- -. ! i S i X '. !l.,i i. ', ' II till - i.l I ' i,i ;m(-, I li:i I it.' Mil.- rif.i .... ; .I1 i I.. i M'Hv, lll.ll .1 I ' i ii" .1 '..Sitll! .H'll if in a r.'iv.i "'I 'iii'ii . 1 i "i . -1 ! 1 M J Y VOL.8 Elkin, N. C, Thursday, Feb. 27, 1919 No. 2 shootim; ok p'.i:mii;u was mfkihy thk act of isoi.atfi) u'natic. Pari-., I'd). 22. There is still no definite indication Hint the shooting of 1 Vendor Clomeneoau was anything l)iit the act of an Volated lunatic, I nit tin.' police ro anxious to ascertain to what .sort of propaganda Finite Cotton was exposed to. Vast quanti ties of papers have been seized and one arrest has been made to which the police evidently at tach some importance. The man arrested is Henry Contant, sec retary of the communist federa tion, but there is no suggestion that he was directly concerned in Cotton's ci ime. The police have for some time been investigating llolshovist literature circulating in Paris and in industrial towns in the provinces. Today they evident ly have taken the opportunity of searching for any trace of a plot to carry on a parallel in Russian tildes which are supported of Holshevist propaganda. In me printing establishment which they raided they are letortcd to have discovered Ilolshevist gov ernment proclamations in type. While mo.t of tin individuals who have received the attention of the police are atiarchi-ts of Russian origin, there was one member, and a prominent mem ber of the socialist party, whose house was searched a:"d the so cialist pre;s Is hij'hly indignant' over the whole proceeding. It accepts philosophic ally that Rus sian anarchists should be wot ried ly riotnicilary visit to which indeed they mu-t be fair ly well accustomed. "P.ut." says! Ramnite "Never hitherto has a member of the socialist party Ven disturU'd. It is a scandal against which we protest with al our might." It is inevitable that a c i imc such as that 'f Cotton should be full. ism-I by polic" li.i .lsuie.s which may not nlway If eiree tive but which nevertheless aiei very nfe.sai. It is very im probable in the course nf these, operations in avoid hinting the MlsCOptibilitie-. of people who sincerely rogut it u an in.sidt . that they should In- d t ried to have any p.ut in such a b:.ine. Novel th !e , excitement have not In'cn lacking in the s'.nia'M plOsS. M. Clt mt U' eatl his been contrasted with President Wil son ath man who stand, in the way of a great democratic le biltll of the world, lie has been held lip to the wot kn.cn's ex-, i a tton as the leader of all I faction nry thought, and it i. i.ol sin piising that this doctrine so m. lentl.V JWCNlched should h.le .ne.i ceod'd in finding an apo-Ue. j M. Clemcni eaii still show nu j sign of fever, and. always pto-j ided lh" wound is i ! ,ai. it i- Hot impiubaUe that M. Ciefun- ce.ni will again i equine his jn.;. tienl activities net Week. Tl.eie appeals at pietiit at any rat" to le io thought of opeiatmg fm the removal (if the biile t. Oood medical news, however, does not entirely Ho away with Apprehensions fi-'t th oitfchout the country a ti the etlect st h tn cvpeiienre will have uj'i. M Clemenceau' Usefulness at the peace cunfoieiuv jf not upon the actual duration of his life, liven a man w ith M. Clemeneoau's ii mi constitution mk'ht well If for given if at the nge of 7' he might have some after effect . eVill Weie they nniy nervousness over the experience he went through on Wednesday morn ing. There aie few ri"n of his age