r: H n n n i , , , p H v-1 n - ,' ;, I "' ,......,' ....', v 1 - u - -J . M j 'J " : c ' m i -.i ..(.. ,. VOL. 7 ri PARIS BOMBARDED ACAt cuvniv ... vinr...:; u-UAr BATTLE ENGAGED IN BY ..".un. Tilt AMERICANS I'.ll'W A ni-il 11 'CI... 1 i i I n , ' W 1,10 American Army in V 1umM, t ,Ji I'Tanr... April l:.(5y the Asso Utni.au long range. g rontin. ciatml I Yess.) Yesterday's bat . WMiay. u,,e woman VM Wi. llu was Ulfi linj, (ky . ..Wa?.-Ub- hid' ' American troops (,. UUrnm uom- havo been engaged. Two Ger mm,-.. , .one rang... man attacks, which won, deliver- ...b -egan, i,. bombardment ,,1 j force against tho American I'!.. n-iun,,,! lain!,, th, ni-ht. positions northwest of Toul, were . nt-iiuj oomnariimcut di.j ...... ... IMlHilUSC V CHll'l !n il .. . ... " """"". "'.is left in thu hands of the Am- V M""'Uy a,l"r :: (" ''"'l M-i,:anH. The American losses UIIS HIU'I IIKOII. TIim Imi lining li(iiiiij.iiiliii('nts is of were slight. '""'l"n.ai The lighting began w ith on., of lllribulcl to the ,m,,t violent ,1.... the fart that th- Germans now ever l.iid down l n..,t Know that th- l-V.-n.-h have I., Dun,,., TlUrM,,,v aii r.J. rated exactly the Imig range nun, I mans kept up a harassing tire, o thalamus no longer any no- throwing in.-ti.i- ea shell- int 'ssity f refr lining fro,,, night the American position. The first i .... " ' )iomou M.oui.i h.'tr.ty th.'t'un t. Wkla.N. C, Thursday, April 18, 1018 MONSTER FRENCH GUN CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA No. 3 THIRTY-THREE CHARRED IJODIES IIICT AC ITC OIIJ-II irrr r-r, ARE RECOVERED. 'UUI "tLL Ltri hurt mt UhHMAN LINES x in H)Mtioll. 1 7 w nmrninj; ami was .lir.-c'.c.l against the l-'i-.-nch troons on the r.i....i . .... i i . i i.1 lo in id a I lertux in c f t, II an l of the A iiu'rici n f.- sun .an U).shnw anycasuilti.-s .... i,, .l,,. f,,-,.., lf , ,,.,,,.,, , . 4 ' I NIUIll, iii hi oi-iils WhiV 1 1. w u-:.a . . ,., , I ' h"i(ik "II till .n,o.uum,'i.i. ul.o.'tli.-n.at.-rial .ll;(.ri,.:in ,.,.. .... I j-. ....... i iiuuv I iiamav-c wan iisn'ni ii-anl ,. , , " , .in.!- n mi in.- id rinan line, n.ov u-uniy snoisoi lie' J.i'J lin-J in. forwar, I.in.l r.. which caused any notable casual t.lin u ,in, Tll(. ,.,,. ..'.., lien were those which, restH-c out of his I .-...u l, ...i- . .... i . . . " - ' ' sirucKu.ci.urcl. on Utxnl i;ht in the open. ....aj, u.e miani asyium attacii- a ,i,,i.. In,(.illn , ft! to a Hil!irniK' iiuit', I ttn ,,, .I,".,;: .:. BUW,',al,cr,atf "re purd to wheat and rye millers or kHuu. into I i,' enomv ul.,T., o.,.c ou.ers nave mt the lop born resistance t flrvt i,, i...... - m w 111 1 VMv ' U t fef : --r . .... ,J rf, , -. - , riT III..... I I . - .1. , LuCmm .... 1 ,i,.,P .8,r, ,0 ,r..-..,-, ,.,,, fr!. .. ; ' , 1 r';;' 1 ;; "7 ,m' fc,,"T,, h-" I" .r.-t...i lt.j.;ry fr..,,, i! ..,.,,.;.,,. "P'-M..,.. Hlfh..,,,-!, ,,,,. ,.,. , AMERICANS HAVf: HAD TOUR DAYS OF RFAL BATTLE With the American Army n Krnnce. April -i.-(!y t)0 Asqo. ciated Pn-5s.)-Jm.o,h.d by fln Intense Ixiiiihaidinentof hiKh PX plosives and poison hiels, picked troops fM), foUr (Jf.rman 'oii).anifH hurled thnnwelun- against the American poitlonH on the 1 jejit Klll( ,,f ,1,,, Mfn.. north of St. Milii.l early this morning, but wore coinpletclv -'liilse.l after tcriilic hand in band lilitin. l'lie Americans captured some ln.soi,crs. The Cer.nan losses already counted are :u d,.ad and 0 wounded, who were in the mcrican trencho ....i "n i uv"l No Man's Land. Several f tho wounded enemy wero taken back by thr German positions. April After another niirbt of terrific artillerv boinbardnient with iras shells tlie Cerinans continued imlnv in NORTH CAROLINA it ii.