J -1 i I : .1 ( i,l . :i I .. ml In j.,M , u ii. I n i 1 1 I,.- .1 '.. i ml ; 1 1 1 i 1 1 lint n-l. . I lii II .. I I .1 s. 1 M t i 4 vol. a Elkin.N. C, Thursday, ftarch 0, 1919 No. 3 TDK RLOCKADF KATINC AWAY PFOI'LF'S V ITALS DFCLARFS MANTFFSTO. Porlin, via Copenhagen, 'Sat urday, March I. Tin- govern ment has issued a long manifes to from Weimar, denouncing; the terrorist ait tempts to get rid f llu' national assembly. It pro claims faithfulness to the prin ciples of democracy, "Greater than I he political danger is the economic di.-trc ''." says the manifesto. "We cannol feed ourselves from our own Mipplie-i until the next harvo.-t. The blockade is eating away the vitals of our people. Thou and perish daily from ill-netiioh-meiit." v Tli." manife-to denounces strike; saying: "lively -tijko In iligs u s a ste) iie.uci t ' t ' Only vol -an save it-.." The ni'i'iife. to promi a-.- the socialization of Miitahle ind'.i.--tries and e.-tab!i.-hmoiit of in dustrial ci.inci!- rcpiv.-enlalho of all the vvoik.i.. ar.d freely elected. It c'".,e with a -'ion;-note, ai-eitiii," the del.Tiiiimi 1 if ii of the go.vrni:"iil to wage rch lille war at".-iin-t tcriori 1.1 concluding: "Whoever a--a.! - tlu- life of tho rny." nat i our i in Weimar, Satm'd.-.v . Ma v I; I - Dy As-o. iated I 're- Voir bers ol th. i ;.. iM.iii nali.-i ,1 a - M-mbly in, dp'd tin1 u h s. v. i c ! bi'U at this r.'.'i, iiie.;' -von in an e!!m l f t b.i( ! to and fmi.di the d. u '-iuu of the na tional ii!t-.t itUtioll.'hut tie depu ties a;,'. an foiled on the Iran i tinii law hill, on w hii h di r ii ion was deferred yesterday. The hou.-e ipiickly pa -ed a bill to shorten the hrjrlli of eh-ction incti;'atioiis which heretofore had lieeli so choked with led t'-pf, the former Reich st.ltf having adjouriuil before an investigation was oim luded. A inea-ure toioci nir jr the fu tui e of t he (a rm.Mi colonies w a HinMred by the colonial iiiini--ter. whI. ' -V t'l ! Rieddent Xlf j?? points oneqtii spoken for jit -tire. yf.e mini-tor said that I'er y.any was willing to Mibpiit t In "tolonial ipie-tion to ;!! iipai tial and non p.n li-an commit siou on the 1a-i- cf Pie iih nt Wil.-on's It points. 'I ho vpoak i r rote. ted a.iin-t the alh eed unjustified chalire-i f'f !ert'iati mistreatment of native- in the (ler. Mian coloiiie-. He said the accusations cither wore ha-cd on mistake or made with malue. He then proceeded to hud iTc-l dent Wihon. . The aemhly tapidly pa ro bills 'piovidii. -alc'iaril ajfain-d iM'in ' o.i,; ..broad, re vi-invr the HUT law d, a'.nv with foreign securities :'id reiuniiu: that manuscript and printed lOHttcr and soiuiitie- and ta. h Im' sealed before luim: sent atu'oad. The a ombly al o adopted a lull to icimbui -e the enemy armies in the iHiiiposI districts of f.crmany. The features d the alteiiiooii session of the assembly woie a pmh by Dr. Ileim e uh i of the I'.avaliaii peasant paity in which he protected aain-t the lontin ual appeal for the rai-inir of the Ihitish blmkade ami uiinjr ('ermany to ! wh; t wa- pu-si-ble to feed itself by a litl ! leal work, and n lively cot'tinv.