i I am Tin f, )if ?3, Hi SH l.'Ui th w, i:. Ni. i.ui. it. (;. Nil ini lail. ll l! lit Ul'' I "OntuCl ut i-.Ikhi, ',. (.',., lis si'Crind t liKii mull inutU r. Si:i!S(':ll'TI')N It ATI'S irfXK Ytah . . . . Six Months t'ljribl In AHvanrt I 00, I I I') ln.il i:.iitor ; Mi . h! : hnfr , ji Urge the ufmo.st economy in tli( uv of sugar by all con HUlIHTH. L'nil. Urge tin! vanning of fruits itliuut huu1'. old, Forbid tin; sale of any su- jgar for any purpose, including 'canning and preserving, in excess : of 2 and 5 pound lots except upon certificates approved by the County Food Administrator. ! 4th U-tailers must furnish J Food Administrator each week a copy of nil sugar sold during the woe and the persons to w hom sold. . iiuMepuijHcai.Horhurrycoun-i .Wholesalers should fur ty w.-ll hold their convention at;nUh dialler in original pack DmI.s,,.), Saturday, to place a tick ! aK(JH whore ,)ossibe et In the field for Senator, Hep (Uh No hew of uhoIe leM-native, and all county officers. iHaIor, HtarUni. , ,,amu hUur;ir There are quite nuT.bcrof as-; aftcr July ,st( ,lollM M,KivPI1. piruntsfor the different places, rens(l (,r r(.lti and a lively time Is looked for I r,., ,,.,,, ..,,;,,,.,,, F:ci :I Paralysis Tried Dn'turs Fre.-vrinliniis ami Kvery Oilier Me.ms Without SlKVerM VI-TO-NA ONLY THIN(i TO imiNU KKLIKK i mwiiiii rei iiucaies amung the different candidates B,10Uj UmUi,( fof mof)th an. I their friends. . of August. A derma.., captured by the ' , Hl1'' .T'", na' allow,d f,,r i . . . i ( ill V Will likt'll' ln r(Hitirtu t, tv. Americans last week, was asked w list was the impression among' the (Jernian soldiers about these new forces. The captured man. replied that no one among the j Cermans believed tho rejortthatj there mo a million Americans in ! I'Yancf, the general impression tend throughout August Tho foregoing Is received from Washington and I urge all con sumers of sugar to use the strict est economy. W.P.CAKTEK. ( 'ou n ty l-'ood A d in i n 1st rator. being that there are at least ten If ' million of them there ,iKht now. ' "T , ",e ! or battle has turned at last and The lumber business is one of ' we a" n,)W t presence of the biggest industries of this ()ver million American soldiers country at the present time. I WM tne "hiding factor In turn- Kvery day, from thirty to forty ' '"B il- Just as the arrival of an loads of lumler pass our door, olner '"i"'0" before the year ends (and other mill ion Intoi If rj - i- - ' i ' l 1 1 l 1 1 J ...... , M vv. i I t tl astern part of town, where "(,t'd be) is going to win the war it is eagerly awaited. Thou ; for lho Allies for Christianity, andtof dollars are being paid to r civilization, for denux-racyi the land o.vners for their timU-r, Ji'cency and for the safety of aiui tne n in men use every tree representative government the from the old lij'.d scrub pine to , WJ'1. jvoi-. theitiant oak of the forest. It is something for North Car- olinians to be proud of. uhen i he Cernnn submarines liave they reflect upon the splendid erne across the Atlantic and are wook of the II K v. .t.... t - - iiw;, WUMVl OjH-rat.ng along the coast of New the guiding hand of Josephus o.k and Massachusetts. Ust Daniels, in safely carrying across -ek the American cruUer Sat, under the convoy and proU-ctlon hegowas sunkofT the co.st of of warships, of this great army I.mg Island. Sim had on board of tighter, without the loss of n 1.114 officer and men. Three i.ig,, troop hip or of a single are K.unn. to be de.d. IT are .j,r - desp.to the threats of .mi i-unaceounuM or. the tormm, Mibmarine menace. 1 h" b il.inee were brought safely to hud by rescue bat. iiter D0BS0N NEWS, in the ,.,.