A I'i'Ohs mil i k ( ) m i ii'H Ml" ' hi ihat om- Mill i ri pin i.i 1 1 uliitul 1. 1 i x i 1 1, '"! iH li" ilfsiujiii i iiictl if nut i-"iii'a.'. ttuliin ;ti) iljiys. I 1 JLJ J aV a gfe-.-.J VOL.7 Ukin,N. C, Thursday, August 29, 1018 No. 22 It BRITISH PRESS ING DO HARD SAYS IIAIG amnion, Aug. 21 The full text of the otllolal communis tioii from Field Marshal I lain to night reads: hi tlic hatt.it' front north of the Nomine, eoutiavious lighting ha taken plant since the early hours n f thi' morning Our troops, pressing the wnemy hard at all points, have allowed him no respite. Despite thi- arrival of considerable hostile reinforce ment progress has again been realized on the whole front of our attack. Numbers of prisoner and quantities of material of ev ery description have fallen into our hands. "Shortly after midnight Ans trallan troops, attacking along the north hank of the Sonune. captured Hray sur Sommo, se curing a number of prisoners. Continuing their advance with great skill and initiative they car ya. lied Hie enemy's positions in this neigiiiioriiiHiil. "On their left, Tendon and east county troops made further pn Kress during the night along the high ground southeast of Albert, , taking several hundred prison- crs. On the right, center of tor i attack. Welsh troops and hat talions from the northern coun ties of F.ngland advanced over the griund of tlie old Somme hat tie field of r.ilf. ahout la II .is selle. Ovilleis, Moixpn-t firm, liiiepval and Grandeotiit All these strongly defended Im-ali ties wore captured in tin- face of determined hostile Resistance, together with over 2.UKI prison or. "Our troops tire once fnoie astride 1 1 Thiepval ridge and ire advancing eastward. "t hi th left enter of our at tack east of Lancashire tumps have hien heavily engaged all day a'tout Miraumonl where the enemy held out with great stub bornnes untd the village was gradually outflanked by our a I ., trancing columns. "North of this villtgo the New Zeal itt.l division In tlf center of tho attack struck in the dree tiuit of Hapaitme. Advancing Willi Irresistible dash and deter mination it cnrrio-i the defenses of liOiipart wood, taking Ml pris l.ntMS. Pressing f.HAUld With I'l t .it K c! intr v it raptured ('.re tilleisand Itu fuiler and r. -a. h rJ Avesm s h i Itapiume. "On the Wmv.t of this atU. i, tlnllsh troops Klined pos-.es sionof tries and a Ivan, e I in the. direction of Sapignics, otercom j lug strong hostile resistance at Irlos and cast of Su h out t 'till the left of the Inttle front F.nglish and Scottish division ahd the g-i t Is are lightn -,g on .Hhj front of Mory. Croisielle and Neuti'le Vitasse ami have raptured St legor, llcniit sur Cojeul and the lull east of thn t ter Village. No rstimate of capture ran jot I mi given. ''On the remainder of the Hrit jjflsh front successful l.s'.a. lion have taken place. North of the Cars we have tapttrod a sec lion of tlie German front line northeast of FatnjSMix with a few prisoners. "North of the la It is see canal we raptured the old Hi ilish front lino fast and northeast of ivon Vhy and made progress into the German iositions In a complete ly successful (titration in which all obj.vtive were Kecured with uvpr M prisoner. I)uring the niwht our patrols occupied Neuf I'erquin, where a number of Cer v, "n cro found hy our troop. ' 'This morning wo have ad ancotl our line north of Itailleul nn a front of a mile, rapturing aomo :.0 prisoners. A counter ' attack attempted by the enemy during tht afternoon was crush ed by our artillery." HANS TAKEN PRISONER ANX IOUS; DEPRESSED British Army Headquarters, Aug. 2.'. (UeutiTH )-The de meanor of hundreds of (Jerinan ollicers taken prisoner recently is in striking contrast with the attitude of oIlleerH captured dur ing the Itritish retreat last Mpnng. J hen (ierman ollicer prisoners were arrog;wit and meant to crush the llritish to earth, but now they are depress ed and very anxious. They np- pear very willing to talk and the tenor of their conversation mav ie summed up as follows: They say Cermany entereil the war with enthusiasm, but this Ins long since disappeared and the struggle has now become an eco nomic one with (J real Mritain. J hoy admit that (Jermany is practically in a hopeless condi tion, both economically and from the manpower oint of view, and ask whether Croat Hritain can not now