-i -y In'tween Knimanikl Worm, for mer food minister, and lien Ratter, Independent .socialist la bor minister. Dr. Heim started the hou o bv referring to sabotaee ;cs leinn more pertinent than was tin , blockade. "Do you know how much ki aiu Iihs j;one to w as to on account of strikes? In the mean time we ail standing on the verpo of n precipice. Death by .stju vntion is facinjr us. "Undoubtedly the Spat tat ide will live the lonjrrM- but all could live if they worked. If some thinor comes from abroad well and pood, but let us do Mime thir.jr ourselves." Dr. Heim concluded: "Whv cannot the government pee that in the country's inter ests industry must be democra- tized and socialized?" j' Iletf nauer .aid ho would rot challenge the Rood faith of Heir Wurm, but it was a fact that every apiwrnent with the strikers had ben broken by the L Kta ikers themselves. KIN'S TON .MAN HI TURNS WFARING WAR HONORS Kinston, March 1. John ('. Dully, lieutenant, .r:',rd infantry, was a hoy when he loft here to go to the army, to which he was commissioned from a train in j,r (amp. Ho returned yesterday with a superman's record and a di-tingui. lied service cross. Last October Dully, who went direct to tli.1 regular army from the training .school, pulled olT one of the "real stunts" of the war in Al ace. With live enlisted men, Lieutenant Puffy hcll oil' an at tack of :','!() cm -uy troop-, Th' citation tells how by extraordi nary Imroi.m Dully saved the day for the American force-, through he lo.-t every loan o hi little i,miand. The .-ix fought with cveiythmg they !ia. it ii in ration, every ii, ember of i ! i c paity i il,in hi life aia! inc. t of tle'i.i maj.in;! he Mipremi1 saciiiice iiiirud;r m-!y. When i( infni.-eii;ei)lN ar rived they I'ciihd Dully al hay, hi ; jaw 'o ai'd hi- !e i vo-i tin ler complete control. The at- eo 'i!;. io ;,, riekii: with tie -moke of !! tie am! I he voting ofn e!''s ' (,!;, ales were ; tret( h d :' aioi::;d hi:.i. 1 i ll calmly ei to woik to I'-uiove '. -core o! 'lai'il rn iia.'e ,. whl.-h I ad be- heat' d . nd ".eie tlu'ea'en j 'I to j'o od. by thi- lion jio j :' !y ;n ' the lives ,,f Mme m t!:.' i'o!'-v!i..r troop,. ; Lieutenant Du'Iy mvs : u h ! thin ' v eie eoin' on freiiienth alou th - f rout, but Amci iean citations have failed to reoord any ju t like it. He declines to state what his : uporioi s -aid to him afb r the i;:ht : it is ru lin 'I ! that the joutii: oflici-r'.-eais tiv-.-d with ciuba.i rass mepl. iii!y is th" son of Mis. ('. W. Rlaiiciiaiil. wife of a wi II known P.apti. t minister, former ly of this i ity. but now residing at New la i n .; NORTH CAROLINIANS IN Till: CASPALTV LIST. W a-liilieto!, March LTie i'iiHov ca-oallies from N'oith Carolina an' cH-ited by the o'i;"',.iiiil;;;,r e.-neral ol the A'uerieau cped.tioiiaiy forces : Pied of di-e.l-e; l;o..J W. Til'.oy. C oiiee. t.l tiosi. Dm ham. Chri-topher C. Pen v. Kitty Hawk. Chailie Peppeis. Middlesex. David I- Do her. South'xnt. I. W. H cht. Charlotte. ' Daxid C, AditH ok. Nui'in.i. U.n.ao, II. Alaliews. R. J'. D Robin onv iiie. John Ciie.ie;l. Ciold II,!!. Wounded, device tmdeternun ..I; I oi nov Ii. Mint . Mill l.raocii. Walter M. Plat kman. Ren on. Dairy C. Collier. llend'Mon cotton n i'l, llendei-iin. Pillar M. I'i-her. North Char otto. Ned T. Mcl.