VOL. 7 Illkin, N. C, Thursday, Nov. H, 1018 N.38 aAzTiM'-oH in A A The Battle Flame That Has Lighted Kurope for Four Long Years is Snuffed Our and Peace Again Reigns Throughout Nations Overseas. Washington, " Nov. 1 1. The ' world war will end this morning at G o'clock Washington, 1 1 o'clock l'aiis time. The armis tice was signed by the German representatives at midnight. This announcement was made by the state department at 2 :."() o'clock this morning. The announcement was made verbally by an official of the state department in this form: "The armistice has been sign ed. It was signed at 5 o'clock a. m., l'aris time, and hostilities will cease at 11 o'clock this morning, l'aris time." The terms of the armsitice, it was announced, will not be made public until later. Military men here, however, regard it as cer tain that they include: Immediate retirement of the German military forces from France, Belgium and Alsaco Iiorraine. Disarming and demobilization of the German armies, Oc 'pation by the allied and Ame n forces of such stra tegic K V in Germany as will make impossible a renewal of hostilities. Del' very of part of the Ger man high seas fleet and a cer tain number of submarines to the allied and American naval foires. Disarmament of all German warships under supervision of the allied and American navies which will guard them. Occupation of the principal can soldiers, sailors and civili ans held prisoner in Germany without such recipiwal action by the associated government s There was no infoit.iation as' the the circumstances undo which the armistice was signed, but since the German cmniei did not reach German military headquaiters until 10 n'cUk yesterday moining, French lime, il was generally assumed h'ie that the German enoys within the Flench lines had U- n in structed by wireless to sign th terms. v Forty-seven hours had Urn required for the courier to reach headquarter anil unquestionab ly several houis were r.evc-s.u y foiv the examination f the tprniM u decision. It was regarded as m d-le. howeer, thV the d.ii.-mii may have brcn made jit Beihn and in-tiucta transmitted from there by tro new German government. Germany had loen giwn un til 11 o'chx-k thii mormng. French time, fi o'clock. Wash ington time, to accept. N hs tihtie will end at the hmir set by Marshall l ock for a dec i ion by Geimanv lor peace or f-r continual ion of the war. The momentous news that the , annistic had Ikh-m signed wa telephoned by the White Ih-ue for transmission to the Piesj. dent ft few minutes Ufnie it was given to the new -paper im respondents. Liter it was said that theio would be no state ment from the White limine nt thU time. The am1! "tie teim ined ly Germany and under which h. tihties will end at fi o'llock thi-J inclining. Washington time. 11 o'clock Paris time, will nl K' made public by the state depart ment lciore H ocliHk tliis n om ing this m stated ofTsrially. WHEREABOUTS OF KING OF MUNICH NOT KNOWN Zmich. Nov. 10. (7: tap. m.) The disoidcr has sub ide.l in O Munich, according to the latest orts. The hercaloul of tno king is unknown. The casu alties in the noting .11 e ling confined for the most pait to iflkcis who lesisted. The landtag hu been disolv ed. Only ori.ilists and deputies are pennitted to enter the build ing, lioolei a are being shot. s if 1 1 V TERMS PROVIDE DESTRUCTION OF ENEMY'S POWER Surenadcd By Band at Noon. Washington, Nov. 11. Presi dent Wilson's first public ap pearance today was in response to calls from war trade board employes who, headed by Chair man Vance McCormick and a band, paraded to the" White House at noon. The President bowed and waved his hand from the portico. Drive to Capitol. President Wihon drove to the capitol at 12:10 o'clock thru streets thronged with cheering people. Wa-hington. Nov. 11. The terms of the armislic with Ger many were read to congress by President Wilson at one o'clock thU afternoon. Assembled in the house of congress were nineteen months ago senators and representa tives heard the President ask for declaration of war, today they heard him speak the words which herald the coming of peace. Kvacuate