consider Oormany suf ficiently reduced tube no longer a dangerous trady rival or wheth er the allies intend to crush her altogether. In the latter case, they say, Cermany will be forced to tight to the last, but they make no effort to conceal their impres sion of w hat this moans for the fatherland. They s ty they believe there is every disposition to evacuate He'gimn and northern France and even negotiate for the re tenthm or ewo uatimi of Alsace- lor raine. rhey are generally unanimous in agreeing that annexations thus far ma le and tlie Itrest Litovsk peace treaty wore a great mis take, but thmk thev cantint with haw fioin I.'ussia in the present Condition Of u'Tail s there Tlnv J ire aware that the American ar my Ins now assumed tery for midable pFotortions and there is a general admission of the seri ousness of this factor. Tlie submarine campaign they! cannot refer to w ithoul gestures of Impatience. Captured lion commissioned of tii-ors attribute recent (Ierman defeats to the ineflicien. y of their air senile and more especially to the iiion imm ure and lack of stamina of tln ,test recruit w let are in o s t in.i,b.n) id le Iiill.-d .iul li Mii.- l itud who are physi, i iy im apabie of siist nn- n gtb.' heavy strain of .lefeusno warf ire The m.-ro pi esem f,f t! e-e recruits, thy .y, produc es iii a company a d-morahzing .., i i, ., ... i ii... ii- o..ier lien be cause a indicate to what strait Cermanv must ttduc-d to employ aucd pr material. The Legion ol Honor Is Awarded 55 Americans With the American Army In Frame. Auc. IT. Hy the A so- iated Pros ) F,fiy tivoomV. rs, non commissioned u;5j,.,,r un, men of a certain Ameiican divis ion were awarded the legion of honor, the military io.dl, the warcross rdist!iiguishi I serv ice Vioi, tbi morning at the most brilliant decoration cere mony the American army has held in France. Similar decorations have boon awarded otlnrs. who were un able to be present owing to ihe fact that they are in a hospital. Most of the award have been made for gallant service in the Mai ne battle. The decorations and medals were personally pinned on the Americans hy General (name de leted) who was accompanied by a large group of American, French and Hrilish staff oncers as well as maj r and brigadier generals. After the decoration ceremony wai completed, regiment 0f In fantry, engineer, French ma chine gunners and American ar tillery, with colon Hying, Je filed past the men thus honored. GER irn HEARING NORTHERN END OF HINDENHURG LINE With the Itritisli Aniiv in France, Aug. H - On some ar'ts of the northern battle front the Uritish have reached points a thousand yards fr the old llindonhurg line, which seems Htrongly held." With the Ifritisli Army In ance, Auk. -27, The . Uriiish continue smashing (he Cennans toward the old I limlenbu rg line which lias almost been re.u Ium in tlie northern battle one. The defenses of Hap-nnne have either already been captured or are in process of being captured. Mapaunie itself must fall short iy. The Germans exhibit signs of cracking'at some places, but of for regular desperate resistance. Many more g ins, some of large caliber, have been taken. One Hritisli corps alone has counted NJ guns. There is evidence of confusion in the enemy roar. Units of the same divisions hurled into the battle have boon taken at points separated hy many miles. Quan tities of material are falling Into Hritisli hands because the I tin he has not troubled to apply the torch or explosives IVzieres, to the nortfT of Al bert, fell this morning. Uritish patrols were seen entering Mar tin, I'uich. where apparently the Itoche made good his escape. High Wood, a strong ixisition near lonveval (north west of Com b!es)is reported captur.l, whi! Kaucourt lAbbaye. Contalmais on and Cmircelette have been ts cupied hy the Hritisli. lmdon, Aug IT. - Field Mar shal Haig today continued his at tacks against the Germans north of the h'ivor So-niue. Cont.il maison, three and three quarter miles northeast of Albert, and Warlencourt laucourt, on the n.... i ii i .. o.ii'.iuiiii- man, in rec miles southwest of It have been captured by tlie Hrit isli, according to the official Mate ment Issued t.hlay by lb. war office. x The Uritish now hold the road front Alliert to Hipuin... us fir as the t titskirts of e S.u . Ninth of Hiiuu.iie the ltriii.li have raptured Sipik'mes and Mehagnie. Sunt' August :', more thin l,ul (Jermnn pi is(. tiers have passed through tlie toii.vling stations of the Hutmli third and fourth arini.