A ., ,. , "!'"' hi . II , i ,,,,, ,,, , 1 r1 ! in..., i i.. i . j . i 1 1 mi.! mil l. i.niiinir.l if IM.t I't-IM-M',.,) , ,;, ,l V-.. i VOL. 7 Klkin.N. C, Thursday, June 27, 1918 No. 13 D U 1! II 1 Ii r u wit J at ii- I m-m i . SAY GERMANY IS IN A STATE OF UNREST. BORDERING REVOLT ISIXTi ARE DEAD III WRECK OF A CIRCUS TRAIN IN INDIANA An Atlantic Port, June i:!. . -Germany, wur wo.u y mi. I ill fed, Ii in u stale of unrest so ai'iito that talk nf revolt against tin? iin porlal government is common, among Icilli the uiili'..ir.v :inl civil populations, according l.i Anicri can who uriiv. l here toniditoii a N'oi vvt-ti iii liner, alter Ion ies I lenco In Germany r :iiljii'ciit neutral count i ie-t nflUviH niul iim'ii, tin' vnyaicrs ntli), had t .lil lln iii nf :i sullen ns win. h i wl.l.-spio.i I in tlit German army, i"il iit lh.it It would reach Hit- Hiint where llic tnsips Would refuse to ii;ht. lull see tli.it I wear tin' coat of the kaiser. I mily w ish ou (ml, I know tin' feeling tli;it li.-.H iiit'.itii It, fur in1 nit' nut going to stand this forever," a German major told Mis Olga Wmslerg of Grand Uapids, according t her ntory on coming ashore. Tin conversation, she declared, t.stk place in a licmpital at GodeslH-rg, 'Germany, where the oflieer talked freely to her, not suspect log that he was an American, I f I - . I I'm' ( liner me same oiii.ii.h.iis, hif declared, a private soldier said t her: "Nome Jay we are ail going to put down on rami. Why should wo tight Our officer now, in stead of leading tin, go bohi'id lis w ith their gun at our backs. Mis Wumberg, daughter of Frederick Wursberg. a wealthy (rand ICapids merchant, who wan horn in Germany and a nat uralize J American citizen, declar ed Hut the morale throughout Germany in r, and the xtple nar revolt Willi her family who returned with her she ha lived ix yearn in Germany. She asserted that soldiers in the h.m pitala convalesce very slow ly, o Hnr lit the food given theiu. Carl Iv Olivaiius, a Milwaukee lawyer, w ho returned fromatiip thiougli Norway, Swee.len and Denmark, d.vlarcd that food ii o scarce in these countries that! iiltlrt ran he spared (Jermany. llorling conversation with traveler win the Teuton em pire, lie hi id: "No one in Germany speaks of victory. They always talk of food. The war, in Urn minds of the civilian population, has he come secondary to efforts Uj yd enough to eat." U"on Kains, of this city, who has resided, the last the years in Dresden, declared that Saxony Is well supplietl with fo,K, hut condition In I'.eriin and other laru cities aro "ternhle." Herman Hernstein, tho writer, who nailed for Ktii,i niontln aifo, hehevlnn that tho iM.Uhovlki would establish a utahle govern mt-nt, returned, convinced, lie aai.l, that I'nlne, Trotky and tlieir folio wrra wore in tho pay of Germany. He declared thkt rvin.i tenths of the tHplo desire lolervention by Japan, with al- REMARKABLE AIRPLANE VIEW OF THE CITY OF REIMS To-ld. , . - .'1 ; " ' . ' . ... ..." .,..1 ' - . 1 v.,.,, s,: -as, ... ' , it",-, ', i .,- .. . t; ; ....... j ,. ... v -life f fev " ". I f J .-- U. H. AND MEXICO ARE TO WORK TOGETHER 200,000 AMERICAN TROOPS SENT ACROSS IN LAST TWO WEEKS Reduction of Sugar Allowance Announced i,rf,,"er 'ar.V, I nd., June ii. Sixty persons Hie known to ho dead anil 17l me in lumpitals in Gary and Ihininond tonk'tit us a res u ft of the rear end collision at i!awn loii.iy lift ween an cipiipmeiit train and a Wallace lluyenheck circus train on the Michigan Central I Jail road five miles west M I . t i my. irtually all victims were members (1f t. , i,,.H m : . .... i on ly 01111 hotlles, iill except one ch.i nf. I beyond re'oi;iiil i.ui nave ooeii p,u-e, in v u,,,.r laiiini; csiahlishiiients tonight. Twenty two Ih.,i,- h.,ve been la ken U, Haiiiinond. The iml.-nti lied dead are: At Gary- Mrs , Alox. IHoomiiiKtou, III, " At llainiiioml-Jolin Collins pnK!ily man; Arthur Derriv, Meljfiun htronu' man; Mrs. Jo.' KAtviti ami two Hinw n..u.