( several smaller ves The rains of last week have all v.crc torptdisvi along the our farmers in high spirits, and M.. ,s t, husetts co.ist. Of course if season continue com and to thism.lui.e h tLu German to bacco will be the best in vears g ve the An.eucm over here a ,,r. .,()1)n Wo,u ' , ' aesnd nod.ab-. but what it ,,ved a letter informing' hi, 'I 1l; itwi" ,tl.Hhisson, Claud, who is U no Ih long ard the T.ennan tioil0j 8l JiU.kf4()llviIU, Ka , been promoted to the rank of "I was justabout ready to give up my "beat"l did not see how I could possibly stay on tho job." aid.J.H. Mcdahee, one of At lanta's best known jo!icoinen. "My health began to fail me alniul three years ago. I weigh ed -2-H) iwunds at that time. I suffered first from indigestion, and it went from bad to worse, until I was simply down and out. Nothing I ate would agree with me. Several prominent physi cians treated me, but their treat ment fallud to bring me any re lief. "My atomach was In an awful condition. I grew extremely nervous and couldn't sleep at night. I was so rundown, ami my blood was in such an awful condition thin and anemic un til facial paralysis was the result. ' How did I come to take VI TO NA "Why, Dick Johnson told me about the wonderful results he had gotten from it, and believe me, I will always feel grateful to Mr. Johnson. "I have gained in actual weight H jKjunds in the four week I have been taking VITONA. My blood is in fine condition now, and I can eat anything I want without any bad effects. I can walk my "beat" all day and go home at night feeling like a prince." Sleep? Well. I guess so. I don't believe anything abort of an earthquake would in terfere with my sleep, and that is why I get up every morning reeling so refreshed and soeager for my day's work. "I can tell the honest truth and say that VI TO NA did the work. It is the grandest medi cine on eaath." VITONA is on sale in Klkin exclusively by Turner's Drug Store. l:- ' im,.I I '.(.;;,.;,,, , , . ! lil tl,.' (i!;,-,. (if ; .(,.,, ,,f M.-i-.N lot- y,m-,-y ( 'o.miy, in i4 n ml il.fiiult i,iiv,ii' l-,.ii iiiii.li in t!i. i!inii,.nt ,,r tl,.. wt --i si. curcl hy ll s.u.l I ,1 of Tru,t, I will aril atpuhli,- Hu. t i. n t., tl. ,ikr.,t liid.li-r for ens.fi, at if,, door of th.' I'.lkiu .National Hauls, on tin- .',H1 Any of August, PUS, t t.K,VI.).-k, . m!, two loli In tin-Tohii of Klkin, X. C, anj d. n-ribi-(l as follow..: Lot No. ; It.. -inning on ltr.1'e slivrt, runs w.tHt P.". f-ct, thrive ouili 2"i fc.-l, tli-u.-a cait 2' f.'.-t iImmi.-.. north f.-ct to tl.. licvinnitij.'. Lot No. H.-y 1 nnintr on lirl,lK,. Nlivrl, runs west f.-.-t. th.-i ouih i'i f.-ct, tlit-uce nnst fi. t, thfm-c north f.-et to the lieginntng. H,.n(f portions of Lots No. 11 and 10, block I. B (.down tiy map of the Klkin Land Co. Tli-m ot, are part of the land on shlili the Peoplo' Wari-hoiim' formerly tood. Tliii July 24, l'.Ux. J. S. Atkinson. TrimUto, FARM TOR SALE QUICK. We offer for sale for the hieh. est bid, the farm of I). J. Cocker- Maui, deceased, consisting of 1C,;, acres, five room dwelling, nn.J outbuildings, situate in the county of Yadkin, on the Yadkin river, one mile west of tho Klkin and Jonesviile bridge, tour-hintr the suburbs of the t-o towns; 'JO acres or river bottoms, H acres of creek bottoms, remainder timber land, consisting of oak and old field pine. A good 'proposition for the fanner or saw mill man. Land adapted for the cultivation of corn, wheat, tobacco. r nnv other crop raised in Western .North (.arolina. A tine opening for a dairy, or cattle farm. h..tb or wiiicii is irrcatly in demand at mi place. An investigat on wi! prove this representation. Terms, half cash, remainder in twelve months, with aooroved st curity or per cent discount on (leierrert payment for cash. W. W. and (J. H. Cockerham. KxeVutors of I) J. (Vx kerham, (leceaHeil. f7 tir,r-n"T SI noes si loes si ioes si !)pitrt tho iiicr.vne.l cost of hmM, aiv to H.