Territory. Washington. Nov. 11. The strictly military terms of the aiT.;htie are embraced in eleven pe -ideations which include the 01 ihe surrender j of all ,vipp:;e.. 01 w ar. Abandon Treaties. The terms al.o provide !oi the abandoinent by German of the treaties of Bucharest an I Bre-l-I.itosk. Fire the Sca. The naval terms provide for the sin render of one hundred and six .submarines, fifty de stroyers, and six battle cruisers, ten battleships, eight light crui sers and other miscellaneous ship-. All allied vessels in German hands are to be surrendered and Gei many is to notify neutrals that should Ih- free to trade at mice on the sea- with the allied roi.nti les. Financial Tn m. Among the Imaneial teiin in ld"d aie letll'ilon fr dam .. ,i,,-i- t,v th tiernmn i i'"-- reslitution of the cash taken from the National Bank of Bel gium and return of gold taken from Rusa and Romania. M.htaty torm include the . , 1 t r sun en. lei ol .. guns, na.i f'eM pun-, and hilf hght ailil- ery; ".. mathine gi;n-. r,.xi Hame thrower- and 2.(hm) an- pl.-.ne Kvchanr of PiiMnriis The sunender of .".immi motives; r.oiM wagons iu.oih) motor Unites, ihe laiiway ol A! are-L'iiaine for tie by the :tuie. ind stoic of roal and iron :il o are iiu halisl. Tlie isnmedtate rcpat nation of a'l a!hed and Ametirnn pti-on r without iccipnTal nrtion by the alius al-o is included. In ronmvtion with the aban di ning of the left bank of the Rhine it i provided that th Hhe- sha'i hold ihe Closing of the Rhine at Cohlen, Colngm .-in. I M.i)ence together with hndgehead- and a thirty kilo- tv.etor radius. Tl.e nght bank of ti e Rhine, thnt ot Uiii'd bv the allies is to i. ....lie a iHuli.d ;one anl the bank hld by the Germans is to le evaluated in 'utecn days The ami.-tic is ft..- thirty days but the president spoke of the war uh "coming to an end. (Mir, an tioops are to retiie nl once from any teriitoiy hcl by Ru-ia. Romania and Tin key In-fine the war. The allied forces are to have acres to the evaluated tei torv cither thru Dantiig or by the river Victual. Tlie uncon OK t M W WWI 1 KwTH1v ditional capitulation of all Ger man forces in cast Africa with in one month is provided. German troops which have not left the invaded territories which especially includes Alsace within fourteen days become prisoners of war. Repatriation of thousands of civilians deported from France and Belgium within fourteen days also required. Freedom of access to the Bal tic with K)wer to occupy Ger man foils in the Cattcgat is another provision. The Ger mans also mu.,t reveal mines, poisoned wells and like agencies of destruction and the allied blockade is to remain unchanged during the period of the block ade. All ports on the Black Sea oc cupied by the dermans are to be surrendered and the Russian war vessels recently taken by the Gorman naval forces also are to be surrendered to the allies. These are the hiyh spots: Of the tonus as the president read them to congress. Ger many' acceptance of them, he said. s'gnali.es the end of the war because it made her power less to renew it. The president made it plain that the nations which have overthrown the military mas ters of Germany will now at tempt to guide the German peo ple safely to the family of nations to democracy. M J, J. '" ' " -"' ''' shiis iin the commission and be p!arei under the supervision of the al lied and American naval forces. President' Message. The president spoke as fol lows: Gentlemen of the congress: In the e anxious times of rapid and stupendous changes it will in some degree lighten my sense of responMbility to perform the duty of communicating to you some of the large circumstances of the situation with which it is necessary to dea'. The German government at the imitation of the np;vn.e war council Wing in communi cation with Marshal Foeh have arcepted and signed the term M a nil 1 mi wnicn n wit- au- thori'il and instiuctM to roni- mur.icate to them. Tl,0 term ue a follow .s : One Military clauses on western front: I (Watson of operation.