-s. Hie text of the statement read: "Our att ack to the north of the Sonne Is continuing. Our titsip hold the road from AUhmi to Ha paii'iie a lar as tl.e outsold, i,f ISar. and hate ciptured C.m talmaison ant Warlencourt lUu court. 'To the north of llapiume wt have taken Sapignie and He hagnies. 'The number of prisoner t ken .y th- th'rd an I fuurth ar mics on the battle front sim e the morning of August '.M an I pa. ed through the collecting sta tion ini exceed I7.UO. "A counter attack attempted by the enemy early lat night againt our position recently gained ti the north of llulleui (in the f,y. salient) broke down under our tire.'' Iondon.'Aug. '.'a.-The Hritisli tnxips madi further progre tslay and have taken many pris oner, notwithstanding the ar rival of German reinforcements on the battlefront. Many hostile counter attack were broken down. Our troop with great gallantry have, overcome tho re aistanon and have made further progrei; they have taken aiany prisoner. "North of the Somme the Au tralians earned the enemy' -alllons on the high ground east BRITISH I WOMAN WORKER i'l l'-2 lU. i..mm.i.i,l. Mill- if I wnr i..i. hi Kfilnnliit: of Hray. Hritisli troops ad vane od in the direction of Carnoy and have taken Manu tz. "In the center we captured Martin I'uich, ! Sars and I; in pie. "North of Kapaumo there has been severe lighting in Favreuil .and about Mory and Croisiiles. Wo have made progress east of Itehagnie and in Neuvill 'i tasse. American Forces on the Vi slo Front. August 21 - IVisonera ta- ;cii today by American tn,op in the region of Chauteau du Hiable, to the west of Fisines, said they had been ordered to keep in con slant contact w ith the Americans along the Vesle river. Tlie Ger man retreat north of the Marne river had been carried out in an orderly manner, they declared, hem e German soldiers Indievtt it to have been premeditated and a tactical maneuver intended to eliminate an awkward silient. The general impression among German soldiers, the piisoner said, was, now that so many low ers had combined against Ger many, that it was not (sissible for Germany to w in, yet tlie en lento allies would never be able to enter Germany Imv.iuso the Germans h id seen too much of the dost ili lint! in I Vance to jht m:t of Germany suffering i,i a similar manner. Tin piisoiiers said Germany would he defended to the last man Ii that did not suffice an immediate aco must aveil an invasion. The ( Ie i man admitted that the Americans had fought w ith freshness and enthusiasm. Storm In East Carolina Does 1,000,000 Damage Kle;gh. Aug, 2a .- He! tied re ports tonight front several east ern Not Hi Carolina HinU indi- cate damage to the extent of considerably more than a mil lion d 'llars to building and crops, and the loss of at least one ifo in last night's storm. Heau- fort. Mort head City, New Horne an I Kinsten reported the sever est tll'"S'rt n.ftn. tbst fl?y were In tlie renter cf the atortu area. Wire communication from Cinstoii and New Horne were re atored tonight at ID o'clock, but direct report from tho olUer co tst tow ns had t;o been secured at midnight. Tonight" ro;)rts from New Hern tell of exlenaive damage to prtnerty, overhead wire system ami to crops, principally rom and cotton The damage, to the crop Is general. Tlie wind la es timated to have reached a veloci ty of from to ( mile an hour. Hoaufort and Morehoad City were tins grt atest aufferer, but they are still rut off from the outside world. John C'rabtree, city alderman of New Hern, wms crushed and nstantly killed by the nsjf of a shanty car, when It was blown from its fastening into an ad joining stro'-t. The alorin stisirk New Hern INSPECTING GRENADES c J A- vMi. I.M...I i... , ............ . . . Hid ;reiiiii aincliliicry mm iiuhIh, .,. ' yesterday afternoon at about 3 o'clock and continued thruout tlie night. Shins were blown from their moorings and beached. houses were unroofed and the streets littered and bbx-ked v lauen irees and tfleirrai.h nolo ii . J Floods added to the daina-'o w. lerfromthe Pamlico sound be. ' mg driven up the Neuse and I rent rivers, overflowing banks and inundating n , " " " "J" streets of the city. The electric ngiiliog system was completely knoc ked out and wire communi- eat on u-,i I, I .. l , ... ' fit K)l'ts f r.llll U nJr.n ,t..,.l,,. .1 - l l' ioijiih. thitilm i i m..i..i , ... ""iiiiui-i i iu ....,,. veiiK-llV of sil mil..