-nry ,. raw, Male i-xj Ktorien of houses whirh were e 111 1 it i- il,..i 1 , .. . I. nuiiic that tho (Jer retreated to their second line, Administrator, issued an ollkial ...... .. a.. . ..1. tt Kui,i.-i(MorK, ine rarisims as- i. . ' 1 1 ' uuun con- wheat and rye millers of North o all tinclion. The oOin.il citation hUtea that Captain ll.il! on March -, atticked a rupof lie cie-my in seated machines an I three I'.i-uijr umi M MK-ri tti.cehe was leading an uerial patrol of three inachines. Heiiniselfdostro J one and forced d own tvu tithers which probably were destroyed. Lieutenant Hi;. iron Maid, , attacked hinfl! handed a K.oup of seven tnetuy machine, de stroyini; one which crashed to the ground near the l-Yon. h hue northeast of lih.-nns. n March he attacked tao enemy tw sealer, one of vh..h fell in Ilames. Sincethe first of March, Lieutenant C'.iirhas driu-iuliuvn fix enemy machine, three d which are .?Vu! y credited to hiiii. AMERICAN PRISONLR ESCAPES I'ari. April .. The iiri .in encan prisoner to c,tM fuun Ceiinany, says thu Temps. reached Ilasei, S iU-i l.md. IM.'IT', 4 1 11 I . . .. .. 1 r ....... ..v., -v.. , lii: lie. 1 ir.r hPi'i.rri i i,.... ..j i.. .. .- thn nKri.t. 1 1. ...1 : . .... " 'U,:1 aiouna. ntnitin'' the amount of ....... " wniiiiui, IIJIK'H hi. I ,.rm inu ......in ., !.,.. -.. .... find such houses .kcumcJ. ... r.our main larmer may have L V iHi.n: luitner to ground .ut of hi own wheat for TWO AMERICAN AVIATORS AWARD- rK,,t- 1 American bar- his own use to thirtv da vs for all tu THE D S. CROSS ra-ei,re cut then. o:T, but the far r who live within thr. it- ... . . i ( i . . nun in,, .tmeiicaii .rmv in """ " " ,,Mm Ui,,r iiii!.-h of Hour mills nr..! a limit of J-i-auce, April I ::. t ajt. James l"r"ut.' t" exploding shells un- sixty day s supply for those wh. V.ir.K.M II. It ....I I: . i I til il few' sUeeee.le.l in i ........ .. . t I i: .1 ..... , " mei i.i.-ui 1 .1 u 1 1 - j" 1,1 -ime mure iii.ui inree lin es imm Frank MLir, member of the Am ",tr lh" ,l,,nean fn.nt line. any flour mill. It is nUu l!!.ni la I oricai) aerial forces ontbisfrout. """Hit attack which was im- fur .1 farmer to set! Hour out of weretoJay awarded the Ihstin I ii;ii-i - launched by the Amer- his own wheat. We miot.. the : 1 a . . li'tcu i.i.,.l . 1 - I - .. KUisn.M .cmce t'ross. They -J"" .' enemy, a riving following extract from Mr. ure the first American aviators to "1,u 10 l''Mtions. The I'a-es letter receive this new military d.s . h11'' ' -outinuf.l to sway hack "The urgency of the wheat ami forth for seu-ral hours. and fiour situatmn i ...H. fil.i.. Wlii'e t!u- action was at its LM-ii.tr not n.o.e 1 ).:.., li.tr ,.f .. 'iuht the commander of an Am- normal suimly available between enean machine nun unit report- no ar.d next harvest) that the ed to his chief that all the ma- closest suH-rvisio,. of ail dist.i dune kuii emplacements had button by the lood Administra KiWM Li..l n.. 1 . .1 . ti -J. inn every lion is imperative. Itccau.se of Kn is working hs,. hell." Uh fad the sale of !k,ur by any I he attacks were made by the individuals except rccon-d ivoraiiued 1 emnaut of M) shock millers and merchants is forb.d- tr.H.ps who failed U reach tho den and no wheat grower may American .s. lions in their K hereafter have the wheat ground uant.c raid on Wednesday. Their and sed the ,,ur , lis ,,,.,.1,. i.u.ks were tilled out by picked bors or other. Any mill uhu h n.en from other unit. TheCer- delivers flour to ...d.vidu .is man piisniiers. who heionced to s.v ditTercnt 01 -V ?. itnms, said tint t! att.i.