who would If able to receive and peiTnancntly lodge a bullet in the lungs and continue the formidable amount of woik hi jKmition places on his shnu'deis. Nevertheless, M. Clemenceau seems to be entirely ready to do It. As his great friend. Dr. Cos Hell. Jn his fust con mi tation. yesterday rematked, "really, the man I like one f the oak trees of his vendee. Nothing can up root him." The premier joked with M. Cichon whom h asked to tell the peace conference he would Iw at work nt least by Sund.iv. M. Pichon pointed out that the i ' 1 1 I I ' 1 1 v v, " I 1 V fl dill V4 rest and M. Clemenceau said, "well then, on Monday." This energy of fpirit is no 'oubt admirable but M. Clemen AI.IJKS DISTUHUITl.NC Mt'Cll POOD IN POLAND. Paris Feb. 'J2. In r.pite of an noying efforts by the (lornians to hinder the provisioning of Poland, the supreme food and ivliel counril has landed three shiploads of food in P.uuig and sent the food by railway to War saw, where it is now Iwing dis tributed under allied control. According to Dr. Vernon Kell ogg, an American member of the supreme relief council, v ho has just returned to Paris from Po land, the Cermans did not dare to olfer serious opposition to the shipments through Gorman territory and over Herman rail ways to Poland, but minor offi cials complained bitterly and ob jected that Hermany should be fed before Poland. However, the American navy provided the food ships and manned them with naval officers, so the Her mans were afraid to interfere, as it would have been a viola tion of the terms of the armis tice. Ib. Kellogg says that food conditions are worse in Crar-ow and the mining distiicts of South Poland, to which five cars of milk and four carolads of mixed foodstuffs are U'ing rush ed from Switzerland to afford immediate relief. The avenue.-, for tin- sending of food into Poland are now clear and seven additional shiploads are on the way frori the I'nited States. Mr. Taft Wants the People to "Woik on" Congressmen. Hitter Creek. Wvo.. I'eb T1 Hitter appeal to the jieople of the I'nited States to exiuess th-ir opinion on the pi oposod j league oi nations, so clear aml'th.. i.tienu.t t... ii ;i.. ,.v... stiong that our lepiesentatives i (' L ! i. ..i tu.. , "-111 IMI"" 1 i ll I lilt - - . people of til" C lilted States sn i I Oelermmed to assume their mnl i in this 'lisi-i of human history,"! was mad" in m statement issued ....urn i" in- .vvhmicii ii.. . . .. 11 -ii : . t f m IV. .. . II I lll.ll II III V. ,11 l I .11 I I :ifwt ftlli.i in.. oil. ..i- .f ll... i.-li.l' ' ' ' ' ' 'V . . 'I Hi. 1'itl ij f I. .11 ill tr I lie i-i.Miih i' o. I... a. I .... I 0 hi. .null., in i.ir iiiui 'st of the OII.IKlsisI leie'ile I At -eit.ng that the alternative t a league nf H.it ioli j, "th,. h.'avv l.uid. n and the constant t. mptatli.n of imiei s;, armn- nu nt" an. I that without n league) a tic. wai of even greater dl? metisa-iis , threatened, the '-tatenii-nt points to the disor ganized state of Turope ..J po . abilities of (eMni.'ti autocracy s: am g-ttmg t!a uppei- hr.nd. FI 00 R TAX US ON TOP. ACCO. Collittof Watts has in,,i!e, tu all d.