- by and and in the air six hours after the signature of the armistir. "J Immediate CX.w nation of it t 1 itivaieti rtiuniries. i.eignun. France, Abaee-lni aine. I.ux- mUmrh, same to Ik' completed within fouiteeti days from the signature of the anni-tic. lei- man tmop which have not left the almvc mentioned tciritorie within the peiiod fixeit will !-- con e pi i-onei s of war. Occupation by jobed foice jointly will keep jeace with rva- cuatsl and occupation will Ik ular in accordance with 1 note ftatiHi in saat tei hh, Thne Repat i iat ion Wg inn ing at once and to W complete, within fourteen days of all in habitnuU of the count! ie aUve tnenti(ned. including hostages and per-on under tiiat or con viction. Four Sui u nder in good con dition by the German armien of the following equipment: Five thousand guns, 2..VX) heavy, 2.-W field. 3.0(H) machine gun. Three thousand mcnen wefers. Two tl.ou:;:d aeiti plane (fighter.) WniWrs firstly I). Seventy three and (night machine). The alovc to Ik; delivci'd in -t.t to the allien and I'nited SUtes tiwps in act 01 dance with the detailed conditions laid down in the an nexed note. Five F.vacuation of the Ger man armies of the countries on . I if." 'V -J i ' I i i -r5 - J fi "Iili Hu ll 'i In' lilt.: 'I'lri'-'l vifH ni-iir .Im ll fur t l.Tl.lllliy. i:TKADITE KAISKIl DKCLARKS (iKRARI) New York, Nov. 11. Kxtra dition of former Fmperor Wil liam of Germany from Holland and his trial in Fngland on the charge of murder for which he has ln indicted there was urgeinft i e tonight by James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Germany in an impromptu ad dress before, a theater audience. Asking whether a man shall be allowed to escape who had killed so many people that if they were stretched en the ground, they would form a line almost around the entire world. Mr. Gerard answered his own question with an emphatic "I should say not!" "Tlu'iv is a treaty between 1 1 i - ' l;!.yi"nr' in-. uT!f dieted in Fngland and j trv him U fore :;n fingli h court. I gnes we ::!! know what the Verdict would be. When the hangman drops the trap he will W doing away with one of the w 01 Id's greatest muiderers." the left bank of the Rhine. Those who have not left the ank within this time shall W dealt with by the local authori ties under the control of the al lied and Tinted State armies of occupation. The iKcup.it ion of these territories will ! de termined by allied and I'nited State- gain-on- houbng the piinripal crossing of the Rhine, Mayrnce. Cohicns. t oiogne, to gether with In idgi heads at these po.nt in thirty kilometer ra bus on Ihe ngl.t bank and t.y gaiiiM.n- sinuluiy holding the strategic unt of the region. A neutral ?ene sha'I W le-erviil on IS.e lik-hl : li e UMiw in'- twevn the stream and a line drawn piia'hl to it forty kilo tin lei s to the east fionliel of Holland to the parallel of Gem shin and a far a practicable a distance of t hilly kilometers from the ra-t of the tnam fiom this parvIM upon the Swiss frontier. Fvacuation by the enemy on the Rhine lands shall Ih fo oiih-rcd a to be com pleted within n fuither jhuuhI of t!en days in all nineteen days after the signature of the ai mistier. All movement of evacuation and occupation will Ik leguhded a-'C'i ding to note annexed. Sixth In all tciittoiic eva cuated by the enemy there shall t-e no evacuation of inhabitant.; no damage or harm shall be done to Ihe k-ioii or pi op ity of the inhabitant.. No destruct ion of any kind to W committed. AH weapon a well as military stores, munition and equipment must W delivered intact, not ic moved duiing the period fixed for evacuation. Stores of fotnls of all kind for th7 civil popu tation. cattle, ct-.. .'hall te left. Industrial c.labli limcnU sha not W impaiicd in any way and their peiMinnei snail not ik moved. Roads and means of communication of every kind railroad-. waterway., main load, biidges. telegraphs, tele Phones shall le in no manner impaired. I M i'iiii Dili i i LoiimIim ;u-i -1 II f . i;t li ill.' ni' f i : 1 1 i f "I'r. 'i I'-iil WIN-'ii iL'iiy. ;! Tin- i-nl-n'i nf Vri--iiill GENERAL STRIKE OVER BERLIN AND EXCITEMENT HIGH Berlin. Saturday. Nov. I, (German Wireless to Ixmdon, Nov. 10. 