-U .is ordered to aiei:m the 1 n.shii:k' .U-ft n,J. n-.intstered to tl ecnemv on Wed ... .... . ... '"-il.lt. IM OI I l! lin......... weren.!.i,;s. and all of the ,,. were carrying haversacks well iiie.1, as if in preparation fr a pi.lraited stay in the Ameii can trenches, corioberatir.tf the stories told by prisoners taken on Wednesday, w ho said that the l.ermans h.,d ,,. ordered to jH-iictrate the American tldrd line at all costs. The American troops, ailhoii-h tired from nearly six days of in fantry activity, went into their IHisitions sin-in and expressing their pleasu-v at an opportunity to fii:ht in theos-n in preferen. e t.i !,. 1 1..,.. 1 . , . . t ' m .-ever i- ijrttt ; ink'." .J - r v . 1 -1 - ... ..... ; 1 . . ... 1 .... i.siiieius 01 me iiianes lx l.ii.d the hues saw the Ameii cans movi'in forward nnd shout ... 1 1 'i "oius oi encouragement to the truck lea. Is of smiiin- men, w ho waved their caps and cheer ed heai tily. Krencli olllcers have a;ain praised the 1 1 h-:-:-:- I Comaianili C.-.-ra... F; oni I lii'iiprnl Veil ;,iihii.. . t;,.nit:,n li-l.T Wild lll'Vllslnt..,! SiTliI;,. ,,Vt In cmminii.l ef Hie Teuton f.in-e that r tllrp. t!)- '.jm.-. .1 to dm AunTlmo trtKip In Frmioe. remarkable tihtin qualities and the courage of the American infantrvmen v and the splendid o operation shown by Iho Americanaitiilery. Some units of the artillery were forced for long j;riods to work in as masks. An artilleay duel which was re sumed last rillht cotitintin.l u-iil. ittle interruption until lato this niorinni;. follow this praetn-e after this date will thereby ej. cause f(,r the levu .11 .f It .. .. , .. . have also received hi inks, uiu. h are as follows "fei uri. ate to be signed by farmer ev.hmniiin ulicat for i'liur; I, I,0r by ceitify thitthewlie.itthisd.i.v t . I oenvere.i ny n e to the n U' of was niown by mo tin my l.irm; that the amount of i!ur Ui l- deiivere.1 lo n.e, tonelher with that already on ban I. will not five n;e a supply more than surr.ncnt to meet the require menu of m V hoiis. held or est ib lishment duiic- the not llurty days, and that I mil n..t ell. lenilordeliversu. il i!..ur to any one. nor ivrnrt such flour to he used for any purpose except h man consumption in my house- hold or establishment." TIMELY FARM SUGGESTIONS A nreat many farmers are be niun.un 10 n'-t restless about plantinn, but there are a mm, be of thin-s that we should not for i: t as we - ) alon- (.e'.tinn the s.-e l in the nround is not all it takes tomakeanoOilrrop. There fore, let us think a little about Some of these thin-s. Have you terraced your Ian. to prevent il fiom washing this summery If not, now is tin time to do it before, the crop is planted. We cannot hojc to hold tie' fertility of our soils if we a! low- them to wash away. Ilae you run a nennitulion t-stonyour corn to see jf it is fertile and sound lieinember the old sayinn. "A stitch in time saves nine," and tin this at once for a hu'.r trouble now is far cheaper than bavin- to plant over l iter. If your ee. are not nooj you had belter order some from some one who has pssl s.