-al. s j!t ti liat ia, saiUf. i i. n a!' I ngaie'.tes, whose names and ad-b esses he has, bnks for inventoiles of the iMii.t i.f sim k in these articles thf .Mil llae fill hand nil the day alter the new Pevetme Act j lie .eiirs .t whh ll of (Olll se Will lint be i.tl the Act is sign ed bv the Piesidetit. It is the duty of these dealeis to nsrer taui the dav the Act is finally Muned, whiih will If pubhslu-d in iA the papei s and doubtless ti -leg i apl.e.l to iinpoitant Jwiints in the di ti irt. (tanks inr the swmn iituiu 'Mil If s lit as simn a the Ad becomes law. It lna In' that the Collator has f.uUd to serine the names ui.i p.isti.in-es i ail lieaiers m Jie-.e aitu li's. If iiny sm h d"!i! r has not and ihf s not receive within the n-t few days these blanks he should imnvili.tti'lv write to A. D. Walts. Collector. Statesil!e. N. C, when his name will If placed on the lists and blanks will I? protrntlv sent him. If any tier .on, firm or colour ation, who doe, not deal in these ai tides, has leccived blanks the Collector -will very greatly an preriatc a letter or a card to that elicit, when the name will If stricken from the list. ceau s millions o friends are liescei hing him by letters and by telegrams and thiough the press to take good care of himself and do nothing rash. The nature of his wound demands a certain amount of rvt and M. Clemen ceau is not the man who likes repose overmuch. especially when theie i-i work for Fiance to h? done. - ' r ' A -r"f,- M ' V't , Pali , r.-b. 2V-New;sof I "ivVv , ; , .. -jv v. ''-Vi V.zri . Pans which r ---w .z:l .J Liy,,f. -HiaVt J- - !PartHk of a heartv breakfast I ft i w tv L vOC x?,-,'?,0M''.J-.4 inn.i men was examined by the . Palais IVOuav. I 15 - . 1 I I doctors, l.ut did not joke with I Rpsmmdinff to Hi.' I f-r"'."'?:, i,v 'w ' . A Uf :i(V?-7?fyU-!v hhi ,,,('to,'s s, !,uu'1' a! '-";'l- Ameri.'an army. Hen ; ; :: ti rii.J f n.iiiiJAl f v..V''-ixl iTh" olT"ia, ,,,,,k'tin 'MiMl lhi- iiuMpresH-d i,i-, tin. fo (l v- J Q.'a ';VV;,y)l,MV S4,v tlx MVityd i ""'" s-,il tI,;,t !'" ' Amerieun pc-nd-- foi l-ul-L- - '),';. f VV' ' yyA jshov.;) eontinua! iiapv.'Vrimnt. pmt tluv had rivoi t cbC Irii-iiJ 51 5j 'I1 ti.'.'tr. A Jt-VAl :fik?'A y fo1' r vu:s,,,M 10 t::U ;,i 'H-"tior kcd-.K'. ft m m V: ... f 1 .'ill a ViR I i III . 4 1' , ' m . - s- H ih,. n. i .r ..... 1 ti i . I . t i , -7 .... , s . , ,i-Yf-- -u:- J l i - iii l i i. i ft of t'le I il : .,( rovulie ii.iii - i ;( SPANISH PKANCJI I. W. W. .MI'MRKRS FNDKU AKKKST New York, Feb. 'S). Four teen members of the Spanish blanch of the I. W. W. were ar rested by secret service men and members of the police ' omb squad in two raids here late to day. While they are charged formally with having -oi' tious literature in their poss ssion government agents claimed to have evideme they neiv hatch ing a teirori t plot. The grave natuie of the al- kg. A plot and the imminence of j,.,. - , -, . , ,' , , . U't". 'I declared, made it . , , ...I ... I I.. ....... .. ....... ... I I ' " ",,,u l ,K " " 'l'"-"iieo ; ai iue. After being queslioued at hv !-.. ho ,t. -. t..i . i it,..;, ....... - v. , . . ' ( I 1 III' II ;.,,. ..:. ..,... , ....... ..... ,.. n. ii, in. se'i.i.ie a t uinplu ateil ma hilie found dist antled in one nf the loams laidnl. The s,tnt serv ice agents sai l th,.y woe at a lo.s to explain its purjHi.se. Ttanslatois wire put to Woik on a mass of p,i..s and junphl-ts s,-i.eI. One aftlie hoiiM's l aided had -n under j olice m.i veiiiance j (.. . .. i i ,. A 111. SI ,.....ll ..WUhU.Ik..TTl.ri .... " stings l,.!d ,he,e.it was sa,d. V "- . . .i ... : J. Dowd. i.i ' ih se-n.t seiviix. as ....... i , ,,,,v ... ..n. i i ..... in ii i well as New York detectives who assisted them in the raids,1 declai ed I hey had obtained evi denre which Would be Used ill an attempt to