1:10 p. m.) With re g.nd to the incidents of Novem ber D in Berlin the wmi-offHal telegraph bureau, working under the control of the workmen's and soldiers' council, issued the fol lowing report: 'This morning at H o'clock the workers of the greatest industri al undertakings commenced a general strike. "Pioct-ions hastened from all the suburbs to the center of and all classes. -The first pmession arrived j nom me ckcih a-e ami Brunnestrass.'. A a pielimina ry the soldiers and offe-rs were urged to remove their cockade and epaulettes. In the majority of cases this tik place volun- 1 tarilv. "Their was a geneial fraterni- station of soldiers and j IhewoikmeniH'lieiatedthebar.l racks where they received an I ... 1. .. i : t. I, ! cnimi.-iu.-wi: leiej-won iikiii M,1' ,- ,. "Ihe military .Kcupants ofj factories mingled in common ; wqh the woikers. left the woik 1 1 and treatiHl with them in com i'vn. "So far as kr.ov n the on!v ci,-h iK'tweeii the inures aimed fores toik place on ... 1 I ; the "" "!'.''!"" ' VN-k-iafrr b.oi.uk the mh aii.sl k. In that wa, a guard 01 iu -i:u rs. u:n but n!v two ofliren fired. j e..- ....... .. t.U.wti ","; uitl one was in tun-. I. This j- to Ik' regretted. "In taking poe i.n of a ... ......(...111... . ... lillll.l tt.r. n..ijcin. v r1""11 o... ,...... and e-tal.lishment- m coin - pleted without difficulty, once it w a understoiHl that the military hail gone over to the jK-ople." Revolution in Germany Spreads Over Empire William llohcnrnUcin. the al' licatel Gennan rmprror lin king of Pru sia and hi eldest son. Fmlerick William, who h..j.s ,-i.;i.e d..y U lull' the tier man ps'ple, air n-jKi tH to lune fed to Holland. The 1 evolution which i in progres through Grrmaiiy. al though it seemingly i a peace- ful one. ptobably thiew fear in to the hearts of the foimrr kaiser and the crown pi ice and caused them to take a-ylum in a neutral state. Wilhelm II, reigning king of the monarchy of WurttemWrg. i declared to have aUlicatcd Friday night, and iciort have it that the grand duke of Hesse, ruler of th grand duchy of Hesso. has decreed the foima tion of a council of ftate to take over the government there. Fvcry dynasty in Germany is to le suppiessed and all the princes exiled, according to Swiss ad-vVcs. k 4? -( ,Vll"l T.' Aiiii-rli'iin flelil nlnat .'lii-ll tnillM-ll met to (it AMERICANS HEAR NEWS WITH JOY With American Forces on the M. use and Moselle. Fronts, Nov. II. 12:."0 p. m. News that the ,'irmisti'v had been signed spread like wildfire along the American front from the Moselle river to the region of Sedan. Reaching the various head quarters eaily in the day the nev.s pas ,ed by wire and wire less to divisif ns and regiment and finally fiotn mouth to mouth to the boys in the forward lines. It was simon? the Uys in the foremo.t lines who had been under ;h ! fire for days, that then v as the most genuine re- loien m 1 ic tTTT tines were no it. Ki ...1 tf. lu-H,..',. I tu. i-f-tii.i-t rif t,u, j,, if i, ai mistice unli, their officer.- informeil them that il was a fact. Then there was geneial rejoicing. O-i Sunday loth sides kept up an inleitnittent artillery fire as a iimiiiti'r to each other that the order to cea-e hostilities bar! not leen received. With night f;iq ti0 ,!uel became weaker each ... I1,,;ii,,n.r . r.n:ii ..,.,, to the set hour for desisting all in-,....,..,, ,,.,111- Li-t Volley is Fired. W,h thi, A,n(.lic.in nlmv on ,,)t, S1( (n FniI,t VoV m (h, ,ntil(. Am,-i unii front fioui the Muselle to the region of S.d.m their wa- artillery activ ity in th.e moining. the bat-teiie- pi 1 n.ii mg fur the final I sdvos, ,t many lalt.'iie- the i aiti!'ei i-t- joined, fonmng a ; luiu' l.i.e n the l.invard of the : , . . 1 k,rimu ..r 0i. .' " ,;.. ,,,, Uuvugh . . the j.euv) u.1,1. Hun the gun ners 1 loeied. Ameiiran flag were lai-iil l-v th soldier over j their dagout ai d guns ami at . . ji, V;,, hea.lquaitei s. i ;, 51.1 0f ru. ,.uun, the j x , inf;ir,tl v M.,:u, lt) IM. value at o'titsk thi riming after artiilciy p-epaiatio-i in the (huction of O.nes. Th.e Get man artillery ic.