATION Winston Salem, N. C , '2 o R To tho Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Subordinate I judges under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Islgo of North Carolina A. F. A A. M. Brethren; OUR NATION IS AT WAR! Many of our eople ii'i! awake to this fact, but thousands h ive not yet realized what it means. The preservation of your liberty and freedom, your homos nnd loved ones is nt stake. More than a thousand Noi ill Carol'1 na Masons and another thousand sons of Masons are in this light, and this is but a be: i. r.i 'g unless wo put our In-arts ai d lime nnd money into the cause. There can bo no doubt of final victory if we sup IM.rt our Government as we should. At a meeting held in Washing ton in December, representatives of nil fraternal orders being pres ent, the President nnd the Secre tary of the Treasurer requested our co operation and help. O ir representative! at this meeting pledge-! the loyal siipiort of North Carolina Masonry. The anru.it communication of tho Gram! Intge held in Raleigh last mot, th fail l' thrined with patriotism and a r "solui in was unanimously adopted calin g up on tho Mason of this Grand .lu iisJictiou to assist tho Govern ment in all its endeavors, esjec tally In the sale of its securities, and instructing tho Grand Mas ter to issue his proclamation ac cot dine. b'- Now. therefor', I, George S. Nort'eet, Grand Master of Mss on in North Carolina, do call up on every loyal member of the craft to ai l and assist our Gov eminent and its agents in every way lHissible in the conservation of food and fuel, in the sale of all its securities, in gifts to the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. w a r funds, and in tho tln erful payment of all taxes imposed upon our ko pie, to the end that onr Army and Navy and those of our Allies may bo suiliciei.tly clothed, am ply equipped, pioorly fed, and diligently cared for, that this horrible w ar may bo brought to a speedy and successful end. The campaign just now is for the sain of Thrift and War Sav ings Stamps, which many be lieve to bo the best investment tho Government has offered its people. Tho purchase of these stamps not only helps our Nation al Treasury but encourages thrift, a much needed practice, among our people. Tho Grand f judge ha purchas ed ono thousand dollars worth of these stamps, all any one is al lowed to buy, and I urge every subordinate Ijodgo in North Car olina that has funds availablo or ran save a'out seventy dollars ier mouth to do tho same. If your Lodge cannot buy a thous and dollars worth, buy every dol lars worth you can. I call upon every Mason in this Grand Juris diction to purchase every stamp ho can pay for up to tho limit, and I call upou you further to DANIELS HAKES APPEAL TOR SHIPYARD WORKERS. Washington, Feb. 10. Tlic man working in tho shipyard contributes war timo service tc the nation of only loss importance than that of the soldier or sailor, Secretary Daniels said tonight In a statement emphasizing tho ne cessity of stimulating ship pro duction. "Ships, ships, and more fehips, is the call of tho hour," said the secretary. "We must have llictn to carry our armies to F.uroo and to keep our troops and the all;es supplied with food and mu nitions. General Pershing calls for a bridge of ship across the Atlantic and that is what we are bonding every effort to furnish him. "Wo must have more ship to win tho war. We must have them for the great merchant ina line that will carry Americas commerce under tho American flag to all the world's jmi ts after tho war. "Rvcry vessel that is turned out in this country counlstoward the. defeat of Germany, livery worker in a shipyard can feel that he i doing a part tow :i rd winning this struggle only lc important th in that i f the men on warships or in the ti cr.c hes." i i . . . . ..... umiotnanc neioi auons unl thn German militarists arc convinced they cannot superlmposo their will on tho rest of tho world, and that spontaneous uprisings in Germany h a v o demonstrated "Write the First National bank that tho militaristic government of LI Paso, Texas, and tell them still Is stronger than the govern- to put my money on interest iii j.ent ttiero for emancipation. A savings deposits until they hear gigantic struggle lies ahead and from me. now is tho timo when all workers "I will sec you after the war is must soberly faco tho gravo 1m over. Tell Jim and Mao to write portanco of their dally work, mo. Also Bub. says tho declaration, and it edds: Also tell tho bank I am hero "Give workers a decent placo and don't know when I will get to live, protect thern against con- back, but to put all deposits to ditions to tako all their wages for my credit on savings and give bare existence, give them agon them my address and tell them cies whereby grievances, can la to send mo a statement of bat- adjusted and industrial justice ancc. assured, make it plain that their Well, I will closo for this tabor counts In the winning of a time, and will write you again war for greater freedom not for soon. private- profiteering, and workers i - With love to all; can confidently bo expected to do "Your son, their part. Workers are loyal. FJgar M. Halyburton, They want to do thoir sharo for "UllliCmninli ".tit Ililloi;,!.. I !, 1. 