jnove the juis oiieis had planned to ie,i.sii. ate Pu sideiit W ilson in '.o ton ti'inoiiim t.nt this asseiiion was discredited by Captain Petri Kuhin, nf the .secret service, who ibiii ted the raids. Acronlii g to . ilne the two Philadelphia men who f lankly admitted they were unaimists, stopped heie cm tneir way to P.usttm and intended to go tin to to.it i ity tenigh'. It was exi'laniisl that the Spanish branch of the I. W. W, in this country had been .v..trh s rlosily for month, by the secret seiice as most of the memliei c aie avowed an.uchUts. Sn f ir as could be le ino. how. ever, there w as no genet a! round up of the niembeis today It was intimated the laiiJr heie were the result of Information indicating a can-fully framed terroiist plot was aU.ut to be cairied into c-llect. i The prisoner woe ijuestion ed for several hours at olice head.piaiter.s but for the most part maintained a sullen silence. The police dinned to diuilge what information, if any, bad Imimi obtained fiot them. While they have no a in, ii 1 1 1 1 1 ' nt definitely deter ''Ose i,f the inn 'i- . !. h i. i:, 'I .'i . i .1 i'H l oners wnv irke ,, v!-,;. , , v .,.,, m inqmitant p.ut in .,t i,,-,..,.,,! .,..i;i; ,..,,;, lit bad nn. intr ai i im.ei.i : v l.i.il A ..:..;.. .... i 'I Ii.. ,..,, , , ! "p'-ialimis under thiee or .- ,.ilitw ,., ,.,,.,! u,,. i .l ,,r " r-! ' l'i"l I 111 I 1 1 1 " s i , 1 1 i ..... . '. I , . . i i ... ., . ju, i . , - , . . - - -r - - ... .-. ifoiva I'nited States romni. ' blast . 01 the l.iir II, l,i . 1 1... t Oi ed ill ol.lt It le .sti.tie I 1 i -u ': " " ''l,'V "'''. H 'lia.V in I ; Ji(.,,in., ,-i,Vf; fei A Fill oflr.'s. sionn- to-noriow i-ignalled tin engine r.M.m for Piivate Caiisev is admiier of, ,,,v' ,u "r-!il "Thei e has been f,.n moments ! MeanwInU. Veil -mic A ,v 1 f" N'-vd nsteni. The big fhip H- Y. M. C. A . s.ni.'g that it ''-"Mt.n-r even ... ome ,. , t,. uo:.,,,., ,!is,IMV ,,. I. ' . ,MI, ;"1U'1 ,vtl-,,bled and oMiM-red i,h the was the best thine lo, the U.vs ? '.' r': om u t u n )1TVMl,nl wi,h anvaty than to- pills li.'lXe liii'll assii'niMi to as. t,i ti , .. . .. :.. i-... . .... i . . . .; Ih;il .ll.iii:a . fli;ii m I h' u:ir .1 ..." t. if.... ..ti. . mined th rhi" tl in . 's the raid. ) the Itoiub as to Ite iise : ;; "" f' in l.:.l..r.! -I, .,,,.. i i,ti. ... ,. , ,. - Pit F.SI I) FAT'S SHI K.N CI.OSK TO THK HCACH. Ori board the l S. S. Ceorge Washington, Feb. 2:5 The President's .ship and ifs destroy er escort, the Harding, lost their bearing in the heavy fog and ran oil the Massachusetts coast this afternoon while running for P.oston light and came within pei-haps l.ooii yens of ground ing off the bea. Ii at That, hi r'.s Island Ci-i't Ann. Th two vessels were ji oeeed ing on dead leckonimr. about :; o'clock, with the Harding a. a Ih-ry. of the Dixie DiHon, gu ild ship ahead. Suddenly the mad" :p of guaid units from t!i Harding's lookout di .covered dos of pim ida. (leorgi.t and hind and the d. troyer gave live Alabama. After six weeks of ouiek blast; on lu r ihisil.. -ni.t stretiet'iis woik on the artillerv Ikt. The Wj ' '"gtnn's di ck of-' i.. , I'cei. however. :..t v the five iets . i ... . S...