-.id. looT Amrier aV ehi;o. Pill Ham. William W. Mili-r. North Wilko-lioi o. John C. Wallace. ,2 Touitm- ;m lit stieot. Concord. Piedelick P. .mlooll. Camp r.ieeno. A. Dawson. R. V. D. I. Se en Springs. Willie P. Tajlnr. Hortford. CI. .nine P, Pitts, Connolly riuius. Leamon Stevens, Smithiield. Wonndo.l sliirhtlv: A -a I.. P.radlev. R. K. D. ". Marshall. Ah x Pud'cwotid. Clinton. Julius Ray. 10 C Street. Pay- etteviao. John C. Sossanion. R. P. D. II. itandeld. I roy P. Sykes. R. P. D. 0 Pan hnRton. Returned to duty, previous ly reported missing in action: Hiram Av Sprouse. R. P. D. 1, Mooro.shoro. Total number of casualties to date, including those reporte above: Killed in action (including P.SI at sea). ".1,7'M ; died of wounds, n.lsV.); died of disease. 20,1.".'): diel of accident atid other cam es :ti2: wounded in action (over H." per cent, returned to duty.) lH'.).:i()l; missing in action (not including prisoners,) Ct,?,?,U ; to tal to date 2fi3,73. ( S - ' . ' J. v ;- 1 I I i2 1 i collars:: ok (;jcuman COV! RN'IKNT IS Wlf T KNTKNTi-: WOl LD AVOID I' I- Mai(h Tli- peace . have b e'l -! iMikl v im- Mi m 1 1 10 t f v (lav !l ' d ;:--y of the cnMap-o of the tli I Clall J'oV.'I'll'I'erit ill W llich :.-e h -itm.tion like that in Ru -,:a v.oi ld ei-t i'l tleriiiany an ! :hei" " oi;l. be no jrinernivr;. itl; v. !;. h to make p-;. e. Pali;'.T i- ai-o leii O. II ( l..id -pi,','! I ol Posheii to other oun" it s In cause of the (lei man "ollap-e. This feeling i hasten ing tlorts to brin,x about a so lution and is promntinir accep-tati.-e ol tie' Ami i icoi iew that '.he bliH kad, mil t ipiickly I"' re used. Sir .Mm Roadie in a report .o the ceoiioinic c mail oiloi trikinj' c id' tae that the Pi il- i-h i:w u proafhine- the Ameri c: u p( nl ol iow. s.ivs that, not o'dv John mu-t I' - ,.,v I- I.,1 but il i. Mist b !..-' , i ... c... ...... i .. ..u II,.. i io -n-i i-e pioducts o: its mdii try v hu h t can only do thioujdi t!io k I.ualion of tie- blockade or the -iyti'ii;: of a piehmiaary peace. The (!oim.m situation is al.-o a dot lm;' the nat .n id".i v j'.trding roiaiatioii. LvoiXoiie realize that th'i" e'l bo lm i paraticit if lh ' Oeiman r.ovein nenl to!la;.e-. Tlmiv j- aPo tlanger of fort it,;' the ti I! ip. e of Oermany by an ece:sive in demnity demand. Apparently th Ceiniaii factions an- only l,('!d:n;r togi-ili. r aait -tig tie mace ten.'s and living to keep the (ornt i y on it- r,rt,d li hav- or till then. They are bubmg i l o woi Kmeir w iui priming pit's- iliotiev . I 111- ploi e-s t ,,n r.ct la t'loiig. a- event- in Pt vas;.t -lie,. Tie re Kmt P.isner pii-ipita;e. tioiiiiie iy living to Ut tlow n coinage allowance. lh re i.- the grcate-t fear that the delegate- of liermany will follow thoTlotzkv tactics at the Pi i -t-Litvo kv peace p.n ley and t!uuv the bind, n of the admin- i I rat ion of (lenoany uptiit the arte. No one here believe- that the !intijeaii pi-ople vvoii'd consent o an at. nd exited, tuei into dor- many like I he llrinu.i cxpodi tit.n into Russia after the P.re.-t- l.itvosk fiasco. It Would Take Thice Yrars To IlreaK up Cet innn Ships. lindon, Maich I. (Via Mon- tifiil.) Concetnilig the fate of sUll elldeled (o rmaii war.-hips. Reutei's limited ha- boon given thf follow ing ollicial informa tion : Pirst. it would take three years to Lieak up the slops and the junk would bring only alMiut $2,roi).nM. Second, any country taking over the ships would lie faced with insuperable obstacle to find spare parts. Third, the -dims now are ob solete. Potirth their use as merchant men is impossible owing to their erormous coal consumption, and the difficulty yfOdapting' their interiors to merchant uo. ' Fifth, the idea of sinking the ships for breakwater punMises has been proved impracticable by experiments made at Scnpa Flow. 1 1 .1 .'