-id that have been tested. If you do not know of sui h a s-rson I will be nlad to supply you with the names 01 several men who hue .'.mm! orman, )lh , .piii 13 i hlrty three bodies charred be yond reco-nition, have been re .oeieo iniiiiii from th,, ruins of the building which house. ward No. II at the State hospital for the insane here, which was swept by lire early today. The tolal listof missing u,ni-ht stooc at !, one name having been ad ded to the list l.tte today after careful reckoning by authorities. The victims of tlm Ilames wen boys and men fiom i; to lie years of nge. Three buildings, nil of them frame, weie destroyed. The probity lost and damaged is es timated tonight at $lf),(iOO. During the lire l'.H patients. including s violently insane ne groes, were removed safely, al though the violent negroes in most instances fought their res cuers. Sixty emnlovc nf .1,.. mspital includinL' many women r",". "r ,m's l"n U'eircllorts todrivo through to t,.r On in 1.1.. 1. 1. l.l 1 I ...mh in 'I: : , T" J"" - UM. of the American ixjsitions near Apremont forest 1 . . TWO SOLDIERS KILLED NEAR SPAR- ,10l t"w,'St of Toul. They made TANBL'RC two attacks, both t,f which failed. Spartanburg, S. C, April 13. Tlll! 0"(,'"1,,h casualties in the When an army truck, carrvincr our l,ui'8' ''Khting am estimated 1 ... - "I.... ...... British ARMY APPEARS LOYALLY -v soldiers of Camp Wadsworth, 31 w'veen and -100. Of this Responding TO HAIC. overturned last night, near Keidl ,,umbor ,Il0re than lot) were Washington, April Meager vilIc JS miles from Spartanburg, report from tho battle front in two were killed and tix injured.' -xiHoukIi tlie enemy waste'l l-'laiiilers today indicated that the The dead arc: '""i" lialf 'f his specially traiixsJ Uritish army was loyally re- I'rivatc IVtcr Ionegan, ;dt. ,,wjlf ti'"o battalion of 00 men, sponding to the apm-al of its tcry D, lOr.th Tield Artillerv ,ie WMH uiblu to penetrate the commander, and holding grimly home, hi Hancock fttreet, Inir I Anjori lines, which remained against renewed German as- Island City. N Y. unchanged. Of the 'AC prisoners saults. Meanwhile oflicers here Mechanic Francis .1. Meniit taken by American troops In Un discussed Field Marshal Hain'sM'-rttcry C, (tli Field Ai tillei v ,!lHiinfn Fi id ay northwest of call to bis forces to light to the 'mine. 1 Atlantic avenue T"u! .1,1 i 11 ii which two (Jermai. last man. I I'rooklvn. . Y. attacks in force wer,. ieiniiuri l'lie meauing and purpose of Seriously injured: ilh heavy casualties lo tho f-n the onler were variously ron Stable Sergeant Joseph l'hurlc n"A'' 'rivu sin'',, ,,l',l their strued. Some oflicers hailed it of Mattery K. UUU Field ti wu,uls- 'r'"' Ameiican liuoi.s as forecasting tho counter oflen-Mpry: home, 1U) Adelphi street,"10 "I'ture.l two Cerman mj. .ive by the united allied armies. Hnxiklyn, N. Y. ' chine guns, besides a miantitv of Others were disquieted. The party was going to a roun- sma11 arms- P'nades and other The war department was with- try church to give a minstrel war n,aU'rial. out information that would throw show when the s.-cidei.t oceurr- The prisoners taken belonged mudi lighten the battle situa-K'J- to ,he twenty tifth and sixtv-Iifth lion. O.licers who have followed STATEMENT ON AERIAL OPERATION 'f n,lyt,ir un"- " -U-ontl, the progress of the fight from , , pioneers and the I'hlans. The o.ir to hour in press bulletins. . '' , 1 ' ' " '"''" I" is,,,,t'' H '' " had had no u.K sLiu.meni on aerial food for two d.