-....V, .'I'- ...., u'liii'innc oi ii'i.t niin ,ii:'in- '' ' e. i ne i.u -e nut al I ie , , , . ., . . . "" '" u'-.t. oe .. ,i i... I., . i - , . i 'fi'i...' i niuineii uiieini. ,,.,, ,, , : r : .. i,....,:.. -. :ih i ni'i roni i'i .1 i ? . t ii ..i ii .iiiinir i rill ei tiii';t .mo nan wa ir.e in si ii:U'iia'.i(in ""'i"i " an na n. r i e nigi.i s , . . . , any of the pa-enge. i and most a week th -re , m.e, ,e, ,., ,.i! ' ''.'';';; ruiJ.iJ,. of th,' crew had of wl-at wa, t-ntainnnnts. Wedne J.lV rv m-! " V " J' 0!1h going on. ting and .,, Sunday i g'ou . s,,, i ' '';', i't President Wib, ,,,,! tlo-jvis x-ci" h. Id wh.,h wee I"' ( f, , "e fh" ""V motion at .. nee andw ith A.Imiiallavv ucJ! alter. hA. Facilities, y. ilf ; ""' ,l ,. ... , , ,. if. .... . ,v '. ' !,t t.n h that the coun- ... .III . ... .. ! . - ..' "i-.i-".! "i v. e:i iutk. ll whs,.li h..i.! aiei lean.r.g were a. - . . . ii'fe t nci ni i rne. . liiiweM-r. am iowe el . ami i ........ i . - i.n iiHiii....- .i,e ii,i.ic imi' i n. 1 in aIi'1 nWt. TnK.p nngcis tul.d on dek a xh, i'ls In ..I i. ii fi.M L 1 1... I , ...I ...... . ! ..... i.'-r ar.ii m;. in.' t o.iei s t,(1 ...,..,,. ,M,uh ,J , .. . .mo i i ei it . i it ri' s. a 1 1 -oT inn picture sIio a going on m the inain dining salixm. how. cit oi;linii"i tu hold tl." attention f many ofthe,i.,sMlii;eM. Although ireilik' full -in-ill the Wasliington stniawd ouuklv ., . .. , ' ,, and ea-i!v And In g.m backing awav, while the destiini i tuiu- ed to wallowing- almiil the big timr. The lead was now going ifiiiekly and deep wat r in.metli- atci was leached, .Pass, n.;ei ... crew and tumps del not seem to regard th" incident as a iosi- I .lily of danger, many of them thinking it lather a good joke played by the fog on the navi- jratoi s. Aft.-r barking a shoit distance Captain McCaulev droniiii an chor to make ohsei vat inns and gel If.irings, while the destroy cis formed a semi-circle about the President's sh:n. The wind whipf d up a bit and a snow flur ry swept down on the wut ijuaiter, making observations even more dillicult. The des 1 1 oyer Pauling came up close alongside. Then from over the staiimard Ikiw rani" the doleful steady wail ' a fog horn, dol ing out it w. lmg. Officers re coided the blasts by stop watch, hoping to Men fv the station by its manner of blowing, mean while Captain Mrtauley flashed a lo lig. jdi message to pi-nceed cautions and ..ttempt to identi fy the signal. In a moment the destroyer jr i under way, spit ting long It. Wis of black smoke from her funnels, but she had hardly started when the wind 'hiftcd to the north, the foir lift- - r - " ..-I ,m,i..,. ,., ..... ... ., . nu. i...iiiii:,i,;.,n r. 'nl I in-. II sill. Hi ', , IV. PYT. C.U'SKY TALKS INTKIl KST1NHI.Y OF SOI.DIKH I. IKK. a.. iv . .- ;it a J ,,:,t v angle, as ou r over An inteie.stmg stoi y o armv 1 . ' . . , j l"1 left our. Perhaps, it was a hie in the camps. OM t. ti an -; seve. al day s growth of beai d ports and in l'laiwe. is told byjv.hl. l, mivht have given him a Private T. K. Cau.s 'y of (Ire ,'ti. ;-! m,"'e t'io.1 aptv-aiance. Intro. Pi ivate C.ium v was . ent was : t-nt to Camp .la. son la. t summer. hi ... . . . si ,. i.iomns ..e.ug ,n tl.e iampjviM.nneioii.ee. l.ut I.e ..... i . . found his real soldieiing when assi-rned to Patterv F. 1 17th "'T moved aUnit Mi miles to:, ....... 'he ol.J art ill. rv tiaimng i, 1 1 .lira n i i-i.l it - " --. I.. .... . I. i..:.i I. t . iii ,. i was iroide.i and women . I ' I'.i'ii.n .i ann muneii , i ... . - i .. .i . ..: i ,i i M'-. nith ir n in m..k - , ....I..1 i . e-'i is ii iii' m mi r iiai. ing life ra i r and b.-lt. r f..r tin ' t'l.-ll. W hen tfie in ieut i. .. v ..... iii...... .. . i i.. '....111..!.. 1 I . : '.' i inemn-. i' .' n r i. bv th- n.w ,h .Mh-v w, ,.'