-icrHi.-rt rIioi'm left over for this ntanou. ioes all low ijiiarter ' "l"" "-tl-best of our men's and women's slippers and oxfords at WV to M.(X) under the regular price. And what we te,-m our odd lots will be sold at about half their original sellmg price, which means that you can get ihem at loss than they cost when shoes wore low. Iits of smaller jfco,, such as 2, 2 1 2, 3 and 3 1 2, to pick from, so if you have B small foot you are sure to be suited. Likewise larger n,s-(l, 7 and H, in women's. All sizes in men's I ome early to get your pick. THE BEST DRESSED PEOPLE SHOP AT Graham-Gwyn Co., Inc. "The QUALITY STORE." ELKIN, N. C. -THE BOYS IN THE KHAKI SUIT. Ta a J, uj day .-n our lioi ml sav, Ooinif to Uih Traitiinjf Caimm (vlnjr hosip nj friinJ all thf dear Ih-IiIuJ. Oh, it mvint'tl in t In-art would kink Tiki" this Tpktanii'iil siih um, ltd it ius or and Vi ; It will fuldo you kafi-lv thru. To areful l.t aM n'i klni-. 0TI('E. NOKTH CAU'OUNA, SUKUY COUNTY. In the SuiH'rior Court August Term, I'.U-s. V.'illiam Miller, v Kinma Miller. Si:itVH'K II V III IU.Il ATU) J he defendant abovp named will take notice that an action en titled as above has b-eit com menced in the Superior Court of Surry County, for a legal divorce from tie Iwmds of matrimony, and the defendant will further lake notice that she i required to a, sar at the next term of tin Superior Court, of said county, to ls hel I on the 1st Monday be fore the 1st Monday in Septem ber, it being the 2'Uh day of Au so iree on this side from now on. Captain. This makes two pro motions for young Wo! la in less than a month. The Republican primary for Iktbson tow nsbip was held here last Saturdav. Thn ft t f oiul nn iriiat UlU a ll... I . .. g 'iwrL.,i,p,11,, i., ti.i.... v .-... ,., 11,11, , , and answer or demur to the emu. THE GREAT BATTLE. The gteat hUe that ha been aH i ted for sou.e ti.nu in now in progress on tu. battlefield of nn, il...rn I.'-. in i i an. e. . - -. ........... The Certnan after a wait of a Wan by r,Hny U lfrK m. .nth began their oilensive drive t'"1 l'v,'r M,n ,n n. While on Monday of last week with the " l,M vunU'ni w as spirited between liopoand exK'ctalion of dilvuig. back tho French and their allies a-J rapturing Paris and the. channel Aj ,,Jrm , week tho battle ragfil at difTer mourn rnr fate, 1 mut try my duty to do. vVrar injf khaki k.iit, taudlni tru. and brave, Fighting for my country and jou. I may nr rr rrturn ajrain Tt Amerira'i fair land. Hut If Cm fouud Biiumjf ihf alaiii, M.i t iim in Uih i avf.iilr land etit sectors along the entire front Ihe allied truops held their ground and drose the Germans b.u k sm ceeding In js'iietrating their line m a number of points and capturing several town that had been occupied by them to and the best of feeling prevailed. The tirst candidates to be voted for were W. W. Hampton and S . Maguire. for Representative Hampton received '.V2 vote and Maguire IlD. The next was for Sheriff. Moses Hodges received l:'."i votes as agsinst 11 for Sher iff Helton. For Heglster, S W. Marion received j:!l voU'agnint J for H. O. Jarrell, 10 for Henry i gether with several thousand olf,! "ml R "' ""'ling vote for prisoners and large quantities of 'mn flf tht' oln01, candidiU'a. heavy gun and munition. J Jacl()" rireived the unan At this time heavy lighting i,:1'"011 PnJwraement of the con till geing on and tM Hritish, I vcntlon for Clcrk of the Court French and American'trtK)is are A town!,,1ip i-Wet was nominsUsI driving the (leruuns back at lhe folIowin iielegaU were eery point and it l(Mks now ,:J(Tlt'J w lhe county convention: if there would be a complete rout GrPvn VAltUm ll- - Nichols, Ira of the enemy. It is the general S" 0amUI!' J- T- 'peland, S. G. Iiclief that this battle will be ihe,,,r,in' ',o1 M"rlon-c'- (I- 's'il turning lint In the war and that ' 8on' L"IIa,ia. W. Nor peace will soon dawn once more1 "lan, W' M' Jacli'on, H. W. over the land. It , hl,ow. (!