.." e v i t.i il I. i 1 In. "I I I' Il M :i i . i- 1.. ; ii POCH SI RM1TS TKIiMS LNTKNDKD TOR CKRMANS I'aiis. March I . ( Uy A, .o (ia'cd l'1-e.-.s.) -.Mar.-hal 1'och prc-i-nted today to the council ol the e-r.;it powers the military terms to be in oi porated m the pe.rc t i'eiit v , Tlv.-e vv ill be coil ideieii Monday with the tiava1 terms ahe.uly .-nb.'nitteil to the (ooil-il. The iniiit uy terms provide for the !. armament of (!er luanv d v. n to l!0 divi-ions ol ii,(ioii in on c:u h. incliidiinr l"i! dividoiis of infantry and five' ol calvarv. .eveie rest net son are placed on the maiiufa) till e of all (l i--es of war materials am fie , Ka.y ami commer - rial u e of the aiiplatie h hmit-i,. eo o.u.e , , , , . i.e. omi ,iai siiai rodis pre-, . . . . ' I . . i . i ! s vn o. me ic.ins io,ia . limy wee m.i .nsnis e, The naval terms ,,d before ine council provmo not oniy nr 'tlioriiniiilotesitonressiiiiiofCei - .. i.i.-in su"i.i.ii mo ciniipnieni. . . .' '. . ,ul n;e te( piniat ion Ot idlsul.ma.inewa.raieby ail i..,-;,,, tionstluougliout the w.irld.tl.iw 01111111? the li-e of tin '"n;'VHlwart;iio. ,..!.; ' . . . , ; 1 1 .e I m i i ncai ion - oi ue,ioiaini and Kiel cana! ha- b i n m; do the subjo.t of iiMiatioii by Admiral Pen-on. lepiesent ing the Pnited States, whereby (hi sha'l ten l ji precedent appli cant' to American canal and liar Imr dcfeii.o,-, such a- Hellgate mid Cape Cod canal. The pioMi al for the destruc tion of the large (lerinan war ships i- approved in the rrjKirt by tlm Priti-h iind Amoricjin na v:.l authorities, but the French till make it'-ci vatioits ag;dii-t (he de-tiii' tion of the. e h'ps. To expedite the work of the peace conference in d'-fin'ng the proximate future frontiers of the enemy tt .intiios the su preme count il ha- tht ided t" alp point a committee comprising one nu mber each from the Pnit ed State., iiio.it Prilain. Fiance, Italy and Loan. The committee will outline the frontiers on the ha -is of the recommendation of the tirritoiial commissions ad- ready appointed or yet to be created and submit the delimita tions for con.-ideratioii by the conference. mm: ships inuN(;iN(; 10.1100 SOI DIPRS I10MP Washington. March I. The battle-hip Nebra-ka. the hospi tal ship Mercy and seven trans ports iire on the way home from France with about lo.liOO troops. The war th p.ii tmeitt'aiinounc- ed tonight the Nebraska was proceeding to Pivton, the trans pmts Caionia, Atoms, Ohio.m StJi iname, Dot hra, and the hos pital ship Mercy to New York, and the tiansjiorts Natisemond and Ampion lo Newpoit New1?. All are oxpitted to reach port before March PL The Nan semond is expected to reach Newport News March 10 with the "i regiment, co;ist ar tillery corps, 'J.'j officers and 1. men, the 7 1th engineers. 21 officers jmd 1,0"S men, the .pdth engineers. 2H officers and ;"2 men, oath r.mmunition train. r;i men, cement mill company No. 3 for Camp Meade, 10 cas ual companies and more than "00 hick and wounded. j i! s J l" w ffi'. ' ' 1 t 7!' e vr "I I a r-n iii ' lii-.-O '! Iieilil. : .en a. a i i U imli.-r of 1. 1. I i. t;h: cm.KN sold to vi:i:is AND ASSOCIATES Asheville. Ma.cii I. - An noiiiu Client will bo rarii d Sun day moitiimr :!i the local papers of the .