- . I i . I. " ",,ur' 'I'ng ail 11 rn- ...1 .1 . .. .. " ",,u ul,1I,K eonshieralile O II II I It Otl III II ....... ...... I number of 1 1 I mm , , numiior of but din:s Th nbt. i,,, ,. , ' r p y.iu - - .o- on.t: cny was in Inllll.l.rl, ..! ... ...... nMuugoouuivi I'.lL'fll I ll.l .lr . I... 1 . - .... nti, hi- I lliiriiil I i , , Willi iliMirid nil ........ I i I -..--... Kni-im nu.iereii Illillurininri... It...-! Ihiring the night number of fires started in dam aged buildings, but were pre vented from spreading or doing serious damage by tho individual effort of citizen. Owing to the conditions of the district the lire department was helpless to to;s Willi t( situation. Tortunes of fhe War "Definitely Settled" Declares Clcmcnceau Paris, Aug 2.". 'The tine vie tones ( f the pt three week have definitely decided the for tune of war," says ct.,1K.n i. . i. i . . in, um r rem ii premier, in a message t.hlay thanking the do ptrtment councils which voted congratulation to the govern uient on tlie trend of the war. Premier Clemenceau today tel egraphod tho presidents of the general councils that they could rely ujsn the government and Marshall Forh and his inagnifi- cent staff and the allied military commander to turn the pretenl utc. s oi me aiLej arm into a coinpiew ami Uens.ve collapse o! . ' ...e spa-miM vicuines oi re- cent week, said M. Clemen- ceau. in which the spitit of our alhe ha, aomagn.ticently rivaled ours, ha definitely ottled the f..n..ni ti.- i... wildered, deceived himself l0 his own strength and now is finding out that he underesli- mated u. The result achieved arc tho first fruit of our harvest of re war-Jj, the highest of which will be having delivered the wortJ from ruthless oppression and brutality. k ' 1 ; ?s-- . ' '-" , ? - a i ' - V. i . .u V. ''Uil ti.iil tlifi .1-itt-n tt.A DvmiI.i:..... . . .. . "is "i gleam of which heightened the tictoriou brow of the founder of the American republic and of the father of our revolution, The last obstacle to the estab lishment of right among men Is about to disaiiKar. The ALLIED VICTORY AFFECTING THE GERMAN MORALE With the French Army In France, Aug. Further evi dence has been gathered that the victories of the allies have af footed considerably the moral of the Cerman trooos. The .i lies continue their concentrate lire which thedei inans have boo unable to combat. After the surprise caused by the allies successful resistance in the middle of .July, the con sternation at the successful coun ter attacks and the depression caused by the retreats, dissen sions seem to have arisen be tween different elements of the German army. These have re suited in bitter recriminations " ""a" "" CUI l.llllll'rilllilr 11-1. T l.r. j I . n iocu'u recent v The French again are on the cdu of 1,10 1,llltl-'"ld of 1 U 1 7 T 1,10 nol'tl, lies 1,10 Ailetto vaI lpy' 'Kht miles eastward is U raUX aml '""'nk' of u.,em" dos I-)a,nos- renc" cavalry patrols crossei il.. :l .. . i ... m" "wu wuay aiuiough tiu 0cra,ttn fO"fs'lt desperately to I i .i . . . . Ktc' WH'm on 1110 wesl sl,e r "' mer B" CanaI' c. rv:- iir:n at. 1 B,r VUI 1101 n if ii hi . n .. ue neia irus r ail Kaleigh, Aug. 21. Acceptance fill 1 1 in tvirfr r t tit s.i.A ., MAH I .C - I' Kci hujvui, ui inin.ii ij svurrw . . society's offer to lease the state f. ,...i. r. !.. " connw ti,.,, u ill. It... !,..!, ...:..: ""' " huoiiuk lltui! il0 i.w.-to.i i.n, ,t,, - " 1 " "-iia kll.IV ii,.., u.:n i ....... lhi fj,L :,icial notification of .i the government a acceptance of h1 - - ' off,r was rvod .... w.. i. i- i "J " """T" '"H"1' u,t night, t . . . secretary cogue now has be r.,-.. i..... ..... ...... ... P"'" ' ' ' ,l,Pr'"1K tlie patron and exhibitors of the fact that the government has t i ken over tbof.nr grounds. Much preliminary work has boon done, many contracts have boon signed and much space contracted for. AM parlies concerned will re echo a carefully worded expla nation of the reason why the fair couldn't l- held this year. I regret cicceJli.gly," said Secretary Poguo last night, "that the two interests conflict od, but the North Carolina Agri cultural society realized from the beginning that