- C. Holyfield. W. C. over the land. I,et us hoe and trust that this may be the result. OUR RALEIGH LETTER (Hy Maxwell (iorman) KrU udk and ni ijflihor all, oq-i hui U-nd a hrlninj.' hand, Ti hf koldirr l.ors at ll.p fiout Tht hf may nt 1 m-ithir fll.t for u la vaiu, For hi. ci'untry aud f(r luu, If )u cannot gn nl, him. TImto aro many thlnf you ran do UpI us work fur tlrtorj. K.r the Imj in Khaki or It!.,... !! ha ifniwn i. ktatrly, gallant and to hratf, fyarnlng to rid and to kho.it We will l.rrath a .i ajrr, a. kin- (;)K to katie, Tho l"U In the Khaki k.Oi MiilhcM, iiktetk. kWe.tlM.rl l liwr thrtu with your Itowrra and truitt. The kdldit-r buy, our eride and jov. .,m .,, niiaai soils. When the war Is end.l and we n.tn-h Mark to ur rnnnlr mi.l i.. . .... mi liHik with i ide u your t! u in iMiy Drv.fd In hi. k'h.kl rtr It).. a When our boyt come marcliinir luunr Founl lirrvx them ith your Hoavr and i una, Marvhlnjr hom with Vlrtory Crowned. neailUK HK'ir IMiaKI .suiti. (Ciimiiosrd hv a VilU . - - t - - -. ....it,,, mother wlmae non Volunteeid at s year oiu.; plaint in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded hi said com plaint. This July loth, I'.iK J. A.JACKSON, Clerk of the Superior Court. 17 Toin Experiinci JEWELRY AND WATCH WANTS le A WORD EACH I.NSLRTIO.N All that h ive given u order for tobacco Hues will please get them by August the first as it will be imjM)sible to hold them longer. Surry Hardware Ca For Sale-A Good Skeeter, in g.MMl condition, at a good price. See Dick drier. Catarrh Cannot He Cured Willi IM'At. Al l'l.l.-Tli. m ll,-y i mill, .I o n, h ... ,..,( r ,. .I,.,.,,,.. lurili la a I.I.m.. r i.iniiiuii.,i,a ,nii.-, i.ii. In i.i, , r i,i run- I' i,n,. iuB jn. I.iittl r IH...I1-N. Hull. fi., irii fur., h I'iI.wi liii.rn.iM,. un.l .hntlly ii.,,ii O... I,l.,. mi. i, I,,,,, i,, rf.i.-i., Il.ll I'lil.irili Cur ia ,,,,,, h ii.,ji,.,m ( i.a f Kw-r Hm-'I l,v .,.. , ( , H , "ii ui,, f,,r j,,.ar in. .I I- a t.-enl.ir nr.-, , ipomi ll h i-..ii,,.,.. , f III l l I, nil. a I- l,wii, I .,!. ni , mil, ii,,, ln.t ,i,,,m ,i,iii,..,a ii, tii iiir-i Or , i. .,ii..i. ii,f,.-,.a i,. ,..,,. Ion f lho nr..,!ir,,i. la whn, ..,. .I.i.ra I, ,, ,f ,,,,!,, . ,,,. ilnrtl. K i fr i. .th ,. f,,.,. 1'. J i IILNI V A i n. -r. ,,, ;o,. ii . 4 l.r l-i.mia a .i. . "iaka llj,;. I a, i, H) -, r ,.tiii.llo Spend Your Money with your home merchants. They help pay the taxes, keep up the schools, build roads, and make this a com munity worth while. You will find th advertising of the best ones in this paper. We buy for cash and sell for cash. There's a reason. Sur ry Hardware Co. I have a tine cow will be fresh soon, I will sell for cash. I. K. Wilborn, State Koad, N. C. We vant you to Udl us your want. If we haven't gut what you want vu will get what you waut. Surry Hardware Co The Golden Holt Manufacturing Co , H. (i. Nichols, manager of Klkin Stringing Depart inent, wants women, Isiys ami girl to string tobacco sacks, in yourown home during spare time. We furnith everything Ask about it today. Just rvceived a Mnnjl lot of barb wirx Sucry IhrdwareCo. . l SAl.K- One new Ford, (hi passenger, '2 second hand, fiw passenger, 1 Ford sket ter, 1 old Ford liodics WrHslhouse Motor Co , n.smviUo, N. t:. bo best wauon harneos in tle Kh1 olJ North SUte. Sury Hardware 4 j REPAIRING SEC HE W. J. BURCDAfl t IT- String Tobacco Hags; ood pay ak ll. (,. Mchols, at the Tri bune ofllce. Ford Automobile. In tbi , woods near Honda; apparently stolen, owner can iret same OV Clescrib mt ear an,l rontAnta anu paying ror artvertixing and oilier exiH-nses. II. A. Hurr-b ette, Honda, N. C. Kaleigh, July 2;J.