-pond freely but the machine gun le-(i-taiire wai slubboin. Neel tl ele,4 the American made pro-r-e- s. The American had ir- ,-,-ived order to hold the posi iin leas hed by eleven o'ci.Kk at j (),,,., in,;i.,, tJ.ey l to dig 1 m, naning the advanced lion of the American line when hostilities ceased. Along ti e American rv. the eleventh hour wa like awaiting the ai rival of a New Year, the Rimneis continued to fire, count ing the shells a the time ap pn.arhcd. The infantry were advaming. glancing at their watche. The men holding at other places organized their po sition to make tliem-elves more secui e. Then the individual groups unfuil.-d the Stars and Stripes, sh'.Mik h.nds and cheered. Soon aftej-ward they were preparing for luncheon. All the Wys were hungry, as they had breakfasted early in int icip.it ioh of what they considered the greatest day in American histoi -ri ''' "J h,.r.n mm f '... ' J DISCUSSING FATE OF KAISER NOW Washington, Nov. 11. The possibility of bringing William Ilohenzollern and his arch ar cessories before a bar of justice to answer for hili crime against the laws of nations and humanity was discussed hero to day by experts in international law. There was no official comment from any government source nor would those who talked in formally venture unqualified as sertions as to the former em peror's lack of immunity from extradition and arrest in the haven he has sought within the Dutch borders. The little kingdom of Holland has been placed in a most dif ficult and embarassing situation by the arrival of the unexpected guests who are said to inchkh' many members of the German general staff. At least some of these men are believed to figure on list:, prepared by the British und French governments of civil officers and soldiers under heavy indictment for guilt in violation of the rules of civil warfare. Specifications concern subma rine attacks on merchant ship ping and hospital vessels; bom bardment of unfortified .sea ports; mistreatment of prito ners of war; murder of civilian, such as Nurse Fdith Cavell sui I Capt. Fryatt; deliberate de fitruction of private properly and footing and robbery and levying of unlawful fines upoii helpless communities. WHOLE NATION UNITES IN CELEBRATING CREA' 1 fj VICTORY OVER GERMANY Wilson with Mrs. Wilson ; cutcd U'side him drove down Ponti sylvania Ave. thnnifrh lhixnj:s of shouting merry makers. IU was recognized by few. When the president was n turning up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White Hon -e. the gru.it throngs of merry makers r-vog nized him and gave hi.u a ti.r.u! tuou reception. The presidential machine Hanked by otheis carrying sec ret service men. was foived to proceed at a snail-like pace with the congested traffic on Penn sylvania Avenue when the prin cipal demonstration wa held. Win n the Inei ly-uiakoi ., learned that Mr. Wilson was abniad they serged into the street, cheering Justly and crowded around the automobile until at limes il wa- brought to a standstill. A the machine finally turned into Fifteenth stieet a -.u!or, tallying & targe American lUg pushed through the throng and he! I the rtr.blrrti over Mr. Wil son's head. The plesidellt al o e and saluted and a great cheer went up fiom the ciowd-. The president lemained .standing for two blocks Wwing and waving n small American Hag. War-time Washington cele brated noisily the advent of peace. The demonstration wa get ting well under way when Presi dent Wilson drove to the capitol to read to congress the term imposed upon defeated Germany and il continued uniolei 1 Uj.sdiv until tar into the night. The city's thousands swirled and eddied thiough the st reels, wc Ice! iing the end of the vnr with renfetti, tin horns nJ tu mult, -vinir iiuloniobil.M ,;' trucks loadtil with people and with hoiTi going at full Idas I paraded in an endless circle over Pennsylvania Avenue fitni th capitol to the treasury. The president this afternoon re viewed a parade inaugurating the I'nited War Campaign. Farh of the marcher. politer, sailor and civilian with the throng of spectator. ..luted and cheered the executive. Basel, Switzerland, Nov. 10. (Havrs) William II, the reign ing king of the monai:hy of WurttcmWrg al Pirated on Fn day night.

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