-.i . . ' M,J ..ii-iiiL.t.. .i.ii.i, . l,, ,. , , atied . and J,., Jr., aKed i I i. -d. . tr,,t ,t. ,..,,, ",,,, f!" ,";' , 'b t,leturt " "ea ,b '" fail.ln., Ucb U. to Olbcers of Ihe circus made fu tile atU-mts during tho day t obtain a more complete casualty list. noiu or I't'inovinc the mass of Dan Uiego, Calif., J mm ii - in r...t.t II... ..I. ..41 . I I Ilk . t. . a ... . ,,,., i,ii4. lereo circus 1 1 romincjit .Mexican oriiciais. in- coaches in further search of Ih( ludin Pastor Uouaix. secretary lies continued tonight. of au'i icullure and development mere was a lack of infornia- In the cabinet of Preident Car tion concerning the wherealxiuts ranza. were iriven a lunclxsm bv Of Al. Sarireilt. PIlL'b'I.er an.l I the eh.-imtuir. tt rfkntiiiai.n. Ii.iwj ---r--.--. . i '- ..H...-.V . i, i, int.., itui ll. lt .!in!lkt,.. i ....... M ...i . .I..i... ft . . . . , iiifiiuo, wnn pnoied vouay. uouaix is me Head or 8 Ihe train of twenty-one empty commission hent to study aim troop cars that cut its way thru cultural and water developmont me-circus train. In railroad in the United States. Tins health circles there was a generally ac- of President Wilson and Carran ceptel rcH.rt that Sargent h:.d n were drui k and pleiljei of Hone to his home in Kalamazoo. lastinir frienJshin l'tween th.- Mich., an.l that Klauss was un- two countries were made .... i ler arret at Ins home in Michi- Sinkers at the luncheon re u'.in I ity. I ml. (or red to the ls.und.irv bt i ccordin to reimrts to I.nmI the United Slate and Mexico as I'Jtln.rilies, the circus train. nly an "ima-'inarv line " Col. wlii. Il f .-i...l ..I li ..... I i ..ui iieeprs, nvepamuei v. asiiuez, .Mexican st.sk cars, tifteen flat cars and a Council at San Dico. deilued Hh.Kise, pulled part way into a when the war was at end. Amer switch and stalled there on ac ica and Mexico would b. able to ount of a hot box. The flagman j in more eneructically in mutual went back on the main trad, and development. He txnrei.M'd the set fuses as a w arnink' of danger. Iiope that Haco miht soon come me cui us train was in this no ti America alonL' tho line f.,r sition when the cpiipment train which this nation Is lijchtinK. P'ouk'Imm mto the altvporn, re- Mexico, the visiUirs said, has iucim them toa ilo of tangled dropped the rille for the plow "uci and liuilH-rs. Pnv broke and is preparing ireal devcloi ..,.1 1.. il.. .1 . . . 1 1 " im-circus irain almost im- ment of the nation aloiiu' lines mediately, ami when reseuera never U'fore attemnted reached the wcen tho IDLL'RS SHOULD LE ON Tin: LODK-our roK WORK JlliS WEEK The law It-tpiiiinir IcuUteieil men ennn:;ed in employ menl. (,.. lined lis ''lion p-...iiclivi." to e cure posiiimis essential lo the wlnnim; of the war becomes ef- fectivo July u t , , W(l(., should tin. numerous registrants seehinv: Mn h employiiM.nl. Il''istrants iiia;.;ed in the follow i nt; hues of work will not b allotted longer lo en(.;:i;e in tiiem under the new reeulations (a) Persons ciiL-aed in tin i.... ians nave now i.nss owhi ami iirmif. or n.t .ii. i. i . . ,. .' ' """mis, including rtiHM) loll 1 SEVERAL UNITS OF THE CZECHO SLOVAK TORCE PROVE THEIR BRAVERY Italian llead.niarl.M-R. Junn "1 I "" in-the liK,ting of tho last 1,11 hv "verl units of tho V."cho Slovak force, coopnrat. i"l' with Ihe lrilini, amiy, h ive ' '"Hed Th.M- have taken i c.-edltable p.,, Un attacltH which resulted i .v.nsi.leralilu reduc """ "ftl... lower part of the San l.na salient, northeast of Veil- w''"'e r.K) priioners were taken. The Austrian h:i either, in pubUe places, including hotels nidi social rlllbs: '"() Persons i-ngaged ns at len.lants, ami do.r men, foot men, carriage openers and other attendants in clubs, holel i wajooets, over to th. west bank of the Piave. A wounded ,.ni.. taken prisoner yenter.lav avs i. ioe sun ,avt, considerabl,. serves. re- PEOPLE OF AUSTRIA ARE STARVING SAYS GENERAL LUDENDORF Major Baracca, the .im$m ;oj Leading Italian Acc entire wriH-kage was in flAnie. . Clowns, bareback riders, tin N'. iMTforinors and acrobats many or t?,ein veterans in the circus world. jHTishcd In the 1 aris, June ii.