-ale of the .V hevi'.le Citi zen to C,oor;,'o SUpheu-, of Char-a-tle; Cli.ul,., .. W bb ar.d H ;y A'ood I'arkci, of A dieci'ie. The lev, o-' (....j ; a-.-miu d po. r .sioii tonight. The entire int rests of 'lobcrt Jon-; and .Lmies II ''aine were piiKha-ed by the now owners. Mr. Stephens v as ek-rted prtsident of the n "W coi!.';'ny ,; n I Mi'. W;'b ice-president and jtrea ai.'er. I C. K. Robin on ;. iH bo chief vMtyh v lit(1. f(1. ,,,,.,. T(ivlll. ,MV t,.,T, ;i!l ,,,. i)f Ul( Tuiu,, ttjl , e lime-!, win ie manairm." tditor, and Cray Ooih.mi. citv (l(,it,(. , t, T,(1, be! Iinio.- U itv cd tor of tl.o ( V izc. A lllt;ilHM, mm:iK,.r . (,. ;' . . . .Ol. rieja n-, w ho w ii foi' i IIKilV own -i of ;t half int ios in l'e.i nb.iiiiM- I "Iko-IhI 1 1 v ii' d11J.. hj 1,.;,,gM,r; ., ,((. in le:'e- , ;,t I lelidel' a.ii die. Tht. ,.,,, i;ilillls ,, t,. ,..,' chase ot the A i;. villa rr.es p the Tri'iuiie Pid-ii-'iiiig comp;-n organied TA '.-tart a ne w Repob Lean daily, iippear to have evap orated and it i- generally lo lieved thai the Republicans .n no nearer a puirha-e of a p; pel than they were ..I lirt. Main behove Pi it advantage was t d; ell oxv in.T to the ab i lice in W a-hm':ton of I. J. Ih ill. i nd of Prow low J;i! k.-i n's in Raich:!, who i- a m-mber !' the stair legi dalure. to l' t intere t do- in the moVeilniit. CPRMVNV MP ST MKK l..i:CK LPMP PAYMF.NT. Pali-, Manh T.-The U-Vwk that tie' peace t oiif'el t uce i making solid prome-- gmw daily stiongei. Ry next Satur day, when the various sMTi.d commi-sions are to make theii repoits ;t number of ronti overt od iiiostioiis are expected tt have been solved, al least in piin:iple. The rommi-sion on reparations is believed to have reached ' unanimous decision. Unless the forecasts of its re port an inaccurate, it will mg gest a I'ound slim as payable by ('ermany in re -peel or rep na tions due to the allies. The to tal will Ik very large and plo-vi-ion may aPo ha made for rendering ('.ermany liable for pensions to widows of men killed in the war, but it stems irapro bable that the idea of mak'ng Cormany responsible for the to tal co-t of the war will Ik ac cepted by the commission for the simple reason that the total would he so large as to Ih entire ly beyond the limits of what Oernumv is likely to In? able to pay within any reasonable per iod. On the other hand, concordain information from many reliable quarters in regard to the actual position in Germany tends to show that the question of revic tualling the German population is likely lo become extremely Ittcute w ithin the next few weeks. ASSIGN UNITS OF .V-TII TO 0 PRSPAS CONVOY. W:Hii!it n, Mar-h L'. -UT.il il has hen i annul, n ul thiil th'. ".01 h divi-ieii is preparing to iii. for hoiv.', mid i : rch 'did" ! t' le;ive I'Viiiice during Marth, tht vviir d "p" tni! nl anii'iinv' . tie various oi gnniziitionsjn the tli vision which have boon as.sineii to early convoy. As.-igimieid to early (onvoy ordinarily mean" thill deoai ture will b lakei within a week or 10 days a! most. It i- planned to send the en tire division home at one time The w ar department -av , organ izatioiis of the :;iiih vv hi, h have been to'd to pi t pare for early sailing include: Divi-iou headqtia.-ters and head iiiarters detachment. Head-mart'-i's troop. Divi.