. bs ai -ni:.:r 1 1 e a. s , ,,r..,, i,.iii. They returned to llii-st nn.l s,H,, I s!i!j.p.-, hi th" Mart !,ui i.m, one !"' th" laig- r aimv li n-x.. ts. immi'g the lu s, ,-,.,bat. I lent ti..ps to be ,, honed to ,i . c. . n-t . l lie .-laics. ! Ilt. IvgUl.i in was si lit tot .imp t, oidi, n wlaie the , . ,ii , i i e ' Hi..., I.. ...... ..i.i,. .i... i i t .i .. . . . seixire the lu A weeks in Janti - '"" Mr. Aalon Whif.ik.i died nt has home at Sil-jani ht Satur day, ngiil f.7 .'eais. He had been in jMr n. alth for thu past two yeai.s ami his death was not Unexpected, lie was n stieeess. ful farmer and men haul and had ,u a uiiiiitateil a large fortune. His wife, four daughters and three sons , survive him. The funeral exeicises were lull's in the rhuirh at S.lctni Sc.nd .. .at 12 o'cIikV, after whiih inter ment was mad" In the on cem etery, sl on the ujijfr deck .sang out: "Thatcher. island dead ahead." Thiough the rii' solving mist the two light houses of the Cajd Ann station If came visible and the suspense wa over. The Washington and her convoy had been headed toward shore just a'xtvo Kat em Point, (Ilmices ter, and still further iioilh from Mai Lie Head. The weather continued to clear every moment and If fore an hour had quite passed it w as po:,sib!c to ne,. fiTun four to .mx mile,. The Washington then barked out, nil ! headed for P J -'! south. .i. where ht the blloVS a pi!. ;."J. n.HMFNCHAP WANTED to i am: miivk si nday the .'vi i ved !i:d a ... ... ... i , t :.. i ii hi ml- mi nu i.ie:s (ie i ii hi I' i," I ie .1 '. . r, I ims aueinoon. ill-- leiiiii-si u;., not granted. A coi responilcnt of the As.-o- 1 ! einfeit 1'., j .Mm. I.l ..,.!;,..,,., ..r the tiv.ei todav standi!'.' neat- tlgel an o.'mii window. He was look ing out over a little garden and apparently on joy hi; the bright sunshine of a balmy spring day. The premier appeared lo be somewhat more drawn ami pa!i-r than n.sU d and his eyes seeming lv were decp 'i- under the bushy eyebrows. However, the inevi table little skull can was worn '-'tor.-, at th" premicr'.s icsi J donee were fewer in tumiber th' momiiM and the ui.-t Hue d"' . - ill " !.l. ltl I-Vanklin ha-1 resumd i. , normal ! a-pe' t. lie received F.., ei"n Minister Pi,on, dun ml Mm - i the chief of ..is m. i J I j-i v 'cabinet, rind (1'ief c!e,k. M. Ma.de!. hi. (IKOWTII OF A.MF.Ulf AN AKMY. in-r and fin..i;cuig the allies pial. i,,. , , .. n iii.ii ,iom in me n"ceskiiv ; t''1 Meain.g. e.i,.ppmg. anmng. ' . . .. f t"' t ai:a la.'i-l pi. a mm: n fa- (;. ',! a tic meinii.iis amy m tn.- i . . shortest il.'e s,.,. ,. ,," till'.'. e b'-j ii';!.-d to( . , Xn V 'h, u h ti.'"-l . ... sr "u' ' " ',, '' I , ' , 4 . i. , ,, ' ' ' 'i , " V 1'"H'U'A f ! IT"' ' ,' ' i.-i.o.iii onie.is aii nun on I ,x, t ? , .,-.,. .... . . . . ', "M V "eiuee on the dav the I a i n .i the v a ; , j,., (i ., igned. This lam ,rr. "J7.- L'-i ni.ii ines. th" actual stungtii of ti e aimy piopu- was :'.7o7, I V2 ro'iiri i s and men. Of these, 2.'H''J. 1 7-" had been sent ovrl M a and another tM.'JIs were on ships, in Iaiii.f.e when hos tilities re.nod. Pan ing some derplctly i;.if.ie.seen catas tiophe. the total stienglh of the aimy by .fmi" "', P.'IO, would l ave learh'sl lnXMV1 nffirer and men. Maich WoiWs Woik. Iluilfy Hope to See Amnican Flag Canied Into All Wmld. Chicago. Vb. L'J. -An Amcii can merchant maiine carijmg the American flag into every poit of the win Id is the accom plishment Fdwaid N. Hurley, hail man of the shipping Imard. hopes t see lealized through the combined efforts of nil lines of business, he. told the mem Ik is of the Illinois Manufactur ei s' association bxlay. A tlmnaighly democratic exchange of views wa4 Mr, Huiloy's scheme for laying the basis of the tiecrss.uv legislation. "ShipH of the world are one of the p'f' t vital problems If fore the f- ,v.m Mf. lbir-lev tills li.liiilrv fun'. I I,,,.