-Never since!' the United States entered the war has there been so much en couragemeut displayed by North Carolina folks as at present over the developments on the war front, where tho American troop are giving such a splendid ac eou.H of themselves. Students of the war situation who often visit Haleigh (aud we have a few- Key, S. S. Imbert, and R. H. jUadgitt. J. K. Wright was elect led township chairman for the next two years, after which the , convention adjourned. Cor. Mr. Thomas Arnold died nthia Preserving kettles, aj! size and lininu nrnr Mamrl,n,-il!.. M .. I ...k t... . , V r. r " i-iuno.i.v 1'iiu-a, ouriy iiantware UO.. afternoon at 4:110 o'clock, aired SI " years. The funeral services For Sale-Medium Size Cook -io iuiu wv nuk uocK cnurcli stove. Used 2 months. Sell Tuesday ut 11 o'clock, A. M.. be- at bargain to quick buyer. It i . t"'.,uuclca y nwpaator, Uev. can be seen at Tribune ofllce iir. mrner, assistea by Kev. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Chevrolet car will advance $:0.00July 31, 1018. Huy now aud save tho advance. The Auto Company, Klkin, N. C. Sanford Hrowu, of Kansas City, Almost new Empire No. 1 Cream Mo., after which tho remains Separator Jo sell to tlie first v. ui i i i o aia liih i oiiieiiirv m i fi ihni i . , kro- ut it . If Im r ftii t t s - . . I . ni. uc vi a mi ge concourse ry Hardware Co. nuiiuwuin nieiKis ana reia lives. Mr. Arnold had I ntin a ll,1 VOI! IIA!'r'vniifiiii.ii "t u Vlir lUKK c"ucl, vt Ad, you are losing mon , ? Ana vAttuipiu in ey, i ry them. I nA A Vi I l Mn laKa.J I . a I no i-uuitii uuu community tor iTluL ao,n?IifallKaiwlo Get tobacco twine, knives and jtr.ew him n hi, removal will thermometers at Surry HarJ be keenly felt for years to come. are Go's. " ' t or Saie-l'.HO Model Ford, I passenger, in gtsal condition Apply Tribune office. Complaints WV ar jirej.ared to lill your ! I.r's rescriiition fur thus,, ailments which .n freijiiently (uviir in Hiitiitner. Or we have many high-grade ire.ar.ili..iiHhat we rtvcdiiiiiiend. If y,,u ,.,,, a.Himmier tonic, mini to see lis, or PHONE 04 TURNER'S DRUG STORE W. 0. Turner ELKIN. n. C. Kill your cat, and buy mouse ... traps. hurry Hardware t o Wanted to rent a goo I farm and furnUh my own stock.-.!. W Chlpnian, Klkin. N. C. 2t jh Get your tobacco llaes at mur We wi.ll sikhi bij out of iron. Surry Hardware Co. Ft)U H F.N T Store room next to l arnu is X Merchants Hank. Apply to N. W. Tharp, Monns, N, C, or II. G. Nichols at the 1 rtyvit!" otnr, Don't watt un.til yu wevd a thing U boy it. If you dg you might not-get it. Surry Hardwim CO. XniSALF.-A very tine, largo registered Herkshire boar, two and one half years old. Very prolific A. W. Thare, Har mony, N. C. 4t jxl Good Luck frgit jar rubbers, 'J dozen for 15c. Surry Hard ware Co j '.ll iir?!"7iiTiirTT?TT'" "-". ,,, ,, .... if . J Another Step Forward to flake This cc Cream Fritters at bargain prices. Cotnc quick. Surry Hardware Co. 'atriolic Girls-Help the lied Cross by htringing tobacco sacks and turning the proceeds over tp the treasurer. AskH. G. Nichols, at the Tribune of fice, for particulars. rhe Pure Food Store It la with pleasiirr wm annoiinc the installa tion of a big nanilary ami nji-to-tlie-iniinire REFRIGERATOR which iiab!e8 tin to keep our butter, rgn, dieest, lard, col.l drinks, oic, in r!no comlition for use at any time. This imrcliaso was made in order that we might natisfy both you and ourselves that Ihi is The Pure Food Store Quality - Service Quality . Servlco DICK GRIEtTS GROCERY COMPANY ELKIN, NORTH CAROLINA. J U:msa:u:;:stuin!:r4:jm Read Tribune Want Ads

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