1: - il.,. wn, v-i'Ui l'iiij , .'hii MUbiaiiwn, I iiiu I t'UUNw llllU IUI WlllUlU lie " Cl-i u Sfl I f !fk s n I. " I llll Li 4 1 fc, V'l 1 Ulikil 1 . I 11 til hold all Government securities and to enrourago others to hold thorn, rather than sell them at a discount, thus impaii ing our na lion's c red ii. IVm't do your hit, but IK) YOUR BKST and do il NOW Ihu need for instant .iclioi) i imperative. Our son and broth ers have already gono to give their lives, if necessary: shall we withhold our dollars? If you do your best, victory will bo much sweeter to )ou when the boys co:no marching homo. "When those of our boys return homo from Franco Who missed death in the war's awful toll, Blind and maimed and crippld for lifo But ennobled in spirit and sou And they gather with friend and tho dear ones at homo By tho tire, or on summer' long days And tell of tho times they went "over the lop" In the enrly morn's twilight haze; Should they ask you what yo were doing the whllo In tho world's greatest war to help win it, B'j sure you can look them right square in Ihe cyo And truthfully say, "I was in It." If you have not already done so, I suggest that you display our National Flag in your lodge room, jet this proclamation '' read to your Lodge at lu next regular communication and let it bo pub lished promptly in tho next isiue of your homo paper. Frnternally yours, GEO. S. NORFLKLT, Attest: Grand Master W. W. WILSON, Grand Secretary. GERMAN TROOPS REFUSE TO HOVE AUTOMATIC INSURANCE COVERS HEN TO THE WEST LOST ON 10RPED0 ED TRANSPORT IVtrograd, Feb. 12 -(By the t t ..... rissoeiHirw I .--wermiw. sue f.......,,,,! tr!,nsnort I tier at Grodno and Kovno. ac orolct0l bv Unltod Sufe. Go. cord.ngtoa.e,M,rt received herelrnmPntlnsuranco aml 0ofern. from Moscow, have reiused to i . in,vnnu0ll Tk. obey a command to move to the ... , . . . . , f .. . . ... . i nu liui, ii omiuu jur insurant rench front. I ho troops Havel aiM u .. . f entrenched themselves under the . I inuinuim n nn u i ii.is i it -l.ii in protection o their own artillery wifCf chJt or w,JowC(1 and navo ueieau'u a oeuc iunenii Thn automatic insurance tggr of loyal forces which the German about $,i300i ncWiRJj $23 staff sent to punish them j m0uth for 210 months. Insu Tho foregoing dispatch may anco that had been applied loth be an echo of an earlier report of b,fl ft nud) , pr c amutinyoff.erman soldiers on UM)cficlar,ot fcnd can 0 as H..;f the Russian front. The Russian as $10,000, netting $r.7.r.o a mr-rr for 210 months. wireless new s service sent out a t ..... . . I . . T . ,. . messajjiiouar) . u- eueew T- Pnmn4,n)l,.;ftn in rfl,A , that 25,fifW German soldiers In dcalhf Rfcn by tho (prPrntEC1 f W,e region easv u ro no re- . ,ilhout c,JtrR0 ftm voltodinconscspioncoof thoGer-l . anbftr M, rana , man government's drafting of all L $?5 1 roonth; bascdoathcciS soldiers iK'iow tnu ago or J.i lor n. I A l VI UV. V I4U V li k.S. iO llilVi , service on tho western front. under lhc rorapciml.03 fc3,3J i.erman ueseru .s we.o qo- of lho romiary and navat Ins ' as saying i no men reoeiieii, marched out of the batik l.tt and entrenched themselves with rifles and machine guns against other Gorman units.) anco act In caso of death aro t k alio to a widow, children, or K?ndont wi.lowed mother. f Tho automatic inaur'anoACraf on February 12, but tho romr gallon feature of tho act is arato provision. Tho MANY GERMANS NOT ENR0UXD Washington. Feb. 10. Thoas ands of unnaturalized Germans compensation tn casey failed enroll themselves with IOIIO,ff - t JVHV"J ' i w '' sv M 01) Vf . t 1 I I . 1. 1 regi.sirat.ion xnoi wntcu ciosca - Wednesday, and ore subject to J internment t wa t intrn tjulsr W r. iuuw g ........... ,. . 4..-. ... bv nrelimlnarv reivorts on the arcn 4''u' wun registration reaching tho i)e-Uitlonal child up Wl ..... .. 1 IT -It..! U tuiinv u pur.menwoi uusw. s, for On0 chll i, f 21. Mates marshals and attorneys (c) For two chSL'r aro now engaged In a careful 'f For three I , . m studv of tho reirlstratbn txi s. wild j ior cacn i in.t tt-ill.in a M-nnlr trill ti n.lnrlntrA I UP tO tWO. . 4 i (k) For a w'nb ea to reivort. as oruereo. nhdlv Ulon i Most fail'ircs wero duo to tnis-lthan a sum t ' understanding of the require- 1,10 amo nmiit j sta sls-.fj.V-.fr innsAtisliSr . . ...... ....... . cecd fi.i. zensuip siaius, u is oeiicvcu, ana . i . . ti. .i. .i ... nil id is prooaoio inav vneso men win WashiucU boiorroittod to register latoand coun Ktku ii not bo interned. Tho minority annointoa ... who rtiused 10 register, uowcv- Daa p or, is ix pec tea to rurnisii many Boon rc:.( recruits for internment camps, 8Uccccds itiii i ttiiiviiv ii w u3i.iv. u u uitii.s i taj(ts a p UKiay made 11 plain that a ,1UU1- roll of 'lr uer vi vviuiit nuuitii iu niuii- irkie t United Stales would bo interned Visco 1.11.1 i i 10 . "u "K imtiJM nil f i inn ni ii irf iiti i n in i nu nn. i Will W I'll. y vi v n vmivh I -' v ( emy alien classification. Since arn records of tho malo registrants 22 I" show facts concerning tho his- trig tory and conductor women mem- uuia ui i.uiiiii..-i, iv ia injiwuauij that another registration "would I bo arranged for tho women If tho j entry of A 5 tr I: , i measura is passod. on tho 6i,i,wi ' f f f C 4 f f

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