-,v : a.-.,. operations was issued tonight: Un arlll,,.rv , PASSENGER T5AIN NEAR NEWTON LEAVES RAILS Xewt-.T, April l::.-Ca,o:ina and Northwestern passenger train No. running an hour late, left the rails at 4 o'cl.H I, this af ternoon 0:1 a sharp curve about ;; miles south of this city. The en gine tender and combination bag gage and passenger coach were derailed. The engine plowed through a Held about feet, stopping in an upright position The train was in charge, of Cap tain lloss. Ail of 100 passengers on board escaped injury, aitho a number wero considerably shaken up. F.ngineor Itrawlcv received' a painful cut on tho head and other slight injuries. Tho trainmen wero u-iable to give a reascn for the derailment out it ts thought it was nrobahlv caused by npreading rails. see... Have you thoroughly harrowed and pulverized your soil? This just as essential as good break ing. Harrow the land before it k'ets hard and get rid of theclod or you may l,e Is.thered with then, all summer. A cru.i of corn is half made when planted ii jou nave given the land the proper preparation. IWt let high priced tuba. li.i-pyiH, from making your Thk crops. Miike enough corn and other crops to feed your family ana live stock, then grow what U'b.icco ot, can. The price may stay high hut w hat good is money byou if it will not buy sonn thing to eat. Are you p.anning to have p!en !.... :.. . . i. -i ki.u mg cops ,or your hogs ail summerr Hogs are high now and will doubtless be higher lat e. on, so in Us vi w grazirgcrops and produce cheap meat. Now is the time tu get into tho hog business. You can grow hogs just about as cheap now as ever Iw.foro, if yotl give them tlie prop er grazing crops, and they wi do Iw-tu-ron it than they will on corn. Havejou provided a gooO er- manent pasture for your cattle If not, now is the time, to do the thing right. Flow up a part of yon r old pasture and sow it In cowpt-as, and then this fall you can turn this underand sow your orchard grass and red top with a little clover, nnd by next year you will have a real pasture. Don't forget or get too busy to keep up with your spray sched ule. The lat frost has killed a lot of fruit, and if you have any it will pay you to look nfter it, as fruit will no doubt bo very high this year. 1 w ant to malm one more sug gestion, and that is that wo co operate this year as never bo- were very optimistic. There are many reasons, it was ;!. to autlfin:.te tint mv rcneh counter stroke, designed o take pressure oil the F.i itjsh front in Flanders, nuy be d.-hv i. , , . . 1 - . ." ii Him vueir Atmospheric conditions were rations from i.i.... , , favorable Friday nnd a creaie.,,,. ... " . h " UUK"fc U' , ,. , w l",,r isisiuon 1 no rapt re centant.on our four machines was Germans nuleH, ... , ..... erected on the batllefront. A hKKl ,iven .,e, i ' . J 1 . 1 Liri'i" i. iiritiwtp ti t.wt ffft.w. .... 1 m. ere.i south and east of Mont- , , , "' 1 ! enemy front lines had been IhlM-r f h,m, .wp,' i''Plo.Ved in bomb- destroyed by shell lire and dur- ... , 1 rig and sweeping with machine - . un, an., uur- Intimations from neutral snurr- gun tire loads parked withene-ny ,nK ,'r"l:,v', "r the Ameri es that Germany has been pre troops lit', ttms of Uimbs were cans temHrarily abandoned their paring for a naval oiTensjve, as '''"Pi and more than llo.ux) own front line, aiiowed Ub Ger- contained in press nqMirt reach roniU nt ammunition were tired, mans to ent.