-A dispatch tlrst great crash. Other victims from Itasel, Switzerland, to tho were suffocated and burned. Havas agency savs that General Attempts of the Giry Fire lH M-u,,endorir. tirst quartermaster parlment to curb the flames general of the German armies, in were unsuccessful because of reply to an apnea! from the may lark of water in that outlying ur n! Vienna for nsf istance in the ui.lrl t. Survivors utruggled Mxl Crisis, aaid: aiHiutiiie wreck, screaming for My lesf thanks for the ex relatives or friends, and only pressum of your faithful aenti lorco prevented two or throe ments. I woul.l, from my heart, men from rushing into tho hlax lelp the population of Vienna in ing wreckage. its aeriuus dinieultiest but it N In a hospital JoeOoyle, aclown, unfortunuU'ly imsissibto from wept bitterly as do lay on a German noun os-more than ev atreU her and told how his wife er la-fore. All the lmH)rtations and two babies had kilned him Pr cereals I mm tho I kraine, Ku Major lUrnrni. tin. Umi d t ni liulliui ac, h tiroiiKlit iturtD III ihlrlynfC i'in! Demy ilniiH. iiii-ortliog to r rnl tlupiiti-li f,,,m n,e fn.m itMl jr. alsjor Harare. lt rw.ptlty ,,..ortd otuy recently, after months of absence, and how all three hud Uen crushed to deslli at his very aide. 'The kiddies had been no glad to co their daddy!" he said. "I wib 1 could have died with thorn." mania and Bessarabia have been allotted, without exception, to Austria. 'NotwilhManJing the difhcul- ties of our own food situation. 1 placed in April, May and June shipments destined for the west frontal the disposition of Aus- tria. Hut now there are no mom ...... n .. ..r il. .....a nioi-ui mils Ron ii id I am The circus was lo have olnvcd nt in a position to fumi.sli other al Hammond. A number of the "'I " , ,. Tead are" necrrs-s .mmU,! I . a -.mnar ve.n me mayor of rfcoi uncus. Lt.nuillv f.. .. "j i' " 'i o ri wuiuioii, declares It is liniiossible for him lied approval, to nut an end to the to aid the inhabitants of the Aus- chaotic conditions resulting from , cnVim- 1,0 uded. bowev- i, mat. no .is imssinir iorwaro """" iwiiwoi. ...:. , . 7. r. . , ,, , injucav lor assisiance w mo . im i. u nuiini is mailing but Hungarian food minister. a . band a thieves," snij Mr iiornstein. Ills notu.ieommon "ime him f.ir failure to crush tosoeodicors on the street ro- 1,18 ""khcviW revolution ulion ho lieving jxviple of their va'uablos. , , 10 Pwer- rCerennkya To nrotest mesn. .rn,. .n.i .w," rtau,uw-1,0 aw.la unknown ' -....,.. hi i n I'etroifriid i . . . . i .v,Biaiw.iy a person who is ar- Uaron Seririus A. K'orff rested usually is shot before he other passenger, who w as retnov- reaches a court of justice." ed by tho bolshevik! as deputy- Mr. Hernstein declared u,.i Kuverpo- Keneral of l-'inland, de KWenakrl...l.-.utid. r-'" Germany would tw -i.i. .I.- 7 unable to reorganise the Russian vuC ivunman people, wiio i army for use against the arTies. Washingtcr., June ii. Detl nitoword from Kome of the re pulse of the Austrian drive in Italy, Coupled with nn announce ment by General March, chief of staff, that American troop move ments to Prance had now excis.! ed IMXI.IKK) added today to tin growing cheerfulness that has been apparent in the war depart ment recently. General March told the news pajM'r men in his weekly confer once that with the 1NM),U) mark passed, the United States is five months in advance of its schedule r..- - . ' mi niNip uidM'iijcnis, ,i u.e same timo ho briefly outline I the battle position in IVance and It sly ami drew the conclusion that the enemy was being held firmly on a. I fronts, though further great blows are to bo exacted The chief of staff's statements furnished the tirst authoritative information as to progress made in the tremenduous exertion tin government ha U'on making to meet the challenge of the Gor man drive in Ihe west. When the first blow was struck on the Cambrat St. tucnth line March il. troop shipments wore behind schedule, today they are live months ahead. Tho icod with which, the army is being moved to the front sharply indicated by the fact that