-ii.n po. tal det;i"hir,ent. Division gjis defeil e unit. One hundied iiud thiibinth yi.-i' liino im batallioii. Fifty-ninth infantry brigad !ieailiuartor.-. One l:iiii.b',d and seventeenth infant i y rcgi'i"'ii',. Oile lii.l'illed and eighieenth infantry reimeni. One handled and fourteenth aachino gun battalion. Six'iet!; infantry ' brigad-. al .idi.u o to s. One ht ti hed and oim tenth iiilai li y regimeiit. One liiindr. d and twentieth 'iif.nilry leg -ent. One hundred and fifteenth n.i 'hin.' gun battalion. t'ia- hundred and fifth engi ne -r icgiiiienl One lain 1 ed and I'ltli engi n ' train. One lliiiai'id and Tilth -imi buy lain. One hundred and fifth supply rain. One hundred and fifth train hoadiiiai tors. Thirtieth military police. One hundred and fifth field battalion, signal coips. One hundred .and eighth mo. bilo veto) inary section. T'.vt nl -seventh sanitary quad. Piltv iifth field ai tiileiy In i :ad.' ho idqiiai tor,-. One hundred and thiiteonth old artillery ie;mu id. One hundred and foi tot-nth field aitiil-M v leriiiii nt. O'io hundred and fifteenth lield artillerv. One hundred and filth or nance ii-pair hop. One hundred and filth amniii ilioii train. . Salvage unit No. 12. U.I.KGHANY MINTSTKR WAS ONK IN 'SCRAP" Daily New s. Comji'ete Vei ificatieii h;is lieen lieio regarding the paitieipaiils in the ilistics-ing all'air in a lo- ;al hotel on Saturday iiigdit. Pebiuai J2. a general accoui.t of wh -h w.is given in the Daily News of la-t Monday morning. The na in1- Hun given were not ii-ed until it could bo a-ccrtained po itfvely that they weie col lect, th" do-in Ix'ing not to on- bana-s an, iniUKeiit persons. The woman in the ca.se wa Mr. C. C. Row man. of Carthage, iMiiie ine preacher mcniioiieii w;is A. R. Woodson, of Alle ghany couoly. It is learned I hat m;inv innocent persons have been connected by gos-jp- ei's during the p;-t week and in one small town, it is loitined, vir tually every resident was made a party in the aifair by go-.-ip, the lcM)it being enlarged each time it was icpeated. Mr. Row man only recently re r. ove.l hii family from Alio ghany to Carthage, suspecting something was wiong. A letter from Wood-on to Mrs. Rovvman asking her to meet him in GrcensUuo was found by the husband and he followed her to this citv. with the result as stated previously. ITALIAN I.1NF.R P.RINGS MANY AMKU1TANS IIOMK New York. March 2. The Italian liner America and th transport Niagara arrived here todav from France with ".017 officers and enlisted men of the American expeditionary foiros. The America's passenger lis included headquarters r.')th roast artillery brigade, nine of fieers and G.1 men ; headquarters SGth coast artillery brigade, 12 DON'T LIKK TJIP WAY 0FF1CPRS ARK ACTING Readouts returning to this city from northern points aire indignant over th- alleged man ner io which they arc treaded by V'ir." 't.i,-. officers, who search :rivtii .i'1 ,, i.er.v Tiy.in passing .hioi.gl. ih.- -lale in the hope of fiudiiig w hi-; ey. "I do iut mil..! ,iv.,,il it ion," OllO Ol' t l,ei ai'l 'Hot' if. I tb jei't 10 enJeav .nie),; , i I . au after ii i ' in ,.!. , ,i i,. ,. ,) coi,- i-orn.s thai st:.t '. i.m. , licers Cle.il. , mO.. breach of i i'dif s in oid. i en ol ei iou t o c;n - i out a hiv of e-s ioqui tanc , the limit ha- be n ,-. .