-r it and then forced in Has country, already have ZTT Z'r "T ha, l come to the war dep.,, t,ent in a height i-ng.urcJ thoenemv ol,.,..- 'e osn. in which t. mote o:hci:,l way. Mobilization which were extremely lively In American troops greatly oxedl. of n.ival reserves at the fleet base, this sector. Forty German ma- od. assembly of supphes a ul other Werc ,,ruu,'t lown and This attack, which was the activities Indicating p!ans fl,r a were brought down longest and largest st ale opera- " u i-iu.j suu.; ,, ., , ' v has develojH'd many deeds of in- for some week Nary o.licials, however, were in doubt as to the extent U) which theso reorts are to bo credited. In some quarters the sudden drop in submarine sinkings last week lent color to the Kssibi!ity of a German naval drive to sup plement the land Cs-iatiohs. the explanation being that tlie sub marines had been called in to prepare for co ojerat ion with the licet. Undoubtedly, it was said, the let man drive in i',cardy and in Flanders were for tho pummeof capturing the channel jwrts. Miuuid the. chaancl ports bo brought under guntire, the Ger man command, it was argued. probably would seek to block off .ritisl. reinforcements with war- ships even at the risk of losing many vessels. dividual bravery and heroism Handles Enemy Alien ; j A young lieutenant, whose home t Is just outside of It. Cases of New York Port J three enlisted men, attacked r. T II.. v.ermun.s w no naj penetrated In- fore. Iabor is scarce and hard to get at any price, so why not ... 1 exenangu woru will, your neigh bor, uiten you have Work that you cannot do alone, and so has ie. If you could arrange to ex change a days' work now and then you could get along without nring an extra hand, and often fttfttMMMHH to one of the American Irene), ? The lieutenant called on tho Germans to surrender. One of them raised his pistol, ns if to shoot, but the lieutenant ht him through tho head, upon which tho others lifted their hands high in the air, and yelled 'Kainared." The lieutenant marched tho prisoners intj the rear of our line and then return ed to the front aid resumed the command of his nlatoon. l ire other Americans jM-ne-tratcd into a German dugout, whero 12 cf the enemy wero slightly wounded. They resist ed suriender, but our men throw grenades into the dugout, killing four of the Germans. Tho oth era quickly gavo themseires up. A small party of bandsmen volunteered for stretcher-bearing doty in tho first lino and worked until they were nearly exhausted. The chief surgeon ordered them to return for a rest but they hid until the surron disappeared and then resumed their first aid duties. A 19 year-old courier who car J i-v, ij f MOV :) f '; J Uilllioii Wnllii.r. Jr.. Ins lil-lt Ik. you will be unable to get tho ex- pit'i hm ii n.iMiu.t 1.1 n.,. n,.r. ira lianu. Ulien VOU hav soma nt-v i-ii,-rnl ninl initlinrirl in nr... I riCa ft messflira .. - . 1 ft-, uiw.n wiaii I..VO work that you cannot do with '" """" i""i r in r-nrci 1., ,.,i,.,v miles under heavr hii fim fn your stock, and if you could ar- f11''" n-w v..rk , i,y. exhausted after delivering hh rango with your neighbor it l'"""tt- """ii'-n. w jrr,,-, ,i mesBage into tho hands of the KWING S. MILLSAPS, County Agentl '"""H " Oi cu.-. iK.st ... . Imil.tlns c....l,l r..,.,.iT...- . " h fle OCRgeH to 00 al lowed to continue his front lino courier servlco.