approximately LMUXU men have been embarked during the last two weeks. The total move ment during May was not more man ".'lo.iim. it wa only two weeks ago that Secretary Halter announced that more than Ttxt.Om) had been tJiipied. A w.sk later, at the first of his conferences with the newspapermen. Goner al March said the hui.hu) mark had been reached and today placed the figure at more than SKKt.tKHI. General March made it clear that time gamed in getting aboard enough American troops to give Goueral Pooh a mastering superiority over the enemy, Is the vital factor. Kvery day lost by the Germans in pressing their effort to achieve military victory before tho American aid can arrive in overwhelmin.; force is Tl .tores, apartment houses, office lo ,hw 1, " .. ..-, and bathhouses; .cross the Piave behind ti e .al ( IVrsons, including ush-Lnt whI(,, t. ! ' , , 0 dl ers and other attendants, engag- Lrn, i " Til ' ' T,n U edand ,,cu,.icd in and in con- tvt ;i' L. t... ' ' ,n.ttH- nation with games, .port, and ou l ' " amusements, excepting actual """"u" , l Y,n "K BClua' sido of the salient, between Pos-l-rformers in legitimate con- Laka . - n n, . , , " . 'Js cems. oneras. or tl,eMri....t ' ' ""K"', . ttio Austrians were nil l.i.llll rs, Washington. June l- l.v. r,.r,..n..-. 'IH"" wero trying t strietions on the use of sugar by "(d) Persons enmlovod In do. ilUh. . . I - , - rf - s., I rOl' UA V nn 1 . Ill 1 I . m . t manufacturers w ill be .Inun i.,p.Hp ..!,. w " lariner much tiirhter bv effective July 1. announced todav clerka PtnnWd in al edncsday-Thn plainest sKn b,FW,l Administrator .vcr. other mercantile e.Ubll.hment..' ?f i oe new measures aro CXK-tted It was learned fh.,t. r-A . ' on:aii ourusive m to prevent any serious .cai-t-ltv roneerna omuUvl i u Uial.lh initiative ha passed to of sugar for home consumoti.m trade- ,n.i,.'..,i .1 - i . U)e Italians. It is they who now and at the name time to put the been searching for the mo,t part afrc,aUfc,dn "W" f'Pmc.,ts nation a a whole on a thns- rr ihph M,.. ..i...i..i. or the lino atill in enemy hands inmnd capita monthly ration, age, while in a few cases women , , .'f' l1 s ,M 1 1 U l's essential ti,annf..etr...l rbM . ...i i. wuiovu maa niHXI-l.alTerMl f.N.t , , "umvi.s aiu nan u.?u. n iwpvpr. i . product will bo allowed SO Per it seems Uiat bv far less wm T?C,.f0r ,,,,on,'linp ,,f s"' (ent or the i.ormal reuirements are being sought for theso nosl in comparison with the allotment tions than aro mn not within oi -hi per cent now effective. Sev- the draft age trai commodities heretofore Tho coming of July 1 wilt seo a cussed as essential f.Kslstuffs in camnalcn against 1.IW. nr r..i.. . whirb nil.' i r I j mm. ..I I... "i miu irauon age ny civti and federal ply, finds himself in nn awwka i .i osturo of defense. The Ita! lans press him with fresh force on both sides r,f M, salient, and. unauie ui nrinir t;uns uenis ll, .r 'iave, the enemy relies for .lo in the officers. In the past it has been fenso mainly on nest of mad line regarded as a day uearer ulti mate defeat for them. "The general situation l.xjks well," was General March's com ment ns he looked at the great war maps where all of tho oora tions are 'marked out. "The lack of fighting along the "French front is of primary importance to the allies, by giving u a chance lo get more man ower. "Tho present lutt on the wes tern front nim ply means that Germany is refitting her combat divisions and preparing for an other drive. It does not mean that llni great battle Is over. "We can look forward to a rep- guns. While I wa. passing this morn- f an Italian most now regulation placed '-v Miinsn. i minor n.ird fnr ih.i n on- I ..: WMIVl IU W Sugar allowed icecream man- get after these idlers, but thev . "'u 1 . - . . I r I Inif ... I . uiacturersaru-r July 1, wiil be I freely admit that the new rei'ula I. . noioiers an ua decre.uledto75 Kr cei.t of the lions will make il an easv matr OUl of l,u' lin,. " ... I " I rvr trlioiit a' At,. ..I.., f . a normal consumption. S.slafoun- for them bi eel bold nf Idler- " "" -"ng