-,.., it. ..If! . , . ..ii' i . ., . .- j PKKSHIXH PAYS MICH i tpiiii ri: to isfs troops ! . - " I Paris. Feb. 22. (llv the As- (f .'.or-i.iieiU'iv. s)('i -nernl Persh- 1 Hig, Herbert I!oi.vm r.ibaHsa- .dee Slnrp and Aibni,-al ' (enson w--:c .'p'.'ake'r' tod.ny a1 the an nual lun.'lieon in honor o' Wash ington's lerthday tcn by the. ... American cau oi i . . i . . ,n u . e I lellr ! ' 'Sf . I i , t . , hi' esat hina Lfiie in" t . forming the drudg: i ear or supplying i Itc ; each man has dmi" !;i aid (!oonral I Vrshiiv.... ha; fe't thft he In-d I. hir I liioi V ii .;V e- p. o' 1 1. I . line, . 'nt y." 'i al li'Ss. the Mipjiort nf the "'hole coun try. P.y Ips loura'.'e. ie.d in it a ble w ill, his splendM -org iiir.n- tion an-1 hi.s t' n.ieity, the Amer ican soldier has tinned in pond ing defeat into i.wrw helming victory. I diir.k to th" Ameri can soiiier, than v. bom there is no better in the- world today. Long live th'.- An'ori'-au sol dier." Admiral P. n i ii. n plyng to the ton -t to tl.e navy, si id in hiunoiMK win. that th( navv' f had a' ii jj.'I fr.rra.J its duty, but H' iM-d lo be nai.fi-.-t a'Miet it. H" icaiV-d fin-f. t tiud Ciiioral ' 1',,-sl.in". befor. I ai mv. w as i. i..i.lshit ,n k -if - J:' lll'Ug hng: "It a a j.oml ttimg toi i that he la. since left the l a Admit al lien -on said uin tl." last months ..! the war, organization of the nay wa alon:: the Atlamtc coast and I Jt't it ion i o! tic viti ii.it ; s.pi that nil vxa . tiiote nd re fr.iin from discu-M ) :.-ib.nis with puioneeiviil is, Tho results i.f four ci a' ..; destruc tion, not a'niie ,;inoni! the idlies, but wlso in the i,n. .pie umtt ies, must . no t. "P.efoif the wi tJte tupu'y of f"-"l in I'.urrpe was sulfa. ii id to la t ix mor.th.s. Hut Fui.'ivan produt ttoii was ni'ver nt sueli a !,,..v elh.jH at presiel; it l.: p,. j,, .,;;. ..ti-ip.Hl. Tbs' itia ' i i -" ti in iiiu.s mere iittn slims, ninl i I lot. ll..." ,. I- is ts.lf !... Ih.i- .1 .. V I ' ' Coniicll'l'? i !e l, f IsiliK', will if icmocd. hnd tsiat the giHsl pimptiii senie which lalp ed tfie fniher nf cuir 00UI..1 v to conduct tin di-tllPes i.f inn country thnagliut tuniliuus limes, enal.te his .successor to help guide tlio wmld out of it ies-nt I'lediranu nt." Ambassador Sbarji luielly re viewed hi four )iais at paiis. Tl r nui'stiiin confronting the v ol Id tod.i, s.nM the ambassa dor, w to nnive at a. - lute of gond will, friendship and inter national comity for which th. Amciie.la soldiecH h:is been fighting.) "All KdiHisly should disa pear f wirn nations." he con tinue.'. ,-W.. inu tl all strive to ward Ji bitter world, wilho it en vy or jealousy." olher side, but the Jiloblem Will If i.dike! nut, f think, agree ably t. a!! nativi.v I caue tin' shoitae nf toliliage and Vl' in manufactnririf w nririf w j it will t . ,1.: . ext. a tonnage. "I If liove 10 years to get this nage. "There are sonv clin"d to bo ilisiout a. are not iarticul.n Wc aie int'iest shin I -v '""'"'' folds, . "fl L v"d and one of the officer pert h- at the .a of Hie rhannol.