-.ched. If (here -hould tart a i i of Pal-divvi-m oer pjohibitioii, itfna.'.' bo ;;tli ilu:ted to the i ode mau ler in v. hi "h (ho ollieei' - of Vir rini.i search the .a . and th iipport accorded t;;. ,. ( fficert yiiie state. "In the middle i f h night the train is .stopped, with a pistol staring them in the face the pa-sen-'ors ,(.. .jwtod t ) 'lo- loiiglu -l te;;f r.-nl. Disrc 'rardiii'' ti e fat:L that .- i.-oman nay bo asleep in ; ln-uli, thea diaers pull the tiiitrin a-ido mil !la-h ii lijht iimlei : he cover n south of wiii -Key. Tims is rote- lion of ; oMu n'e od for lotteii in ih e.i)-.oi no : to obtain ev.aid for an anio-t. The end lm-. not Hislii'y i;io;ui in cas.', f this 'latere. Fvoji e.ote tho rain full of whiskey it ".ouM ie belle,- to let U pas- .ve. n I'li'a nil than to .-ub.i.s t wiom o v o .such degratioo. Sii.el ll,o iii- loceni nio'er in order to regard h" o:';er- of Virginia'.' "Oqiy (!.. otlni d.iv a young ladv licm Chailotte v.as I cine-. tig hei fath'.T :i (plai t of S :ot'.'h whi-kcy, a favorit" dial d l.e had not tasted for years. Her per sonal etfet ts won? sean hod. .and -he wa- pl.ieed in jail i verivght witli negro women, m ie! Ih- ;ut-e -he lut.l one quail for her fait her. SI, all we, a- at i.ution of principles, :.tand ly .-i'i,! ' 0.' ,-ut h icl ion ctititiniii witho'.'t inter ruption. "And if you hae 1 ,fHM in vt ur ptHivel ,t'ii t aoiiot give Ixmd unl '-s vt.u own I n.. in Vir- iinia. Instea d nti in(: t pay a Virginia land owner .s0 to go on your bond, oi a v. ai delayed Dial in a dhlv t!!. 'irgini;i ias ropiil.it ion as a t tte nia o".!y by perr 'tling but liv ad... i'Mm.' l'i;- im liloi.-ness. Rut I do not think tha t America. is a nation, idituld Oiigiaretl !iv its t oiititiu.Mico." YFGGMXN CUACK SAFK AT FLM (TH : SFt URP J2.00II Wil-on. March 1. At Phn City, .-even miles ooith of Wil- on. Thuisilav night yeggmeii broke into lh- po-toHuo, crack- tho sale and setuird about fj.ooo in cash, -tamps, rontons. v;ir savings -tamp- ami jewel- iv that h;ul bem tlojiosited there for .s..fe keeping. They made a .dean getaway and loll no clue t.s to their identity. It wars pro bably the voik of professionals md they planned well their es apo befoie attttnpting the jot. poing to the parages of four gen tlemen and taking their cars and plat ing then al convenient points in le.wliness to make a hurried exit fiom the town in th. event the jvdice caught on lo llo ir movements. This pr- "aution proved unnecessary an Hie whole town was wrapt in the arms of slumber. of licers and ol men; t'Jth regi ment coast aiitillery. Ii officers ami 1.7G7 men; detaichment G3rd icgiment co;t.st artillery, three officers and lmj men. ail regular army units. The America also brought 107 ca-sual officers, and 1 1:' Italian ie.-idonts of America who had served with the Italian army. The Niagaias list includitl the advance school detachment, 11th field artillery brigade, detach ments of the 312 trench mortar battery and casual compaiiios 4oD. of Washington; 013. of Cal ifornia, and 910, of Michigan, to gether with a detachment of cas ual company 3i, of Georgia. Chaplain John J. Rrady, of tho fifth regiment marines, the first Catholic prie-t to go oversea as a chaplain, returned on the Nia gara, wearing a distinguished service cross for heroism at tho front.

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