uie nleep lams w ill bo cut to 10 ir cent of In the i.iirtM 01 ,Maul"n rler the shade of normal and manufacturers of been tried for vagrancy. In tho ! I . V l,M' r,,;ul!41,1". I preserved fruit for s.xla foun. fut..r n,n... i. u,cttho King of Italy in hi well- l.asi I,-,, croau. made b) soda not be tried In the citv court', hut l ",ark ,,hn tn"" :,"v ,,l,"'r fountain and confectioners on tho exemption board will see u. ?l",ral Vr ,as,,l,K MalT ,,ni,-,,r- I " I I'ltA . .1 a the promise will have it sugar it that either they got) work or cou ten I tut to .,0 kt cent ol go to tho army. normal. With the I- ' Va'IVa fi I VI w, ...rr.i-K mi muh h, nuuMiiiK aiuT rrpi.HiraniH antt- norma mariiio ariiviih'j and a ilcfrrAKt in iniiuirt.il iniu fi.,..t i held r. ,-.i.-..f..a. . ... ,,ul "KW -ietial work, v . ' r'l mi III M slriclioiifi. Tho car drove slowly so as not to raise the dust on the worn out soldiers. A sergeant salui.-.l with sla.-ii-ty ami drew ttie uttemu.n ef nth ers. Men win. were not !,... ...n.- .""Is re sprang atom e p. their left, ned and the special committee of the thecry "Vni il re!" broke out etilion of what - 5 council of national defense going rrul" a hundred parched hps. we have been after idlers not within the draft 4 8 UvIht awoke with a s.-jrt passing through these past few months, as far a German activi ty is concerned." General March refused to com mentou the proiKsal to rend an 1 l!y idlers w illlxi found international exuodition Into si Mirl.i V,v.., I ;n ..L... 'Tnw"'M,'OTM4ftW'l II' iei Mill l liu s I Y .. if the view lhal thi i as yd. a po- ? "ea0S n0Con SCCtlOff htical question, m.t a military $ ' Signal Corps X matter. He was exceedingly re- Mmwmvo'Wh's1sh4 Iu ent, also, a lo American par licipation on the Italian front, al though making it clear that tho public would be fully Informed ou all operations of American troops a. rapidly as possible. First Chaplain Givesllis Life For tin Flag With the American Army in Kran'-e, June i:i. The Kev. Walton S. Danker, of Worcester, Mass., chaplain of tho 101th In- f ...... .. I . . I m . t . lauwy, oiou luosuay irom a shell wound. He was buried Wednesday near the nX)t whore io fell. Tho Uev. Mr. Danker, the first American chaplain to feive hia. life in tho service on the American front, wa decorated about a month ago, along with 110 men for gallantry in tho tightlng at Apremontlast April. uev. i-reuerioK it. uanker. a Young Men's Christian Associa tion wot ker and a brother of the 111 III! II.. U.l I.'.. ... . I age, and the civil and federal offi-",,, " , j, ' ",,H MM' "H',M I Willi Which thev were nit ll.nir cers working in co operation it fl.et with their rifle, one knew i not thought by Interested offi- their nerves still wem ir...... with tho tensity of battle. Then they recognized the king. So saluting within range of the en emy's guns, the king passed slowly among the soldiers. Two new allies have apoarod to help tho Italians, due is a strong detachment of American sirtnen who aro tho tirst combat ants from the United Stales to reach this front. Tho other is the J'iave Itself. The swirling river rose another fott!at n!"ht. Tho pontoon bridges across which the Austrians send rein forcements and supplies lnd helplessly beneath tho pressure. The enemy's sappers, splashed with spray by Italian shell fall ing in tho water on everv side, work desperately lo ..t lengthen them agaiust the fu ry of the flood. When wounded they fall from tho pantooua into jh.i river and she sweeps j them triumphai.tly away down .treaut. At one timo venter-day after noon only two bridges were liWfc behind the San Dona salienU Af ter night by unceasing labor tho Austrlans managed to throw ca bles across cm which the ferry V-.' - ' ' Major Orlfflth li hrad of th dvnart- mwit to train ptfeuna for carrier aer. Can run, but these are of far lea chaplain, was with him when he ,c W1,n rm'- Th a-prtment l.rivlnu .. , . anown ai tna pigeon aecUoo of thi died. B!nal.rnrtit IlII.. capacity than the w UIIUKC.

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