the government had first call. Tlie fair grouud hate been taken over for neces sary purjHjses looking toasjK J leg up of war prepaiatl-Mis and we regarded it a pritilegw and a pleasure to yield to the govern ment when we realized that it meant facilitating the work of winning the war." The SlU Fair organiiition will remain Intact. prompUassage Expected r ' Washington, Aug. 2l-A clear lrck was given In th senate to day to the man ,s)wer hill passed i0 iUo ,OUM Satordlr. Extend , h Ke jm,, from ,H vi10I1 tbe onat ron.e.t n jor t ,jnjj itandjnjt i(rrwment u, , , ,, uuPrl'u-urea.Sen- "r MoPM cf 'letas, prohl lil'0"it moved tfluiorarily to lay the prohibition measure aside and debates on tho amendments to tho man iwwer bill v ere re- aumed with passage late today wmorrowexlHH,l", To expedite a.nd simplify pro- cedurcthtj hau? bill w&s sub- aiuuieu ior me urau wnicti lias been tn-nding In thg aouate. The senate military committee met before the aenats convened and reported the house, bill with ml- nor amendment after adopting tho senate amendments, Includ- tri-linn the "w irk or r.jl,tM nr..,-. OVER 1,300,000 AMERICANS HAVE G0NE0VERTHERE Washington, August 24 An nouncing that to date more than ltroO,(XX) American soldiers have embarked for foreign shores, General March, chief of staff, re iterated today his firm belief that the presence or l.Olxyxx) troops of the United States in Franco by next summer would onablo the allies to carry out any campaign they may adopt for thn defeat of Germany and the chd or thn war. Such declarations, General March said, wore rounded upon cold blooded study of the respective inanjKswer of this allies and of the enemy in June, WW, and are not issued as spread-eagle state ments. General March impressed tho newspajier men who met him in conference today with the abso lute confidence American officers have in their men as a result of the Initial tests on the battle fields of France. He intimated that the somewhat sensational prediction which he had mado was based as much upontheso. soldierly qualities as in the num erical superiority which the war department nlans to givn the al- ied command by mid summer of next year. The Aircrican soldier da- serves the confidence of the American people," said General March. "On every occasion so far where he has been tested hu las absolutely tiehvered the goods. "My confidence in th is In spired and devolos; I by sirring with them and beside (bum in battle. I havo oidered back from Franco certain un.-n who lave won distinction oter then to give them increased rank in the divisions organising ut home. hose men talk the samo lan guage I tin. Von do not find any tck of confidence on the front iu raine among the American ft) ices. 'Those officers are iio.v lulliiig mo interesting thing which hava not yet come over in official re srts. hie officer rviKirte J spe- itieatly that in one t-ngagoment of the first Aineri. au vlivislon. they raptured W Cenmn gun and brought them ill rtt lie retr four trucks. On the same inv asion they took Il.fiim prisoners. Another officer reported that the second division, which lm was with, captured IU omp'.fc.u Ierman batteries win. b tby brought in and presented loGu- ral Pershing." ' No recent rejtorts have b vn uudu to the department mi tho progress of the organisation of the first I'nited Slate Held army and the chief of staff was unb! to say whether the concentration of the ,U) divisions definitely as signed to thi force was neailng completion. Thi organizitiou ia being left euliieiy in tho hand of General Pershing, who is gov erned by Instructions from Gen eral I Vh. The fad that no men Uj:i his been u:adc cf Amcrlcaa unit participating in the Freiu b and Hritisli drives of the current week has led to the firm belief here that a'l these troops have been withdrawn and sent to tht American sector In readiness fgr whatever move may M as&igntid. to the m in tho allies' plan Fire Destroys Whiskey Valued at 92,840.000 Owensboro, Ky., Aug. 21. Fire alarling tonight at 7 o'clov'k at the plant of tho Green Illver Distilling company here by 10 30 o'clock tonight had destroyed the entire plant, 43,rX) barrels of whiskey and entailed a !., wll in execaa of $3.(.X)0.(JiH). The whiskey alone was valued at $2,- Ucm and the los to th,, UniUd State govci iiiuent J approii- utnph l near." a'. mately $'.J,7W,aX).